Perceptions Regarding the Profile of an Ideal Project Manager
Mihaela Luțaș 1, Răzvan Nistor 2, Marius Radu3 and Ioana Beleiu4
Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Please cite this article as:
Lutas, M., Nistor, R., Radu, M. and Beleiu, I., 2020.
Perceptions Regarding the Profile of an Ideal Project
Manager. Amfiteatru Economic, 22(54), pp. 608-622.
Article History
Received: 15 November 2019
Revised: 20 January 2020
Accepted: 3 February 2020
DOI: 10.24818/EA/2020/54/608
Nowadays, projects are a common mean of organizing activities in all fields, aspects
concerning project management representing a current research topic. While people are
considered the most valuable asset of an organisation, project managers can be seen as key
players for projects’ success, a topic of great interest due to the high number of failing
projects. The research aims to identify the profile of an ideal project manager, by presenting
an overview of studies regarding the profile of a good project manager and, on the other
hand, by analysing the perceptions of organisations’ managers and HR specialists regarding
the profile of the project manager. The research method is based on the conjoint analysis,
for a more realistic approach. Thus, a controlled set of different project manager
candidates’ profiles is presented in pairs to respondents, who are asked to express their
preference. As a result, the article proposes an instrument applicable within any
organisation, to identify the profile of the project manager best suited for the role. Firstly,
the empirical research provides evidence that persons involved in project managers’
selection perceive the value of education, certification, experience or soft skills differently,
based on their professional role. Secondly, it shows that project management certifications
are relevant for project managers' selection and are much appreciated around the world.
Although each project requires specific skills and competencies for the project manager, the
research ascertains a preferred profile based on the perception of over one hundred
respondents, involved in the selection process of project managers.
Keywords: project, project manager, project management certificates, profile, selection.
JEL Classification: J24, M12, M51.
Corresponding author, Ioana Beleiu –
[email protected]
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Projects are more than a set of activities conducted to achieve certain objectives, but
temporary organizations, according to the definition given in the PRINCE2 international
standard: ‘a temporary organization that is needed to produce a unique and predefined
outcome or result at a given time using predetermined resources’ (Office of Government
Commerce, 2009, p.4). The uncertainty that characterises projects determines an elevated
level of risk in this field, that might lead to failure but is necessary to reach competitive
advantage. The increased frequency of using projects represents an adjustment of economic
activities to the current environment, characterized by complexity and dynamism, while
project management is one of the challenges that organizations face. Projects are valued not
only for financial basis but also for intangible benefits hardly measurable in technologies,
innovation, knowledge management, and human resource management.
The project manager role is extremely complex and unique since it is based on temporary
assignments and lack of formal positions (Bredin & Söderlund, 2013), being a challenge to
employees in organisations. It can be described through a list of tasks and a wide range of
responsibilities. Several studies that focus on the profile of the ideal project manager, on
successful project managers and on project manager’s career development (Muller &
Turner, 2010; Hölzle, 2010; Fisher, 2011; Bredin & Söderlund, 2013; Ramazani & Jergeas,
2014; Bredillet et al., 2014; Joseph & Marnewick, 2018), are discussed below in the
theoretical section of the paper. The research presented in this article complements previous
research on the topic of project manager’s role, aiming to identify the competences and
abilities that are perceived to be the most important for an ideal project manager, through
an analysis based on the choice of associations targeting the preferences for the different
competencies and abilities of the potential project managers. The main question answered
through the current research is: What are the competencies required for an ideal project
manager, according to HR specialists and organisations’ managers? The analysis gives the
opportunity to understand better how changes in project managers’ profiles influence the
candidates’ professional value, as it is perceived by key project stakeholders involved in
project initiation and project managers’ selection. The methodology proposed in the article
based on the choice-based conjoint analysis can be applied in practice, facilitating the
identification of a project managers’ preferred profile, thus contributing to improve the
chances of choosing the right person for this role.
The research topic is relevant in the current economic context, where, according to PMI,
more than one-third of projects fail to reach their objectives (Project Management Institute,
2013a) and billions of dollars are spent annually on projects with high failure rates
(Serrador & Pinto, 2015). In an environment that demands employees to improve
continuously their skills and competences, several studies link project managers and their
competencies to project success. Zang et al. (2013) argue that competent project managers
are critical to project success, selecting the right person for the job requiring special
attention. Another aspect that can influence projects’ success is a clear definition of roles
and responsibilities
This article includes a review of the literature on the selection and profile of the project
manager, the presentation of the proposed conceptual model used for identifying the ideal
profile of a project manager, the research methodology and a section that includes data
analysis and interpretation of results. The article ends with a set of conclusions that
summarises the findings, presents the limits and future directions of the research.
