DOI 10.1515/dmdi-2013-0009
Drug Metab Drug Interact 2013; 28(2): 79–93
Ferdinand Molnár, Jenni Küblbeck, Johanna Jyrkkärinne, Viktória Prantner and
Paavo Honkakoski*
An update on the constitutive androstane
receptor (CAR)
Abstract: The constitutive androstane receptor (CAR;
NR1I3) has emerged as one of the main drug- and xenobiotic-sensitive transcriptional regulators. It has a major
effect on the expression of several oxidative and conjugative enzymes and transporters, and hence, CAR can contribute to drug/drug interactions. Novel functions for CAR
are also emerging: it is able to modulate the metabolic fate
of glucose, lipids, and bile acids, and it is also involved in
cell-cell communication, regulation of the cell cycle, and
chemical carcinogenesis. Here, we will review the recent
information available on CAR and its target gene expression, its interactions with partner proteins and mechanisms of action, interindividual and species variation,
and current advances in CAR ligand selectivity and methods used in interrogation of its ligands.
Keywords: constitutive androstane receptor (CAR); CYP
expression; in vitro assays; ligand-binding domain; ligand
specificity; nuclear receptor.
*Corresponding author: Paavo Honkakoski, School of Pharmacy,
Faculty of Health Sciences and Biocenter Kuopio, University of
Eastern Finland, PO Box 1627, FI-70211 Kuopio, Finland,
Phone: +358 40 355 2490, E-mail:
[email protected]
Ferdinand Molnár, Jenni Küblbeck, Johanna Jyrkkärinne and
Viktória Prantner: School of Pharmacy, Faculty of Health Sciences
and Biocenter Kuopio, University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio, Finland
During the past 15 years, the constitutive androstane receptor (CAR; NR1I3) has been established as a key drug- and
xenobiotic-sensitive regulator of oxidative and conjugative
enzymes and transporters important for drug metabolism,
disposition, and drug interactions. Searching the PubMed
database in January 2013 with the phrase “constitutive
androstane receptor OR nr1i3” yields over 860 publications, and a wealth of information on CAR and its sister,
the pregnane X receptor (PXR; NR1I2), has been compiled
in excellent reviews [1–24] listed in Table 1. We advise the
readers to consult these reviews for details, and we will
highlight only most relevant and recent findings here.
Brief history
CAR, PXR, and the vitamin D receptor (VDR; NR1I1) form
the nuclear receptor (NR) subfamily 1, group I. In mid1990s, human and mouse CAR were identified as constitutively active NRs potentially modulating retinoic acid signaling, but the actual target genes of CAR were unknown at
that time [25, 26]. Studies on phenobarbital (PB)-inducible
expression of rodent cytochrome P450 (CYP) 2B genes [27,
28] led to the identification of PB-responsive DNA elements
mediating the response to several classes of xenobiotics
[29] and of CAR as the key factor interacting with these elements [30]. A string of studies in the early 2000s showed
the following: CYP2B genes in CAR null mice were unresponsive to PB-type inducers; the formation of reactive
metabolites from liver toxins was drastically modulated;
and liver hypertrophy and tumor promotion linked with
PB exposure were absent [31–34]. Efforts during the past
decade have shown that diverse chemical classes such as
pesticides, fire retardants, environmental contaminants,
drugs, and industrial chemicals can activate mammalian
CAR receptors, albeit with species-specific effects [2, 4, 35].
These findings reinforce the role of CAR as a crucial sensor
for xenobiotics, and some insights into the molecular basis
of xenobiotic recognition have been made [22]. CAR is
also important for the endobiotic metabolism of steroids,
bile acids, vitamin D, thyroid hormone, and bilirubin [21],
and evidence shows [36, 37] a disruption of the cellular
homeostasis by the inappropriate activation of CAR due to
xenobiotic exposure. Experiments in the past 5 years have
revealed that CAR is actively controlling hepatic glucose
and lipid metabolism, with CAR agonism producing beneficial effects in animal models of obesity and insulin
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Molnár et al.: Constitutive androstane receptor
Table 1 Selected review articles on CAR.
