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Vortrag, gehalten am 30. Mai 2017 im Schloss Bröllin auf der Arbeitstagung "Landleben in Mecklenburg/Vorpommern: Geschichte -Identität -Perspektive")
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      Peasant StudiesRural HistoryIdeologyNational Socialism
Etwas am Wort Weltanschauung ist bekenntnishaft, es transportiert einen suggestiven Mehrwert, der nicht leicht zu erfassen ist. Adorno konstatiert in der Philosophischen Terminologie, dass es häufig mit einem Possessivpronomen versehen... more
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      German StudiesSigmund FreudTheodor W. AdornoParanoia
This book is the first critical biography of Alfred Rosenberg (1893–1946) – a prominent Nazi statesman, who personally contributed to the development of the National-Socialist doctrine, written in Russian. Analyzing previously unknown... more
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      NationalismNational IdentityNational SocialismNazi Germany
Biographie des deutschen Etruskologen und klassischen Archäologen Otto Wilhelm von Vacano (1910 - 1997) mit besonderem Schwerpunkt auf der Zeit des Nationalsozialismus.
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      Biography20th Century German HistoryNazi GermanyHistory of Archaeology
From its beginnings, Greece was founded and based on the principle and constitutional dictate of full emancipation and freedom of Religion for all its citizens. Greece was attacked by Italy in 1940 and beat her in the field. The German... more
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      Modern Italian HistoryAntisemitism (Prejudice)Jewish HistorySecond World War
This paper examines the topic of Nazism and religion in a new way, by considering the official explanations that were offered to party members and the German public in the two commentaries on the Nazi Program. Through a detailed analysis... more
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      ReligionHistoryGerman StudiesGerman History
Eric J. Schmaltz and Samuel D. Sinner. "The Nazi Ethnographic Research of Georg Leibbrandt and Karl Stumpp, and Its North American Legacy." In: Holocaust Genocide Studies (2000) 14 (1): 28-64. Scholars have recently debated the... more
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      Genocide StudiesHistorical memoryHolocaust StudiesSoviet Union (History)
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      Thomas MannMartin LutherSeptuaginta TextAntisemitism
The consideration of movements and sub-cultures within particular societies has always formed an integral part of intellectual history. In studies of Nazism and religion in recent years, there has been a trend towards arguing a deliberate... more
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      ReligionHistoryEuropean HistoryModern History
This paper overviews Othmar Spann's overall theory of "Universalism", his anti-individualist sociological theories of "spiritual community", his spiritual and community-based theories of nation and race, his concept of the traditional... more
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      SociologyEconomic SociologyPolitical SociologyCommunity Psychology
In the wake of Bertrand Russell’s contention that Lawrence’s ‘mystical philosophy of “blood”’ led ‘straight to Auschwitz’, academics have been dutifully unearthing evidence of latent, cryptic or proto-fascist ideas in his work. Several... more
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      FascismD. H. LawrenceFrankfurt SchoolOswald Spengler
Die Etrusker werden von Alfred Rosenberg in seinem 1930 erschienenen Buch „Mythus des XX. Jahrhunderts. Eine Wertung der seelisch-geistigen Glaubenskämpfe unserer Zeit“ als ein Volk mit obszönen und grausamen Mythen und Kulten... more
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      20th Century German HistoryHistory of ArcheologyHistory of ArchaeologyNationalsocialism
This paper explores the cultural experience of the expressionist artists organization Der Norden, active in Germany in the first half of the thirties. Aim of the paper is to show how Joseph Goebbels exploited group’s desire for change,... more
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      20th century Avant-GardeNazi GermanyNsdapNazi Propaganda
This article deals with two spurious texts by Adolphe Crémieux, the French Alliance israélite universelle, and neo-Nazi distortions and antisemitic ideology aiming at Jewish universalism.
