Recent papers in Albian
La série mésocrétacée (Albien supérieur-Cénomanien inférieur) des monts des Ouled Naïl (Atlas saharien oriental, Algérie) est représentée par des alternances marno-calcaires qui sont caractérisées par une bioturbation modérée à faible.... more
2013.29 These maps (rectilinear projection) are from the PALEOMAP PaleoAtlas for ArcGIS (Scotese, 2013a-f). This is a digital atlas of plate tectonic, paleogeographic, and paleoclimatic reconstructions designed for use with the GIS... more
Place names with roots Arb / Alb / Alp are across Europe, the Mediterranean Sea, the Americas, Asia, and Oceania. And the Albanian Tongue (Shqip) version of this paper is here:... more
The present paper documents and discusses a new Albian–early Cenomanian carbon isotope (13Ccarb and 13Corg) curve from the subequatorial Eastern Pacific in Peru. Chemostratigraphic evidences for the expression of the OAE1b set and for... more
2013.31 These maps (rectilinear projection) are from the PALEOMAP PaleoAtlas for ArcGIS (Scotese, 2013a-f). This is a digital atlas of plate tectonic, paleogeographic, and paleoclimatic reconstructions designed for use with the GIS... more
Upper Albian, Anglo-Paris basin, stratotype, Aube, ammonites, foraminifera
Phylogenetic analysis of the subfamily Anahoplitinae (sensu wright 1996) suggests a very different content and classification to that proposed by the Treatise. Since Anahoplitinae are the ultimate source of Placenticeratidae, here... more
The Aptian/Albian oceanic anoxic event 1b contains the record of several perturbations in the global carbon cycle and multiple black shale levels, particularly in the Western Tethys. The local lithological expression of an oceanic anoxic... more
An Early Cretaceous (Aptian or earliest Albian) impression flora is described from the upper part of the Maryborough Formation in the Maryborough Basin, southern Queensland. The flora is preserved in marine sediments hosting an abundant... more
Resumen Se describe una especie nueva del género Leptosalenia Smith & Wright, 1990 con material procedente del Albiense de la sierra de Aralar (Nafarroa), de la cuenca Vasco-Cantábrica: L. botanzi sp. nov. Se revisan las diferencias entre... more
Spodnokriedový paleokras v bradle čorštynskej jednotky severne od Zázrivej (pieninské bradlové pásmo, oravský úsek, severné Slovensko) Abstract: New locality with well preserved palaeokarst surface was discovered north of the Zázrivá... more
A revision of the Caprinuloideidae Damestoy is undertaken investigating the myocardinal arrangements, the presence or absence of an external ligamental groove, and the distribution of pallial canals in order to arrive at a... more
Acanthoceras gevreyi JACOB, 1907 originates from a condensed Albian horizon at La Perte du Rhône, Belle garde (Ain, F rance). This species is still v ery poorly known and its taxonomic interpretation in the literature is most often er... more
Based on new material collected from the Risan Aneiza Formation at Gabal Maaza (Maghara area, Sinai), the occurrence of the cosmopolitan Albian genus Douvilleiceras is unequivocally documented for the first time in Egypt. Douvilleiceras... more
TMadagascar is an emerging country, characterized by wonderful landscapes and environments. Madagascar Geoheritage, an international association which groups scientist worldwide (Canada, France, Italy, Poland, Madagascar), is working on a... more
This paper reports a new Early Cretaceous flora discovered recently near the village of Estercuel (Teruel province, northeastern Spain). Thee plant bearing beds belong to the uppermost part of the Early Cretaceous succession, at the top... more
Despite the exceptional palaeontological richness of the renowned Santana Group from the Early Cretaceous Araripe Basin of Brazil, only one specimen of true crabs (Brachyura) has been discovered to date. Here we present two new genera and... more
A new paleontological finding is coming from Majella National Park. On an erratic calcareous block, a rich ammonites assemblage has been found. The block comes from the heart-side of Majella Mountain, between the town of Pennapiedimonte... more
The palynocomplexes of different facies Albian sediments Ukraine are determined and described: Volyn-Podillia plate, Ukrainian shield, Prichernomorskaya depression, Mountain Crimea, part akvatoryy Ukrainian Azov Sea. Early Albian, Middle... more
