Automatic Antenna Tuning Unit to Improve
RFID System Performance
Hannes Wegleiter, Bernhard Schweighofer, Christian Deinhammer, Gert Holler, Member, IEEE, and Paul Fulmek
Abstract—Systems for radio-frequency identification (RFID)
realize a bidirectional wireless communication between a reader
device and cheap passive tags (e.g., an RFID chip with an antenna
printed on badges for access-control systems) in the near field of an
antenna. This paper deals with the automatic and fast tuning of the
resonant reader antennas in the widely used 13.56-MHz frequency
band, resulting in a performance improvement and an increased
READ / WRITE range. A novel RFID reader system is proposed with
a tuning transformer for the automatic adjustment of the resonant
circuit center frequency. This is achieved by shifting the magnetic
operating point (i.e., the biasing direct-current (dc) magnetization)
of a Ni–Zn ferrite transformer by means of an additional dc
winding. The operation principle and the performance potential of
this device are demonstrated by measurements on a prototypical
RFID system.
Index Terms—Antenna accessories, impedance matching, loop
antennas, magnetic devices, magnetic-variable control.
ADIO-FREQUENCY identification (RFID) [1] systems
are based on wireless communication between the RFID
tag and reader in the near field of an antenna. The bidirectional
communication is realized by magnetic coupling between the
reader and the tag (i.e., air-transformer principle). The tags
consist of low-power microelectronic circuitry combined with a
printed coil used as an antenna. The data on the tag are usually
read by a stationary or handheld reader device consisting of
a high sensitive receiving electronic, a powerful transmitting
stage, and an antenna. The required power for the RFID tag
is supplied through the electromagnetic field of the reader
antenna. Depending on the frequency range used, different
READ ranges can be achieved.
RFID systems are commonly used in various applications
such as fare payment in the public transportation sector, electronic ticketing, animal identification, access control, industrial
measurement, control applications, and logistics. RFID systems
in the fields of part and stock identification can help ease quality
Manuscript received June 18, 2010; revised August 23, 2010; accepted
October 14, 2010. Date of publication May 2, 2011; date of current version July
13, 2011. This work was supported by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) under
Reference L356-N14. The Associate Editor coordinating the review process for
this paper was Dr. Mark Yeary.
H. Wegleiter, B. Schweighofer, C. Deinhammer, and G. Holler are with the
Institute of Electrical Measurement and Measurement Signal Processing, Graz
University of Technology, 8010 Graz, Austria.
P. Fulmek is with the Institute of Sensor and Actuator Systems, Vienna
University of Technology, 1040 Vienna, Austria.
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this letter are available online
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIM.2011.2122390
control tasks while increasing the flexibility of production
processes. In many RFID applications, handheld devices are
used as readers. Accordingly, the positions and the orientations
of the antenna, the tag, and the objects in the environment
may continuously change in a wide range, with respect to
each other. The tuning of the whole electromagnetic system
is influenced, resulting in changed resonant frequency, quality
factor Q, and bandwidth [2]. Consequently, the efficiency and
the READ range of the RFID system are influenced.
In this paper, a novel reader based on an electrically tuned
antenna transformer is presented, which is capable of compensating for the influences of changing objects close to the
antenna, thus achieving a constant high reading performance.
In the succeeding sections, the operating principle and the
tuning transformer are described. The achievable tuning range
is compared with the required tuning range for typical RFID
systems with handheld readers. The measurement setup for
system evaluation is presented, and the obtained measurement
results are discussed.
Passive RFID tags are powered by the electromagnetic field
in the near field of the reader antenna [3]. To provide the required magnetic-field strength, the antenna is driven by a power
amplifier. Typically, the communication link between the reader
and the tag is realized using the amplitude modulation of the
carrier while the back transfer is performed by load modulation.
