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      Robot VisionPattern RecognitionImage AnalysisImage segmentation
his paper is concerned with a computational solution for normal optical flow estimation using space-variant image sampling. The article describes one solution for the problem based on log-Tpol ar images, including the algorithm... more
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      Image ProcessingBinocular visionData CompressionDigital Signal Processing
In this paper, a basic conceptual architecture aimed at the design of Computer Vision System is qualitatively described. The proposed architecture addresses the design of vision systems in a modular fashion using modules with three... more
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      Computer VisionAnalytic Network ProcessActive VisionReal Time
This paper deals with the mechanical aspects of robot vision and focuses on the design and implementation of a high-performance system. The system is called CeDAR (Cable Drive Active vision Robot). As part of the research at the Robotic... more
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      Robot VisionActive VisionParallel MechanismHigh performance
In this paper, the procedure developed to calibrate a whole-field optical profilometer and the evaluation of the measurement performance of the system are presented. The sensor is based on the projection of structured light and on active... more
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      Sensitivity AnalysisReverse EngineeringOptical ImagingPerformance Evaluation
An approach to active vision based on information theory and statistical mechanics is presented. Density of entropy production measured along a spatio-chromatic diffusion of a colour image is used to build a conspicuity map of the image.... more
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      Statistical MechanicsComputer VisionInformation TheoryProduction
While it is true that SBM shapes and charts the direction of school operations, it is interesting to discuss how a developing country like the Philippines is influenced by this reform strategy as a structural and procedural framework in... more
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      EducationDecision MakingDeveloping CountryBasic Education
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      Active VisionCAIP
This thesis focuses on the development of a system in which a team of heterogeneous mobile robots can cooperate to perform a wide range of tasks. In order that a group of heterogeneous robots can cooperate among them, one of the most... more
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      Multiagent SystemsActive Vision
In this paper we analyze in some detail the geometry of a pair of cameras, i.e. a stereo rig. Contrarily to what has been done in the past and is still done currently, for example in stereo or motion analysis, we do not assume that the... more
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      Computer VisionMotion AnalysisStability AnalysisActive Vision
Localization is one of the most important basic skills of a mobile robot. Most approaches, however, still rely either on special sensors or require artificial environments. In this article, a novel approach is presented that can provide... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringMachine LearningMachine VisionMobile Robot
The paper gives a survey on the new Expectationbased Multifocal Saccadic Vision (EMS-Vision) system for autonomous vehicle guidance developed at the Universität der Bundeswehr München (UBM). EMS-Vision is the third generation dynamic... more
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      Civil EngineeringRoboticsComputer VisionVehicle Dynamics
Can theories of mental imagery, conscious mental contents, developed within cognitive science throw light on the obscure (but culturally very significant) concept of imagination? Three extant views of mental imagery are considered:... more
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      Cognitive PsychologyCognitive ScienceRomanticismEmbodied Cognition
This paper describes the evolution of controllers for racing a simulated radio-controlled car around a track, modelled on a real physical track. Five different controller architectures were compared, based on neural networks, force fields... more
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      Neural NetworkScience LearningActive VisionEvolutionary Computing
We study visual servoing in a framework of detection and grasping of unknown objects. Classically, visual servoing has been used for applications where the object to be servoed on is known to the robot prior to the task execution. In... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringMechatronicsManufacturing EngineeringCalibration
Segmenting and tracking of people is an important aim in the video analysis with multitudinous applications. The scene calibration enables the system to process the input video in a different way depending on the camera position and the... more
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      EngineeringActive Vision
A method for evaluating, at video rate, the quality of actions for a single camera while mapping unknown indoor environments is presented. The strategy maximizes mutual information between measurements and states to help the camera avoid... more
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      RoboticsAlgorithmsArtificial IntelligencePhotography
Background and purpose Homonymous visual field defects (HVFDs) are among the most common disorders that occur in the elderly after vascular brain damage and can have a major impact on quality of life (QOL). Aims of this study were to... more
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      Mental HealthKineticsBinocular visionQuality of life
A high-resolution 3D model contains a wealth of information available for analysis. We can interactively examine features that are extremely small or only visible from 0272-1716/02/$17.00 Several projects target constructing dense 3D and... more
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      Cognitive ScienceHumanities3-D ImagingActive Vision
Earlier , the biologically plausible active vision ,model for Multiresolutional Attentional Representation and Recognition (MARR) has been developed. The model is based on the scanpath theory of Noton and Stark 17 and provides invariant... more
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      Robot VisionHuman Factors in Visual PerceptionProceedingsComputer Simulation
Manufacturers often express the performance of a 3D imaging device in various non-uniform ways for the lack of internationally recognized standard requirements for metrological parameters able to identify the capability of capturing a... more
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      Digital HumanitiesPhotogrammetryDigital heritage in architectureStandards
In this article we present a neurally-inspired self-adaptive active binocular tracking scheme and an efficient mathematical model for online computation of desired binocular-head trajectories. The self-adaptive neural network (NN) model... more
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      Cognitive ScienceNeural NetworksNeural NetworkBit Error Rate
In this paper a robust system for enabling robots to detect and identify humans in domestic environments is proposed. Robust human detection is achieved through the use of thermal and visual information sources that are integrated to... more
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      Cognitive ScienceFace RecognitionFace DetectionThermal Imaging
Multiple-camera systems are currently in development as a means to capture and synthesise highly realistic three-dimensional (3D) video content. Studio systems for 3D production of human performance are reviewed from the literature and... more
