Adaptive Beamforming of a Towed Array
During a Turn
Peter Gerstoft, William S. Hodgkiss, Member, IEEE, W. A. Kuperman, Heechun Song, Member, IEEE,
Martin Siderius, and Peter Louring Nielsen
Abstract—During maneuvering, towed array beamforming
degrades if a straight array is assumed. This is especially true
for high-resolution adaptive beamforming. It is experimentally
demonstrated that adaptive beamforming is feasible on a turning
array, provided that array shape is estimated. The array shape
can be inferred solely from the coordinates of the tow vessel’s
Global Positioning System (GPS) without any instrumentation in
the array. Based on estimated array shape from the GPS, both
the conventional beamformer and the white noise constrained
(WNC) adaptive beamformer are shown to track the source well
during a turn. When calculating the weight vector in the WNC
approach, a matrix inversion of the cross-spectral density matrix
is involved. This matrix inversion can be stabilized by averaging
the cross-spectral density matrix over neighboring frequencies.
The proposed algorithms have been tested on real data with the
tow-vessel making 45 turns with a 500-m curvature radius. While
turning, the improvement in performance over the assumption
of a straight array geometry was up to 5 dB for the conventional
beamformer and considerably larger for the WNC adaptive
Index Terms—Adaptive beamforming, array shape estimatedion, curved array, global positioning system (GPS), towed array,
white noise constrained (WNC).
URRENT trends in passive sonar systems include the
use of large aperture arrays with many elements to form
narrow beams in order to detect quiet fast moving targets in
a noisy background [1], [2]. Such a scenario often leads to
“snapshot deficient” processing, meaning that the available
observation time is not sufficiently large to build a well-estimated covariance matrix that can be used for standard adaptive
array-processing methods. A long, turning array is a good
example of a snapshot deficient case.
During maneuvering, a horizontal line array will not be
straight and this will cause performance degradation for beamforming acoustic signals [3], [4]. This degradation will be more
severe for adaptive beamformers which are more sensitive
to errors in hydrophone location. Thus, it is important to
determine the array shape during maneuvering. There has been
Manuscript received June 25, 2002; revsied October 24, 2002. This work was
supported by the Office of Naval Research under Code 32.
P. Gerstoft, W. S. Hodgkiss, W. A. Kuperman, and H. Song are with Marine Physical Laboratory, University of California at San Diego, La Jolla, CA
92093-0238 USA (e-mail:
[email protected]).
M. Siderius was with SACLANT Undersea Research Centre, 19138
La Spezia, Italy. He is now with Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC), San Diego, CA 19121 USA.
P. L. Nielsen is with SACLANT Undersea Research Centre, 19138 La Spezia,
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JOE.2002.808203
a significant effort to determine the array shape by acoustic
means [5]–[11]. Other efforts are to model the dynamics of
the array [12], [13] and to equip the array with sensors, e.g.,
However, few experimental data are reported in the open literature using a horizontal line array during a turn. Felisberto and
Jesus [15] examined a turning array using conventional beamforming while focusing on their sensor instrumentation in the
array. They used these sensors to estimate the array shape, and
the left/right ambiguity was resolved during a turn.
Ferguson [6], [7] performed adaptive beamforming on a
turning array whose shape was estimated either by Bucker’s
sharpness method [5] or based on the first eigenvector of the
cross-spectral density matrix. To experimentally verify adaptive beamforming during a turn SACLANTCEN and Marine
Physical Laboratory, as part of a larger geoacoustic inversion
experiment, collected horizontal array data during a turn.
Based on simplifications of the Paidoussis equations and verified experimentally, Kennedy [17] showed that the shape of the
array corresponds to the track of the ship under some conditions. This is the so-called “water pulley” model that is “the tow
vessel bores a hole in the water and the cable simply follows
though that hole” [17]. The conditions for the validity of the
water pulley model is described by Kennedy [17] and Dowling
[18]. For the present experiment, the water pulley model was
proven to work well, as will be shown in Section V.
Knowing the coordinates of the ship from the global positioning system (GPS), it is straightforward to estimate array
shape based on the water pulley model. The array shape is fitted
to a parabolic shape and this approach is preferable for three
1) The parabola is able to describe the salient features of
the bowed array. If more accuracy is needed, higher order
polynomials could be used.
