Papers by Mehtap Özbayraktar
International Journal of Design Creativity and Innovation, 2024
A design environment represents the context and ecosystem in which design activities are conducte... more A design environment represents the context and ecosystem in which design activities are conducted. Today, architectural practice includes a range of design environments, including parametric design, CAM, and digital fabrication, in addition to sketch environments, which serve to ideate and manufacture the architectural entity. However, there is a lack of empirical studies that unveil interactions among these environments. Therefore, this article aims to answer the following question: What is the role of the design environments and the cognitive impact of the interactive dialog between the design environments on design productivity while considering the parametric design and digital fabrication as an integrated process? For this purpose, an empirical study comprising 11 architects with a minimum three years/projects of Grasshopper experience was conducted. Design tasks required a transition between sketch, parametric design and digital fabrication environments. Methodologically, data were obtained by concurrent and thinking-aloud methods, and the design process was analyzed using the linkograph method. The findings indicate that the synthesis process is more pronounced during the sketching phase and diminishes during the parametric design phase because of the cognitive gaps. On the other hand, the parametric design environment is observed as a supportive representational environment for recalling previous design actions.
Planlama, 2024
While there are several studies on space analysis in the literature, the analysis of threshold sp... more While there are several studies on space analysis in the literature, the analysis of threshold spaces is a subject that has received insufficient attention. To address this insufficiency, the study aims to test the approach proposed for the detection and analysis of threshold spaces, using the example of Atatürk Park/ Şemsiyeli Bahçe (Umbrella Garden) in the city center of Adapazarı / Sakarya, Turkey. The three-stage study was carried out by determining potential threshold spaces in the first stage; selecting the threshold space to be analyzed among potential threshold spaces and conducting the document analysis and on-site detection of this threshold area in the second stage; and observing the selected potential threshold space using the behavioral mapping technique in the third stage. The observation criteria used in the study (observation days, periods, the number of observed places and the additional techniques used) were developed by taking reference from research in the literature. In this way, a detection and analysis model that provides a clearer workflow to the behavioral mapping method and is more specific and suitable for the analysis of threshold spaces was explained and tested with a case study. As a result of the study, by interpreting the space observed on site, it was revealed that threshold spaces can contain thresholds of many different sizes. The study proposes a roadmap for the analysis of threshold spaces or spaces in general, containing valuable data for researchers interested in observing the actions that define spaces and creating designs appropriate to these actions.
While there are several studies on space analysis in the literature, the analysis of threshold sp... more While there are several studies on space analysis in the literature, the analysis of threshold spaces is a subject that has received insufficient attention. To address this insufficiency, the study aims to test the approach proposed for the detection and analysis of threshold spaces, using the example of Atatürk Park/ Şemsiyeli Bahçe (Umbrella Garden) in the city center of Adapazarı / Sakarya, Turkey. The three-stage study was carried out by determining potential threshold spaces in the first stage; selecting the threshold space to be analyzed among potential threshold spaces and conducting the document analysis and on-site detection of this threshold area in the second stage; and observing the selected potential threshold space using the behavioral mapping technique in the third stage. The observation criteria used in the study (observation days, periods, the number of observed places and the additional techniques used) were developed by taking reference from research in the literature. In this way, a detection and analysis model that provides a clearer workflow to the behavioral mapping method and is more specific and suitable for the analysis of threshold spaces was explained and tested with a case study. As a result of the study, by interpreting the space observed on site, it was revealed that threshold spaces can contain thresholds of many different sizes. The study proposes a roadmap for the analysis of threshold spaces or spaces in general, containing valuable data for researchers interested in observing the actions that define spaces and creating designs appropriate to these actions.
M. Integrating space syntax and system dynamics for understanding and managing change in rural housing morphology: a case study of traditional village houses in Düzce, Türkiye, 2024
This study analyses the changes in rural dwellings infuenced by social and cultural evolution. T... more This study analyses the changes in rural dwellings infuenced by social and cultural evolution. The evolution of rural dwellings is associated with changes in living standards and attitudes, resulting in a transformation into units that focus on aesthetics and functionality rather than just shelter. The feldwork in Düzce Province, Turkey, was supported by questionnaires, oral history interviews, satellite images, and photographs. The analysis of spatial change in rural houses was conducted using space syntax analysis and system dynamics analysis. The study aims to examine physical changes in rural dwellings, evaluate ‘spatial change’ through interactive application of the concepts of ‘spatial analysis’ and ‘complex system analysis’, preserve the authenticity and continuity of rural dwellings against change to improve the quality of life, and propose intervention strategies and scenarios for addressing changing problems. The fndings indicate that traditional houses can be sustained and at the same time the authenticity of the dwelling can be preserved in its spatial context. This study is signifcant for comprehending the evolutionary change in rural housing and integrating it into planning processes
Yaşamın Teşebbüsleştirilmesinde Mekânın Rolü, 2022
2022 yılı Mart ayında bir önceki aya göre yüzde 9,3 oranında artan KFE, bir önceki yılın aynı ayı... more 2022 yılı Mart ayında bir önceki aya göre yüzde 9,3 oranında artan KFE, bir önceki yılın aynı ayına göre nominal olarak yüzde 110,0, reel olarak ise yüzde 29,7 oranında artmıştır.
