CAT Tool on Teaching Translation for EFL Students

2018, Science Publishing Corporation

Teaching translation for EFL Learners is not merely depends on the student's linguistics competence but also depends on the background knowledge and how far students understand translation competence as well as the use of technology in translation aspect. This paper aims to depict the use of CAT tool in translation class, some problems faced by the students among translating informative te xt and the translation error made by the students. The data gathered from the classroom activities on translation class which was followed by 32 students while the instrument used in this research were observation and questionnaire. The findings showed that overall the class run well, while the problem faced by the students were difficulties in understanding unfamiliar words and they got difficulties i n restructuring the text in TL. It is suggested to the beginner translators to do proofreading to make sure that the TL is readable.

IJET-21660 Uploaded: 02/28/2019 Checked: 02/28/2019 Doc vs Internet 95.3% Originality 4.7% Similarity 71 Sources Web sources: 71 sources found 1.… 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.… 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. Similarity Citation Similarity from a chosen source References abc Possible character replacement 1.1% 1.1% 1.1% 1.1% 1.1% 1.1% 1.1% 1.1% 1.1% 1.03% 1.03% 1.03% 1.03% 1.03% 1.03% 1.03% 1.03% 1.03% 0.99% 0.99% 0.99% 0.99% 0.99% 0.99% 0.81% 0.81% 0.81% 0.81% 0.81% 0.81% 0.81% 0.81% 0.81% 0.81% IJET-21660 Uploaded: 02/28/2019 Checked: 02/28/2019 35. 36. 37.… 38. 39. 40. 41. 42.… 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53.… 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67.… 68. 69. 70. 71. Similarity Citation Similarity from a chosen source References abc Possible character replacement 0.81% 0.81% 0.66% 0.66% 0.66% 0.66% 0.66% 0.66% 0.66% 0.66% 0.62% 0.59% 0.51% 0.51% 0.51% 0.48% 0.48% 0.48% 0.48% 0.48% 0.44% 0.4% 0.37% 0.33% 0.33% 0.29% 0.29% 0.29% 0.29% 0.29% 0.29% 0.29% 0.29% 0.29% 0.29% 0.29% 0.29% IJET-21660 Uploaded: 02/28/2019 Checked: 02/28/2019 International Journal of Engineering Engineering & Technology, Technology 7 (3.5) (2018) 98-100 International International Jour Journal of Engineering & Technol Technology Website: Research Research paperr paperr CAT Tool Tool on Teaching Translation for EFL Students Students Siti Mafulah Mafulah1, Trisno Tunggal Tunggal Rahayu Wilujeng Wilujeng1, Rizky izky Lutviana Lutviana1, Sugeng Hariyanto Hariyanto2, Maria Purnawati Purnawati1, Faisal Faisal Rahutomo Rahutomo2 1 Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang, Malang, Indonesia 2 Politeknik Negeri Malang, Malang, Indonesia *Corresponding author E-mail: [email protected] Abstract Teaching translation for EFL Learners is not merely depends on the student’s linguistics competence but also depends on the background knowledge and how far students understand translation competence as well as the use of technology in translation aspect. This paper aims to depict the use of CAT tool in translation class, some problems faced by the students among translating informative te xt and the translation error made by the students. The data gathered from the classroom activities on translation class which was followed by 32 students while the instrument used in this research were observation and questionnaire. The findings showed that overall the class run well, while the problem faced by the students were difficulties in understanding unfamiliar words and they got difficulties i n restructuring the text in TL. It is suggested to the beginner translators to do proofreading to make sure that the TL is readable. Keywords: Keywords: linguistics competence, translation competence, CAT tool, informative text 1. Introduction Generally linguistics competence is separated from translation competence in designing curriculum in university level [1]. Linguistics competences such as phonology, syntax, pragmatics and sociolinguistics are given in the different level of university students. Beside, translation competence given in the same level with linguistics competence so that teaching translation is being difficult. Translation competence is complex thing to be mastered. Approaches, method and strategies should be mastered by the translator furthermore it needs good knowledge of the working languages to be a good translator. Translation competence cannot be separated from linguistics competence. Translation can be given to whom that had mastered linguistics as well as textual competence, means that the ability to produce adequate TL text; Disposition –translator behavior in choosing different words when contracting TL text and monitoring competence including self-awareness and editing (Campbell, 1998). Furthermore Suryawinata and Hariyanto (2016) said that translator should master the TL and SL language, SL and TL culture, topic that should be translated, having competence in comprehending written language, having competence in writing (receptive skill), pour though and idea in the written form (productive skill) and having competence in using dictionary and references. The competence of using dictionary has big impact on the students’ vocabulary acquisition. Such as using monolingual dictionary get better vocabulary acquisition[2]. Translation also can be as tool to test Language skills[3] Translation can be as an alternative medium in teaching foreign language[4] as a tool to test English skill[5], but to teach translation itself need some competences such as linguistics competence and translation competence. Beside the types of text is also vary from one to another. Based on Hatim and Munday (2004) classi- fied text type based on the function and purpose of the text. There are three types of text, namely informative text, expressive text and operative text. Informative text is focused on the semanticsyntactic level, expressive text is classified not only based on syntactic semantic level but also based on the artistic organization level; the language used in this text is creative and artistic. And the last type is operative text, beside the two levels has been mentioned, the last type need persuasive aspect. So, the language used in this type tends to be psychological or persuasive. Informative text according to text type, the language used should be based on semantic-syntactic level of text. Translation method and strategy should be appropriated with the ST. The TT should transfer the message well. Teaching translation need to equip students with some adequate knowledge to make them better understanding and confident to face the real word translation. Students should familiar with kinds of CAT Tool which can be used. CAT tool is one of translation machine that assist translator in translating text. Through using CAT tool does not mean that the machine will translate the text, on the other hand, CAT tool will help translator in translating text. There are three functions on CAT Tool; term management, translation management and translation workstation (suryawinata&Hariyanto, 2016). The function of term management is to make glossaries that will be used along the translation process and the glossary can be used as consistence in using a term. Translation memory is database for translator’s work. The SL and TL can be saved and reread to make sure that the translation is good. The last is translation workstation is the facility to combine glossary management and translation memory. So that translator can easily work on it. Furthermore, this facility can be linked to translation machine or spelling checker. The aims of this paper are to explore the use of CAT tool in translation class and some problems faced by the students among translating informative text Copyright © 2 018 Siti Mafulah. This This is an open access article distributed distributed under under the Creati reative ve Commons Attribution License, License, which which permits permits unre unrestricted use, distribu distributi tion, on, and reproduction reproduction in any medium, medium, provided provided the original original work is properly properly cited. Similarity Citation Similarity from a chosen source References abc Possible character replacement IJET-21660 Uploaded: 02/28/2019 Checked: 02/28/2019 99 International Journal of Engineering & Technology effectiveness of the learning process might be improved since the model and the instrument within the e-rubric-based assessment is already appropriate. It is such situation that encourages the conduct of the present study. 2. Research and Method Method Classroom based action research was applied in this research through observation, questionnaire and test as instruments. Observation was done during the class, questionnaire given at the end of the class and test was given to check the students’ mistake in doing translation. The subject of this research were students in the fourth semester of English Education Department who joining Translation1. There were 32 students. The application of CAT Tool given in the several steps; first, students are asked to download Wordfast Pro 4 application for the first meeting, the application is can be downloaded freely so, students can install it easily; second, students were given a text to be translated using Wordfast Pro 4. During students translating text, class observation done by the researcher using observation checklist as data. The next step is discussing students’ translation work. After discussing the translation work and giving feedback, the data analyzed as a result of the research. 3. Result and Discussion Based on the aims of this paper, there are three aspects to be served; the use of CAT Tool in translation class and some problems faced by the students during the class. The following are the findings: The use use of CAT Tool Tool in translation translation class Based on the observation checklist, almost all the students understand with how the use of Wordfast Pro 4. The result of observation checklist can be seen on the table 1. Table 1. Result of observation checklist No statement yes N (%) 1. Students can download 15 46.9% the program ( Wordfast Pro 4 ) 2. Students understand 25 78% how the program run 3. Students can use 30 93.7% the function ‘term management’ 4.Students can use 29 90.6% the function ‘translation memory’ 5.Students can use 17 53.1% the function ‘translation worksation’ 6.Students ask for repeating 5 16.6% instruction of the use of application no N (%) 17 53.1% 7 22% 2 6.3% 3 9.4% 15 46.9% 27 83.4% From the table 1, it can be seen that overall translation class run well since the percentage of the student showed good responses for the given statements. First, less than half students or 46.9% students can download the program since the students got difficulties in connecting the internet. But after the facilities repaired, the internet connection got better. Internet is one of important aspect of using CAT Tool for the first time, for the rest, students can use the application both online or offline. The importance of internet is crucial thing when using technology in teaching[6]. Second statement is about do students understand how the program runs. It got 78% or 25 students said yes, they understand can apply the program well. While for the other facilities available in Wordfast Pro 4 , almost all students can use the facilities. It can be seen in table 1, 30 students or 