Focus area of the review
General reviews on CAR and its
Honkakoski et al., 2003 [1]
Stanley et al., 2006 [2]
Timsit and Negishi, 2007 [3]
di Masi et al., 2009 [4]
Reschly and Krasowski, 2006 [5]
Graham and Lake, 2008 [6]
Lamba et al., 2005 [7]
Lamba, 2008 [8]
Tirona and Kim, 2005 [9]
Zhou et al., 2005 [10]
Tolson and Wang, 2010 [11]
Staudinger et al., 2010 [12]
Higgins and Hayes, 2011 [13]
Chai et al., 2013 [14]
Swales and Negishi, 2004 [15]
Pascussi et al., 2008 [16]
Li and Wang, 2010 [17]
Chai et al., 2013 [14]
Moreau et al., 2008 [18]
Wada et al., 2009 [19]
Gao and Xie, 2012 [20]
Chai et al., 2013 [14]
Wagner et al., 2010 [21]
Evolution and species
Human pharmacogenetics
Target genes in phase I and II
drug metabolism and transport
Cross talk and mechanisms of
Role in energy (glucose and
lipid) metabolism
Role in metabolism of bilirubin
and bile acids
CAR ligands, activators, and
associated in silico and in vitro
Hepatocarcinogenesis in
human and animal models
Poso and Honkakoski, 2006 [22]
Raucy and Lasker, 2010 [23]
Köhle et al., 2008 [24]
resistance [20]. The role of CAR in chemical carcinogenesis and hepatic proliferation in rodents is currently
under intense research [24, 38, 39], but its significance for
humans is uncertain. The discovery and subsequent characterization of PXR (as cited in a review by Chai et al. [14])
during the same time revealed that both receptors have a
crucial role in regulation of drug metabolism and disposition. However, the elucidation of CAR- and PXR-mediated signaling is very complex due to overlapping CAR
and PXR ligand specificities and target gene profiles and
to the intricate cross talk with other transcription factors
(TFs) such as hepatocyte nuclear factor (HNF) 4α, cAMP
response element-binding protein, and the family of forkhead box (Fox) proteins [14, 40]. An additional complexity arises from the fact that CAR appears to be activated by
some CYP inducers such as PB indirectly via a cytoplasmic
dephosphorylation-dependent mechanism, culminating
in nuclear translocation of CAR [15]. Exciting results on
the physiological functions of CAR are expected because
knowledge of CAR properties and its connections with
other cellular processes is being accumulated.
Structural features of the NR CAR
Crystal structures of agonist-bound CAR
Three crystal structures of mouse or human CAR agonistbound ligand-binding domains (LBDs) (Table 2) conform
to the standard three-layer sandwich architecture seen in
other NRs [44]. The CAR LBDs contain 11 α-helices and 3
short β-strands, and helices 2 and 2′ assume the 310 conformation [41, 42] (Figure 1A). The unique structural features for CAR LBD include an additional helix called “X”
between helices 11 and 12 and an unusually short helix 12
(Figure 1A). The helix X is also present in VDR [45], retinoid-related orphan receptor (ROR) β [46], and RORα [47],
but the linker between helices X and 12 appears to be more
rigid in constitutively active RORs and CAR. The short
helix 12 is stabilized by interactions with a lysine residue
in helix 4 (K195 in human CAR) and intrahelical H-bonds
[42] (Figure 1B), contributing in part to the constitutive
activity. The two short 310 helices 2 and 2′ appear to form
a ligand entry point as postulated for the peroxisome
proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) α [43, 48]. Similarly to other NRs, the CAR ligand-binding pocket (LBP)
is made up by about 30 residues in helices 2–7 and 10 and
in β-sheets 3 and 4 that form a mostly apolar lining of the
Table 2 The human and mouse CAR LBD crystal structures.
Pentadecanoic acid
C16–C18 fatty acids
9-cis-Retinoic acid
Resolution, Å
Completeness, %
Xu et al., 2004 [41]
Xu et al., 2004 [41]
Suino et al., 2004 [42]
Shan et al., 2004 [43]
CITCO, 6-(4-chlorophenyl)imidazo[2,1-b][1,3]thiazole-5-carbaldehyde O-(3,4 dichlorobenzyl)oxime; TCPOBOP, 1,4-bis-[(3,5-dichloropyridyl)
oxy]benzene; SRC1, steroid receptor co-activator 1; TIF2, transcriptional intermediary factor 2.
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Figure 1 The crystal structure of the human CAR complexed to CITCO.
(A) Overall view on the whole ligand-protein complex with highlighted helices discussed in the text. (B) Detailed view on the LBP with
some of the residues displayed that are discussed in the text. The interaction of the K195 with the terminal part of the H12 is schematically
depicted with green dashed line. The important features are illustrated in color. The co-activator peptide bearing the LXXLL motif derived
from steroid receptor co-activator 1 (SRC1/NCOA1) is in orange, helix 12 (H12) is in red, and helix X (HX) is in brown.
pocket, although two hydrophilic patches may allow the
formation of hydrogen bonds with the ligands. The LBP
volumes of CAR range from 525 to 675 Å3, placing them
in size between the classical steroid receptors and PXR.
