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It is estimated that at least 600 million people in Africa lack access to electricity and three out of five people don’t have access to electricity in Sub-Saharan Africa. Though Africa is rich in a wide range of energy resources including... more
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      BusinessEnergy EconomicsEnergy and EnvironmentRenewable energy resources
Biomass pyrolysis is a promising renewable sustainable source of fuels and petrochemical substitutes. It may help in compensating the progressive consumption of fossil-fuel reserves. The present article outlines biomass pyrolysis. Various... more
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      Environmental EngineeringEnvironmental ScienceDevelopment EconomicsEnvironmental Economics
Patagonia is a firm unlike any other; its focus is not just about making a profit. Its founder, Yvon Chouinard has created an outdoor and equipment company that looks to make an impact on how we approach consumption and sustainability.... more
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      BusinessMarketingSustainable Production and ConsumptionOrganic agriculture
This study offers an overview of the technologies for hydrogen production especially alkaline water electrolysis using solar energy. Solar Energy and Hydrogen (energy carrier) are possible replacement options for fossil fuel and its... more
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      EngineeringMechanical EngineeringFluid MechanicsRenewable Energy
This paper is a synopsis of the results, findings and insights learned from a UNDP-supported project on "Leveraging Best Practices" among 100+ community-based sustainable development projects in the Philippines
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      Social SciencesKnowledge ManagementProject ManagementEmotional intelligence
It is estimated that at least 600 million people in Africa lack access to electricity and three out of five people don't have access to electricity in Sub-Saharan Africa. Though Africa is rich in a wide range of energy resources including... more
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      Energy EconomicsEnergy and EnvironmentRenewable energy resourcesEnvironmental Sustainability
In this paper, a purposely designed code for the performance analysis of the Water Loop Heat Pump (WLHP) systems is presented. Hourly, daily and seasonal energy system consumptions, operating economic costs and environmental impact... more
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      Energy Efficiency BuildingsSystem Dynamics ModelingEnergy efficiencyEnergy Efficiency in Buildings
The excessive consumption of plastic has a major impact on the environment. Plastic is hard to be degraded (non-biodegradable) as its constituent compounds are not composed of biological compounds. The decomposition process takes 100 to... more
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      PyrolysisAlternative Energy and Sustainable LivingWaste Plastic to Fuel ConversionPlastic waste
Mining communities in Ghana are increasingly dependent on boreholes and wells. This is because surface water in most mining communities in Ghana has become unfit for human consumption due to chemical contamination from gold mining and... more
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      Environmental SustainabilityAlternative Energy and Sustainable LivingEnvironmental protectionAlternative Livelihoods
This study examines how an evolution towards sustainable ways of urban living can be achieved through small steps. In this way, a literature review on the fields of design, sustainability and alternative ways of living provides a... more
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      Self-SufficiencyGrassroots MovementsAlternative Energy and Sustainable LivingDesign for Social Innovation Towards Sustainability
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      Renewable Energy PoliciesSustainable EnergyCO2 emissionsAlternative Energy and Sustainable Living
Energy is the prime need for the development of a country and its substantial economic growth. Over all forms of energies, nuclear energy is the most prominent, powerful and challenging energy source. Despite the effectiveness of this... more
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      Renewable EnergyAlternative EnergyNuclear EnergyAlternative energy source
The basic directions of development of alternative energy in Armenia are shown. The general characteristic of solar, wind, biomass and geothermal energy of Republic are presented. The need for diversification of the energy system of... more
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      Armenian StudiesRenewable EnergyWind EnergyEnergy Policy
Although there is an increasing recognition of the impacts of climate change on communities, residents often resist changing their lifestyle to reduce the effects of the problem. By using a landscape architectural design medium, this... more
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      Sustainable EnergyPublic SpaceSustainable Tourism DevelopmentEcotourism and Sustainable Development
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      PyrolysisAlternative EnergyAlternative Energy and Sustainable LivingWaste Plastic to Fuel Conversion
Caracerización de propuestas que fortalezcan la dimensión energética como insumo básico para el mejoramiento de condiciones de trabajo, vida, estudio y recreación en el poblado de Raudales, la zona urbana del Ejido Ursulo Galván, Quintana... more
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      BioenergySustainable Building DesignWater and wastewater treatmentCultural Landscapes
The article analyses schemes suitable for supporting the integration of renewable energy (RE) into power sectors within jurisdictions. Its thesis is that stable and predictable regulatory frameworks that enhance RE are prerequisite for... more
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      Renewable EnergyLaw and SocietySustainable DevelopmentEnergy
It is estimated that at least 600 million people in Africa lack access to electricity and three out of five people don’t have access to electricity in Sub-Saharan Africa. Though Africa is rich in a wide range of energy resources including... more
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      Energy EconomicsEnergy and EnvironmentRenewable energy resourcesEnvironmental Sustainability
"5-ci Respublika konfransı daxilində XXI əsrdə Ekologiya və Torpaqşünaslıq elmlərinin aktual problemləri"-nə həsr edilmiş materiallar toplusu üçün çap edilmiş məqalə.
