Selection of Recipients
Advances in Hepatitis B Virus Infection
A.B. Jain and J.J. Fung
EPATITIS B viral (HBV) infection is one of the most
common persistent viral infections in humans. In the
United States, 15,000 to 45,000 newly infected individuals
are identified every year. However, the reported incidence
has fortunately declined by 70% since 1987.
Hepatitis B virus is a partially double-stranded DNA
virus, which replicates via an RNA intermediate, mainly in
hepatocytes. There are six genotypes of the virus, A to F,
which have a variable geographical distribution. These
genotype differences may have clinical relevance to the
natural history of the disease, the development of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), and the response to therapy.
After HBV infection, the course of the disease is highly
variable and unpredictable. The viral genotype and host
immune response appear to play important roles in the
clinical outcome. Patients with good immune defense mechanisms overcome the HBV infection and completely recover, with formation of HBsAb, which is protective for
subsequent HBV infection. A small percentage of people
present with acute fulminant liver failure, sometimes necessitating emergency liver transplantation. Approximately
15% of infected people acquire chronic HBV infection after
an acute HBV infection. This incidence is much higher
among cases of maternal transmission. These patients may
become chronic carriers or may develop chronic hepatitis,
which can lead to cirrhosis. Hepatocellular carcinoma may
develop at any stage of the disease among the chronically
infected population; however, its incidence is highest in
patients with cirrhosis.
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Serum testing is extremely helpful to monitor the patient’s
response to HBV infection; however, more information,
such as the genotype, serial assessment of viral load, liver
function tests, and radiological imaging is necessary to
understand the clinical course of the disease, which is highly
HBsAb positivity alone implies immunity to subsequent
HBV infection. The immunity lasts beyond 15 years, although booster HBV vaccination after 10 years is recommended. HBsAb positivity and HBcAb positivity is usually
seen in individuals who have contracted and overcome
HBV infection in the past. HBcAb is also thought to confer
some protection against subsequent HBV infection. Patients with HBcAB positivity alone should be distinguished
based upon IgM versus IgG responses, signifying recent
infection versus recovery, respectively. The latter group
should be vaccinated, with the hope of development of
HBsAB. HBsAG positivity alone (without HBeAg or HbcAg) describes patients who have undetectable or low viral
loads of HBV DNA and are chronic carriers. It is recommended that they be followed with AFP, LFTs, HBV DNA,
and possibly ultrasound imaging of the liver every six
From the Thomas E. Starzl Transplantation Center (A.B.J.,
J.J.F.), Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; and University of Rochester
Medical Center (A.B.J.), Rochester, NY.
Address reprint requests to Dr Ashokkumar B. Jain, University of Rochester Medical Center, Box SURG, 601 Elmwood
© 2003 by Elsevier Science Inc.
360 Park Avenue South, New York, NY 10010-1710
Transplantation Proceedings, 35, 342–344 (2003)
months. Some patients display periodic reactivation of the
disease, with elevated ALT values and increased HBV
DNA. Recurrent episodes can lead to significant liver
injury. HBsAg-positive patients who are also HbcAg or
HBeAg positive are often DNA positive. These individuals
are actively infected and display viral replication. They
should be treated with anti-HBV medications and followed
serially with liver function tests, AFP levels, and ultrasound
imaging for HCC. Serological testing of des-(␥)-carboxyprothrombin (DCP) has also been proposed as a useful
marker for HCC.
HBV is prone to mutation because it replicates via a reverse
transcription mechanism from an RNA intermediate. The
three most common natural variants or mutants are the S
gene mutant, the core promoter or precore mutant, and the
P gene mutant. S gene mutants have been described to
occur in babies born to HbsAg⫹ mothers who develop
HBV infection despite vaccination and in liver transplant
recipients who develop recurrent hepatitis B despite HBIG
prophylaxis. This is a result of immune selection. The
precore or core mutant inhibits HBeAg production and can
lead to chronic hepatitis. These patients who can be HBV
DNA positive and HbsAg negative,1–5 appear to respond
better to interferon. The P gene mutant is usually a drug
(Lamivudine)-induced mutation, which affects the highly
conserved YM552DD motif of the viral polymerase with
substitution of amino acid valine or isoleucine with methionine. The YMDD motif, which lies in the nucleotide
binding pocket of the viral polymerase, is necessary for the
catalytic activity of the enzyme. This YMDD mutant reduces the susceptibility to Lamivudine but does not appear
to affect Adefovir inhibition of the enzyme.6 – 8
Chronic HBV infection leads to chronic periportal, portal,
and spotty lobular inflammation, with gradual replacement
of the parenchyma by fibrosis and scarring. B cells are found
mainly in portal areas with primary lymphoid follicles.
Inflammatory responses consist of cytotoxic T (CD8-positive) lymphocytes in spotty areas of lobular inflammation
and at the edges of portal regions. Fibrosis begins around
the edges of the portal areas until bridges are formed with
scarring. Regenerative responses of hepatocytes are observed, disturbing the architecture of the liver, resulting in
cirrhotic changes with portal hypertension. When patients
clear the virus with the loss of HbsAg, there is a significant
reduction in inflammation and thinning of fibrous bands to
narrow the septae. Hepatitis activity index may fall by 50%;
however, histologic improvement may lag behind the biochemical and serologic responses.
