stove, and required resuscitation. Her parents complained of
headache and nausea, and the cat showed generalised convulsions.
CO values were 20 and 11%, respectively, after oxygen had been
administered by mask and balloon while the babies were in the
ambulance. Hence, only a small number of infants with reported
severe cot incident were poisoned by carbon monoxide.
Emery’s observations and our experience with infants thought to
have survived a "near-miss" SIDS both point to CO as a very
exceptional cause of SIDS.
Sleep Unit,
Department of Paediatrics,
Free University of Brussels,
Hôpital Saint-Pierre,
1000 Brussels, Belgium
SIR-Dr Poulton and colleagues (Dec 15, p 1405) suggest that
of serum thiocyanate (SCN) concentrations is a useful
means of estimating passive smoking in children, and further argue
that, because of its longer half-life, SCN has a theoretical advantage
over urinary and salivary cotinine levels for this purpose. Mean
SCN levels in children exposed at home were, at 97-3mol/1,
significantly higher than the value of 54-2mol/1 found in
unexposed children. However, their results are seriously at variance
with other studies relating SCN to passive smoke exposure and it
seems most unlikely that the raised levels they observed were due to
passive smoke exposure.
Gillies et allhave reported that salivary SCN concentrations were
not significantly raised in 10 and 11 year old children from homes
with smokers. Among adults, Friedman et a12 found a mean SCN
value of 40 mol/1 in unexposed adults rising to 50 mol/1 in those
reporting more than 40 h exposure per week. This difference was
marginally significant, but the study design did not allow for the
possibility that some smokers were falsely claiming to be nonsmokers. In a recent study of stringently defined adult non-smokers
we found that measures of cotinine in plasma, saliva, and urine
showed a clear dose-response relation with self-reported passive
smoke exposure whereas there was no relation with measures of
SCN.3Even in those most heavily exposed the smoke dosage
appeared to be only about 1% of that seen in active cigarette
smokers. In Poulton’s data, by contrast, the average SCN
concentration in the exposed group was well into the smoking
range, and in several cases the concentrations matched those seen in
heavy cigarette smokers. Although deception about true smoking
status could be a partial explanation among the older children, this
could not account for the values of 175 and 161 mol/1 found in two
infants aged less than 18 months.
While it would be speculative to advance hypotheses to account
for these high levels of SCN, the data do point to a well-known and
serious theoretical drawback to SCN as a marker of passive
smoking. SCN is derived from a number of dietary sources (eg,
brassicas and other leafy vegetables) as well as from smoking, so that
raised levels cannot be straightforwardly interpreted. Nicotine, on
the other hand, is specific to tobacco, so that any detectable level
must be due to either active or passive exposure. Thus SCN
possesses neither a theoretical nor a practical advantage as a marker
of passive smoking. Cotinine, the major metabolite of nicotine, has
been shown to be a sensitive guide to passive exposure in both
children4 and adults3,5 and is the marker of choice.
Addiction Research Unit,
Institute of Psychiatry,
London SE5 8AF
1 Gillies
PA, Wilcox B, Coates C, Kristmundsdottir F, Reid DJ. Use of objective
in the validation of self-reported smoking in children aged 10 and 11
years saliva thiocyanate. J Epidemiol Community Health 1982; 36: 205-08.
Friedman GD, Petitti DB, Bawol RD. Prevalence and correlates of passive smoking.
Am J Public Health 1983; 73: 401-05.
Jarvis MJ, Tunstall-Pedoe H, Feyerabend C, Vesey C, Saloojee Y Biochemical
markers of smoke absorption and self-reported exposure to passive smoking. J
Epidemiol Community Health 1984; 38: 335-39.
Greenberg RA, Haley NJ, Etzel RA, Loda FA. Measuring the exposure of infants to
tobacco smoke. N Engl J Med 1984; 310: 1075-78
5. Wald NJ, Boreham J, Bailey A, Ritchie C, Haddow JE, Knight G. Urinary cotinine asa
marker of breathing other people’s tobacco smoke Lancet 1984; i: 230-31.
SIR,-Dr Seto and her colleagues (Oct 27, p 941) conclude that
retroviruses are the cause of non-A, non-B (NANB) hepatitis. Their
conclusion derived mainly from the demonstration of reverse
transcriptase activity in sera and plasma-derived products from
patients with a record of NANB hepatitis. Seto’s results could be
consistent with hepatitis-B-like viruses.
