Immune-Regulatory Molecule CD69 Controls
Peritoneal Fibrosis
Georgios Liappas,* Guadalupe Tirma González-Mateo,* Raquel Sánchez-Díaz,†
Juan José Lazcano,† Sandra Lasarte,† Adela Matesanz-Marín,† Rafal Zur,‡
Evelina Ferrantelli,§ Laura García Ramírez,| Abelardo Aguilera,| Elena Fernández-Ruiz,|
Robert H.J. Beelen,§ Rafael Selgas,¶ Francisco Sánchez-Madrid,†** Pilar Martín,† and
Manuel López-Cabrera*
*Centro de Biología Molecular Severo Ochoa, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas Universidad Autónoma
de Madrid, Madrid, Spain; †Signaling and Inflammation Program, Centro Nacional de Investigaciones
Cardiovasculares, Madrid, Spain; ‡Department of Immunology and Oncology, Centro Nacional de Biotecnología
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Madrid, Spain; §Department of Molecular Cell Biology and
Immunology, Vrije Universiteit University Medical Center Vrije Universiteit Medisch Centrum, Amsterdam, The
Netherlands; |Molecular Biology Unit and **Immunology Department, Hospital Universitario de la Princesa, Instituto
de Investigación Sanitaria La Princesa, Madrid, Spain; and ¶Nephrology Department, Hospital Universitario La Paz,
Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria La Paz, Madrid, Spain
Patients with ESRD undergoing peritoneal dialysis develop progressive peritoneal fibrosis, which may lead
to technique failure. Recent data point to Th17-mediated inflammation as a key contributor in peritoneal
damage. The leukocyte antigen CD69 modulates the setting and progression of autoimmune and
inflammatory diseases by controlling the balance between Th17 and regulatory T cells (Tregs). However,
the relevance of CD69 in tissue fibrosis remains largely unknown. Thus, we explored the role of CD69 in
fibroproliferative responses using a mouse model of peritoneal fibrosis induced by dialysis fluid exposure
under either normal or uremic status. We found that cd692/2 mice compared with wild-type (WT) mice
showed enhanced fibrosis, mesothelial to mesenchymal transition, IL-17 production, and Th17 cell infiltration in response to dialysis fluid treatment. Uremia contributed partially to peritoneal inflammatory and
fibrotic responses. Additionally, antibody–mediated CD69 blockade in WT mice mimicked the fibrotic
response of cd692/2 mice. Finally, IL-17 blockade in cd692/2 mice decreased peritoneal fibrosis to the WT
levels, and mixed bone marrow from cd692/2 and Rag22/2gc2/2 mice transplanted into WT mice reproduced
the severity of the response to dialysis fluid observed in cd692/2 mice, showing that CD69 exerts its
regulatory function within the lymphocyte compartment. Overall, our results indicate that CD69 controls
tissue fibrosis by regulating Th17-mediated inflammation.
J Am Soc Nephrol 27: 3561–3576, 2016. doi: 10.1681/ASN.2015080909
Received August 18, 2015. Accepted March 7, 2016.
The peritoneum is a continuous membrane that
lines the abdominal cavity and the organs located
within this cavity. 1 Peritoneal membrane (PM)
damage inflicted by mechanical trauma or other
insults promotes an inflammatory response, which
may lead to the development of fibrosis.2,3 Extensive peritoneal fibrosis, such as that taking place in
patients with encapsulating peritoneal sclerosis or
postsurgical peritoneal adhesions, is a significant
source for patient morbidity and mortality. 4,5
J Am Soc Nephrol 27: 3561–3576, 2016
G.L., G.T.G.-M., and R.S.-D. contributed equally to this work.
Published online ahead of print. Publication date available at
Correspondence: Dr. Pilar Martín, Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares (CNIC), Melchor Fernández Almagro
3, 28029 Madrid, Spain, or Dr. Manuel López-Cabrera, Centro de
Biología Molecular Severo Ochoa, CSIC-UAM, C/Nicolás Cabrera number 1, Campus Cantoblanco, 28049 Madrid, Spain.
[email protected] or
[email protected]
Copyright © 2016 by the American Society of Nephrology
ISSN : 1046-6673/2712-3561
Figure 1. CD69 regulates fibrosis and MMT. (A) Representative images of fibrosis assessment by Masson Trichrome staining of PM
sections from WT and cd692/2 mice treated for 40 days with PDF or saline as control. Thickness of PM, indicated with black arrows, was
measured. Results are means6SDs (n$9). Blue in the staining represents collagen depositions. Scale bars, 100 mm. (B) Quantification of
total cells in peritoneal effluents from WT and cd692/2 mice treated as in A and correlation between total cell number and PM
thickening (Spearman regression; n$9). (C) Relative expression of collagen 1 and fibronectin mRNA in PM from WT and cd692/2 mice
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology
J Am Soc Nephrol 27: 3561–3576, 2016
Unfortunately, the precise mechanisms that contribute to the
development of peritoneal fibroproliferative diseases are still
poorly understood, hindering the development of efficient
The study of peritoneal damage induced by the exposure to
dialysis fluids has determined that mesothelial to mesenchymal
transition (MMT) and inflammation establish a feedback loop.
As a result of this feedback, the PM undergoes a remodeling
with the accumulation of extracellular matrix.3,8 Peritoneal
dialysis (PD) is an RRT on the basis of the use of the PM as a
semipermeable barrier across which ultrafiltration and diffusion take place.3,9 Membrane failure is associated with structural alterations of the peritoneum, with fibrosis as the most
constant feature of peritoneal deterioration. Myofibroblasts
are the main responsible cells for peritoneal fibrosis, and
they might have at least a dual origin from resident fibroblasts
and mesothelial cells via MMT.3,10,11 Peritoneal infections and
the nonphysiologic nature of dialysis fluids induce chronic
inflammation, which eventually leads to the development of
fibrosis.3,12,13 It has been suggested by some authors but not by
others14–16 that the uremic status of patients on PD may also
affect the anatomy of the PM.
