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2007, The Lancet
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Blumer IR. Severe injection site reaction to insulin detemir. Diabetes Care 2006; 29: 946. 3 Resh MD. Fatty acylation of proteins: new insights into membrane targeting of myristoylated and palmitoylated proteins.
Therapies, 2019
Insulin injectable therapy is an easy process and so the side effect of injecting insulin in the same area of the body again and again leads to development of a thicker subcutaneous adipose tissue which is not a pleasant outcome. This thickening of the subcutaneous adipose tissue at the injection sites is defined as lipohypertrophy. This effect is evident enough to catch the eye of healthcare workers, doctors and patients themselves yet it remains to be the most neglected area of concern. Dedicated health professionals leave no stone unturned in creating awareness about diabetes and its complication yet the most commonly used insulin therapy by injections and its adherence have somehow been deserted due to "assumed fact that this type of injectable therapy is being used correctly and efficiently". Healthcare practitioners and providers need to re-educated and patients need to be educated on the safe techniques of insulin injection to allow a uniform absorption of insulin and thus this article is aimed at emphasizing the need of awareness towards the areas to be used for insulin injections, correct injection techniques and proper health care.
Journal of Proteomics, 2010
Elevated blood levels of glucose and lipids in individuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus have been observed to cause impairment of insulin secretion from pancreatic β-cells. Chronic exposure to either of the circulating fatty acid oleate or palmitate has different effects on the β-cell. Whereas palmitate causes functional impairment of the β-cell and apoptosis, oleate has only minor negative effects on β-cell function and mass. The aim of the present study was to delineate mechanisms by which the fatty acids affect the β-cell differently. In particular, the aim was to identify β-cell proteins exclusively regulated by palmitate. INS-1E cells were cultured for 24 h in medium supplemented with palmitate or oleate. After culture, cells were lysed and subjected to two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Proteins specifically regulated by palmitate were excised from the gel and identified by peptide mass fingerprinting using MALDI-TOF MS. Proteins exclusively regulated by palmitate were classified into proteins of carbohydrate or protein metabolism and Ca 2+ or mRNA binding proteins. The specific palmitate-induced down-regulation of enzymes of glycolysis, proteins of protein turnover and anti-apoptotic protein may contribute to explain the different effects exerted by palmitate and oleate on β-cell function and mass.
Physicians and patients have long been aware of skin lesions at the sites of insulin injections, referred to as lipodystrophy that can present as lipoatrophy (LA) or lipohypertrophy (LH).
Proteome Science, 2009
Background: Development of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is characterized by aberrant insulin secretory patterns, where elevated insulin levels at non-stimulatory basal conditions and reduced hormonal levels at stimulatory conditions are major components. To delineate mechanisms responsible for these alterations we cultured INS-1E cells for 48 hours at 20 mM glucose in absence or presence of 0.5 mM palmitate, when stimulatory secretion of insulin was reduced or basal secretion was elevated, respectively. Results: After culture, cells were protein profiled by SELDI-TOF-MS and 2D-PAGE. Differentially expressed proteins were discovered and identified by peptide mass fingerprinting. Complimentary protein profiles were obtained by the two approaches with SELDI-TOF-MS being more efficient in separating proteins in the low molecular range and 2D-PAGE in the high molecular range. Identified proteins included alpha glucosidase, calmodulin, gars, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, heterogenous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A3, lon peptidase, nicotineamide adenine dinucleotide hydrogen (NADH) dehydrogenase, phosphoglycerate kinase, proteasome p45, rab2, pyruvate kinase and t-complex protein. The observed glucose-induced differential protein expression pattern indicates enhanced glucose metabolism, defense against reactive oxygen species, enhanced protein translation, folding and degradation and decreased insulin granular formation and trafficking. Palmitate-induced changes could be related to altered exocytosis. Conclusion: The identified altered proteins indicate mechanism important for altered β-cell function in T2DM.
Diabetes Care, 2007
Objective: To characterize pathophysiology of recombinant human insulin-induced lipoatrophy.