Sosyal ve Mekânsal Ayrışmanın Dışa Kapalı Konut Yerleşimleri Kapsamında Ölçekler Arası Analizi: Bir Yöntem Önerisi, 2023
İzmit Yeni Kent Meydanı’nın Kamusal Mekân Kalite Kriterleri Açısından Değerlendirilmesi, 2023
Kentsel kamusal mekânlar, kentin ortak kullanımına açılan ve çeşitli toplumsal ilişkilerin kuruld... more Kentsel kamusal mekânlar, kentin ortak kullanımına açılan ve çeşitli toplumsal ilişkilerin kurulduğu, kentliler tarafından kullanılan, sosyal bağlamda canlı ve güçlü mekânlardır. Daha çok insana ulaşma ve daha aktif bir ortam sağlama anlamında meydanlar ise temel kent mekânlarındandır. Kamusal mekân olarak meydanlar, bu ilişkiler ile kurgulanmaktadır. Buradan hareketle çalışmanın amacı 2018 yılında İzmit eski valilik alanında yapımı tamamlanan "yeni kent meydanını" kamusal mekân kalite ve performans kriterleri ile parametreleri açısından analiz etmek, değerlendirmek ve sonuçlar üzerinden öneriler geliştirmektir. Bu noktada İzmit kent meydanının analiz edilebilmesi için kamusal mekân kalite ve performans kriterleri ile parametreleri araştırılmış; diğer bütün çalışmaları içinde barındıran "kamusal mekânlar için proje şirketi" (PPS)'nin "kent meydanlarının mekân kalitesinin değerlendirilmesine yönelik" kriterlerinin yanında Çevre, Ulaştırma ve Bölgeler Daire Başkanlığı" (DETR), "Mimarlık ve Yapılı Çevre Komisyonu" (CABE) tarafından geliştirilen kriterler ile çeşitli araştırmacı ve kurumlar tarafından da üzerinde durulan "akşam kullanımı, emniyet ve güvenlik (meydanı izleyen gözler)" kriteri değerlendirmede esas alınmıştır. Bu kapsamda İzmit yeni kent meydanında belirtilen kriterlere göre bir alan çalışması yapılmış; meydanın çevresinde bulunan kentsel kamusal mekanlarla ilişkisi değerlendirilmiş ve meydan ile ilgili güçlü ve zayıf yönler tespit edilerek çözüm önerileri geliştirilmiştir. Yapılan çalışma, yeni tasarlanacak meydanların belirtilen "mekânsal kalite kriterleri" göz önüne alınarak oluşturulması ve o yerin kentlinin gündelik yaşamına dahil olması gerektiğini bir kez daha kanıtlamıştır. Araştırma sonucunda İzmit yeni kent meydanı için geliştirilen öneriler gerçekleştirildiğinde; bu meydan "kentlinin gündelik hayatına dahil olabilen, nitelikli meydanlar" sıralamasında yerini alabilecektir.
This study aims to contribute to architecture design pedagogy and exploratory learning environmen... more This study aims to contribute to architecture design pedagogy and exploratory learning environments in design studios through cross-case analysis. It involves contextual sampling and collecting and analysing information from multiple sources about design studio strategies for stimulating creativity. Therefore, this study investigates the five leading creativity-based teaching strategies (i.e., speculative thinking, multispeculative thinking, material thinking, metaphorical thinking and analogical thinking as a teaching strategy) and identifies the main concepts and their impacts on the design process cognitively. The methodology of the study is to explore design studio practices by conducting document reviews about instructors and interviews with prominent international practitioners to collect in-depth information about their strategies. The paper identifies different stimulating concepts and demonstrates how an instructor cognitively influences the cyclical design process. According to the results deconstructing the iterative problem and solution process is typical for all these strategies. However, these strategies are effective in different phases of the process. They can affect problem identification at the beginning, redefining the design problem in the middle of the design process or possible solutions.