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      Antisemitism (Prejudice)CosmopolitanismAlfred Rosenberg
In recent years there has been a renaissance of studies into the diverse relationships between National Socialism and esoteric or occult religious trends, which appears to form a remarkable return to the work of George L Mosse. Yet within... more
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      ReligionHistoryEuropean HistoryModern History
Blut und Boden : la terre ensanglantée Nous avons choisi d'intituler la rencontre de Lyon et sa publication Blut und Boden (le sang et le sol), pour rappeler les thèses du théoricien nazi Richard Walther Darré (1895-1953), qui
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      Nazi GermanyHistory of ArchaeologyNazismHeinrich Himmler
«C’è nel fascismo un nichilismo realizzato» scrivono Gilles Deleuze e Félix Guattari, «giacché, diversamente dallo Stato totalitario che si sforza di bloccare tutte le possibili linee di fuga, il fascismo si costruisce una linea di fuga... more
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      Race and RacismJean-Luc NancyFascismJonathan Littell
Le livre rassemble les actes d'un colloque tenu à Amiens en décembre 2014 sur les Étrusques à l'époque du fascisme et du nazisme. L'étruscologie est alors une toute jeune discipline universitaire et scientifique, qui subit dans toute... more
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      Nazi GermanyHistory of ArchaeologyEtruscan languageNationalsocialism
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      ArchaeologyIdeologyPolitical IdeologyNazi Germany
Pubblicato in «La contraddizione. Bimestrale di marxismo», no. 110, settembre-ottobre, 2005, pp.64-73.
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      Languages and LinguisticsTruthMartin HeideggerIrrationalism
Vortrag beim Treffen der AG Etrusker und Italiker zum Thema "Forschungen zum vorrömischen Italien im historischen Kontext", Hannover 07.01.2012. Ausgangspunkt dieses Beitrags war eine Anfrage des Doyen der Wissenschaftsgeschichte zur... more
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      20th Century German HistoryHistory of ArcheologyHistory of ArchaeologyNationalsocialism
Kurzvortrag gehalten bei der Jahrestagung des DArV 2014 in Münster 27. Juni 2014
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      Etruscan ArchaeologyNazi GermanyHistory of ArchaeologyEtruscology
Korte beschouwing n.a.v. Irving D. Yaloms roman Het raadsel Spinoza, waarin wordt verhaald hoe de ideoloog van het naziregime Alfred Rosenberg (1893-1946) zijn leven lang gefascineerd was door de problematische genialiteit van Spinoza. De... more
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      Baruch SpinozaIrvin YalomAlfred Rosenberg
This paper aims to introduce the concepts of womanhood and the presentation of women in the writings of three important theoreticians of race and racism - Joseph Arthur Gobineau (1816 - 1882), Houston Stewart Chamberlain (1855 - 1927),... more
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      Race and RacismRace and EthnicityWomenArthur de Gobineau
"Chapter 3. The Nazi Ethnographic Research of Georg Leibbrandt and Karl Stumpp in Ukraine, and Its North American Legacy" by Eric J. Schmaltz and Samuel D. Sinner. [This reprint version includes a handful of updates or revisions... more
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      Genocide StudiesHistorical memoryHolocaust StudiesCold War history
Scholars have recently debated the topic of German academics who directly or indirectly served the Nazi machinery of death and who then went on to successful professional careers after the war. This article examines the activities of two... more
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      HomicideGenocide StudiesHistorical memoryHolocaust Studies
Per uso esclusivo nell'ambito della Abilitazione scientifica nazionale. Ogni riproduzione o distribuzione è vietata.
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      NazismNsdapNazi PropagandaJoseph Goebbels
The Review "Kunst der Nation", published between 1933 and 1935, was founded after the journalistic discussion that developed in the Summer '33 about modernism and contemporary art. Student leaders such as Otto-Andreas Schreiber and Hans... more
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      German ExpressionismNazi GermanyNazismNsdap
Статья посвящена распространению в начале 1920-х гг. национал-социализма среди эмигрировавших в Германию прибалтийских немцев. В ней рассматриваются социальные и политические причины этого процесса, связанные, прежде всего, с распадом... more
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      HistoryRussian StudiesBaltic StudiesRussian History
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      Second World WarThe Third ReichAlfred Rosenberg
Vortrag bei den Journées d'Études Internationales "L´Étruscologie au XXᵉ siècle - 2. Les Étrusques au temps du fascisme et du nazisme, Amiens 22 - 24 septembre 2014". Die Etrusker werden von Alfred Rosenberg in seinem 1930 erschienenen... more
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      20th Century German HistoryHistory of ArcheologyHistory of ArchaeologyNationalsocialism
Tous droits réservés pour tous pays. La reproduction ou représentation de cet article, notamment par photocopie, n'est autorisée que dans les limites des conditions générales d'utilisation du site ou, le cas échéant, des conditions... more
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      Ancient HistoryArchaeologyHistoriographyEtruscan
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      Russian LiteratureRussian PoliticsFedor DostoevskyRussian History
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      ClassicsRoman HistoryHistoriographyFascism