The immunologic mechanisms underlying PD–induced
peritoneal fibrosis remain largely unknown. It has been recently
shown that Th17– and more specifically, IL-17–mediated inflammatory response might play a central role in peritoneal
damage.17 In addition, it has been shown that pharmacologic
treatments modulating Th17 response and/or enhancing regulatory T cell (Treg) response ameliorated peritoneal fibrosis and
preserved membrane function.18,19
The antigen CD69 is a C–type lectin disulfide–linked homodimer that is rapidly expressed by most leukocytes in vitro
on activation,20,21 whereas in vivo, its expression is restricted
to positively selected thymocytes, specific subsets of memory
and Treg cells,22,23 and leukocytes of chronic inflammatory
infiltrates.24,25 Studies using CD69-deficient models have
shown that the absence of CD69 results in enhanced susceptibility to several inflammatory or autoimmune diseases.26–30
These studies also indicate that CD69 contributes to the
resolution of inflammation by regulating the balance between
Th17 and Tregs.31,32 The cytoplasmic tail of CD69 interacts
with and activates the Jak3-Stat5 pathway, inhibiting
the Stat3–dependent ROR(g)t activation and therefore,
modulating Th17 development and function.30 Recently, a
novel FoxP3+CD69+Treg subset, capable of maintaining immune homeostasis and providing protection from developing
inflammation, has been identified.33 Thus, CD69 might determine the outcome of immune responses by both limiting Th17
responses and regulating the function of Treg subset.
Given that CD69 controls the inflammatory response, we
assessed whether CD69 acts as a regulator of fibrotic processes
during peritoneal damage. In this study, we used an established
animal model of peritoneal fibrosis in CD69-deficient mice.
Our findings show that the expression of CD69 in the lymphoid
compartment limits peritoneal fibrosis through modulation of
the Th17-mediated inflammation.
CD69-Deficient Mice Develop an Exacerbated PD
Fluid–Induced Fibroproliferative Response
To assess the role of CD69 in fibrosis, we have studied the
peritoneal fibroproliferative response of C57BL/6 wild–type
(WT) and cd692/2 mice in a model of peritoneal dialysis fluid
(PDF) exposure at various time intervals (10, 20, and 40 days).
This model elicits a moderate fibrotic response in C57BL/6
mice.34,35 Analysis at day 10 showed no significant difference
between the groups in terms of fibrosis and leukocyte infiltration (data not shown). After 20 days, there was a significant
increase in PM thickness, and infiltrating cells were only in
cd692/2 mice exposed to PDF compared with mice exposed to
saline (Supplemental Figure 1). PM fibrosis and inflammatory
infiltrate further increased in cd692/2 mice treated with PDF
for 40 days, whereas in WT mice, thickness and infiltrate augmented only slightly but reached significant values at this time
point (Figure 1, A and B). There was a strong correlation between peritoneal thickness and the number of infiltrating cells
(Figure 1B). These data were verified by the detection of high
levels of the major extracellular matrix components collagen 1
and fibronectin measured by quantitative PCR (qPCR) in
peritoneal tissues from cd692/2 compared with WT mice exposed to PDF (Figure 1C). In the control groups, we did not
detect a–smooth muscle actin (a-SMA) in the PM, and cytokeratin staining was confined to the preserved mesothelial cell
monolayer (Figure 1D). In contrast, a greater accumulation of
a-SMA fibroblasts was observed in the submesothelial compact region of cd692/2 compared with WT mice treated with
PDF. A significant proportion of the myofibroblasts coexpressed cytokeratin, indicating that they were derived from
local conversion of mesothelial cells (MMT) (Figure 1D).
There was a strong correlation between peritoneal thickness
treated as in A. Data are means6SDs (n=3). (D) Representative images of immunofluorescence analysis of PM sections from WT and cd692/2
mice treated as in A, stained with antibodies to cytokeratin (green) or a-SMA (red), and counterstained with 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (blue). Quantification of double-positive (a-SMA+ Cyt+) cells (yellow; indicated with arrows) was performed; 10 fields per mouse
were usually scored. Data show means6SDs (n=9). Correlation between a-SMA+ Cyt+ cell counts and PM thickness was evaluated
(Spearman regression; n=9). Magnification, 3200. (A–D) Differences were considered statistically significant for P,0.05 using one-way
ANOVA. *P,0.05; **P,0.01; ***P,0.001. (E) Total protein extracts of PM from WT or cd692/2 mice (n$3) treated as in A were immunoblotted with antibodies to a-SMA and b-actin as loading control.
J Am Soc Nephrol 27: 3561–3576, 2016
CD69-Driven Regulation of Peritoneal Fibrosis
Figure 2. CD69 deficiency induces proinflammatory and profibrotic cytokine production in the peritoneum. (A) Concentration of the
main cytokines released by Th17, Th1, and Th2 cells (IL-17, IFN-g, and IL-4, respectively) was measured in the peritoneal effluents from
WT and cd692/2 mice treated for 40 days with PDF or saline as control (n$8). (B) Concentration of proinflammatory cytokines TGF-b,
IL-6, IL-1b, and MCP3 as in A. (C) Relative mRNA expression of TGF-b, IL-6, and IL-1b was assessed by qPCR (n$3) in PM tissue from
WT and cd692/2 mice treated as in A. In A–C, data are means6SDs. P values ,0.05 were considered statistically significant using one-
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology
J Am Soc Nephrol 27: 3561–3576, 2016
and the number of double-positive fibroblasts (Figure 1D).