Hepatocellular carcinoma is one of the major complications of HBV infection. The incidence increases with the
presence of cirrhotic changes. The disease is more common
in the Far East and SubSahara Africa and less common in
Western Europe and the United States. Spain, Italy,
Greece, and Japan have an intermediate incidence of HCC.
The mechanisms of development of HCC are not known.
Interferon is a naturally occurring cytokine, which has
antiviral and immunoregulatory activity. It has been used to
treat HCV and HBV infections. The response in HBV is
much less than that in HCV infections. Treatment leads to
loss of HBsAg in 6%, loss of HbeAg in 25%, and loss of
HBV DNA in 20% of patients. However, sustained responses after INF are less common. Some trials suggest that
Prednisone priming before INF treatment may result in a
better response. However, withdrawal of steroids followed
by INF therapy can result in hepatic decompensation. In
addition, INF-induced flare-ups of the disease may be
dangerous for patients with hepatic dysfunction. The drug
may have limited use in highly selective cases with preserved hepatic function.
Lamivudine (B-L-21, 31-dideoxy-31-thiacystidine; 3TC) is a
nucleoside analog that has antiviral and anticancer activity.
It inhibits HBV replication. It has been studied in phase III
prospective clinical trials in the United States, Europe, and
Asia in patients who are HbeAg positive and who have
increased LFTs. Twelve months of therapy led to HbeAg
loss in 30%, seroconversion in 18%, normalization of ALT
in 45%, and histologic improvement in 50% of cases. Loss
of HBsAg was, unfortunately, less common. The YMDD
mutation rate on Lamivudine therapy continues to increase
from 17% to 67% over 1 to 4 years.4,6,10 –15,16 The combined
INF and Lamivudine (two trials: n ⫽ 226, n ⫽ 238) HBeAG
seroconversion rate at 1 year was 29%, compared with 19%
with INF alone and 18% with Lamivudine alone.
Adefovir Dipivoxil
Adefovir Dipivoxil (ADV) is a nucleotide analogue with
antiviral properties in vitro and in vivo against herpes virus,
retroviruses, and hepadna virus. It inhibits HBV DNA
polymerase and has rare immunomodulatory properties.
Gilson et al showed that up to 99% of the patients
experienced a decrease in HBV DNA and improvement in
ALT; 20% seroconverted from HBeAg to HbeAB positivity.8,17 The drug was useful both for wild types and for
viruses with the YMDD mutation. No polymerase mutations have been observed in the initial trials. The main side
effect was dose-dependent nephrotoxicity.
Other Unapproved Drugs
This group includes various deoxynucleoside analogs and
derivatives, most of which are in the final stages of clinical
trials. They include Entecavir, Famciclovir, Clevundine
(L-FMAU), Emtricitabine, Lobucavir (FTC), and diamin-
opurine dioxolane (DAPD). These agents appear to be
associated with initial rapid reductions in viral load, but
slow prolonged responses. It is also anticipated that, in the
future, combinations of drug therapy may reduce the rate of
mutation.18 –22
HBV Infection and Liver Transplantation
Liver transplantation has been successfully performed in
HBsAg-positive recipients. The short-term outcomes are
similar to liver transplantation for other indications as long
as prophylaxis is given. The ongoing problem has been the
recurrence of HBV in the allograft, which is particularly
high among patients with active replication at the time of
liver transplantation.23
Intraoperative and postoperative passive immunization
with HBIG has lowered the rate of recurrence. Long-term
HBIG prophylaxis is more effective than short term. Most
transplant centers administer a combination of HBIG for 1
to 2 years and long-term Lamivudine. However, some
studies suggest that Lamivudine alone is just as effective as
HBIG prophylaxis.24 –33 The duration of therapy with
HBIG is still controversial. HBsAb concentrations ⬎500
IU/L in the first month and ⬎100 thereafter appear to be
effective. Our practice is to administer HBIG (10,000 units)
during the anhepatic phase and then daily for 7 days,
monthly for 6 months, and then intramuscularly every 3
weeks for 2 years. There is some benefit to measure HBsAb
titers. Lamivudine (150 mg daily) is prescribed as a lifelong
HBV-Positive Donors
Donors who are HBsAg positive are not considered to be
potential donors. Donors who are HBsAb positive only are
considered completely safe; no prophylaxis needs to be
administered to recipients. HBcAb-positive donors are
investigated for their IgG and IgM status. IgM-positive
donors are not used; however, IgG-positive HBcAb donor
organs may be transplanted into HBsAg-positive recipients,
naive patients who are critically ill, or HBcAb⫹ recipients.
HBsAg⫹ recipients are treated with HBIG and Lamivudine
prophylaxis (as described above) and thus are effectively
prophylaxed when HBcAb⫹ donors are used.
The major concern at the present time with HBV infection
is how to control the rate of mutation and how to treat
patients who develop mutations. Current ongoing trials with
Adefovir and Entacovir appear to be promising, but these
agents are not yet approved by the FDA. The second
recurrent question is how long HBIG should be continued
after liver transplantation. The answer appear to be the
longer the better, but the concerns with long-term use are
the issues of cost and patient compliance. Fortunately,
given the increasing rate of immunization, the overall
incidence of HBV infection is decreasing worldwide.
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