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Agroforestry, the purposeful growing of trees and crops in interacting combinations, began to attain prominence in the late 1970s, when the international scientific community embraced its potentials in the tropics and recognized it as a... more
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      Carbon DioxideAgroforestrySustainable Rural DevelopmentClimate Change Mitigation
spatial analysis of root rot of Acacia mangium in Indonesia. Root rot caused by Ganoderma spp. is a serious concern in commercial plantations of Acacia mangium in Indonesia. This study surveyed root rot incidence and spatial arrangement... more
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      Spatial AnalysisTropicalAcacia MangiumRoot Rot
Acacia mangium is a fast-growing tree species. It is mainly planted in large monocultures for pulpwood in South-East Asia. Root rot has become the most economically damaging disease of this species with high tree mortality rates observed... more
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      MicrobiologyPlant BiologyForestForest Pathology
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      AcaciaBiological InvasionSavannaEcological Invasion
The differences in socio-economic and perceptional characteristics between tree planting and non- tree planting farmers were analysed in four case studies from three provinces in Indonesia. For each case study, the paper describes: a) the... more
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      Social organizationCase StudyTree PlantingForestry Sciences
Fungal sporocarps and cultures associated with signs and symptoms of root-rot disease were collected from Acacia mangium and other tropical hardwood species. The collections were identified by either morphological characters and/or by... more
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      MicrobiologyPlant BiologyPhylogenetic analysisMorphological Characters
Plantations of exotic trees for industrial and agricultural purposes are burgeoning in the tropics, and some of them offer the opportunity to study community ecology of animals in a simplified forest setting. We examined bird community... more
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      ForestryConservation BiologyConservationStructure
Two consecutive years of investigation on soil surface features, surface runoff and soil detachment within 1-m 2 microplots on 40% slope highlighted the effects of land-use change, vegetation cover and biological activity on the water... more
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      GeologyVietnamSurface RoughnessLand Use Change
Understanding the light absorption and light use efficiency of each species at the tree scale is essential to disentangle the effects of intra-and inter-species interactions on productivity in mixed-species forest plantations. A complete... more
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      Carbon CycleNitrogenTree growthNitrogen Fertilizer
Water use of Acacia mangium trees grown in plantations was measured by a heat balance method in two stands that largely differed in tree density. Tree sap flow was closely coupled to climatic drivers and responded with minimal time delay.... more
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      HydrologyMultidisciplinaryPlant ResistanceTropics
Small volumes of timber are now being produced from Acacia mangium plantations in Indonesia. These trees require pruning and thinning to increase the strength and appearance of the wood. However, cut surfaces from pruning are potential... more
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      Forest Ecology And ManagementForest EcologyBiological SciencesEnvironmental Sciences
Fungal sporocarps and cultures associated with signs and symptoms of root-rot disease were collected from Acacia mangium and other tropical hardwood species. The collections were identified by either morphological characters and/or by... more
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      MicrobiologyPlant BiologyPhylogenetic analysisMorphological Characters
An introduced plantation tree species, Acacia mangium Willd., is becoming invasive in the Brunei region of Borneo. To examine its invasive potential, a greenhouse, additive series experiment (target-neighbour) involving seedlings of A.... more
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      Biological SciencesRelative Growth RateEnvironmental SciencesLotka Volterra
Subtropical China a b s t r a c t
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      EngineeringEcological EngineeringEarth SciencesEcological Economics
Some tropical N2-fixing trees exhibit specific characteristics for phosphorus (P) acquisition and utilisation that contrast with the large nitrogen (N) fluxes in their litterfall. To investigate differences in N and P cycling in N2-fixing... more
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      Biological SciencesPhosphorusEnvironmental SciencesNitrogen
Pycnoporus coccineus and Coriolus versicolor are among the tropical white rot basidiomycetes that degrade lignin selectively. In this research work, crude enzyme produced during biopulping using both fungi were extracted, filtered and... more
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      Acacia MangiumLignocellulolytic FungiBiopulping
The development of plantation forests in Indonesia is an ongoing activity, with planting of fast-growing species, such as Paraserianthes falcataria and Acacia mangium. The establishment of exotic fast-growing trees is one way of... more