Hepatitis-B-like viruses have been related to NANB hepatitis by
several investigators, on the basis of clinical and experimental
data.l,2 Hepatitis B virus (HBV) belongs to the Hepadnaviridae
family of DNA viruses, which contains woodchuck, ground
squirrel, and duck hepatitis viruses. Summers and Mason3have
demonstrated the replication of the genome of duck HBV by reverse
transcription of an RNA intermediate. Synthesis of the viral minus
strand DNA required an RNA template, was sensitive to RNase A,
and was resistant to actinomycin D. These characteristics are
associated with the reverse transcriptase activity of the viral DNA
polymerase but duck HBV is not a retrovirus. Replication ofaDNA
plant virus (cauliflower mosaic virus) also includes a reverse
transcriptase step.
These features suggest that reverse transcription is an important
mechanism for replication of several DNA viruses. Furthermore,
aminoacid sequence homology between retroviral reverse
transcriptase and DNA virus polymerases has been demonstratedfirst between the putative polymerase of HBV and cauliflower
mosaic virus and retroviral reverse transcriptase (Moloney murine
leukaemia virus and Rous sarcoma virus);4and, secondly, between
the hepadnavirus DNA polymerases of duck and human HBV and
woodchuck hepatitis viruses (especially within a nonapeptide
fragment of gene 6 protein and the reverse transcriptases of the
Moloney and Rous
It would have been useful for hepatitis B sera to have been
included in the controls of Seto’s study. To assess the specificity of
the reverse transcriptase test, sera from patients with hepatitis
related to other viral agents such as hepatitis A virus,
cytomegalovirus, and Epstein-Barr virus should have been
Nuclear Medicine Service
and INSERM Unit 204,
Hôpital Saint-Louis,
75010 Paris, France
Biology Laboratory,
University of South Paris, Orsay
Dienstag JL. Non-A, non-B hepatitis I: Recognition, epidemiology, and clinical
features, II: Experimental transmission, putative virus agents and markers, and
prevention. Gastroenterology 1983; 85: 439-62.
Feinstone SM, Hoofnagle JH. Non-A, maybe-B hepatitis. N Engl J Med 1984; 311:
Replication of the genome of a hepatitis B-like virus by reverse
transcription of an RNA intermediate. Cell 1982; 29: 403-15.
4. Toh H, Hayashida H, Miyata T. Sequence homology between retroviral reverse
transcriptase and putative polymerases of hepatitis B virus and cauliflower mosaic
virus. Nature 1983; 305: 827-29.
5. Mandart E, Kay A, Galibert F. Nucleotide sequence of a cloned duck hepatitis B virus
genome: Comparison with woodchuck and human hepatitis B virus sequences.
J Virol 1984; 49: 782-92
3. Summers J, Mason WS.
* This letter has been shown to Dr Seto and her colleagues, whose
reply follows.-ED. L.
SIR,-We are aware that a reverse-transcriptase-requiring step has
been proposed for the hepatitis B virus and for other members of the
Hepadna family of viruses. We are also aware that an HBV-like nonA, non-B (NANB) hepatitis agent has been proposed as the
aetiological agent of this disease. The basis for our conclusion that
the agent(s) of NANB hepatitis was either a retrovirus or a
retrovirus-like agent and not an HBV-like agent was two-fold. We
consistently detected a classical reverse transcriptase in sera
obtained at diagnosis, which was associated with particles; the
particles and their infectivity banded in sucrose at a density of 1’ 14
g/ml, a density which, in our hands, is identical to that of human T
lymphotrophic virus type III.
Results from testing sera from patients with hepatitis B, although
not reported in our article, were routinely negative under the
conditions of our reverse transcriptase assay. Sera from patients
with either hepatitis A or drug-induced hepatitis were also negative.
Samples tested containing HBV included sera with more than 107
infectious doses of HBV (in chimpanzee inoculation studies) as well
as serum with strong DNA polymerase activity. Preliminary data
indicate that HBV and HBV-like viruses are not pelleted under the
conditions of our assay, which were designed to pellet retroviruses
with S values of up to 1000 (the S value for HBV is 280).
Two additional pieces of evidence confirm the non-HBV-like
nature of the NANB agent. HBV does not band at 1-14 g/ml in a
sucrose gradient. Instead it bands at about 1’ 22 g/ml. In addition,
our reverse transcriptase assays are done with exogenous template,
something which has never been accomplished for HBV, since HBV
is not disrupted by detergents. If the core is disrupted, the
conditions necessary to accomplish this will destroy the polymerase
enzyme of HBV within the core. In summary, we still feel, on the
basis of scientific data as well as virus and disease characteristics,
that NANB hepatitis is probably caused by retroviruses or
retrovirus-like agents distinct from HBV or HBV-like agents.
