Reproductive behaviour and sex
trait allocations in an external
fertilizer – the Charr
(Salvelinus alpinus)
Lars Figenschou
A dissertation for the degree of philosophiae doctor
Faculty of Biosciences, Fisheries and Economics
Department of Arctic and Marine Biology
(Evolution & Ecology)
Spring 2010
Reproductive behaviour and sex trait allocations in an
external fertilizer – the Charr (Salvelinus alpinus)
1. Preface
2. Acknowledgements
3. List of papers
4. General introduction
5. Presentation and summary of papers
6. Short conclusion
7. References
8. Paper I, II, III, IV, V and VI
1st supervisor:
Professor Ivar Folstad
Faculty of Bioscience, Fishery and Economy
University of Tromsø, Norway
2nd supervisor:
Dr. Sveinn-Are Hanssen
The Norwegian Institute for Nature Research
Hjalmar Johansens gate 14, Tromsø, Norway
Adjudicating committee:
1st opponent: Dr. Iain Barber, University of Leicester, England
2nd opponent: Dr. Bård-Gunnar Stokke, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway
Head of administration: Dr. Kari Anne Bråthen, University of Tromsø, Norway
Together with physical challenges, evolutionary psychology is my favorite leisure
activity and discussion topic. I have “always” been fascinated by behavior - and in particular
human behavior. In daily life, differences in behaviour are easy to observe. Why does one
individual behave in a particular way whereas others behave differently? The most
sophisticated and “charming” behaviour is associated with the struggle of presenting
ourselves in a favorable light during mate search. Especially if we have a crush on somebody,
it is so funny to observe our strong tendency to underestimate bad aspect of ourselves.
Accordingly, in the context of courtship, so many interesting questions emerge; why do we
perceive someone as “more cute and pretty” than others, and why do some males apparently
have an advantage over others in competition for access to females? From my teenage years I
can remember that we (the boys/comrades), used to philosophize (that is, brag), in a friendly
spirit, about our own flirting abilities. We talked a lot about what “tactic” we used last Friday
night, and about the outcome/non-outcome. However, which “tactic” we used to approach our
mate was very dependent on the mate. Thus, there was not, at least in the late 70`s and early
80`s, one type of flirting behaviour that fitted all girls….
In 1997-1998, I met “serious” evolutionary thinking for the first time through a course
in “Evolutionary Parasitology”. The course and the contemporary discussions with Ivar,
whom is my current supervisor, revolutionized the way I viewed life, at that time - and today.
Ivar`s explanatory, informative and interesting, more or less “private” lectures, in all kinds of
evolutionary topics, enlarged my growing interests. Consequently, my interest in behaviour
has inevitably come to focus upon evolutionary and functional contexts, where the gene is the
unit of selection. Behaviour associated with reproduction, in particular, becomes really
exciting and fascinating when we remember that the organism itself is only a vehicle for self
replicating molecules (genes). In an e-mail the other day, Ivar expressed this concept so well
when he quoted the author J.C. Avice:
“Gametes can be metaphorically interpreted as intergenerational lifeboats for genes that
must flee somatic ships, all of which are guaranteed eventually to sink”
Evolutionary biology is so fundamental and so basic to understanding the biology of
organisms. It contains the biology of what makes us who we are, the biology of individual
differences and the biology of our behaviour. Where do, for example, our most damaging,
most frightening and inappropriate behaviours come from? I mean, from the bottom of my
heart (is there, however, any bottom?), that everybody; every child and adult, should be
forced to study subjects of evolutionary biology. Why? Because it is “unfortunately still some
reliquaries, that think that we, humans, are not exactly the same as all other organisms when
it comes to the biology of our behaviour” (quote from Robert Sapolsky, professor of
neurobiology at Stanford University - from a lecture-series in human behaviour). Human
mental function is not unique - and the way to understand human minds is by invoking
processes found in minds of other animals. All animals, including humans, will necessarily
behave in particular ways to maximize the genetically contribution to the generations ahead.
However, when the evolutionary basis of human behaviour (and also many facets of human
culture) is demonstrated, the approach is being called Darwinian or evolutionary psychology.
It is no surprise that Charles Darwin's masterpiece, "On the Origin of Species", shook
society to its core on publication in 1859. Darwin was aware of it at the time; however, “he
would surely have raised a disbelieving eyebrow, that the controversy is still raging a century
and a half later” (Dawkins 2009). It is very sad that we, in 2010, still have to spend time
convincing, for example, creationists and other (sorry for the expression) “mumbo-jumbo”
groups, that natural and sexual selection are not just theories, but facts. The watchmaker is
blind. Incredibly, world leaders still promote superstition, stories and unthinking acceptance
of dogma - over scientific evidence. This is very strange, as absolutely all current and relevant
knowledge, including loads and loads of genetic empirical evidence, says that all living
organisms carry genes that have a common origin. Each sexually produced individual
(however not identical twins) represents a unique combination of these recipes of life,
affected by re-combinations of genetic material from two parents, and randomly occurring
errors; mutations. Life, as an endless loop of reproduction, evolves continuously by selecting
successful gene combinations, and thus their carriers, the individuals - at the sacrifice of less
successful gene combinations and individuals.