Vol. 22 • No. 54 • May 2020
Perceptions Regarding the Profile of an Ideal Project Manager
The research enhances the current literature in the field by achieving its aim of creating a
complex profile of the ideal project manager, based on different perceptions.
1. A review of the relevant literature on project managers’ selection and profile
It is widely accepted that one of the most valuable resources available for an organization
to be competitive is the human resource (Segalla et al., 2001). According to the Project
Management Institute (Project Management Institute, 2013b), between 2010 and 2020, 15.7
million new project management roles will be created globally. Considering the importance
of the project manager, as a key party that relates the permanent structure of an
organization with the temporary project team and has the main contribution to achieving
the desired outcomes, there can be identified a significant interest in project management
research concerning this key role.
The project manager is a member of the project team, which reports to the project owner
team, is accountable to stakeholders and has as main objectives: representing the interests
of the project, making sure that project goals are achieved, directing the project team,
representing the project to relevant environments, overseeing the preparation of project
documentation (Gareis, 2005). The leadership of the project team and the responsibility of
transferring project's results into the organization (Hölzle, 2010) should also be mentioned
when describing the role of project manager. Being a project manager can be perceived as a
profession (Bredin & Söderlund, 2013), in many cases a person having this role for several
times, in different projects. Therefore, recruiting and selecting the right project manager for
a certain project is a challenge for every organization (Ahsan et al., 2013). According to
Taylor (2006), recruitment and selection are probably the most frequently approached
subjects by the human resource management courses and books and the first step in
building any organization, permanent or temporary.
The recruitment process has the role of attracting the right persons from the labour market,
dealing with increased competition for human resource (Ma & Allen, 2009). Ahsan et al.
(2013) conducted a study on the recruitment process to analyse project manager’s
competencies mentioned in job advertisements as signals that organizations communicate
to potential candidates. Without focusing too much on recruitment aspects, it is necessary
to mention that both internal and external recruitment are possibilities to be taken into
consideration when searching for a project manager, depending on variables like the level
of innovation required by the project environment, the available human resources within
the organization, the time and financial resources available for conducting the recruitment
process. By focusing on the selection process for project managers, the current research
continues the study mentioned above. The focus is on external project managers, hired in
the project initiation phase.
The primary goal of a selection process is choosing from several candidates the most
suitable one, the person that is closer to the required standards of performance and has the
highest chance to achieve project’s, organisation’s and his objectives as well. Existing
studies emphasize the presence of several factors that influence the process of selecting a
candidate for a job. For example, Segalla et al. (2001) conducted a research based on the
opinions of almost 300 managers to identify top characteristics that justify hiring a person:
training in foreign languages, test scores, abilities to handle small/ medium size enterprises,
references, international work experience, academic background, technical skills. The topic
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remains of interest in the current economic environment (Salas & Velasco, 2012; Kar &
Mitra, 2015), reason why we approached this issue focusing on factors that influence the
hiring of project managers.
Often the project manager is selected before setting the requirements and organizational
form of the project. The project manager recruitment and selection process in the initiation
phase have critical importance for the relation between the project manager and the
stakeholders, and for the value perceived by the project sponsor. Since success usually
means different things to different people (Shenhar et al., 2001), the project manager can
influence success through an appropriate relationship with the key stakeholders. When
dealing with project success, reaching project’s objectives within a specified timeframe and
with a predetermined budget is usually not enough. Project success is a complex and multidimensional concept (Mir & Pinnington, 2014), influenced by a series of factors (Pollack &
Algeo, 2016). The identified factors affecting projects’ success are the competencies of the
project manager, alongside with cooperation and communication, timing, identifying/
agreeing objectives, stakeholder satisfaction, acceptance and use of final products, cost/
budget aspects, strategic benefits of the project and top management support. Moreover, the
project manager can influence success factors to increase chances of obtaining the desired
outcomes (Westerveld, 2003). The project manager must satisfy the requirements of the
customer and answer to senior management by generating a fair return on investment
(Forsberg et al., 2005). Thus, selecting a competent project manager with adequate skills is
essential, since this decision is critical to project success.