2) The parabola serves as a regularization operator of the
noisy and sparsely sampled GPS measurements.
3) The parabola is analytically tractable.
The gain of having this accurately estimated array shape
during turns will then be demonstrated using both the conventional beamformer and the white noise constrained (WNC)
adaptive beamformer [19], [20]. When calculating the weight
vector in the WNC approach, a matrix inversion of the
cross-spectral density matrix (CSDM) is involved. This matrix
inversion can be unstable due to the snapshot deficiency.
The snapshot deficiency of the CSDM is mitigated here by
frequency averaging over the neighboring CSDM [21], [22].
0364-9059/03$17.00 © 2003 IEEE
Fig. 2. Compass bearing for ship and horizontal array. (a) Ship (dash-dotted),
head array (solid), and tail array (dashed). (b) Deviation between ship and head
array bearing (solid), and ship and tail array bearing (dashed). Note that the
seven turns are indicated at the corresponding time delay from beginning of the
octagon track.
Fig. 1. Detailed map of the octagon track. The ALLIANCE sailed
counterclockwise, starting in the NE corner at 13:32. The seven turns
(time, time-delay in min) in the octagon also are shown. Each turn should be
about 45 , but there is variation between the turns; turn 6 is only about 20 and
turn 7 about 80 . Source ship MANNING (triangle) is moored.
The experiment was carried out off the west coast of Italy
in order to investigate towed array beamforming methods especially while the array is turning. On November 28, 2000, the
research vessel MANNING (triangle in Fig. 1) was moored in
the North Elba area in 117-m-deep water. MANNING had lowered a source to a 50-m depth transmitting a 1-s 150–500–Hz
LFM sequence every 15 s. At that time, the ALLIANCE was following a complex track involving both straight lines and maneuvering. This paper is focused on the octagon track shown
in Fig. 1, where the ALLIANCE made seven 45 turns with a
500-m curvature radius. The octagon track covers 96 min of
data, corresponding to 375 pings. The ALLIANCE was towing
a 254-m-long horizontal line array (HLA) at a 55-m depth and
350 m behind the center of the ship (GPS antenna). One hundred twenty-eight hydrophones were spaced equidistantly along
the array. The speed of ALLIANCE was nearly constant at 4 kn
(2 m/s). A 4-s time interval around each pulse (1 s plus multipath) was sampled at 6000 Hz. Typically, the single-element
SNR ratio was 30 dB at 375 Hz.
The geoacoustic bottom is similar to the one in [23]. The
ocean sound-speed profile was nearly constant at 1520 m/s for
the first 100 m, and thereafter the sound speed had a rapid decrease to 1510 m/s. The sediment layer was very thin (about 2 m)
and the bottom was quite hard (1600 m/s). The bottom was very
flat and no out-of-plane scattering was expected. At the ranges
considered, it was not easy to identify individual arrivals.
A simple model for the horizontal line array is a
“water-pulley” model, where the track of the cable follows the track of the ship [17]. Thus, changes in the ships
heading travel down the cable with the same speed (2 m/s) as
Fig. 3. Angle to MANNING (a) in a global coordinate system with North being
0 and (b) relative to the bearing of the ship.
the tow ship. This model seems sufficient as the dimensionless
cable frequency is sufficiently low [17], [18] and by the
regularity in the change in compass heading [see Fig. 2(a)].
First, the ALLIANCE (dash–dotted line) changes course, then
4 min later the front of the array (solid)
(350 m)/(2 m/s)
2.1 min
changes its heading and, finally, (254 m)/(2 m/s)
later the tail of the array (dashed) changes heading. This simple
transition is also clear in Fig. 2(b) where deviations from the
ships heading for the head (solid) and tail (dashed) compasses
are plotted. It takes ALLIANCE about 2 min to do a 45 turn
in the octagon. From this discussion, it is clear that the array
is curved or misaligned relative to the ship for about 8 min
following the start of a turn, in agreement with Fig. 2.
Knowing the GPS position of ALLIANCE and MANNING, it
is relatively easy to estimate the bearing to MANNING either
in a global coordinate system defined relative to North (true
bearing) [Fig. 3(a)] or in the local coordinate system defined
by the heading of the ship [Fig. 3(b)].