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      Environmental ScienceSoil ScienceAlternative EnergyAlternative Energy and Sustainable Living
In the chemicals world of synthesis gas production, CO+H2 can be viewed as a form of "carbon harvesting" or "carbon management" as a means to a hydrocarbon end. The processes are always associated with high CO2-yields (water-gas shift)... more
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      Alternative EnergyAlternative Energy and Sustainable LivingMethanolMethane
30 páginas de fotografias que dan cuenta de avances 2013-2016 en desarrollo tecnológico, con recursos propios, aplicado a la construcción de la sede de la empresa, en fase comercial o de incubación Deportes y Turismo del Manatí. La... more
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      Alternative EnergyEnergia AlternativaEnergías RenovablesAlternative Energy and Sustainable Living
Clean Energy Environment is vital for health, wealth, industrial output and economic growth. This paper x-rays possibilities of leveraging on energy mix to transit from current state to Clean Energy Environment in Nigeria. Current energy... more
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      Environmental EngineeringRenewable EnergyEnvironmental SustainabilityAlternative Energy and Sustainable Living
1991-ci ildə dövlət müstəqilliyini bərpa etdikdən sonra bir çox sahələrdə olduğu kimi iqtisadi sahədə də öz suveren hüquqlarını gerçəkləşdirməyə və müstəqil siyasət yürütməyə başlamışdır. Bu siyasətin başlıca istiqamətlərini müxtəlif... more
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      Renewable EnergyRenewable energy resourcesAlternative EnergyAzerbaijan
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      Critical TheorySociologyPolitical SociologySocial Change
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      Community Engagement & ParticipationSustainable DevelopmentSolid Waste ManagementAlternative Energy and Sustainable Living
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    • Alternative Energy and Sustainable Living
In this paper operation data were collected to   evaluate petrol (PMS) fuel when used as primary source of energy to generate electricity. The analysis highlight cost effectiveness and power quality of this means of generating... more
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      Computer ScienceAlternative EnergyAlternative Energy and Sustainable Living
The women-energy nexus involves the challenge of engendering energy and the challenge of empowering women through energy. The first challenge arises from the gender disaggregation of energy consumption patterns. A quantitative account of... more
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      EngineeringEnergySustainable EnergyAlternative Energy and Sustainable Living
In this paper operation data were collected to   evaluate petrol (PMS) fuel when used as primary source of energy to generate electricity. The analysis highlight cost effectiveness and power quality of this means of generating... more
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      Alternative EnergyAlternative Energy and Sustainable Living
Added my abstract here
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    • Alternative Energy and Sustainable Living
In this paper operation data were collected to evaluate petrol (PMS) fuel when used as primary source of energy to generate electricity. The analysis highlight cost effectiveness and power quality of this means of generating electricity.... more
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      Alternative EnergyAlternative Energy and Sustainable Living
A substantial amount of energy is spent in the manufacturing processes and transportation of various building materials. Conservation of energy becomes very important in the context of limiting greenhouse gas emission into the atmosphere.... more
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    • Alternative Energy and Sustainable Living
En Quintana Roo, Chiapas, Tabasco, Campeche y Yucatán, así como en las Republicas centroamericanas, existe una enorme demanda insatisfecha de desarrollos tecnológico-energéticos a nivel familiar, comunitario, unidad productiva, y... more
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      Renewable EnergyConstruction TechnologyManagement of InnovationRegional Planning/Development