Papers by Dr. Kamran Latif
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is a wireless technology used for real time identification ... more Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is a wireless technology used for real time identification and data capture of items. It replaces the traditional barcode at retail shop, warehousing, logistics and supply chain management etc. The basic requirements for deploying RFID network are to know the number of readers needed, location of the readers and the efficient power setting for each reader. The optimal solution of RFID network planning problems can be achieved by the implementation of newly developed Multi-Colony Global Particle Swarm Optimization (MC-GPSO) algorithm, which computes objective functions scientifically. However owing to the limited transmission range of RFID reader, it can track and identify items within specified range only. A novel approach to integrate RFID network planning with XBee wireless mesh network was developed. It could enhance the communication range and visibility of items identification and tracking activity faster and accurate. It also increases the tracking activity of multiple items as compared to existing barcode technology. RFID system is able to reduce the product loss or shrinkage and bullwhip effect resulting to reduce the overall cost. It also reduces the time of data transfer in global network.
The fast development of RFID technology having challenging issues of the optimal deployment of RF... more The fast development of RFID technology having challenging issues of the optimal deployment of RFID network are tags coverage, interference, economic efficiency and load balance. In this paper the novel approach of Multi-Colony Global Particle Swarm Optimization (MC-GPSO) algorithm was used to deploy minimum number of reader which covers all tags with minimum interference effect in large scale basis. The main aim of this algorithm is to divide the swarm in to multi-colony for achieving the optimal results as compared to the basic PSO. Simulation results show the optimal solution of RFID Network Planning (RNP).
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2016
Penetration is the basic element of designing protective concrete structure against the local imp... more Penetration is the basic element of designing protective concrete structure against the local impact of hard missile. Vital structures such as nuclear plants, power plants, weapon industries, weapons storage places, water retaining structures like dams, local industries, highway barriers & etc., have to be designed as self-protective structures in order to resist kinetic impact, natural disaster, consciously engendered unpleasant incidents, or/and against accidentally occur incidents in nuclear plants, local industries etc., (generated by dynamic loading and kinetic missiles and etc.). Critical impact energy is the dominant cause of local damage in concrete structures. Therefore, it is vital to study critical impact energy that causes penetration. An analytical model is developed to predict the required critical impact energy for maximum penetration without rear effects in concrete slabs when it is impacted with ogive nose hard projectile. The newly developed analytical model is examined for CRH =2.0 and CRH=4.25. It was found that the predicted results from analytical model are in close relation with experimental data with less than (8%) and (17%) error in case of CRH =2.0 and CRH=4.25. Furthermore, a nose shape factor (Ni) with introduction of empirical frictional factor (Nf) in Chen and Li nose shape (N*) is proposed. It was found that the predicted results from analytical model with nose shape (Ni) are in close relation with experimental data with less than (17%) error in all cases as compared to predicted results with traditional Li and Chen nose shape (N*). In general, the analytical model generates encouraging prediction which is consistent and follows a general trend of experimental results. Therefore, it is suggested that the proposed analytical model is conservative.
2015 International Conference on Computer, Communications, and Control Technology (I4CT), 2015
International Journal of Advances in Applied Sciences (IJAAS), Jun 2012
Penetration is the basic element of designing protective concrete structure against the local imp... more Penetration is the basic element of designing protective concrete structure against the local impact of hard projectile. Conventional, un-conventional, and sensitive structures should have to be designed as self-protective structures in order to resist natural disaster, consciously engendered unpleasant incidents, or/and against accidently occur incidents in nuclear plants, local industries etc.. When hard projectile collides with concrete wall, it is the critical impact energy of the projectile that deforms concrete wall. Critical impact energy is the dominant cause of penetration in concrete structures. Therefore, it is vital to study critical impact energy that causes penetration. An analytical model is developed to predict the required critical impact energy for spalling and tunneling and maximum penetration without rear effects in concrete walls when it is impacted with hard projectile. The newly developed analytical model is examined for CRH=2.0, 3.0. It was found that the predicted results from analytical model are in close relation with experimental data with less than (8%) and (17%) error in case of CRH =2.0 and 3.0. Furthermore, Chen and Li nose shape factor is
modified as (Ni), with introduction of empirical frictional factor (Nf). It was found that the predicted results from analytical model with proposed nose shape (Ni) are in close relation with experimental data in all cases as compared to predicted results with traditional Li and Chen nose shape (N*). In general, the analytical model generates encouraging prediction which is
consistent and follows a general trend of experimental results. Therefore, it is suggested that the proposed analytical model is conservative.
