Hepatitis B and Human Immunodeficiency Virus
Chloe L. Thio
Coinfection with human immunodeficiency virus-1 (HIV) and hepatitis B virus (HBV) is
common; worldwide, an estimated 10% of HIV-infected persons have chronic hepatitis B.
Because the incidence of traditional acquired immunodeficiency syndrome–related opportunistic infections has decreased with successful anti-HIV therapy, liver disease has emerged
as a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in HIV-infected individuals. HIV infection
negatively impacts all phases of the natural history of hepatitis B leading to increased rates of
persistent infection, higher HBV DNA levels, lower rates of hepatitis B e antigen loss,
increased cirrhosis and liver-related mortality, and increased risk of hepatocellular carcinoma at lower CD4ⴙ T cell counts. The management of hepatitis B in HIV infection is
complicated by the dual activity of several nucleoside analogs, the more rapid development
of lamivudine-resistant HBV in patients who are HIV-positive, and the paucity of studies in
this population. Until further research emerges on the optimal treatment for this population,
data from HBV monoinfected persons will need to be extrapolated to the HIV-HBV coinfected population. Further research is also needed to determine the mechanism(s) for the
increased liver disease progression and optimal treatment goals. (HEPATOLOGY 2009;49:
Both human immunodeficiency virus-1 (HIV) and hepatitis B virus (HBV) are transmitted through sexual and
percutaneous routes; thus, coinfection with both viruses is
common.1 Worldwide, it is estimated that 10% of the 40
million HIV-infected individuals have chronic hepatitis
B.2 Since the introduction of highly active antiretroviral
therapy (HAART) in the United States and other industrialized countries, deaths from AIDS-related causes have
declined, but liver disease has emerged as one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality.3,4 As HAART is
introduced into areas of the world with high HBV endeAbbreviations: ALT, alanine aminotransferase; anti-HBc, antibody to hepatitis
B core antigen; anti-HBe, antibody to HBeAg; anti-HBs, antibody to HBsAg;
APRI, aspartate aminotransferase to platelet ratio index; HAART, highly active
antiretroviral therapy; HBeAg, hepatitis B e antigen; HBsAg, hepatitis B surface
antigen; HBV, hepatitis B virus; HCC, hepatocellular carcinoma; HCV, hepatitis
C virus; HIV, human immunodeficiency virus-1.
From the Johns Hopkins University, Division of Infectious Diseases, Baltimore,
Received November 18, 2008; accepted January 26, 2009.
Dr. Chloe L. Thio is funded by National Institutes of Health grants AI-060449
and AI-071820.
Address reprint requests to: Chloe L. Thio, M.D., Associate Professor of Medicine,
Johns Hopkins University, 855 North Wolfe Street, Room 533, Baltimore, MD
21205. E-mail:
[email protected]; fax: 410-614-7564.
Copyright © 2009 by the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases.
Published online in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com).
DOI 10.1002/hep.22883
Potential conflict of interest: Nothing to report.
micity, hepatitis B–related liver disease is expected to increase in the HIV-infected population; thus, it is
important to understand the interaction of these two
chronic viral infections. Management of hepatitis B in
patients infected with HIV is complicated not only by the
differences in natural history but also by other issues
such as the activity of several drugs against both viruses
and development of drug-resistant HIV and HBV variants. In this review, the epidemiology, natural history,
and management of hepatitis B in HIV-infected individuals will be discussed, highlighting differences from HBV
monoinfected individuals.
Coinfection with hepatitis B is common among HIVinfected individuals. The prevalence of HBV varies markedly among different HIV-infected populations, but one
of the major determinants is geographical location. In
areas with low HBV endemicity, such as the United
States, Australia, and Europe, HBV and HIV are usually
acquired in adulthood through either sexual or percutaneous transmission. HBV is ⬃100-fold more likely to be
transmitted than HIV,5 thus, HBV infection often precedes HIV infection. In these low endemicity areas, the
prevalence of HBV coinfection is 5%-7% of HIV-infected individuals but varies depending on the route of
infection.2 The highest prevalence of coinfection is
HEPATOLOGY, Vol. 49, No. 5, Suppl., 2009
Fig. 1. Prevalence of chronic hepatitis B varies by geography and
route of infection. The prevalence of chronic hepatitis B in areas of low
endemicity, such as Western Europe and the United States, averages
5%-7% of the HIV-infected population with the percentage varying by the
route of infection. In general, the prevalence in high-endemicity countries
is greater with up to 20% of the HIV-infected population having chronic
hepatitis B. In this figure, the y-axis represents the percent of HIV-infected
persons coinfected with hepatitis B from representative studies. Cohorts
from Western Europe and the United States (US) are separated by risk
group into those who had a history of injection drug use (IDU), multiple
heterosexual contacts (Sex) and men who have sex with men (MSM).
among men who have sex with men, ranging from 9%17%, and the lowest prevalence is from heterosexual
transmission (Fig. 1).