The geometry is shown in Fig. 4. The main coordinate system
axis pointing in the aft direction from the vessel. The
has the
mathematical model is developed in detail in the Appendix.
The turning array is modeled as a rotation around the first
hydrophone from the ship’s aft heading to the axis defined by the
first and last hydrophone and a parabolic bow [see Fig. 4(a)].
Whereas Bucker and Baxley [24] used a polynomial series and
numerical integration to describe the array shape, here a more
Fig. 5. Estimated equivalent bow of array with acoustics (dashed line) and
GPS (solid line). For reference, the initial GPS estimate (dotted line) is also
Fig. 4. Definition of coordinate systems. (a) Coordinate system for array
shape. (b) Coordinate system for beamforming. In this coordinate system,
corresponds to the angle of the wavefront with respect to the x axis. Thus,
90 ; 270 corresponds to tail endfire of the array, = 0 broadside
right, = 180 broadside left, and = 90 head endfire.
simple and analytically tractable parabolic shape is used [25].
axis passing though
In a local coordinate system with the
first and last hydrophone of the array [Fig. 4(a)], the offsets
( coordinate) of each array element are given by
is the projection of the array along the
axis. To
second order in , the arc length of the array
(this also is the
length of the straight array) is related to
Using this formula, the coordinate of each element for a bowed
can be related to the element position along a straight
is the element spacing,
is (see the
It is observed that, while the array has a geometric bow , the
“acoustic bow” as seen from a plane wave impinging on the
. This bow depends on the angle to the array and,
array is
as expected, the largest acoustic bow is found when the plane
) on the array.
wave is impinging broadside (
Finally, it should be noted that the array is rotated an angle
relative to the center of the ship.
A. Array Angle
Often there are compasses in the array and the difference between these and the course of the ship can determine the angle
(see Fig. 2). Alternatively, it can be determined by time delaying the ships GPS coordinates, just as done for the array bow.
is not important for the processing.
B. Array Bow
For small curvatures, the correction for the -axis element position due to the offset is not important and is often neglected.
However, when the array is turning this correction can be important, as the array deformation exceeds several wavelengths
at the array design frequency. In the examples presented here, it
represents a correction of five wavelengths at the array design
A plane wave impinging at an angle between the wavefront
and the array ( axis) will see an equivalent array where the
axis is parallel to the wavefront and the axis is perpendicular
[Fig. 4(b)]. Only the direction perpendicular to the wavefront
gives a phase difference across the array. Using
, where
The shape of the array can be modeled using the “waterpulley model” [17] where the array follows the same trajectory
as the ship. The sampling frequency of the GPS was every 15 s,
corresponding to each acoustic transmission. The array shape is
modeled semi-empirically by:
1) Time delaying the ship’s GPS coordinates to the start of
the horizontal array. The start of the array is 350 m behind
, where
the ship, thus the time delay is 350/
the ship speed. For the ship speed used (about 4 kn), this
corresponds to about 11 GPS points.
2) Estimating the parabola based on a least squares fit to
the GPS points along the array (254 m). This corresponds
to about seven GPS points. Both bow and angle are
Fig. 6. Conventional beamforming at 375 Hz (20-dB dynamic range) (a), (c) with and (b) without shape correction using true bearing [(a) and (b)] or local bearing
(c). The angle to MANNING is as shown in Fig. 3(a) [for (a) and (b)] and Fig. 3(b) [for (c)] The horizontal lines indicate the start of a turn. The forward (solid black)
and aft (dashed black) heading are also indicated.
3) The curvature of the array will often be less than the curvature of the ship course, as the array is smearing out the
corners. This is empirically approximated by averaging
the bow over 10 neighboring points, corresponding to a
length of 1.5 times the array length.
The estimated bow just based on point 2) above is shown
as the dotted curve in Fig. 5. After time delaying 1) and
smoothing 3) the bow, a very close match (solid) to the acoustically estimated (dashed) bow is observed. The acoustically
estimated bow is based on the shape of the wavefront of the
loud broad-band acoustic pulse (see the Appendix). This is very
accurate, but such a source is likely only available under ideal
experimental configurations. From Fig. 5 it is seen that, after
about a 3-min startup, a very good fit is obtained for the first 60
min where the array is not in the near-field of the source. Thus,
it is feasible to estimate bow based on GPS.