93.7% can use the function “translation management”, 29 students or 90.6% can use “translation memory” function. Different to the two functions of CAT Tool, or “translation workstation” less than half of the total student number said can use this function since the last function is the most complicated thing to do. During translation class, only 5 students ask for repeating the instruction of the application use. Proble Problems ms faced by the students students dur dur ing the class During the translating process, there are some problems faced by the students are unfamiliar vocabulary and organize or restructure in the TL. Some of the students said that they get difficulties in unfamiliar words and rewrite the message into a good writing in TL. 80% said that actually they understand the content of the SL but they felt doubt if they read their translation work in TL. Students’ responses can be seen in table 2. Table 2. Students’ responses of problem faced during translating text No problem/difficulties SA A N (%) N (%) 1 I understand the 32 100% 0 0% SL 2 I have difficulties 26 80% 6 20% in finding the equivalent meaning of some unfamiliar words 3 I ever stop translating 23 72% 7 22% because I have to find the meaning on the dictionary 4 I understand the 26 80% 5 16% message of the SL but it is quite difficult to make the TL coherently 5 I ever edit my 20 63% 5 16% translation during translating the text 6 I feel shy to ask my 17 53% 10 31% friend to read my translation to make sure that someone understand in TL Note: SA=strongly Agree N=number of the students 0 0% 2 6% 1 4% 7 21% 5 16% DA=disagree There are some problems faced by the translation students during the class. Some categories were given in the questionnaire. First, reading comprehension aspect as activity before translating text. Second is vocabulary aspect, in which student having difficulties in finding the equivalence words or not. Third, during translation practice aspect, whether students translate the text well or they got some difficulties in doing translation. And the last is activity after translation. Before translating text, students have to read and comprehend the text. This activities is compulsory for the students to get the real message of the SL. Reading should comprehend the content of the text whatever the kinds of text, scientific or expository [7]–[9]. The first statement in questionnaire got excellent respond from students; all students understand and comprehend the text given. During translation practice, students have some difficulties such as finding the meaning of unfamiliar word to comprehend the text. 80 % said they have difficulties in finding the meaning of unfamiliar words. Unfamiliar words can be caused by unfamiliar topic[10]. Beside unfamiliar words, students ever stop their translation because they have to look at the dictionary to get the meaning of unfamiliar words. This problem faced by 23 students or 72% from the total students. Moreover in restructuring aspect, 80% Similarity Citation Similarity from a chosen source References abc Possible character replacement A=agree DA N (%) 0 0% IJET-21660 Uploaded: 02/28/2019 Checked: 02/28/2019 100 students said after they read the text and find some unfamiliar words, they understand the message given by the writer but they have difficulties in restructuring text into TL. This phenomena can be caused by lacking of practice translating text[11]. Furthermore, they ever edit the TL text during translating text. It means that they have to stop writing since they have to edit their work. Usually student use pen- and- paper translation, in this occasion, they have to write the TL directly on computer. It also one reason they have to edit more and more[12], [13] The last is after translating text. Do the students do proof reading or not, do they are shy to ask their friends to read their translation work or not. For this aspect , more than half students did not do proof reading. It can be seen from the percentage of the last item in table 2. 53% of the students said strongly agree of the statement “I feel shy to ask my friend to read my translation to make sure that someone understands the TL text”. As translator need to master not only but also linguistics competence translation competence [1], [14], [15]. International Journal of Engineering & Technology [11] J. E. Rini, “Difficulties in Translating Texts for Beginner Translator Students,” k@ta, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 169–178, 2007. [12] F. Kasiri and A. Mohammad, “The Impact of Task Complexity on Cognitive Processes of L2 Writers and Writing Quality : The Case of Writing Expertise , L1 , and Lexical retrieval,” Procedia - Soc. Behav. Sci., vol. 232, no. April, pp. 561–568, 2016. [13] Y. L. 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Students also has to master the culture of the two languages ( L1 and L2) to know the language use in a context, how the utterance implied in a society has better comprehending in reading and better result in translation. Moreover translation CAT Tool is also important thing to be mastered by beginner translator as a translator assistant in translation process. For the lecturer, in teaching translation should include the current trends of translation industry and for future researcher, teaching translation is interesting aspect to be discussed, kindly do the next study with deeper analysis and do experiment on the teaching translation. References [1] T. Popescu, “Developing English Linguistics Students’ Translation Competence through the Language Learning Process,” Procedia Soc. Behav. Sci., vol. 93, pp. 1075 –1079, 2013. [2] M. Maghsoudi, S. H. Talebi, and F. 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