In countries with intermediate and high HBV endemicity, the principal routes of HBV transmission are perinatal or
in early childhood; thus, HBV infection usually precedes
HIV infection by decades. In these countries, the majority of
studies show HBV coinfection prevalence of 10%-20%,6-8
but some show prevalence rates as low as 6%.9
Natural History
HIV adversely affects all phases of the natural history of
adult-acquired hepatitis B (Table 1). After HBV infection,
HIV-infected individuals are up to six-fold more likely to
develop chronic hepatitis B than are HIV-negative individuals.10,11 Bodsworth et al. retrospectively studied 77 men
who acquired HBV infection, of whom 31 were HIV-infected prior to HBV infection.10 Of the HIV-infected men,
23% developed chronic hepatitis B compared to 4% of the
HIV-uninfected men (P ⫽ 0.03). Of note, the mean CD4⫹
T cell counts were lower in the HIV-infected men who developed chronic hepatitis B compared to the HIV-infected
men who did not become chronically infected. HIV infection also decreases the rate of hepatitis B e antigen (HBeAg)
clearance up to five-fold and increases the level of HBV replication as manifested by higher HBV DNA levels.12-14 Even
HIV-infected persons who acquire protective antibody to
hepatitis B surface antigen (anti-HBs) remain at risk for loss
of anti-HBs and subsequent reactivation of HBV (reverse
Of all these negative consequences, the most important is
that HIV accelerates the progression of HBV-related liver
disease. Cirrhosis is more common in HIV-HBV coinfection despite lower alanine aminotransferase (ALT) levels
than in HBV monoinfection,12 and may be related to lower
CD4⫹ T cell counts.17 Thio et al. found that HIV coinfection impacted liver-related mortality in an analysis of 5293
men of whom 326 were positive for hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg).18 The HIV-HBV coinfected men were over
17 times more likely to die of liver-related causes compared
to those monoinfected with HBV. One unanswered question on the natural history of HBV is the effect of HIV
coinfection on development of hepatocellular carcinoma
(HCC). There is some evidence that lower CD4⫹ T cell
counts are associated with increased risk for HCC in HIVHBV coinfected individuals,19 but whether HIV in general
increases the risk is not known.
All of the natural history studies cited here were conducted in areas of the world where HBV is acquired in
adulthood; thus, it is unknown whether the effects of HIV
are the same when HIV is acquired years after a chronic
hepatitis B infection is established, as in countries with
high HBV endemicity.
Pathogenesis of Liver Disease
It seems paradoxical that HBV-related liver disease,
which is an immune-mediated process, is exacerbated by
Table 1. Effects of HIV on the Natural History of Adult-Acquired HBV Infection
Increases risk for developing chronic HBV infection
Decreased rate of HBeAg clearance
Increased HBV replication
Increased likelihood of loss of anti-HBs
Decreased inflammatory response to chronic hepatitis B
Increased liver disease progression
Increased risk for HCC
Studies in men who have sex with men. Lower CD4⫹ T-cell count with higher
risk of chronicity.
Demonstrated with higher HBV DNA levels
Increased risk associated with lower CD4⫹ T cell counts
Lower ALT levels
More cirrhosis and higher liver-related mortality
Overall 33% increased risk per 100 cell decrease in recent CD4⫹ T-cell count.
Risk greater among men who have sex with men than in injection drug users
with co-infection
the immunodeficient state caused by HIV. There are several possible reasons for this paradoxical relationship. In
HIV-infected persons, a rapidly progressive form of liver
disease due to viral cytopathic effect rather than the immune response, which is known as fibrosing cholestatic
hepatitis, has been described.20 Thus, it is plausible that
HBV variants, which can be more common in HIV infection, may account for a proportion of the increased
liver disease in HIV coinfection.21,22 In support of this
hypothesis, Revill et al. described a novel deletion mutation in the precore/core region of the HBV genome and
found it to be more common among HIV-HBV coinfected than HBV monoinfected individuals.21 Coinfected
persons with this mutation had higher HBV DNA levels
than those without the mutation. In HBV monoinfected
patients, core deletion mutations have been associated
with more aggressive liver disease; thus, this novel deletion mutant may contribute to liver disease progression in
the setting of HIV infection.