These data were confirmed by the analysis of a–SMA protein
levels from peritoneal samples (Figure 1E). These results indicate that the inflammation/MMT axis drives the fibrotic
process of the PM after PDF exposure and that this process
is deregulated in cd692/2 mice.
CD69-Deficient Mice Show Enhanced Proinflammatory
Milieu on PDF Exposure
At 40 days after PD treatment, the levels of IL-17 were greatly
enhanced in the effluent of cd692/2 mice, whereas IFN-g and
IL-4 levels did not show any significant differences between
groups (Figure 2A). Analysis of cytokines controlling Th17
differentiation revealed that TGF-b increased significantly in
PDF–treated cd692/2 mice, whereas IL-6 did not show differences among groups, and IL-1b was increased in the effluent
of both saline– and PDF–treated cd692/2 mice. MCP-3 expression was also increased in the effluents of PDF–exposed
cd692/2 mice (Figure 2B). Interestingly, TGF-b, IL-6, and IL-1b
cytokine–encoding transcripts from peritoneal tissue were significantly increased in PDF–treated cd692/2 mice compared
with the WT (Figure 2C). These data indicated that TGF-b,
but not IL-6 and IL-1b, was mostly locally produced.
Analysis of the effluents 20 days after PDF exposure
showed a strong increase of the proinflammatory cytokines
IL-17 and IL-6 in cd692/2 mice compared with WT mice
(Supplemental Figure 2A). There was also increased expression of the chemokines GM-CSF; MIP1a; MIP1b; regulated
upon activation, normal T cell expressed and secreted; and
MCP-3 in PDF–treated cd692/2 mice (Supplemental Figure
2B). Comparison of the expression levels of these molecules at
different time intervals showed that the inflammatory mediators (e.g., IL-17, IL-6, and MCP-3) tended to peak at 20 days,
whereas the profibrotic cytokine TGF-b was upregulated at
40 days (Figure 2D).
Analysis of the infiltrating cells in effluent and peritoneal
tissue at 40 days showed that PDF exposure induced recruitment of CD4+ and CD8+ T lymphocytes in WT mice and
to a greater extent, cd692/2 mice (Figure 3A, Supplemental
Table 1). Quantification of the T helper subsets in the effluents
revealed an increase in Th17 in PDF–treated WTmice that was
exacerbated in cd692/2 mice (Figure 3B). Consistent with our
previous results,30 the Stat3 signaling pathway, involved in
Th17 differentiation,36 was enhanced in cd692/2 mice exposed to PDF, because protein levels were increased compared
with the WT (Figure 3C). Moreover, 40 days after PD treatment, there was a small but significant increase in the number
of CD4+/FoxP3+ (Treg) cells in cd692/2, and this increase was
much lower compared with the total number of Th17 cells
(Figure 3D). This resulted in an increased Th17-to-Treg ratio
in WTand cd692/2 mice exposed to PDF. This ratio was higher
in the cd692/2 mice (Figure 3D). The presence of an inflammatory response in PDF–treated cd692/2 mice was further
substantiated by the strong recruitment of neutrophils and
monocytes into the abdominal cavity and the peritoneal tissue
(Figure 3E, Supplemental Table 1). Similar results were obtained in cd69 2 /2 mice after 20 days of PD treatment
(Supplemental Figure 3).
CD69 Controls Fibrosis under Uremic Conditions
We generated WT and cd692/2 uremic Foxp3-mRFP/IL-17AeGFP mice (Figure 4A), which were treated with saline or PDF
for 40 days. At the end of the study, a significant increase in PM
thickness was observed in both WTand cd692/2 mice exposed
to PDF compared with mice exposed to saline, and again, the
fibrosis was exacerbated in cd692/2 mice (Figure 4B). The
infiltrate increased in WT and cd69 2/2 mice exposed to
PDF, but it reached statistical significance only in the cd692/2
group (Figure 4C). These data were confirmed by the
detection of high levels of collagen 1 and fibronectin mRNAs
as well as TGF-b–, IL-6–, and IL-1b–encoding transcripts in
peritoneal tissues from cd692/2 compared with WT mice exposed to PDF (Figure 4, D and E). The level of IL-17 in the
effluent was significantly increased in cd692/2 mice exposed to
PDF, but in these uremic mice, the concentration of IL-17 was
much lower than that in nonuremic mice at the same time
point of treatment. IFN-g and IL-4 levels did not show any
significant differences between groups (Supplemental Figure
4). PDF induced recruitment of CD4+ and CD8+ T lymphocytes to similar extents in WT and cd692/2 mice (Supplemental Figure 5A). Th17 showed an increase in both PDF–treated
WT and cd692/2 mice, but the number of Th17 was significantly higher in cd692/2 mice (Supplemental Figure 5B).
The number of Tregs also increased in WT and cd692/2
mice treated with PDF, reaching statistical significance only
in the cd692/2 group (Supplemental Figure 5B). Similarly,
the increase of the Th17-to-Treg ratio reached statistical significance only in cd692/2 mice (Supplemental Figure 5B). The
recruitment of monocytes and neutrophils was induced by
PDF exposure to a similar extent in WT and cd692/2 mice
(Supplemental Figure 5C). It was noteworthy that the number
of cells in the infiltrates was generally smaller in nephrectomized
than in nonuremic cd692/2 mice exposed to PDF, whereas the
thickness was similar in both uremic and nonuremic cd692/2
mice. In contrast, uremic WT mice exposed to PDF showed
increased fibrosis and infiltrate cell number compared with
nonuremic WT mice. These data suggested that uremia
accelerated the inflammator y process and that the
way ANOVA. *P,0.05; **P,0.01; ***P,0.001. (D) Time course analysis of the production of IL-17, IL-6, MCP3, and TGF-b in the peritoneal effluents from WT and cd692/2 mice (KO) treated for 10, 20, and 40 days with PDF or saline as control. Colored columns highlight
whether a cytokine is important for either the initiation of inflammation or fibrosis.
