Cornish Archaeology 52, 2013, 239–245
A Late Roman 1 amphora recovered off
Cawsand, Plymouth Sound
MARi A DuggAn
with a contribution by steve hill
This report presents a previously unpublished amphora that was discovered by a diver off Cawsand in
Plymouth Sound in the early 1970s. Although brought to the attention of Plymouth City Museum at the time
and recognised as a possible post-Roman import, the vessel was not included in subsequent catalogues of
pottery imported to early medieval sites in Britain and Ireland. A full description of the vessel is presented
to allow a close identification of type and date. Analysis of traces of residue on the interior of the fragment
using photoacoustic spectroscopy suggests potential contents.
The presence of imported pottery of
Mediterranean origin has been recognised at sites
of early medieval date in Britain since C A Ralegh
Radford’s report of excavations at Tintagel,
Cornwall (Radford 1956). Since then, increasing
discoveries of this pottery in western Britain
and ireland have been catalogued and mapped,
and models of importation and distribution have
been developed (Thomas 1959; 1981; Fulford
1989; Campbell 2007). Most recently Ewan
Campbell’s major synthesis of imported pottery
suggested a regular system of importation via
Atlantic channels operating between c AD 475
and 550 (Campbell 2007). Despite the long
history of this research, however, the overall
quantities represented remain relatively modest,
with fewer than 300 amphorae reported in Britain
and ireland (Campbell 2007). Amphorae, used to
transport commodities such as wine or olive oil,
are more common than tablewares, with the Late
Roman 1 and Late Roman 2 amphorae of east
Mediterranean origin being the most frequently
identified at post-Roman sites in western
Background to the discovery
This upper part of a ceramic vessel was recovered
by Mr Terry Bruce, a former police officer and
sports diver of Plymouth, Devon in the early 1970s
while diving off Cawsand in Plymouth Sound.
The precise location has not been disclosed to the
author. it was found buried upright with the rim of
the neck showing above the seabed. After brushing
the surrounding sand away Mr Bruce lifted the
vessel by its handles. it was easily recovered and
without any obvious resistance, but Mr Bruce notes
that as he did not dig any further into the sand it is
not certain that the lower portion of the vessel was
not left beneath the seabed. The artefact appeared
to be an isolated find, although Mr Bruce did not
investigate the location beyond a brief examination
of the surrounding sea-floor.
At the time of discovery the vessel was shown
to the curator of the Plymouth City Museum and
Art gallery, Mr James Barber, who examined,
drew and photographed the object; the location
of the drawings and photographs is currently
unknown. At this point it was tentatively identified
as being an amphora of probable Mediterranean
MA R i A D u g g A n
origin and potentially dating from the fifth to the
seventh century AD. Mr Barber commented on the
amphora to Mr Bruce in a letter dated 17 August
1973: ‘Alas!, in spite of discussing it with many
knowledgeable people, i am still unable to state
categorically its age or origin. A Mediterranean
place of manufacture seems, however, likely; and
certain details – like the fluting of the body, and the
way the handles are attached to the body – suggest
a relationship to the amphorae of the Dark Ages
(c 5th–7th Centuries AD).’
The amphora was returned to Mr Bruce and
remains in his possession. in 2012 the amphora was
brought to the attention of Mr Peter Holt as part of
the SHiPS (Shipwrecks and History in Plymouth
Sound) Project, a wide ranging study of the
maritime history of Plymouth, and was displayed
on the project website (;
SHiPS Project 2012, amphora 12A10).
Although the vessel was recognised in 1973
as an amphora of possible Late Antique date, it
was not published and was not included in the
subsequent catalogues of Mediterranean pottery
imported to early medieval Britain and ireland
(Thomas 1981; Campbell 2007). At the time of
its discovery Charles Thomas was conducting
research on these imports but it seems that he
was made never made aware of this particular
The amphora
The surviving portion of the amphora comprises the
rim, handles and upper body (Figs 1 and 3). There
is some marine encrustation on the upper part of the
neck and the underside of one handle, but overall the
condition of the amphora is very good. The colour
is variable; the exterior surface is light brown-grey
with darker grey patches (varying between Munsell
colours light grey, 5YR 7/1 and pale yellow, 5Y
8/2) but is noticeably more orange-brown toward
the rim and paler on the body below the handles.