Although the co-crystallized ligands are structurally different, they use the hydrophobic character of the cavities and
hydrogen bonds that are formed toward the polar residues
to orient the ligand. In mouse CAR, none of the ligands
makes a direct hydrogen bond contact with helix 12, but
forms a number of hydrophobic interactions with helix
12 (L353) and the linker helix (L346, T350). Because these
interactions contribute toward the stabilization of helix
12, they may be responsible for the “superagonistic”
properties of this ligand. In human CAR, co-crystallized
ligands do not form direct contacts with helix 12. The
closest residue is L343, which is positioned at a distance
of 4.9 Å from the C21 of 5β-pregnane-3,20-dione and 3.9 Å
from the thiazole ring of 6-(4-chlorophenyl)imidazo[2,1-b]
[1,3]thiazole-5-carbaldehyde O-(3,4-dichlorobenzyl)oxime
(CITCO). The barrier formed by residues of F161, N165,
F234, and Y326 excludes the possibility of a direct interaction between the ligand and helix 12 [41, 42, 49]
(Figure 1B). The structure of mouse CAR co-crystallized
with the inverse agonist androstenol indicates a structural
change in helices 10 and 11, which resembles the inactive
apo forms of NRs [43]. However, the lack of corepressor
peptide in this structure and the unavailability of the
ligand-free CAR crystals preclude further speculation on
the mechanisms of (inverse) agonism.
Molecular modeling studies
Before the crystal structures for CAR LBD became available in 2004, structural features were analyzed by creating
homology models [22]. The selection of the template had a
substantial effect on the modeled LBP volume and residue
orientation, as exemplified by the early excessively large
LBP volume estimates [50] and the relatively accurate prediction of the LBP performed later [49]. Prediction of the
protein flexibility is based on molecular dynamics (MD)
simulations [51]. Such studies have yielded information
on the basis of constitutive and agonist-induced activity of
CAR [51–53], and recently, on the probable mechanism of
inverse agonist-induced binding of NR corepressors [54].
Due to the limited number of agonist-bound CAR crystal
structures, information on binding of novel agonists must
be acquired by docking studies and supported by, e.g., sitedirected mutagenesis. The advances in speed and incorporation of protein flexibility in docking programs have
enabled more detailed analysis of ligand binding [54–57].
Due to the promiscuity for diverse ligands and the inherent flexibility of CAR, the building of pharmacophore/
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quantitative structure-activity relationship models remains
problematic [22]. For a limited set of structurally similar
ligands, the pharmacophore alignment has been possible
[58–60], but for dissimilar ligands, an alignment based on
docking is almost a necessity [61–63].
Interspecies and interindividual
Evolution and species differences
Invertebrates have a single protein orthologous to NR1I
genes that does not seem to respond to known xenobiotics [64]. In birds, the sole xenosensor appears to share
both CAR and PXR sequence similarity and ligand-binding properties [65], and similarly, fish and Caenorhabditis
elegans possess a single NR1I gene [66, 67]. The previous
notion that CAR evolved through gene duplication of a
single CAR/PXR ancestral gene has been challenged by a
new view that all NR1I genes result from whole genome
duplication [68]. This theory is supported by recent analysis showing that PXR/CAR duplication took place after the
split of tunicates and vertebrates but before that of fish
and land vertebrates [69]. In contrast to PXR, CAR genes
are not found in the fish lineages but are conserved in
all land vertebrates, including amphibians. Functionally, mammalians use both PXR and CAR as xenosensors,
whereas in nonmammalian land vertebrates, CAR may be
the predominant xenosensing receptor [69].
The sequence comparisons among NR1I members indicate that both CAR and PXR genes have been under positive
selection [70], presumably due to exposure to different dietderived xenobiotics. This divergent evolution may explain
the wide species differences in CYP induction and/or CAR
activation profiles, even though the basic mechanism of
receptor activation is well conserved. The sequence similarity between the mouse and human CAR LBDs is only 72%,
in contrast to more than 90% similarity in steroid hormone
receptors [5, 71]. Changes in the LBD residues contribute
to the different sizes, contours, and contact points with
the ligands between the mouse and human CAR LBPs. For
examples, residues F171, N175, F244, and Y336 forming the
“barrier” in mouse CAR do not appear to restrict the ligand
projecting toward helix 12 as much as the corresponding residues in human CAR do, enabling a direct contact
between the mouse-specific agonist TCPOBOP with helix
12 [41–43]. Second, mutagenesis studies have identified
key residues that dictate the species-specific response to
17α-ethinylestradiol, an inverse agonist for human CAR and
a partial agonist for mouse CAR (F243) and for TCPOBOP
(M340). Third, species differences exist in residues at positions critical for human CAR function [49]. However, the
role of these amino acid differences and extent for speciesspecific ligand-dependent activation remains enigmatic
because CAR has not been cloned and/or systematically
characterized from many other species relevant for drug
development such as the rat or the dog [72, 73].