Having outlined the array shape model and verified it with
broad-band acoustic data, it is now experimentally demonstrated that both the conventional and the WNC adaptive
beamformer can benefit from an accurate shape estimation.
For the curved array, the steering vectors
based on the phase delay for each of the
are computed
is the component
where is the reference sound speed and
perpendicular to the wavefront as determined by (4). The range
to the source is not modeled.
A. Conventional Beamformer
1) Approach: For the observed data on the 128-element
HLA, the fast Fourier transform (FFT) length was chosen
sufficiently long so that both the pulse and multipaths are
included. Thus, a 16 K-point FFT length (corresponding to
Hz) was selected. There has
2.6 s,
been no attempt made to optimize the processing parameters.
The conventional beamformer power then is computed as
and is the complex steering vector as dewhere
is a diagonal matrix of normalized shading
termined by (5).
weights; a Kaiser–Bessel window with
was used (a
Hanning window gave similar performance). is the data covariance matrix. Due to the transient nature of the signal, a
single-snapshot covariance matrix is used.
Fig. 8. Conventional beamforming power versus bow using simulated data.
Fig. 7. Array power versus time. (a) Array bow estimated from GPS (from
Fig. 5). (b) Beamformer output power without (solid) or with (dashed) shape
correction (decibels relative to maximum). (c) Signal gain over the straight array
with shape correction. Only the first 60 min is shown as the horizontal array then
approaches the near-field of the source.
2) Results: After showing the processing of the data below,
it will be demonstrated that beamforming with shape correction
here resulted in: 1) 5-dB signal gain; 2) 4-dB difference between
true and mirror source; and 3) smaller 3-dB bandwidth.
The conventional beamformer power (decibels) as a function
of time and bearing with shape correction is shown in Fig. 6.
The plot is normalized so that the maximum across angle at each
ping is 0 dB. Fig. 6(a) and (b) displays true bearing, where true
bearing is the angle to the source relative to North. The start of
each turn is indicated by horizontal lines. Roughly, the array is
curved up to 5 min after the turn and is straight for the rest of the
leg. Forward heading of the array (solid black), determined as
the average of head and tail compasses, and aft heading (forward
heading 180 ) (dashed black) are indicated. These two lines
indicate endfire locations of the array, where the array is less
able to locate a source. Also, for a straight array, the angle to
the source will be mirrored around these lines.
For the first 50 min, the signal is within 45 to broadside and
thus the planewave beamforming works well. For later times,
min and
the array goes through endfire (around
min) and is in the near-field (around
min). Both of these
effects makes the processing at later times less robust. We are
not modeling the range dependence which are important in the
The conventional beamformer power in the direction of the
Manning source as a function of time with (dashed line) or
without (solid line) shape correction is shown in Fig. 7(b). Subtracting these powers gives up to a 4-dB signal gain when the
array is turning [solid line, Fig. 7(c)]. Using the negative bow,
corresponding to mirror source, a 2.5-dB signal loss is observed
[dashed line, Fig. 7(c)]. Effectively, the array curvature removes
the left/right ambiguity.
To verify this performance, a simple simulation with identical geometry and assuming the target at 45 to broadside on a
bowed array is carried out (see Fig. 8). If the bow of the array
Fig. 9. Conventional beamforming using the first 5 min of each of the first
four turns (a) with and (b) without shape correction. The plot is normalized so
that the maximum across the angle at each ping is 0 dB.
is neglected in the processing, up to a 6-dB loss in power is
The importance of the shape estimation is emphasized by
focusing on the 5 min after the start of each turn in Fig. 6;
a time-angle contour plot around the source direction shows
clearly how the beamwidth is narrower when shape correction
is applied, Fig. 9. This is similar to the wider 3-dB beamwidth
that can be observed for the mirror track [4]. The latter feature
can be seen in Fig. 6(a) and (c) and could be used to identify
left/right ambiguity.
The left/right symmetry which is usually present in the ambiguity surfaces is broken by three effects: 1) using a curved
array; 2) using a true bearing; and 3) larger 3-dB beamwidth for
the mirror as mentioned above. The first two effects are most
important and will be examined.
