Olimpia Niglio
Olimpia NIGLIO is a Professor in Architectural Restoration at the University of Pavia, Faculty of Engineering. She was a professor in Comparative History of Architecture at Hosei University (Tokyo), Hokkaido University, and Kyoto University Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies, Japan; Vice President ICOMOS PRERICO and ACLA, Asian Cultural Landscape Association. In 2020 she has founded the international project “Reconnecting with your culture”.
Ph.D. (University of Naples-Federico II, Italy), Executive Master at Business School Rome, and Post- Ph.D. (Ministry of Education, Italy).
The research covers topics related to the history of comparative architecture, between the Far West and the Far East, in the period of modernization between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.
Since 2015 Scientific Coordinator of the International Project “Italian Diaspora in the World”.
Since 2019 Scientific Coordinator of the International Project “Cultural Diplomacy & Heritage”.
She is the author of over 450 publications in the field of History and Architecture Restoration. Themes of search: cultural landscape, history of the architectural, and architectural restoration in foreign countries. In preparation, there are important books as co-editor with Prof. Rana P.B. Singh, president ACLA and RWYC Asia.
More information, publications, and academic activities:
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5451-0239
Ph.D. (University of Naples-Federico II, Italy), Executive Master at Business School Rome, and Post- Ph.D. (Ministry of Education, Italy).
The research covers topics related to the history of comparative architecture, between the Far West and the Far East, in the period of modernization between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.
Since 2015 Scientific Coordinator of the International Project “Italian Diaspora in the World”.
Since 2019 Scientific Coordinator of the International Project “Cultural Diplomacy & Heritage”.
She is the author of over 450 publications in the field of History and Architecture Restoration. Themes of search: cultural landscape, history of the architectural, and architectural restoration in foreign countries. In preparation, there are important books as co-editor with Prof. Rana P.B. Singh, president ACLA and RWYC Asia.
More information, publications, and academic activities:
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5451-0239
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Books by Olimpia Niglio
Table of contents
More information about THESAURUM FIDEI
Catalogo della Mostra (Lucca, 8-31 maggio 2023) a 450 anni dalla nascita
del beato Angelo Orsucci (Lucca 1573 - Nagasaki 1622), sviluppata su
più sedi – la Biblioteca statale, l’Archivio di Stato, l’Archivio storico diocesano e la chiesa di San Cristoforo – dove i temi legati alle varie fasi della vita, della missione, del martirio sono declinati con documenti d’epoca.
Sez. 1: Missioni ed avangelizzazione
cristiana in Giappone;
Sez. 2: Famiglie e contesto lucchese;
Sez. 3: Angelo Orsucci e il martirio;
Sez. 4: La beatificazione di Angelo Orsucci;
Sez. 5: Culto e memoria di Angelo Orsucci.
101 schede curate da specialisti del settore con documenti e volumi provenienti da: Archivio Apostolico Vaticano; Archivio Storico di Propaganda Fide; Archivio di Stato di Firenze; Archivio di
Stato di Lucca; Archivio Storico Diocesano di Lucca; Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana; Biblioteca Statale del Monumento Nazionale di Santa Scolastica; Biblioteca Statale di Lucca; Biblioteca Diocesana
Mons. Giuliano Agresti.
“Ricordare i missionari martiri e i ‘cristiani nascosti’ del Giappone non è solamente prestare un tributo a una storia gloriosa, ma riveste una singolare attualità: infatti la ‘Chiesa in uscita’ auspicata
da Papa Francesco non potrà svilupparsi se nel popolo di Dio si affievoliscono la stima per il dono prezioso della fede e lo zelo per la missione. Oggi, come nel Giappone di quei tempi, è il momento del coraggio”, dichiara l’arcivescovo di Lucca, mons. Paolo Giulietti.
Contribución de: Isabel Ahgue Vázquez, Fernando Carrión Mena, Manuel De La Calle Vaquero, Víctor Delgadillo, Mariel De Vita, Elena Ferreiro Calzada, Francisco Hernández Serrano, Jocelyn Elizabeth Liévanos Díaz, Camilo Alejandro Moreno Iregui, Olimpia Niglio, Natalia Fernanda Ponce Arancibia, Paula Cecilia Rosa, Salvatore Settis, Claudia C. Vázquez Reyes.
their resultant attributes, together we seek to search ways, paths and means that are implied for
framing sustainability in all human activities aiming towards march to growth, development and
expansion and ultimately making the happy worlds through the ongoing channel of ‘Succession–
Sustenance–Sustainability’. Historical cities imbuing cultural-religious heritages are considered as
the best laboratory to test, understand and explain the intricacies of human settlements system.
UNO Habitat III has provoked that framing structure and understanding of Urban Cultural
Landscape should be projected in the purview of culture-based regeneration, culture-religious
morphology, urban heritage conservation and preservation, nature-framed urban landscape,
cultural and creative industries, cultural values & civility, cultural diversity, creative economy,
inclusive development, social cohesion, right to cultural heritage, density, mixed-use, strategic
territorial governance, and associated issues.