Genetic variation in the human CAR
Exons 2 and 3 and part of exon 4 encode the DNA-binding
domain (DBD) and the hinge regions, whereas the LBD is
encoded by the rest of exon 4 and exons 5–9. Alternative
splicing has been shown to produce at least 26 splicing
variants, many of which contain a premature stop codon or
code for a variant protein [74, 75] and thus heavily influence
expression of functional CAR [76]. The most important isoforms are termed CAR1 (wild type), CAR2 (insertion of SPTV,
near LBP), and CAR3 (insertion of APYLT in the LBD/heterodimerization region) [7, 77, 78]. Although CAR1 has a high
basal activity, splice variants CAR2 and CAR3 display low
constitutive activity. Due to the changes in the LBD structures, it is not surprising that some differences in ligand
activation have been reported between the wild-type and
CAR2/CAR3 isoforms [60, 79]. Of note, similar splice variants are not present in experimental animals. At least 30
single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) have been identified [8, 80], albeit at a low frequency (<2%) in major populations. All five known nonsynonymous SNPs are located in
the LBD, and two of them disrupt CAR function: H246A was
inactive, whereas L380P had a reduced basal but normal
CITCO-elicited CYP3A4 reporter activity [81]. There is some
recent evidence of CAR polymorphisms being associated
with exposure to efavirenz, a selective substrate for human
CYP2B6 [82, 83]. However, the effects of more frequent
polymorphism in the CAR targets such as CYP2B6 [84] may
mask the relevance of CAR polymorphisms.
Regulation of CAR levels and
CAR expression
The CAR gene is expressed in tissues with high capacity
for drug metabolism such as liver and intestine derived
from the endoderm. The key regulator in such cells is
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the HNF4α, which recognizes a conserved element in the
proximal CAR gene promoter [85, 86]. Different isoforms
of HNF4α appear to either activate (isoform 1) or suppress (isoform 7) the expression of CAR in a co-activatordependent manner [86]. The integration of CAR to many
physiological processes controlled by other NRs gains
support from the findings that CAR expression and/or CYP
inducibility is increased by the glucocorticoid receptor [87]
and the retinoic acid receptor [88]. CAR expression is also
activated by PXR agonists (e.g., PCN, dexamethasone [87,
89]), potentially by peroxisome proliferators (e.g., fibrates
[88]) and is dependent on thyroid hormones [90]. The discovery of serum response elements in the CAR promoter
[91] provides a link to stress-activated protein kinase
pathways via the binding of the ETS domain-containing
protein Elk-1. This finding may explain why many growth
factors and the presence of serum inhibit PB-inducible
CYP expression in several experimental settings [92] and
why the dephosphorylation of CAR is associated with
its nuclear translocation [93]. Finally, CAR is under the
control of the circadian clock-related PAR-domain basic
leucine zipper TFs such as albumin gene D-site-binding
protein, thyrotroph embryonic factor, and hepatic leukemia factor [94].
Cytoplasmic CAR interactions
Groundbreaking work from the Negishi Laboratory
showed that CAR is complexed with heat shock protein
90 and a retaining CCRP protein in the liver cytoplasm
in unexposed animals [95] and that PB exposure leads to
nuclear translocation of CAR and to target gene activation.
The translocation process is influenced by phosphorylation status, with phosphorylation by extracellular signalregulated kinase 1/2 and protein kinase C affecting the
DBD (T38 in CAR) and retaining inactive CAR in the cytoplasm [93, 96], whereas dephosphorylation by a protein
phosphatase 1β (PP1β) and protein phosphatase 2A
(PP2A) [97] enhances nuclear translocation of active CAR
[98]. Also, AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) has been
shown to be involved in the induction of CYPs by PB [99].
Although CAR itself is not phosphorylated by AMPK, this
kinase seems to affect p300 and PPARγ co-activator (PGC)
1α, suggesting a possible mechanism for the observed liver
kinase B1/AMPK cascade activation by indirect inducers,
such as PB. These interactions are important as they link
CAR activation to other signal pathways activated by, e.g.,
stress and cell proliferation pathways. Indeed, cell cycle
proteins have been identified as CAR targets [100, 101].
CAR is required for chemically induced liver growth [31]
and signaling via phosphorylation has long been known
to affect CYP inducibility [102, 103].
