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Sonoma County, California
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      AccordionItalians In CaliforniaSonoma County History
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      FolkloreEthnomusicologyBrazilian StudiesTraditional Music
Rukopisna verzija objavljenog rada. Harmoniku se tijekom 1930-ih cijenilo kao glazbalo građanskog amaterskog muziciranja, pa stoga nije bila zastupljena na smotrama folklora, u socijalističkoj Jugoslaviji postala je uobičajenim glazbalom... more
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      Reception StudiesAccordionCroatiaHrvatska
San Francisco Bay Area accordionist
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      AccordionSan Francisco HistoryAccordion musicItalians In California
У статті розглядається широке коло питань, пов’язаних із появою, виготовленням та побутуванням в українському селянському середовищі віденської дворядної гармоні, зокрема, можливі зв’язки цього напливового інструменту з традиційними... more
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      Traditional MusicAccordionMusical InstrumentsHistory of musical instruments makers
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      MusicMusic HistoryMusicologyEthnomusicology
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      AccordionWashington consensusWashingtonWashington DC
L’intento del presente elaborato è quello di ricostruire il processo attraverso il quale la fisarmonica è stata progressivamente adottata nell’uso della tradizione popolare e, pertanto, divenuta oggetto di studio condiviso da innumerevoli... more
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      EthnomusicologyTraditional MusicAccordionEtnomusicologia
Το παρόν άρθρο βασίζεται στο «Βιβλίον Πρακτικών Σωματείου Μουσικών Λέσβου», ένα χειρόγραφο τετράδιο πενήντα φύλλων . Στις σελίδες των πρακτικών περιλαμβάνονται πολύτιμα στοιχεία για περισσότερους από 150 ενεργούς μουσικούς της Λέσβου της... more
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      Music EducationPianoGuitarFolk Music
A transnational music scene has developed since the 1960s connecting New York City with Santiago, Dominican Republic, through merengue típico, or traditional, accordion-based merengue (also termed perico ripiao). New York-based musicians... more
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Questo articolo pubblicato in Cuadernos de italianistica cubana a cura dell’Ambasciata italiana in Avana, Cuba, Aprile 2015, desidera essere un contributo agli studi organologici sulla fisarmonica, strumento musicale che nei secoli ha... more
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      AccordionAccordion musicOrganologíaEthnomusicology, Anthropology of music, Organology
Με τον τρίτο τόμο των Μουσικών Καταγραφών ολοκληρώνεται η έκδοση 600 εκδοχών οργανικών σκοπών από τη νησιωτική και την ηπειρωτική Ελλάδα, την Κύπρο, τη Μικρά Ασία, τα παράλια της Προποντίδας, τον Πόντο, την Αζοφική και την Κάτω Ιταλία. Τα... more
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      MusicologyFolk MusicClarinetAccordion
This third volume of musical transcriptions rounds off the presentation of 600 versions of Greek instrumental tunes from the islands and mainland of Greece, Cyprus, Asia Minor, the coastal regions of the Sea of Marmara, the Pontus, and... more
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      MusicologyEthnomusicologyFolk MusicClarinet
San Francisco Bay Area composer, accordionst
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      AccordionComposerSan Francisco HistoryAccordion music
Ja tenim aquí el segon número de La Botonera, una publicació que va creixent de mica en mica i que esperem que contribueixi a la vertebració del món de l’acordió i de la cultura popular i tradicional. En el primer número hem comprovat amb... more
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      Popular MusicTraditional MusicAccordionAccordion music
Steve Balich's contribution to the vitality of the accordion in the San Francisco bay area. This summary was used for his obituary as published in the upcoming online November 2017 issue of the monthly newsletter from Petosa Accordion,... more
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      Italian MusicAccordionAccordion music
This album is a cross section of the audio materials that make up the archive Archivo 8 Bajos ( The materials that make up the corpus of this archive are the product of field work conducted by researcher José A.... more
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Accordions and guitars have enlivened the social life of cattle-herding gaucho families of northern Uruguay since the mid 1800s. On Los Gauchos de Roldán, regional musical icon Walter Roldán pumps out time-honored polcas and chotis,... more
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A transnational music scene has developed since the 1960s connecting New York City with Santiago, Dominican Republic, through merengue tipico, or traditional, accordion-based merengue (also termed perico ripiao). New York-based musicians... more
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Recopilación fichas de trabajo sobre interpretación-improvisación (acordeón)
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Musical instruments, the musician’s extra-corporeal “voice” that produces sound in time, mediate the act of sound-making between the musician and the music and therefore constitute a unique category of “things” to subject to the question:... more
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      OrganologyMusic and identityAccordionCritical Organology
Québecois accordionist in California
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      French StudiesAccordionAccordion music
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    • Accordion