It has also been hypothesized that HIV modulation of
the HBV-specific immune response can alter the hepatic
cytokine environment and subsequently affect liver disease. However, this hypothesis has not been studied to
Lastly, it has been postulated that immune activation
from HIV-related microbial translocation may be a mechanism for accelerating liver disease progression. It was
recently shown that HIV increases microbial translocation from the intestine,23 which is associated with increased immune activation. This increased immune
activation may contribute to worsening liver disease, as
has been demonstrated in a rat model of alcohol-induced
liver injury.24 Although this hypothesis has not been studied in HIV-HBV coinfection, a study of individuals coinfected with HIV and hepatitis C virus (HCV) found that
cirrhosis was associated with higher systemic markers of
microbial translocation.25 However, this study could not
exclude the possibility that the increased microbial translocation markers were a result rather than a cause of liver
Diagnosis of Hepatitis B in HIV Infection
It is important to accurately diagnose and assess the
state of HBV infection in the HIV-infected individual
because therapeutic management is dependent on the correct diagnosis and staging (see below). All patients who
are HIV-infected should be screened for hepatitis B with
tests for HBsAg, anti-HBs, and antibody to hepatitis B
core antigen (anti-HBc).26 Those persons who are negative for anti-HBs and HBsAg are at risk for acquiring
HBV and should receive the HBV vaccine. Those who are
diagnosed with chronic hepatitis B, as marked by the
presence of HBsAg for at least 6 months, should have
their disease stage evaluated with testing for HBeAg, antibody to HBeAg (anti-HBe), HBV DNA, serum ALT,
bilirubin, albumin, prothrombin time, and platelet
HIV infection can complicate the diagnosis of hepatitis B because spontaneous reverse seroconversion marked
by the disappearance of anti-HBs and reappearance of
HBsAg can occur, especially if CD4⫹ T cell counts are
less than 200 cells/mm3, allowing re-emergence of HBV
replication (see Natural History). Thus, in an HIV-infected patient with a prior positive anti-HBs test, HBV
serological testing should be repeated if unexplained liver
disease emerges. Isolated anti-HBc is a serological pattern
that is found in HIV-infected individuals. The significance of an isolated anti-HBc is controversial and no clear
liver disease has been associated with it to date. In HIV
cohorts with isolated anti-HBc reactivity, the presence of
latent hepatitis B (defined by the presence of detectable
HBV DNA in the absence of HBsAg) ranges from a few
percent up to 89%.27-29 It has also been postulated that
isolated anti-HBc may represent past HBV infection and
subsequent anti-HBs loss; however, Gandhi et al. found
an anamnestic response to HBV vaccine in only 24% of
HIV-infected patients with isolated anti-HBc, a rate that
was similar to that in individuals who were negative for
anti-HBc.30 In a longitudinal study from Taiwan with a
median follow-up of nearly 5 years, 41% of 179 patients
with isolated anti-HBc reactivity, the majority of whom
were receiving HAART, became positive for anti-HBs;
another 4% developed HBsAg.31
Management of Chronic Hepatitis B
HIV-infected persons with chronic hepatitis B should
be tested for evidence of HCV infection, counseled regarding prevention of liver damage, vaccinated against
hepatitis A (if not immune), and counseled about abstaining from alcohol. HIV-HBV coinfected patients should
also be screened for possible HCC using serum tests for
alpha-fetoprotein and imaging of the liver every 6
months. There is no evidence that more frequent screening in the setting of HIV infection is necessary because it
is not clear that HIV infection increases the risk for or the
rate of developing HCC.
Liver biopsy may also be helpful to stage liver disease
when treatment decisions are not clear (see below) and
remains the gold standard for assessing disease severity in
HIV-HBV coinfection. Noninvasive markers of liver disease have emerged as alternatives to staging liver disease
with the primary methods being serum markers and transient elastography. None of these have been studied in
HEPATOLOGY, Vol. 49, No. 5, Suppl., 2009
Table 2. Treatment of Chronic HBV Infection in HIV-Coinfected Persons
Concomitant HAART
Tenofovir and emtricitabine
Peginterferon alfa
Preferred regardless of presence of rtM204V/I mutations
Efficacy in HIV infection not known. No risk of HIV or HBV resistance.