This colour difference on the vessel and the marine
growth suggests that the amphora was, at least for
some time, buried upright (in the position in which
it was discovered) with the upper portion partially
exposed. it was not possible to make a fresh break,
but the fabric has a hard, sandy feel and a buff
colour (Munsell colour is grey, 5Y 5/1) and appears
to contain moderate, fine, rounded black sand and
angular white grains (possibly limestone) with
some fine red rock fragments and rare sub-angular
quartz. More detailed macroscopic examination of
the fabric from a fresh break would enable a better
identification of inclusions and might suggest a
potential origin for the vessel. nevertheless, the
amphora can be clearly identified as the upper part
of a Late Roman 1 amphora (LRA1), previously
classified as Bii (Thomas 1959) in older British
reports and elsewhere Class 44 (Peacock and
Williams 1986).
Fig 1 The Late Roman 1 amphora
fragment from Plymouth Sound. (Drawing:
Maria Duggan.)
A LATE RoM An 1 AM PHoRA R E C o v E R E D o F F C AWS A n D , P LY Mo u T H S o u n D
Mediterranean amphorae – that is, Late Roman
Amphorae 1–7 – which is now in common use in
the Mediterranean (Riley 1979). However, more
detailed sub-divisions of these types have not
been used, reflecting difficulties with the material
recovered in Britain: typically sherds are small and
abraded and often there are no diagnostic sherds
such as rims or handles. The Cawsand amphora
therefore presents an opportunity for a more
specific typological identification.
The evolving typology of late Roman east
Mediterranean amphorae was refined by Dominique
Pieri’s study of imports to France (Pieri 2005).
Pieri divided the LRA1 into LRA1A and LRA1B
(the latter of which was subdivided into LRA1Bi
and LRABii) and also identified small versions of
the form (Pieri 2005). unfortunately the bottom
of the Cawsand vessel was not recovered and it is
therefore not certain whether the vessel was pearshaped, as with LRA1A, or more cylindrical, as
with later versions. nevertheless, the combination
of twisted, grooved handles and a fairly wide
mouth indicates a late fifth or early sixth century
date (Pieri 2005; university of Southampton
2005). Pieri notes that the external diameter of the
mouth of LRA1A is more constricted at 5–7cm
while LRA1B is wider at 10–12.5cm (Pieri 2005,
70–5). overall, the Cawsand amphora would seem
to match more closely to Pieri’s sub-type LRA1Bi.
Pieri dates the transition between LRA1A and
LRA1B to the late fifth and early sixth centuries
AD and LRA1B from the sixth to the mid-seventh
century. A late fifth-century or earlier-sixth century
date for this amphora would be a good fit for
this amphora, which matches very well with the
established date for imports to post-Roman Britain.
The form also compares closely with an illustrated
LRA1 from Bantham (Bidwell et al 2011, 95, fig
14: 1).
The weight of the surviving portion is 1398g
with a height of 154mm. The diameter of the body
at its widest point is 228 mm while the diameter of
the rim is 97mm (exterior) and 77mm (interior).
The neck is 110mm high with an internal diameter
of 101mm at the junction of the neck and body.
At the shoulder the wall thickness is 10mm, but
elsewhere is 6–7mm. The two grooved and slightly
twisted handles, as typical for LRA1, measure up to
35mm wide by 29mm deep and join the neck high
up just under the rim. There are traces of horizontal
ribbing on the exterior of the body, starting just
below the point where the handles are attached.
The interior surface also has grooves typical of this
type of amphora (Williams 2005, 159). There are
no painted markings (dipinti) on the outside of the
amphora and no graffiti (present on a number of the
amphorae from Bantham: Reed et al 2011, 103–4).