El "Archivo 8 Bajos" es un proyecto para almacenar y crear acceso público a entrevistas y grabaciones de campo realizadas por el investigador José A. Curbelo entre 2001 y 2018. La temática del Archivo es la música tradicional de acordeón... more
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Sonoma County accordion history
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      AccordionItalians In CaliforniaSonoma County History
For bass clarinet, trombone and accordion
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      MusicAccordionTromboneBass Clarinet
San Francisco bay area accordionist
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      AccordionSan Francisco Bay AreaSan Francisco HistoryItalians In California
Comment on "Accordion vs. quantum tectonics: Insights into continental growth Comment on "Accordion vs. quantum tectonics: Insights into continental growth processes from the Paleozoic of eastern Gondwana" by Jonathan C. Aitchison,... more
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Italian American accordionist
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      AccordionItalians In California
the world of music-Readings in Ethnomusicology VWB -Verlag für Wissenschaft und Bildung Berlin 2011 cover Illustration: Intercultural Music Studies, vol. 17: Hardcover ISBN 978-3-86135-648-6 the world of music, vol. 52, 2010 (1-3): ISBN... more
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      MusicMusicologyGender StudiesEthnomusicology
extraordinary accordionist
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      AccordionItalians In California
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      EthnomusicologyKlezmerAccordionJewish Music
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    • Accordion
We in Auvergne, France, have given birth quite a few years back to the group "Duo Paris Moscou" that works with Russian composers and French composer Franck Angelis to bring the Bayan Accordion back to the stage of concerts and classical... more
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Italian American accordionist
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      AccordionItalians In California
A cultural tradition of dance music based around the accordion and bandoneón has existed in northern Uruguay since the second half of the 19th century. This music has its roots in the multi-ethnic cultural mixture of the rural region... more
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      Oral TraditionsMemory StudiesAccordionUruguay
This project presents the various methods of transmission and learning/teaching that historically have been important in northern Uruguayan accordion and bandoneon music. It is based on analysis of a selection of interviews, carried out... more
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Musical interpretation demands specific skills that are dependent on the technology of musical instruments. The theories of the mind, concepts of extended cognition and enactive knowledge have suggested that both the musical instrument... more
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      MusicEmbodimentMusic CognitionAccordion
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      EthnomusicologyEthnographyItalian StudiesAccordion
Rural northern Uruguay is home to a rich regional traditional dance music genre based around the button accordion and bandoneón. This orally transmitted tradition has its origins in the latter half of the 19th century, and has been... more
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      BrazilAccordionUruguayBorders and Borderlands
A través de trabajo de campo etnográfico reciente sobre música de acordeón y bandoneón en ciudades de frontera en el Uruguay se detectaron distintos variantes de narrativas de intérpretes de aquellos instrumentos. Primero, el concepto de... more
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This album is a musical encounter between two brothers from the city of Tacuarembó in northern Uruguay: button accordionist Walter Roldán and his older brother, bandoneonist and accordionist, Félix Roldán. Together they recall old songs... more
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Como iniciación a determinados procesos generativos básicos que tienen lugar en la improvisación, se plantean aquí algunas consideraciones en relación con lo que de una forma general podríamos llamar pensamiento generativo.
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      AccordionFree Improvisation
Nel suo cammino dallo studio al concertismo, l'interprete incrocia continuamente temi legati alla multidimensionale relazione con la musica, configurando un raggio di azione - riflessione assai complesso. Quattro giovani interpreti... more
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      MusicInterpretationAccordionAccordion music
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      AccordionAccordion music
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Este artigo apresenta o processo e os resultados alcançados até o momento em relação ao projeto que vem sendo desenvolvido envolvendo a criação, a editoração de partituras, o registro audiovisual e a divulgação de composições e arranjos... more
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      MusicGuitarAccordionInstrumental Music
Zbiór artykułów naukowych z I Międzynarodowej Konferencji Naukowej "Tradycyjne instrumenty ludowe w kulturach Europy XXI wieku", 27-29.06.2015 w Łobzie.
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      European StudiesMusicologyFolkloreAnthropology of Music
(Deep Listening DL 36-2007) Federico Fellini wrote in his autobiography that without art life would be reduced to nothing but lungs breathing in and out, and heart beating on like a cuckoo clock until it stopped. The question begged,... more
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      MusicImprovisationMusic TechnologyComputer Music