The first main objective for this thesis was to find out whether male Arctic charr
(Salvelinus alpinus) sort sperm by immunological coating, and if so, if there was a
relationship between the degree of coating and the intensity of sperm competition. According
to the famous “male sperm control hypothesis” from Ivar, increased sperm competition
should lead to increased mutation rates and, thus, a possible measurable fragmentation in
sperm DNA. The importance of these goals has, however, fortunately gradually faded due to
various reasons. That is, the original aims and main goals in this thesis had a strange tendency
to change during my PhD period; mostly caused by fear. For example our common fear, when
we discovered that all of us (Ivar, Geir, Raine and me) were at the starting line of being
founders of a whole new field in biology, namely the field of “Evolutionary Behavioural
Pipettothology”! Especially I feared the consequences of its existence and breakthroughs…..!
Thus, an agreement about emphasizing other aspects and topics of reproductive behaviour and
sexual selection in Arctic charr was made. Honestly spoken; as we were not able to recognize
any associations between the candidate’s brain neurons and synapse-interactions, on the one
hand, and a profound understanding of micro or cell biology, and proximate mechanisms
related to immunity, on the other, this thesis luckily ended up being something else.
There have been many contributors to this thesis. However, this thesis would never (in
all my life, cross my heart!) see any fragment of light of day, if it wasn’t for two people; Ivar
Folstad and Geir Rudolfsen. Therefore, in deference, I would like to thank you two, in
particular. Firstly, my 1st supervisor, my worst (and, therefore, best!) critic and reviewer, my
discussion and squash- partner, easily provoked to laughter, pathfinder and guide in so many
aspects of life, my life-buoy, Ivar Folstad. There have been times, Ivar, where I have been
close to letting you down…. However, with amazing rapidity, your inspiring manners and
encouraging talks always lifted and raised me again. Thank you so much for that (in addition
to everything else, Ivar). Accordingly, my debt of gratitude to you (and Karianne as well) is
enormous. So, for the future, you must promise me, that you will give me some opportunities
for reciprocity. Secondly, I stand in awe to my best colleague, my private psycho-therapist,
number crushing mill, study design expert and big mouthed friend from Trøndelag, Geir
Rudolfsen. You are, both professionally and personally, the best a simple, common “lad”
from the inner part of Troms can expect to meet. Thanks, Geir; for all your help, your pleasant
and funny nature and thus for all the fun you have brought into my life. The daily life at the
office will never be the same….. The contribution from these two guys to the six papers
presented here has been, not only substantial, but totally invaluable. I do not dare to think
about a solar system without you two guys. So, thank you both.
Moreover, I send warm thanks to my 2nd supervisor Sveinn Are Hanssen for all
positive acknowledgement and constructive comments, his clear head and optimistic views
during these years. Especially, when he and Philip A. Skau tried to teach me immunological
laboratory techniques!! During my abroad stay in Joensuu, Finland, my good friend and
college Raine Kortet played an essential role in the finishing stage. Thanks Raine - for
everything! Additionally, Jukka Kekalainen and Matti Janhunen deserve honor as they also
contributed in so many ways (e.g., all the laughter-provoking jokes in Jukka`s sauna - which
by the way had the best “löyly”). During fieldwork, but also during the daily aggregations at
the office, there have been many helping heads and thoughts (in addition to so many tear wet
and liberating laughs). Therefore I would like to say thanks to Philip A. Skau, Ståle Liljedal,
Frode Skarstein, Nigel Yoccoz, Davnah Urbach, Thomas Haugland, Vidar Sørum, Jonas
Sjøstrand, Bjørnar Strøm, Jonathan Vaz Serrano, Sissel Kaino, Bjørn Norman, John-Andre
Henden, Rolf Ims, Marie Figenschou and Siw Turid Killengren, in addition to all of you,
which I, at the moment, have forgotten. Anders Pape Møller helped me a lot with his detailed
comments in the final stages of writing Papers V and VI. Thanks. Moreover, I would like to
thank all the staff, and especially Anne Høydal, at the Institute of Biology, for their always
encouraging support, and all my friends not associated to the institute - for letting me derive
some, however not biological, advantages from you. Additionally, on the sideline, LAR has
contributed with a personally “crutch”, which has helped me to concentrate on the important
things – e.g., biology. Finally, Jenny Stien deserves my gratitude as she helped me with the
English language in the scribbling you now hold in your hands.
Even though there have been periods when my family, included my departed mother,
may have been overwhelmed with my personally “evolutionary interpretations” of daily life
situations, they have always supported me - by always saying and showing that they loved
me. So, all members of Fjell-Figen, Ris-Figen, Ny-Figen and Ulve-Figen have really deserved
my reciprocity and gratitude. Last but not least, I would like to thank my wife, my own
(pregnant) pyrotechnist from Berlevåg, my best friend, my social-life organizer and personal
manager, the person in charge of the most, my dearest loving Anne Lise. Because of you; I
have never been happier.
Paper I: Lek fidelity of male Arctic charr. 2004. Figenschou, L., Folstad, I. & Liljedal, S.
Canadian Journal of Zoology, 82: 1278-1284.
Paper II: Synchrony of gamete release and sperm competition in Arctic charr (Salvelinus
alpinus). 2010. Sørum, V., Figenschou, L., Rudolfsen, G. & Folstad, I. Submitted to Animal
Paper III: Rapid adjustments of sperm characteristic in relation to social status. 2006.