Historic cities are the urban areas proclaimed as the result of a historic layering of cultural and
natural values and attributes, extending beyond the notion of “historic centre” or “ensemble” to
include the broader urban context and its environmental setting/s—from variety and distinctions
of sites, spaces, places to built-environment, infrastructures above and below ground, open spaces
and gardens, and resultant spatial organization, and visual relationships. It also includes social and
cultural practices and values, economic processes and the intangible dimensions of heritage as
related to diversity and identity. The past is there to inspire; the future is somewhere in dreams;
the present is here to act; let us try to Understand it and Feel it.
their resultant attributes, together we seek to search ways, paths and means that are implied for
framing sustainability in all human activities aiming towards march to growth, development and
expansion and ultimately making the happy worlds through the ongoing channel of ‘Succession–
Sustenance–Sustainability’. Historical cities imbuing cultural-religious heritages are considered as
the best laboratory to test, understand and explain the intricacies of human settlements system.
UNO Habitat III has provoked that framing structure and understanding of Urban Cultural
Landscape should be projected in the purview of culture-based regeneration, culture-religious
morphology, urban heritage conservation and preservation, nature-framed urban landscape,
cultural and creative industries, cultural values & civility, cultural diversity, creative economy,
inclusive development, social cohesion, right to cultural heritage, density, mixed-use, strategic
territorial governance, and associated issues.
Historic cities are the urban areas proclaimed as the result of a historic layering of cultural and
natural values and attributes, extending beyond the notion of “historic centre” or “ensemble” to
include the broader urban context and its environmental setting/s—from variety and distinctions
of sites, spaces, places to built-environment, infrastructures above and below ground, open spaces
and gardens, and resultant spatial organization, and visual relationships. It also includes social and
cultural practices and values, economic processes and the intangible dimensions of heritage as
related to diversity and identity. The past is there to inspire; the future is somewhere in dreams;
the present is here to act; let us try to Understand it and Feel it.
On July 16, 2019 on the occasion of the 50th
anniversary of the space mission to the Moon (Neil
Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin July 20, 1969), the Mexican
Aerospace Agency opened the international congress entitled
"México hacia la luna" (Mexico towards the moon) with an
introductory report by the writer on the theme of the
cultural heritage of the Universe. The report intended to
focus on the meaning that culture assumes to build a better
world on the planet and beyond. Less than two years after
the Mexican congress, the pandemic events of 2020 have
unsettled the whole mankind but have allowed us to reflect
on the importance of the "health" of our planet and the
"universe" system to which we belong. Human research has
always gone beyond terrestrial limits and certainly astronomy
is one of the most ancient sciences in human history since
the origin of the cosmos and its nature has always been
questioned. But questioning these issues means analyzing a
very vast, unexplored cultural heritage from which to draw
useful answers to understand the very existence of planet
Every country in the world is characterized by a strong presence of Italian culture. Surely the food, music and use of some vocabulary outline the Italianness of the place. However, the artistic and architectural culture has certainly contributed to continuously regenerating the value of Italy abroad and all this thanks to many Italians who over the centuries have emigrated and distinguished themselves for specific skills. Among the most coveted destinations, Latin America has certainly been an important achievement where many professionalisms have stood out.
This contribution intends to bring the reader closer to reflecting on the value of emigration, the opportunity that it has determined and the affirmation of so many professionalisms that otherwise would not have stood out. The analysis is aimed at describing and illustrating a general situation of the emigration of Italian artists, architects and engineers to Latin America between the middle of the 19th century and the first half of the 20th century. A first part of this contribution analyzes the complex Italian historical situation that has led to this migration phenomenon, already very strong since medieval times towards central and northern Europe. The discovery of the New Continent certainly defined the new migratory routes that never stopped. The second part of this article covers some of the professionals that have distinguished themselves in Latin America for both projects and academic engagement. So after so many years it is very interesting to discover the value of Italian creativity and ingenuity abroad also in order to better appreciate the meaning and the opportunity for growth that this phenomenon has allowed people as well as those who countries that received and hosted them.
Los estudios, prologados por Olimpia Niglio (ICOMOS, Asian Cultural Landscape Association), se encuadran en el ámbito de investigación del Instituto Cultura y Sociedad de la Universidad de Navarra, dentro de su proyecto “Creatividad y Herencia Cultural”, dirigido por la Dra. Julia Pavón Benito.
L'opera offre una completa e dettagliata ricognizione del pensiero estetico di Giovanni Battista Montini-Paolo VI (1897-1978), a partire dalla sua riflessione sul ruolo dell'arte sacra contemporanea degli anni del sacerdozio, passando per la dottrina estetica degli anni del suo episcopato milanese, fino alla "teo logia della bellezza" degli anni del suo pontificato. Il lettore ha quindi modo di ripercorrere le tappe della sua azione pastorale rivolta al mondo delle forme artistiche elaborate in funzione dello spazio sacro e del messaggio cristiano. Dall'analisi degli eventi e dei testi che Montini-Paolo VI dedica alla riflessione sulla fenomenologia artistica in generale e sulla funzione religiosa dell'opera d'arte in un contesto che è prevalentemente quello specifico dell'arte sacra e liturgica, emerge una compiuta e significativa posizione debitri-ce soprattutto del pensiero filosofico, nello specifico estetico, di Jacques Maritain, e dell'amicizia di pensatori quali Jean Guitton.
