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2018, International Journal of Sciences
6 pages
1 file
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of monensin addition on the total dry matter intake, in goat diets, composed of 30 % alfalfa hay and 70 % corn. Four fistulated cross breed goats (Nubian x Creole), 39.77 ± 1.07 kg live body weight (BW), were used in experimental design. Two experiments were carried out: I) Determining total dry matter intake (TDMI), pasture dry matter intake (PDMI), total daily and hourly intake (TDHI) and total dry matter digestibility (TDMD); II) Determining ruminal pH. Treatments consisted of an instance without monensin (D0), and another one with monensin (D1). In both cases, intake level was adjusted to 3 % of BW. There were no significant effects (p < 0.05) on TDMI, PDMI, TDHI, TDMD and BW. The registered TDHI during the 12 h after feed had an effect on time. The area below the curve, with a 5.8 and 6 pH threshold, proved a significant linear drop-off (p < 0.05) for D1. As regards the hours with pH value below pH threshold, there were no significant differences (p > 0.05) between treatments, only a tendency (p = 0,074) to keep pH values below 5.8 for a greater number hours in D0. The average pH of the day showed a tendency to be higher (p = 0,056) for D1. The lowest ruminal pH was observed between the 8 and 12 h after food intake, and with significant differences (p > 0.05) between hours, but the treatment had no effects on the evolution of pH in time. Therefore, we can conclude that the addition of monensin in highly energetic diets for goats had a moderating effect in the ruminal pH, and in the number of daily food concentrate meals. However, there was no register of acute acidosis with these diets.
animal, 2008
The aim of this study was to compare rumen pH and time-budget in eight mid-lactation goats receiving two diets in a cross-over design (low-concentrate diet (L): 30% and high-concentrate diet (H): 60% concentrate). Feeding H increased daily intake (4.3 ± 0.08% v. 4.7 ± 0.08% of body weight for L and H, respectively) and daily milk production (3.01 ± 0.130 v. 3.50 ± 0.130 kg/day of 3.5% fat-corrected milk for L and H, respectively). It decreased milk fat and inverted the fat-to-protein ratio (1.07 ± 0.054 v. 0.94 ± 0.054 for L and H, respectively). As suggested by the percentage of time spent with rumen pH below 6.0 (23.4 ± 6.60% v. 39.9 ± 5.88% for L and H, respectively), H was more acidogenic than L. When offered H instead of L, goats spent less time eating (298 ± 17.5 v. 265 ± 17.5 min for L and H, respectively) and ruminating (521 ± 21.0 v. 421 ± 21.0 min for L and H, respectively) but more time resting (352 ± 27.1 v. 459 ± 21.1 min for L and H, respectively) over a 24-h period. T...
SUMMARY - Sub-clinical acidosis (ruminal pH below 6.0) mainly concerns dairy ruminants and is associated with high levels of concentrate in the diet. It is frequently studied from digestive and metabolic points of view and feeding behaviour is seldom taken into account. The aim of this study was to compare, in the same eight mid- lactation goats, the kinetics of
Agriculture and Food, 2018
The dynamics of the intraruminal and intraabomasal pH in adult goats and cows was compared 15 min before and seven hours after unlimited hay and concentrated mixed feed based on barley, wheat and sunflower meal (goats – 0.5 kg and bulls 2 kg) feeding. Five bulls (n=5) in the age of 1.5 and one year old goats (n=5) were included in this study. To investigate the changes of reaction of abomasum and rumen in animals before and after feeding, the uninterrupted long-lasting intragastric pH measurement method was applied together with a chronic fistula method. For the purposes of intraruminal and intraabomasal pH measurements a special pH-meter for two measurements. In conclusion it was established that in case of adult bulls pH did not significantly changed in rumen and abomasum after the feeding of the concentrated mixes feed and hay, but in case of goats pH level in the rumen and abomasum after the similar feeding decreased significantly during the two hours’ period. Thereby these func...