Division of Blood and Blood Products,
Office of Biologics Research and Review,
Food and Drug Administration,
Bethesda, Maryland 20205, USA
The results (table) confirm the high correlation between this
antigen/antibody system and post-transfusional NANB hepatitis.
85% of HBsAg-negative PHC patients were positive for NANB
antigen or antibody, and this frequency was significantly higher
(p<0 - 001) than the frequency found in controls, in HBsAg-positive
PHC, or in patients of mixed malignancies with hepatic metastases.
Our observations, therefore, suggest a strong association between
PHC and serological evidence of past or present NANB infection, as
detected by our ELISA.
The finding that a retrovirus may be responsible for NANB
hepatitis provides additional support for the hypothesis of a causal
link between NANB infection and PHC. Although the role of
NANB agent(s) in PHC remains to be determined we suggest that
similar studies with larger sample size will help in establishing this
Institute of Infectious Diseases
and II Medical Clinic,
University of Bari,
Bari, Italy
possible etiologic role of the hepatitis B virus in hepatocellular
evidence from southern Africa In Chisari FV, ed. Advances in hepatitis
research. New York Masson, 1984
2. Pastore G, Monno L, Angarano G, Trotta F, Schiraldi O. Development of an ELISA
for the detection of an antigen/antibody system in non-A, non-B posttransfusional
hepatitis. In: Vyas GN, Dienstag JL, Hoofnagle JH, eds. Viral hepatitis and liver
disease. Orlando, Florida: Grune and Stratton, 1984: 624
1. Kew MC. The
Laboratory of Biochemical Pharmacology,
National Institute of Arthritis, Diabetes,
and Digestive and Kidney Diseases,
W. G.
National Institutes of Health, Bethesda
of Infectious Diseases,
Ostra Hospital,
University of G&oacgr;teborg, Sweden
colleagues describe particle-associated
reverse transcriptase activity in acute and chronic NANB hepatitis,
supporting the hypothesis that a retrovirus or a retrovirus-like agent
is responsible for NANB hepatitis.
There is extensive evidence for a link between hepatitis B virus
(HBV) infection and primary hepatocellular carcinoma (PHC);’
however, in the United States and Europe only 50% of PHC
patients are HBsAg positive and 25% have no other HBV marker.
Since retroviruses are potentially oncogenic, a natural consequence
of Seto and colleagues’ findings is the suggestion that NANB
agent(s) have a role in the pathogenesis of the remaining PHC not
related to HBV.
In the absence of generally accepted serum markers for NANB
virus(es) it has been impossible to determine the prevalence and
distribution of the chronic carrier state of these virus(es) or to prove
an epidemiological association with PHC; however, the preliminary
results from our study (presented as a poster at the International
Conference on Tumor Viruses, Cremona, April 18-19, 1984),
suggest a surprisingly close association between PHC and a NANBrelated antigen/antibody system detected by enzyme-linked
immunosorbent assay (ELISA).2 The antigen test was based on the
sandwich principle, where unlabelled IgG from convalescent
patients was used as capture antibody and, after peroxidase
conjugation, as detector antibody. A blocking procedure on a fixed
amount of NANB-antigen-positive serum was used in the same test
to detect the corresponding antibody. By this method we studied
five groups of patients and of healthy controls matched for sex, age,
and number of transfusions.
Seto and her
SiR.—Dr Prince and colleagues’ claim (Nov 10, p 1071) that a
virus belonging to a hitherto undescribed group of animal viruses
has been isolated from chimpanzee liver cell cultures inoculated
with non-A, non-B (NANB) hepatitis agent requires comment. The
virus illustrated is, by size, morphology, and morphogenesis,
identical to foamy virus. 1,2 Foamy viruses have been isolated from a
variety of species, including man, and simian foamy virus is often
found as a contaminant of primate cell cultures.3These viruses are
classified as the subfamily Spumavirinae within the family Retroviridae.4 They are enveloped viruses with a single-stranded RNA
genome whose morphology differs from that of other Retroviridae
subfamilies, but they do possess a reverse transcriptase within the
virion.5,6 Since NANB hepatitis has been shown by Dr Seto and he!
colleagues (Oct 27, p 941) to have a particle-associated reverse
transcriptase we need to be sure that the virus described is an NANE
hepatitis virus and not merely an opportunistic infection of th(
culture system used for virus isolation.