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      Image-based RenderingMachine VisionSystem DesignVirtual Reality
In a surveillance system, a camera operator follows an object of interest by moving the camera, then gains additional information about the object by zooming. As the active vision field advances, the ability to automate such a system is... more
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      Object TrackingReal Time SystemsObject RecognitionActive Vision
A Stereo Active Vision Interface (SAVI) is introduced which detects frontal faces in real world environments,and performs particular active control tasks dependent,on hand gestures given by the person the system attends to. The SAVI... more
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      Computer VisionMotion controlUser InterfaceDistance Learning
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      Computer VisionPattern RecognitionStrategic PlanningStability
Our work on active vision has recently focused on the computational modelling of navigational tasks, where our investigations were guided by the idea of approaching vision for behavioural systems in the form of modules that are directly... more
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      Computer VisionPerceptionSystem DesignSystem Architecture
In recent years, active three-dimensional (3D) active vision systems or range cameras for short have come out of research laboratories to find niche markets in application fields as diverse as industrial design, automotive manufacturing,... more
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      Cultural HeritageIndustrial DesignPerformance EvaluationBest practice
We present a new approach for tracking roads from satellite images, and thereby illustrate a general computational strategy (\active testing") for tracking 1D structures and other recognition tasks in computer vision. Our approach is... more
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      Information SystemsComputer VisionDecision TreeActive Vision
Projectors are increasingly being used as lightsources in computer vision applications. In several applications, they are modeled as point light sources, thus ignoring the effects of illumination defocus. In addition, most active vision... more
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      Computer ScienceComputer VisionImage ProcessingModeling
The empirical investigation of cognitive processes in infants is hampered by the limited development of their body and motor control skills. Novel gaze-contingent paradigms, where infants control their environment with their eyes, offer a... more
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      Reinforcement LearningVisual attentionComputational NeuroscienceActive Vision
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    • Active Vision
The European Space Agency (ESA) is preparing for unmanned and/or manned exploration of several planets including Mercury and Mars. To support this endeavour several key technologies have to be developed. Among these necessary technologies... more
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      Signal ProcessingActive VisionNatural ScenesImage Features
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      Computer VisionPerformanceA Priori KnowledgeMotion control
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      Mechanical EngineeringRoboticsComputer VisionDynamics
Our robotics group has teams in three leagues: Humanoid, Standard Platform League (SPL), and @Home. Taking advantage of this, we want to contribute to the transfer of relevant developments between the different RoboCup leagues. This year... more
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      Active VisionRobot ControlHumanoid robot
This paper presents a vision system that ®nds and measures the location of 3D structures with respect to a CAD-model. The integration of a CAD-model to visual measurement and direct feedback of measurement results to the CAD is a key... more
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      Computer Aided DesignComputer HardwareDistributed SystemActive Vision
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      EngineeringComputer ScienceLogicSituation awareness
This dissertation describes a new approach to visual tracking for monocular and binocular image sequences, and for both passive and active cameras. The method combines Kalman-type prediction with steepest-descent search for... more
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      Computer ScienceDissertationActive Vision
We describe an evolutionary approach to active vision systems for dynamic feature selection. After summarizing recent work on evolution of a simulated active retina for complex shape discrimination, we describe in detail experiments that... more
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      Neural NetworksEvolutionary RoboticsFeature SelectionEdge Detection
Tracking in 3D with an active vision system depends on the
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      Control TheoryMotor ControlVisual trackingActive Vision
In this paper, the control problem of camera-in-hand robotic systems is considered. In this approach, a camera is mounted on the robot, usually at the hand, which provides an image of objects located in the robot environment. The aim of... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringControl SystemsManufacturing EngineeringLyapunov Stability
Vergence provides robot vision systems with a crucial degree of freedom: it enables fixation of points in visual space at different distances from the observer. Vergence control, therefore, affects the performance of the stereo system as... more
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      Computer VisionRobot VisionControl systemVergence
We address the problem of online path planning for optimal sensing with a mobile robot. The objective of the robot is to learn the most about its pose and the environment given time constraints. We use a POMDP with a utility function that... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringCognitive ScienceReinforcement LearningModel Predictive Control
This paper presents a new stereo sensor for active vision. Its cameras are mounted on two independent 2-DOF manipulators, themselves mounted on two translation stages. The system is designed for fast and accurate dynamical adjustments of... more
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      Cognitive ScienceMachine VisionActive VisionSensor Calibration
This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Abstract -This paper presents a new approach dealing with virtual exploratory navigation inside vascular structures. It is based on the notion of... more
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      EngineeringAlgorithmsMedical ImagingComputed Tomography
During natural viewing, the eyes are never still. Even during fixation, miniature movements of the eyes move the retinal image across tens of foveal photoreceptors. Most theories of vision implicitly assume that the visual system ignores... more
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      Neural codingFeedbackActive VisionClinical Sciences
ABSTRACT Manufacturers often express the performance of a 3D imaging device in various non-uniform ways for the lack of internationally recognized standard requirements for metrological parameters able to identify the capability of... more
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      EngineeringDigital HumanitiesDigital heritage in architectureLiDAR
where he is currently an assistant professor. In 1986, he was a research assistant at the Department of Computer Science of Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland, where he was developing a system for the analysis of image data primarily aimed... more
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      Information SystemsVehicle DynamicsVisual ProcessingOptical Flow