The covered markets have emerged as a central theme in the urban policies of many cities around the world. After decades of relative neglect, largely due to the increase in other commercial formats (self-service stores, supermarkets and now digital internet shopping), markets are re-emerging on the urban agenda of local governments and have become the focus of interest for various investors and international institutions, such as the UN Habitat program or the Inter-American Development Bank. The transformation, conversion, and even destruction of markets is not new. In the relatively recent past, several markets were relocated and destroyed (Les Halles in Paris in 1971) or reconverted into cultural and commercial centers in the 1980s (Convent Garden in London and El Abasto in Buenos Aires). This book presents the contemporary problems and challenges of markets, as well as the recent projects, policies, trends, and forms of management carried out to confront these challenges in various cities in Europe, Latin America, and the Middle East. Several chapters of the book discuss the visions of the end of a "natural" life cycle of markets and whether the only way to modernize them in order to confront the competition of supermarket chains and online commerce is their reconversion into gourmet gastronomic and cultural consumption centers for tourists. Through the contribution of different sciences and disciplines, the book analyses transversal themes such as cultural tourism, urban and architectural heritage, urban decline and revitalization, gentrification, memories, and collective identities, and the circulation of urban policies and paradigms.
In continuing the path initiated by the international research Italian Diaspora in the world, this volume is a new tribute to the many Italians who have distinguished themselves overseas, especially in Latin America, building extraordinary opportunities and opening up new professional perspectives. This is the case of the Italian architect Enrico Tedeschi (1910-1978) who left Italy in 1948 to reach Argentina in order to realize the expected academic dreams. A complex experience like many but from which began a new research path that focused a lot on the role of the history of architecture in the formation of the architect who, from the second half of the twentieth century, has obtained remarkable feedback throughout the Latin American area.
The pages of this book, not exhaustive of a very interesting but broad theme, aim to open a dialogue on how the treatment of the history of architecture in Latin America is now more fundamental than ever to start new training paths and to stimulate knowledge of the past to better build the future.
Table of contents
More information about THESAURUM FIDEI
Catalogo della Mostra (Lucca, 8-31 maggio 2023) a 450 anni dalla nascita
del beato Angelo Orsucci (Lucca 1573 - Nagasaki 1622), sviluppata su
più sedi – la Biblioteca statale, l’Archivio di Stato, l’Archivio storico diocesano e la chiesa di San Cristoforo – dove i temi legati alle varie fasi della vita, della missione, del martirio sono declinati con documenti d’epoca.
Sez. 1: Missioni ed avangelizzazione
cristiana in Giappone;
Sez. 2: Famiglie e contesto lucchese;
Sez. 3: Angelo Orsucci e il martirio;
Sez. 4: La beatificazione di Angelo Orsucci;
Sez. 5: Culto e memoria di Angelo Orsucci.
101 schede curate da specialisti del settore con documenti e volumi provenienti da: Archivio Apostolico Vaticano; Archivio Storico di Propaganda Fide; Archivio di Stato di Firenze; Archivio di
Stato di Lucca; Archivio Storico Diocesano di Lucca; Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana; Biblioteca Statale del Monumento Nazionale di Santa Scolastica; Biblioteca Statale di Lucca; Biblioteca Diocesana
Mons. Giuliano Agresti.
“Ricordare i missionari martiri e i ‘cristiani nascosti’ del Giappone non è solamente prestare un tributo a una storia gloriosa, ma riveste una singolare attualità: infatti la ‘Chiesa in uscita’ auspicata
da Papa Francesco non potrà svilupparsi se nel popolo di Dio si affievoliscono la stima per il dono prezioso della fede e lo zelo per la missione. Oggi, come nel Giappone di quei tempi, è il momento del coraggio”, dichiara l’arcivescovo di Lucca, mons. Paolo Giulietti.
Contribución de: Isabel Ahgue Vázquez, Fernando Carrión Mena, Manuel De La Calle Vaquero, Víctor Delgadillo, Mariel De Vita, Elena Ferreiro Calzada, Francisco Hernández Serrano, Jocelyn Elizabeth Liévanos Díaz, Camilo Alejandro Moreno Iregui, Olimpia Niglio, Natalia Fernanda Ponce Arancibia, Paula Cecilia Rosa, Salvatore Settis, Claudia C. Vázquez Reyes.
their resultant attributes, together we seek to search ways, paths and means that are implied for
framing sustainability in all human activities aiming towards march to growth, development and
expansion and ultimately making the happy worlds through the ongoing channel of ‘Succession–
Sustenance–Sustainability’. Historical cities imbuing cultural-religious heritages are considered as
the best laboratory to test, understand and explain the intricacies of human settlements system.
UNO Habitat III has provoked that framing structure and understanding of Urban Cultural
Landscape should be projected in the purview of culture-based regeneration, culture-religious
morphology, urban heritage conservation and preservation, nature-framed urban landscape,
cultural and creative industries, cultural values & civility, cultural diversity, creative economy,
inclusive development, social cohesion, right to cultural heritage, density, mixed-use, strategic
territorial governance, and associated issues.