1) During the turn, it is seen from Fig. 7(c) that the signal
gain is 5 dB more for the true angle than for the mirror
angle. For comparison, the result of beamforming using a
straight array is shown in Fig. 6(b).
2) The true bearing display helps decide between the true
track and the mirror image, as a ship traveling in a straight
course will remain so in this display. To see this, compare the conventional beamformer power in Fig. 6(a) to
the conventional beamformer power in Fig. 6(c) where
the angle now is in a local coordinate system with 90
being aft endfire and the angle increasing in the counterclockwise direction. When the source is at endfire (around
min and
smeared out.
min), the angle to the source is
B. WNC Adaptive Beamformer
Adaptive beamforming provides higher resolution and better
side lobe suppression than conventional beamforming. However, adaptive beamforming is more sensitive to mismatch and
without shape correction no detection might be obtained. Further, snapshot deficient processing is severely biased. To explore
these issues, beamforming is carried out with the WNC adaptive
processor [19], [20].
1) Approach: The WNC beamformer is based on the minimum variance distortionless response (MVDR) beamformer.
The weights for the MVDR processor are given by
The weights
satisfy the constraint
is the CSDM and usually is estimated by averaging over
snapshots at a given frequency. Often is singular due to few
available snapshots and then the inverse cannot be computed.
This problem can be remedied by adding diagonal loading to
. In the WNC processor, the amount of diagonal loading varies
for each look angle
where is chosen such that the white noise gain
the constraint value
is larger than
where is
A typical value for is 2 dB down from
the number of sensors.
Here, the WNC adaptive beamformer is implemented in two
steps. First, a CSDM is estimated for use in computing in
is es(9). Since we have LFM transmission data available,
timated as an ensemble average of data vector outer products
over neighboring frequencies [21], [22]. Then, the WNC beamformer output power is computed as
is the data covariance matrix. It can be determined
based on single narrow-band snapshot. This approach is mostly
used here as many sources in the ocean are narrow-band. Alternatively, can be estimated based on averaging multiple frequencies, similar to .
Our approach differs from [21], [22] in that we only use frequency averaging for , but not for computing the output power.
increases the number of nonzero
Frequency averaging of
eigenvalues of the covariance matrix and is a type of covariance matrix tapering for broadening nulls [26]. This will cause
broadening of the signal.
As will be shown below, good results were obtained when the
matrix was estimated using 21 frequency bins corresponding
to a total bandwidth of 7.3 Hz. For much fewer frequency bins
(3 or 5 frequencies), the results were not as stable, and for a
larger frequency band (101 frequencies), the power appears
more smeared out.
Fig. 10. WNC adaptive beamforming (375 Hz) in true bearing (a) with and
(b) without shape correction.
The adaptive processing is severely biased due to snapshot-deficient processing [1], [2]. For small , the bias depends
and for
quadratically on the diagonal loading, i.e.,
large there is little bias [26]. For MVDR, the bias is the same
in all directions, as is constant. However, for the WNC, due
to larger in the source direction, this direction is only slightly
biased. The variation in bias is the main reason for the large
dynamic range observed in the following results.
2) Results: First the basic WNC adaptive beamforming processing is shown on the whole time series. Then, it is shown that
only with shape correction can the source be tracked during a
turn and the mirror source is not detected. The left/right ambiguity is then nonmanifest. The issues of beamwidth, broad-band
incoherent processing and the ability to track several ships in the
presence of a loud source are discussed.
The results from the WNC processing are shown with
[Fig. 10(a)] and without [Fig. 10(b)] shape correction. The
matrix inversion for the steering vectors is stabilized using
the CSDM estimated from the data at 21 frequency bins in a
7.3-Hz band centered around 375 Hz. The angle to MANNING
is as shown in Fig. 3(a). The mirror track of the source is
very weak during turns for the curved array while the true
track is quite well defined also during the turns. Without shape
correction [Fig. 10(b)], the dynamic range is reduced strongly
when the array is turning. This shows up as gray horizontal
Fig. 11. Array power versus time. (a) Array bow estimated from GPS.
(b) Beamformer output power assuming a straight array (solid) or curved array
(dashed) (decibels relative to maximum).
