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This essay reappraises the origins of French Quakerism based on new archival research conducted on both sides of the Channel. It identifies 34 Quaker missionaries in 17th- and early 18C France, sheds new light on the French reception of... more
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      TransnationalismFrench RevolutionTransatlantic relationsEighteenth Century History
L'extraordinaire et rarissime thaler d'argent de quatre francs verdunois et ses divisions (1re partie)
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      Early Modern HistoryNumismatic17th century France
This is a re-reading of Corneille's relationship with music, drawing from the machine play "Andromède" (and scholarship on "Andromède") and comparing its particularities with Corneille's theoretical work from ten years later. The idea is... more
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      French LiteratureMusicMusic HistoryMusic Theater
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      Ottoman HistoryApocalypticismHistory Of LondonMissionary History
A closely-researched and detailed study of the operations and tactics of early modern armies, it uses the French and Savoyard invasion of Spanish Lombardy in 1636 to explore warfare through a neo-Darwinian lens. This emphasizes the... more
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      Military HistoryEvolutionary PsychologyMilitary ScienceStrategy (Military Science)
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      Print Culture17th century FranceTheory of ornamentHistory of Ornament
Nombreux sont les chercheurs qui n'ont pas reconnu leur Renaissance dans les pages qu'y consacre Michel Foucault dans Les Mots et les choses. Brian Copenhaver estime que le tableau que Foucault en propose soit « more beautiful than true »... more
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      Renaissance StudiesFrench RenaissanceMichel FoucaultFrench Renaissance Literature
Malgré les différences apparentes entre l'homme qui a inventé le mot "obscène" et l'homme qui a écrit les fables qu'apprennent les enfants par coeur, Molière et la Fontaine ont tous les deux joué un rôle crucial dans l'introduction des... more
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      French LiteratureFrench History17th Century French Literature (Literature)Molière
"Le second peuple de Nantes au XVIIIe siècle : environnements du quotidien et interactions sociales. Pour les intellectuels et lexicographes officiant sous l’Ancien Régime, le peuple de France n’est alors pas un mais multiple. Au cœur... more
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      French HistoryViolenceEarly Modern HistoryMobility/Mobilities
Nous avons pris le parti de moderniser toutes les citations et de simplifier les références aux clefs examinées dans cette étude par l'utilisation d'une numérotation (clef n°1, clef n°2, etc.) qui renvoie au classement présenté dans... more
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      Discourse AnalysisFrench Literature18th Century France17th century France
Essai sur la réception des œuvres paysannes des frères Le Nain, dont "Famille de paysans dans un intérieur" est un exemple majeur.
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      17th century FranceXVII century17th century France, Court of Louis XIV, 17th century French theaterLe Nain brothers
This book poses the question: before the Enlightenment, and before the imperialism of the later 18th century, how did European readers find out about the varied cultures of Asia? The book presents a history of Oriental studies in... more
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      HistoryIntellectual History17th Century & Early Modern PhilosophyEarly Modern History
Published in Elisabetta Borromeo, Frederic Hitzel, and Benjamin Lellouch (eds), Déchiffrer le passé d'un empire: Hommage à Nicolas Vatin et aux humanités ottomanes, Leuven:  Peeters 2022, 581-600.