Need to insure that HIV RNA ⬍50 copies/mL due to anti-HIV effects. Increased resistance
with pre-exisitng rtM204V/I and rtL180M.
Resistance 25% at 2 years with monotherapy in HBV monoinfection. Rates unknown in
co-infection. Not effective with M204V/I mutation.
Without concomitant HAART
Early HAART initiation
HIV-HBV coinfection, and few have been studied in suitably large cohorts with chronic hepatitis B monoinfection. In a study from France of 202 HBV monoinfected
patients, liver stiffness by transient elastography correlated well with the extent of fibrosis on liver biopsy.32 The
area under the receiver-operating characteristics curves for
transient elastography compared to Metavir fibrosis
scores of greater than 2 was 0.81, for scores greater than 3
(bridging fibrosis) was 0.93, and for scores of 4 (cirrhosis)
was 0.93. In a study from Singapore, transient elastography and the aspartate aminotransferase to platelet ratio
index (APRI), another commonly used noninvasive
means of assessing fibrosis, were compared to fibrosis
scores from liver biopsy.33 Transient elastography performed comparably to the French study and was superior
to the APRI.
Therapeutic Goals and Benefits
Viral eradication is not possible with current anti-HBV
agents, because they do not clear the highly stable, latent
covalently closed circular HBV DNA found in the nucleus of infected cells. As in HBV monoinfection, a major
therapeutic goal of hepatitis B therapy is preventing development of end-stage liver disease. Several studies support this as a feasible goal in HIV-HBV coinfected
patients. An analysis of the HBV-HIV international intercohort study group demonstrated that after a mean of
⬍4 years of lamivudine-containing HAART, there was a
27% reduction of risk in liver-related death per year of
lamivudine.34 However, the limitation of this study was
its relatively short duration of follow-up, so the effect of
lamivudine-resistance on liver-related outcomes in HIV
coinfection could not be assessed. Benhamou et al. also
demonstrated that adefovir dipivoxil is associated with
improvement in liver fibrosis in HIV-HBV coinfected
men.35 Additional goals of therapy are to minimize the
risk of hepatotoxicity from HAART and of the immune
No known in vitro anti-HIV activity.
Least potent.
Must include anti-HBV active agents.
reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (see Special Considerations).
When to Initiate Therapy
Decisions regarding when to initiate anti-HBV therapy require consideration of the HIV treatment status
because several of the nucleoside analogs are active against
both HIV and HBV. If HIV infection needs to be treated,
then the first-line therapy for HIV includes tenofovir
disoproxil fumarate and emtricitabine as the nucleoside
backbone.26 Because both of these agents are active
against HBV, HBV is treated simultaneously by default.
If HIV is not treated, a decision regarding whether to
initiate anti-HBV therapy is required. The current recommendations are to weigh both the replication status of
HBV as well as the stage of liver disease to guide treatment
decisions. There are inadequate data in HIV-HBV coinfection to determine the appropriate cutoff value for HBV
DNA levels for treatment initiation, but many experts
recommend a level of 2000 IU/mL (⬃10,000 copies/
mL).36 The liver disease stage is best obtained by a liver
biopsy because serum aminotransferase levels tend to be
low in patients with HIV infection, even in the presence
of cirrhosis.12 The presence of more than mild liver disease is an indication for treatment. As described above,
noninvasive markers of liver disease have not been well
studied in HIV infection; thus, they cannot be reliably
used to determine liver disease stage. In patients with
cirrhosis, treatment is recommended in the presence of
any detectable HBV DNA.
What to Start Therapy with When HAART Is
As described above, if HIV therapy is initiated with
tenofovir and emtricitabine as part of an anti-HIV regimen, then additional anti-HBV drugs are not needed because this combination is potent (Table 2). This is also the
best option in patients who may have or are known to
have lamivudine-resistant hepatitis B. In a randomized
controlled trial from Thailand, 36 HIV-HBV coinfected
subjects were randomized to receive either lamivudine,
tenofovir, or the combination of tenofovir and lamivudine.37 At the end of 48 weeks, the average decline in
HBV DNA was similar in all three arms, ranging from
4.07-4.73 log10 copies/mL. However, suppression of
HBV DNA levels to ⬍1000 copies/mL was more frequent in the two tenofovir-containing arms compared to
the lamivudine arm (92% and 91% versus 46% in the
lamivudine arm, P ⫽ 0.01). Drug resistance developed in
only two patients, both of whom were in the lamivudineonly arm. In a cross-sectional study from a lamivudineexperienced HIV-HBV coinfected cohort from Australia
and the United States, subjects who received a combination of tenofovir with emtricitabine or lamivudine were
more likely to have HBV DNA ⬍100 IU/mL than those
receiving either tenofovir or lamivudine monotherapy.38
The combination group was also significantly less likely to
have HBV DNA ⬎200,000 IU/mL. The limitation of
this study is that it was cross-sectional rather than prospective, but it provided some evidence that combination
therapy was superior to monotherapy in HIV-HBV coinfected subjects with lamivudine-resistant HBV.