Fig. 13. WNC processing (375 Hz) in true bearing with shape correction. The
matrix inversion for the steering vector is stabilized using the covariance matrix
estimated from the data using (a) five bins [1.4-Hz band] and (b) 101 bins [36-Hz
band] centered around 375 Hz.
Fig. 12. WNC adaptive beamforming with focus on the first four turns (a) with
and (b) without shape correction.
lines in the contour plots. In the near-field, the curvature of the
wavefront is so large that it is not possible to get good results
when processing assuming plane waves. The dynamic range
with WNC processing is much larger than that for conventional
beamforming (60 dB instead of 20 dB) and thus weaker sources
now also can be seen. The weaker sources are much better
observed when the data are processed with shape correction.
Similar to Fig. 7 for conventional beamforming, the WNC
output power in the direction of the Manning source is plotted
with and without shape correction (Fig. 11). Without shape correction (solid line), the beamformer output power drops significantly when the array is turning. However, with shape correction
(dashed line), the power remains high [Fig. 11(b)].
Focusing on the 5 min after the start of each turn, a time-angle
contour plot of the WNC output power shows clearly how the
signal is followed very well when shape correction is used
[Fig. 12(a)]. Without shape correction [Fig. 12(b)], the signal
is sometimes lost. Due to the normalization, this shows up as a
white area (noise floor) in the middle of turn 1-3.
Using a narrower frequency band for the steering vector
[Fig. 13(a) using five frequency bins, 1.4-Hz bandwidth] did
not give as stable results. Several of the time frames gave
noisy output power across all angles [horizontal dark lines in
Fig. 13(a)] with no clear estimate of the angle to the source.
By decreasing the dynamic range to 10 dB instead of 60 dB,
it is possible to track the source but not other ships. Using a
much larger frequency band [Fig. 13(b) using 101 frequency
bins, 36-Hz bandwidth] does stabilize the matrix inversion but
now the results are more smeared out as the frequency interval
is wide.
When computing the WNC output power, it also is possible to
use the frequency-averaged CSDM in (11). This is identical
to an incoherent averaging of the narrow-band output powers
for a common broadband weight vector . The result of this
broad-band WNC (see Fig. 14) is here slightly better than the
narrow-band output, since a few more weak ship tracks can be
seen than are visible in Fig. 10. The true track can easily be seen,
since for all the ships the mirror track is lost during the turn and
due to the true bearing display [point 2) in Section V-A2].
a 4-s data length, this provides 12 snapshots. The result of
incoherent processing the data at 130, 140, and 150 Hz is shown
in Fig. 15. Note that many of the sources at 375 Hz also can be
seen at these lower frequencies. Two ships appear to transition
from 90 (
min) toward 0 (
min). A track from
min) toward 250 (
min) can also be seen.
200 (
Real-time WNC beamforming is realistic. Inversion of
is done using SVD, and this is only needed once for all
look directions. Iterations are only necessary in the directions of
interferers or sources. Evaluating the WNC for 360 look directions took 1.2 s for a MATLAB code on a 1.8-GHz Pentium IV.
The MVDR was just 2% faster.
Fig. 14. WNC processing in true bearing with shape correction. The same
(based on 21 frequency bins in a 7.3-Hz band) is used for the
computing beamformer output power as well as the weight vectors.
Based on real data, it is demonstrated that adaptive beamforming is feasible on a turning array.
A towed array can be modeled as a linear rotation of the array
from the ship’s course and a parabolic bow. The linear rotation
can be determined from compasses in the array. The bow of the
array can be modeled based on time delaying and smoothing of
the coordinates from the ship’s GPS.
The use of a curved array model is superior when the ship is
turning and the array is nonstraight. Plotting the beamforming
results in a time-true bearing (true bearing is the bearing relative
to North) coordinate system makes it very easy to resolve the
left–right ambiguity. During most turns, the left-right ambiguity
is resolved using the parabolic model of array shape.
A common problem when using adaptive beamforming is that
the steering vector depends on a matrix inversion of the CSDM
which might be singular. For the WNC processor, it was shown
that the steering vector computation can be stabilized using a
frequency-averaged CSDM.
The proposed algorithms have been tested on real data with
the tow-vessel making 45 turns with a 500-m curvature radius.