Bulunduğu yörenin yaşam kültürünü yansıtan, iklim, topoğrafya
özellikleri gibi unsurlara bağlı ol... more Bulunduğu yörenin yaşam kültürünü yansıtan, iklim, topoğrafya
özellikleri gibi unsurlara bağlı olarak biçimlenen kırsal mimarlık; gü-
nümüzde çeşitli sebeplerle (küreselleşme ile köy sakinlerinin kentlere
göç etmesi, ekonomik politikaların kent odaklı olması, ticari ve kamu-
sal sektörlerdeki merkezileşme vb. gibi) giderek yok olmakta, ya da
köhneleşmektedir. Bu yüzden köy yerleşmelerini korumak ve yaşat-
mak için, farklı disiplinlerden uzman kişilerin kırsal alanlarda çalışma
yapması çok önemlidir. İçerisinde çok sayıda kırsal mimarlık örneği
barındırmasına rağmen, bu alanda yapılan literatüre girmiş bilimsel
çalışmaların yeterli olmadığı yerleşimlerden biri de Bolu ilidir (üç tez,
iki makale, bir bildiri). Bu nedenle kırsal yerleşim özelliklerini günü-
müzde hala korumaya devam eden ve daha önce geleneksel konut do-
kusu üzerine herhangi bir çalışma yapılmamış olan Bolu/ Seben/Alpa-
gut Köyü inceleme alanı olarak seçilmiştir. Çalışmanın amacı; Alpagut
Köyü’nün kırsal mimari ve doku özelliklerini analiz etmek, tespit edi-
len sorunlara öneriler geliştirmek ve bu yolla kırsal mekânı belgeleme
çalışmalarına katkıda bulunmaktır. Çalışma kapsamında Seben ve Al-
pagut Köyü’nün fiziksel özellikleri, coğrafi konumu, tarihi ve nüfus
verileri incelenmiş, Bolu İl Özel İdaresi’nden temin edilen kadastro
planı üzerinden yerinde tespit yapılarak çalışma alanının mevcut du-
rumu dijital ortamda hazırlanmıştır. Alpagut Köyü’nün alan çalışması
dört aşamada yapılmıştır: 1. Alpagut Köyü’nün mevcut durumunun
Parsel öznitelik, kat adedi ve Yapı işlev analizleri, 2. Köyde bulunan
konut, okul, cami gibi özgün yapıların envanter fişlerinin hazırlan-
ması (65 adet geleneksel yapı), 3. İç mekanına girilebilen konutların
fotoğraflanması, plan tipolojisini belirlemek amacıyla krokilerinin çi-
zilmesi, 4. Alpagut Köyü sakinleri ile yapılan yüz yüze görüşmeler ve
anket çalışması ile köyün sosyal ve demografik durumunun belgelen-
mesi. Çalışma sonucunda köyün sosyal ve demografik yapısı belgelen-
miş, sorunları ortaya konulmuş, kırsal mimari ve doku özellikleri tes-
pit edilmiştir. Yapılan belgeleme ve tespit çalışmaları üzerinden kö-
yün korunmasına yönelik öneriler geliştirilmiştir
A multidisciplinary atelier course conducted through distance education in Kocaeli University Fac... more A multidisciplinary atelier course conducted through distance education in Kocaeli University Faculty of Architecture Graduate Program in 2020/21 Fall Semester is analyzed in this article concerning the impacts of the alternative and versatile methods followed during the course process on student learning achievement. The aim is to reveal the new pedagogical visions and contributions that the methods of this course can provide to student learning and instructor intervention in architecture graduate education. During the course, the stages of determining the workshop groups, discussing the activities with the groups, and developing suggestions, conducting discussions in the distance education environment on the students' study subjects and activity plans, and delivering the final report based on the activity week process and the products obtained were carried out. The required data, including the evidence of actual learning achievement in this course, is derived from a catechetical survey with 12 students who took the course, while the final statements and inferences of the study are based on the achievements and critics of these students about the course. The results obtained from this survey are reciprocally evaluated with the learning achievement targets that are placed in the course syllabus at the beginning of the semester with concrete numerical values to observe the level of achievement of these learning targets. The learning achievements that students gained most apart from the determined learning achievement targets of the course are the development of presentation abilities of students, the provision of exchange of ideas with students from different departments and with the lecturers apart from their thesis advisors, and the possibility of following the processes of different work items. The findings of this study express that the program and the methods of this course can be instructive for implementing new approaches in post-pandemic distance and face-to-face education of architecture in graduate programs.
A Study on Revealing the Original Spatial Character, Collective Memory of Adapazarı/ Uzunçarşı, 2022
One of the memory spaces mentioned by Pierre Nora, which carries the collective memory and the tr... more One of the memory spaces mentioned by Pierre Nora, which carries the collective memory and the traces of each group and touches all walks of life, is the bazaars from the Ottoman Empire to the present. However, these bazaars have been losing their characteristics of being a "lace of memory" day by day for various reasons. One of these places is Adapazarı Uzunçarşı. It has been determined that there is no study or research on the current state of Uzunçarşı, which has undergone significant changes after the restoration in 2017 and is one of the memory places of Adapazarı. Therefore, the aim of the study is to reveal the spatial character and collective memory of Uzunçarşı, and to develop suggestions for a livable bazaar. In line with the stated purpose of the study, a four-stage path was followed. First: The analysis of the history of the settlement (Adapazarı city center commercial spaces and Uzunçarşı). Second: The current situation assessment of the Çarşı via on-site observation (Spatial character of Adapazarı/ Uzunçarşı). Third: The analysis of the "evaluation criteria for the quality of urban space" on Uzunçarşı spaces (Spatial character of Adapazarı/ Uzunçarşı). Fourth: In-depth interviews with 16 Uzunçarşı shopkeepers (Collective memory of Adapazarı/ Uzunçarşı). As a result of the study, the spatial character and the collective memory of Adapazarı Uzunçarşı, its place in memory for Uzunçarşı shopkeepers, the features that the shopkeepers like/dislike and the suggestions to develop have been revealed. Using the collected data, the current features of the bazaar, especially after the restoration, were explained and interpreted by obtaining the users' views on the current state of the bazaar. As a result of the interpretation, it was determined that the users of the bazaar were dissatisfied with many aspects of Uzunçarşı after the restoration (such as making the bazaar an open place, prohibiting the use of displaying elements, problems such as insulation and the bazaar being unappealing to the customer, etc.) and in response to this, suggestions have been developed to address the spatial character of the bazaar and its place in the user's memory.
