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      Signal ProcessingVLSIVery Large Scale IntegrationMixed Mode
The fact that wide bandgap semiconductors are capable of electronic functionality at much higher temperatures than silicon has partially fueled their development, particularly in the case of SiC. It appears unlikely that wide bandgap... more
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      Biomedical EngineeringSemiconductor DevicesSilicon on InsulatorLow Power
New CMOS rail to rail second generation current conveyor circuits are proposed. First a class A current conveyor circuit which operates from a single supply of 1.5 V with a rail to rail voltage swing capability is given. The circuit is... more
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      VLSIVery Large Scale IntegrationFrequencyLow Power
We present analog VLSI neuromorphic architectures for a general class of learning tasks, which include supervised learning, reinforcement learning, and temporal difference learning. The presented architectures are parallel, cellular,... more
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      Reinforcement LearningNeural NetworksNeural NetworkNeuromorphic Engineering
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      Parallel ProcessingLow FrequencyProcess MonitoringProceedings
Electrical activity in the brain spans a wide range of spatial and temporal scales, requiring simultaneous recording of multiple modalities of neurophysiological signals in order to capture various aspects of brain state dynamics. Here,... more
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      Biomedical EngineeringElectroencephalogramAnalog VLSISomatosensory Cortex
A new CMOS programmable balanced output transconductor (BOTA) is introduced. The BOTA is a useful block for continuous-time analog signal processing. A new CMOS realization based on MOS transistors operating in the saturation region is... more
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      MicroelectronicsMixed ModeAnalog Signal ProcessingOscillations
MOS transistor mismatch is revisited in the context of subthreshold operation and VLSI systems. We report experimental measurements from large transistor arrays with device sizes typical for digital and analog VLSI systems (areas between... more
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      VLSI signal processingOscillationsAnalog VLSISpatial Variation
An analog system-on-chip for kernel-based pattern classification and sequence estimation is presented. State transition probabilities conditioned on input data are generated by an integrated support vector machine. Dot product based... more
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      Support Vector MachinesSystem on ChipSupport vector machinePattern Classification
Previous work on analog VLSI implementation of multi-layer perceptrons with on-chip learning has mainly targeted the implementation of algorithms like backpropagation. Although back-propagation is ecient, its implementation in analog VLSI... more
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      Back PropagationVLSIAnalog Circuit DesignAlgorithm
We present a mixed-mode analog/digital VLSI device comprising an array of leaky integrate-and-fire (I&F) neurons, adaptive synapses with spike-timing dependent plasticity, and an asynchronous event based communication infrastructure that... more
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      AlgorithmsAnalog CircuitsVLSIAnalog Circuit Design
Many time-critical neural network applications require fully parallel hardware implementations for maximal throughput. We first survey the rich array of technologies that are being pursued, then focus on the analog CMOS VLSI medium.... more
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      EngineeringVLSIAnalog Circuit DesignNeural Networks
A high-speed analog VLSI image acquisition and preprocessing system has been designed and fabricated in a 0.35 m standard CMOS process. The chip features a massively parallel architecture enabling the computation of programmable low-level... more
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      Image ProcessingAnalog VLSIHigh SpeedCmos Image Sensor
The first two main rounds of neural computing focused on adaptation and selforganization in neural networks, and on use of analog VLSI for compartmental modeling of the neuron, respectively. This paper is a prospectus for a third round of... more
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      Computer ArchitectureComputational NeuroscienceNatural ComputingNeural Network
We describe and demonstrate a neuromorphic, analog VLSI chip (termed F-LANN) hosting 128 integrate-and-fire (IF) neurons with spike-frequency adaptation, and 16,384 plastic bistable synapses implementing a self-regulated form of Hebbian,... more
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      VLSIHybrid Intelligent SystemsElectronic NoseAnalog VLSI
Abstmct-A wide-band, fast settling CMOS complementary folded ascode (CFC) transconductance amplifier for use in analog VLSI high frequency signal processing applications is introduced. The superior performance of the CFC architecture over... more
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      Signal ProcessingModelingVLSIHigh Frequency
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      Computer VisionLow PowerAnalog VLSIChip