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      Ottoman HistoryOttoman Empire17th century France17th Century Mediterranean
La présente étude traite de l’adaptation cinématographique d’Angélique marquise des Anges d’Anne et Serge Golon, qui a connu un grand succès en librairie. Classé comme roman populaire, le roman des Golon, qui a souvent été ignoré par la... more
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryFrench LiteratureFrench History
Théodora Psychoyou, « De la mesure, du rythme, et du statut du temps au XVIIe siècle : une nouvelle rythmopoétique », La Fabrique des paroles de musique à l’âge classique, textes réunis par Anne-Madeleine Goulet et Laura Naudeix, Wavre,... more
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      History of Science and TechnologyEarly Music17th Century & Early Modern PhilosophyHistory of Science
The pursuit of broader contexts and new conclusions must be compatible with the Lasallian tradition. Fortunately, there already exists a third model for this research, the quite extraordinary four-volume study of The Conduct of the... more
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      John Calvin17th century FranceFrançois GuizotCamisards
BARBARA HRYSZKO Alexandre Ubeleski (Ubelesqui): The Œuvre of the Painter and the Definition of his Style (pp. 226-280) Summary The purpose of this article is to identify the undisputed works of Alexandre Ubeleski (1649/1651–21 April... more
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      French art17th Century French Baroque Artist Nicolas Poussin17th century France18th Century French Painting
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      17th Century & Early Modern PhilosophyHistory of Science17th-Century StudiesMusic Aesthetics
Rubel Alexandre, « Une question d'honneur » La fronde entre éthique de la noblesse et littérature, Dix-septième siècle, 2012/1 n° 254, p. 83-108. Distribution électronique pour P.U.F.. © P.U.F.. Tous droits réservés pour tous... more
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      French LiteratureFrench History17th Century French Literature (Literature)17th century France
Saint Louis (Louis IX) was one of the most frequently invoked historical figures in Bourbon France. Positioned at the nexus of the relationship between church and state, his cult and memory had an important place in the political,... more
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      Early Modern HistoryFrench RevolutionCatholic ReformHistorical memory
Euro 14,00 " Molti hanno lodato lo spirito d'animo del duca di Parma, un esempio singolare e mostra spiritosa, della franchezza di un animo degno di Principe libero, e di imparare ai Spagnoli come si dovevano tenere conto dei principi... more
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      Military HistoryHistorical GeographyHistorical DemographyEarly Modern History
Artiste fécond et productif, Jean Lemoyne eut sa place dans le renouvellement de l’arabesque à la fin du XVIIe siècle. Novateur au début de sa carrière, inventif dans les formes et les compositions, ce que notait Hyppolyte Destailleur en... more
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      PrintsArt HistoryArtPainting
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      Early Modern FranceFrance17th century FranceCross-dressing
Discusses choral lament scenes in French Baroque opera in the context of historical state funeral culture. Asks what staged choral mourning can tell us about the political imagination of publicity and participation under Louis XIV and... more
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      Cultural HistoryMusic HistoryMusicologyOpera
Aujourd’hui disparue, la demeure de campagne que Charles Le Brun se fit bâtir à Montmorency reste mal connue. Richement ornée et agrémentée d’un jardin avec ses fontaines, ses grottes et ses parterres, cette maison de peintre était d’une... more
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      17th-Century StudiesGarden History17th century FranceArtists Houses
This essay challenges traditional views on cross-cultural diplomacy by making the case for a social history of "Muslim" missions to early modern France. Calling for both a deeper understanding of the historical phenomenon and a broad... more
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      LanguagesDiplomatic HistoryTranslation StudiesOttoman History
This is a historiographical examination of the first History of Music published in France in 1715, written during a long span of time by three different authors. "Histoire de la Musique et de ses effets depuis son origine jusqu'a... more
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      Historiography17th Century Music18th Century France17th century Europe
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      Habsburg StudiesEarly Modern France17th century FranceRepresentation Theory
Longtemps négligé, le rôle des Gondi apparaît comme primordial pour l’histoire de Saint-Cloud. Ce sont eux qui donnèrent le tracé général du domaine que l’on retrouve encore aujourd’hui et fixèrent l’implantation des bâtiments. La... more
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      ArchitectureFrench StudiesLandscape Architecture17th-Century Studies
Mademoiselle de Montpensier, figlia di Gastone d’Orléans e cugina di Luigi XIV, fu testimone privilegiata del fastoso mondo della Corte e si trovò, ancora fanciulla, a guerreggiare come un generale. Più francese del re, più Borbone di... more
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      TestimonyFeminist TheoryWomen's HistoryFeminist Philosophy
Résumés analytiques Profitant de la forte déclivité du terrain de la partie basse vers la Seine, qui n’avait fait l’objet précédemment que d’aménagements sommaires, c’est là, dans le « jardin bas » que les efforts de Jean-François de... more
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      French HistoryArchitectureFrench StudiesLandscape Archaeology
