Agroecology and Sustainble Agriculture
Recent papers in Agroecology and Sustainble Agriculture
Agroecology as a transformative movement has gained momentum in many countries worldwide. In several cases, the implementation of agroecological practices has grown beyond isolated, local experiences to be employed by ever-greater numbers... more
An ecologically sustainable and socially equitable food system, one that restores ecosystem services, enhances human welfare, and promotes community-based economic development, is urgently needed. Applied agroecological research and the... more
Abstract Concerns for biodiversity conservation have heightened since Rio de Janeiro 1992 meeting of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development and the subsequent Convention on Biodiversity. However, the rate of... more
The current public health crisis has shed light on one of food systems’ most pressing challenges: reaching sustainable food security for all in a way that meets environmental and socio- economic sustainability. It has further confirmed... more
Hace más de 500 años que, en las geografías de América Latina, el Norte metafórico impone procesos de colonización e imperialismo que generan múltiples despojos materiales e inmateriales, que tienen como respuestas la resistencia y la... more
The question really was: what is our role in supporting the positive developments that ARE going on, in the transition, workdwide, from industrial agriculture to agro-ecology? My book is one of the answers to that: I show various aspects... more
The project discussed in this case study investigated and addressed the needs and challenges of farmers as to the sustainable production of food under climate change in Saint Lucia. ICT was selected as an appropriate tool to ensure the... more
Guía ilustrada, con algunas caricaturas de Tony Peraza, resultado del diálogo y el trabajo interdisciplinario e intercultural entre horticultoras y horticultores mayas de la Escuela de Agroecología U Yits Ka’an, con más de veinte años de... more
What exactly is the climate change crisis ? How does it affect us ? Are we causing it ? How ? How is it going to affecting our land, water, food and lifestyle ? Can we anything about it ? How ? Why is the practice of agroecology so... more
Coordinator of Thematic Poster Exhibition: Concept of farm design: searching for 'the right' biodiversity for conservation in existing and expanding farming areas, and 'rested' areas intended for renewed agricultural activities.... more
En los países menos desarrollados persiste una población campesina empobrecida, asentada en zonas de alta biodiversidad y con gran experiencia en el manejo del medio natural. La agricultura surgida de la Revolución Verde ha degradado los... more
La collocazione del paradigma della “qualità di sistema” alla base del dibattito sulla valorizzazione dei prodotti agroalimentari consente – alla luce del nuovo approccio del giudice comunitario al concetto di territorialità del segno -... more
Textos que podem auxiliar no desenvolvimento de sistemas de produção agropecuários sustentáveis, bem como em revisões teóricas sobre os temas.
ESBOZOS COOPERACIÓN 43 OLOGÍA 1. La alimentación en un horizonte popular de emancipación. 2. Los mercados agroecológicos. 3. El agrocompostaje desde la perspectiva agroecológica. 4. Síntesis ESBOZOS, Nº 17 (2018) ISSN 1889-6448 páginas... more
ActionAid joins growing global calls to ‘scale-up’ and ‘scale-out’ agroecology. As governments and donors meet at the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) 2nd International Symposium on Agroecology we urge them to join forces to... more
Urban agriculture in Cuba is often promoted as an example of how agroecological farming can overcome the need for oil-derived inputs in food production. This article examines the geographical implications of Cuba's low-carbon urban... more
These groundbreaking role models show us how successfully to change- worldwide- to agroecology; on farm level, regionally, when greening deserts, in value chains. this document is additionally to the paper " transition to agroEcology, for... more
CASTRO, Ana Alvarenga de. Protected Areas Inclusive Management: o look from the Mosaico Central Fluminense. 2013. 95p. Dissertation (Master Science in Sustainable Development Practices) Instituto de Florestas/Instituto de Ciências Humanas... more
Objectives: To reflect on the function and importance of agroecology in integrated agroecosystems, and its effect on the structure, functioning and efficient use of the resources of such system. Materials and Methods: The available... more
A large body of evidence indicates that SRI can enhance rice grain yield with substantially less water input than in conven tional indsutrialized rice farms. While SRI conserves a large amount of water, it tends to endorse rice... more
Climate variations all over the world have huge potential impacts to the environment at large. Human and economic activities are not left behind when climate change issues are concerned. Agriculture, being the core human and one of the... more
In varied contexts around the world, groups and communities forging different kinds of futures are challenging the universal desirability of development toward ever-greater production, consumption, and ecological footprints. This article... more
El objetivo del trabajo, en lo relativo al efecto sobre el suelo, es evaluar los efectos del cultivos de servicio asociado al maíz sobre la calidad del suelo y el rendimiento del cultivo dentro de un planteo hortícola intensivo. En el... more
In varied contexts around the world, groups and communities forging different kinds of futures are challenging the universal desirability of development toward ever-greater production, consumption, and ecological footprints. This article... more
RESUMO-O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da aplicação de bokashi, esterco bovino e da combinação destes, sobre o crescimento e produtividade de nove cultivares de alface (Lactuca sativa L.) nas condições de Seropédica,... more
The issue of sustainable agriculture and food security is widely discussed by several actors such as governments, intergovernmental organizations, the scientific community, environmental development organizations as well as the private... more
Agroecology: promoting the transition towards sustainability. In this article agroecology is defined as the application of ecological concepts and principles to the design and management of sustainable food systems. The principal... more
West Africa is facing the challenge of its population’s food insecurity in a context of accelerated degradation of natural resources. In order to efficiently face this double bottleneck, agroecological interventions were implemented as a... more
Biocultural Systems and their Evolution Here I present the general concept of biocultural systems. Biocultural systems are an alternative to related concepts such as bioeconomy, ecosystem services or agroeco-systems. Biocultural systems... more
The structure and tree diversity of traditional coffee agroecosystems was studied in a Popoluca community inside the Biological Reserve of Los Tuxtlas, Veracruz, along an altitudinal gradient between 450 and 1,000 meters above sea level.... more
Around 25% of certified organic farms in Washington produce diversified organic vegetables. Growing organic vegetables is commonly viewed as an important entry strategy into agriculture for beginning farmers who may also have limited... more