The RFID tag responds by modulating the resistive load of
its antenna circuit resulting in a minor change in the electromagnetic field of the reader antenna. This field modulation
induces a voltage on the reader antenna and can be measured
by means of a highly sensitive amplification circuit. For an
optimal power transmission between the reader and the tag, a
resonant circuit tuned to the carrier frequency of 13.56 MHz
is realized. A block diagram of the realized RFID reader is
shown in Fig. 1. The setup consists of a high-power transmitter
stage combined with a sensitive demodulation unit and a series
resonant circuit. The effective inductance at the input of the
series resonant circuit is composed of the inductances of the
loop antenna and the tuning transformer. Resistor R determines
the quality factor Q of the resonant circuit. This quality factor
directly influences the received signal strength. Therefore, it
should be selected as high as possible. On the other hand, the
higher the quality factor Q of the resonant circuit is chosen,
the more the bandwidth of the resonant circuit is reduced, and
the sidebands of the communication channel are suppressed. A
good compromise is a value of Q ≈ 30.
0018-9456/$26.00 © 2011 IEEE
Fig. 1. Block diagram of the complete RFID setup. The heart of the RFID
reader is the antenna tuning transformer. The tuning unit controls the dc
magnetization of the ferrite antenna transformer (ring core) and thus adjusts
the resonant frequency of the whole antenna circuit. The unit can compensate
for environmental changes, component tolerances, and aging in a wide range.
For RFID applications using a handheld reader device (e.g.,
animal identification, inventory systems, and industrial monitoring), the quality factor is usually reduced since the movement
of the handheld device causes continuous variations of the
parameters characterizing the communication link between the
reader and the RFID tag. These variations lead to a shift of
the resonant frequency of the reader. For systems with high Q
factor and narrow bandwidth, this frequency shift results in a
strongly dampened signal, due to the mismatch of the resonant
frequencies of the reader and the tag, thus drastically reducing
the reading range. Hence, conventional readers without an
automatic antenna tuning use a lower Q factor to increase
the bandwidth of the system. The lowered Q factor, however,
implies a decreased gain of the resonant circuit and a reduced
maximum reading range.
To realize a robust antenna system with a high Q factor and a
large reliable reading range for handheld devices, we present in
this paper a resonant circuit with a continuous real-time tuning
capability. Furthermore, tolerances of components (temperature
effects, component aging, etc.) can be compensated by tuning
the resonant circuit.
The tuning transformer contained in the circuitry (see Fig. 1)
fulfills the requirements concerning continuous tuning capability and maintenance-free operation, as well as compact and
cost-efficient design. Therefore, the electrically tunable inductance (transductor; see also [4]) approach is to be preferred
compared with switched and electromechanical devices.
Fig. 2. Hysteresis loop of a NMG M2 ferrite [6]. Minor loops with ∆B =
10 mT in different operating points are shown. The straight extrapolated lines
indicate the effective differential permeabilities of these lancets [5].
Fig. 3. Principle layout of the tuning transformer with primary and secondary
RF windings on a ferrite toroid and the dc control winding on an iron core.
The working principle of the tunable transformer is based on
the nonlinear properties of the ferrimagnetic core material. Typical RF signals cause only minor excitations of the ferrite and
can be described by the small-signal behavior of the material
(i.e., incremental or differential permeability in the actual operating point). By applying a direct-current (dc) premagnetization
to the ferrite material of the inductance, the operating point
can be changed, and the differential permeability relevant for
the small-signal behavior can be adjusted (compare Fig. 2 [5]).
Thus, the inductance of the device (a so-called transductor) can
be electrically adjusted.
Based on the principle of an adjustable inductance, the
component can be extended by adding a secondary winding.
This leads to an adjustable transformer offering a flexible
impedance transformation functionality. The device can be used
for choosing the appropriate transformation ratio as required
by the antenna setup for the reader. Moreover, the balancing of
an unbalanced signal can be achieved by grounding the middle
tap of the secondary winding. The basic layout of the tuning
transformer with the primary and secondary RF windings on a
ferrite toroid is shown in Fig. 3.
In contrast to commonly used approaches (e.g., [7]), the
control winding needed for the premagnetization is located
on a separate iron core and not on the ferrite torus itself.