Türkiye'de 6360 sayılı kanun ile 14 ilde Büyükşehir belediyesi kurulmuş ve sınırları yeniden çizi... more Türkiye'de 6360 sayılı kanun ile 14 ilde Büyükşehir belediyesi kurulmuş ve sınırları yeniden çizilmiş; "köy" tüzel kişiliği kaldırılarak ilçe belediyesine "mahalle" olarak katılmıştır. Bu durumda kentin bir parçası haline gelen kırsal yerleşmelerdeki dokuların korunması, belgelenmesi ve bu yerleşmelere özel çözümler üretilmesi zorunluluğunu da gündeme getirmiştir. Kanuna göre belirtilen sorunlarla baş başa kalan yerleşimlerden biri de Kocaeli köyleridir. Çalışmanın amacı, "Avcıköy"ün kırsal mimari ve doku özelliklerini analiz etmek, sorunlarını ortaya koymak, kırsal yerleşmelere ait veri çalışmalarına katkı sağlamak ve bu yolla kırsal mimarinin geleceğini tartışmaktır. Çalışma alanı olan Kocaeli Karamürsel kırsal yerleşmeleri üzerine günümüze kadar herhangi bir bilimsel çalışma yapılmamış olması, bu çalışmanın önemini bir kez daha arttırmaktadır. Çalışma kapsamında alan ile ilgili literatür araştırması ve alan çalışması; köyün doku karakteristiklerinin incelenmesi için ise işlev, kullanım durumu ve kat adedi analizleri yapılmıştır. Alanda köy halkı ile yapılan yüz yüze görüşmeler Avcıköy'de işsizlik sorunu, ısınma problemleri, su kesintileri, sağlık ocağı ve köy okulunun olmamasının köydeki genç nüfusun göç etmesine neden olduğunu ve köy nüfusunun giderek yaşlandığını ortaya koymuştur. Alandaki problemlerle birlikte köy halkı tarımdan giderek uzaklaşmakta, kırsal konutlar köy halkının ihtiyaçlarını karşılamadığı için terk edilmekte; bitişik parsellerde yeni betonarme konutlar yapmaktadır. Analizler kırsal konut özelliğini taşıyan konut sayısının da giderek azaldığını göstermiştir. Mevcut kırsal konut analizleri Avcıköy'de tek bir konut tipolojisinden bahsedilemeyeceğini ortaya çıkarmıştır. Yine de en çok rastlanılan kırsal konutlara göre bir sonuca varılabilmektedir. Özgün dokusunu koruyan konutların çoğunluğu sokağa dayalı yerleşime sahip, sokak ile herhangi bir elemanla ayrılmamıştır. Komşu parselle ise bazen taş duvar bazen de herhangi bir sınır elemanı ile ayrılmamış konutlara rastlanmıştır. Yerleşimde en çok karşılaşılan kırsal konutlar "zemin + 1 kat "tan oluşmaktadır. En yoğun olarak ahşap karkas + kerpiç dolgu tekniği kullanılmıştır. Yapı malzemesi ise ahşap + kerpiç tir. Çatı tipleri kırma ve beşik çatıdır. Çalışma bir kez daha göstermiştir ki, kırsal konutların ve yaşantısının sürdürülebilirliği, köydeki üretimin ve tarımın sürdürülebilirliğine bağlıdır. Ayrıca köyün mevcut potansiyellerinin kullanılması ile odak noktası olması, köy koşullarına uygun, alanın sorunlarına özel yasal düzenlemelerin mutlaka çıkarılması ve bu çalışmanın Kocaeli'nin diğer ilçelerini kapsayacak şekilde genişletilmesi önerilmektedir.
Ana tanrıça kültünün kökeni Anadolu’da doğmuş, zamanla yayılımı Anadolu sınırları dışına da taşmı... more Ana tanrıça kültünün kökeni Anadolu’da doğmuş, zamanla yayılımı Anadolu sınırları dışına da taşmıştır. Anadolu’da kültün en yoğun olarak yaşandığı dönem Demir Çağı olmakla beraber, bildiride hem Geç-Orta Tunç Çağı hem de Demir Çağı’nda Anadolu uygarlıkları tarafından ortaya koyulan Ana Tanrıça temsilleri ele alınmıştır. Çalışma kapsamında Ana Tanrıça kültünün kökeni ve Anadolu’da yer alan temsilleri incelenmiştir. Ana Tanrıça ile bağlantılı kültün ortaya çıkışı, kült merkezleri ve kült temsilleri ile ilgili literatür taraması yapılmış, “Ana Tanrıça Temsiliyeti” olarak günümüze ulaşan verilere dair bir inceleme yapılmıştır. Çalışma neticesinde bu veriler soyut ve somut olmak üzere iki kategoride toplanmıştır. Ana Tanrıça’nın soyut temsiliyeti “maddi olarak algılanamayan” ifadeler, somut temsiliyeti ise “maddi olarak algılanabilen” ifadeler bağlamında düşünülmüştür. Bu noktada sözlü tarih, soyut temsilin ana kaynağı iken; ikonografik anlatımlar somut temsilin kaynaklarını oluşturmaktadır. Ana Tanrıça’nın somut temsiliyetini başta heykeller, figürinler oluşturmakla beraber, devamında bu heykellerin nişler içerisine yerleştirildiği kaya anıtları gelmektedir. Kaya anıtları ve heykeller dışında tanrıçanın betimini içeren kabartmalar ve mühürler de bu temsilin önemli örneklerini oluşturmaktadır. Kaya anıtları üzerinde yer alan yazıtlar da tanrıçanın adının geçmesi ile somut temsil için önemli veriler sağlamaktadır. Ana Tanrıça’nın doğuşu ve varoluşu Anadolu’nun binlerce yıllık geçmişini kapsamaktadır ve bu varoluş soyut ve/veya somut temsillerle kendini ortaya koymuştur. Çalışmada Ana Tanrıça kültü temsiliyet bağlamında ele alınmış; tanrıçaya ait temsiller, litürjik bir obje olmanın dışında taşıdığı anlam, kullanım ve fonksiyon değerleri olarak da değerlendirmeye dahil edilmiştir. Çalışma hem Ana Tanrıça kültüne Mimarlık Tarihi disiplinin perspektifinden bakılması, hem de kültün günümüze ulaşmış temsillerinin bütün bir gözle incelenmesi açısından önemlidir.
