Papers by Paramita Kusumawardhani
Jurnal bakti masyarakat Indonesia, Jul 30, 2023
Wanastra : Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra
The main objective of this study is to apply the teaching of speaking English through mind mappin... more The main objective of this study is to apply the teaching of speaking English through mind mapping strategy for the students at the English Department of Bina Sarana Informatika University. The participants included 20 students in the third semester. Speaking is an important skill in English language learning which is used by the students to communicate in their class and daily activities as a way of learning practice. By this mind mapping strategy, this paper aims at showing that this strategy can be implemented to get active speaking skills. This research uses a qualitative method to describe the practice application of classroom observations and the emerging themes of the original slang words gained through watching a movie. The data were carried out by observing, documenting, and interviewing students about the speaking teaching-learning process in the classroom using the English slang words in a movie with a mind-mapping strategy. The data was analyzed and focused on classroom ...
AIP Conference Proceedings
Scope : Journal of English Language Teaching
The research aims to analyze the use of chaining activity on teaching writing of affixes on legal... more The research aims to analyze the use of chaining activity on teaching writing of affixes on legal document. Language is used to communicate each other, both written and spoken, to ease the audiences so it can be understood when the first time they read or hear it. On legal document, it should be simplified in written, used appropriate words and sentences structures, and presented clearly and logically. Language is also related to writing, of Morphology and Syntax that is in line with affixes. The right form of writing in Morphosyntax on legal document can ease both the readers and hearers when they have legal problems, so the appropriate actions can be taken. Morphosyntax is the combination of Morphology and Syntax. Morphosyntax studies about how words are formed and combined with structures into a good sentence. The method used was qualitative method to give the understanding about chaining the words in improving the writing skill and connecting the affixes to the base word especia...
Disastra: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia
Penelitian in dilatarbelakangi oleh polemik UU Cipta kerja. Banyak pihak yang pro dan kontra ter... more Penelitian in dilatarbelakangi oleh polemik UU Cipta kerja. Banyak pihak yang pro dan kontra terhadap UU Cipta kerja ini. Berkaitan dengan itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan ideologi dan keberpihkan media dan berkaitan dengan wacana putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi atas hasil uji formil Undang-Undang Cipta Kerja Nomor 11 tahun 2020. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan pendekatan Analisis Wacana Kritis AWK model van Dijk terutama yang menyoal analisis ideologi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara ideologis memihak kepada putusan MK dan MK, sedangkan sebaliknya cenderung memihak kepada UU Cipta kerja dan Pemerintah. Hal itu dibuktikan dengan bukti-bukti kebahasaan seperti kata Couterfactual, Leksikalisasi, Hiperbola, Evidenthiality-authority, Negative Other-representation - Number game, Presuposisi, dan Kategorisasi yang digunakan dan dalam merepresentasikan put...
Repository Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika (RUBSI), 2019
This writing is a presentation of ideas and experiences from the implementation of PengabdianMasy... more This writing is a presentation of ideas and experiences from the implementation of PengabdianMasyarakat carried out by lecturers of English study program (D3), Faculty of Communication and Languages, BSI University. English as an international language must be learnt by students in the school. Therefore, to improve the ability of students in writing English, the training of writing by using pictures is needed to be given. The training of writing by using pictures had been carried out on Sunday, March 10 th , 2019 in RPTRA Kalideres, Cengkareng, West Jakarta with theme Teaching Writing by Using Pictures for Junior High School Students (SMP) at Forum Anak RPTRA Kalideres, Jakarta Barat. The writing training was done by giving the material and exercises of writing English. The topic given is place such as restaurant, hospital, and police office and occupation such as waiter, doctor and detective. The students are given incomplete writing to be completed by them by using pictures given...
Journal of Language, May 22, 2024
Scope : Journal of English Language Teaching
The aims of this research are to know about the use of flashcards to improve the English Young Le... more The aims of this research are to know about the use of flashcards to improve the English Young Learners’ writing skills. English has four skills to be learned; they are listening, speaking, reading, and writing, and writing skill is the most difficult skill to be taught and learnt. Flashcards are one of the ways to improve the learners’ skill, especially EYL writing skill. The participants of this research are English Young Learners (EYL) in of the English Course at Gading Serpong, Tangerang. Classroom Action Research (CAR) was used as the method of the research and the English Young Learners’ (EYL) story paper are used as the instruments of the research. The results of the research are: (1) Most learners were excited when they are asked to see the colorful flashcard; (2) Learners who have good writing skill could make the story by completing the missing words and answer the questions then arrange the answer sentences well and (3) Learners who are not really master in writing, got s...
