19th Century Italian Opera
Recent papers in 19th Century Italian Opera
Nineteenth-century prima donnas were continually on the move, and making a living as a famous diva meant travelling as far and as wide as possible under conditions that were not always terribly pleasant. Pauline Viardot’s life was no... more
In 1850, after five years of planning, Liszt began composing music for his Italian opera, _Sardanapalo_, after Byron. It was central to his ambition to attain status as a European composer, but he abandoned the project halfway through. La... more
N el suo trattato L'étude du chant, pubblicato a San Pietroburgo nel 1881,
Con moltissima passione. Ritratto di Giuseppe Verdi, Roma, Carocci («Sfere» 82), 2013, 302 p.
The problems of the Odessa opera enterprise activity being managed by the Riznich family and their partners in 1831-1838 are investigated. On the basis of the involved regional archival sources, the local and the Italian press the basic... more
Rossini’s operas often feature a situation in which a father opposes his daughter’s love for a man, since he has destined her for marriage to another man on account of financial and/or political convenience. The essay investigates this... more
Analysis and archival survey of Samuele Levi's composition. Member of an influential Jewish family, Samuele was a prolific composer and author of opera that were premiered mostly in Venice, at the Fenice Opera House.
Antônio Carlos Gomes (1836-1896), one of the most famous opera composers of Italian Opera from the Americas during his lifetime, is still largely unknown outside his home country of Brazil. Gomes lived and trained in Milan for several... more
The earliest known aria in Greek was heard in Corfu in January 1827, was composed by Nikolaos Halikiopoulos Mantzaros and -predictably enough- was entitled Aria Greca. It was performed by an Italian singer during her beneficial night and... more
En 1920, faltando un año para las celebraciones del Centenario de Independencia, acontece una situación particular en la historia de la cultura de la capital del Perú. Por primera vez se presentan dos compañías de ópera consecutivamente,... more
Arnold Jacobshagen: Zur Kategorie des verismo in den Opern Puccinis und seiner Zeitgenossen, in: Puccini-Handbuch, hrsg. von Richard Erkens, Stuttgart/Weimar (Metzler-Verlag) 2017 (Druck in Vorbereitung). Mit der Kategorie des verismo... more
The popularity and controversy of Rossini’s Otello in France has previously been linked to two important contexts: it relied on French sources (especially Jean-Francois Ducis’s play of the same name) and arrived at a moment of burgeoning... more
The article concerns the issue of operas by Puccini in the context of nineteenth-century (romantic and later) concepts and theoretical approaches to the pathos considered as an aesthetic concept. In the first part of the article... more
European Drama and Performance Studies, dossier spécial "Le suicide en scène", dir. Noémie Courtès, n° 7, 2016, p. 157-170.
Nuova Rivista di Letteratura Italiana XII, 1-2 2009 Edizioni ETS 1. Così in WILLIAM ASHBROOK, Donizetti: la vita, Torino, EDT 1986, p. 66 e ID., Donizetti: le opere, Torino, EDT 1987, p. 306. I due volumi sono la traduzione di Donizetti... more
'Cimbasso'. Term used in Italy since the early 19th century for various bass and double bass lip-reed aerophones. (1) A type of upright wooden serpent with a large flared bell of brass and between one and four keys. The instrument is... more
Paperback corrected reprint of the critical edition published in 1996 as part of "Works of / Le opere di Giuseppe Verdi," Series I, Operas / Opere teatrali, Vol. 19. The critical commentary for this volume, in English and Italian, is... more
Drawing upon Freudian psychoanalysis, in this article I argue that decapitation in Puccini’s Turandot—that is, the beheading of Turandot’s suitors—functions as an enactment of the male castration complex. As such, it is the site upon... more
Atti del Convegno in occasione del II centenario della nascita, a cura di P. Mioli, Bologna, Pàtron
This article gives an overview of the various opera and libretto competitions held by the Milanese publisher Edoardo Sonzogno and their impact on contemporary Italian opera production. The present version is a greatly-expanded revision of... more
One of the best loved of Verdi’s operas, Il trovatore has accumulated a considerable critical literature, and yet commentators have rarely enquired into its ‘meaning’, apparently out of the conviction that, precisely because it is a... more
Self-referential operas began to proliferate in Italy during the 18th and 19th centuries alongside the literate discussion about the dialectical relationship between music and poetry in opera. The self-referential operas under... more
HrsTORICAL, AESTHETIC AND SocroLOGICAL AsPECTS RENATO Rrcco Virtuosismo violinistico e direzione orchestrale: rapporti storici e scissione dei ruoli GrLLES DEMONET Naissance, épanouissement et subordination du directeur musical CLAUDIA... more
Arnold Jacobshagen: Opera semiseria. Gattungskonvergenz und Kulturtransfer im Musiktheater (Archiv für Musikwissenschaft, Beiheft 57), Stuttgart (Franz Steiner Verlag) 2005, 319 pp.