The Turkish Online Journal of Design, Art and Communication - TOJDAC, 2019
In Turkey with Law No. 6360 was established 14 metropolitan municipality and its borders have bee... more In Turkey with Law No. 6360 was established 14 metropolitan municipality and its borders have beenredrawn; The “village” legal entity was abolished and these villages joined the district municipality as a “neighborhood. In this case, the necessity of preserving, documenting, producing for the ruralsettlements, which became a part of the city, and produce special solutions for these settlements wasbrought to the agenda. According to this law, one of the settlements that are left alone with theseproblems mentioned is Kocaeli villages. The purpose of this study is to analyze the rural architecturaland pattern characteristics of Avcıköy, to identify the problems of the village, to contribute to data studies about rural settlements and thereby to discuss the future of rural architecture. The fact that noscientific studies have been conducted on Kocaeli/ Karamürsel rural settlements once again, which is the study area, has increased the importance of this study. Within the scope of the study, literatureresearch and field study related to the field; to examine the pattern characteristics of the village, function, usage status and the number of the floor were analyzed. Face-to-face interviews with thevillagers in the area revealed that the unemployment problem, heating problems, water shortages, lack
of health centers and village schools in Avcıköy caused the young population to migrate and the village population is getting older. With these problems in the area, the village people are gradually getting away from agriculture. Rural houses are being abandoned because they do not meet the needs of the village people and new concrete houses are being built in the adjacent parcels. Analyzes have
shown that the number of rural housing properties is decreasing gradually. As a result of the field research, it was made clear that there is no single house typology in the village. Nevertheless, a conclusion can be reached according to the most common rural houses. The majority of the houses that retain their original texture have a street-adjacent layout and are not separated from the street by any elements. With Neighboring parcels were found in houses that were not separated by stone walls
and sometimes by any border elements. The most common rural houses in the settlement are “ground + first floor. Adobe filled timber structural system was used most intensively. The building material is wood + adobe. Roof types are gable roof and hipped roof. This study once again has shown that the sustainability of village houses and lifestyles depends on the sustainability of agriculture and production in villages. This study suggests that the present potentials of the village should be used, legal regulations specific and suitable to the problems and conditions of the village should be introduced. it is recommended that this study be extended to other districts of Kocaeli.
Eğitim ve Sosyal Bilimlerde Yeni Araştırmalar , 2019
ing and conservation. The conservation and efficient use of the traditional environment in contem... more ing and conservation. The conservation and efficient use of the traditional environment in contemporary urban plans leads to multi-layered urban existence. Today, the large scale zoning activities endanger for the multilayer cities that have the historical background and they cause fast and unrestrained structuring. While the traditional environment is used and developed, in the works conducted in that regions, attention should be paid to the protection of the components that affect each other in the process. However in our country, cities where structuring is increasing, the city layers face to the danger of extinction day by day because of the zoning activities and infrastructure works. Izmit is a multi-layered city that hosted many civilizations throughout history. In this study, it is aimed to examine the impact of these characteristics on the city identity through the structures that add to the city stratification. At the scope of this study, literature research and questionnaire study were done. Most of the Ottoman and Early Republican layers are still present due to the fact that they are the closest to the present day. In the city of İzmit, the most intensely, the structures belonging to the Ottoman period are noticed by the citizens; this is followed by the early Republican period structures. This situation shows that when the structures related to these layers are destroyed, at the same time collective memory has disappeared and Izmit has lost its identity. Therefore, it is obvious that the structures belonging to these layers must be visible in order for the city identity of İzmit to be restored. The more archaeological research and excavation are required to reveal layers of especially belonging to Hellenistic, Roman and Byzantine periods of İzmit that has three thousand years of history. In addition, more resources should be allocated to the
Eğitim ve Sosyal Bilimlerde Yeni Araştırmalar , 2019
rchitecture as a building art gives a tangible form to the outside world according to the world o... more rchitecture as a building art gives a tangible form to the outside world according to the world of imagination; literature as a written language art gives the same world a symbolic form. Architecture, which includes the common concepts in the literary structure such as atmosphere / space, motive / motion, form or shape, style, idea, hierarchy and rhythm, is the materialization of verbality and imagination, and this act of expression in cyclic formation becomes interactive with literature. This article deals with the expressive reflections in architecture of the concepts called as ‘dianoia’, ‘ethos’, and ‘mythos’ and bringing in a conceptual perspective, in addition to the patterns that have common denominator in the mutual relationship between the two disciplines. Also, the concepts in architecture discussed in the context of urban and housing have been tried to be analyzed by being materialize. In this research, the historical Konuralp town (Prusias Ad Hypium) in Düzce Province, which is the only ancient city of Western Black Sea today, is analyzed in urban and residential scale. In the study, the literature reviews, land-use analyzes, the photo archives of municipalities and individuals are used for reading of the Konuralp city. According to the narrative order of the text, the structure of mythos is discussed. After Konuralp's existence in historical process is explained, the recent history of the city supported by old photographs is compared with its present state. In the continuation of the study, the ancient theater, which provides the city to be known as the living past, the surrounding streets and the settlement patterns of the houses, building boundaries and urban analyzes are evaluated in the direction of ‘idea’ associated with dianoia. Finally, the ethos phenomenon is reviewed by examining the typological characteristics of the sample structures, such as the location of the buildings according to the parcel, floor plans, window and door types and facade analyzes. At the end of the study, the interaction between the two disciplines is visualized by the table and a conceptual perspective is presented. Stated literary concepts are also found in architecture in terms of visualization of urban