International Journal of English and Applied Linguistics (IJEAL)
Languages all over the world have their own grammar for constructing words and their components. ... more Languages all over the world have their own grammar for constructing words and their components. The aim of the research is to recognize, classify and analyze noun phrases by reading Hansel and Gretel short story. A noun phrase is a part of the syntax. The syntax is a part of Linguistics. It has meaningful elements together to form words, words together to form phrases, phrases together to form clauses, clauses together to form sentences, and sentences together to form texts. Noun phrase has some aspects; they are identifier, adjective, noun modifier, quantifier, preposition phrase, participle clause, conjunctions, and indefinite clause. Hansel and Gretel short story was used as the research instrument about noun phrases. The method used to do the research was descriptive qualitative. The participants of this research are the 1st semester of accounting students at the University of Bina Sarana Informatika. The results of this research are: there are 25 noun phrases, 16 noun phrases ...
PROCEEDING AISELT (Annual International Seminar on English Language Teaching), Sep 26, 2020
This paper explores about the use of short story in YouTube in teaching simple past tense to Engl... more This paper explores about the use of short story in YouTube in teaching simple past tense to English Foreign Learners (EFL). The development of technology has influenced in English teaching learning ways. There are some skills that should be mastered by the learners in learning English, they are listening, speaking, reading and writing. Technology can be used in all English skills, such as the use of YouTube in teaching writing. There are many short stories in YouTube that can be used as one of the media in teaching writing. Stories are related to tenses. Stories are also related to simple past tense. Simple past tense is used in retelling story. Simple past is used to show about the activity which had done in the past. There are two kinds of verb used in simple past; they are regular and irregular verb. Regular verb is the verb by addingd,-ed, and-ied after the verb, examples: bake-baked, cook-cooked, and carry-carried; while irregular verb is the verb which some are not changed in form and some are completely changed in form, such as hit-hit, put-put, set-set, drive driven, bring-brought, and think-taught. The results of the research are: (1) most EFL have understood about the pattern of simple past tense; (2) most of them have known about using whether regular or irregular verbs; (3) some of them made mistakes by omitting the letters whether regular or irregular verb.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2020
Evaluating in determining the eligibility of giving credit is very important. Errors in providing... more Evaluating in determining the eligibility of giving credit is very important. Errors in providing credit worthiness assessments can result a bad credit risk. The problem that often occurs is not the application of the system by financial parties but more on HR when making predictions about the determination of consumer credit worthiness. Research in the field of computers has been done to reduce credit risk resulting in losses to the company. In this research a comparison of Logistic Regression (LR), Naïve Bayes (NB) and Decision Tree (C4.5) algorithms is performed to predict the feasibility of granting credit. In order to produce a prediction of the feasibility of granting credit to new consumers, credit data used by the company is used. The data used in this study consists of 481 consumer records that have been classified as consumers with current credit and bad credit. After testing using the same dataset on the three algorithms by comparing the AUC and Confusion Matrix values, i...
International Journal of English and Applied Linguistics (IJEAL), 2021
This study aimed to know about the use and the most dominant of hyponymy as the semantics feature... more This study aimed to know about the use and the most dominant of hyponymy as the semantics features through a story Hank and The Horse. In linguistics, a hyponym is a word or phrase whose semantic field is included within another term, its hypernymy. A hyponym shares a type-of relationship with its hypernymy. Hyponymy is part of semantics, and it is sometimes referred to as meaning inclusion. The research was done by using short stories on YouTube. Technology development has been very significant lately, making it easy for educators to find sources for teaching, learning, and other activities. One of them is a short story. Many short stories on YouTube can be used as the teaching-learning media, depending on the subject that is going to discuss. The method in this research was descriptive qualitative methods in presenting the results. Data were analyzed based on the association with hyponyms by semantic analysis. The study participants were the 5th-semester students of the University...