PPP1R16A, the membrane subunit of PP1β, facilitates
the ligand-independent translocation of CAR into the
nucleus, indicating a novel mechanism for the translocation of NRs in which ligands and other receptors are not
involved [98]. However, the translocation effect is more
enhanced in the presence of PB. Given the fact that exposure to PB decreases hepatic cell-cell communication by
affecting the activity and levels of connexins [104, 105], it
is likely that novel cytoplasmic interactions of CAR remain
to be identified.
Interactions of CAR with DNA and
nuclear partner proteins
Specificity of DNA binding
Many of the CAR target genes have been listed in earlier
reviews (Table 1). They include the established genes of
enzymes of phase I and II biotransformation, uptake, and
efflux transporters (Table 3), but new targets continue
to emerge in genes responsible for endobiotic metabolism and cell cycle control [9–13]. The initially identified
binding site for CAR/RXR heterodimer was a direct repeat
5 (DR5; two AGGTCA-related hexamers separated by five
nucleotides) in retinoic acid-sensitive gene promoters
[25]. Later studies indicated that most efficacious PBresponsive enhancers consist of clusters of DR4 elements
in vicinity of other TF-binding sites in, e.g., CYP2B and
UGT1A1 genes [30, 106]. In addition, CAR is also able to
transactivate and/or bind the PXR-responsive DR3 and
everted repeat (ER) 6 elements present in the proximal
and distal regions of the CYP3A genes [107, 108] as well as
the PPAR-responsive DR1 elements [109–111]. Experiments
with in vitro-translated proteins have indicated that the
CAR/RXR heterodimer prefers DR4 over DR5, whereas
ER6–ER9 elements are recognized and DR1/3 show little
binding [29, 112]. CAR has been shown to bind DNA as a
monomer in human UGT1A1 and MDR1 promoter elements
and to be activated by ligands, which may point to a physiological role also for CAR monomers [112, 113]. Intriguingly, two nucleotides at the 5′ flank of each hexamer
motif appear to influence the binding of CAR/RXR or CAR
monomer by up to 20-fold [112].
The lack of high-quality antibodies for CAR has
precluded the assessment of true in vivo binding sites
by chromatin immunoprecipitation, and selection of
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Table 3 CAR target genes.
Target gene
Phase I
Aldehyde dehydrogenases
Cytochrome P450s
P450 (cytochrome) oxidoreductase
Phase II
Glutathione S-transferases
Phase III
ATP-binding cassette family
Solute carrier transporters
Gene symbola
Aldh1a1, 1a7
CYP2A6, 2B6, 2B10, 2C9, 2C19, 3A4, 3A11
Cyp1a1, 2a4, 2b10, 3a11
Cyp2b1, 2b2, 2c6, 2c7, 3a1
M. musculus
H. sapiens
M. musculus
R. norvegicus
M. musculus
Gsta1, a2, a3, m1, m2
Gsta1, a2, a3, m1
Sult1a1, 2a1, 2a9
M. musculus
R. norvegicus
M. musculus
H. sapiens
M. musculus
R. norvegicus
ABCB1, C2, C3
Abcb1a, c1, c2, c3, c4
H. sapiens
M. musculus
R. norvegicus
M. musculus
R. norvegicus
Data were compiled from di Masi et al. [4] and Tirona and Kim [9]. M. musculus, Mus musculus; H. sapiens, Homo sapiens; R. norvegicus,
Rattus norvegicus. aApproved by the HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee (
random DNA sites by either in vitro amplification or yeast
genetics to identify CAR-binding sites has not been performed. This suggests that we do not yet have a full view
of DNA-binding specificity by CAR, whereas gene expression studies (with selective NR ligands, delivery of siRNA
or knockout animals) cannot distinguish between direct
DNA binding-mediated gene activation from responses
that are either secondary or mediated by protein/protein
Interactions with the NR co-regulators
The interaction partners of CAR are summarized in Table
4. Most NR co-activators (CoAs) contain one or more NR
interaction boxes, bearing a short peptide motif LXXLL,
where L is leucine and X is any amino acid [114]. The
anchoring salt bridges at the ends of this motif help
orient it properly in the surface groove on the NR LBD,
whereas the leucines provide numerous van der Waals
interactions with the hydrophobic residues located
in LBD helices 3, 4–5, and 12 [42]. The only structural
information for CAR/CoA interactions is derived from
the steroid receptor co-activator (SRC) family members
NCOA1 (SRC1) and NCOA2 [transcriptional intermediary
factor 2 (TIF2)] [41, 42 ]. Many CoAs share characteristic
enzymatic activities such as histone acetyltransferase
activity, which targets histones or other proteins at
NR-regulated gene promoters for acetylation, which can
enhance the transcriptional activity [115].