Arredamento mimarlık , 2004
Kültürel Süreklilik için Tipolojik Analizin Önemi: İzmit Merkez Geleneksel Konutları Örneği , 2018
Izmit, settled at the end of Izmit Gulf and center of Kocaeli, is located in the intersection of ... more Izmit, settled at the end of Izmit Gulf and center of Kocaeli, is located in the intersection of road,seaway and railway which connects Anatolia to Istanbul. Because of these geographical features, Izmit was an important settlement area for different civilizations throughout the history. Today in Izmit, in the areas which are protected as “Urban sites” with the traditional house pattern, marks of the civilizations can be traced. Due to the rapid change in the city, a few monuments have been protected or have been confirmed and most of them have disappeared or about to disappear. Moreover, It is quite remarkable that the studies which documents and inspects the historical Izmit Traditional houses from an architectural point of view are not enough and there is no typological study about these houses. With these reasons, main idea of this study is to understand and transfer Izmit's Traditional Houses which have an important place in Turkish House to future. In this study; forty traditional houses in Izmit Center have been examined with typological analysis method. Therefore, the most characteristic houses which were chosen from the forty houses having Izmit Traditional House Features have been identified and the most common architectural features have been determined. With this study in which Traditional houses taking place in Izmit and constituting an important place among Turkish Houses have been examined in terms of typology; both typology idea and typological studies in architecture have been questioned theorically and also Izmit Traditional House Characteristics have been presented. Gathered typologies will not only help to transfer Izmit Houses to future but also will be guide to the new designs which will be made to transfer the past culture to the future.
History studies International journal of history , 2018
From the Neolithic age mankind has transmitted the rituals of his own period after thousands of y... more From the Neolithic age mankind has transmitted the rituals of his own period after thousands of years with meaning attribution to megalithic structures. Within the history of civilization, different societies have developed their own building types and these constructions reflected the allegories of their own society. Expressions can be conveyed to concrete as painting, sign, color or figure, or can be kept alive in areas such as form, function, material and fittings as the subject of construction. All these facts should be considered as '' indicator '' in order to reveal the unique cultures. In this study a method for allegorical analyses was created and stylizations were drawn with the photographs of the tombs of Lycia. The analyzes are given under headings; function, form, facade, color-pattern, interior parts & component. With this allegorical critical analysis method, it will be possible to solve the hidden meanings in prehistoric and ancient historic period. Consequently allegory analysis study is also a research for the cultural significance on architectural constructs intensifies aesthetic and functional aspects. Öt: İnsanoğlu neolitik çağdan itibaren megalitik yapı gruplarına yüklediği anlamlar ile binlerce yıl sonrasına kendi dönemlerinin ritüellerini aktarmıştır. Uygarlık tarihi içinde farklı toplumlar kendi yapı tiplerini geliştirmişler ve bu yapılara kendi toplumlarının alegorilerini yansıtmışlardır. Çalışmada Lykia uygarlığı'nın özgün kültürünü ortaya çıkarmak için mezar yapıları, mimaride alegorik eleştirel analiz yöntemi doğrultusunda; işlev, cephe, donatı, renk-desen başlıkları altında incelenmiştir. Yapılan analizler, geliştirilen alegorik eleştirel analiz yönteminin, özellikle antik dönem mimarlık yapılarında uygarlıkların yaşamlarını, kültürlerini, duygularını anlamımıza yardımcı sistematik yol olduğunu kanıtlamıştır. Bu yöntemle özellikle prehistorik dönem insanlarının amaçlarını, tabletler gibi yazılı kaynakların olmadığı dönemlerde, alegorilerde saklı yan anlamlar üzerinden çözülebileceğini söylemek mümkün olacaktır. Benzeri tarihi mimari yapılarda kültürel anlamlar yüklemenin estetik ve işlevsel yönleri kuvvetlendirdiği görülmüştür. Anahtar Kelimeler: Mimari Alegoriler, Likya Mezar Yapıları, Antik dönem yapıları analizi, Alegori
Online Journal of Art and Design, 2018
The study focuses on the historical city centers and traditional trade spaces on the
Anatolian te... more The study focuses on the historical city centers and traditional trade spaces on the
Anatolian territory from the Ottoman Empire to the Republic of Turkey. However, as
production and consumption change, traditional çarşıs lose their functions partly or
completely, become idle, and have reduced quality of life in the course of time. The study
area was selected from Izmit.The subject of the study is Kapanönü Çarşı, which is located
in the historical city center of Izmit, has reached today with no change in its name, is
maintaining its function of trade in the same place, and stands as one of the important
traditional çarşıs of Izmit. Aim of the study is starting from characteristics of Kapanönü
Çarşı to develop new suggestions to create a livable çarşı with the determine the state of
authentic spatial characteristics, identity, sustainability, spatial quality features by users
of the çarşı. The study revealed the spatial character and perception of Kapanönü Çarşı
by city dwellers as well. Both the observations of the researchers and the result of survey
with the users of the space must be made re-organization of Kapanönü Çarşı based on
the problems and suggestions in the research.