J Am Soc Nephrol 27: 3561–3576, 2016
CD69-Driven Regulation of Peritoneal Fibrosis
Figure 3. CD69 deficiency enhances the peritoneal recruitment of Th17 cells. (A) Quantitative analysis of CD8+ and CD4+ cells recruited
to the peritoneal cavity of WT and cd692/2 mice in response to a 40-day treatment with PDF by flow cytometry. Representative density
plot is shown with highlighted percentages of the corresponding lymphocytes. Total numbers of CD8+ and CD4+ cells in the peritoneal
effluents, shown in the graphs, were calculated according to the flow cytometry results and total cell count in the same mouse. Data are
means6SDs (n$6). (B) Density plot of flow cytometry analysis of CD4+IL-17+ (Th17) and CD4+IFN-g + (Th1) cells. Numbers in quadrants
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inflammation curve was in its decline phase in cd692/2 but
not in WT mice exposed to PDF. Taken together, our results
indicated that uremia contributed slightly to the final outcome of peritoneal alteration, confirming the regulatory role
of CD69 in those processes.
Blockade of CD69 Mimics the Exacerbated Response
of cd692/2 Mice to PD Fluid
To further show the relevance of CD69 in limiting peritoneal
fibrosis, PDF–exposed WT mice were intraperitoneally injected with a neutralizing anti–CD69 antibody (mAb-2.2)
or a mouse IgG1 isotype–matched control (mAb-2.8). PDF–
exposed cd692/2 mice treated with mAb-2.2 served as positive
control. WT mice treated with anti-CD69 exhibited increased
peritoneal fibrosis in response to PDF exposure compared
with WT mice treated with the control antibody and similar
to cd692/2 treated with anti-CD69 mAb (Figure 5A). Quantification of the CD4+ lymphocytes showed a clear increase,
although it did not reach statistical significance (P=0.06), in
Th17 but not in Th1 or Th2 in anti–CD69-treated WT and
cd692/2 mice exposed to PDF (Figure 5B). Again, after PDF
exposure, there was a significant increase in the number of
Tregs in cd692/2 mice treated with anti-CD69 antibody (Figure 5C), but this increase was not observed in WTmice (Figure
5C). The enhanced inflammatory response in PDF-exposed
mice treated with anti-CD69 was supported by a stronger recruitment of neutrophils and monocytes (Figure 5D). There
was a strong correlation between thickness and the number
of infiltrating Th17 cells (r=0.64; P=0.03), reinforcing the
concept that Th17-mediated inflammation drives peritoneal
IL-17 Mediates the Exacerbated Response of cd692/2
Mice to PD Fluid
To show that IL-17 mediated the exacerbated inflammatory
and fibrotic responses to PDF in cd692/2 mice, they were intraperitoneally injected with anti–IL-17 neutralizing mAb or a
rat IgG2A isotype–matched control; cd692/2 mice treated
with anti–IL-17 presented less peritoneal fibrosis in response
to PDF compared with cd692/2 mice treated with the control
antibody (Figure 6A).
An analysis of CD4+ lymphocytes subpopulations showed a
significant reduction in Th17 but not in Th1 or Th2 in anti–
IL-17–treated cd692/2 mice exposed to PDF (Figure 6B).
PDF–exposed cd692/2 mice treated with blocking anti–IL-17
antibody did not show a significant decrease of CD4+/FoxP3+
(Treg) cells (Figure 6C). However, the Th17-to-Treg ratio
was reduced in cd692/2 mice treated with anti–IL-17 compared with mice treated with the control antibody (Figure
6D). Treatment with anti–IL-17 abrogated the expression of
IL-17 in PDF–exposed cd692/2 mice (Figure 6E). The decreased inflammatory response in PDF–exposed cd692/2
mice treated with anti–IL-17 was shown by a reduction in
neutrophil and monocyte recruitment (Figure 6F). These
results strongly suggested that CD69 modulated the Th17–
mediated inflammatory response in the peritoneal cavity
and negatively regulated peritoneal fibrosis induced by
PDF exposure.
CD69 within the Lymphocyte Compartment Regulates
WT and cd692/2 mice were reconstituted with mixed bone
marrow (BM) cells from Rag22/2 gc2/2 and CD692/2 or
Rag22/2gc2/2 and WT cells in a proportion of 3:1, respectively. The myeloid cell subset of the chimeric mice belongs to
the Rag22/2gc2/2 double mutants, whereas the lymphocytic
compartment belongs to WT or cd692/2 donors as shown by
CD69 expression on the CD4+ T cell subset (Figure 7A). WT
or cd692/2 mice reconstituted with Rag22/2gc2/2 and WTor
CD69 KO BM cells had similar proportions of lymphocyte
subpopulations (Supplemental Figure 6). Mice reconstituted
with a mixture of BM cells from Rag22/2gc2/2 and cd692/2
had greater PDF–induced peritoneal fibrosis than mice reconstituted with Rag22/2gc2/2 and WT BM cells (Figure 7B),
indicating that the expression of CD69 within the lymphocytes was critical to controlling the fibroproliferative response
after PD treatment.