Although this design requires more complex manufacturing
steps, it efficiently decouples the dc premagnetization and the
RF flux. Fig. 4 shows the results of a 2-D simulation of one
quarter of the tuning transformer. The magnetic flux lines for
Fig. 6. Construction of the tuning transformer consisting of a dc coil placed
on a steel yoke and the RF coils placed on the ferrite torus. Dimensions are in
Fig. 4. Magnetic flux lines in the tuning transformer with dc excitation in the
control winding. The whole flux generated by the dc in the control coil is carried
by the ferrite core [4].
the material. Due to the very small skin depth of only a few
micrometers in the iron yoke, the losses due to the eddy currents
can be neglected. For the finite-element method simulation in
Figs. 4 and 5, the relative permeability was chosen as 125
for both materials [8]. The specific electrical resistivity of the
ferrite core is 105 Ω · m; the resistivity of the steel yoke is orders
of magnitudes lower, i.e., 10−6 Ω · m.
The actual design of the tuning transformer used for the
simulation and the experiments is shown in Fig. 6. The ferrite
torus is made of a Ferroxcube 4C65 material [8] and the yoke
from ordinary construction steel. The primary and secondary
windings are schematically indicated with a single winding in
the construction drawing in order to show their positions.
A. Calculation of the Necessary Tuning Range
Fig. 5. Magnetic flux lines in the tuning transformer with 13.56-MHz excitation in the primary winding. Due to the high electrical conductivity of the steel
yoke, almost no flux generated by the primary coil can penetrate the yoke [4].
The ac flux is effectively decoupled from the steel yoke.
dc premagnetization are shown, indicating an almost uniform
distribution of the flux lines inside the ferrite core as long as the
flux density is below the ferrite saturation (≈0.6 T). This leads
to a steady operating point throughout the ferrite with constant
permeability, which is adjustable using the control winding.
Fig. 5 shows the simulated flux distribution for an RF signal
applied to the primary winding. The resulting flux lines show
that the alternating-current (ac) flux is concentrated inside the
ferrite core and does not at all penetrate the iron yoke. The ac
flux in the ferrite is effectively decoupled from the steel yoke.
This is due to the high conductivity of the steel material leading
to induced eddy currents that prevent the ac flux from entering
In order to obtain the tuning range of the inductance of
the transformer required to compensate for all possible perturbations, the parameters affecting the resonant frequency have
to be considered. The imperfect properties of the components
of the setup (tolerance, temperature behavior, and aging) are
known from product datasheets. In contrast, the impedance of
the antenna system in dependence on objects in the electromagnetic field cannot be easily preestimated. Therefore, we
assess a worst case to be expected, i.e., a large massive metallic
object in the electromagnetic-field region near the antenna.
Finite-element simulations have been performed to evaluate the
influence of the metallic plate on the inductance of the whole
antenna, for which our tuning unit should compensate.
As shown in Fig. 7, the metallic plate is positioned on one
side of the antenna, whereas the RFID tag resides on the other
side. The antenna is modeled as a simple circular loop antenna
with a diameter of 11 cm. Distance d1 between the shielding
plate and the antenna is varied for different plate materials, and
the variation of the inductance is computed for each parameter
set. The results for iron and aluminum plates are shown in
Fig. 8. The inductance drops by approximately 35% for the
plate positioned near the antenna, as compared with the case
Fig. 7. Schematic view of the test setup showing the positions of the antenna,
the tag, and the shielding plate, respectively.
Fig. 9. Inductance of the transductor in dependence on the yoke current.
Beginning from a demagnetized ferrite (topmost inductance value), the current
was increased to the positive maximum, decreased to the negative maximum,
again increased to the positive one, and decreased to zero afterward. (Arrows)
Corresponding inductance characteristic.
for the lower bound to
Tmax = 1.25 · 1.05 · 1.2 = 1.58 −→ +58%
for the upper bound. Since a premagnetization can only lower
the inductance, the inductor has to be designed to fulfill the
requirements at the lower tolerance border Tmin .