Skin is a sense of touch in humans’ body which one of its functions is to feel the touch. Another... more Skin is a sense of touch in humans’ body which one of its functions is to feel the touch. Another function of the skin is to release the residual substances such as sweat. This part of the human body is very sensitive, easy to get hurt, and feels a sense of sensitivity. Human skin consists of epidermis and dermis. Skin diseases can be caused by a decrease in the immune system, allergies, viruses, or other causes. Skin disease is generally caused by a less guarded hygiene, bacteria, viral, allergic reactions, and low body resistance. If the cause of skin disease is only due to a lack of maintaining cleanliness, it can be prevented by changing lifestyles to be cleaner and healthier. Especially in Indonesia which is a tropical country, where the humidity is very high and can increase the development of bacteria on the skin. In another situation, not all people understand skin diseases for treatment or prevention. By the reason, The Forward Chaining Method is made to provide information...
The objective of this research is about using riddle to improve the learners’, especially the Eng... more The objective of this research is about using riddle to improve the learners’, especially the English Foreign Learners (EFL) writing skill. The development of teaching learning activity has brought some new ways in teaching learning English activity. It also relates to the use of technology to support the process of teaching learning activity. The development of technology has also made some applications to support it. Riddle is one of the applications that can be used as a teaching tool to support the process of teaching learning activity. Riddle can also be used as a tool to teach writing. Writing is one of the English skills that should be mastered by the learners, especially EFL. Writing is the most difficult skill in learning English as it relates to many others elements in English such as grammar, vocabulary, punctuation, etc. The participants of this research are the learners in of the English Course at Gading Serpong, Tangerang. Descriptive qualitative was used as the metho...
This paper was done to analyze the impact of using technology in teaching English as a second lan... more This paper was done to analyze the impact of using technology in teaching English as a second language. Assisting English language learners to improve their learning skills by using technology and using different approaches and techniques is discussed in this paper. Both conventional and modern technology, such as the use of TV, radio, computer, internet, website, presentation software, electronic dictionary, chatting, email, messaging programs and CD player are kinds of the techniques of learning English. Library research method was used in doing this research. The data was taken by observing some learners in using technology in their daily English learning and by reading some references books and English journals which were related to the discussion then collecting the sources from them. The result s of the research are divided into two kinds, they are: the advantages and the disadvantages of the use of technology in teaching English as a second language.
Tujuan dari kesilaan ini adalah untuk mengetahui kesilapan-kesilapan yang dilakukan oleh siswa-si... more Tujuan dari kesilaan ini adalah untuk mengetahui kesilapan-kesilapan yang dilakukan oleh siswa-siswi SMA Negeri 8 Perumnas II Tangerang dalam karangan narasi bahasa Inggris, mengapa mereka melakukan kesalahan, menidentifikasi kesilapan-kesilapan yang dilakukan oleh para siswa, mengoreksi kesilapan-kesilapan yang sudah dilakukan, untuk meningkatkan mutu pengajaran yang sesuai dengan kurikulum pelajaran dan untuk memperoleh data dan uraian tentang kesulitan dalam mempelajari bahasa Inggris khususnya dalam membuat karangan narasi dalam bahasa Inggris. Data diambil dari karangan narasi para siswa. Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu para siswa banyak melakukan kesilapan berupa kesilapan dalam penghilangan beberapa elemen yang seharusnya ada (errors of omission), kesilapan penambahan beberapa elemen yang seharusnya tidak ada (errors of addition), kesilapan pemakaian kata yang tidak seharusnya (errors of selection) dan kesilapan elemen yang sudah benar namun urutannya salah (errors of orderin...
International Journal of English and Applied Linguistics (IJEAL), 2021
People capable of speaking and writing two languages well are called bilingual. In contrast, the ... more People capable of speaking and writing two languages well are called bilingual. In contrast, the people who use two words or even in a sentence without paraphrase mean code-mixing. The purpose of this study is to know the types of code-switching and code-mixing. Code-switching and code-mixing are parts of sociolinguistics. Sociolinguistics studies an analysis of language. The linguistic factors are related to the factors beyond the language, such as language use done by its speakers in a particular speech community. Code-switching and code-mixing usually happened when talking to someone. The source of the research was the talk show Catatan Najwa with Maudy Ayunda on Najwa Shihab’s Channel Youtube. In this talk show, there was a guest star called Maudy Ayunda. She has just recently graduated from Oxford University and had a conversation with Najwa Shihab. The conversation happened on Najwa Shibah’s Youtube Channel. In this conversation, they used two languages that are Indonesian and...
Papers by Paramita Kusumawardhani