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Turkish language has a military jargon as in every language. This jargon has been shaped for a very long time and virtually being transformed from generation to generation, once reached a certain age it reveals itself as a different... more
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    • ARGO
Argo, toplumdaki sosyal grupların kendi aralarındaki iletişimini ve grup dinamiğini güçlendirmek amacıyla dilin kendi imkânlarını kullanıp kelimelere yan ve mecaz anlamlar yükleyerek ya da yabancı kökenli kelimelerden istifade etmek... more
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Argo, sosyal gruplara bağlı kişiler arasında gizlilik esasına dayalı olarak ortaya çıkan, daha çok eğitim seviyesi düşük insanlar tarafından tercih edilen, konuşma diline özgü, alt kültürü yansıtan söz varlığıdır. Toplum içerisinde argo... more
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      Turkish DialectsARGOAfyonkarahisarToplumsal Cinsiyet
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      BiogeochemistryPhysical OceanographyARGO
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    • ARGO
Şiir, roman, öykü, deneme gibi farklı türlerde eserler kaleme alan Hulki Aktunç'un edebî karakterini oluşturan unsurların başında dil hassasiyeti gelir. Kadıköy sokaklarının çok kültürü ortamında temellerini attığı argo birikimini Büyük... more
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      ARGOöyküHulki Aktunç
Bu çalışmanın giriş bölümünde argonun ne olduğu, edebî eserde argo kelime ve tabirin neden hoş görülmediği sorularının cevabı aranmıştır. Birinci bölümde argonun Türk edebiyatındaki serüveni genel hatları ile tanıtılmış ve... more
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      ARGONurullah AtaçPeyami Safa
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Cet article aborde le mythe de la nef Argo dans ses différents aspects á partir d'une analyse exhaustive des traitements poétiques et des sources mythographiques grecques et latines. On étudie, en effet, la construction et le nom d'Argó;... more
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      Apollonius RhodiusGreek mythologyARGOMito
XVth International Conference on Turkish Linguistics, Szeged, MACARISTAN, 20-22 Ağustos 2010, pp.1-15
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      ARGOTürk Romanı
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Argo float profiles of temperature, salinity, and pressure are used to derive the mixed-layer depth (MLD) in the Southern Ocean. MLD is determined from individual profiles using both potential density and potential temperature criteria,... more
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      GeologyHeat ExchangerStratificationMultidisciplinary
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Dissolved oxygen concentration in the oceanic waters plays a vital role in the global carbon cycle. The addition of oxygen sensors in the ongoing Argo programme could revolutionize our understanding of the ocean's role in climate change.... more
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      OceanographyARGOSeaDissolved Oxygen
Dissolved oxygen concentration in the oceanic waters plays a vital role in the global carbon cycle. The addition of oxygen sensors in the ongoing Argo programme could revolutionize our understanding of the ocean's role in climate change.... more
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      OceanographyARGOSeaDissolved Oxygen
The means, variances, and three dimensional spatial covariances of the ocean temperature and salinity anomalies in the upper 1400 m layer have been estimated using data of the Argo profiling floats from 2005 to 2007. The results of data... more
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      OceanographySpatial StatisticsARGOSpatial Variability
Based on independent observations, we estimate the sea level budget and linear trends for individual ocean basins and the world ocean during 2004-2007. Even though it is confirmed that the seasonal variation of global sea level is... more
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      OceanographySea LevelIndian OceanSeasonality
A 26-year record of depth integrated primary productivity (PP) in the Southern California Current System (SCCS) is analyzed with the goal of improving satellite net primary productivity (PP) estimates. Modest improvements in PP model... more
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      GeochemistryOceanographyRemote SensingEcology
Dissolved oxygen concentration in the oceanic waters plays a vital role in the global carbon cycle. The addition of oxygen sensors in the ongoing Argo programme could revolutionize our understanding of the ocean's role in climate change.... more
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      OceanographyARGOSeaDissolved Oxygen
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      Data AssimilationMultidisciplinaryPerformance ModelARGO
Argo is an international project that is deploying profiling drifters in all of the oceans of the world, with the exception of the Arctic Ocean. Though still in its implementation phase the Argo array is now supplying an impressive amount... more
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A set of Argo profiles collected in the North Atlantic between May 2002 and April 2003 is combined with a low-resolution general circulation model (GCM) using the adjoint method. Fitting the real hydrographic observations leads to vast... more
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      OceanographyData AssimilationHeat TransportNorth Atlantic