Spodnokriedový paleokras v bradle čorštynskej jednotky severne od Zázrivej (pieninské bradlové pásmo, oravský úsek, severné Slovensko) Abstract: New locality with well preserved palaeokarst surface was discovered north of the Zázrivá... more
A new species of the genus Leptosalenia Smith & Wright, 1990 (Echinoidea: Saleniidae) from the Albian of Traiguera (Maestrat basin, NE of the Iberian Peninsula). A new species of genus Leptosalenia (Echinoidea: Saleniidae) from the Albian... more
A revised ammonoid biostratigraphy is presented for the Aptian of NW Africa, Essaouira-Agadir Basin (EAB), Morocco, based on a detailed analysis of 5 key sections. A number of bio-events are documented and 26 genus and 43 species are... more
Based on new material collected from the Risan Aneiza Formation at Gabal Maaza (Maghara area, Sinai), the occurrence of the cosmopolitan Albian genus Douvilleiceras is unequivocally documented for the first time in Egypt. Douvilleiceras... more
The Aptian/Albian oceanic anoxic event 1b contains the record of several perturbations in the global carbon cycle and multiple black shale levels, particularly in the Western Tethys. The local lithological expression of an oceanic anoxic... more
Acanthoceras gevreyi JACOB, 1907 originates from a condensed Albian horizon at La Perte du Rhône, Bellegarde (Ain, France). This species is still very poorly known and its taxonomic interpretation in the literature is most often... more
Les affleurements du Crétacé inférieur, et principalement le Barrémien supérieur-Albien du Haut Atlas occidental marocain, ont foumi une faune diversifiée constituée par des ammonites, des ostracodes et des foraminiferes. L'analyse... more
Field characteristics, petrographic and geochemical signatures, as well as some petrophysical aspects of fault-related dolomite bodies in the Ranero area (Karrantza Valley, NW Spain) are presented in this paper. These dolomite bodies are... more
Resumen Con base en ejemplares bien conservados del equínido Washitaster delgadoi (de Loriol, 1884), encontrados en un nuevo yacimiento situado en Culla (península Ibérica; cuenca sedimentaria del Maestrat), se plantea la adscripción de... more
Es descriu dos casos d’exemplars anormals de l’equínid Leptosalenia barredai, Forner 2014, de l’Albià de la conca del Maestrat. El grau d’incidència dels exemplars anormals sobre la població total és d’un 6%. On some abnormal specimens of... more
Es descriu un tàxon nou, Calzadina segurai. El nou gasteròpode prové de l’Albià de Cabanes de l’Arc (la Plana Alta), de la conca sedimentària del Maestrat. Es fa la segona cita de l’escleractini Angelismilia magnei Reig, 1995. A new... more
The Aptian/Albian oceanic anoxic event 1b contains the record of several perturbations in the global carbon cycle and multiple black shale levels, particularly in the Western Tethys. The local lithological expression of an oceanic anoxic... more
is paper reports a new Early Cretaceous flora discovered recently near the village of Estercuel (Teruel province, northeastern Spain). e plant bearing beds belong to the uppermost part of the Early Cretaceous succession, at the top of the... more
The evolution of angiosperms significantly changed the composition of the terrestrial vegetation during the mid-Cretaceous. In contrast to the wealth of information available on the biology and systematic relationships of early... more
The Kazhdumi Formation is one of the most significant rock units in the Bangestan Group in Zagros Basin. In this study, one section of the Kazhdumi Formation (Kuh-e-Rahmat) was selected for research. The section is extended approximately... more
The identification of the Albian in some parts of Provence and the sedimentological study of these areas point out complete marine sections, well-dated in good correspondence with Aptian sediments. Comparison of clays’ mineralogy with... more
Es descriu un tàxon nou, Calzadina segurai. El nou gasteròpode prové de l’Albià de Cabanes de l’Arc (la Plana Alta), de la conca sedimentària del Maestrat. Es fa la segona cita de l’escleractini Angelismilia magnei Reig, 1995. A new... more
Raninoida, also known as “frog crabs,” is a clade of extant true crabs (Brachyura) characterized by a fusiform carapace (raninid-type), narrow thoracic sternum, pleon partially exposed dorsally, and paddle-like limbs, all of which are... more