Proc. of the Intl. Conf. on Advances in Structural,Civil and Environmental Engineering -- SCEE 2013 Copyright © Institute of Re search Engineers and Doctors. All rights reserved. ISBN: 978 - 981 - 07 - 6261 - 2 doi:10.3850/ 978 - 981 - 07 - 6261 - 2_7 4, May 15, 2013
In this paper two dimension (2D) asymmetrical numerical simulation analyses has been conducted on... more In this paper two dimension (2D) asymmetrical numerical simulation analyses has been conducted on ABAQUS using dynamic Explicit analysis and Concrete damaged plasticity
constitutive model. The simulation study was conducted for critical impact energy on thick concrete slabs impacted with ogive nose hard projectile diameter of 26.9mm and 76.2mm
having CRH ratio 2.0 and 6.0. The limitations of concrete damaged plasticity model also have been analyzed. Furthermore,
the simulation modeling was extending to achieve critical impact
energy and residual impact energy for perforation of same thick
concrete slab. In case of penetration, it was found that the
simulation results are in close relation with experimental data.
The limitation of Concrete damaged plasticity model found as
that, during the impact analyses model does not allow the
removal of elements. The extended simulation modeling for
perforation shows encouraging results for critical impact energy
and residual impact energy.
Springer, Aug 20, 2014
Penetration is the basic element of designing protective concrete structure against the local imp... more Penetration is the basic element of designing protective concrete structure against the local impact damage of hard missile. Impact energy is the dominant cause of damage in moving accidents. When hard projectile collides with concrete target, it is the impact energy of the projectile that makes concrete target to deform. Therefore, it is vital to study critical impact energy required to causes penetration. An analytical model is developed to predict the required critical impact energy for maximum penetration without rear effects in concrete slabs when it is impacted with hard projectile. The nose shape factor N i also has been introduced with inclusion of empirical friction factor N f , as modification in Chen & Li nose shape factor for ogive nose hard projectile. The newly developed analytical model and nose shape factor N i is examined for CRH = 2.0, CRH = 3.0, and CRH = 4.25. It was found that the predicted results from analytical model with nose shape N i are in close relation with experimental data in all cases as compared to predicted results with traditional Li and Chen nose shape N*. In, General, the analytical model generates encouraging prediction which is consistent and follows a general trend of experimental results.
Computer numerical control (CNC) technology is a key technology in machine tools and is also the ... more Computer numerical control (CNC) technology is a key technology in machine tools and is also the base of industrial unit computerization. CNC machines are operated by controllers, which have a software module inside known as interpreter. The function of an interpreter is to extract data from computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) system-generated code and convert it to controller motion commands. However, with the development of numerical control technology, existing CNC systems are limited with interpreter lacking in expandibility, modularity, and openness. In order to overcome these problems, open architecture technology (OAC) was employed in CNC controller. In this paper, a new technique is presented for the interpretation of the International Standards Organization (ISO) 6983 data interface model. The proposed technique is able to interpret ISO 6983 data and translate it to the internal structure required by the CNC machine. It takes an input file in text format and extracts position, feed rate, tool, spindle, and other data. It is also able to generate output in text and EXtensible Markup Language (XML) files as per user defined file structure. The use of .txt and .xml files enables shop floor data modification and internet accessibility facilities in CNC system. The paper includes an introduction, brief description of the architecture, algorithm design, operational pattern, and validation of the system through experimental studies. The output of these experiments illustrated satisfactory performance of the interpreter with an OAC CNC system.