Papers by Mehtap Özbayraktar
özellikleri gibi unsurlara bağlı olarak biçimlenen kırsal mimarlık; gü-
nümüzde çeşitli sebeplerle (küreselleşme ile köy sakinlerinin kentlere
göç etmesi, ekonomik politikaların kent odaklı olması, ticari ve kamu-
sal sektörlerdeki merkezileşme vb. gibi) giderek yok olmakta, ya da
köhneleşmektedir. Bu yüzden köy yerleşmelerini korumak ve yaşat-
mak için, farklı disiplinlerden uzman kişilerin kırsal alanlarda çalışma
yapması çok önemlidir. İçerisinde çok sayıda kırsal mimarlık örneği
barındırmasına rağmen, bu alanda yapılan literatüre girmiş bilimsel
çalışmaların yeterli olmadığı yerleşimlerden biri de Bolu ilidir (üç tez,
iki makale, bir bildiri). Bu nedenle kırsal yerleşim özelliklerini günü-
müzde hala korumaya devam eden ve daha önce geleneksel konut do-
kusu üzerine herhangi bir çalışma yapılmamış olan Bolu/ Seben/Alpa-
gut Köyü inceleme alanı olarak seçilmiştir. Çalışmanın amacı; Alpagut
Köyü’nün kırsal mimari ve doku özelliklerini analiz etmek, tespit edi-
len sorunlara öneriler geliştirmek ve bu yolla kırsal mekânı belgeleme
çalışmalarına katkıda bulunmaktır. Çalışma kapsamında Seben ve Al-
pagut Köyü’nün fiziksel özellikleri, coğrafi konumu, tarihi ve nüfus
verileri incelenmiş, Bolu İl Özel İdaresi’nden temin edilen kadastro
planı üzerinden yerinde tespit yapılarak çalışma alanının mevcut du-
rumu dijital ortamda hazırlanmıştır. Alpagut Köyü’nün alan çalışması
dört aşamada yapılmıştır: 1. Alpagut Köyü’nün mevcut durumunun
Parsel öznitelik, kat adedi ve Yapı işlev analizleri, 2. Köyde bulunan
konut, okul, cami gibi özgün yapıların envanter fişlerinin hazırlan-
ması (65 adet geleneksel yapı), 3. İç mekanına girilebilen konutların
fotoğraflanması, plan tipolojisini belirlemek amacıyla krokilerinin çi-
zilmesi, 4. Alpagut Köyü sakinleri ile yapılan yüz yüze görüşmeler ve
anket çalışması ile köyün sosyal ve demografik durumunun belgelen-
mesi. Çalışma sonucunda köyün sosyal ve demografik yapısı belgelen-
miş, sorunları ortaya konulmuş, kırsal mimari ve doku özellikleri tes-
pit edilmiştir. Yapılan belgeleme ve tespit çalışmaları üzerinden kö-
yün korunmasına yönelik öneriler geliştirilmiştir
of health centers and village schools in Avcıköy caused the young population to migrate and the village population is getting older. With these problems in the area, the village people are gradually getting away from agriculture. Rural houses are being abandoned because they do not meet the needs of the village people and new concrete houses are being built in the adjacent parcels. Analyzes have
shown that the number of rural housing properties is decreasing gradually. As a result of the field research, it was made clear that there is no single house typology in the village. Nevertheless, a conclusion can be reached according to the most common rural houses. The majority of the houses that retain their original texture have a street-adjacent layout and are not separated from the street by any elements. With Neighboring parcels were found in houses that were not separated by stone walls
and sometimes by any border elements. The most common rural houses in the settlement are “ground + first floor. Adobe filled timber structural system was used most intensively. The building material is wood + adobe. Roof types are gable roof and hipped roof. This study once again has shown that the sustainability of village houses and lifestyles depends on the sustainability of agriculture and production in villages. This study suggests that the present potentials of the village should be used, legal regulations specific and suitable to the problems and conditions of the village should be introduced. it is recommended that this study be extended to other districts of Kocaeli.
