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The objective of this research is about using riddle to improve the learners’, especially the English Foreign Learners (EFL) writing skill. The development of teaching learning activity has brought some new ways in teaching learning English activity. It also relates to the use of technology to support the process of teaching learning activity. The development of technology has also made some applications to support it. Riddle is one of the applications that can be used as a teaching tool to support the process of teaching learning activity. Riddle can also be used as a tool to teach writing. Writing is one of the English skills that should be mastered by the learners, especially EFL. Writing is the most difficult skill in learning English as it relates to many others elements in English such as grammar, vocabulary, punctuation, etc. The participants of this research are the learners in of the English Course at Gading Serpong, Tangerang. Descriptive qualitative was used as the metho...
Learning mthod innovation will influence learning media used and it is hoped to improve learning qualities. This study was intended to find out The Effect of Using Riddle Technique on Students' Vocabulary Mastery of The 2017/2018 Tenth Grade Students of Smk Swasta Pemda Langkat Bahorok Kabupaten Langkat. There were two classes for the population with the total 56 students. And for the sample, all population were taken out. The data were collected by administering tests. The data was applied statistically. Then the data were analyzed by applying the calculation of test. Havinf the data been computed by using t-test formula, it shows that t observed in certain degree of freedom 28 and 0.05, is higher than t table. And the value is 9.83 > 2.048. in other words, the hypothesis "there is any Effect of Using Riddle Technique on Students' Vocabulary Mastery of The 2017/2018 Tenth Grade Students of Smk Swasta Pemda Langkat Bahorok Kabupaten Langkat, is accepted. Learning method with interactive technique can improve students' vocabulary, because if the method can interest students' attention they will enjoy and easy to receive the lesson.
Rikaariani, 2019
In this current era, technology is developing very rapidly. As a result, the world of education was also affected by technology. The development of science and technology is increasingly encouraging renewal efforts in the use of technological outcomes in the learning process. The teachers are required to be able to use the tools that can be provided by the school and not rule out the possibility that the tools are in accordance with the development and demands of the times. Thus, the teacher can at least use effective and efficient tools even though it is simple in the effort to achieve the expected teaching objectives. Besides being able to use the available tools, teachers are also required to be able to develop skills by making teaching media that will be used if the media is not yet available. For this reason, teachers must have sufficient knowledge and understanding of learning media. In this article there is an application that teachers can use to teach in class. This application is called "Hello English". Hello English is perfect for teaching English writing skills. In this application there are games and questions that teachers can use to hone their students' abilities in writing skills.
This study aims at developing writing materials based on Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) approach for Indonesian EFL learners. It adapted R and D development model proposed by Borg and Gall consisting of seven steps: research and information collection, developing a preliminary product, expert validation, product revision, field-testing/try-out, revision, and final product. On the basis of preliminary research and information collections result, the preliminary product was produced by considering the seven principles of CTL approach. From the expert validation, it shows that the developed material was on good criteria and eligible to be used as the handbook or instructional materials for Writing II. However, the expert suggested revising some points on making clearer instruction, reflecting the activities to the topic/subtopic, revising the typing errors, and arranging the spacing among the sections. After revising, it is tried out to the students. The result of the try-out shows that the product was categorized on good criteria. Based on the students' comments, the content of the product had been already complete and interesting. The provision of more than one model texts made students understand the topic more easily. Next, the various activities provided (individual, peer, and group) made the materials more interesting.
The objective of this research is to know the implementation of riddle technique in students’ vocabulary mastery and to find out whether the improvement of the students’ vocabulary mastery through the riddle technique. This research was conducted at MTs Persatuan Amal Bakti (PAB) 1 Helvetia academic year 2017-2018 as the subject of researcher. The subject of this research were consisted of 49 students of the first grade in class VII-B. The research was conducted with Classroom Action Research. In conducting this classroom action research, the writer divided the action into two cycles. The instrument of collecting data were qualitative data from observation, interview, diary notes, and documentation. Quantitative data were taken from tests, which was carried out in the end of every cycle. Based on the result of this research showed that the students’ score increased from the first meeting namely cycle I until the last meeting namely cycle II. From the counting, the researcher found t...
