O. L. Asato
[email protected]
E. R. R. Kato
R. Y. Inamasu
A. J. V. Porto
USP EESC - Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica
13560-254 São Carlos, SP. Brazil
Analysis of Open CNC Architecture
for Machine Tools
The evolution of digital circuit technology, leadind to higher speeds and more reliability
allowed the development of machine controllers adapted to new production systems (e.g.,
Flexible Manufacturing Systems - FMS). Most of the controllers are developed in
agreement with the CNC technology of the correspondent machine tool manufacturer. Any
alterations or adaptation of their components are not easy to be implemented. The
machine designers face up hardware and software restrictions such as lack of interaction
among system’s elements and impossibility of adding new function. This is due to
hardware incompatibility and to software not allowing alterations in the source program.
The introduction of open architecture philosophy propitiated the evolution of a new
generation of numeric controllers. This brought the conventional CNC technology to the
standard IBM – PC microcomputer. As a consequence, the characteristics of the CNC
(positioning) and the microcomputer (easy of programming, system configuration, network
communication etc) are combined. Some researchers have addressed a flexible structure of
software and hardware allowing changes in the hardware basic configuration and all
control software levels. In this work, the development of open architecture controllers in
the OSACA, OMAC, HOAM-CNC and OSEC architectures is described.
Keywords: Open architecture, CNC, machine tool
The industrial automation evolution in current manufacturing
systems demands established rules
manufacturers (such as CNC machines) and customers that use
production techniques based on operation and integration of
automatic equipment (like Computer Integrated Manufacturing –
CIM). These rules are needed because of problems during
implantation and maintenance of complex factory controller’s
Engineers and technicians are limited as far as hardware and
software are concerned when they need to expand, maintain and
integrate the “production islands”. Hardware and software problems
usually do not allow the use of the same control hardware, elevating
costs for nincrease in production
Solutions were proposed which seek the “open way”. The
meaning of “open way” for Wada (1996) is the independence from
the manufacturer's technology, allowing the user to buy hardware
and software from several different manufacturers and freely
assemble the acquired pieces of equipment.
Thus, the Open Architecture Controller have the capacity to
integrate pieces of equipment from several different manufacturers
and to obtain control solutions with several programmable
application interfaces, maintaining the same performance at lower
The first works on Open Architecture Controller began when the
NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) proposed the
use of RCS (Real-time Control System), which is an architecture
model of 15 years ago (Proctor and Albus, 1997). The RCS model
was the base to the NGC (Next Generation Controller) program, cosponsored by NCMS (National Center for Manufacturing Sciences)
and the United States Air Force, verifying the industrial needs to
next generation controllers. Researches began with the development
of the standard SOSAS (Specification for an Open Systems
Architecture Standard) (Yamazaki, 1996).
In spite of this effort, the CNC Open Architecture still remains
without defining a universal pattern. There are however several
developments of architectures in research centers that allow
Presented at COBEM 99 – 15th Brazilian Congress of Mechanical Engineering,
22-26 November 1999, São Paulo. SP. Brazil. Technical Editor:
José Roberto F. Arruda.
208 / Vol. XXIV, July 2002
alterations in the software and in the hardware, offering a large
number of possible design configurations.
Specification of an Open Architecture System
An Open Architecture Controller should be flexible in hardware
as it is in software for all control levels (Wright et al., 1996). An
Open Architecture Controller must be standard to allow hardware
and software development by any engineer or technician, and its
integration with other controllers, cell control systems and high
level planning systems (Schofield, 1996).
The machine tool open controller should permit the integration
of independent application program modules, control algorithms,
sensor and computer hardware developed by different manufactures
(Pritschow et al., 1993).
An Open System allows to program in several platforms that
interact with other application systems.
Some specifications of an open architecture system are (Miles,
1998) (Oshiro, 1998):
• Interaction: due to communication of standard data semantics;
• Interoperability: same component function by different
• Portability: the easy with which application software can be
transferred fromone environment toanother.