En quoi les Caractères se distinguent-t-il d’un traité de civilité ? En adoptant le modèle théophrastien, La Bruyère porte son attention moins sur les normes de la civilité que sur les conditions dans lesquelles il est possible de porter... more
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      French LiteratureSeventeenth Century17th century FranceCivility and the Civilising Process
The Huguenots were a religious minority in France who fought during the second half of the sixteenth century for their Protestant (Calvinist) beliefs, and to whom concessions were granted by the crown with the Edict of Nantes in 1598. The... more
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      French HistoryEarly Modern HistoryReformation HistoryReformation Studies
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      Modern HistoryGender StudiesMedieval HistoryEarly Modern History
This article revisits the letters written by readers of the Mercure galant responding to the “gallant question" posed by the periodical's editor in an April 1678 issue, regarding a central plot twist of Madame de Lafayette's novel La... more
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      French LiteratureBook HistoryHistory of the Book17th-Century Studies
The book consists in the diplomatic report of the Safevid imperial scribe of the Iranian delegation sent by the Shah Sulayman to Siam (Thailand) at the end of the 17th century. Published in Greek, in 1993 (STOHASTIS Publishing House,... more
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesColonialismIndian Ocean History
Résumé Le présent article a pour but de révéler comment la promenade a fait l’objet de discours normatifs visant à codifier son usage. L’exemple de François de Grenaille, auteur de l’ouvrage Les plaisirs des Dames, publié en 1641, permet... more
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      Cultural History17th Century & Early Modern PhilosophyUrban History17th-Century Studies
When Louis Belmont discussed the bound collection of manuscript letters and verse known as the "Chroniques du samedi," he described it as a “luxurious specimen,” whose lavish (in his view) material forms – “good paper,” gilded edges, and... more
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      French LiteratureFrench HistoryBook HistoryHistory of the Book
Abstract : This article aims to describe the various aspects of processing and dissemination of consuls’ sanitary information in the late seventeenth century Mediterranean. Through the correspondence of the French consul in Livorno,... more
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      International TradeHistory of Public HealthMediterranean StudiesHistory of Plague
Pierre Bayle's Dictionnaire Historique et Critique, a landmark in intellectual history, is a curious text. Originally intended as a collection of all errors, it became an encyclopedia of everything, enfolding rampantly growing footnotes... more
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      Creative WritingCritical TheoryHistoryHistory of Science and Technology
This cultural history of civil warfare in early seventeenth-century France examines how warrior nobles' practices of violence shaped provincial society and the royal state. Warrior Pursuits analyzes in detail how provincial nobles... more
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      Military HistoryFrench HistoryEarly Modern HistoryRenaissance Studies
Local custom regulating successoral practice is inadequate when confronted with the testaments themselves. With a sample of 313 wills from the confessionally mixed community of Layrac-en-Brulhois, France, (1606-1707) the authors... more
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      French HistoryEarly Modern HistoryFamily studiesReformation Studies
Au sortir du Grand Schisme, le diocèse de Clermont s’engouffre pour deux siècles et demi dans une puissante spirale réformatrice. À rebours du cliché d’une Église tirant d’elle seule la capacité de se régénérer, ce livre offre une... more
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      ReligionHistoryEarly Modern HistoryHistory of Religion
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      French HistorySocial NetworksHistorical DemographyUrban History
The main sources for my article are the files concerning dispensations for mixed marriages held in the Archive of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (the Holy Office). My article analyses the tension between two Roman Catholic... more
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      ReligionChristianityComparative ReligionHistory
Proprietà letteraria riservata. La riproduzione in qualsiasi forma, memorizzazione o trascrizione con qualunque mezzo (elettronico, meccanico, in fotocopia, in disco o in altro modo, compresi cinema, radio, televisione, internet) sono... more
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      Diplomatic HistoryRoman HistorySeventeenth CenturyDiplomatic Studies
Un acte inédit sur le château de Limours apporte des précisions sur l’intervention de François Mansart en ce lieu durant la première moitié de la décennie 1650.
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      Art HistoryArchitectureFrench StudiesLandscape Architecture
© Centre national de la recherche scientifique. LIEN VERS ARTICLE COMPLET : Le traitement sériel des procès de faux témoignage jugés au parlement de Paris aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles,... more
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      Early Modern HistoryOrality-Literacy StudiesStatistical Analysis17th-Century Studies
Contribution to the catalogue directed by Aurélie Chatenet-Calyste and Emmanuelle Le Bail, and related to the museum exhibition: La princesse Palatine (1652-1722), la plume et le Soleil, Musée des Avelines, Saint Cloud, 15 October 2020 to... more
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      French HistoryPostal History17th-Century Studies17th century France