– Low voltage non-linear computational circuits useful for analog VLSI signal processing applications based on floating gate MOS transistors (FGMOSFETs) are presented. The FGMOS transistors operate in the saturation region. The variable... more
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      Signal ProcessingAnalog Signal ProcessingAnalog VLSIFloating Gate
In this paper we present an analog circuit that determines the direction of incoming sound using two microphones. The circuit is inspired by biology and uses two silicon cochlea to determine the azimuthal angle of the sound source with... more
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      Analog CircuitsVLSIAnalog Circuit DesignSensor Arrays
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      Analog CircuitsVLSIMachine VisionDigital Circuits
In this paper we present an analog circuit that determines the direction of incoming sound using two microphones. The circuit is inspired by biology and uses two silicon cochlea to determine the azimuthal angle of the sound source with... more
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      Analog CircuitsVLSIAnalog Circuit DesignSensor Arrays
This chapter describes an analog VLSI implementation of a multilayer perceptron neural network with on-chip back propagation learning. Local adaptation of the learning rate offers fast convergence. Experimental results from a chip... more
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      Neural NetworkAnalog VLSI
We summarize the implementation of an analog VLSI chip hosting a network of 32 integrate-and-fire (IF) neurons with spike-frequency adaptation and 2,048 Hebbian plastic bistable spike-driven stochastic synapse s endowed with a self-... more
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      Neural NetworkAnalog VLSISpiking Neurons
We describe an analog VLSI circuit implementing spike-driven synaptic plasticity, embedded in a network of integrate-and-fire neurons. This biologically inspired synapse is highly effective in learning to classify complex stimuli in... more
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      Analog CircuitsDigital CircuitsNeural NetworkSynaptic Plasticity
MOS transistor mismatch is revisited in the context of subthreshold operation and VLSI systems. We report experimental measurements from large transistor arrays with device sizes typical for digital and analog VLSI systems (areas between... more
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      VLSI signal processingOscillationsAnalog VLSISpatial Variation
This chapter describes an analog VLSI implementation of a multilayer perceptron neural network with on-chip back propagation learning. Local adaptation of the learning rate offers fast convergence. Experimental results from a chip... more
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      Neural NetworkAnalog VLSI
We study a range of neural dynamics under variations in biophysical parameters underlying extended Morris-Lecar and Hodgkin-Huxley models in three gating variables. The extended models are implemented in NeuroDyn, a four neuron, twelve... more
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      Biomedical EngineeringKineticsKinetic TheoryAdaptive Dynamics
We describe and demonstrate a neuromorphic, analog VLSI chip (termed F-LANN) hosting 128 integrate-and-fire (IF) neurons with spike-frequency adaptation, and 16,384 plastic bistable synapses implementing a self-regulated form of Hebbian,... more
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      VLSIHybrid Intelligent SystemsElectronic NoseAnalog VLSI
We describe and demonstrate a neuromorphic, analog VLSI chip (termed F-LANN) hosting 128 integrate-andfire (IF) neurons with spike-frequency adaptation, and 16,384 plastic bistable synapses implementing a self-regulated form of Hebbian,... more
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      Analog VLSISpiking Neurons
A vision sensor for low-cost, fast, and robust vision systems is described. The sensor includes an on-chip analog computation of contrast magnitude and direction of image features. A temporal ordering of this information according to the... more
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      IEEEContrast sensitivityAnalog VLSITemporal Coding
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      Wireless Sensor NetworksVLSILow FrequencyWork Environment
We describe a compound eye vision sensor for 3D ego motion computation. Inspired by eyes of insects, we show that the compound eye sampling geometry is optimal for 3D camera motion estimation. This optimality allows us to estimate the 3D... more
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      Robot VisionMotion estimationParallel ImagingIntelligent robots
We study a range of neural dynamics under variations in biophysical parameters implementing extended Morris-Lecar and Hodgkin-Huxley models in three gating variables. The dynamics are emulated in NeuroDyn, an analog VLSI programmable... more
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      KineticsAnalog VLSI
We propose margin propagation as an alternative to probability propagation in forward decoding. In contrast to sumproduct probability propagation, margin propagation only incurs addition and subtraction in the computation and thus leads... more
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    • Analog VLSI