Historic cities are the urban areas proclaimed as the result of a historic layering of cultural and
natural values and attributes, extending beyond the notion of “historic centre” or “ensemble” to
include the broader urban context and its environmental setting/s—from variety and distinctions
of sites, spaces, places to built-environment, infrastructures above and below ground, open spaces
and gardens, and resultant spatial organization, and visual relationships. It also includes social and
cultural practices and values, economic processes and the intangible dimensions of heritage as
related to diversity and identity. The past is there to inspire; the future is somewhere in dreams;
the present is here to act; let us try to Understand it and Feel it.
their resultant attributes, together we seek to search ways, paths and means that are implied for
framing sustainability in all human activities aiming towards march to growth, development and
expansion and ultimately making the happy worlds through the ongoing channel of ‘Succession–
Sustenance–Sustainability’. Historical cities imbuing cultural-religious heritages are considered as
the best laboratory to test, understand and explain the intricacies of human settlements system.
UNO Habitat III has provoked that framing structure and understanding of Urban Cultural
Landscape should be projected in the purview of culture-based regeneration, culture-religious
morphology, urban heritage conservation and preservation, nature-framed urban landscape,
cultural and creative industries, cultural values & civility, cultural diversity, creative economy,
inclusive development, social cohesion, right to cultural heritage, density, mixed-use, strategic
territorial governance, and associated issues.
Historic cities are the urban areas proclaimed as the result of a historic layering of cultural and
natural values and attributes, extending beyond the notion of “historic centre” or “ensemble” to
include the broader urban context and its environmental setting/s—from variety and distinctions
of sites, spaces, places to built-environment, infrastructures above and below ground, open spaces
and gardens, and resultant spatial organization, and visual relationships. It also includes social and
cultural practices and values, economic processes and the intangible dimensions of heritage as
related to diversity and identity. The past is there to inspire; the future is somewhere in dreams;
the present is here to act; let us try to Understand it and Feel it.
On July 16, 2019 on the occasion of the 50th
anniversary of the space mission to the Moon (Neil
Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin July 20, 1969), the Mexican
Aerospace Agency opened the international congress entitled
"México hacia la luna" (Mexico towards the moon) with an
introductory report by the writer on the theme of the
cultural heritage of the Universe. The report intended to
focus on the meaning that culture assumes to build a better
world on the planet and beyond. Less than two years after
the Mexican congress, the pandemic events of 2020 have
unsettled the whole mankind but have allowed us to reflect
on the importance of the "health" of our planet and the
"universe" system to which we belong. Human research has
always gone beyond terrestrial limits and certainly astronomy
is one of the most ancient sciences in human history since
the origin of the cosmos and its nature has always been
questioned. But questioning these issues means analyzing a
very vast, unexplored cultural heritage from which to draw
useful answers to understand the very existence of planet
Every country in the world is characterized by a strong presence of Italian culture. Surely the food, music and use of some vocabulary outline the Italianness of the place. However, the artistic and architectural culture has certainly contributed to continuously regenerating the value of Italy abroad and all this thanks to many Italians who over the centuries have emigrated and distinguished themselves for specific skills. Among the most coveted destinations, Latin America has certainly been an important achievement where many professionalisms have stood out.
This contribution intends to bring the reader closer to reflecting on the value of emigration, the opportunity that it has determined and the affirmation of so many professionalisms that otherwise would not have stood out. The analysis is aimed at describing and illustrating a general situation of the emigration of Italian artists, architects and engineers to Latin America between the middle of the 19th century and the first half of the 20th century. A first part of this contribution analyzes the complex Italian historical situation that has led to this migration phenomenon, already very strong since medieval times towards central and northern Europe. The discovery of the New Continent certainly defined the new migratory routes that never stopped. The second part of this article covers some of the professionals that have distinguished themselves in Latin America for both projects and academic engagement. So after so many years it is very interesting to discover the value of Italian creativity and ingenuity abroad also in order to better appreciate the meaning and the opportunity for growth that this phenomenon has allowed people as well as those who countries that received and hosted them.
Los estudios, prologados por Olimpia Niglio (ICOMOS, Asian Cultural Landscape Association), se encuadran en el ámbito de investigación del Instituto Cultura y Sociedad de la Universidad de Navarra, dentro de su proyecto “Creatividad y Herencia Cultural”, dirigido por la Dra. Julia Pavón Benito.
L'opera offre una completa e dettagliata ricognizione del pensiero estetico di Giovanni Battista Montini-Paolo VI (1897-1978), a partire dalla sua riflessione sul ruolo dell'arte sacra contemporanea degli anni del sacerdozio, passando per la dottrina estetica degli anni del suo episcopato milanese, fino alla "teo logia della bellezza" degli anni del suo pontificato. Il lettore ha quindi modo di ripercorrere le tappe della sua azione pastorale rivolta al mondo delle forme artistiche elaborate in funzione dello spazio sacro e del messaggio cristiano. Dall'analisi degli eventi e dei testi che Montini-Paolo VI dedica alla riflessione sulla fenomenologia artistica in generale e sulla funzione religiosa dell'opera d'arte in un contesto che è prevalentemente quello specifico dell'arte sacra e liturgica, emerge una compiuta e significativa posizione debitri-ce soprattutto del pensiero filosofico, nello specifico estetico, di Jacques Maritain, e dell'amicizia di pensatori quali Jean Guitton.