I thank Dr J. H. Connolly for
introduced me to foamy viruses.
helpful discussion and Dr J.
Department of Microbiology and Immunobiology,
Queen’s University of Belfast,
K. Clarke wh(
Belfast BT12 6BN
JK, Attridge JT, Gay FW. The morphogenesis of simian foamy agents. J Gen
Virol 1969; 4: 183-88.
Dermott E, Clarke JK, Samuels J. The morphogenesis and classification of bovine
syncytial virus J Gen Virol 1971, 12: 105-09.
Hooks JJ, Gibbs CJ. The foamy viruses. Bacteriol Rev 1975; 39: 169-85.
1. Clarke
4 Fenner F. Classification and nomenclature of viruses. Second report of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses Intervirology 1976; 7: 61.
5. Parks W, Todaro G, Scolnick E, Aaronson S. RNA dependent DNA polymerase in
primate syncytium-forming (foamy) viruses. Nature 1971; 229: 258-60.
6. Benzair AB, Rhodes-Feuillette A, Emanoïl-Ravicovitch R, Périès J. Reverse
transcriptase from simian foamy virus serotype 1: Purification and characterization.
J Virol 1982; 44: 720-24.
***This letter has
been shown
Dr Prince and his
reply follows.-ED.
SIR,-Dr Dermott notes the close resemblance between the agent
reported as replicating in chimpanzee liver cell cultures
inoculated with non-A, non-B (NANB) hepatitis materials and the
subfamily Spumavirinae (foamy viruses) of the Retroviridiae. The
morphological similarity is indeed close, and the fact that similar
viruses have been isolated from chimpanzees requires that we
from controls,
consider seriously the
for our observations.
possibility that
agent could account
The basis for our belief that the agent we identified is related to
NANB hepatitis is, first, that we have never seen similar agents in
control uninoculated chimpanzee liver cell cultures, or in cultures
inoculated with chloroform-treated material derived from human
acute-phase NANB inocula despite extensive search. Secondly, the
cores of the agent we identified have a characteristic association
with the tubules seen within the endoplasmic reticulum in
chimpanzees inoculated with NANB. Furthermore, our isolate
appears to differ from the foamy viruses in that no intranuclear
assembly of core particles has been observed.
Nevertheless we recognise the need for caution and will search
carefully for foamy viruses in our uninoculated and inoculated
cultures using the standard virus isolation techniques for the study
of these agents.
As stated in our report, conclusive identification of the agent
which we observed as a NANB virus will require additional
immunological data and reproduction of NANB infection by
inoculation of cell culture passaged virus into susceptible
Lindsley F Kimball Research Institute
of New York Blood Center,
York, NY 10021, USA
1. Hooks
JJ, Gibbs CJ, Jr, Cutchins EC, Rogers NG, Lampert P, Gajdusek DC.
Characterization and distribution of two new foamy
chimpanzees. Arch Gesamte Virusforsch 1971; 38: 38-55.
isolated from
consist of lipoprotein and pronase-sensitive electron-dense
components and do not contain any nucleic acid.5
The "assembly of complete virus-like particles" observed by
Prince et al in association with the rough endoplasmic reticulum of
their chimpanzee hepatocyte cultures was never observed in our
inoculated cultures. The particles described by Prince et al seem to
be similar to the intracytoplasmic particles we have demonstrated in
patients with NANB hepatitis, 6, These particles were seen
adjacent to the rough endoplasmic reticulum in hepatocytes of three
patients with transfusion-acquired NANB hepatitis and were
observed in about 30% of the human hepatocytes. A dense core-like
component was seen in many of these particles, which were 60- 85
nm in diameter.
We and colleagues (Oct 27, p 941) reported reverse transcriptase
activity in infectious sera from patients with NANB hepatitis and in
two infectious plasma-derived products. Reverse transcriptase
activity was also found in the serum of the three particle-positive
NANB hepatitis patients described above, suggesting that the
particles may represent a retrovirus or a retrovirus-like agent.
We are puzzled that Prince et al did not suggest that the virus-like
particles seen in their chimpanzee cell cultures might be a retrovirus
or retrovirus-like agent; their morphology and size seems consistent
with our suggestion that a retrovirus or retrovirus-like agent is
responsible for most cases of NANB hepatitis.