• Scalability: system ability to increase or to decrease according
to the demand.
Architecture Types
Some efforts to define an Open Architecture System will be
addressed below:
OSACA Architecture (Open System Architecture for
Controls within Automation Systems)
The OSACA (1998) architecture is a Control Open System
Architecture for Automatic Systems. It appeared in Europe with the
ESPRIT III Project 6379 program, being one of the largest projects
involving standards for OAC (Open Architecture Control), that
includes network connection and applications (Koren et al., 1996a).
The OSACA project began in 1992 in research institutes of
France, Germany, Italy, Spain and Switzerland.
The main goal of the OSACA project was the definition of an
independent hardware and modularity, that is, to work in modules
allowing the addition or removal of numeric control, robot control,
Programmable Logical Controllers (PLCs), cells control, etc. To
manage these modules, it was created the OSACA phase II project
9115 to establish software modular systems, communication
interfaces, operation and open data base systems for new functions
and for the use in new digital equipment (Pritschow et al., 1993).
Following the same research line, it was created in Germany the
HÜMNOS (Modulate Development for application in object
oriented open architecture control system) project. This project
development is based on the OSACA results. It had the participation
of final users (BMW, Mercedes Benz), machine tool manufacturers
(Alfing, Fritz Wener, Grunewald, Heller, Homag, Hüller Hille,
Index, Mikromat, Pfauter, Trumpf and Unipo) and the controller
manufacturers (Bosch, DASA, Grundig electronics, ISG,
SIEMENS), along with of this project several research institutes.
The objective is to exchange information between users and
manufacturers, bringing benefits to both. The OSACA architecture
allows the assembly of the machine tool control using a user
interface, without the need to review the whole software (Altintas, et
al., 1996). To reach this goal it is necessary to know the concept of
A platform is composed of hardware and program groups
(operating system, communication system) that offer a uniform
service for the functional unit (FU) control. The application-
programming interface (API) with the FU is based on a well-defined
The three main platform areas are:
• Communication System: hardware and software are defined
independently of the information exchange interface among
different modules of the controller application. The OSACA
communication system allows the information exchange in a
transparent way between client and server applications.
• Reference Architecture: determines the control FU and
specifies the external interface. This is done to enable the use
and integration ofexternal units through internal data in a welldefined way. FU examples are Man Machine Interface,
Interlock Logical Control, and Axes Movement Control. For
each identified FU, an external module using an object
oriented communication for data interfacing with application
modules is defined. The interface of writing and reading data
access is located in the Architecture Oriented Object and this
access is available with the use of a Communication Oriented
• System Configuration: Allows a controller dynamic
configuration through a combination of different application
modules. This does not only allow determining a specific
topology of a given functionality, but also the synchronization
among the distributed processes.
Figure 1. System platform (OSACA, 1998).
Figure 1 describes the platform of the OSACA system, where a
configuration request generated by a microcomputer is sent to the
system. The reconfiguration uses FU (Function Unite), which
works, based on object oriented programs, a class library, with
variables and internal data. The OSACA application protocol uses a
client/server base mounted on the object orientation principle. All
FU functionality will have external access and it is configurable by
the communication platform. From the customer's viewpoint, the
server can be accessed through shipping and reception of system
communication messages.
J. of the Braz. Soc. Mechanical Sciences
OMAC Architecture
The OMAC architecture had its beginning in December of 1994
with the publication of “Requirements of Open, Modulate
Architecture Controllers for Applications in the Automotive
Industry” by Chrysler, Ford and General Motors. This document
served as a guide for controllers API in the North American
automobile industries.