Arnold Jacobshagen / Elisabeth Schmierer (Hrsg.): Sachlexikon des Musiktheaters. Laaber-Verlag 2016 667 Seiten mit 163 Abbildungen. Geb. € 78,– (Subskriptionspreis bis 31.10.2016, danach ca. € 88,–) ISBN 978–3–89007–781–9 Das... more
Examines the careers and personae of three female singers who became famous in one or more male roles during the 1820s and 1830s as case studies in how expectation for women in male roles changed during the transition from opera seria to... more
Ritratto d’artista. Giuseppe Verdi nello sguardo di Renato Castellani, in Il cinema di Renato Castellani, a cura di Giulia Carluccio, Luca Malavasi e Federica Villa, Roma, Carocci («Biblioteca di testi e studi» 1023), 2015, pp. 154-169.
Berlioz, Wagner und die Deutschen, hrsg. von Sieghart Döhring, Arnold Jacobshagen und Gunther Braam, Köln (Dohr) 2003, 342 S.
The article critically reviews the musicological discussion, arisen since the mid-1990s, on the relationship between Italian opera, Verdi and the Risorgimento, in order to highlight the main ideological assumptions of the different... more
The purpose of the article is to investigate the history of one of the most successful Italian theatrical enterprises in Odessa city theatre of the first half of the nineteenth century has been investigated in the context of the... more
Si sa che fare del Macbeth un'opera fu da parte di Verdi, nel 1847, un'operazione di grande audacia culturale, che contribuì in maniera decisiva ad allineare l'Italia al movimento europeo di riscoperta di Shakespeare. Negli anni Quaranta... more
The Italian opera of the city of Odessa as the unique art phenomenon is grateful its more than the centenary history not only to the provincial authorities supporting in every possible way, and also to the experience and the mobility of... more
Il saggio prende spunto dallo scambio epistolare tra Giuseppe Verdi e Arrigo Boito sulla scala musicale alterata che la «Gazzetta Musicale di Milano» aveva pubblicato il 5 agosto 1888, invitando «musicisti e dilettanti di curiosità... more
Life and works of Vincenzo Bellini. This monograph examines all the operas from a literary, musical, and theatrical point of view without neglecting the sacred, chamber, and instrumental output. The composer's life is read in its... more
The history of one of the most successful seasons of the Italian opera enterprise during 1850-1854 in the Odessa city theatre from the stage of the troupe formation in Italy to the final beneficiary performances of the leading artistes... more
Part One; Verismo in ltalian Opera: A Historical Perspective, provides an overview of Italian operatic activity between the years 1890 and 1930 inclusive and is subdivided into four chapters which follow a roughly chronological sequence.... more
The article examines the Italian Opera House activity of Pushkin time
in Odessa. The peculiarities of organizing and functioning of foreign operatic
repertory are characterized; the staff of Italian troupe is cincretized.
in Odessa. The peculiarities of organizing and functioning of foreign operatic
repertory are characterized; the staff of Italian troupe is cincretized.
The activity of Italian opera troupes has been investigated in the context of organizational, legal and social status of private theatrical enterprise in the city of Odessa, developing step by step in the direction of artists’ and... more
The Odessa Italian opera theatre activity upon the Riznich family and its partners enterprise is investigated: the repertoire formation, specificity of the troupe musical-drama activity and the main performers’ vocal and artistic features... more