New technique for the interpretation of ISO 14649 and 6983 based on open CNC technology, Apr 8, 2015
Computer numerical control (CNC) controller is the termination organiser, which is located at the... more Computer numerical control (CNC) controller is the termination organiser, which is located at the end of the manufacturing process chain. The CNC controller is composed of two modules: software and hardware. The software module of the controller is known as interpreter that translates International Standards Organization (ISO) data interface model instructions to the hardware parts of the controller in the required structure of the machine. The aim of next-generation CNC is to be portable, interoperable, flexible, open, intelligent and adoptable. In the progression towards the development of next-generation CNC systems, the problems of current ISO data interface model limitation and CNC machine vendor dependency were faced. In order to overcome these issues, the ISO standard (ISO 14649) and open architecture control (OAC) technology were introduced. In this paper, a new technique for the interpretation of both ISO data interface models has been presented. The developed module is specially designed for the OAC-based CNC systems that translate the ISO 14649-21 and ISO 6983 information to the CNC machine in required structure. The module also provides a shop floor editing facility and is also able to generate the physical file output in user-defined structure of .txt and .xml formats.
CNC technology is the key technology of the machine tools, which are the base of industrial unit ... more CNC technology is the key technology of the machine tools, which are the base of industrial unit computerization. CNC machines are operated by controllers, each of which has a software module inside known as interpreter. The function of interpreter is to extract data from CAM system generated code and convert to controller motion commands. However, with the development of numerical control technology existing CNC systems are limited with the interpreter lacking in expansibility, modularity and openness. In order to overcome these problems open architecture control was introduced. In this paper, a conceptual module of new software system is presented. The developed system is able to interpret ISO 14649 and 6983 code and translate as per internal structure required by the CNC machine. It interprets position, feed rate, tool, spindle etc data and translates to CNC machine. At the mean time it is also able to generate output in text and XML files as per user defined file structure.
The Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machines works on the technology that uses minicompute... more The Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machines works on the technology that uses minicomputers to generate, parse and execute the sequential control. These machines were
introduced in 1970’s, this technology replaces the Numerical Control (NC) with the computers. The controller is the main part of the CNC machine that is composed of two parts: software and hardware. The software part of the controller is commonly known as interpreter that translates the International Standards Organization (ISO) data interface model instructions to the hardware part of the controller. Todays commercial CNC systems are operated by ISO 6983 data interface model that is proved to be a low level language and beside that these CNC systems are found to be closed in
nature due to the dependency on vendors specification. Due to these shortcomings the current systems are fail to achieve the targets of future CNC system. In order to overcome these problems and limitations the new data interface model and Open Architecture Control (OAC) technology were introduceds. In this paper a new translator for the interpretation of ISO 14649-21 for OAC CNC systems has been presented. This module interprets the data from STEP-NC code and translates as per required structure of CNC machine. Developed module also enables the on
machine modification facilities and provides a platform to generate physical output file in .txt and .xml formats as per user defined structure. The development of these kind of systems will makes CNC system more open, flexible, adoptable, interoperable, and intelligent.
Critical impact energy for spalling, tunnelling and penetration of concrete slab impacted with hard projectile, Aug 1, 2014
Penetration is the basic element of designing protective concrete structure against the local imp... more Penetration is the basic element of designing protective concrete structure against the local impact damage of hard missile. Impact energy is the dominant cause of damage in moving accidents. When hard projectile collides with concrete target, it is the impact energy of the projectile that makes concrete target to deform. Therefore, it is vital to study critical impact energy required to causes penetration. An analytical model is developed to predict the required critical impact energy for maximum penetration without rear effects in concrete slabs when it is impacted with hard projectile. The nose shape factor N i also has been introduced with inclusion of empirical friction factor N f , as modification in Chen & Li nose shape factor for ogive nose hard projectile. The newly developed analytical model and nose shape factor N i is examined for CRH = 2.0, CRH = 3.0, and CRH = 4.25. It was found that the predicted results from analytical model with nose shape N i are in close relation with experimental data in all cases as compared to predicted results with traditional Li and Chen nose shape N*. In, General, the analytical model generates encouraging prediction which is consistent and follows a general trend of experimental results.