Professional associations have a significant contribution to the knowledge development in
the field of project management. In the IPMA Competence Baseline (ICB) international
standard, the International Project Management Association (IPMA) approaches the ‘eye of
competence’ which describes a combination of three competence elements necessary for
managing a project: technical, behavioural, and contextual (IPMA, 2015). Another
international project management professional organisation, Project Management Institute
(PMI) developed the Project Manager Competency Development (PMCD) Framework that
includes three principal components: knowledge, performance, and personal (Project
Management Institute, 2007). Academicians on the other hand, also have an important
contribution to creating the profile of good project manager. Muller and Turner (2010)
conducted an extended study to examine leadership competency profiles of successful
project managers in distinct types of projects by analysing intellectual, managerial and
emotional competencies. One of the key findings stated is that competencies of a successful
project manager differ depending on project types (Muller & Turner, 2010). Hölzle (2010)
presents in his study the following competencies as required for a project manager to face
the challenges of a unique and temporary organization, varying according to the type and
scope of the project: project-specific expertise, problem-solving competence, leadership,
social, entrepreneurial and project management competence. Another study, conducted by
Ramazani and Jergeas (2015) focuses on the requirements for competent project managers,
divided into three categories: individual characteristics – such as personality, ability, and
motivation; education – referring to academic education; development – relating to
experience and professional development. After selecting the right persons for the project
manager role, certain deviations from the needed profile can be decreased through
education and a continuous training process (Ramazani & Jergeas, 2015).
Vol. 22 • No. 54 • May 2020
Perceptions Regarding the Profile of an Ideal Project Manager
A successful project manager is a motivator, a coordinator, and a leader that must be able to
guide a diverse team toward integrated results. Successful project managers possess the
following essential skills: people skills; management skills; business expertise; technical
knowledge (Chen, 1997). Sommervile et al. (2010) stated that the roles of a project
manager change; and their nature modifies according to the maturity of the project
manager. When different industries or business approaches are considered, it is needed to
zoom into a more refined set of skills. For example, for an outsourcing IT project, the
project manager may have distinct roles: leader, resource allocator, spokesman,
entrepreneur, liaison or monitor (Karlsen & Gottschalk, 2006). People, business,
management and technical skills may be detailed and particularized to IT outsourcing
business needs or another type of business field. According to Bredillet et al. (2015), ‘a
competent project manager is the one who possesses some attributes to fulfil her or his role;
and will demonstrate a certain level of performance.’ There are no universally agreed
definitions or theories referring to the necessary competencies within the project
management field (Zhang et al., 2013), thus creating the portrait of the ideal project
manager is a challenging task.
2. The proposed conceptual model for identifying the ideal profile of a project
Although the profile of a successful project manager is addressed in the literature, there is
no consensus on the skills and competencies required. Based on the literature, we
determined four main categories of factors that describe the profile of a good project
manager. This approach aims to propose a complex profile, which integrates on the one
hand the approaches of researchers and international organizations in the field, and on the
other hand to highlight the importance of certifications in project management.
Experience (technical vs. managerial)
Work experience is one of the factors influencing the competencies of a manager.
Experienced project managers are used to technical aspects of project management such as
critical path analysis, work breakdown structures, resource allocation, and risk
management, but also with technical aspects of the business (e.g. for IT industry a project
manager might have experience in writing software code). In the present research, technical
experience is associated with non-managerial business development activities, while
management experience concerns only project management activities related to decision
making, resources management, leadership, control and coordination. Further, in our
research, we analyse whether management experience is more valuable than technical
experience when it comes to hiring a project manager. Jennifer Mateyaschuk mentioned in
InformationWeek that project managers with both technical and business skills can earn as
much as 25% more than project managers who have only technical skills (Sommerville et
al., 2010).
Certification in project management
There is an accepted assumption within the business world, of a positive relationship
between applying project management standards and effective workplace performance
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(Crawford, 2005). Project management professional organisations provide guidelines that
support projects’ implementation known as standards or bodies of knowledge and offer
certification possibilities. Morris et al. (2006) conducted a study that explores the role of
bodies of knowledge in defining the project manager profession, concluding that
practitioners have an interest in bodies of knowledge since they influence industries’ views
on competence, best practice, training, and development. PMI, the largest professional
association in this field, has over 500,000 certification holders in the year of 2015; from
180 different countries and every industry (Project Management Institute, 2015). The
certifications offered by PMI are: Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM) and
Project Management Professional Certificate (PMP). Other worldwide recognized
organizations offering certification possibilities are: Association for Project Management
(APM), International Project Management Association (IPMA), Axelos – offering the
PRINCE2 certification, most popular in the UK; and CompTIA – most popular in the IT
field. These international organizations provide different certification opportunities in
project management, depending on the needs, knowledge and experience in the field. Thus,
the project management certification can be classified as knowledge-based and
competency-based. Opposite to the knowledge-based certificates that require theoretical
knowledge, competency-based certificates also require practical experience in the field.