The covered markets have emerged as a central theme in the urban policies of many cities around the world. After decades of relative neglect, largely due to the increase in other commercial formats (self-service stores, supermarkets and now digital internet shopping), markets are re-emerging on the urban agenda of local governments and have become the focus of interest for various investors and international institutions, such as the UN Habitat program or the Inter-American Development Bank. The transformation, conversion, and even destruction of markets is not new. In the relatively recent past, several markets were relocated and destroyed (Les Halles in Paris in 1971) or reconverted into cultural and commercial centers in the 1980s (Convent Garden in London and El Abasto in Buenos Aires). This book presents the contemporary problems and challenges of markets, as well as the recent projects, policies, trends, and forms of management carried out to confront these challenges in various cities in Europe, Latin America, and the Middle East. Several chapters of the book discuss the visions of the end of a "natural" life cycle of markets and whether the only way to modernize them in order to confront the competition of supermarket chains and online commerce is their reconversion into gourmet gastronomic and cultural consumption centers for tourists. Through the contribution of different sciences and disciplines, the book analyses transversal themes such as cultural tourism, urban and architectural heritage, urban decline and revitalization, gentrification, memories, and collective identities, and the circulation of urban policies and paradigms.
In continuing the path initiated by the international research Italian Diaspora in the world, this volume is a new tribute to the many Italians who have distinguished themselves overseas, especially in Latin America, building extraordinary opportunities and opening up new professional perspectives. This is the case of the Italian architect Enrico Tedeschi (1910-1978) who left Italy in 1948 to reach Argentina in order to realize the expected academic dreams. A complex experience like many but from which began a new research path that focused a lot on the role of the history of architecture in the formation of the architect who, from the second half of the twentieth century, has obtained remarkable feedback throughout the Latin American area.
The pages of this book, not exhaustive of a very interesting but broad theme, aim to open a dialogue on how the treatment of the history of architecture in Latin America is now more fundamental than ever to start new training paths and to stimulate knowledge of the past to better build the future.
of the world was not clear whether peoples can travel freely or not. In fact, we were not sure how many ICOMOS members physically participate in this symposium? That’s why we decided to combine both in situ and online presentations.
Theme of the 2022 Scientific Symposium is “Religious Heritage: Celebrating and conserving places of religious and ritual significance in a global world and in changing climates.” Under this theme, we considered 5 sub-themes like as:
1. Significance of Places of Religion and Ritual
2. Influence of Climate Change on the Conservation, Protection and Management of Religious Heritage
3. Changing Use and Perception of Places of Religion and Ritual following the Covid-19 pandemic
4. Practice of Pilgrimage following the Covid-19 pandemic
5. Reuse of Religious Heritage places
a cura di Olimpia Niglio e Taisuke Kuroda.In collaborazione con Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Osaka e Ambasciata d’Italia in Giappone.
Come si esprimono questi luoghi quando ritornano a conoscere la loro prima funzione?
Quali sono gli orientamenti formali e sostanziali di una loro buona rigenerazione?
Questi sono alcuni interrogativi che accompagnano gli incontri veneziani del 7 e 8 giugno 2018 e che si collegano a documenti internazionali come quelli del Forum Living Religious Heritage di Roma del 2003, la Dichiarazione di Xi’an del 2005, la Dichiarazione di Quebec del 2008, la Dichiarazione di Kiev del 2010 e ancora le ricerche in corso elaborate da comitati scientifici internazionali (UNESCO, ICOMOS, IUCN, ICCROM, PRERICO). Le riflessioni che su questo argomento nascono da queste Giornate di Venezia sono quindi di particolare significato, per il ruolo storico di ponte tra Oriente ed Occidente europeo della città lagunare.
Illustri relatori sia del mondo ecclesiastico che laico giungeranno da diversi paesi: Egitto, Irlanda, Italia, Serbia, Spagna, Svizzera, Russia, Turchia.
Per prenotare la partecipazione al convegno è fondamentale - entro il 25 maggio 2018 - inviare una richiesta scritta con i propri dati (nome, cognome, email, indirizzo, recapito telefonico) al fine di facilitare gli accrediti, alla Segreteria della Scuola Grande di San Marco: [email protected]
and the dissemination of new stylistic changes in architecture
during the Meiji period with particular attention
to the works built in Tokyo. Through the study of the new
methodological guidelines adopted in Japan in the late
nineteenth century, a new path of the history of the architecture
and conservation starts. Cultural revolutions are
related to large urban, and therefore social, transformations.
The contribution aims to analyze these innovations
that have had important implications on the development
of the architecture in Japan. The main topic will concern
the restoration and reconstruction of existing works
created during the Meiji period.