An analysis of the T helper subpopulations revealed a
significant increase in Th17 but not in Th1 or Th2 cells in mice
reconstituted with Rag22/2gc2/2 and cd692/2 BM cells compared with mice reconstituted with Rag22/2gc2/2 and WT
BM cells on exposure to PDF (Figure 7C). Therefore, these
data unequivocally show that CD69 expression within the
lymphocyte compartment controls the Th17 response and
the development of fibrosis in the peritoneum after PD
The pathophysiologic role of CD69 in fibroproliferative
diseases had not been explored so far. By using complementary
indicate percentages of the corresponding cells. Total numbers of CD4+IL-17+ (Th17), CD4+IFN-g + (Th1), and CD4+IL-4+ (Th2) cells
collected from the peritoneal cavity were quantified. Data are means6SDs (n$6). (C) Immunoblotting analysis of total and phosphorylated
Stat3 in total protein lysates of PM from WT and cd692/2 treated or not with PDF for 40 days (n$3). b-Actin was used as loading control. (D)
Density plot of flow cytometry analysis of CD4+FoxP3+ (Tregs) and their total quantification are shown. Th17-to-Treg ratio is shown. Data
are means6SDs (n$6). (E) Density plot of flow cytometry analysis of CD11b+Ly6Glow (monocytes) and CD11b+Ly6Ghigh (neutrophils) and
their quantification are shown (n$6). P values ,0.05 were considered statistically significant using one-way ANOVA. *P,0.05; **P,0.01;
J Am Soc Nephrol 27: 3561–3576, 2016
CD69-Driven Regulation of Peritoneal Fibrosis
Figure 4. CD69 regulates fibrosis in mice with abnormal renal function. WT and cd692/2 mice undergo 5/6 nephrectomy before
treatment with saline or PDF for a period of 40 days. (A) Serum levels of urea and creatinine were measured before and 10 and 54 days
after 5/6 nephrectomy in groups throughout the treatment with saline or PDF. (B) Fibrosis assessment by Masson Trichrome staining in
CD692/2 and WT mice 54 days postnephrectomy. Arrows indicate thickness of the PM. Right panel shows quantification of peritoneal
fibrosis in uremic mice (n$10). (C) Total cell counts of the peritoneal effluent in each group of mice. Fibrosis and inflammation in
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology
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experimental approaches in WT and cd692/2 mice as well as
BM transplantation and in vivo blocking experiments, our
results strongly indicate that CD69 modulates peritoneal fibrosis, at least in part, through regulation of the Th17/Treg
balance. We also show that uremia contributes modestly to
fibroproliferative response of the peritoneum and that CD69
also modulates the inflammation under the uremic status. Despite the findings in animal models,37,38 the effect of uremia
itself on the peritoneum in humans is controversial.14–16 The
possible contribution of uremia to the alteration of the PM
anatomy and its transport characteristics is still a matter of
The Th17 lineage has gained broad acceptance as a key
mediator of various inflammatory and autoimmune pathologies.39–44 Tregs are suppressors of activated T cell expansion
and considered key regulators of adaptive immunity that mediates self-tolerance.45 Recent evidence indicates that Th17
lineage and Tregs are developmentally related.46 In addition,
it was shown that plasticity between these two lineages as well
as the pathogenic conversion of Tregs into Th17 cells occurred
in autoimmune arthritis.47 Our data show that CD69 deficiency or CD69 blockade results in exacerbated peritoneal
fibrosis in response to PDF. This result correlates with enhanced inflammatory infiltrate and local hyperactivation of
the Th17 cells. In contrast, Th1- or Th2-mediated responses
seem to have little, if any, relevance in PD-induced fibrosis.
The enhanced peritoneal fibrosis in cd692/2 mice is associated
with an increase in the Th17-to-Tregs ratio, which is caused by
augmented Th17 cells rather than a decrease of Tregs. Even
more important than the relative proportion of Tregs is their
functional stage. It has been described that the expression of
CD69 on Tregs is required for the correct function of these
cells in immune homeostasis and the modulation of inflammation.33 Thus, it can be speculated that CD69 controls peritoneal fibrosis by limiting Th17 responses and regulating the
function of Tregs.
Our results show that the peritoneal changes induced by
PDF exposure are not only exacerbated in magnitude but also,
accelerated over time intervals in cd692/2 mice and that inflammation precedes the fibrotic process. One of the most
remarkable characteristics during peritoneal fibrosis is the
progressive accumulation of myofibroblasts. Here, we show
that the accumulation of myofibroblasts is greater in cd692/2
than in WT mice on PDF treatment. A significant proportion of these myofibroblasts derive from mesothelial cells
via MMT. Recently, the concept of MMT as a key process in
peritoneal fibrosis has been challenged by a lineage-tracing
study. 11 However, another lineage tracing–based study
confirmed the mesothelial origin of a subpopulation of peritoneal fibroblasts.48 Thus, the role of MMT in peritoneal fibrosis
is still a matter of debate and will require additional studies.49
Independent of the precise origin of the myofibroblasts, our
results clearly indicate that inflammation drives the fibrotic
process of the PM after PDF exposure and that this process is
deregulated in cd692/2 mice.
We have observed that TGF-b is strongly upregulated in the
peritoneal cavity of cd692/2 mice exposed to PDF. This cytokine plays a central role in the differentiation of Th17 and Treg
lineages, because it causes uncommitted progenitors to pass
through an intermediate stage.50 Exposure to TGF-b alone
skews precursors toward the Treg lineage, whereas the combination of TGF-b and IL-6 causes progenitors to adopt a Th17
signature.46 We have observed that IL-6 was rapidly induced at
20 days in the peritoneal cavity of cd692/2 mice exposed to
PDF, and it remained high at 40 days. These data might explain
the strong local polarization toward Th17 differentiation in
response to PDF exposure.
In conclusion, our findings show that CD69 modulates
Th17–mediated inflammatory responses and negatively regulates peritoneal fibrosis. These data improve our understanding of fibrotic processes and might help in the design of new
therapeutic approaches in preventing fibroproliferativeassociated diseases.