IJELTAL (Indonesian Journal of English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics), 2020
This research aimed to develop an appropriate module based on the writing needs of the learners. The author took the fourth-semester learners of the English Department at the State Islamic Institute of Palopo in the academic year 2018/2019. The author involved 40 learners as her participants. The method of the research was Research and Development. The author used the ADDIE model. The ADDIE model consisted of five stages, namely analysis, design, develop, implementation and evaluation. The instruments of the research were questionnaires and documents. The data were analyzed quantitatively qualitatively. The results of the content, the design, and the media experts validation showed that the module got good and very good category. The writing I module quality based on the learners’ response in the field try-out showed that 75% of learners very agree and 25% of learners agree with the materials presented in the module. The result of this research hopefully gives a contribution to some...
EDMODO, 2019
Writing as a productive skill in English classes is outstandingly significant. In writing classes there needs to be an efficient relationship between the teacher and students. As the present generations of students are using new technologies, the application of these recent technologies in classes might be useful. Using technology in writing classes provides opportunities for students to hand their written work to the teacher without the need for any face to-face interaction. This article, explanation about using a Web 2.0 tool, namely Edmodo. In particular, the study aims at identifying their perceptions of using the platform in language learning and their views on the possibility of using it to supplement face-to-face discussions in English language classes Most of the students have a better understanding in forming their sentences, indicated in their comments posted in Edmodo. The using of capitalization and punctuation in their sentences has also improved better indicated by their posts in Edmodo. Motivation to write and post their comment via Edmodo can be one of the keys for them to improve their writing skill. A. Introduction Writing is an important skill in academic field, especially in a higher education. Nunan (2001: 88) defines writing as a process of thinking to invent ideas, thinking about how to express into good writing, and arranging the ideas defines writing as a process of producing graphics symbols which have to be arranged according to certain convention, to form words, arrange words into sentences, and sequence the sentences into particular order and linked together in a certain way to form a coherent whole, which are called text. Writing involves an interaction between three elements that interact in getting to the final product: 1) the text, 2) the writer, 3) the reader. In a writing course three goals are distinguishable based on teachers' views; some focus on the language itself, some focus on communication, and some focus on forms and the message. As a teacher teaches writing subject, teachers also delving deeper into using technology in their teaching to develop their students' writing skill. Dogoriti (2015) states that understanding the use and the value of ICT tools used in learning process can help educators revolutionize their approaches to teaching foreign languages and integrate technology in a meaningful way. In other words, it is educator's responsibility to embrace new technologies and use them for learning activities.
Writing is one of the most important aspects in English language acquisition. Teaching writing has its own challenges since there are some steps and requirements that teachers should prepare to undertake in the classroom. This article is aimed to discuss teaching and learning writing in the classroom based on theoretical conceptualisation. In addition, curriculum of teaching writing will be another important factor to consider as well as research and practice in teaching writing. Based on comparison to many theoretical concepts from various researchers, it shows that most of Indonesian students still struggle to figure out their problems of grammatical area. The biggest challenge is derived from the difference in cultural backgrounds between the students' mother tongue and English, so it is possible to know the production of their writing does not 'sound' well in appropriate culture of English. Several problems also occur when the teachers have big classes to teach and the result of teaching writing to the students may be defeated. In this case, time also being a big challenge for the teachers to have the students' writing improve because to accomplish a good composition in English, it needs complex steps such as brainstorming, prewriting, drafting, and editing. However, new techniques in teaching writing are needed to develop the students' writing outcomes.
Ethical Lingua: Journal of Language Teaching and Literature, 2020
The objectives of the study were to investigate the process of English writing from students of undergraduate international class, to describe problems faced by students in writing English, and to find out the factors which inhibit and improve their writing skills. There were six female respondents in international class. The study used documentation from the students’ work, open-ended questionnaire and interview as the instruments for data gathering. All the data were analyzed by using descriptive qualitative approach. The results of this study showed that all students used four stages in the process of English writing: planning, drafting, editing and final revision. The students’ English writing problems covered content, organization, vocabulary, language use and mechanic. The factors which inhibit them in writing English included not being confident in writing English, not mastering grammar and vocabulary, and lack of practice in writing. The aspects which encourage them to write...
Blucher Design Proceedings
Qeios, CC-BY 4.0 · Review, October 20, 2023
Αναγνώσεις, Η Κυριακάτικη Αυγή, 29/05/2016, 2016, 2024
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