A. Stationary Behavior
Fig. 8. Simulation results showing the variation of the antenna inductance for
a simple circular loop antenna with a diameter of 11 cm, depending on the
distance of the aluminum or the iron plate to the RFID antenna. The inductance
value is referred to the value when the plate is absent.
without any conducting object near the antenna. This yields
a change in the resonance frequency and a reduced antenna
voltage. For the highest inductance variation (∆L = −35%)
and a quality factor Q = 30 for the series resonant circuit, the
signal voltage is reduced to about 10% of its initial value, thus
drastically reducing the maximum distance between the reader
and the tag. Even a small inductance variation of ∆L = −3.5%
will lead to a significant reduction of the transmitting voltage
(−30%) and the achievable reading distance, respectively. The
required tuning range for the transductor device is computed to
allow for compensating inductance variations of up to 65%.
Additionally, the tolerances of the setup itself have to be
considered. From the datasheet of the toroid [9], a variation of
the inductance factor AL of ±25% is given. From the ferrite
datasheet [8], the variation of the initial permeability µi over a
temperature range of −20 ◦ C to +100 ◦ C is specified as −13%
to +5%. Taking further into account the tolerance of the other
components influencing the resonant frequency (capacitor C,
undisturbed antenna inductance L, as well as mechanical tolerances of the windings of the tuning transformer), an additional
value of ≈20% has to be added.
This yields a total tolerance band for the inductance that has
to be compensated by the tuning transformer from
Tmin = 0.75 · 0.87 · 0.8 = 0.52 −→ −48%
In order to measure the tuning range of the transformer, a
prototype has been built according to Fig. 6. For the primary RF
coil, a three-turn winding is used. The inductance measurement
is performed by means of a conventional LCR meter at an operating frequency of 10 kHz. This low measurement frequency is
applicable since the inductance of the ferrite is almost constant
up to frequencies of ≈40 MHz (see Fig. 1; µ′S in [8]). The
dc excitation of the core (i.e., yoke coil current) is controlled
by means of a function generator in combination with a power
amplifier. Before applying the dc excitation, the ferrite core is
demagnetized by an ac flux with a decreasing amplitude. The
transfer function of the inductance plotted in Fig. 9 is measured
starting from the demagnetized state (the topmost point in the
figure). Then, the yoke current is repeatedly changed to the
maximum and minimum allowed values to measure the possible
tuning range for the inductance, as well as its repeatability. The
current limit is given by the maximum temperature increase due
to the power loss in the control winding.
The realized transductor shows a tuning range of approximately ∆LLCR = 800 nH. This corresponds to a decrease
in the initial inductance by ≈40% (from LLCR = 1.92 µH
down to 1.14 µH). A larger tuning range could be achieved by
using an uncoated core instead of the coated core in the setup
presented here. This would reduce the magnetic resistance by
lowering the air gap between the steel yoke and the ferrite torus
enabling an increased dc magnetization inside the ferrite for
the same yoke current. However, for the experiments presented
here, the tuning range is adequate, and no modification was
Fig. 10. Equivalent circuit of the tuning transformer. In contrast to a standard
transformer equivalent circuit, the main and stray inductances can be tuned by
means of the yoke coil current. The values of the secondary side are transformed
to the primary one with the transformation factor (N1 /N2 )2 and are therefore
marked with an apostrophe.
In addition to the inductance change, the performance of the
transductor device in the transformer mode was evaluated. The
coupling factor between the primary winding and a secondary
three-turn winding was determined as c = 60%. With the equivalent circuit of a transformer (see Fig. 10) and the assumption of
negligible losses, the circuit can be simplified to a pure inductive divider. The chosen measurement frequency is high enough
to avoid losses in the steel yoke (see Fig. 5); the frequency is
low enough to avoid hysteresis losses or eddy-current losses
in the ferrite. Aside from that, the measured Q factor of ≈25
indicated that our system is almost loss free, too. Hence, the
inductance measured by the LCR meter LLCR corresponds to
Lσ1 + Lm . Using the inductances in the simplified equivalent
circuit, the coupling factor can be expressed as
Lσ1 + Lm
from which Lm and Lσ1 can be calculated. Exploiting the symmetry of the transductor device, the secondary stray inductance
L′σ2 is equal to the primary stray inductance Lσ1 . Transforming
the antenna inductance L to the primary side yields
L =L·
Thus, the total inductance as seen by the resonant circuit can be
computed from
Ltotal = LLCR ·
L′ + LLCR · (1 − c2 )
For a first experiment, the realized tuning transformer is used
in a stationary reader setup. The rectangular antenna measures
30 cm × 80 cm, corresponding to a free-field inductance of
L = 2.2 µH.