If tenofovir cannot be included as part of the anti-HIV
regimen, options include entecavir, adefovir dipivoxil, or
peginterferon. Of those, entecavir is the preferred option
because of its potency and high genetic barrier to resistance; however, one needs to confirm that the anti-HIV
regimen achieves an undetectable HIV RNA because entecavir is active against HIV and can lead to the emergence of drug-resistant HIV.39 Entecavir is also effective
in lamivudine-resistant HBV, but in the HBV monoinfected patient, resistance to entecavir occurs more rapidly
on the background of rtM204V/I and rtL180M mutations. In an unpublished study, 68 subjects who were
coinfected with HIV-HBV and who were on lamivudinecontaining HAART received either entecavir for 48 weeks
(n ⫽ 51) or placebo (n ⫽ 17) for 24 weeks followed by
entecavir for 24 weeks.40 The mean change in HBV DNA
during the first 24 weeks was ⫺3.65 log10 copies/mL in
the entecavir group compared to ⫹0.11 log10 copies/mL
in the placebo group. Of those who received 48 weeks of
entecavir, 8% achieved an HBV DNA ⬍300 copies/mL.
Data on emergence of drug resistance were not reported.
Entecavir was recently shown to effectively suppress HBV
DNA levels in 51 HIV-HBV coinfected persons with
lamivudine-resistant HBV.41 After 48 weeks of entecavir,
the mean HBV DNA decline was 4.2 log copies/mL with
four patients (8%) achieving HBV DNA levels ⬍300
copies/mL. Although none of these patients experienced
virological breakthrough at week 48, two (5%) had emergence of substitutions that confer entecavir resistance.
This rate compares to 1% of HBV monoinfected subjects
with lamivudine-resistance who develop entecavir resistance at 1 year. Thus, further work is needed to determine
whether entecavir resistance will arise more rapidly in
HIV-HBV coinfected than HBV monoinfected patients.42 Furthermore, there is a theoretical possibility that
entecavir resistance mutations may accumulate more
quickly if the anti-HIV regimen contains lamivudine because the two drugs have overlapping resistance patterns.
Although adefovir is a second option that is active
against both lamivudine-sensitive and lamivudine-resistant HBV,35 it is probably not a feasible choice if tenofovir
has been eliminated for HIV treatment because these
agents are closely related in structure and activity. Furthermore, adefovir is less potent than the combination of
tenofovir and lamivudine, so it is less likely to be effective
in HIV-HBV coinfected patients who have high levels of
HBV DNA. The last option in this situation is peginterferon-alfa 2a or peginterferon-alfa 2b, but these agents
have not been adequately evaluated in patients infected
with HIV. In one study, 10 HIV-HBV coinfected individuals with inadequate viral suppression on lamivudine
initiated peginterferon alfa-2a therapy; after 24 weeks,
only seven of the 10 patients had a decline in HBV DNA,
which ranged from 1-3 log10 IU/mL.43 Five of these patients then received tenofovir for the next 24 weeks, all
with a good response.
In patients with chronic hepatitis B without the lamivudine-resistant rtM204V/I mutation, telbivudine is another option. However, the relatively rapid development
of resistance to telbivudine in HBV monoinfection is a
barrier to its use as single-agent anti-HBV therapy. Furthermore, telbivudine has not been evaluated in HIVHBV coinfected cohorts, so the rates of emergence of
drug-resistant variants are unknown in this patient population.