Anatolian territory from the Ottoman Empire to the Republic of Turkey. However, as
production and consumption change, traditional çarşıs lose their functions partly or
completely, become idle, and have reduced quality of life in the course of time. The study
area was selected from Izmit.The subject of the study is Kapanönü Çarşı, which is located
in the historical city center of Izmit, has reached today with no change in its name, is
maintaining its function of trade in the same place, and stands as one of the important
traditional çarşıs of Izmit. Aim of the study is starting from characteristics of Kapanönü
Çarşı to develop new suggestions to create a livable çarşı with the determine the state of
authentic spatial characteristics, identity, sustainability, spatial quality features by users
of the çarşı. The study revealed the spatial character and perception of Kapanönü Çarşı
by city dwellers as well. Both the observations of the researchers and the result of survey
with the users of the space must be made re-organization of Kapanönü Çarşı based on
the problems and suggestions in the research.
özellikleri gibi unsurlara bağlı olarak biçimlenen kırsal mimarlık; gü-
nümüzde çeşitli sebeplerle (küreselleşme ile köy sakinlerinin kentlere
göç etmesi, ekonomik politikaların kent odaklı olması, ticari ve kamu-
sal sektörlerdeki merkezileşme vb. gibi) giderek yok olmakta, ya da
köhneleşmektedir. Bu yüzden köy yerleşmelerini korumak ve yaşat-
mak için, farklı disiplinlerden uzman kişilerin kırsal alanlarda çalışma
yapması çok önemlidir. İçerisinde çok sayıda kırsal mimarlık örneği
barındırmasına rağmen, bu alanda yapılan literatüre girmiş bilimsel
çalışmaların yeterli olmadığı yerleşimlerden biri de Bolu ilidir (üç tez,
iki makale, bir bildiri). Bu nedenle kırsal yerleşim özelliklerini günü-
müzde hala korumaya devam eden ve daha önce geleneksel konut do-
kusu üzerine herhangi bir çalışma yapılmamış olan Bolu/ Seben/Alpa-
gut Köyü inceleme alanı olarak seçilmiştir. Çalışmanın amacı; Alpagut
Köyü’nün kırsal mimari ve doku özelliklerini analiz etmek, tespit edi-
len sorunlara öneriler geliştirmek ve bu yolla kırsal mekânı belgeleme
çalışmalarına katkıda bulunmaktır. Çalışma kapsamında Seben ve Al-
pagut Köyü’nün fiziksel özellikleri, coğrafi konumu, tarihi ve nüfus
verileri incelenmiş, Bolu İl Özel İdaresi’nden temin edilen kadastro
planı üzerinden yerinde tespit yapılarak çalışma alanının mevcut du-
rumu dijital ortamda hazırlanmıştır. Alpagut Köyü’nün alan çalışması
dört aşamada yapılmıştır: 1. Alpagut Köyü’nün mevcut durumunun
Parsel öznitelik, kat adedi ve Yapı işlev analizleri, 2. Köyde bulunan
konut, okul, cami gibi özgün yapıların envanter fişlerinin hazırlan-
ması (65 adet geleneksel yapı), 3. İç mekanına girilebilen konutların
fotoğraflanması, plan tipolojisini belirlemek amacıyla krokilerinin çi-
zilmesi, 4. Alpagut Köyü sakinleri ile yapılan yüz yüze görüşmeler ve
anket çalışması ile köyün sosyal ve demografik durumunun belgelen-
mesi. Çalışma sonucunda köyün sosyal ve demografik yapısı belgelen-
miş, sorunları ortaya konulmuş, kırsal mimari ve doku özellikleri tes-
pit edilmiştir. Yapılan belgeleme ve tespit çalışmaları üzerinden kö-
yün korunmasına yönelik öneriler geliştirilmiştir
of health centers and village schools in Avcıköy caused the young population to migrate and the village population is getting older. With these problems in the area, the village people are gradually getting away from agriculture. Rural houses are being abandoned because they do not meet the needs of the village people and new concrete houses are being built in the adjacent parcels. Analyzes have
shown that the number of rural housing properties is decreasing gradually. As a result of the field research, it was made clear that there is no single house typology in the village. Nevertheless, a conclusion can be reached according to the most common rural houses. The majority of the houses that retain their original texture have a street-adjacent layout and are not separated from the street by any elements. With Neighboring parcels were found in houses that were not separated by stone walls
and sometimes by any border elements. The most common rural houses in the settlement are “ground + first floor. Adobe filled timber structural system was used most intensively. The building material is wood + adobe. Roof types are gable roof and hipped roof. This study once again has shown that the sustainability of village houses and lifestyles depends on the sustainability of agriculture and production in villages. This study suggests that the present potentials of the village should be used, legal regulations specific and suitable to the problems and conditions of the village should be introduced. it is recommended that this study be extended to other districts of Kocaeli.
Anatolian territory from the Ottoman Empire to the Republic of Turkey. However, as
production and consumption change, traditional çarşıs lose their functions partly or
completely, become idle, and have reduced quality of life in the course of time. The study
area was selected from Izmit.The subject of the study is Kapanönü Çarşı, which is located
in the historical city center of Izmit, has reached today with no change in its name, is
maintaining its function of trade in the same place, and stands as one of the important
traditional çarşıs of Izmit. Aim of the study is starting from characteristics of Kapanönü
Çarşı to develop new suggestions to create a livable çarşı with the determine the state of
authentic spatial characteristics, identity, sustainability, spatial quality features by users
of the çarşı. The study revealed the spatial character and perception of Kapanönü Çarşı
by city dwellers as well. Both the observations of the researchers and the result of survey
with the users of the space must be made re-organization of Kapanönü Çarşı based on
the problems and suggestions in the research.