Copyright 2002 by ABCM
July 2002, Vol. XXIV / 209
The OMAC group is composed of open architecture system
users, whose objective is to work together, bringing several benefits
(Yen, 1998), such as:
• to establish a position of the open architecture controllers
based on experience of the software users and machine
• to accelerate the open control use within the industries, with
the use of APIs;
• to promote the development of open control among controller
• To develop collective solutions for the development,
commercialization and use of open architecture controller
to machine I/O
to robot Controller
to weld Controller
to Plant by network
to Control point
O pen
M odular
A rchitecture
C ontroller
to Drives
to Motors
Figure 2. OMAC System simplified plant (Yen, 1998).
Architecture Multi-processor - CNC)
The HOAM-CNC architecture – Open System Architecture
Hierarchical Multi-processor for CNC machines-acts mainly in the
machine hardware, offering the advantages of having two buses, a
CNC control bus and another bus to allow the introduction of new
components. Some research centers involved in this research line
• University of Michigan/Ann Arbor, USA – which studies
open architecture controller in real time for machines tools of
high performance. They execute the implementation of several
different types of hardware control with net communications
to study the difference in machine performance depending on
the adopted architecture (Koren et al., 1996a; (Koren et al.,
• University British Columbia/Vancouver, Canada - they use
this architecture seeking the regulating adaptive control.
Modules that detect tool damage and vibration are inserted
using acoustic sensors for the control execution. A primary
bus is used to execute the machine control process and to
monitor the tasks and a secondary bus of higher performance
is used to communicate with the CNC (Altintas et. al., 1996)
(Yamazaki, 1996).
Control process unit
Master / real time
Main Bus (ISA Bus)
CNC master controller
Real time managing task / process
High level controller
Interpolation operations
( TMS320C30 DSP Chip )
Axis 1
Axis 2
Axis n
Figure 3. HOAM-CNC Hardware Global Architecture.
Figure 3 illustrates the HOAM-CNC architecture where a
microcomputer is used. The standard main bus ISA deals with the
monitor activities, data processing, adaptive control and man
210 / Vol. XXIV, July 2002
machine interface (MMI),. The CNC bus deals with the position and
speed control of each axis (Altintas et al, 1996), operating the
control in real time with a dedicated processor.
The system allows the addition of several processing modules in
the primary bus and the interaction of control axes in the secondary
OSEC Architecture (Open System Environment for
Six Japan companies, Toshiba Machine Co., Toyoda Machine
Works Ltda., Yamazaki Mazak Co., IBM Japan Ltda., Mitsubishi
Electric Co., SML Corporation, composed the OSEC (Open System
Environment for Controllers) group, whose objective was to develop
a platform of open architecture for numeric control equipment.
Workpiece Geometry
Operation Planning: machining sequence, tool path,
cutting condition, etc.
NC Program
Machining Process Control:
Program interpretation, Operation control, Intelligent
machining process control, etc.
Machining Control Server
FADL Interpreter
Control Sequence
Tool Movement
Discrete Event Control
Trajectory Control
Axis Motion
Axis Control
Architecture OSEC
Device Control
Figure 4. Architecture OSEC.
The purpose of this group is to create an open architecture based
on a standard personal microcomputer IBM-PC to control
manufacturing equipment, to improve its performance and to
facilitate its maintenance. The personal microcomputer besides
controlling equipment can also act as an information base system for
the factory operation. In other words, pieces of equipment based on
this architecture can be elements of an acquisition and logistics
support system based on computer - CALS (Computer-aided
Acquisition and Logistic Support) (Yamazaki, 1996).
There are many research centers working on this open
architecture concept, such as the USA Navy with the enhanced
machine controller project - EMC (Enhanced Machine Controller),
with the Trade Department support that proposed a five level
1 - workstation planning;
2 - workstation managing;
3 - plan interpretation;
4 - trajectory generation/ discrete input and output (I/O);
5 - servo controls.
The project includes thermal deformation error compensation
and NURBS (Non Uniform Rational B-Spline) interpolation
(Yamazaki, 1996).