The cd692/2 mice were generated in the 129/Sv background as described51 and backcrossed onto C57BL/6 for at least 12 generations.
cd692/2 and wild type mice used for experiments were 8-12-week
old females, and were either littermates or age-matched offspring of
littermates in the C57BL/6 background. Double reporter mice (BL6
background) expressing Foxp3-mRFP (monomeric red fluorescence protein inserted in the foxp3 locus) and IL-17A-eGFP
(enhanced green fluorescent protein (eGFP) inserted in the
Il17a locus), were kindly provided by Dr. R. Flavell. We generated
cd692/2/Foxp3-mRFP/IL-17A-eGFP mice after backcrossing double
reporter with C57/BL6 cd692/2 mice. Rag22/2gc2/2 double–KO
mice were provided by Dr. M.L. Toribio. Animals were housed and
used in specific pathogen–free conditions at the CNIC animal facility. All animal procedures were approved by the ethics committee of
the Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid and conducted in
accordance with the institutional guidelines that comply with the
Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Protection of Animals Used for Scientific Purposes.52
peritoneal tissue from uremic WT and CD692/2 mice were assessed by qPCR analysis of (D) collagen 1 and fibronectin and (E) proinflammatory cytokines, respectively. Bars are means6SDs (n$6). P values ,0.05 were considered statistically significant using one–way
ANOVA test, and Bonferroni post-tests were used to compare selected pairs of means and all pairs of means, respectively. NX, nephrectomy. *P,0.05; **P,0.01; ***P,0.001.
J Am Soc Nephrol 27: 3561–3576, 2016
CD69-Driven Regulation of Peritoneal Fibrosis
Figure 5. CD69 blockade in WT mice reproduces the CD692/2 phenotype. WT and cd692/2 mice were subject to a 40-day PDF
treatment combined with either anti-CD69 antibody (Ab-2.2 or +2.2) treatment (in the case of both genotypes) or isotype control
antibody (Ab-2.8 or +2.8) treatment as control (in the case of WT alone). The antibody was applied every 5 days (100 mg per mouse). (A)
Representative pictures of Masson Trichrome staining of PM sections from the three groups. The PM thickness, indicated with arrows,
was quantified. Data are means6SDs (n$5). Scale bars, 100 mm. (B and C) Representative density plots of flow cytometry analysis and
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology
J Am Soc Nephrol 27: 3561–3576, 2016
Animal Surgeries and PDF Treatment
Anti–IL-17 Administration and Neutralization
Catheter implantation was performed as described elsewhere.53 We
used four groups of mice throughout the project. The control WTand
cd692/2 groups received 2 ml physiologic saline (n=10 per group)
via a catheter. In addition, the treated WT and cd692/2 groups received 2 ml standard PDF (PDF-4; 25% glucose; pH 5.5; Stay Safe;
Fresenius Medical Care) daily through the catheter (n=10 per group).
The mice were treated for various time intervals (10, 20, and 40 days).
To study the mechanism of the CD69 receptor in tissue fibrosis, we
performed a comparison between the WT and cd692/2 PDF groups.
The experiment was repeated a minimum of two times.
To make mice uremic, 5/6 nephrectomy was performed under
isoflurane anesthesia (4% for induction and 2%–3% for maintenance); 0.05–0.1 mg/kg buprenorphine (Temgesic) was injected intramuscularly 15–30 minutes preoperatively, and eye drops were
given. The animal was shaved in the abdomen, and it was placed
on a heating pad. A ventral midline incision was made through the
skin followed by an incision along the linea alba. Through the laparotomy, the left kidney was released from its capsule by using surgical
forceps and wet cotton swabs. At this point, the kidney could be easily
positioned on top of the peritoneum and was placed on a wound pad.
The anterior one third and posterior one third parts of the kidney
were impaired by using a monopolar electric blade. The remaining
functional one third of the left kidney is placed back into its original
position in the abdominal cavity. Following the same procedure, the
right kidney was also removed from the abdominal cavity and released from the capsule. A total ligation with insoluble suture was
applied that included the kidney vein, artery, and urethra. After the
ligation, the right kidney was totally removed from the body. A volume of 200 ml blood was drawn via facial vein puncture at day 21 and
at days 10 and 54 postnephrectomy (end point). At all of the time
points, serum samples were analyzed for urea and creatinine levels.
Measurements were performed by using the Dimension RxL Max
Integrated Chemistry System.
PD–instilled cd692/2 mice were treated with a neutralizing antibody
against IL-17A or its corresponding control (mouse IgG1-K Isotype).
Anti–IL-17A antibody (100 mg per mouse; eBioscience, San Diego,
CA) was instilled in the peritoneal cavity via a catheter every 5
days for a total period of 40 days. A control group was created by
treating PDF–instilled cd692/2 mice with mouse IgG1-K Isotype
(eBioscience) at the same concentration.
Anti-CD69 Administration and Neutralization
Murine mAb-2.2 antibody (IgG1-K), specific for mouse CD69, was
generated as previously described.54,55 It was purified from concentrated supernatants obtained in an INTEGRA CL 350 Flask (Integra
Biosciences AG) using a protein G column (Pharmacia Biotech). Purified antibody was dialyzed extensively against PBS, tested for endotoxin (levels were ,0.1 ng/ml), and stored at 220°C. PDF–treated
WT mice were treated with a neutralizing antibody mAb-2.2 against
CD69. mAb-2.2 can completely block CD69 receptors in all mouse
compartments. mAb-2.2 (100 mg per mouse) was instilled in the
peritoneal cavity through a catheter every 5 days for a total of
40 days. As control groups, WT PDF–instilled mice were treated
with a mouse mAb-2.8 isotype, and cd692/2 PDF mice were treated
with neutralizing antibody mAb-2.2.
