16th Century
Recent papers in 16th Century
This is an attempt to synthesize the surviving documentation for this embassy with a brief sketch of the career of Chemault and the nature of the sources, pending access to the damaged material in the Archives Departementales at Bourges.
"published as:
Anja-Silvia Goeing: Martin Crusius' Verwendung von Notizen seines Lehrers Johannes Sturm, in: Matthieu Arnold (ed.), Johannes Sturm (1507-1589), Rhetor, Pädagoge und Diplomat (Mainz: Mohr Siebeck, 2009), pp. 239-260. "
Anja-Silvia Goeing: Martin Crusius' Verwendung von Notizen seines Lehrers Johannes Sturm, in: Matthieu Arnold (ed.), Johannes Sturm (1507-1589), Rhetor, Pädagoge und Diplomat (Mainz: Mohr Siebeck, 2009), pp. 239-260. "
Latin American Music Review Copyright © 2005 University of Texas Press. All rights reserved. Latin American Music Review 26.2 (2005) 273-317, ...
Discusses works by Dürer, Burgkmair, Altdorfer, and Breu depicting ethnographic objects from Mexico and Brazil as illustrating the "people of Calicut."
Español Français English En 1570 se imprimió en la Nueva España el primer libro de medicina escrito en América. Esta obra titulada la Opera Medicinalia fue escrita por el médico osunés Luis Bravo, e impresa en el taller de Pedro Ocharte.... more
This article studies the spatial organisation and room specialisation of fifteenth-and sixteenth-century castles and houses in what is now the Netherlands, Belgium, and the border region of northwestern Germany. What was the function of... more
Practica is a loanword and usually stands for an illustrated book of a smaller format (octavo) in which calendar information and weather forecasts for every day in a year are recorded. In Slovene language, the word pratika is known from... more
This paper is a short survey of the archaeological research carried out in 2015 at Turnul Spart on the valley of the river Olt. Among the features discovered during this research one must mention the fallen half of the standing ruined... more
Studie se zabývá působením španělského vyslance Juana de Borja na dvoře císaře Rudolfa II. v počátečním období jeho vlády (1578-1579) a zaměřuje se zvláště na duchovní vlivy doby, ve které se začínala prosazovat katolická reforma.
A 16th century culinary book from the Berlin collection. An original cuisine? A new cuisine? The manuscript gall. fol. 220 belongs to the Berlin Collection of Jagiellonian Library in Cracow. It is a French-speaking set of recipes from... more
La subcontratación, o incluso el traspaso de contratos por parte de los pintores, ha sido una práctica habitual dentro de la génesis de retablos. La presente investigación, centrada en el caso concreto de León Picardo, pretende reflejar... more
Italian Historical erudition, 16th-17th century
Abordamos aquí unos aspectos, posiblemente los menos conocidos, de la dilatada vida de Fray Diego de Deza (1443-1523), como son los orígenes de su linaje en la gallega Terra de Deza y el afincamiento durante la segunda mitad del siglo... more
PhD thesis, 2016, 777pp., to be published in 2021 in Harrassowitz publisher's series „Forschungen zur Geschichte der Juden“