Starting in the midrange of the tunable inductance region
(LLCR = 1.5 µH) and the undisturbed antenna (L = 2.2 µH),
Ltotal becomes 1.28 µH. A disturbance of the antenna field,
as described in Section III-A, decreases the antenna inductance
by 35% to L = 1.43 µH, leading to a detuned resonant circuit
with Ltotal = 1.22 µH. This relates to a shift of the resonant
frequency by
∆f0 = f0 ·
1.28 µH
= 13.56 MHz ·
1.22 µH
= 329 kHz
Fig. 11. Experimental measurement setup (the reader antenna attached to the
secondary RF winding of the DUT is not shown, cf., Fig. 1). The generated RF
voltage is applied to the primary winding of the DUT by the RF power amplifier.
A high-speed oscilloscope records the RF coil voltage and current, as well as
the temperature of the DUT. An additional waveform generator is used to apply
a premagnetization current to the control winding, which is measured as well.
A personal computer controls the system and collects the measured data.
leading to a reduction of the antenna voltage by approximately
40%. By adjusting the tuning transformer to LLCR = 1.58 µH,
the former value of Ltotal = 1.28 µH can be reestablished, and
no reduction of gain occurs.
B. Dynamic Behavior
To characterize the dynamic behavior of the tuning transformer, a different setup is used [10]. The magnetic properties
of the tuning transformer are determined by measuring the
amplitudes of the current and the voltage of the RF signal using
the setup shown in Fig. 11 (the antenna itself is not shown, cf.,
Fig. 1). By a mathematical filtering process, the amplitude and
the phase of the fundamental harmonics of voltage and current
signals are extracted. This gives the complex impedance of
the device. In comparison with standard impedance analyzers
(LCR meters), which deliver impedance values at rates of
up to 10 Hz, our setup can deliver measurement values with
40 kHz.
A programmable RF arbitrary waveform generator is used
to generate the 13.56-MHz sine-wave signal. An RF power
amplifier (100 W; 1-GHz bandwidth) feeds the signal to the
device under test (DUT). The voltage is measured at the coil,
whereas the current is determined by a current probe. Both
signals are recorded using a high-speed oscilloscope (1-GHz
analog bandwidth). Additionally, the signal of a temperature
sensor, which is mounted onto the ferrite core, is recorded.
The impedance values are determined by analyzing the fundamental harmonic of the current and the voltage, and the
corresponding phase angle. From the resulting impedance Z,
we calculate inductance L and permeability µ; from the voltage,
we find the magnetic ac-flux density B inside the material.
In principle, this could be done for every single cycle of the
RF signal by means of the discrete Fourier transformation. To
reach an adequate signal-to-noise ratio, we applied digital filter
algorithms and thus reduced the effective measurement rate to
40 kHz, which relates to a temporal resolution of 25 µs.
The standard stationary reader consumed operational power
of about 20 W. Our tuning device additionally required 2 W
to almost perfectly compensate for the influence of the applied
metallic shield, thus restoring the RFID READ range to its initial
undisturbed value.
Fig. 12. Behavior of the tuning transformer when the dc premagnetization is
varied over time. (Dots) Filtered measurement values.
Fig. 12 shows the measurement results for the complex
impedance (absolute value |Z| and phase angle ∠Z) when the
dc premagnetization is lowered from an initial yoke current of
103 to 52 mA over a period of 0.1 s.
