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Enterprise ontologies are useful for many purposes. Over the years, there have been a number of efforts aiming at building them. However, due to the complexity of the enterprise domain, enterprise ontologies tend to be complex and difficult to reuse. In this paper, we advocate in favor of organizing Core Enterprise Ontologies as Ontology Pattern Languages, since ontology patterns are more and more recognized as an approach that favors ontology reuse. Moreover, we present an initial version of the Enterprise Ontology Pattern Language (E-OPL), and show how it was used for building an enterprise ontology for a specific domain.
In this paper we partially present an initial version of a Formal Enterprise Ontology Pattern Language, which has been developed to support conceptual enterprise modeling and a subsequent construction of different design and implementation artifacts. The proposed enterprise ontology patterns address problems related to the correlated modeling of both the intersubjective world and the production world of an enterprise, as well as the effective conjunction of the domain knowledge and the operational knowledge of an enterprise. The proposed language builds on a synthesis of the Unified Foundational Ontology (UFO) and the DEMO Enterprise Ontology. We also demonstrate how the pattern language was applied to the domain-specific enterprise modeling.
Ontology design patterns are a promising approach for Ontology Engineering. In this chapter, we introduce the notion of Ontology Pattern Language (OPL) as a way to organize domain-related ontology patterns. This chapter is organized as follows: Section 7.1 presents the motivation for organizing Domain-Related
Building proper reference ontologies is a hard task. There are a num- ber of methods and tools that traditionally have been used to support this task. These include foundational theories, reuse of domain and core ontologies, de- velopment methods, and software tool support. In this context, an approach that has gained increased attention in recent years is the systematic application of ontology patterns. This paper discusses how Foundational and Domain-related Ontology Patterns can be derived, and how they can be applied in combination for building more consistent ontologies in a reuse-centered process.
This report brings together three different areas, Ontology Learning, ontology reuse and patterns in Computer Science in general. These three areas may not seem to have much in common but the report aims to illustrate the potential of bringing them together and to outline research possibilities in the field. Patterns have been successfully applied as a means for facilitating reuse and managing complexity in many areas. So far not many pattern approaches have emerged in Ontology Engineering especially when considering patterns for use with Ontology Learning systems or patterns to facilitate reuse of ontologies. This report is concluded by a discussion about future research possibilities in the field. Among other things more exchange between Ontology Engineering and Software Engineering is suggested. Researchers should draw from already existing knowledge when creating ontology patterns. The most interesting applications of ontology patterns in the future are to further facilitate Ontology Learning, by for example using the patterns as construction templates, and to facilitate reuse of ontologies by using the patterns to search and sort ontology libraries.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2013
Ontology design patterns have been pointed out as a promising approach for ontology engineering. The goal of this paper is twofold. Firstly, based on well-established works in Software Engineering, we revisit the notion of ontology patterns in Ontology Engineering to introduce the notion of ontology pattern language as a way to organize related ontology patterns. Secondly, we present an overview of a software process ontology pattern language.
Abstract. Domain ontology building is one of the most critical activities required in Semantic Web applications. The task must be performed by domain experts, who do not (generally) have the background of a knowledge engineer. To ease this task, Ontology Management Systems (such as Kaon, Protégé, OntoEdit, Athos) are developing user friendly interfaces. However the problem is mainly of a cognitive nature. Difficulties comes from the fact that the existing ontology languages: (i) are hard to be used by unskilled people, (ii) have very basic constructs (e.g., class, property), (iii) are not domain specific, i.e., they are conceived for very diverse contexts (e.g., from medical sector to high energy physics). OPAL (Object, Process, Actor modelling Language) aims at supporting business experts who need to build an ontology by providing a limited number of high level conceptual templates.
Santa Clara J. Int'l. L., 2005
The present paper offers a new reading of Vitruvius' opening statements in De Architectura I.1; it understands that the Roman author attempts to explain what architecture is by describing how architecture-related knowledge is acquired. It further understands that Vitruvius claims that the architect's scientia is born out of the bodily involvement with construction, as well as out of the exercise of the proper deductive reasoning. The knowledge required for the design and erection of sound buildings that can be integrated into the world order is akin to what we today name the "designerly" way of thinking and knowing, enriched with expertise on the realization of the design produced. Finally, it proposes a new translation of I.1 that produces a coherent text with no logical gaps.
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