Survey on computer-aided process planning, Jul 11, 2014
Computer-aided process planning (CAPP) is the application of the computer to assist process plann... more Computer-aided process planning (CAPP) is the application of the computer to assist process planners in the planning functions. It is considered as the key technology for computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) integration. Nowadays, due to dynamic market and business globalization, CAPP research faces new challenges. In this article, an attempt is made to provide a comprehensive survey on CAPP based on features, knowledge, artificial neural networks, genetic algorithms (GA), fuzzy set theory and fuzzy logic, Petri nets (PN), agent, Internet, standard for the exchange of product data (STEP)-compliant method, and functional blocks (FB) method/technologies for last 12 years (2002–2013). The aim of this paper is to provide an up-to-date survey with graphical representation for easy understanding of the past, present, and future of CAPP. The design of this paper includes a brief introduction of CAPP and its approaches, methods/technologies of CAPP, survey on CAPP, discussion, and conclusion.
ISO 6983 Translator for PC Based CNC Systems, Jul 7, 2014
Computer Numerical Control (CNC) controller is an important part of machine, composed of hardware... more Computer Numerical Control (CNC) controller is an important part of machine, composed of hardware and software models. Software model, usually called an interpreter translates input code as per internal structure of CNC machine. Now a day’s traditional controllers of CNC machine are found to be closed in nature, because they are depended of vendor’s specifications. Due to that dependence they do not facilitate access to the inner features of machine. In order to overcome these problems open architecture controllers were introduced. In this article a new ISO 6983 translator for open architecture CNC controller is being proposed. The developed software model is able to read commercially available Computer Aided Design (CAD) /Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) system generated International Standards Organization (ISO) 6983 file and extracts position, feed rate, spindle speed, tool etc data and translates to OAC machine. At the same time it is also able to generate output in user defined text and EXtensible Markup Language (.xml) formats. Further design of paper includes development of translator, followed by case study experiment and finally ends with conclusion.
Interpreter for Open Architecture CNC System: A Conceptual Model, Dec 24, 2013
Conventional Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machines are operated by controllers. Each contro... more Conventional Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machines are operated by controllers. Each controller has software model inside known as interpreter. The function of interpreter is to translate input data model code into CNC understandable internal data structure. These conventional CNC controllers are found to be closed in nature and are dependent on vendor specifications. In order to overcome these problems open architecture control systems are introduced. This paper presents an interpreter for open architecture CNC control system. The developed interpreter takes current available Computer Aided Design (CAD)/ Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) systems generated International Standard Organization (ISO) 6983 file in text (.txt) format as input and extracts the position, feed rate, spindle etc data from code. Then finally it writes interpreted code in user defined .txt and EXtensible Markup Language (.xml) formats.
Springer International Publishing, Jun 2013
The use of computer technology for process planning was initiated four decades before. Since then... more The use of computer technology for process planning was initiated four decades before. Since then, there has been a large amount of research work carried out in the area of Computer Aided Process Planning (CAPP). One of the reasons for this is the role of CAPP in reducing throughout time and improving quality. Now a day’s due to dynamic market and business globalization, CAPP research faces new challenges. In this article an attempt is made to provide a comprehensive review on CAPP based on features, knowledge, artificial neural networks, Genetic Algorithms (GA), fuzzy set theory and fuzzy logic, Petri Nets (PN), agent, internet, STandard for the Exchange of Product data (STEP) compliant method, and Functional Blocks (FB) technologies for last five years (2008–2012). The design of paper includes a brief introduction of CAPP and its approaches, methods/technologies of CAPP, snap shot survey of previous research work on CAPP, survey of last five years research work on CAPP, then finally a suggestion for future and conclusion.
Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland, Jun 2013
Open control is a well known term in the field of machine control. This paper presents a framewor... more Open control is a well known term in the field of machine control. This paper presents a framework of STandard for the Exchange of Product Data-compliant Numerical Control (STEP-NC) based open control system for Computer Numeric Control (CNC) milling machine. Real time control, high efficiency and low cost have been the main focus of proposed open control system. A method that develops open control system is composed of hardware and software platforms. Proposed open control system helps in to improves the quality of machining, increase productivity, saves times, avoid machine accidents, increase tool life and enables monitoring/inspection/control system for various machining processes and parameters online/offline.
Proc. of the Intl. Conf. on Advances in Structural,Civil and Environmental Engineering -- SCEE 2013 Copyright © Institute of Re search Engineers and Doctors. All rights reserved. ISBN: 978 - 981 - 07 - 6261 - 2 doi:10.3850/ 978 - 981 - 07 - 6261 - 2_7 4, May 15, 2013
In this paper two dimension (2D) asymmetrical
numerical simulation analyses has been c... more In this paper two dimension (2D) asymmetrical
numerical simulation analyses has been conducted on ABAQUS
using dynamic Explicit analysis and Concrete damaged plasticity
constitutive model. The simulation study was conducted for
critical impact energy on thick concrete slabs impacted with
ogive nose hard projectile diameter of 26.9mm and 76.2mm
having CRH ratio 2.0 and 6.0. The limitations of concrete
damaged plasticity model also have been analyzed. Furthermore,
the simulation modeling was extending to achieve critical impact
energy and residual impact energy for perforation of same thick
concrete slab. In case of penetration, it was found that the
simulation results are in close relation with experimental data.
The limitation of Concrete damaged plasticity model found as
that, during the impact analyses model does not allow the
removal of elements. The extended simulation modeling for
perforation shows encouraging results for critical impact energy
and residual impact energy.
Papers by Dr. Kamran Latif
modified as (Ni), with introduction of empirical frictional factor (Nf). It was found that the predicted results from analytical model with proposed nose shape (Ni) are in close relation with experimental data in all cases as compared to predicted results with traditional Li and Chen nose shape (N*). In general, the analytical model generates encouraging prediction which is
consistent and follows a general trend of experimental results. Therefore, it is suggested that the proposed analytical model is conservative.
constitutive model. The simulation study was conducted for critical impact energy on thick concrete slabs impacted with ogive nose hard projectile diameter of 26.9mm and 76.2mm
having CRH ratio 2.0 and 6.0. The limitations of concrete damaged plasticity model also have been analyzed. Furthermore,
the simulation modeling was extending to achieve critical impact
energy and residual impact energy for perforation of same thick
concrete slab. In case of penetration, it was found that the
simulation results are in close relation with experimental data.
The limitation of Concrete damaged plasticity model found as
that, during the impact analyses model does not allow the
removal of elements. The extended simulation modeling for
perforation shows encouraging results for critical impact energy
and residual impact energy.
introduced in 1970’s, this technology replaces the Numerical Control (NC) with the computers. The controller is the main part of the CNC machine that is composed of two parts: software and hardware. The software part of the controller is commonly known as interpreter that translates the International Standards Organization (ISO) data interface model instructions to the hardware part of the controller. Todays commercial CNC systems are operated by ISO 6983 data interface model that is proved to be a low level language and beside that these CNC systems are found to be closed in
nature due to the dependency on vendors specification. Due to these shortcomings the current systems are fail to achieve the targets of future CNC system. In order to overcome these problems and limitations the new data interface model and Open Architecture Control (OAC) technology were introduceds. In this paper a new translator for the interpretation of ISO 14649-21 for OAC CNC systems has been presented. This module interprets the data from STEP-NC code and translates as per required structure of CNC machine. Developed module also enables the on
machine modification facilities and provides a platform to generate physical output file in .txt and .xml formats as per user defined structure. The development of these kind of systems will makes CNC system more open, flexible, adoptable, interoperable, and intelligent.