While turning, the improvement in performance over the assumption of a straight array geometry was up to 5 dB for the
conventional beamformer and considerably larger for the WNC
adaptive beamformer.
The tow ship and array geometry are shown in Fig. 4. The
axis pointing in the aft dimain coordinate system has the
rection from the vessel.
The turning array is modeled as a rotation around the first
hydrophone from the ship’s aft heading to the axis defined by the
first and last hydrophone and a parabolic bow [see Fig. 4(a)].
In a local coordinate system with the
axis passing though
first and last hydrophone of the array [Fig. 4(a)], the offsets (
coordinate) of each array element are given by
Fig. 15. (a) Conventional beamforming (20-dB dynamic range) and (b) WNC
processing (60-dB dynamic range) in true bearing and by incoherent summing
of the power at 130, 140, and 150 Hz.
For processing below the 150–500 Hz LFM sequence,
narrow-band CSDMs were estimated based on a 2K-point FFT
Hz). For
length (corresponding to 0.3 s,
is the projection of the array along the
maximum curvature of this array is
axis. The
Fig. 16. Matched filtered time series (dB) for a straight array just before Turn 1 (top, t = 15 min, ping 60); curved array (middle, t = 17:5 min, ping 70); straight
array in the nearfield (bottom, t = 70:5 min, ping 274). The curvature of the array is based on tracing the maximum of the matched filter (white). Hydrophone 1
is closest to the ship.
(this is also the length of the
The arc length of the array
straight array) in [25, eq. 38] is related to the length of the array
measured along the
From the estimated parabola we obtain
The array bow and angle (or the maximum curvature) can
then iteratively be determined as
. The coordinate of each element for a
bowed array can then be related to the element position along
a straight array
A plane wave impinging at an angle between the wavefront
and the array ( axis) will see an equivalent array where the
axis is parallel to the wavefront and the
axis perpendicular
[Fig. 4(b)]
and a nonzero acoustic bow
Note that, for endfire
, the bow of the array will approach infinity. By use of acoustics, it is not possible to determine . can, however, often be
estimated as the difference between the ship’s course and the
compass heading in the arrays.
To show that it is feasible to estimate the bow using the
acoustic wavefronts, this information will be extracted from
the received LFM sequence on the array.
First, the received signal was matched filtered with a
150–500-Hz LFM sequence (Fig. 16). The shape of the array is
then determined based on tracking of the maximum matched
filtered output (white line) subject to a maximum time delay
between the neighboring phones corresponding to the separation distance (2 m). The shape of the array as seen from the
incoming wave for three pings is shown in Fig. 16. Note that
apart from the sign of the curvature, it is impossible to see any
difference between a curved array in the farfield [Fig. 16(b)]
and a straight array in the near-field [Fig. 16(c)] where the
wavefront is curved. Thus, when estimating the array curvature,
the array should be in the farfield or the range to the source
should be known.
Based on the curve for each ping, a least squares fit to a
parabola [See (A10)] was obtained and then the angle [ See
(A15)] and bow [See (A13)] can be obtained. Since the transmission time of the source was known, the travel time [represented by in (A10)] and range to the source also were esti-
Only the direction perpendicular to the wavefront
phase difference across the array
gives a
, where
can be further developed as
is the element
Assuming a plane wave arrival structure on the array, the
angle and array curvature can be estimated from the acoustic
measured bow. Based on the maxima of the matched filtered
time series received on the array, a parabola is fit
where is derived from travel time ( ) and
is hydrophone
Fig. 17. (a) Range and (b) estimated magnitude of equivalent bow due to the
source being in the near-field of the HLA based on GPS.
mated. However, for estimating just and the reference time
can be chosen arbitrarily.
Following this procedure, the bow of the array is estimated
as shown by the dashed line in Fig. 5 (the lines determined by
GPS are discussed later). The first four turns are very well determined. Around turn 6 (70–80 min), the array is in the near field
and the bow is incorrectly determined. For turns 5 and 7 the
array passes through endfire. At endfire (and nonzero acoustic
bow), the bow of the array will become infinite if estimated
Assuming the source is at range from the array, the equivadue to the source being in the near-field
lent acoustic bow
can be estimated as
which is obtained by requiring the same curvature of the array
as the wavefront at broadside. This relation is shown in Fig. 17.