FACS Analyses
Cell suspensions obtained from peritoneal lavage and membranes
were stained with fluorochrome–conjugated mouse–specific antibodies against CD3, CD45, CD4, CD8a, B220, CD11c, CD11b, Ly6C,
CD69, Ly6G, IFN-g, IL-4, and IL-17 (BD Biosciences Pharmingen, San
Diego, CA) and FoxP3 (eBiosciences). Before intracellular staining, cells
were restimulated for 4 hours with 50 ng/ml PMA and 500 ng/ml
ionomycin in the presence of 1 mg/ml Brefeldin A. Samples were
analyzed in a BD FACS Canto II (BD Biosciences, San Jose, CA)
flow cytometer, and additional analyses were performed using
FlowJo software.
BM Chimera Mice
WT and cd692/2 females, which were 10–12 weeks old, were lethally
g-irradiated with two doses of 6.5 Gy and intravenously
administered a mixture of 43106 BM cells from Rag22/2gc2/2 and
cd692/2 or Rag22/2gc2/2 and WT cells in a proportion of 3:1, respectively. The Rag22/2gc2/2 double–mutant mice are completely
alymphoid (they lack T, B, and NK subsets), which gives specificity to
our assay: the myeloid cell subset will belong to the Rag22/2gc2/2
double mutants, whereas the lymphocyte compartment will belong
only to WTor cd692/2 donors. Reconstitution of the immune system
by the donors was analyzed 6 weeks after the BM transplant, and
reconstituted mice were subsequently analyzed 40 days after PD
Real-Time qPCR
cDNA for real-time qPCR was generated from 0.5 mg total RNA using
the High Capacity cDNA Reverse Transcription Kit (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA) in a final reaction volume of 10 ml. The qPCR
reactions were performed in triplicate using 10 ml each cDNA at 1:40
dilution, 10 mM each oligonucleotide, and HOT FIREPol qPCR Mix
(Solis BioDyne) or Power SYBR Green PCR Master Mix in a total
volume of 8 ml in MicroAmp Optical 384-Well Plates (Applied Biosystems). PCR reactions were performed using the ABI PRISM
7900HT (Applied Biosystems). The amount of amplified DNA was
measured through the emission of light by SYBR Green Dye, intercalating in synthesized double–stranded DNA. All samples were
quantification of T cell subsets in the peritoneal effluents (n$5): (B) Th17 (CD4+IL-17+), Th1 (CD4+IFN-g +), and Th2 (CD4+IL-4+) and (C)
Tregs (CD4+Foxp3+). Percentages of the subpopulations are shown above the corresponding quadrant in the graph. (D) Representative
density plots of flow cytometry analysis and quantification of CD11b+Ly6Glow (monocytes) and CD11b+Ly6Ghigh (neutrophils) cells in the
peritoneal effluents (n$5). Percentages of the subpopulations are shown above the corresponding quadrant in the graph. Data are
means6SDs (n$5). P values ,0.05 are considered statistically significant using one-way ANOVA. *P,0.05; **P,0.01; ***P,0.001.
J Am Soc Nephrol 27: 3561–3576, 2016
CD69-Driven Regulation of Peritoneal Fibrosis
Figure 6. Neutralization of IL-17 in PDF–treated cd692/2 mice attenuates peritoneal fibrosis. The cd692/2 mice were subject to a
40-day exposure to PDF and simultaneously treated with either a neutralizing antibody against IL-17 (anti–IL-17) or its corresponding
control antibody. The antibody was applied every 5 days (100 mg per mouse). (A) Representative pictures of Masson Trichrome–stained
sections of PM from both cd692/2 groups. PM is indicated with arrows. PM thickness was measured, and quantification is represented
on the graph. Data are means6SDs (n$5). (B) Flow cytometry analysis of Th17 (CD4+IL-17+), Th1 (CD4+IFN-g +), and Th2 (CD4+IL-4+)
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology
J Am Soc Nephrol 27: 3561–3576, 2016
measured in triplicate. SDS v2.2 software was used to analyze the
results. Specific amplification was controlled by melting curve analysis. The data were analyzed by using the comparative Ct Method
(DDCt). The x-fold change in mRNA expression was quantified relative to control WT samples from the same experiment. b-Actin and
GAPDH mRNAs was used as housekeeping genes. The primers that
were used in this study were as follows: collagen, forward: CCAGAGTGGAACAGCGATTAC and reverse: GCAGGCGAGATGGCTTATTT; fibronectin, forward: GCAAACCTATAGCTGAGAAGTC and
reverse: CAGCACGAGGCTTTTTTGTTG; b-actin, forward:
using an Olympus BX41 Clinical Microscope (Olympus, Tokyo, Japan) and an Olympus DP20 Digital Camera (Olympus) using cell
acquisition software. The peritoneal thickness in each mouse was
calculated by the median of measurement taken every 50 mm from
one extreme to the other of the biopsy. The result was used to calculate the group thickness.
Biopsies of mice were frozen in optimal cutting temperature
compound and cut into 5-mm sections. To identify the mesothelial
cells, we used a mouse anticytokeratin 8/18 (clone 5D3; Novocastra,
Newcastle, United Kingdom), which was stained with anti-IgG1–specific
Zenon Fab Fragments (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Mesenchymal cells were stained with a-SMA
(ab5694–100; Abcam, Inc., Cambridge, MA) and Zenon Fab Fragments.
Nuclei were stained with 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole. The microscopy was performed with a fluorescence microscope (Leica CTR6000
with LAS-AF6000 software; Leica Microsystems) or a confocal microscope (Leica TCS SPE with LAS-AF software, version 2.0.1, build 2043;
Leica Microsystems).