The contribution will connect these important stylistic
innovations to the individual cultural realities of the
architects who worked in Japan in the late nineteenth
century. The contribution aims to reconstruct a chapter
of the history whose origins need to be found within the
dialogue between the Western and Eastern culture. It can
be seen as the first phenomenon of cultural globalization
which has encouraged the development of different cultures
with important results even in the West. In this context,
we can note the influence that the Japanese culture
has had on some architects of the first half of the twentieth
century: Frank Lloyd Wright (American), Bruno
Taut (Germany) and Carlo Scarpa (Italian)."
Lecture at the Tokyo University, Campus Komaba, July 19, 2013
特別講演会 2013年6月19日(於 東京大学駒場キャンパス)
John Ruskin (1819 – 1900), art writers of the 19th century, describes this concept in the book The Seven Lamps of Architecture. This concept of restoration will be discussed in the seminar and will be compared with other literary theories. This approach to cultural heritage was and continues to be highly influential, informing the difference between the terms restoration and conservation.
giovedì 8 dicembre 2011
Ore 16.10 – 17.40
Relatore: Prof. Arch. Olimpia Niglio
Istituto Italiano di Cultura, 2-1-30 Kudan Minami, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0074
Simposio Internazionale: Giorgio Vasari e l’arte del Rinascimento Italiano
Kyoto, 10 dicembre 2011, Kyoto University
The historical survey and preservation strategies of modern architecture are being gradually associated with sustainability, while twentieth-century buildings are becoming an integral part of multiple strategies for the development of urban landscapes. Today, new critical perspectives and protection policies contribute to the deployment of projects related to the study, classification, listing, conservation and promotion of modern architecture.
These issues are confronted in Time Frames: Conservation Policies for Twentieth-Century Architectural Heritage (Routledge, 2017) by exploring the policies used to designate buildings as heritage sites worldwide. The editors of the book focus on the so-called ‘time rule’ which elapses between a building’s construction and its protection, if it exists. What emerges is a variable definition of what is “contemporary”, ie architecture which has not yet become “historic”.
nell’ambito delle iniziative dell’anno Italia in America Latina in collaborazione con l’Ambasciata d’Italia in Colombia e l’Istituto Italiano di Cultura Bogotá, Colombia nell’ambito del progetto Italia-America Latina (2015-2016).
Curatori scientifici: Olimpia Niglio, Rubén Hernández Molina
Sede dell’esposizione:
Santiago de Cali, Teatrino del Teatro Municipal Enrique Buenaventura (28 settembre – 27 ottobre 2017)
a cura di Olimpia Niglio
Universidad de Bogotà Jorge Tadeo Lozano
MART Museo di Arte moderna e contemporanea Trento e Rovereto
Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Bogotà
Ambasciata d’Italia in Colombia
15 giugno – 29 luglio 2017
POLITECNICO DI TORINO – Castello del Valentino
in collaborazione con l’Ambasciata d’Italia in Colombia e l’Istituto Italiano di Cultura Bogotá.
a cura di Olimpia Niglio, Rubén Hernández Molina
Promossa e organizzata dal Prof. Paolo Mellano, direttore del Dipartimento di Architettura e Design e dalla prof.ssa Annalisa Dameri.
Inaugurazione alla presenza dell’Ambasciatore colombiano in Italia, Dr. Juan Mesa e del Rettore del Politecnico di Torino, Prof. Marco Gilli.
Maggio – Dicembre 2017
nell’ambito delle iniziative dell’anno Italia in America Latina in collaborazione con l’Ambasciata d’Italia in Colombia e l’Istituto Italiano di Cultura Bogotá, Colombia nell’ambito del progetto Italia-America Latina (2015-2016).
Curatori scientifici: Olimpia Niglio, Rubén Hernández Molina
Sedi dell’esposizione (2016-2019)
Tenjo, Casa de la Cultura (22 settembre – 10 novembre 2016); Ibagué, Museo de Arte del Tolima (29 settembre- 23 ottobre 2016); Bogotá, Colegio Salesiano de León XIII (19 -24 settembre 2016); Obra Salesiana del Niño Jesús 20 de Julio (26 -30 settembre 2016), Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Bogotá, Ambasciata d’Italia in Colombia (25 ottobre- 4 novembre 2016) e nel 2017 è stata esposta a Torino (Italia) Facoltà di Architettura del Politecnico di Torino (23 – 26 maggio 2017); città di Funza, Bilblioparque Marqués de San Jorge (7 – 28 luglio 2017); Santiago de Cali, Teatrino del Teatro Municipal Enrique Buenaventura (28 settembre – 27 ottobre 2017), Popayán, Universidad del Cauca, Claustro del Carmen, (19-30 de noviembre de 2017); Universidad de Boyaca, Tunja, Halles de Artes (4-10 de marzo de 2019).
La mostra internazionale Ingenieros y arquitectos italianos en Colombia, con il contributo di diversi ricercatori colombiani ed un ricercatore italiano, ha lo scopo di elaborare una ricostruzione storica di opere italiane nel campo dell'ingegneria e dell’architettura dal XVI secolo alla metà del XX secolo.