Note that we cannot estimate the sign of the curvature since a
wavefront approaching from the left or right is received identically on the array. Note also that, if the array shape is known,
the measured curvature of wavefront on the array can be used to
determine the range to the source.
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Peter Gerstoft received the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees
from the Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby,
in 1983 and 1986, respectively, and the M.Sc. degree
from the University of Western Ontario, London, ON,
Canada, in 1984.
From 1987 to 1992, he was employed at Ødegaard
and Danneskiold-Samsøe, Copenhagen, Denmark,
working on forward modeling and inversion for
seismic exploration, with a year as a Visiting Scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Cambridge. From 1992 to 1997, he was Senior
Scientist at SACLANT Undersea Research Centre, La Spezia, Italy, where
he developed the SAGA inversion code, which is used for ocean acoustic
and electromagnetic signals. Since 1997, he has been with Marine Physical
Laboratory, University of California, San Diego. His research interests include
global optimization and modeling and inversion of acoustic, elastic, and
electromagnetic signals.
William S. Hodgkiss (S’68–M’75) was born in
Bellefonte, PA, on August 20, 1950. He received the
B.S.E.E. degree from Bucknell University, Lewisburg, PA, in 1972 and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees
in electrical engineering from Duke University,
Durham, NC, in 1973 and 1975, respectively.
From 1975 to 1977, he worked with the Naval
Ocean Systems Center, San Diego, CA. From 1977
to 1978, he was a faculty member in the Electrical
Engineering Department, Bucknell University. Since
1978, he has been a Member of the Faculty of the
Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego, and
on the staff of the Marine Physical Laboratory where currently he is Deputy
Director. His present research interests are in the areas of adaptive array processing, propagation modeling, and environmental inversions with applications
of these to underwater acoustics and electromagnetic wave propagation.
Dr. Hodgkiss is a Fellow of the Acoustical Society of America.
Martin Siderius received the B.S. degree in physics
from Western Washington University, Bellingham,
WA, in 1986 and the M.S.E.E. and Ph.D. degrees
in electrical engineering from the University of
Washington, Seattle, in 1992 and 1996, respectively.
He worked as an Engineer for Baird Corporation,
Bedford, MA, from 1986 to 1987 and for Bio-Rad,
Cambridge, MA, from 1987 to 1990. From 1990 to
1996, he was a Research Assistant with the Applied
Physics Laboratory, University of Washington. From
1996 to 2001, he was on the scientific staff in the
Acoustics Department at the NATO SACLANT Undersea Research Centre,
La Spezia, Italy. He joined Science Applications International Corporation
(SAIC), San Diego, CA, in July 2001 and is currently a Senior Scientist in the
Ocean Sciences Division. His research interests include underwater acoustics
and signal processing.
W. A. Kuperman has done theoretical and experimental research in ocean acoustics and signal
processing at the Naval Research Laboratory,
SACLANT Undersea Research Centre, La Spezia,
Italy, and the Scripps Institution of Oceanography
(SIO), University of California, San Diego. Presently
he is a Professor at SIO and Director of its Marine
Physical Laboratory.
Heechun Song (M’02) received the B.S. and M.S.
degrees in marine engineering and naval architecture
from Seoul National University, Korea, in 1978 and
1980, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree in ocean engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, in 1990.
From 1991 to 1995, he was with Korea Ocean Research and Development Institute. Since 1996, he has
been a member of the scientists of the Marine Physical Laboratory/Scripps Institution of Oceanography,
University of California, San Diego. His research interests include time-reversed acoustics, robust matched field processing, and
wave propagation physics.
Peter Louring Nielsen received the M.S. degree in
mechanical engineering from Aalborg University,
Denmark, in 1989 and the Ph.D. degree from the
Technical University of Denmark in 1993.
From 1993 to 1996, he was employed at the
Technical University of Denmark on a European
Union-funded MAST-II project concerning development and validation of numerical models for sound
propagation in the ocean. He joined SACLANT
Undersea Research Centre, La Spezia, Italy, in 1996,
working on numerical modeling and experimental
data analysis of broad-band acoustic signals in shallow water. His interests
are in numerical modeling of sound propagation in the ocean and geoacoustic
inversion techniques of experimental acoustic data.