CAR has been shown to physically interact with all
three members of the SRC family co-activators SRC1 [41,
49], TIF2 [34], and NCOA3 (receptor-associated cofactor 3, RAC3) [116] in vitro. Studies in cellular models
indicate that all three co-activators are redundant with
regard to enhancing CAR-mediated induction of CYP
genes. However, only NCOA3 is able to enhance CAR
transactivation in hepatic cells [38, 117]. Although CAR
interacts with another NR co-activator NCOA6 [118], its
liver-specific deletion does not interfere with the regulation of CAR target genes [119]. However, similar tissue-specific disruption of mediator of RNA polymerase
II transcription subunit 1 (MED1) resulted in the near
abrogation of TCPOBOP-activated gene expression and
acetaminophen-induced hepatotoxicity [120]. It has also
been shown that MED1 but not NCOA6 is required for
nuclear translocation of CAR in mouse liver [121]. The
critical effect of MED1 on CAR-mediated signaling could
be anticipated from the fact that MED1 is a key component of the mediator complex, which essential for transcriptional activation via a variety of TFs [122 ].
The PPARα-interacting cofactor (PRIC) complex component, PRIC320, associates with CAR in ligand-independent and ligand-dependent manner in vitro [123], but the
physiological consequences of this interaction have not
been explored further. The discovery of interaction between
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Table 4 List of CAR-interacting proteins.
CAR-interacting protein
Full name
Gene symbola
Steroid receptor co-activator 1 (SRC1)
Transcriptional intermediary factor 2 (TIF2)
Receptor-associated co-activator 3 (RAC3)
Activating signal co-integrator 2 (ASC2)
PPAR-binding protein (PBP)
PPARα-interacting cofactor 320 (PRIC320)
PPARγ co-activator 1α (PGC-1α)
Forkhead box O1 (FoxO1)
Growth arrest and DNA damage-inducible 45β (Gadd45β)
Protein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 16A (PPP1R16A)
Splicing factor 3a, subunit 3, 60 kDa (SF3a)
Nuclear receptor corepressor (NCoR)
Silencing mediator for retinoid or thyroid hormone receptors (SMRT)
p160 Co-activator
p160 Co-activator
p160 Co-activator
General NR co-activator
Mediator TRIP/TRAP co-activator
General transcription machinery-interacting protein
General NR co-activator
Metabolic transcriptional factor
Cell cycle-regulating factor
Regulator of signal transduction
Splicing/inhibitor of CAR signaling
General NR corepressor
General NR corepressor
For references, see the section Interactions of CAR with other nuclear proteins. aApproved by the HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee
CAR and PGC-1α again highlights the connections among
energy metabolism and detoxification [124]. Later in vivo
studies using knockout animals demonstrated that fasting
upregulates CAR expression and ligand-independent CAR
activity that involves the interaction with PGC-1α [85].
The interaction of CAR with prototypic NR corepressors NCoR (NCOR1) and silencing mediator of
retinoid or thyroid hormone receptors (SMRT; NCOR2)
in vitro explains the mechanism of inverse agonist suppression of CAR activity [57, 125, 126]. Ex vivo, an association of CAR with SMRT on CYP24A1 gene promoter
has been reported, thus mediating cross talk with VDR
signaling [127].
Interactions of CAR with other nuclear
Additional interaction partners of CAR are listed in
Table 4. In analogy to most NRs, CAR makes heterodimers
with retinoid X receptor (RXR) isotypes [30, 112]; thus, the
lack of RXRα reduces expression of CAR target genes. In
addition to this natural partner, CAR has been reported
to interact with by small heterodimer partner (SHP,
NR0B1) and NR0B2, resulting in the suppression of CAR
activity and target gene expression [128, 129]. SMRT and
NCoR can inhibit CAR-mediated signaling independent of
SHP, demonstrating that they may bind to distinct sites
[128]. The recently identified SHP-interacting leucine
zipper protein (SMILE) [130] is able to interact with CAR,
competing with co-activators TIF2 and PGC-1α in vitro
and in vivo [131].
In vitro and cell-based assays have shown that
CAR interacts directly with FoxO1 and represses FoxO1mediated transcription of the insulin-responsive phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase 1 (PEPCK1) and glucose
6-phosphatase (G6Pase) promoters [32, 40]. These findings provide a mechanistic basis to following observations: long-term treatment with PB is known to decrease
plasma glucose levels, improve insulin sensitivity in
diabetic patients [132 ], and repress rodent PEPCK1
and G6Pase [32, 133]. In lipogenesis, CAR counters the
effect of PXR by suppressing lipogenic genes such as
sterol regulatory element-binding protein 1C and fatty
acid synthase [134]. Therefore, CAR is able to modulate
glucose and lipid metabolism, and its activators may be
potential candidate drugs for hepatobiliary and metabolic diseases.