Patches of a reddish-brown residue (Munsell
colour 2.5YR 6/3) are concentrated on the lower
portion of the interior walls on one side of the
vessel. Chemical analysis of this residue was
carried out at Plymouth university and is discussed
Late Roman 1 amphorae (LRA1)
The Late Roman 1 amphora (LRA1) was produced
between the fourth and seventh centuries in
the east Mediterranean. Production has been
identified at a number of sites in the north-east
Mediterranean, principally Cilicia / north Syria
and Cyprus (Pieri 2005, 80–1; Williams 2005,
160–1). it is not thought to have been imported
to Roman Britain and its presence at sites in
western Britain is taken to represent post-Roman
importation between the later fifth century and
mid-sixth century (Campbell 2007). it is the most
common east Mediterranean amphora imported to
sites in the west Mediterranean, marking a general
expansion of trade from the east by the later fifth
century (Reynolds 2010). in general the LRA1
is cylindrical with a cylindrical neck, curved,
rounded handles and a rounded base (university
of Southampton 2005). The walls are relatively
thin and there is ribbing or ridging across all or
part of the body. However, there is considerable
variation in these features as the form evolves
over time. More recent publications on imported
amphorae in Britain (specifically Campbell
2007) have followed Riley’s classification of east
Potential contents
The issue of the commodities stored and
transported within imported amphorae has been
of considerable interest, although the topic has
not been fully resolved. Wine and olive oil have
typically been viewed as the most likely products
imported to Britain (Campbell 2007, 24). Specific
amphora types cannot be easily matched to specific
products, as amphora forms were imitated and
vessels could be reused, as suggested by the slate
MA R i A D u g g A n
amphora stoppers found at Tintagel (Barrowman
et al 2007, 317–8). Both wine and oil have been
suggested as potential contents for LRA1, although
wine is increasingly seen as the more likely (Pieri
2005, 84–85; Bidwell et al 2011, 131). Chemical
analyses of Late Roman amphorae have been
conducted at Tintagel, although the results have
not been very conclusive and it is not clear that
any LRA1 sherds from the site have ever been
tested (Hartgroves and Walker 1988, 26; Batey
et al 1993, 61; Campbell 2007; Barrowman et al
2007, 256–7). A recent study of the contents of
Late Roman amphorae imported to italy concluded
that of seven LRA1 analysed, all had resin coatings
and five produced traces that could be related to
wine, although indications of subsequent re-use
were also identified (Pecci et al 2010). Resin or
pitch coatings, intended to prevent wine seeping
through the vessel walls, have been observed on
LRA1 elsewhere in the Mediterranean (Williams
2005, 161).
spectroscopic information would therefore be wine.
if the resin was hydrocarbon based, it would have
absorbed some of the contents in transit and this
might explain this result. Ascorbic acid residues
can be found in white wine but not in red, although
this might not necessarily survive in ancient white
wine samples. The absence of ascorbic acid in the
sample possibly suggests red wine.
The identification of wine as the likely product
contained in this vessel matches well with our
understanding of this type of amphora, although, as
noted, this may not have been the original contents.
no sites with imported early medieval pottery have
been identified to date on the Rame Peninsula, on
which Cawsand is located, but it is tempting to
see this amphora as signalling imported material
arriving in this area, or otherwise the shipping of
goods across Plymouth Sound. The closest sites
with early medieval imported pottery are Looe
island (Cornwall) to the west, and to the east,
across Plymouth Sound and into Devon, the coastal
sites of Mothecombe and Bantham (Fig 2).
Campbell (after olson 1989) notes that the
imported pottery at Looe island might be linked
to the presence of an early monastery, but overall
argues against a direct link between imported
pottery and early medieval religious settlements
(Campbell 2007, 122). Mothecombe and Bantham
in Devon have generally been regarded as seasonal
trading points or ‘beach markets’. However,
following recently published excavations at
Bantham the site has now been interpreted as a
possible port with a resident population (Reed et al
2011, 132). Excavations at Mothecombe revealed
the foundations of two large, successive structures,
suggesting sustained settlement associated with the
consumption of imported commodities (Agate et
al 2012).