Project management certification is usually seen as a step towards the professionalisation of
the project management field. Certifications aim to provide individuals with the appropriate
knowledge and skills required to successfully manage projects (Joseph & Marnewick,
2018). Although certifications do not guarantee project manager’s competencies, they can
provide a competitive advantage in a selection process.
Education in the project field
Education is also a relevant factor that outlines the profile of a good project manager.
Project managers are expected to bring a high degree of technical knowledge to solving
problems (Chen, 1997). Bauer et al. (2014) support the idea that successfully managing a
project implies a certain level of technical capability, which can be obtained through formal
education in the field of the project.
Soft skills
On the other hand, some authors support the importance of soft skills for successfully
managing projects. The necessary specialized knowledge and experience might not always
be enough. Managers also need to be versatile and capable of dealing with a variety of
circumstances (Mediouni et al., 2018). In his research on effective project managers, Fisher
(2011) emphasises the importance of people skills and behaviours, such as: understanding
behavioural characteristics, leading others, influencing others, conflict management and
cultural awareness. Zhang et al. (2013) and Obradovic et al. (2013) also mention emotional
competencies as necessary for a successful project manager, since they influence important
behaviours, such as leadership, teamwork, workgroup effectiveness, and managing
Vol. 22 • No. 54 • May 2020
Perceptions Regarding the Profile of an Ideal Project Manager
3. Research methodology
The empirical research aims to assess the importance of project manager’s skills and
competencies as they are perceived by persons involved in project managers’ selection
process. The study complements the existing literature on the topic by providing an
instrument that can be applied to any organisation, to identify the profile of the project
manager best suited for projects. Data analysis and results interpretation are based on
quantitative research and can be divided into three main phases:
Phase 1 – Analysing respondents’ preferences for the four categories of factors
influencing the selection decision.
Phase 2 – Analysing the responses based on the occupation of the respondent
(organisations’ managers or HR specialists) and based on the geographical location. In this
phase of the research it is also analysed whether project management professional
certificates are valued differently in various locations around the world.
Phase 3 – Identifying the preferred profile of a project manager, based on the received
The questionnaire was used as an instrument for data collection. Instead of directly asking
the respondents what the most valuable skills and competencies for a manager are, conjoint
analysis was used to provide a more realistic approach. In Choice-Based Conjoint (CBC) a
controlled set of different project manager candidates’ profiles is presented in pairs to
respondents. A project manager profile is defined as a particular selection of skills and
competencies. The respondent is expected to mark the preference for the project manager
candidate profile considered to be more valuable to the project. Further, the characteristics
of project managers are assessed based on respondent’s preferences between these profiles.
The factors considered in the research are presented in (table no.1) and refer to experience,
certifications, education and soft skills. All the mentioned factors are important when
selecting a project manager, but some of them might influence the choice more than others.
Table no. 1: Factors used for fractional factorial design
(-) with technical experience
(+) with management experience
(-) NA
(+) project management certified (e.g. Prince2, PMP, Comptia Project+)
(-) NA
(+) higher education in the project field
(-) team player, adaptable, with strong communication skills
Soft Skills
(+) with teaching, training and mentoring skills
From the four categories of factors presented above were constructed 16 different project
manager candidates’ profiles in a full factorial design. Out of this full design, it was
extracted a fractional factorial design (orthogonal array) containing eight such profiles.
Using these profiles, pairs were created and presented to respondents using a web-based
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questionnaire. For each pair, respondents were asked to select the preferred manager profile
as shown in (figure no. 1).
Figure no. 1: Pair of profiles
The questionnaire was constructed and applied using LimeSurvey, an open source webbased survey solution. The target population includes persons who were involved in project
managers’ selection; and is divided into two main groups: HR specialists and organisations’
managers (entrepreneurs and individuals within the management structure of the
organisation with decision power in the selection process). The questionnaire was
distributed via social networks (LinkedIn and Twitter) to relevant environments. The
sampling method was based on self-selection.
