Stylocarotid syndrome: An unusual case report
Jayachandran Sadaksharam, Khushboo Singh
Patients presenting with vague head and neck pain can lead to wide‑ranging differential diagnosis. Elongation of styloid
process (SP) should also be considered as one of the etiological factors for cervical pain radiating to jaws, pharyngodynia, and
difficulty in swallowing. Symptomatic elongation of SP or mineralization of stylohyoid ligament is referred as Eagle’s syndrome.
It is a rare entity presenting with an array of symptoms like recurrent throat pain, dysphagia, otalgia, and neck pain. History and
physical examination play a vital role in diagnosing this condition and further radiological investigation confirms the diagnosis.
The preferred radiologic modality is 3D‑computed tomography, which gives accurate information about length, angulation, type
of elongation, and relation to vital structures and hence helps in execution of treatment planning. This paper describes clinical
approach, imaging investigations, and management of a case of Eagle’s syndrome.
Keywords: Cervical pain, computed tomography imaging, stylohyoid ligament calcification
radiographs. Treatment includes both non‑surgical and
surgical approaches.
Watt W. Eagle first described the clinical findings of Eagle
syndrome in 1937. [1] Eagle’s syndrome encompasses
multiple symptoms, which include phar yngodynia,
dysphagia, foreign body sensation in pharynx, otalgia,
headache, pain on neck rotation, and facial pain. These
symptoms are produced due to elongated styloid
process (SP) or calcified stylohyoid ligament exerting
pressure symptoms on neurovascular structures in
its vicinity. Normal length of SP varies from 2.5 cm to
3.0 cm and it is said to be elongated if its length exceeds
3.0 cm.[2] Estimated incidence shows that an average of
4% of population has elongated process, but only 4‑10.3%
of these individuals presents with symptoms.[3] However,
the number of reported cases is underestimated because
it is an incidental finding in radiographs and is usually
asymptomatic. Diagnosis is supported by description of
symptoms by patient, previous history of any cervical
trauma and tonsillectomy, physical examination, and
Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology, Government Dental
College and Hospital, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Correspondence: Dr. S. Jayachandran, Department of Oral
Medicine and Radiology, Tamil Nadu Government Dental College
and Hospital, Chennai ‑ 600 003, India.
[email protected]
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Case Report
A 24‑year‑old male patient referred to the department for
opinion regarding radiating head and neck pain. Patient’s
complaints were on and off pain over neck region radiating
to shoulders and arms for the past 5 years, headache and
giddiness on the side to side neck movements, difficulty
and pain while swallowing, and foreign body feeling in
the throat. Previous history of any surgery and trauma
was unremarkable. On examination, all third molars were
completely erupted in proper occlusion and no abnormal
finding was present on temporomandibular joint (TMJ)
examination, but tenderness was present bilaterally
in tonsillar fossae region on palpation. There was no
evidence of any palpable mass in neck. Based on clinical
findings, presumptive diagnosis of neuralgic pain and
elongated SP (Eagle’s syndrome) was made. Patient was
preceded with a panoramic radiograph, which revealed
bilateral elongated SP [Figure 1] and TMJ morphology was
also normal. After evaluation of panoramic radiograph,
patient was subjected to computed tomography (CT)
scan to obtain accurate information about SP including
its length and direction as superimposition of several
anatomical structures, distortion, and magnification are
the drawbacks of conventional radiographs. Coronal
section of CT scans showed bilateral elongated SP reaching
upto the hyoid bone [Figure 2]. Right lateral view showed
segmentations present along the elongated SP and left
lateral view showed uninterrupted elongated SP [Figures 3
and 4]. 3D‑CT reformatted image better defined anatomy
and measurements were done using a software tool
which gave length of 6.8 cm on left side and 6.7 cm on
the right side [Figure 5]. Serum calcium and phosphorus
levels were within normal limits. So after seeing imaging
findings, confirmative diagnosis of Eagle’s syndrome was
Contemporary Clinical Dentistry | Oct-Dec 2012 | Vol 3 | Issue 4
Jayachandran and Singh: Styloid syndrome
made. Since the patient had persistent pain and giddiness,
however, possible causative factor for giddiness could
be impingement on carotid arteries, surgical removal
of bilateral elongated SP was planned and was done
through extra‑oral approach on left side and intraoral
approach on the right side after performing tonsillectomy.