Lysates of PM were prepared in PD buffer (40 mM Tris HCl [20 mM,
pH 8.0], 0.5 M NaCl, 6 mM EDTA, 6 mM de EGTA, and 0.1% NP40)
containing the protease inhibitor cocktail (Complete; Roche, Basel,
Switzerland). Proteins (30 mg) were size separated on 10% SDS polyacrylamide gels and transferred onto Trans-Blot Nitrocellulose
Membranes (Bio-Rad, Hercules, CA). Primary antibodies for immunoblotting were as follows: anti–b-actin (Santa Cruz Biotechnology,
Santa Cruz, CA), anti-Stat3 (Santa Cruz Biotechnology), antiphospho-Stat3 (Cell Signaling Technology, Danvers, MA), and a-SMA
(Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO).
Statistical Analyses
P values were calculated with the t test, and values ,0.05 were considered significant. Means of the experimental groups were compared
by using one-way ANOVA. To account for multiple comparisons, the
Tukey or Bonferroni post-tests were used to compare selected pairs of
means and all pairs of means, respectively. All statistical analyses were
carried out with GraphPad Prism 5.03 (GraphPad Software, La Jolla,
CA). Correlations were assessed using Spearman correlation tests
(GraphPad Prism 5.03).
To determine the quantity of cytokines and chemokines, the peritoneal
cavity was washed with 2 ml saline immediately after the mice were
euthanized. The solution was centrifuged, and the supernatant was
analyzed for cytokine and chemokine production using the FlowCytomix technique (Bender MedSystems GmbH). Data were analyzed using
the FlowCytomix Pro 2.2 software (Bender MedSystems GmbH).
Masson Trichrome Staining
Parietal peritoneal biopsies were collected from the opposite side of
the catheter installation. The biopsies were fixed in Bouin solution,
embedded in paraffin, cut into 5-mm sections, and stained with Masson Trichrome. The PM thickness was determined using a microscope (Leica CTR6000 with a Leica Microsystems LAS-AF6000; Leica
Microsystems, Buffalo Grove, IL). Microphotographs were obtained
The authors thank Juliette Siegfried and her team at
for editing the manuscript and Dr. Richard Flavell for kindly providing the foxp3-mRFP/Il17a-eGFP double reporter mice.
G.L. and E.F. were supported by the European Union Seventh
Framework Program EuTRiPD under grant PITN-GA-2011-287813.
G.T.G.-M. is funded by Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas.
R.S.-D. is funded with a predoctoral fellowship from Comunidad de
Madrid, and S.L. is funded with a fellowship from Redes Temáticas
de Investigación Cooperativa en Salud (RETICS) Enfermedades
Cardiovasculares from Instituto de Salud Carlos III. R.Z. received the
laCaixa Foundation International Fellowship (laCaixa/Centro Nacional
de Biotecnología). A.A. was supported by grant FIS 12/01175 from the
cells in the peritoneal effluents from indicated groups and representative density plots. Percentages of the analyzed cells are shown above
the corresponding quadrants. (C) Percentage of Tregs in the peritoneal effluents was measured by flow cytometry, and (D) Th17-to-Treg
ratio is shown. (E) Quantification of IL-17 concentration in the peritoneal effluents by ELISA. (F) Percentages of CD11b+Ly6Glow (monocytes;
left panel) and CD11b+Ly6Ghigh (neutrophils; right panel) in the peritoneal effluents from the indicated groups quantified by flow cytometry. Data are means6SDs (n$8). P values ,0.05 were considered statistically significant using the t test. n.d., not detectable.
*P,0.05; **P,0.01; ***P,0.001.
J Am Soc Nephrol 27: 3561–3576, 2016
CD69-Driven Regulation of Peritoneal Fibrosis
Figure 7. CD69 expression within the lymphocyte compartment drives peritoneal fibrosis. WT and cd692/2 (KO) mice were transplanted with
a mixture of BM cells from either Rag22/2gc2/2 and CD692/2 (KO) or Rag22/2gc2/2 and CD69+/+ (WT) cells as described in Concise
Methods. (A) Representative histogram plot of flow cytometry analysis of CD4+ CD69+ cells in peripheral blood from four chimeric groups and
the corresponding quantification. Data are means6SDs (n$8). (B) Representative pictures of Masson Trichrome staining of peritoneal tissue
sections from reconstituted mice subjected to a 40-day exposure to PDF. PM is indicated with arrows. PM thickness was measured. Data are
means6SDs (n$4). (C) Flow cytometry analysis of Th17 (CD4+IL-17+), Th1 (CD4+IFN-g +), and Th2 (CD4+IL-4+) cells from the peritoneal cavity.
Data are means6SDs (n$7). P values ,0.05 were considered statistically significant using one-way ANOVA. *P,0.05; **P,0.01; ***P,0.001.
Fondo de Investigaciones Santitarias. R.S. was supported by grants
RETICS 06/0016 and PI 09/0064 from the Fondo de Investigaciones
Santitarias. Grants SAF2011-25834 (to F.S.-M.), SAF2011-27330 (to P.M.),
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology
and INDISNET 01592006 (to F.S.-M. and P.M.) were from the Comunidad
de Madrid and RETICS Enfermedades Cardiovasculares from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, and grant ERC-2011-AdG294340-GENTRIS
J Am Soc Nephrol 27: 3561–3576, 2016
from the European Research Council (European Commission)
was to F.S.-M. M.L.-C. was supported, in part, by Ministerio
de Economia y Competitividad grant SAF2013-47611-R and
funding from Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid 2010-BMD2321
(FIBROTEAM). The Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares (CNIC) is supported by the Spanish Ministry of
Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) and the Pro-CNIC
Foundation, and a Severo Ochoa Center of Excellence (MINECO
award SEV-2015-0505).
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This article contains supplemental material online at http://jasn.asnjournals.
J Am Soc Nephrol 27: 3561–3576, 2016