Journal of Proteome Research, 2018
In obese children with high circulating concentrations of free fatty acid palmitate we have observed that insulin levels at fasting and in response to a glucose challenge were several times higher than in obese children with low concentrations of the fatty acid as well as in lean controls. Declining and even insufficient insulin levels were observed in obese adolescents with high levels of the fatty acid. In isolated human islets exposed to palmitate we have observed insulin hypersecretion after 2 days exposure. In contrast, insulin secretion was reduced from the islets after 7 days culture in the presence of the fatty acid. This study aimed at identifying islet-related biological events potentially linked with the observed insulin hypersecretion and later secretory decline in these obese children and adolescents using the islet model. We analyzed protein expression data obtained from human islets exposed to elevated palmitate levels for 2 and 7 days by an improved methodology for statistical analysis of differentially expressed proteins. Protein profiling of islet samples by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry identified 115 differentially expressed proteins (DEPs). Several DEPs including sorcin were associated with increased GSIS in islets after 2 days of exposure to palmitate. Similarly, several metabolic pathways including altered protein degradation, increased autophagy, altered redox condition, and hampered insulin processing were coupled to the functional impairment of islets after 7 days of culture in the presence of palmitate. Such biological events, once validated in the islets, may give rise to novel treatment strategies aiming at normalizing insulin levels in obese children with high palmitate levels, which may reduce or even prevent obesity-related T2DM.
Journal of Historical Syntax, 2023
This paper discusses directionality in the diachrony of derivational morphology, specifically the rise of new verbalizers (v) through reanalysis of nominal morphology in highly synthetic, fusional (older) Indo-European languages. It is argued that these changes can be understood as instances of "Upwards Reanalysis", as argued by Cournane (2014) for the diachrony of modal auxiliaries, and thus instantiating the Late Merge Principle (e.g., van Gelderen 2013). I discuss three case studies that show this kind of n → v reanalysis in the context of denominal verb formation and its interaction with concomitant argument structure changes. Tying argument structure change to changes in categorizing and derivational morphology constrains the predicted directions of change in verb meaning(s). Moreover, in syntactic approaches to word formation such as Distributed Morphology, the parallelism in directionality between morphological and syntactic instances of reanalysis is entirely expected and follows from general assumptions of computational economy during the L1 acquisition process.
Latvijas Universitātes Filozofijas un socioloģijas institūta dzīvesstāstu pētnieku grupas kolektīvā monogrāfija “Piederēt un atšķirties: romu, krievu un latviešu dzīvesstāsti Latvijā” noslēdz Latvijas Zinātnes padomes pētnieciskā projekta “Etniskā un naratīvā dažādība dzīvesstāstu konstrukcijās Latvijā” īstenošanu. Projekts tika realizēts no 2012. līdz 2016. gadam LU FSI vadošās pētnieces un Bristoles universitātes emeritētās profesores Viedas Skultānes vadībā. Pētnieki analizēja vairāk nekā 100 biogrāfisko interviju Latvijas sabiedrisko pārmaiņu kontekstā. Monogrāfijas autori rosina ielūkoties dziļāk un izprast etniski atšķirīgo kā nozīmīgu resursu un pašvērtību Latvijas sabiedrībā. Grāmata veidojās kā hermeneitisks aplis starp dzīves vēstures liecībām, kas norāda uz morāles filozofu paustajām atziņām, kuras savukārt ietekmē dzīvesstāstu uztveri un interpretāciju.
Quality management — Guidelines for quality management in projects, 2017
Archivio storico italiano, 171.4, pp. 665-723, 2013
Board Game Studies Journal, 16, 2022, p. 51-93, 2022
Universidad Escasi, 2015
Nature Reviews Endocrinology, 2013
// Научно-методический электронный журнал «Концепт». – 2016. – № 4 (апрель). – С. 154–166. – URL:, 2016
Spal Revista de Prehistoria y Arqueología de la Universidad de Sevilla, 2014
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2017
Deleted Journal, 2024
La Resclosa, núm. 20, p. 15-24., 2016
المجلة العلمیة لکلیة الدراسات الإقتصادیة و العلوم السیاسیة, 2016
Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 1980
Studies in Economics and Finance, 2020
Çukurova Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Dergisi
International Journal For Multidisciplinary Research, 2023