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      Carbon SequestrationEconomic analysisDiscount RateNet Present Value
spatial analysis of root rot of Acacia mangium in Indonesia. Root rot caused by Ganoderma spp. is a serious concern in commercial plantations of Acacia mangium in Indonesia. This study surveyed root rot incidence and spatial arrangement... more
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      Spatial AnalysisTropicalAcacia MangiumRoot Rot
Birds are amongst the important agent of maintaining the forest ecological balance. They are known to be a potential bioindicator of forest ecosystem health. This study focuses to document the diversity of understory birds at the proposed... more
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      History of Natural HistoryBirdsBorneoAcacia Mangium
SUMMARY Imperata cylindrica ((L.) Beauv.) is a problem weed throughout tropical and subtropical regions of the world. It is a major impediment to reforestation efforts in Southeast Asia. When rubber ( Hevea brasiliensis ) is planted in... more
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      Southeast AsiaHevea brasiliensisWeed ControlAcacia Mangium
Plantations of exotic trees for industrial and agricultural purposes are burgeoning in the tropics, and some of them offer the opportunity to study community ecology of animals in a simplified forest setting. We examined bird community... more
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      ForestryConservation BiologyConservationStructure
The aim of our work was to assess the growth and mineral nutrition of salt stressed Acacia auriculiformis A. Cunn. ex Benth. and Acacia mangium Willd. seedlings inoculated with a combination of selected microsymbionts (bradyrhizobia and... more
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      Plant BiologyEcologySALT TOLERANCEMycorrhizal Fungi
Field trials testing a total of 27 clones of the interspecific hybrid Acacia mangium × A. auriculiformis and seedling controls of the parental species were established at Ba Vi and Yen Thanh in the north of Vietnam and Long Thanh in the... more
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      VietnamForestry SciencesField TrialPublic Administration and Policy
Estimation of the magnitude of sinks and sources of carbon requires reliable estimates of the biomass of forests and of individual trees. Equations for predicting tree biomass have been developed using secondary data involving destructive... more
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      BiomassCarbon SequestrationTropical treesForests
Field trials testing a total of 27 clones of the interspecific hybrid Acacia mangium × A. auriculiformis and seedling controls of the parental species were established at Ba Vi and Yen Thanh in the north of Vietnam and Long Thanh in the... more
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      VietnamForestry SciencesField TrialPublic Administration and Policy
Decades of deforestation and unsustainable land use have created large expanses of degraded lands across Central America. Reforestation may offer one means of mitigating these processes of degradation while sustaining resident human... more
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      ForestryForest Ecology And ManagementForest EcologyBiological Sciences
Timber extraction with crawler tractors in humid tropical forests causes degradation of soil physical properties and decreases plant growth. We tested rehabilitation of tracks in a second rotation Acacia mangium plantation in Sabah,... more
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      Forest Ecology And ManagementBiological SciencesEnvironmental SciencesTropical forest
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      Invasive SpeciesAcaciasAcacia Mangium
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      Earth SciencesPhenologyBiometeorologyBiological Sciences
Some Acacia mangium Willd. plantations in Asia grow poorly due to low soil fertility and the absence of compatible mycorrhizal fungi. This legume tree can be colonized by arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) and ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi but... more
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      PopulusArbuscular mycorrhizal fungiAM fungiSoil Fertility
We measured fine-root production at Acacia mangium (AM), Swietenia macrophylla (SM), and Araucaria cunninghamii (AC) sites in response to nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) application using the rootingrowth core method for a period of 5... more
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      PhosphorusForestNitrogenForestry Sciences
The aim of our work was to assess the growth and mineral nutrition of salt stressed Acacia auriculiformis A. Cunn. ex Benth. and Acacia mangium Willd. seedlings inoculated with a combination of selected microsymbionts (bradyrhizobia and... more
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      Plant BiologyEcologySALT TOLERANCEMycorrhizal Fungi
Biomass slurry fuel (BSF) production has recently been developed as a natural energy for the conversion of solid biomass into fuel. In addition to using fuel, filtrates from BSF production may also serve a chemical source with several... more
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Introduction: Invasive plants can impact biodiversity as well as the lives of native human populations. Natural ecosystems represent sources of natural resources essential for the subsistence and socio-cultural continuity of these social... more