Rudolfsen, G., Figenschou, L., Folstad, I., Tveiten, H. & Figenschou, M. Proceedings of the
Royal Society of London, Series B-Biological Sciences, 273: 325-332.
Paper IV: Female Arctic charr do not show apparent benefits from exposing their eggs to
sperm from dominant males. 2007. Figenschou, L., Rudolfsen, G., & Folstad, I. Journal of
Fish Biology, 71, 284–289
Paper V: Parasite intensities and male social status as modifiers of sperm production and
sperm swimming speed in the Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus). 2010. Figenschou, L., Skau,
P.A., Folstad, I., Rudolfsen, G., Hanssen, S.A., Kortet, R., Killie, J.E., Oskam, I. & Strand, H.
Manuscript 2010
Paper VI: Immune activation leads to reproductive compensation in Arctic charr (Salvelinus
alpinus). 2010. Figenschou, L., Skau, P.A., Folstad, I., Rudolfsen, G., Hanssen, S.A., Kortet,
R., Killie, J.E. & Strand, H.
Manuscript 2010
”No sensible engineer would ever propose such a process as sex when asked to design
a reproduction machine” (Sterns and Hoekstra, 2000). Sexual reproduction reduce the
efficiency of gene transmission by up to 50%, disrupt favorable gene combinations, spread
disease, and is energetically expensive (Wilson & Sherman, 2010). So, why do we observe
asexuality in less than 1% of the animal species? Asexual species is distributed scattered, at
the tips, of phylogenetic trees. This suggests that abandoning sex condemns a clade to
extinction before it can radiate sufficiently to achieve high taxonomic rank (Wilson &
Sherman, 2010). Moreover, according to the “Red Queen hypothesis” (Bell, 1982), asexuality
is rapidly extinguished by relentlessly coevolving parasites and pathogens. In this context,
behaviour associated to sexuality is the origin and source to the great and successful
Evolution, stripped to its barest essential, is nothing more than the temporal changes
in the genetic composition of populations. Thus, this thesis is about the most important topic
that exists; an evolutionary perspective on sexual behaviour. The relative ease of observing
Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) in natural populations (own observation), combined with the
polyandrous lek-like mating system (Andersson, 1994; Høglund & Alatalo, 1995), make them
excellent subjects for studying reproductive behaviour. Our aims have been to better
understand the main evolutionary and ultimate aspects of sexual reproduction. However, the
papers presented in this thesis also illuminate several of the principal proximate mechanisms
involved. To demonstrate both the proximate causes, in addition to the functional and
adaptive significance of various behaviours (see Tinbergen, 1963), we have made both
observational and experimental studies (see Papers I – VI). We have examined traits related to
male social status, sperm quality, parasite intensities, immunity, and competition for mates
and fertilizations, i.e., sperm competition. More or less in sequence, we have examined:
charrs movement patterns associated to their lek-like mating system
male-male and male-female interactions at the spawning ground and the degree of
(a)synchrony in gamete release
male adjustments of ejaculates in relation to intra-sexual competition and social status
possible indirect benefits of certain mate choice
what modifies ejaculate quality
and how an immune challenge may affect reproductive investments
Certainly, all organisms struggle to optimize their own reproductive situations.
However, natural and sexual selection have designed a complex set of behavioural
adaptations that coordinate and constrain individual’s reproductive activity. Yet, the end
products of cycles of reproductive activity are fertile offspring (i.e., vehicles), which, in turn,
will replicate and thus perpetuate the self-replicating molecules (i.e., genes).
Lek-like mating system and Arctic charr
Arctic charr show no parental care, and the mating system resembles the non-resource
based lek-mating as defined by Høglund & Alatalo (1995). That is mainly, (i): females obtain
nothing more than genes from males and (ii) males cannot monopolize all resources to gain
spawnings. In addition, the mate-search costs for females may be low and there is a relative
high frequency of spawnings including several males (see Paper II), which indicate that sperm
competition may be an important selective force (Taborsky, 1998). For several reasons, leklike animals are of special interest in sexual selection theory (Andersson, 1994). As females
receive nothing more from males than their sperm, such species may offer better prospects
than others for identifying male characteristics by which females choose mates. As mating
success often varies greatly among males on the lek, and as males are free from constraints
imposed by parental behaviour, sexual selection and dimorphism are expected to be stronger
in lek-like species than in other species (Darwin 1871; Payne 1984). However, even if male
mating success on a lek is highly skewed in a given year, the lifetime variance in reproductive
success among males may be small (Clutton-Brock 1983, 1988) as mating success is often
strongly age/size dependent (Kruijt and de Vos, 1988).
The ‘lek paradox’ concept was introduced to describe mating systems in which there
seems to be no material or other direct benefits of female mate choice (Borgia, 1979). The
paradox is; why are females continuing to choose males based on genetic benefits for the
offspring, given that directional female choice depletes genetic variation in male traits, thus
precluding female choice from resulting in genetic benefits? Consequently, how can a trait
value increase in a runaway fashion if, after a few generations, the variation is reduced to
zero? It is not crystal-clear whether the paradox commonly exists (Kotiaho et al., 2008), yet,
what is crystal-clear, is that the main factor determining the genetic contribution to the next
generation in lek-like breeding systems is success in intra-sexual competition, (reviewed by
Andersson, 1994; Andersson & Iwasa, 1996; Høglund & Alatalo 1995).