Gadd45β is a growth arrest- and DNA damageinducible protein that interacts with CAR in a liganddependent way and enhances liver growth in mice. The
administration of TCPOBOP in mice results in druginduced hyperplasia, which is associated with dramatic
and rapid hepatocyte growth [135]. Although the proliferation seems to be intact in Gadd45b null mice, the
hepatic growth is delayed and the early transcriptional
stimulation of CAR target genes is weaker [39]. Another
CAR partner, a component of the splicing factor 3a, has
been identified via yeast two-hybrid screening and confirmed in other interaction assays [136].
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CAR ligands and associated
Variability of CAR ligands
Only few selective CAR agonists and inverse agonists are
currently known because many reported ligands have
turned out to modulate other NRs or TFs, hampering
their use as tools to interrogate CAR biology. Examples of
this low selectivity include many drugs, pesticides, and
polychlorinated biphenyls (CAR and PXR), phthalates
(CAR and PPAR), estrogens (CAR and estrogen receptor, albeit at different affinities), and oltipraz (CAR and
nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor).
Meanwhile, the list of CAR-activating chemicals is
rapidly expanding (Table 5), including steroids [144],
natural compounds [145], pesticides [139], industrial
chemicals [146], drugs [62, 63], and various synthetic compounds including thiazolidin-4-ones, sulfoamides [59],
and flexible diaryl compounds [54, 56]. The activity of CAR
is also thought to be modulated by the so-called indirect
activators (acetaminophen, bilirubin, 6,7-dimethylsculetin, PB, and phenytoin) that stimulate the nuclear translocation of CAR and the expression of its target genes but
without binding directly to the LBD [15, 147]. However, at
least for phenytoin and PB, this view has been challenged
because assays with natural CAR or its variants have
shown increased reporter activity by these compounds
[56, 79, 148–150].
The inverse agonists bind the CAR LBD and cause
a reduction in CAR transcriptional activity due to the
recruitment of corepressors. These include different steroids, the isoquinoline carboxamide PK11195 [143] and the
novel compound 1-[(2-methylbenzofuran-3-yl)methyl]3-(thiophen-2-ylmethyl) urea (S07662) [54, 57]. In some
cases, reports on ligand binding and ligand-elicited CAR
activation are controversial such as for clotrimazole [58,
138] and meclizine [57, 140]. This might be due to different cell lines with variable co-regulator contents used in
the studies. The activation of CAR can be also decreased
or increased by retinoid-like substances, but the mechanisms remain unknown [151, 152].
Assays to discover novel ligands
One significant reason behind this expansion of CAR
ligands has been the development of assays for the
measurement of ligand-dependent CAR activation and/
or interaction. Most commonly, various reporter gene
assays measure the activation of human CAR and thus
indirectly assess CAR/ligand interaction [56, 57, 59, 61,
141, 142, 145, 153]. Naturally occurring splice variants
(CAR3) or mutated CAR LBDs are suggested to improve
the assay sensitivity due to the lower basal activity of the
modified receptor [73, 79, 146, 154]. Another approach to
lower the basal activity has been the addition of a CAR
inverse agonist [55, 60, 108]. Recently, a careful selection
of the cell line used for transfection has made it possible
to use the wild-type human CAR without any modification to the LBD structure or the addition of any inverse
agonists [56, 57]. The mammalian two-hybrid assay
measures the ligand-dependent interaction of CAR with
a selected co-regulator peptide. This assay appears to
be more sensitive in identifying weak or partial agonists
that may elicit both co-activator and corepressor recruitment and very useful in dissecting the co-regulator
profile of human CAR [57] and to gain support for human
CAR/ligand interactions [35, 63].
Similar CAR/co-regulator assays, which resulted in
the identification of the potent agonist CITCO, can be
designed for in vitro screening [138]. An LBD assembly assay, originally described by Pissios et al. [155] for
mouse CAR, is also useful in identifying novel human
CAR ligands [62, 156, 157]. More recently, surface plasmon
resonance has been utilized in the identification of novel
ligands and species-specificity studies on human CAR
[62, 137]. Here, a solution with CAR LBD protein and
increasing concentrations of agonist is flushed over the
surface bound by a co-activator peptide, and the resulting optical change of the surface is then monitored.
Because the detection measures any binding reactions
taking place on the surface, it must be carefully controlled for and verified for dependency on the CAR LBD
using, e.g., a mutated CAR.