numerical simulation analyses has been conducted on ABAQUS
using dynamic Explicit analysis and Concrete damaged plasticity
constitutive model. The simulation study was conducted for
critical impact energy on thick concrete slabs impacted with
ogive nose hard projectile diameter of 26.9mm and 76.2mm
having CRH ratio 2.0 and 6.0. The limitations of concrete
damaged plasticity model also have been analyzed. Furthermore,
the simulation modeling was extending to achieve critical impact
energy and residual impact energy for perforation of same thick
concrete slab. In case of penetration, it was found that the
simulation results are in close relation with experimental data.
The limitation of Concrete damaged plasticity model found as
that, during the impact analyses model does not allow the
removal of elements. The extended simulation modeling for
perforation shows encouraging results for critical impact energy
and residual impact energy.
modified as (Ni), with introduction of empirical frictional factor (Nf). It was found that the predicted results from analytical model with proposed nose shape (Ni) are in close relation with experimental data in all cases as compared to predicted results with traditional Li and Chen nose shape (N*). In general, the analytical model generates encouraging prediction which is
consistent and follows a general trend of experimental results. Therefore, it is suggested that the proposed analytical model is conservative.
constitutive model. The simulation study was conducted for critical impact energy on thick concrete slabs impacted with ogive nose hard projectile diameter of 26.9mm and 76.2mm
having CRH ratio 2.0 and 6.0. The limitations of concrete damaged plasticity model also have been analyzed. Furthermore,
the simulation modeling was extending to achieve critical impact
energy and residual impact energy for perforation of same thick
concrete slab. In case of penetration, it was found that the
simulation results are in close relation with experimental data.
The limitation of Concrete damaged plasticity model found as
that, during the impact analyses model does not allow the
removal of elements. The extended simulation modeling for
perforation shows encouraging results for critical impact energy
and residual impact energy.
introduced in 1970’s, this technology replaces the Numerical Control (NC) with the computers. The controller is the main part of the CNC machine that is composed of two parts: software and hardware. The software part of the controller is commonly known as interpreter that translates the International Standards Organization (ISO) data interface model instructions to the hardware part of the controller. Todays commercial CNC systems are operated by ISO 6983 data interface model that is proved to be a low level language and beside that these CNC systems are found to be closed in
nature due to the dependency on vendors specification. Due to these shortcomings the current systems are fail to achieve the targets of future CNC system. In order to overcome these problems and limitations the new data interface model and Open Architecture Control (OAC) technology were introduceds. In this paper a new translator for the interpretation of ISO 14649-21 for OAC CNC systems has been presented. This module interprets the data from STEP-NC code and translates as per required structure of CNC machine. Developed module also enables the on
machine modification facilities and provides a platform to generate physical output file in .txt and .xml formats as per user defined structure. The development of these kind of systems will makes CNC system more open, flexible, adoptable, interoperable, and intelligent.
numerical simulation analyses has been conducted on ABAQUS
using dynamic Explicit analysis and Concrete damaged plasticity
constitutive model. The simulation study was conducted for
critical impact energy on thick concrete slabs impacted with
ogive nose hard projectile diameter of 26.9mm and 76.2mm
having CRH ratio 2.0 and 6.0. The limitations of concrete
damaged plasticity model also have been analyzed. Furthermore,
the simulation modeling was extending to achieve critical impact
energy and residual impact energy for perforation of same thick
concrete slab. In case of penetration, it was found that the
simulation results are in close relation with experimental data.
The limitation of Concrete damaged plasticity model found as
that, during the impact analyses model does not allow the
removal of elements. The extended simulation modeling for
perforation shows encouraging results for critical impact energy
and residual impact energy.