As noted, the main types of amphorae imported
to post-Roman Britain were LRA1 and LRA2
amphorae (the latter formerly known as Bi). The
pattern of imports to western Britain has been
identified as distinctive, especially in relation to
contemporary sites in the western Mediterranean,
due to the high proportion of LRA2 (Reynolds
2010, 106–7). LRA2 is the most commonly
identified amphora at Tintagel (Barrowman et al
2007), although LRA1 is the most common overall
Amphora residue sample 12A10
Steve Hill (School of Geography, Earth and
Environmental Sciences, Plymouth University)
Analysis of the residue observed on the interior
surface of the Cawsand amphora was carried
out at Plymouth university using photoacoustic
spectroscopy, a method based on the absorption
of modulated infrared light leading to the local
warming of the absorbing gas. The generated
pressure waves are detected by a pressure
detector (that is, a microphone) producing a
signal proportional to the absorption (Hill 2013).
Photoacoustic spectroscopy was used as a scanning
technique to characterise the sample against library
materials at Plymouth university, although it
would require authenticated standards for a fully
validated comparison. Mass spectrometry would
have been more robust, but would have required
more work and increased costs.
The uncarbonised parts appear to be a clear red
resin under the microscope. The sample responded
well with the photoacoustic cell and produced a
good spectrum with some phenolic activity but
interestingly no traces of triglycerides. The latter
would be present in olive oil. There is also some
unsaturation. Tartaric acid is the usual signature
for wine as it occurs in all grapes; tartaric acid
was identified in the sample. The best fit for the
A LATE RoM An 1 AM PHoRA R E C o v E R E D o F F C AWS A n D , P LY Mo u T H S o u n D
Fig 2
Selected sites with imported post-Roman ceramics in east Cornwall and Devon
for sites in Britain. LRA1 was the most common
amphora recovered at High Peak (Rainbird et
al 2013) and Mothecombe (Agate et al 2012)
and provided by far the biggest proportion from
Bantham (Bidwell et al 2011). As such, the
discovery of a LRA1 of this date in waters close
to the south Devon coast would certainly be
exceptional in its discovery, but not unusual in
its type. Further analysis might suggest specific
patterns of importation heading east from Plymouth
Sound. The single sherd of amphora recovered as a
surface find at Looe Island was identified as LRA2
(Thomas 1981; Todd 1983). The recovery of forty
tin ingots of possible early medieval date from the
sea off Mothecombe provides a potential precedent
for marine discoveries connected to these exchange
systems (Fox 1995, 21–22).
Much remains to be understood about the specific
mechanisms of shipments reaching south-west
Britain. Although the ceramic vessels originate in
the Mediterranean, it seems likely that amphorae
were redistributed after their primary importation,
possibly linked to local political dynamics. in
addition, recent findings suggest a more complex
picture for the arrival of Mediterranean pottery
than previously recognised. Rather than reflecting
direct links to the east Mediterranean, this pottery
might indicate that south-west Britain was tied
into trade networks operating along the Atlantic
seaboard. Recent research at the site of vigo in
north-west Spain has produced large quantities of
imported Mediterranean pottery, of which LRA1 is
the most common imported amphora from the midfifth century (Fernández Fernández 2010, 234–5).
Although the Cawsand amphora was not
recovered from a firm archaeological context,
it fits extremely well with the chronology and
pattern of material recovered from local sites
with early medieval imported pottery. As such,
it seems reasonable to consider the vessel as a
potentially genuine post-Roman import, rather than
an ‘antiquarian’ object that ended up in a marine
context. This cannot be proven and the specific
circumstances of its deposition remain unclear, but
MA R i A D u g g A n
Fig 3 The amphora.
(Photograph: Maria
The western Roman Atlantic façade. A study of the
economy and trade in the Mar Exterior from the
Republic to the Principate, Brit Arch Repts, int Ser,
2162, oxford, 229–37
Fulford, M g, 1989. Byzantium and Britain: a
Mediterranean perspective on post-Roman
Mediterranean imports in Western Britain and ireland,
Med Arch, 33, 1–6
Fox, A, 1995. Tin ingots from Bigbury Bay, south
Devon, Proc Devon Arch Soc, 53, 11–23
Hartgroves, S, and Walker, R, 1988. Excavations in the
Lower Ward, Tintagel Castle, 1986, Cornish Stud, 16,
Hill, S, 2013. Amphora residue sample 12A10
(unpublished report for SHiPS project)
olson, L, 1989. Early monasteries in Cornwall,
Peacock, D P S, and Williams, D F, 1986. Amphorae and
the Roman economy: an introductory guide, London
Pecci, A, Salvini, L, and Cantini, F, 2010. Residue
analysis of some Late Roman amphora coming from
the excavations in the historical centre of Florence,
in S Menchelli, S Santoro, M Pasquinucci and g
guiducci, eds, LRCW3 Late Roman coarse wares,
cooking wares and amphorae in the Mediterranean.