As shown in Fig. 12, the impedance and, therefore, the
inductance of the transformer instantly react to a change of the
yoke current in a nonlinear and transient manner. The loss factor
of the inductance decreases while the yoke current is changed,
and it then accommodates to its final steady-state value depending on the dc premagnetization due to the yoke current. The impedance reaches its final value approximately 3 s
after the change of the yoke current.
In this paper, simulation results have been presented that
approve the necessity to retune the resonant circuit of the reader
antenna in a passive RFID system, particularly when the reader
is moved and the environment of the reader antenna therefore
substantially changes. Moreover, retuning the antenna circuit
has offered the advantage of automatically compensating for
component tolerances and aging effects.
For tuning the resonance frequency of the system, we have
proposed an electrically tunable inductance device (transductor) whose small-signal inductance can be set by changing the
dc magnetization of the ferrite core. Using such a device, experiments have been conducted that demonstrate the capability
of the transductor to retune the resonance frequency of the
antenna over a wide range. Even for the worst case scenario, the
inductance could be successfully tuned, and the system almost
reached the undisturbed reading range.
Future work will examine in detail the nonlinear relationship
between the dc magnetization and the effective inductance,
i.e., the incremental and reversible permeability of different
ferrite material samples. Particularly for the high-speed tuning
of the antenna, the transient phenomena after dc magnetization
variations have to be investigated. A sophisticated prediction
model for the effective small-signal inductance has to be set up
and used to compensate the transient response of the system
by driving the dc magnetization coil with a suitable excitation
signal. The resulting optimized control strategy will be used to
design a stationary RFID reader system.
Further developments will focus on miniaturizing the tuning
unit to enhance the performance of handheld RFID readers.
C. Transmitting Range Tests
The described tuning transformer and antenna were used to
build a complete RFID reader system.
For our first tests, we implemented a very simple strategy in
a microcontroller; the controller adjusts the control current to
reach the highest voltage at the resonant antenna, i.e., a simple
maximum voltage search.
Starting from the undisturbed setup with a manually tuned
antenna, a reading range of 103 cm with an antenna terminal
voltage of 258 V is reached.
Without retuning the resonant circuit, a metallic shield placed
15 cm behind the antenna (≈1/5 of the antenna diagonal)
reduced the reading range to 57 cm and decreased the antenna
terminal voltage to 102 V.
Activating the microcontroller tuning system increased the
reading range up to a value of 85 cm; the antenna voltage
reached 232 V.
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Hannes Wegleiter was born in Meran, Italy, in 1981.
He received the Dipl.Ing. and Dr.Techn. degrees
from Graz University of Technology, Graz, Austria,
in 2004 and 2006, respectively.
He is a Research Assistant with the Institute of
Electrical Measurement and Measurement Signal
Processing, Graz University of Technology, with focus on power electronics.
Gert Holler (M’04) was born in Graz, Austria,
in 1971. He received the Dipl.Ing. and Dr.Techn.
degrees from Graz University of Technology, Graz,
Austria, in 1999 and 2004, respectively.
He is a Project Senior Scientist with the Institute
of Electrical Measurement and Measurement Signal
Processing, Graz University of Technology, with focus on application-oriented sensing technology and
multiphysical simulation.
Bernhard Schweighofer was born in Vorau,
Austria, in 1973. He received the Dipl.Ing. and
Dr.Techn. degrees from Graz University of Technology, Graz, Austria, in 1998 and 2007, respectively.
He is a Research Assistant with the Institute of
Electrical Measurement and Measurement Signal
Processing, Graz University of Technology.
Paul Fulmek was born in Steyr, Austria, in 1964. He
received the Dipl.Ing. and Dr.Techn. degrees from
Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria,
in 1990 and 1997, respectively.
He is a Research Assistant with the Applied Electronic Materials Department, Institute of Sensor and
Actuator Systems, Vienna University of Technology.
Christian Deinhammer was born in Wels, Austria,
in 1978. He received the Dipl.Ing. degree from Graz
University of Technology, Graz, Austria, in 2008.
He is a Research Assistant with the Institute of
Electrical Measurement and Measurement Signal
Processing, Graz University of Technology.