La mostra inizia con un contributo introduttivo sull’impronta che la cultura italiana ha avuto sull'architettura colombiana ed analizza opere di coloro che hanno sviluppato e realizzato importanti progetti in Colombia. Il tutto è il frutto di un lavoro di ricerca biennale che analizza il contributo degli ingegneri Antonelli, del gesuita Giovan Battista Coluccini di Lucca, di Serafin Barbetti, dell'architetto fiorentino Pietro Cantini, di Gaetano Lignarolo nella città di Cali, di Giovanni Buscaglione con opere in diverse città colombiane, nonché di più moderni ingegneri come Victor Morgante, Gaetano di Terlizzi, Bruno Violi, Angiolo Mazzoni Del Grande e Domenico Parma. Una rassegna storica conclude la mostra, consentendo così di prendere atto del contributo della cultura italiana in Colombia dal XVI secolo alla fine del XX secolo.
La mostra è dedicata alla giovane generazione di architetti ed ingegneri colombiani che apprendendo dalla storia architettonica del paese, acquisiranno tutte quelle conoscenze fondamentali per apprezzare e valorizzare il loro patrimonio culturale, nonché rafforzare la propria identità e, soprattutto, contribuire allo sviluppo della nazione con più consapevolezza e rispetto per il passato, elemento fondamentale per costruire il futuro.
A cura di Olimpia Niglio e Taisuke Kuroda.
cultivate, and its past participle cultus. It indicates the set of
knowledge that each person has acquired in the course of
life through study, experiences, and activities, all reworked
by each person from simple erudition into fundamental
elements for the moral, spiritual, and cultural personality of
the individual who strives to make the world sustainable and
In every era and every nation, even if in different ways, the
theme of culture has assumed a fundamental role in the
development of mankind and the formation of communities.
Culture has been characterised as a ‘place of shared identities’
where everyone has been able to identify and recognise
themselves and, thus, to enhance their common heritage.
Interpreting the path of evangelization in Japan is a bumpy journey:
all Cartesian reasoning is destined to search, without being able to rely on explanations rational, situations that instead find deep roots in the invisible. Enter into dialogue with Christian culture in the Far East means dealing with a complex reality, in which a plurality of situations, sensations, emotions, and very different perceptions. The Thesaurum Fidei project. Martyrs and Christian missionaries were hidden in Japan. Three hundred years of heroic fidelity to Christ, promoted by the Archdiocese of Lucca, aimed to analyze how the path of Christianity was interpreted in Japan according to the different ways in which this took root starting from the mid-16th century with the arrival of Saint Francis Xavier. This contribution summarizes the path of research undertaken in 2022 and the results pursued.
It is precisely the three-dimensional perception that characterizes the architecture to which we have to approach the fourth dimension, that is, the temporal dimension, and therefore the presence of “time” that helps us to analyze the evolution and transformation of materiality.
This contribution aims to develop a reflection on the concept of place and places of religiosity and rites, understood as a material and intangible space at the same time and where man meets his God, himself, and the community regardless of where he has located this place and how it was made. Particular attention will be given to the meaning of the sacred value and how this concept is constantly regenerated in the daily life of every man.
Keywords: place; not place; empty; limit; sacred.
Keywords: Japan, Art & Craft, Mingei Movement, Muneyoshi Yanagi, John Ruskin.
ArcheA IO3 - Manual of Best Practices for a Blended Flexible Training Activity in Architectural Higher Education
Allegata Carta per la Risignificazione e la Rigenerazione del patrimonio culturale di interesse religioso.
This paper was discussed at the International Conference “50 Years World Heritage Convention: Shared Responsibility – Conflict & Reconciliation” Internationale Akademie Berlin, June 22, 2021.
Keywords: 1972 World Heritage Convention, Cultural Diplomacy, Heritage, International Law, Governance; UNESCO; Twiplomacy; Threats; Cultural Heritage
Diplomacy in the Age of the Internet: Challenges for the World Heritage Convention - Archive Ouverte de l'ICOMOS http://openarchive.icomos.org/id/eprint/2494/
This paper illustrates an example of an architectural restoration of an ancient railway station recovered as a result of a long archival, anthropological and sociological work that has also made it possible to implement an interesting program of active participation of the local community. What is described here is the result of an educational research work that developed during the course of "Restoration of Architecture", carried out at the University of Ibagué, Architecture Program between 2010 and 2020.
There is no doubt that an in-depth knowledge of reality requires a positive, constructive approach, a clear willingness to put oneself in the other's shoes and therefore to question one's own certainties, beliefs and conventions. An articulated exercise that also requires a certain maturity, a predisposition to dialogue and above all a training and scientific basis that can support human actions.
The 1992 UNESCO Convention is an important legal reference for the knowledge and enhancement of cultural landscapes that represent a heritage in which nature bears the marks of man’s work and tells its history, experiences, memories, and meanings. These landscapes describe the evolution of human society and the transformations achieved over time that have then conditioned the development of the territories.
The rapid social and economic changes that we are witnessing in recent decades have led to radical but also violent transformations of the territory, making clear the need to return to reflect on the value of the landscape, of identities but mainly on the value of human heritage which must re-establish a proper dialogue with nature and with others. It is important to think again about the value of all landscapes because they represent the space in which man operates daily.