Sexual selection
“When the males and the females of any animal have the same general habits of life, but
differ in structure, colour, or ornament, such differences have been mainly caused by sexual
selection.” (Darwin, 1859)
An animal's fitness hinges on finding a suitable mate. In the majority of animal
signalling systems, males are the advertising, and females the choosing sex (Holveck &
Riebel, 2010). Gametes of two different sizes, or anisogamy, underlie the evolution of sex
differences, in both behaviour and morphology. Contemporary and subsequent sexual
selection has evolved from differences in reproductive success caused by competition over
mates (Darwin, 1871; reviewed in Andersson, 1994). Sexual selection is presumed to give rise
to selection pressures that favor large size, extravagant traits (i.e., often used for fighting) and
endurance in struggles. There is considerable experimental and comparative evidence
supporting this mechanism (reviewed in Andersson, 1994; Andersson & Iwasa, 1996;
Birkhead & Møller, 1998).
There are two main processes leading to sexual selection, that is, male-male
competition and choice of partners by individuals of the choosy sex, usually females. Many
studies assume a tight link between female preference and male quality (Andersson, 1994;
Jennions & Petrie, 1997), which is not accidental, as strong fitness-linked preferences will be
selected for. Accordingly, it is suggested that the entire sexual selection process can be
viewed as involving a continuous adjustment of female mate choice (Møller, 1992). In Arctic
charr, the variation in number of mates within both males and females suggest that sexual
selection operates in both sexes (Skarstein & Folstad, 1996).
The maintaining mechanisms
Fisherian self-reinforcing theory (Fisher, 1930) and Handicap theory (Zahavi, 1975,
1977) may both explain extravagant male ornamentation. Fisher’s theory is based on females
“good taste” and rest on the assumption that there is heritable variation in male secondary
sexual trait, e.g., size or coloration. Female preference is thus genetically coupled to male
traits and becomes self-reinforcing such that certain female genotypes will preferentially mate
with certain male genotypes. The two processes build on one another and result in elaborate
and often dysfunctional (in terms of natural selection) appendages in males and is often
referred to as runaway selection. Popularly spoken, the peacock’s tail length need serve no
other purpose than a simple fashion accessory to delight the senses of the opposite sex.
However, the cost of the exaggerated expression of the male sexual trait will finally prevent
further exaggeration of the trait creating equilibrium between cost and benefits and putting the
runaway process to rest (Fisher, 1930).
The handicap theory is based on females “good senses” - and especially for genes.
Zahavi (1975, 1977) suggested that females prefer males with elaborated sexual displays
because they are handicaps and therefore act as reliable signal of a male’s genetic quality.
Thus, costly sexual ornaments demonstrate a male`s ability to survive and reproduce, in spite
of the handicap, and if any of this ability is heritable, then the tendency to survive will be
passed on to the offspring.
Subsequent to the latter, (Hamilton & Zuk, 1982) suggested that the resistance to
parasites may be the important genetic quality revealed trough secondary sexually characters.
By choosing a well ornamented male, a female tends to acquire for her offspring those
resistant genes which are at the moment important against the predominant parasites. In
concordance with the handicap principle (Zahavi, 1975, 1977), less infected males in good
health, are able to produce more elaborate sex characters than more infected males because
these characters are costly to produce. Both observational and experimental studies support
this hypothesis (Clayton, 1990; Milinski & Bakker, 1990; Møller, 1988, 1990; Saino &
Møller, 1996; Taskinen & Kortet, 2002; Zuk et al., 1990a; Zuk et al., 1990b; for review see
Møller & Saino, 1994).
An extension of Hamilton and Zuk`s (1982) version of the handicap theory was
Folstad & Karters (1992) “immunocompetence handicap hypothesis” (ICHH), which later has
been proposed as one of the main “indicator mechanisms” of sexual selection (Andersson &
Simmons, 2006). According to ICHH, the expression of sexual selected traits may be
constrained through a trade-off with immune function. That is, the immune system competes
for resources with sexually selected ornaments. Thus females can obtain heritable resistance
to disease for their offspring from those males who can afford to invest in large sexual
displays. In the ICHH, the male sexual ornamentation is a handicapping, but honest signal of
male quality, due to the high levels of immunosuppressive androgens needed to produce and
maintain an effective expression of sexual ornamentation. This is most likely a consequence
of either adaptive (Wedekind & Folstad, 1994) or non-adaptive immuno-modulative actions
of sex hormones (Hillgarth & Wingfield, 1997). An extension of the ICHH suggests, finally,
that immune defenses also compromise the ability of a male to produce high-quality
ejaculates (Folstad & Skarstein, 1997).
Sperm competition and sperm production
Males struggle to reproduce, and in many species this struggle continues after
copulation; at the gametic level. Sperm competition is a very potent force influencing almost
every aspect of male and female sexuality (Birkhead & Møller, 1998) and occurs when the
sperm released by one male reduces the fertilization success of another male. Sperm
competition can lead to a wide range of behavioural, morphological and physiological
adaption’s that enhance the success of a male’s sperm relative to a rival (Parker, 1970; Smith
1984) and it is now understood that males typically differ in their competitiveness during
fertilization (Arnqvist & Danielsson, 1999; Gage et al., 1995). It is also argued that
“vertebrate sperm competition often operates along the principles of a raffle, or lottery, in
which males inseminating the most sperm have the highest probabilities of fertilizing ova”
(Stockley et al., 1997). Moreover, sperm from the first male is believed to have precedence
over sperm from males attending later in the same reproductive event. This suggestion is in
contrasts to observations from birds and insects, where sperm precedence of the last-mating
male has been documented for several species (Birkhead & Møller 1992; Gwynne, 1984).