International Journal of Sciences, 2015
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of whole and ground corn grain in ruminal pH and total dry matter intake in diets for goats. Eight crossbreed goats (Creole x Nubian) was fitted with a rumen cannula and assigned in a replicated 4 × 4 Latin square experimental design. Two experiments were conducted; in the first test we used whole grain corn and second, ground corn grain. Ruminal pH data was measured for each goat as average pH, area between the curve and a horizontal line at pH 6, and duration less than pH 6. In the first experiment, there were not differences (p> 0.05) on area between the curve and a horizontal line at pH 6, average pH and duration less than pH 6 among diets. A tendency was observed (p= 0.08) to decrease in DMI and the F/C decreased linearly (p< 0.05) with increasing whole corn in ration. In the second experiment, a significant linear increase was observed (p< 0.05) on area between the curve and a horizontal line at pH 6, with increasing ground corn. A linear decrease (p <0.05) was observed in average ruminal pH and linear increase (p <0.05) in duration less than pH 6. There was no difference in DMI and linear decrease (p <0.05) in F/C with increasing whole. The milling corn grain, increase the hydrolysis rate of the starch, possibly because to increased bacterial colonization of the horny endosperm surface, lowering ruminal pH.
It was to validated a protocol for induction of subacute ruminal acidosis (SARA) (Experiment 1) and test the efficiency of probiotic Saccharomyces cerevisiae or monensin to avoid pH ruminal drops in sheep (Experiment 2). In Experiment 1, six ewes were fasted for two days and then fed most with concentrate during four days. Ewes in this protocol had ruminal fluid pH below 6.0 and kept it for 75 consecutive hours. In Experiment 2, 18 sheep were distributed into three groups: Control (CG, n = 6), monensin (MG, n = 6) and probiotic group (PG, n = 6). SARA was induced according Experiment 1. PG had lower pH (5.7 ± 0.1) than CG (6.0 ± 0.1) (P = 0.05), while MG (5.7 ± 0.1) was similar to both during SARA induction. SARA induction reduced ruminal protozoa population (P < 0.05) and increased chloride concentrations in ruminal fluid (P < 0.01). In serum, SARA increased concentrations of phosphorus (P < 0.01), AST (P < 0.01) and GGT (P < 0.01), but reduced LDH (P < 0.01). In conclusion, the protocol used for SARA induction was able to maintain ruminal pH between 5.5-6.0 for more than 48 hours. However, monensin and probiotics supplementation was not effective in preventing changes in ruminal and serum parameters during SARA.
Canadian Journal of Animal Science, 2005
Two experiments were conducted to determine the effects of monensin (Rumensin® controlled-release capsule; exp. 1 and Rumensin® Premix; exp. 2) on meal frequency during grain-induced sub-acute ruminal acidosis (SARA) in Holstein dairy cows. SARA was induced by restricting total mixed ration intake to 85% of ad libitum intake and replacing the remaining 15% with a grain pellet consisting of 50% wheat and 50% barley. In both experiments, meal frequency during SARA was lower (P < 0.05) than meal frequency during the adaptation and recovery periods. In exp. 2, monensin increased meal frequency during SARA (6.0 vs. 7.2, P = 0.04) and meal frequency during the recovery period (7.5 vs. 9.0, P = 0.004). These results suggest monensin premix may increase meal frequency in lactating dairy cows under conditions of SARA. Key words: dairy cows, monensin, ruminal acidosis, meal frequency
Journal of Animal Science, 1988
The effect of i.v. administration of ionophores on metabolism in ruminants was investigated in two experiments. In Exp. 1, four Angus heifers were assigned randomly to receive i.v. monensin (18 rag, n = 2) or vehicle (control, n = 2). Samples were collected from indwelling vena cava cannulas from-60 to 240 min. Concentrations of K, Mg (P < .05) and P (P <. 10) were lower and glucose (GLU) and free fatty acids (FFA) were higher (P < .05) in monensin-treated than in control heifers. Serum insulin (INS) initially declined and subsequently increased (P < .05) following monensin administration. A second experiment was conducted to determine the effect of a higher dose of monensin and the effect of lasalocid on minerals and metabolites. Angus (n = 3) and Hereford (n = 3) steers were randomly assigned to treatments in two 3 x 3 latin square designs. Treatments were i.v. administration of monensin, lasalocid or vehicle (ethanol) administered on three consecutive days. Administration of monensin, but not vehicle or lasalocid, resulted in ataxia, hypernea, polyuria and anorexia for approximately 2 h. Plasma concentrations of K, P and Mg were suppressed (P < .05) by monensin, but not by vehicle or lasalocid administration. The decrease in K was preceded by a transient increase in K 15 rain after administering monensin. Concentrations of GLU and FFA increased (P < .05) following monensin administration. Concentrations of INS were lower from 60 to 120 min and greater at 180 and 240 rain compared with-60 to 0 min from monensin administration (P < .05). These results provide first evidence of an effect of monensin on metabolism in ruminants independent of alterations in ruminal microbial metabolism.