Because the CAR resides in the hepatocyte cytoplasm in the absence of its activators, the reporter gene
measurements have sometimes been complemented
with nuclear translocation assays. This requires the
transfection of primary hepatocytes with, e.g., constructs encoding yellow fluorescent protein-tagged CAR.
The translocation of CAR into the nucleus in response
to compound exposure can be monitored by confocal
microscopy [23, 158].
The direct assessment of CAR/ligand interactions
in biochemical assays in vitro has lagged behind the
reporter assays. There is limited evidence that the presence of an agonist increases DNA binding by human
CAR/RXR heterodimers [108]. Both agonists and inverse
agonists provide increased protection for human CAR
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Table 5 Latest additions to human CAR ligands and/or activators.
Androstan-3α-ol and androsten-3α-ol
3,17β-Estradiol and 17α-ethinylestradiol
Pyrethroids (e.g., permethrin, cypermethrin)
Carbamates (e.g., benfuracarb)
Organochlorines (e.g., methoxychlor, PCB153, o,p′-DDT)
Artemisinin and some derivatives
Natural polyphenols
Food-derived flavonoids (e.g., chrysin)
Alcohol-derived flavonoids (e.g., ellagic acid)
Triaryl phosphates
Synthetic compounds
Flexible diaryl compounds (FL81)
A series of chemotypes
Effect on human CAR
IA (h>m)
IA (h), A (m)
A (h), IA (m)
Dau et al., 2013 [137]
Dau et al., 2013 [137]
Maglich et al., 2003 [138]
Küblbeck et al., 2011 [56]
Abass et al., 2012 [139]
Küblbeck et al., 2011 [56]
IA or A
IA or inactive
Activator or A
Jyrkkärinne et al., 2008 [61]
Lynch et al. 2012 [63]
Huang et al., 2004 [140]
Burk et al., 2012 [62]
Faucette et al., 2007 [79]
Faucette et al., 2007 [79]
Küblbeck et al., 2011 [56]
Yao et al., 2011 [141]
Yao et al., 2011 [141]
A for hCAR2
Jyrkkärinne et al., 2008 [61]
DeKeyser et al., 2009 [142]
Maglich et al., 2003 [138]
Küblbeck et al., 2011 [56]
Küblbeck et al., 2008 [59]
Küblbeck et al., 2008 [59]
Li et al., 2008 [143]
Küblbeck et al., 2011 [57]
Lynch et al., 2012 [63]
Küblbeck et al., 2011 [57]
A, agonist; IA, inverse agonist; activator, indirect activation, no evidence of direct binding; h, human CAR; m, mouse CAR.
LBD against proteolytic digestion [56, 57]. Displacement
of labeled clotrimazole from the CAR LBD by test compounds [159] has the disadvantage that it cannot distinguish between agonists and inverse agonists. Due to the
high basal activity and complex activation mechanisms
of CAR as well as rather tedious protocols and/or technical issues, these assays are only low-throughput and/or
prone to false positives [17].
Future directions
To elucidate the diverse biological functions of human
CAR in more detail, we must first develop more potent
and selective CAR agonists and inverse agonists. Nevertheless, the combination of molecular modeling
and biological assays [57, 59, 63] has proven a very
fruitful approach in raising the range and diversity of
CAR ligands. It is expected that advances in structural
biology, such as the determination of ligand-free and
corepressor-bound CAR LBD structures, and in comparative molecular modeling will resolve the frequent
problem of PXR activation by many of the currently available CAR ligands. Second, the identification of liganddependent CAR/co-regulator and cytoplasmic interactions constitutes an important avenue in deciphering
the mechanisms of CAR activation and in helping the
identification of novel, primary CAR target genes. This
in turn should highlight the role of CAR in processes
of liver growth, cell-cell communication, intermediate
metabolism, and in discovering new absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion (ADME)-related
CAR targets in addition to CYP2B6. Finally, the development of comprehensive assays for reliable screening of
CAR activation will help in the prediction of its in vivo
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relevance, in the study of its ramifications in ADME and
drug safety research.
Acknowledgments: We acknowledge the financial support
of the Academy of Finland, National Agency for Technology and Innovation, FinPharma Doctoral Program, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, and the Finnish Cultural
Foundation in our earlier and current research. We apologize to colleagues for omission of citations of their contributions to this research field due to space limitations.
Conflict of interest statement
Authors’ conflict of interest disclosure: The authors stated
that there are no conflicts of interest regarding the publication of this article.
Research funding: None declared.
Employment or leadership: None declared.
Honorarium: None declared.
Received February 1, 2013; accepted April 17, 2013; previously published online May 13, 2013
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