A number of 280 persons have answered the questionnaire, and 119 (42.5%) have qualified
as respondents included in the targeted population. Most of the respondents are males
(50.42%), from Europe (46.22%), holding management positions (63.02%). A percentage
of 35.29% of the respondents are human resource specialists involved in the selection
process of project managers for IT projects, engineering and construction projects, research
and development projects, human resource development projects or organisational change
projects. Demographic data regarding the respondents and a detailed picture of the sample
are presented in (table no. 2).
Table no. 2: Demographic data
No. %
HR specialist
35.29 Other than Europe
Vol. 22 • No. 54 • May 2020
25.21 Unspecified
Perceptions Regarding the Profile of an Ideal Project Manager
Each respondent stated the preference for each of the eight project manager profiles
presented in pair with another alternative profile selected randomly out of the seven
remained in the orthogonal array. The analysed dataset contained 1904 records from the
controlled experimental design. The data was processed by using R statistical software
4. Data analysis and results interpretation
In the first phase of the research, the valid data were analysed using general linear models
(GLM1). As a first step, the influence of the studied factors (work experience, certification,
education and soft skills) on respondents’ preferences are assessed using two different
regression models:
Linear regression model presented in (table no. 3). In this case, the preference was
coded from 1 to 9, where 9 is the most preferred profile and 1 is the least preferred profile.
Logistic regression model presented in (table no. 4). In this case, the preference was
coded from 1 or 0, where 1 is the value of the most preferred profile and 0 represents the
least preferred profile.
Table no. 3: Linear regression results on full model
Std. Error
t value
Experience: with management
Certification: project
management certified (e.g.
Prince2, PMP)
Education: higher education in
the project field
Soft Skills: team player,
adaptable, with strong
communication skills
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1; AIC: 9183.6
<2e-16 ***
<2e-16 ***
<2e-16 ***
0.0158 *
The main result of this analysis is the fact that the order of factors’ relevance regarding the
preference is the same in both regressions. Thus, based on the results presented in (table no.
3), education is the most influential factor, followed by certification, soft skills, and
In both regression models, it was used a dummy variable called ‘Set’ which identifies the
position (left or right) of the profile presented in each pair. This was constructed to assess if
the profile presentation has an influence on respondent’s preference. It was observed that
the position of the profiles (on the left or right), does not influence the preference. ‘Set’
coefficient and p values are presented in (table no. 3). Further on, we excluded this
irrelevant factor from logistic regression results presented in (table no. 4).
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Table no. 4: Logistic regression results on full model
95% CI for
Odds Ratio
-13.38 <2e-16 *** 0.19
12.07 <2e-16 *** 3.43
12.82 <2e-16 *** 3.71
0.0101 *
Soft Skills
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1; AIC: 2314.5;
Pseudo R^2 for logistic regression: Hosmer and Lemeshow R^2=0.123; Cox and Snell
R^2 =0.157; Nagelkerke R^2=0.209
Std. Error
z value
The logistic regression analysis shows the significant (p<0.05) influencers for respondents’
preference are: Education (B=1.31, SE=0.1), Certification (B=1.23, SE=0.1), Soft Skills
(B=0.26, SE=0.1) and Experience (B=0.17, SE=0.1, when p<0.1). When it comes to the
factor referring to soft skills, teaching, training and mentoring skills (preference mean is
4.86) are less appreciated than a team player and communication skills (preference mean is
5.15, p=0.03).
The main objective of the second phase of the research is testing the two-hypothesis
formulated in the previous section. The odds ratios of the four factors from full logistic
regression model for all respondents is shown in (figure no. 2). The odds ratio greater than
1 indicates that as the predictor increases, the occurring odds increase for the preference
concerning the profile presented.
The main outcomes of the analysis appear when we focus on the regression analysis
realized for two different respondent groups: organisations’ managers vs. HR specialists.
Respondents with management orientation appreciate the project management certifications
more than higher education in the project field (IT, engineering and construction, etc.)
while HR specialists value the higher education in the project field more than management
certificates. Organisations’ managers appreciate differently than HR specialists what is
important when hiring a project manager. As expected, the results indicate that a person’s
previous work experience influences the perception regarding the profile of a good project
manager. Moreover, soft skills and management experience are not so relevant when
respondents must select a project manager candidate. In comparison with managementoriented respondents, HR specialists appreciate more education in the project field and
management certification and less management experience and soft skills when it comes to
selecting a preferred candidate profile.