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      AmazoniaBiological invasionsEtnobiologiaAcacia Mangium
Plants are frequently moved around the world, creating new regional landscapes and environmental imaginaries. Building on previous work in environmental history and geography, we develop a three-part approach to analyzing plant movements... more
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      ForestryPolitical EcologyEnvironmental HistorySeed Dispersal
RESUMO -(Respostas de Acacia mangium Willd e Sclerolobium paniculatum Vogel a fungos micorrízicos arbusculares nativos provenientes de áreas degradadas pela mineração de bauxita na Amazônia). A resposta de Acacia mangium Willd (mangium) e... more
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      Plant BiologyAcacia Mangium
Understanding the light absorption and light use efficiency of each species at the tree scale is essential to disentangle the effects of intra-and inter-species interactions on productivity in mixed-species forest plantations. A complete... more
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      Carbon CycleNitrogenTree growthNitrogen Fertilizer
A study was conducted to observe the nodulation status and measure nitrogenase activity of some important legume tree species in nursery. Of the thirteen species surveyed eight belong to Mimoceae, two Papilionaceae and three... more
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      Nitrogen FixationCrop ProductionSoil DegradationCrop
Basado en la tesis: Bolívar V, Diana. 1998. Contribución de Acacia mangium al mejoramiento de la calidad forrajera de Brachiaria humidicola y la fertilidad de un suelo ácido en el trópico húmedo. Tesis Magister Scientae. CATIE, Turrialba,... more
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    • Acacia Mangium
Estimation of the magnitude of sinks and sources of carbon requires reliable estimates of the biomass of forests and of individual trees. Equations for predicting tree biomass have been developed using secondary data involving destructive... more
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      BiomassCarbon SequestrationTropical treesForests
This manuscript focuses on the effects of above-ground earthworm casts on water runoff and soil erosion in steep-slope ecosystems in Northern Vietnam. We investigated the effects of Amynthas khami, an anecic species producing above-ground... more
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      GeologyVietnamLand Use ChangeSeasonality
An in vitro propagation of a tropical leguminous tree, Acacia mangium, has been established. Induction of bud sprout was obtained from mature nodal explants of 10-years-old tree of Acacia mangium on Murashige and Skoog (MS) [10] basal... more
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      GeneticsForestryIn VitroForestry Sciences
A growth model consisting of a polymorphic site index equation, a reciprocal equation for the diameter-density effect, and a self-thinning equation was presented to predict the course of stand development of Acacia mangium. This model... more
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      PolymorphismForest Ecology And ManagementForest EcologyBiological Sciences
Acacia mangium grown in aeroponic culture was co-inoculated with selected strains of Bradyrhizobium sp. and Glomus intraradices. A single-step technique using alginate as an embedding and sticking agent for an inoculum composed of... more
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      Biological SciencesEnvironmental SciencesNitrogen FixationPlant Development
Aeroponics, a soilless plant culture method, was used to produce Acacia mangium saplings associated with arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM) fungi. A. mangium seedlings were ®rst grown in multipots and inoculated with Endorize, a commercial AM... more
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      Forest Ecology And ManagementForest EcologyBiological SciencesPhosphorus
In agroforestry systems, the distribution of light transmitted under tree canopies can be a limiting factor for the development of intercrops. The light available for intercrops depends on the quantity of light intercepted by tree... more
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      AgroforestryOptimizationSimulationVirtual Reality
Aeroponics, a soilless plant culture method, was used to produce Acacia mangium saplings associated with arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM) fungi. A. mangium seedlings were ®rst grown in multipots and inoculated with Endorize, a commercial AM... more
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      Forest Ecology And ManagementForest EcologyBiological SciencesPhosphorus
To investigate soil amelioration effects by older tropical fast-wood plantations, we examined the fine litterfall and accompanying nutrient flux of a 20-year-old Acacia mangium site over 3 years under a wet tropical climate in Sabah,... more
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      Analytical ChemistryNutrient CyclingPhosphorusNitrogen
— Thirteen years old provenance trials of Acacia mangium from five provenances were established at five sites in the state of Sarawak, Malaysia, were sampled for this study. Fifty trees were sampled at random and cut to study radial... more
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