There is comparative empirical evidence for co-evolution of female reproductive biology and
ejaculate characteristics in fish (Stockley et al., 1996) and, moreover, evidence for female
choice of sperm provided by particular males in sperm competition situations (Bishop, 1996;
Bishop et al., 1996; Olsson et al., 1996). This latter type of mechanism may also be present in
Arctic charr (Urbach et al., 2005).
In fish, where sperm competition often has a major role in reproductive output
(Taborsky, 1998), larger males are believed to have an advantage over smaller males because
of greater sperm volume (Gjerde, 1984; Kazakov, 1981) and dominance (Ball & Parker, 1996;
Fleming et al., 1996; Parker, 1993; Parker & Begon, 1993; Parker et al., 1990) with
dominance allowing proximity to and synchrony with individual spawning female.
Theoretical models predict that males mating in a more disfavored role, (i.e., subordinate
males employing sneaker tactics) should invest more in their ejaculates than males mating in a
favored role (Burness et al., 2004; Leach & Montgomerie, 2000; Liljedal & Folstad, 2003;
Neff et al., 2003; Rudolfsen et al., 2006; Vladic & Jarvi, 2001). That is, males experiencing
high sperm competition risk should invest more in sperm production than males experiencing
low risk of sperm competition. There is now ample evidence that sperm production is costly
(reviewed in (Wedell et al., 2002), thus males are expected to strategically allocate resources
to sperm production according to mating opportunities (Gasparini et al., 2009). Moreover, in
the context of life history theory, there are trade-offs between ejaculate investments and other
life sustainable processes, such as defense against pathogens. Thus, it may pay males to differ
their investments in sperm production (sperm quality and quantity) depending on age, social
status and infection levels.
Male social status; context dependant reproductive tactics
Different solutions to maximize male fitness may result in alternative reproductive
tactics between males (Taborsky et al., 2008). Alternative reproductive tactics are more likely
to appear when there is a large asymmetry in competition for reproduction, leading to high
variance in fitness between males (Wade et al., 2003). More specifically, it is expected that
when few territorial males monopolize female access in addition to defending a territory
against other territorial males, sneaker males will appear (Andersson, 1994; Wade et al.,
2003). Sneaker`s reproductive tactics are based on nonaggressive behaviour rather than
behaviour such as guarding, territory defence or weaponry (Gross, 1996; Wade et al., 2003).
Such alternative behaviour is successful in terms of producing matings in order to explain its
evolutionary maintenance (Brockmann & Taborsky, 2008). Consequently, variation among
male reproductive tactics can be largely adaptive, and in dynamic, role-flexible species, males
may shift tactic depending on context, adapting to the reproductive phenotype giving the
highest genetic contribution to the next generation (see Taborsky, 2001). These status
dependent shifts in reproductive tactics are common, especially in fish species (Taborsky,
2001) and outnumber fixed reproductive tactics (Gross, 1996).
Dominant male Arctic charr may allocate resources to investments in direct defense of
mates and/or in courtship behaviour and secondary sexual signals of male quality.
Subordinate male`s on the other hand, seem to invests more in sperm density and sperm
velocity, and in the lek-like spawning system of charr, subordinates seems to exploit at least
some of the reproductive investments of dominant males by darting swiftly into the spawning
site to break the “monopolization” of mates by dominant males (own observations).
Life history and reproductive compensation
If it was possible to maximize all fitness-related traits in an organism, we may end up
with a, so-called “Darwinian demon”, which would live forever and reproduce constantly.
Yet, organisms must balance investments in different activities to allow them to maximize
fitness in the environments they inhabit. Arctic charr therefore must also balance their
reproductive effort between present and future reproduction, something which may have lead
to fixed physiological trade-offs in charr`s life history traits. Trade-offs exist at many levels,
and in reproductive situations many strategies and tactics exist to maximize own fitness. Fish
are exceptional because of their unparalleled variability of reproductive patterns (Gross, 1996;
Oliveira & Almada, 1998; Oliveira et al., 2001; Taborsky, 1998). Predictions from life-history
theory, i.e., the “terminal investment hypothesis”, suggest that individuals should invest more
in current reproductive output if the chance of surviving to reproduce again is low
(Cluttonbrock, 1984; Williams, 1966). Thus, individuals investing too much in current
reproduction may risk to be punished with, for example, a shorter life or fewer resources for
later investments in reproduction.