By analysing the answers of respondents from Europe and respondents from other
continents, the primary outcome is that stakeholders involved in project managers’
selection from Europe appreciate more the candidates with project management certificates
such as PMP, Prince2 or Comptia Project+. Thus, it can be said that project management
professional certificates are appreciated differently in various locations around the world. It
is important to mention a certain level of limitation when discussing this result, due to the
decreased number of answers from other continents than Europe. There were 34
respondents from other continents, as follows Asia: 8 respondents (India: 6, Vietnam: 1,
Vol. 22 • No. 54 • May 2020
Perceptions Regarding the Profile of an Ideal Project Manager
Singapore: 1); North America: 21 respondents (USA: 20, Canada: 1); other: 5 respondents.
This outcome can be considered more an insight than a result. For more accurate results the
subject should be further researched in depth with extensive studies that respect sampling
constraints regarding continents.
Figure no. 2: Odds ratios of the four factors
In the third phase of the research, an in-depth analysis of the responses was made to
complement previous studies on the profile of a good project manager. Thus, we analysed
which was the most frequently selected project manager profile. The analysis allowed us to
create a hierarchy of preferences for the profiles as presented in (table no. 5). For example,
profile 5 (with management experience, PM certification, higher education in the project
field and with teaching, training and mentoring skills) is the most preferred profile, and it is
followed, in the second position, by the profile 1 with the main differences related to
‘management experience’ and ‘soft skills’.
Candidates with management experience and mentoring skills are preferred to candidates
with technical experience and team players. Moreover, the conjoint analysis (CA) can be
used as an instrument for scenarios evaluation and simulations. Using CA on collected data
enables to explore alternative projects managers’ profiles. Computer simulations can be run
to identify the point at which the candidates’ profiles are more appreciated by key project
stakeholders. For specific projects, the key stakeholders (the sponsor or owner of the
project for example) might appreciate soft skills more than certifications, and technical
education more than management education. The preferences of key stakeholders can be
assessed by using conjoint simulations and ease the recruitment and selection process for
best-suited candidates for the project manager role.
Table no. 5: Mean values for profiles used in pairs to assess the respondent preference
The mean values
corresponding to
Profile Experience Certifications Education
Soft Skills
the profiles
presented in pairs
team player,
education in
adaptable, strong
the project
Amfiteatru Economic
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Profile Experience Certifications Education
Soft Skills
team player,
education in
adaptable, strong
the project
team player,
adaptable, strong
team player,
adaptable, strong
education in teaching, training
the project and mentoring
education in teaching, training
the project and mentoring
teaching, training
and mentoring
teaching, training
and mentoring
The mean values
corresponding to
the profiles
presented in pairs
The project manager represents the interests of the project in relationship to the permanent
organization and key stakeholders, coordinates, motivates and leads the project team
towards the desired results. The role of the project manager is complex and has the highest
influence on achieving the objectives and meeting the success criteria. Although distinct
types of projects might require different profiles of project managers, some skills and
competencies are preferred depending on those making the hiring decision. The empirical
research shows that persons involved in project manager’s selection perceive differently the
value of professional competencies and skills of the project manager, based on their
professional role: organisations’ managers vs. HR specialists. By using conjoint analysis,
we found that the most influential factors in hiring a project manager are education in the
project field (IT, engineering and construction etc.), followed by project management
certifications (PMP, Prince2, Comptia Project+ etc.). Moreover, organisations’ managers
appreciate differently than HR specialists what is important when hiring a project manager.
Human resources specialists are better prepared theoretically to determine the best suited
profile according to the tasks of the project manager, while organisations’ managers know
better the context of the project. This different perception is normal and can benefit the
Vol. 22 • No. 54 • May 2020
Perceptions Regarding the Profile of an Ideal Project Manager
selection process if there is a collaboration between the organisations’ managers and the
specialists in human resources. Also, project management certifications are valued more by
European respondents than by respondents from other continents. While, certifications are
more appreciated than soft skills like mentoring or communication.
Although the number of analysed cases is relevant to satisfy statistical assumptions for the
models and tests, it is not enough to infer conclusions for a large population, since due to
resources limits, we have not imposed the correspondent sampling constraints. The
uniqueness of projects also limits the generalisation possibility of the results. However, the
results enhance the existing literature on the topic by analysing and presenting the
perceptions of 119 persons involved in project managers’ selection regarding the preferred
profile of the candidate. As a future research, in-depth analysis can be conducted to analyse
the relationship between the preferred skills and competencies of a project manager and
project success.
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