Archaeology and archaeometry. Comparison between
western and eastern Mediterranean. Volume I, Brit
Arch Repts, int Ser, 2185, oxford, 363–367
Pieri, D, 2005. Le commerce du vin oriental à l’Époque
Byzantine (Ve–VIIe siècles): le témoignage des
amphores en Gaule, Beyrouth
Radford, C A R, 1956. imported pottery found at Tintagel,
Cornwall, in D Harden, ed, Dark Age Britain. Studies
presented to E T Leeds, London, 59–70
it does seem reasonable to consider it as potentially
another example of east Mediterranean pottery
imported to early medieval Britain.
With grateful thanks to Peter Holt, Project Manager
for the SHiPS Project, for all his assistance, Fiona
Pitt, curator at Plymouth City Museum, Professor
Steve Hill of Plymouth university, Professor Sam
Turner, Dr Mark Jackson and Dr James gerrard
of Newcastle University, and to the original finder,
Terry Bruce, for his help and hospitality.
Agate, A, Duggan, M, Roskams, S, and Turner, S, 2012.
Early medieval settlement at Mothecombe, Devon:
the interaction of local, regional and long-distance
dynamics, Arch Jnl, 169, 343–94
Barrowman, R C, Batey, C E, and Morris, C D, 2007.
Excavations at Tintagel Castle, Cornwall, 1990–1999,
Batey, C, Sharpe, A, and Thorpe, C, 1993. Tintagel
Castle: archaeological investigation of the Steps area
1989 and 1990, Cornish Archaeol, 32, 47–66
Bidwell, P, Croom, A T, and McBride, R, 2011. The
pottery assemblage, in Reed et al 2011, 93–117
Campbell, E, 2007. Continental and Mediterranean
imports to Atlantic Britain and Ireland, AD 400–800,
CBA Res Repts, 157, York
Fernández Fernández, A, 2010. Rías Baixas and Vigo
(vicus Eleni), in C Carreras, and R Morais, eds,
A LATE RoM An 1 AM PHoRA R E C o v E R E D o F F C AWS A n D , P LY Mo u T H S o u n D
Thomas, A C, 1981. A provisional list of imported
pottery in post-Roman western Britain and Ireland,
inst. Cornish Studies Spec Reps, 7, Redruth
Todd, M, 1983. Lammana, Cornish Archaeol, 22,
university of Southampton, 2005. Roman amphorae:
a digital resource, Archaeology Data Service, York.
online at
CFiD=573996&CFToKEn=39545028 [accessed:
20.12.2012]. (doi:10.5284/1000021)
Williams, D, 2005. Late Roman amphora 1: a study
of diversification, in M B Briese and L E Vaag, eds,
Trade relations in the eastern Mediterranean from the
Late Hellenistic period to Late Antiquity: the ceramic
evidence, odense, 157–68
Rainbird, P, Hughes, S, Allen, M J, Duggan, M, Payne,
n, Quinnell, H, Simmons, S, and Taylor, R, 2013.
Excavations at the Early neolithic and post-Roman
site of High Peak Camp, otterton, east Devon, Proc
Devon Arch Soc, 71, 25–53
Reed, S, Bidwell, P and Allan, J, 2011. Excavation at
Bantham, South Devon, and post-Roman trade in
south-west England, Med Arch, 55, 82–138
Reynolds, P, 2010. Hispania and the Roman
Mediterranean, AD 100–700: ceramics and trade,
Riley, J A, 1979. Coarse pottery, in J A Lloyd, ed,
Excavations at Sidi Khrebish, Benghazi (Berenice).
Volume 2: Amphoras and plain wares, Supplements
to Libya Antiqua, Tripoli, 112–236
Thomas, A C, 1959. imported pottery in Dark Age
western Britain, Med Arch, 3, 89–111