Parental status and offspring fitness
One of the key assumptions in the theory of sexual selection is the heritability of traits
associated to reproductive success (Andersson, 1994). Numerous studies have identified
heritable traits associated to mating success and, in general, traits directly connected to fitness
and reproductive success have lower heritabilities than traits less relevant to fitness (Sterns &
Hoekstra, 2000). A summary of 1120 experimental estimates from Mousseau & Roff (1987)
showed that mean heritability varies between the trait categories; life-history (0.262),
physiology (0.330), behaviour (0.302) and morphology (0.461). Thus, paternal traits such as
body size, courtship vocalizations, territoriality and male ornamentation are, in part,
transferred between generations via parental genes. In charr, male social status is a plastic trait
associated with mating behaviour. Although selection through female choice may acts on
traits underlying increased social status (e.g., size), only a few studies have shown that
successful fathers sire successful sons (see however Wedell & Tregenza, 1999).
Arctic charr and sexual behaviour
With the exception of paper VI, all studies in this thesis are from Lake Fjellfrøsvatn,
situated at 69 ◦ N, northern Norway. The Arctic charr population in this lake has its spawning
period in the autumn, and during the last two decades, we have discovered 4 spawning
grounds in the lake. In the first part of September, males start to aggregate at these (lek) sites.
The male-male interactions are vigorous before and during the arrival of sexually mature
females and depending on the social context at the spawning ground, males may shift between
dominant and subordinate reproductive roles. Arriving females, which seem to have certain
spawning site preferences, are closely guarded by one of the larger, more aggressive and
dominant males which aggressively chase and bite other males approaching the female
(Fabricius & Gustavsson 1954; Sigurjonsdottir & Gunnarsson, 1989; own observations).
Males court females by gliding alongside them while quivering with high frequency, low
amplitude waves (Fabricius 1953; Sigurjonsdottir & Gunnarsson, 1989; own observations)
and on rare occasions this courting behaviour leads to spawning and release of gametes
(Fabricius 1953; own observations). Size differences between males may be large within a
spawning population (Paper I) and in sperm competition spawning events, the nearby,
subordinate males dart into the spawning site, which offers no protection against sneakers,
and release their own milt (own observations). Moreover, in a moment of inattention from the
guarding male, i.e., when the guarding male chases away other competitors, a subordinate
male may stimulate the female to spawn without the presence of the guarding male. Sperm
velocity may play a key role in fertilization (Liljedal et al., 2008; Paper IV) and charr males
have the capacity to rapidly adjust own sperm velocity and density in response to hierarchical
position (Paper III). The different male mating tactics in charr seem to be conditional and very
plastic, with relative body size as the most important determinant of tactic choice
(Sigurjonsdottir & Gunnarsson, 1989).
Immunity and sperm quality
Examining the individual's immune response to pathogens offers potential insights
into mechanisms of life history trade-offs, sexual selection and parasite-mediated selection.
The term immunocompetence is often used to refer to the ability of an individual’s immune
system to resist and control pathogens or parasites. The energetic expenditure of producing
and maintaining components of the immune system may have a major effect on condition,
thus creating a link between immune system and condition dependent sexual advertisement
(Wedekind, 1992; Wedekind & Folstad, 1994). Thus, immune function seems to be important
in sexual selection and in the context of reproduction. For example, there is much empirical
evidence that females often prefer parasite free males or males with low parasite burdens, and
male ornamentation has been shown to be affected by parasites (Møller, 1990; Møller, 1991;
Von Schantz et al., 1997; Zuk et al., 1990a). Moreover, host parasite co-evolution may
explain why heritable fitness is maintained and hence the evolution of male ornamentation
(Hamilton & Zuk, 1982). The costs of the evolving handicaps have to a large extent relied on
energetic explanations. Yet, cost associated to both secondary sexually development and to
primary sexually development, i.e., traits indicative of sperm quality may also be viewed from
an immunological perspective (Folstad & Karter, 1992). Haploid sperm cells are targets of
immunological attacks, and therefore influenced by a male`s ability to down-regulate immune
responses during the production of ejaculates (Folstad & Skarstein, 1997). As the
immunosuppression during spermatogenesis is most likely dependent on the level of
infections, parasitic infections and pathogens may negatively affect sperm quality.
Consequently, parasite resistant males will be at an advantage during sperm production and
may produce better ejaculates than non-resistant males. As stated in the article “Is male germline control creating avenues for female choice”, this male trade-off between immune activity
and sperm quality may be the common denominator which combines theories of sperm
competition and the evolution of secondary sexual traits (see Folstad & Skarstein, 1997).
In internal fertilizers, anti sperm antibody is directed against several different antigens
(Mathur et al., 1988; Primakoff et al., 1990; Shetty et al., 1999), each expected to have
different effects on sperm function (Bronson, 2000; Chamley & Clarke, 2007). Sperm which
are antibody coated over most of their surface are probably unable to enter cervical mucus
(the lower, narrow portion of the uterus where it joins with the top end of the vagina), yet they
remain completely motile in semen (Wang et al., 1985). Thus, the chance that they will reach
the environment of the egg and fertilize it is low. Comparing internal fertilizers with those of
external fertilizers may seem inappropriate, but the recent findings of an important effect of
ovarian fluid on sperm swimming speed in external fertilizers (Turner & Montgomerie, 2002;
Urbach et al., 2005) is interesting in this respect. Thus, in external fertilizers, the effect of Ig
on sperm surfaces may, as in internal fertilizers, be more prominent during interactions with
female fluids (Ayvaliotis et al., 1985; Bronson, 2000). Indeed, strong male-female interaction
effects on sperm swimming speed in ovarian fluid are documented in charr (Urbach et al.,
Figure 1
Illustration of factors influencing male attraction and fitness in Arctic charr. The chain of
cause and effect is, off-course, likely to be much more complex than the one-way influence
shown here.