Using a two-dimension array of MOSFET switches, a robust, high speed object tracking CMOS sensor is presented. The edges of the image scene are extracted by the in-pixel differential comparators and a region (object) of interest, which is... more
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      Object TrackingLow PowerAnalog VLSIHigh Speed
An analog VLSI implementation which mimics the early visual processing stages in insects is described. The system is composed of sixty parallel channels of integrated photodetectors and processing elements. It serves as the front end... more
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      Image ProcessingVLSILow FrequencyVisual Processing
Novel on-chip algorithms are proposed for face analysis on pictures obtained from a multi-camera surveillance system. According to the objective of the face detection sub-system, spatial positional relations to be presented for which the... more
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      Face DetectionAnalog VLSISurveillance SystemGeneric model
Fused Multiply Add Block is an important module in high-speed math co-processors and crypto processors. The main contribution of this paper is to reduce the latency. The vital components of Fused Multiply Add (FMA) unit with multi-mode... more
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    • Analog VLSI
An analog continuous-time neural network with on-chip learning is presented. The 4-3-2 feed-forward network with a modified back-propagation learning scheme was build using micropower building blocks in a double poly, double metal 2/z... more
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      Back PropagationNeural NetworkPower ConsumptionAnalog VLSI
Recurrent networks that perform a winner-take-all computation have been studied extensively. Although some of these studies include spik- ing networks, they consider only analog input rates. We present results of this winner-take-all... more
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      Spike train analysisRecurrent Neural NetworkAnalog VLSIPoisson Distribution
We have implemented a four-tap adaptive lter in a continuous-time analog VLSI circuit. Since an ideal delay is impossible to implement in continuous-time hardware, we implemented the delay line as a cascade of low-pass lters (called the... more
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      Convergence RateAdaptive FilterAnalog VLSIGradient Descent
We review a series of implementations of electronic devices aiming at imitating to some extent structure and function of simple neural systems, with particular emphasis on communication issues. We first provide a short overview of general... more
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      Analog VLSIPublic health systems and services researchComputer communication networksVeterinary Sciences
Wave-front distortion compensation using direct system performance metric optimization is studied both theo-retically and experimentally. It is shown how different requirements for wave-front control can be incorpo-rated, and how... more
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      Adaptive ControlAdaptive OpticsVERY LARGE SCALE INTEGRATED CIRCUITSStochastic Optimization
We present the architecture and VLSI circuit implementation of a BiCMOS potentiostat bank for monitoring neurotransmitter concentration on a screen-printed carbon electrode array. The potentiostat performs simultaneous acquisition of... more
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      Signal ProcessingVLSIDopamineScreen printing
We present and characterize an analog VLSI network of 4 spiking neurons and 12 conductance-based synapses, implementing a silicon model of biophysical membrane dynamics and detailed channel kinetics in 384 digitally programmable... more
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      Biomedical EngineeringKineticsVLSINeurophysiology
Recurrent networks that perform a winner-take-all computation have been studied extensively. Although some of these studies include spiking networks, they consider only analog input rates. We present results of this winner-take-all... more
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      Spike train analysisRecurrent Neural NetworkAnalog VLSIPoisson Distribution
Analog VLSI on-chip learning Neural Networks represent a mature technology for a large number of applications involving industrial as well as consumer appliances. This is particularly the case when low power consumption, small size and/or... more
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      Neural NetworkLow PowerLow Power ConsumptionAnalog VLSI
Typical analog VLSI architectures for on-chip learning are limited in functionality, and scale poorly under variable problem size. We present a scalable hybrid analog-digital architecture for backpropagation learning in multilayer... more
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      Character RecognitionDigital ControlBuilt in self testMixed Mode
We present a hybrid VLSI and optical system for real-time adaptive phase distortion compensation. The system operates "model-free", independent of the specifics of the distorting optical medium and the compensation control elements. Our... more
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      Adaptive OpticsOptical ImagingStochastic OptimizationReal Time