Animal Feed Science and Technology, 1997
I14 M. Rogers et al./Animl Feed Science Technology 65 flYY7) 113-127
Mahmud Kusuma, 2024
Gen Z adalah warga negara Indonesia yang lahir pada kisaran tahun 1994 sampai dengan tahun 2012, saat ini mereka berusia antara 12-30 tahun. Gen Z adalah generasi pertama yang terhubung ke internet sepenuhnya, smartphone adalah kesehariannya. Gen Z ini sangat melek teknologi, namun dibalik kelimpahan kemudahan yang didapatnya, terdapat sedikitnya empat kelemahan yang juga menghinggapinya. Adalah tugas Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan dengan segala materi dan nilai-nilai yang diajarkannya untuk menjawab kelemahan-kelemahan ini. Harapannya, agar kemudian Gen Z ini tetap menjadi warga negara Indonesia yang memiliki rasa kebangsaan dan cinta tanah air.
Uluslararası Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi C:10, Sayı: 49, 2017
Öz Osmanlı modernleşme sürecinde Tanzimat Fermanı önemli bir aşamayı belirlemiş ve Osmanlı toplumsal, siyasal ve hukuk hayatında yeni bir başlangıç yaşanmıştır. Mustafa Reşit Paşa'nın başlattığı bu köklü değişimin merkez noktası Avrupa olmuştur. Vatandaşlık hukukunun gelişmesiyle Osmanlı toplumsal yapısında gayrimüslim azınlıkların eşit siyasî ve hukukî haklara sahip olmasındaki en önemli çözüm vatandaşın dini bir tanımlamaya tabi tutulmaksızın eşit muamele görmesi şeklinde düşünülmüştür. Bu düşünceyle Tanzimat ile başlayan ulusçuluk akımları çok dinli toplumsal yapıya ve dini bir hukuk zeminine sahip Osmanlı Devletinde, laik ulus devletlerin kuruluş süreci Cumhuriyet ile sonlanmıştır. Tanzimat dönemi ile başlayan ve Cumhuriyet dönemiyle devam eden Batılılaşma ve onun paralelinde gelişen laiklik yönündeki toplumsal değişim beraberinde bazı sıkıntıları da getirmiştir. Batılılaşmanın vazgeçilmez unsuru olarak görülen laiklik, yönetici kesim tarafından felsefi temellendirilmesi yapılmadan uygulama aşamasına konunca tepkilerle karşılaşmıştır. Bu tepkiler Tek Parti döneminde taviz verilmeden bastırılma yoluna gidilmiş, ama bu duruş, çok partili hayata geçişle birlikte yumuşama eğilimine geçmiş hatta laiklikten çıkarılan anlam değişmeye başlamıştır. Muhalefet partilerinin anayasal güvence altında bulunan eğitim hakkı kapsamında din eğitimi talepleri parti programlarında laiklik maddesi içinde tanımlanmış bu madde üzerinden laiklik anlayışına yeni bir yorum getirilmiştir. Devletin temelini oluşturan felsefede laiklik yerini muhafaza etmiş ise de uygulamada yapılan esneklikler ve yorumlar 1950 yılında bu anlayışın tek parti dönemi uygulamalarının aksine yumuşamaya başladığını da göstermiştir. Bu makalede Türk modernleşme sürecinin ilk anayasa çalışması ve ilk siyasal partisinden 1950 yılına kadar anayasa düzenlemeleri ve siyasi parti programlarında laiklik anlayışı incelenmiştir.
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