Paper I
A basic and fundamental understanding of the actually mating system is essential when
examining reproductive behaviour. Previous to our examination of the Arctic charr population
in Fjellfrøsvatn, we inferred charr reproductive behavior from knowledge about fish in
general, salmonides in particular and one study of charr reproductive behavior in
Thingvallavatn, Island (Sigurjonsdottir & Gunnarsson, 1989). Still, population density at
different leks, migratory patterns between the leks and the possible degree of lek fidelity was
unknown to us. By observing tagged males during the spawning period at three different lek
sites, we examined fish density and movements between leks. Although, movement between
two of the leks was substantial, individuals from the third lek seemed to be comparatively
isolated. However, traits indicative of focal reproductive success (i.e., fish length and
spermatocrit, were not associated to whether or not individuals moved between leks. The lek
fidelity documented in Paper I may be important for production of local genetic differences
between subpopulations of Arctic charr, and be related to sympatric speciation.
Paper II
Even though Paper I gave us a better understanding of the charrs mating system in Lake
Fjellfrøsvatn, little investigation has occurred concerning actual spawning situations, i.e.,
which females and males releases gametes (see however (Sigurjonsdottir & Gunnarsson,
1989). Dominant and subordinate males may differ in spawning synchrony with the female
and, in sperm competition, the relative time difference in point of ejaculation between the
dominant and the sneaker(s) may affect paternity. Therefore, we used underwater video
recordings to estimate the synchrony of gamete release between the female and the male and
the possible time delay experienced by sneaker males. We captured 85 milt releases from
dominant and subordinate males during 45 recorded spawning events; 25 events with sperm
competition and 20 events where only one male released milt. Most of the ejaculates (76.5%)
were released in sperm competition and the mean number of males releasing milt in each
spawning was 2.6. In sperm competition, dominant males spawned more in synchrony with
females than the subsequent subordinate males. Yet, when males spawned alone with the
female, subordinate males released their gametes more in synchrony with females than
dominant males. Results from this study provide essential information for designing studies
regarding the importance of spawning synchrony and sperm traits for fitness (Egeland et al.,
2010 in prep.).
Paper III
In Paper III we examined effects of rapid changes in social status on ejaculate investments
during experimental trials. Here we demonstrate that males which become dominant produce
less sperm, with lower velocity but had higher sex steroid concentrations than subordinate
males. The differences in sperm characteristics originated from a decreased investment in
ejaculates among males that became dominant. These adjustments of sperm production and
sperm velocity do not appear to be traded against sperm longevity. Thus, males forced to mate
in disfavored roles seem to invest more in ejaculate quality than males in favored roles.
Moreover, dominant males had the highest concentrations of plasma sex steroids but the
slowest swimming sperm cells. Thus, immunosuppressive steroids alone are unlikely to
control sperm characteristics in charr. Yet, this was the first study to report that males, in a
species with status dependent shifts in reproductive tactics, have evolved rapid tactic specific
adjustments of sperm production and sperm velocity - corresponding to that predicted from
their reproductive roles.
Paper IV
Differences among dominant and subordinate male charr mating tactics are associated with
behavioural differences in dominance, mate guarding and courtship. It is now recognized that
there is often pronounced variation in female preference for different male phenotypes and
many empirical studies initially derived the prediction that females should prefer to mate with
the highest quality male available (Jennions & Petrie, 1997; Qvarnstrom et al., 2000). We
showed in Paper III that dominant males produced less dense sperm, with lower velocity than
subordinate males. Empirical evidence for a genetic basis for offspring viability (Barber et al.,
2001; Rideout et al., 2004; Wedekind et al., 2001; Welch, 2003) and evidence that offspring
fitness may be related to parental status (Wedell & Tregenza, 1999), initiated a study to
evaluate whether differences in male traits may be translated into differences in offspring
traits, i.e., paternal effects. In this experiment we fertilized eggs with similar amount of sperm
from size-matched dominant and subordinate males and monitored resulting egg and larvae
development. Eggs fertilized by subordinate fathers resulted in more offspring being produced
than eggs fertilized by the same amount of sperm from dominant fathers. The subordinate
male’s higher investment in sperm density (see Paper IV) and also in sperm swimming speed
(see Paper III) suggests that subordinate males may be selected to pay the associated cost to
ensure at least some success in the transfer of genes from one generation to the next.
However, the results from paper IV, indicate that paternal status had no significant effect on
measurements of offspring, i.e., larvae total length, yolk area and yolk red intensity.
Paper V
Parasites exploit hosts as a resource for their own reproduction. As parasites and hosts coevolve, hosts have evolved a wide range of adaptations to prevent parasitic infections. These
adaptations range from the complexity of antigen-specific cell-mediated responses to adaptive
behaviors that may reduce the likelihood of an individual becoming exposed to pathogens.