The challenge of this project on Cultural Landscapes is to try to use at the same time a scientific and humanistic approach in which the method of study can allow to carry out excellent cataloging, to analyze the traces of the relationships between nature and man, to find new theories and methods of knowledge aimed at enhancing this complex cultural heritage, an important resource for the future sustainability of the world.
Attention will be devoted to the more contemporary variations that see the cultural landscape dialogue with the design of places of knowledge. The cultural landscape defines, in fact, the characteristics of the relationships that man establishes and builds in the context in which he lives. The cultural landscape is the mirror of the traditions.
The 1992 UNESCO Convention is an important legal reference for the knowledge and enhancement of cultural landscapes that represent a heritage in which nature bears the marks of man’s work and tells its history, experiences, memories, and meanings. These landscapes describe the evolution of human society and the transformations achieved over time that have then conditioned the development of the territories.
The rapid social and economic changes that we are witnessing in recent decades have led to radical but also violent transformations of the territory, making clear the need to return to reflect on the value of the landscape, of identities but mainly on the value of human heritage which must re-establish a proper dialogue with nature and with others. It is important to think again about the value of all landscapes because they represent the space in which man operates daily.
The challenge of this project on Cultural Landscapes is to try to use at the same time a scientific and humanistic approach in which the method of study can allow to carry out excellent cataloging, to analyze the traces of the relationships between nature and man, to find new theories and methods of knowledge aimed at enhancing this complex cultural heritage, an important resource for the future sustainability of the world.
Attention will be devoted to the more contemporary variations that see the cultural landscape dialogue with the design of places of knowledge. The cultural landscape defines, in fact, the characteristics of the relationships that man establishes and builds in the context in which he lives. The cultural landscape is the mirror of the traditions.
dome. Additionally, the structural stability is assessed of the dome of the case study against service and dynamic loads. To compare with the case study, known domes were taken as examples from structures in Italy and Spain. The analysis includes a study on the dome’s geometry and the constructive errors found.
Fondazione Banca del Monte di Lucca, 15 giugno - 15 luglio 2019
This Report is divided into four parts:
1. A contribution about the concept of the value in the cultural heritage, important for define the cultural assumptions of the project in Sado Island. Title: The concept of value for cultural heritage.
2. The different methods of Architectural Restoration with Japanese examples. Title: The methods of the restoration
3. The Archeology in Sado Island.
4. Suggestions and opportunities
Il programma Reconnecting With Your Culture
Claiming that access to heritage sites is a precursor to an informed and thorough understanding of heritage, the editors and contributors to this volume argue that new forms of securing urban heritage, including community involvement and digitalization, offer possibilities for the protection and use of urban heritage. Looking more closely at the versatile relationship between access and securitization in this context, the book provides a theoretical framework for the relationship between urban heritage and securitization. Comparing case studies from cities in Angola, Bulgaria, Eritrea, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Mexico, Norway, Russia, Suriname, Sweden, Turkey, UK, and the US the book reveals some of the key mechanisms that are used to regulate access to heritage sites around the world.
Providing a much-needed insight into the diverse challenges of securitization for access and urban heritage, Securing Urban Heritage should be essential reading for academics, students and practitioners from the fields of heritage and urban studies, architecture, art history, conservation, urban planning and urban geography.
The paper makes use of a remarkable corpus of unpublished graphs, found in different European archives, the reconsideration of those already known and of new documents (mainly of the eighteenth-century procurement) to trace, in one with a systematic analysis stratigraphy of the elevated, to identify the chronologies of the imposing surviving structures, proposing significant advancements of knowledge on the subject.
This paper also reconsiders the relationship between the project experiments carried out in Italy during the first half of the sixteenth century and those conducted in the new world for the fortifications of Spanish colonial cities.
La “Nunziatella” di Napoli
I Gesuiti e la sintesi delle arti tra Guglielmelli, Sanfelice, De Mura e Sanmartino
Presentazione di
Olimpia Niglio
Prefazione di
Giulio Pane
aula E2, 16 novembre 2022, ore 9,00
DANTE'S3 (Sat - Space - Soul)
Sat: Satellite culturale / Database ARTISTI PER DANTE
Space: Asgardia Space Kingdom / Partner Ministry of Culture
Soul: DANTE'S Soul "OPERA"
IUCN UNESCO Guidelines for the Conservation and Management of Sacred Natural Sites defines the term "Sacred site" as areas of special spiritual significance to peoples and communities; and the term of "Sacred natural site" corresponds to the areas of land or water having special spiritual significance to peoples and communities. In this special issue Almatourism by University of Bologna, we intend to focus on “Sacred landscapes”, understood as those areas where nature-culture linkages are represented by the spiritual values that communities assign to their holy environments. The "sacred landscapes" are of high cultural value and these values have to be considered and analyzed in all their many aspects.
Tutti temi che saranno sintetizzati nella redazione di un documento conclusivo volto a integrare e a mettere in risalto le particolarità del patrimonio di interesse culturale religioso per la futura revisione del Piano di Gestione del Centro Storico di Firenze, quale best practice da mettere a confronto anche per altre realtà sia nazionali che internazionali.