Department of Infectious Diseases,
Östra Hospital,
S-416 85 Göteborg, Sweden
Institute of Pathology
and Experimental Cancer Research,
Semmelweis Medical University,
SIR,-Dr Prince and his colleagues describe membrane-coated
virus-like particles (85-90 nm) in cell cultures derived from the liver
of chimpanzees inoculated with sera containing a human
non-B (NANB) hepatitis agent(s). In similar experiments wel used a
continuous line of chimpanzee liver cells (Flow Laboratories,
McLean, Virginia; no 03-284) inoculated with a human serum
(inoculum I) known to have transmitted NANB hepatitis to a nurse
and to chimpanzees. Cells were collected for electron microscopy
up to four months after the inoculation. Convoluted membrane’
alterations were observed 4 and 7 days after the inoculation and in
about 3% of cells (figure). These results are similar to those of Prince
et al, who noted such alterations in their cell cultures 4 and 8 days
after inoculation with an infectious NANB hepatitis serum.
Convoluted membrane alterations have been observed in
association with retrovirus infections. For instance in acquired
immunodeficiency syndrome, which is probably caused by the
retrovirus human T-lymphotropic type III, tubular alterations in
lymphocytes2seem to be identical with the changes found in the
hepatocytes of chimpanzees infected with the NANB hepatitis
agent. Similar membrane alterations have been found in other
retrovirus-infected cells-eg, in MC-29-virus-induced chicken
Budapest, Hungary
Office of Biologics,
Food and Drug Administration,
Bethesda, Maryland, USA
S, Gerety RJ. Chronic NANBH carrier state-Transmissible agent documented
patient during a six year period. N Engl J Med 1980; 303: 139
2. Schaff ZS, Tabor E, Jackson DR, Gerety RJ. AIDS-associated ultrastructural changes.
Lancet 1984; ii: 941-43.
3. Schaff Z, Lapis K, Grimley PM. Undulating membraneous structures associated with
the endoplasmic reticulum in tumour cells. Int J Cancer 1976, 18: 697-702.
4. Sebaff Z, Tabor E, Jackson DR, Gerety RJ. Ultrastructural alterations in serial liver
biopsy specimens from chimpanzees experimentally infected with human non-A,
non-B hepatitis agent. Virchows Arch (Cell Pathol) 1984; 45: 301-12.
5. Schaff Z, Tabor E, Jackson DR, Gerety RJ, Grimley PM. Specificity of ultrastructural
1. Tabor
in one
alterations in hepatic and lymphoid cells of chimpanzees infected with a human
non-A, non-B hepatitis agent. In Vyas GN, Dienstag JL, Hoofnagle JH, eds Viral
hepatitis and liver disease. Proceedings of the 1984 International Symposium on
Viral Hepatitis (San Francisco). New York: Grune and Stratton.
6 Iwarson S, Schaff Z, Seto B, Norkrans G, Gerety RJ. Retrovirus-like particles in
hepatocytes of patients with non-A, non-B hepatitis. European Association for
Study of the Liver (EASL) (Bern, Switzerland, Sept 8, 1984): abstr.
7. Iwarson S, Schaff Z, Seto B, Norkrans G, Gerety RJ. Retrovirus-like particles in
hepatocytes of patients with transfusion-acquired non-A, non-B hepatitis. J Med
Virol (in press).
What Prince et al describe as "late stage convoluted tubules"
resemble the C-III type of cytoplasmic tubules characteristic of
NANB hepatitis infected chimpanzee hepatocytes.4These tubules
SIR,-A key development in our ability to make a rapid diagnosis
of cytomegalovirus (CMV) in the immunosuppressed patient with a
radiological diagnosis of pneumonitis has been the development of
large volume bronchoalveolar lavage. The paper on CMV infectionI
misquoted the method used by R. M. du B.; the volume of instilled
sterile isotonic saline should have been 100 ml not 10 ml. We have
identified CMV pneumonitis in two further bone marrow
transplant recipients, using large volume lavage. Both had CMV
detected by the rapid diagnostic technique described. Large volume
lavage is especially important in the immunosuppressed patient in
whom a vast array of potential pathogens must be excluded,
necessitating the distribution of samples to. many different
Tubules (arrow) in chimpanzee liver cell culture inoculated with
human agent of NANB hepatitis.
(xabout 22
Department of Haematology,
Royal Free Hospital,
London NW3 2QG
1 Griffiths
PD, Panjwani DD, Stirk PR, et al. Rapid diagnosis of cytomegalovirus
infection in immunocompromised patients by detection of early antigen fluorescent
foci. Lancet 1984; n: 1242-45.