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El pasado día 11 falleció Ramiro Ordóñez Jonama, abogado y genealogista, quien saltó al ensayo histórico en 2012 con la publicación de Un sueño de primavera, una recopilación de artículos sobre el periodo revolucionario de 1944-1954.
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    • 20th Century Guatemalan History
This is a retrospective case study based on the short story "The Eclipse" by Augusto Monterroso. The story is a complete narrative of events occurred in the past (16th Century) with a surprisingly closed ending.
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      Latin American literatureMaya HistoryGuatemalan PoliticsAstrophysics
Diseño gráfico ARCO Producciones, S. A. Impresión Imprime, S. A. historia revista de No. 32, segundo semestre 2014 Rotonda Rubén Darío, 150 mts. al oeste Managua, Nicaragua
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesCentral American StudiesCentral American History and CultureNicaraguan History
This essay recounts the occupation of the Spanish Embassy in Guatemala in 1980 by an indigenous delegation and its urban allies and the subsequent assault by security forces which ended with a fire that killed 37 people trapped inside.... more
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    • 20th Century Guatemalan History
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      Human RightsGenocide StudiesGuatemalan Genocide20th Century Guatemalan History
Enrique Gomez Carrillo (1873 – 1927), Guatemalan writer, poet and journalist, visited Russia at the height of First Russian Revolution (1905 – 1907). In his travel notes, he wrote down a few Russian words for which he didn’t find a... more
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      Translation StudiesTranslationGuatemalaRussian Revolution 1905
De gepaste houding ten opzichte van het beladen verleden vormt één van de grote politieke vraagstukken van onze tijd. In deze paper wordt het belang van culturele context bij transitional justice onderzocht en dit specifiek voor het... more
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      HistoryHistory and MemoryCultureTransitional Justice
This article connects two of Dewey's generic traits of existence—stability and pre-cariousness—to four elements specified in his preface to Democracy and Education (democracy, evolution, industrialization and the experimental method) and... more
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      Indigenous StudiesLatin American and Caribbean HistoryMarxismHuman Rights
This essay addresses the disruption in the historical memorialization of Juan José Arévalo caused by the 2010 revelations about the secret U.S. Public Health Service-led “syphilis” experiments in Guatemala, 1946-1948, by retracing the... more
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      International Public HealthIndígenismoHistory of Human ExperimentationRace and Racialisation
De gepaste houding ten opzichte van een beladen verleden is één van de grote politieke vraagstukken van onze tijd. In dit werk werd getracht een reconstructie en ontleding van het actuele debat rond geschiedenis en herinnering in... more
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      History and MemoryOral historyTransitional JusticePhilosophy of Time