The USA Energy Department with the TEAM-ICLP
(Technologies Enabling Agile Manufacturing - Intelligent Closed
J. of the Braz. Soc. Mechanical Sciences
Loop Processing) project concentrates its researches on the
development of an API oriented to open architecture.
The National Center for Manufacture Science (NCMS) that
launched the NGIS (Next Generation Inspection System II) project
is seeking the development of a sensor process inspection interface.
Several projects presented by companies and research centers
seek the development of controllers that supply a machine with new
technologies to increase. mainly by establishing world hardware and
software patterns so that the technological dependence between
manufactures and customer ends.
The increase in programming and configuration flexibility due
to the open architecture of CNC generates a modular service
composed of reused object oriented pieces of software and the
electrical-mechanical system controlled by one or more control
The future trend is the use of autonomous CNC, managing and
processing all internal (intrinsic to the machine) and external
(related with the production planning) elements. For this, it is
necessary to develop several sections:
Planning Section: where the product project (CAD - Computer
Aided Design model) and the raw material are received. The
planning is executed with the available resources;
Copyright 2002 by ABCM
July 2002, Vol. XXIV / 211
Internal Analysis Section: verifies the part machining, storing
the best results obtained in the knowledge base. After this, an
analysis is executed to classify the part machining in according to
the operation sequence, the use of tools, and the cutting conditions
needs to control section;
Control Section: execute the real CNC control using
compensations and simulation forecasts in real time;
Diagnosis and Control of Quality Section: From the analysis
section, the final part is verified, and an autonomous measurement
process generates the whole measured data. The quality control
verifies the process behavior statistics to diagnose the causes of
The sections above mentioned must:
• use the knowledge base to maintain active the machine
operation in an automatic way;
• use the information of the data bases to verify and to
modernize the resources (new technology) to improve
operation performance;
• use the diagnosis and quality control to check automatically
the finish part without human intervention;
• after the finish of the operation, analyzes automatically the
operation performance.
• analyze in real time the control model based on simulation
and to performance the corrections in the control maintaining
the machine tool precision and safety.
The open architecture CNC will have the following
characteristics (Yamazaki, 1996):
Transparent: the system architecture should be known
completely to the machine tool manufacturers as well as to the final
Transportable: any part of the control software can be
transported to any remote part or to a personal microcomputer;
Transplantable: the control software can be implemented or
Liveliness: both the software and the hardware when replaced
with new system components should allow the machine to operate
immediately and without additional costs;
Re-configurable: the controller functions should be possible to
be configured by the user;
Evolution: the complete system must be developed (this means
that the intelligent functions should receive information
The use of open architecture CNC is considered of great
importance since it is a promising technology that acts in the area of
industrial automation, allowing the integration of the equipment, a
more friendlyr interface in the configuration, machine tool
communication and modernization.
The low cost of the electronic components has been motivating
the development of new controllers.
There are several types of open architecture being developed in
the USA, Europe and Asia, which use the standard IBM-PC
computer for control. The OSACA architecture is used mostyin the
software area, the architecture OMAC acts mostly in industrial
applications and the OSEC architecture acts in automation in every
industrial area, logistics and support. The HOAM-CNC architecture
212 / Vol. XXIV, July 2002
acts in the hardware area in terms of new sensors and special
module implementation.
All these architectures have integrated equipment of several
different manufacturers and to obtain control solutions at a lower
cost, maintaining the same performance.
Some benefits of the open architecture controller are:
• The use of the C + + programming in the design of the control
software. Software routines can configure and implement new
functions to increase the machine tool performance.
• The application possibility of algorithm development of
adaptable control for new applications, which uses force
sensor, vibration sensor, acoustic sensor, etc.
• The algorithm execution of special servo-control, increasing
the machine tool precision.
• The use of the same operator interface for different machines,
simplifying user's training and reducing the costs.
The author would like to thank to FAPESP – Fundação de
Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo – Brazil, for part
funding the development of this work.
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