One should expect the immune response of a host to be optimized to the extent that low
intensity infections will be tolerated if the costs of complete removal of parasites outweigh the
benefits. Accordingly, optimal resource allocation to immune function will depend on other
demands for resources, and their associated benefits (Sheldon & Verhulst, 1996). The
existence of potential trade-offs like this lead us to examine possible modulators of traits
indicative of sperm quality in Paper V and to measure possible effects of immunostimulants
in sperm traits in Paper VI. Males that are forced to fight infection by up-regulating immune
function pay a cost of reduced sperm quality (Andersson & Simmons, 2006). Thus, males
with genetic resistance against parasites may have an advantage as they may be able to lower
their immune activity during spermatogenesis and produce ejaculates of higher quality
(Bronseth & Folstad, 1997). Thus, parasite intensity and immune responses may not only be
related to the development of secondary sexually selected traits and to male social dominance,
but also, to primary sexual selected traits, i.e., sperm quality and sperm characteristics. In
paper V, we therefore sought correlational evidence for the impact that (i) male social status,
(ii) parasite intensities and (iii) immunity may have on primary sexually selected traits.
Parasite intensities and traits associated to male social status were the most significant effect
modulators on sperm quality and quantity in charr. Male social status strongly predicted both
sperm swimming speed and the amount of ATP in sperm cells, whereas parasite intensity was
the best predictor of sperm production. Indeed, all captured variance in parasite intensities in
male charr was related to their sperm production. It seems that parasites shift the host’s
reproductive investment towards investments in sperm production at the cost of investment in
social dominance. Indeed, high spermatocrit levels are typically associated with individuals of
low social status.
Paper VI
One of the indicator mechanisms of sexual selection (Andersson & Simmons, 2006), the
“immunocompetence handicap hypothesis” (Folstad & Karter, 1992), suggests that the
immune system competes for resources with sexually selected ornaments, and that variation
in ornamental display might reflect variation in immunocompetence. Similarly, variation in
ejaculate quality might also reflect differing levels of immune activity as sperm cells are
perceived as “non-self” by the male and are exposed to immunological attacks in the testes
and epididymus (Friberg, 1982; Hogarth, 1982; Roitt et al., 1993). This attack, which may
reduce male fertility (Skau & Folstad, 2005) is often manifested as high levels of
immunoglobulins (Ig) on sperm cell surface (Chamley & Clarke, 2007). The notion that a
trade-off exists between immunity and reproduction is now a central concept in theories of
sexual selection (Andersson & Simmons, 2006; Folstad & Karter, 1992; Folstad & Skarstein,
1997; Simmons & Roberts, 2005). However, as the proximate mechanisms controlling the
associations between immune response, parasite intensities and traits indicative of sperm
quality are not straightforward, we examined the effect of increased immunological activity
on sperm traits. In our experiment, one third of the males given immunostimulants “chose”
not to invest in reproduction, i.e., sexual maturity, compared to only 4.3% among control
males. However, among the males that did mature, immunised males invested more in sperm
production and had lower amounts of Ig attached to their sperm cells than males in the control
group. Thus, a subtle effect seems to occur; if infected males “choose” to mature they invest
more in sperm production. We believe that this is an adaption to a (more) subordinate mating
This thesis illuminates several aspects of mate choice and sexual selection in a species with
external fertilization and no parental care. We have contributed to the basic framework within
evolutionary biology and ecology and at a more specific level we have added some new
pieces to the Arctic charr “jig-saw puzzle”. For example, we have established the significance
of male social status, and in the two inter-disciplinary studies, showed that parasitized and
infected males seem to invest more in sperm quality, less in ornamental development and
adapt to sperm competition (i.e., subordinate mating tactic). Thus, as reproductive decisions
in charr seem to be strongly influenced by parasites and antigens, host parasite co-evolution
may have been a significant mechanism in the maintenance and evolution of both male sexual
behaviour and ornamentation.
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Paper I
Lek fidelity of male Arctic charr
L. Figenschou, I. Folstad, and S. Liljedal
Can. J. Zool. 82: 1278 -1284 (2004) doi: 10.1139/Z04-106 © 2004 NRC Canada
Paper II
Synchrony of gamete release and sperm competition
in Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus)
Sørum V, Figenschou L, Rudolfsen G and Folstad I
Submitted to Animal Behaviour 2010
Paper III
Rapid adjustments of sperm characteristics
in relation to social status
Geir Rudolfsen, Lars Figenschou, Ivar Folstad, Helge Tveiten and Marie Figenschou
1584 Pages: 325-332 Published: FEB 7 2006. doi:10.1098/rspb.2005.3305
Paper IV
Female Arctic charr do not show apparent
benefits from exposing their eggs to
sperm from dominant males
Lars Figenschou, Geir Rudolfsen and Ivar Folstad
Journal of Fish Biology (2007) 71, 284 -289 doi:10.1111/j.1095-8649.2007.01477
Paper V
Parasite intensities and male social status as
modifiers of sperm production and sperm
swimming speed in the Arctic
charr (Salvelinus alpinus)
L. Figenschou, I. Folstad, G. Rudolfsen, S.A. Hanssen, P.A. Skau,
R. Kortet, J.E. Killie, I. Oskam, and H. Strand
Manuscript 2010
Paper VI
Immune activation leads to reproductive
compensation in Arctic charr
(Salvelinus alpinus)
L. Figenschou, I. Folstad, G. Rudolfsen, P.A. Skau, S.A. Hanssen,
R. Kortet, J.E. Killie, and H. Strand
Manuscript 2010
Trykk: Tromsprodukt as • 40 00 72 00