What Therapy to Start When HAART Does Not
Need to Be Started
If HIV treatment is not initiated, anti-HBV treatment
options are more limited due to the dual activity of many
nucleoside analogs and the risk of developing drug-resistant HIV. The only current options are adefovir, peginterferon-alfa, and telbivudine. Of the three agents,
telbivudine is the most potent, but it is limited by development of drug-resistant HBV in the monoinfected patient. Although telbivudine has not been studied in vivo in
the setting of high levels of HIV RNA, in vitro evidence
suggests that it is not active against HIV. In a single-round
replication assay,39 telbivudine did not affect HIV repli-
HEPATOLOGY, Vol. 49, No. 5, Suppl., 2009
cation (data not shown). Peginterferon-alfa has the advantage that drug-resistant HBV will not emerge, so it is a
reasonable option if the patient can tolerate the injections
and the side effects. It is possible that a combination of
one or more of these three agents may be effective in this
situation, but it has not been studied. Thus, each of these
approaches to anti-HBV therapy in HIV-infected individuals who do not receive concurrent HAART therapy is
suboptimal. For these reasons, an additional option is to
initiate HAART earlier than is required by HIV guidelines. Early initiation of HAART may be an increasingly
attractive option, especially because HIV increases the
rate of liver disease progression and earlier HIV treatment
is now being advocated even in HIV monoinfection.
Monitoring During Therapy
Because several of the antiviral drugs have dual activity,
it is important to monitor both HIV and HBV infections
during therapy. HIV should be monitored by a caregiver
experienced in HIV treatment who works closely with the
physician treating the hepatitis B infection. Because treatment of HIV-HBV coinfection has not been well-studied,
it is advisable to monitor HBV DNA and ALT levels every
3 months. Frequent monitoring allows for early detection
of the emergence of drug-resistant virus. In addition, in
patients with HBeAg-positive chronic hepatitis B,
HBeAg and anti-HBe testing should be repeated every
3-6 months.
If a HAART regimen containing anti-HBV agents
needs to be discontinued, subsequent monitoring for reactivation of hepatitis B is essential. In a large study of 147
HIV-HBV coinfected patients, ALT elevations occurred
in 29% within the first 6 months after withdrawal, with
2% and 3.4% reaching grade 3 and 4 levels of liver injury.44 If reactivation occurs, resuming an agent that is active against HBV is required. Reactivation can also be
avoided by continuing an anti-HBV specific agent when
HAART is discontinued.
Special Considerations
Following initiation of HAART, a clinical syndrome
has emerged during which exacerbation of an opportunistic infection occurs in conjunction with immune reconstitution and has been termed “the immune
reconstitution inflammatory syndrome.” This syndrome
can occur in response to any pathogen and is seen within
the first 4-8 weeks of initiating HAART, usually accompanied by a rapid decline in HIV RNA levels and rise in
CD4⫹ T cell counts. Because the hepatic damage in
chronic hepatitis B is primarily the result of the immune
response to the hepatitis B–infected hepatocytes, immune
reconstitution may lead to worsening liver disease. There
are case reports of hepatic decompensation in the setting
of HAART initiation in HIV-HBV coinfection despite
use of lamivudine in the HAART regimen.45 Thus, some
experts recommend that anti-HBV therapy be started before HAART initiation especially if HBV DNA levels are
high; this strategy, however, has not been tested. Because
there are many other causes for liver ALT elevations in
HIV-infected persons, including direct medication toxicity, it is difficult to prove that immune reconstitution
inflammatory syndrome can exacerbate chronic hepatitis
B. Reconstitution of HBV-specific T cell responses has
been observed in HIV-infected patients receiving
HAART, supporting the possibility that worsening of
hepatitis B is a component of the immune reconstitution
inflammatory syndrome.46
Needs for Future Research
HIV affects both the natural history and treatment of
chronic HBV infection, making it difficult to extrapolate
findings from research on patients with HBV monoinfection to those with HIV-HBV coinfection. Although it is
clear that HIV increases the progression of liver disease,
the mechanisms responsible require further elucidation,
and the findings from such studies are likely to throw light
on the underlying elements responsible for disease progression and perhaps provide targets to prevent progression. Clinical studies are needed to determine the
threshold HBV DNA level that warrants initiation of anti-HBV treatment in HIV-HBV coinfected patients, as
well as the optimal on-treatment HBV DNA level at
which disease progression is prevented. Further work is
also needed on how to optimize anti-HBV therapy in
HIV-HBV coinfected persons, including strategies to
avoid immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome,
and to determine which combinations are most effective
and least toxic together with anti-HIV regimens. Finally,
with the recent introduction of potent and safe agents
against HBV, it is important to delineate the different
patterns of resistance that emerge in this population and
how to minimize the development of antiviral resistance
from long-term anti-HBV therapy.
Acknowledgment: The author would like to acknowledge Robert Siliciano, M.D., Ph.D., and Moira McMahon for the data on the in vitro activity of telbivudine.
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