Approximately, 4.5‑5.0 cm of the segment was removed on
Figure 1: Panoramic radiograph showing bilaterally elongated
styloid process
Figure 3: Right lateral view showing segmentations along
elongated styloid process
Figure 5: 3D-computed tomography image showing bilateral
elongated styloid process
Contemporary Clinical Dentistry | Oct-Dec 2012 | Vol 3 | Issue 4
both the sides [Figures 6]. Patient was observed and was
relieved of the symptoms after 1 week. Post‑operative
CT scan was advised after 40 days [Figure 7]. Patient was
Figure 2: Coronal computed tomography image showing
bilateral elongated styloid process reaching upto hyoid bone
Figure 4: Left lateral view showing uninterrupted elongated
styloid process
Figure 6: Photograph of surgically excised specimen
Jayachandran and Singh: Styloid syndrome
Figure 7: Post-operative 3D-computed tomography image
after 40 days
completely symptom free after 2 months and is under
regular follow‑up.
SP is a small tapering projection from the base of temporal
bone lying anteriorly to mastoid process. Muscles and ligaments
attached to it play a role in mastication and swallowing.
Vital structures lying in close proximity to it are internal and
external carotid artery, internal jugular vein, glossopharyngeal,
hypoglossal, and vagus nerve. Elongated SP giving rise to clinical
symptoms of cervico‑facial pain is known as Eagle’s syndrome.
Pain from elongated SP is due to “Constant mechanoreceptor
discharge in area of V, VII, IX, X cranial nerve endings” initiated
by mechanical irritation from SP.[4] The compression depends
on the size, shape, and orientation of ossified the SP.[5] Eagle’s
syndrome presents with plethora of symptoms, which includes
pain in throat, sensation of the foreign body in pharynx,
dysphagia, otalgia, headache, pain on cervical rotation, pain
along the distribution of external and internal carotid artery,
and syncope. If the external carotid artery is affected, pain in
the neck on turning head, or pain radiating to the eye, ear, angle
of the mandible, soft palate and nose may be present, when
the internal carotid artery is involved, pain over the entire head
and larynx may be there.[6] Since the presentation of symptoms
is highly variable, patients report to different specialties like
otolaryngology, neurology, and dentistry for seeking treatment.
In 1937, Eagle described two possible clinical presentations
of elongated SP, which are classical Eagle syndrome and
stylocarotid syndrome. Classical Eagle syndrome is typically
seen after tonsillectomy or pharyngeal trauma, characterized
by pharyngeal pain with swallowing, dysphagia, facial, and
cervical pain. Stylocarotid syndrome is due to the pressure of
the elongated SP on the internal or external carotid artery and
sympathetic fibres in the wall of these vessels, characterized by
pain and recurrent syncope provoked by cervical movements,
particularly rotation. The exact cause of the elongated SP is
not clear but various etiologies suggested are local chronic
irritations, surgical trauma, endocrine disorders in female at
menopause, persistence of mesenchymal elements, growth
of the osseous tissue and mechanical stress or trauma during
development of SP. Gokce et al.,[7] reported that ectopic
calcification might have a role for elongation of SP, especially
in patients with abnormal calcium, phosphorus, vitamin D
metabolism as in end stage renal disease. There is progression
in the length of calcification with advancing age. [8] The
syndrome is reported more frequently in women than in men,
with an age distribution greater than 40 years.[9] In this case,
it was reported in young age. Differential diagnosis includes
neuralgia (trigeminal, glossopharyngeal, and sphenopalatine),
TMJ disorder, tonsillo‑pharyngitis, cervical vertebra arthritis,
otitis, impacted molar teeth, cluster headache, migraine, benign
or malignant neoplasm, and salivary gland disease. While
examination, palpable SP through tonsillar fossae is suggestive
of elongated SP, which is not palpable in normal condition, also
pain is exacerbated. Temporary relief from pain after infiltration
of anesthetic solution in tonsillar fossae is highly suspicious
for diagnosis of Eagle’s syndrome. Radiographs are the
confirmatory tool after examination. Conventional radiographs,
which can be used are panoramic radiograph, posteroanterior
skull view, lateral cephalogram, lateral oblique mandible view,
Towne’s view. However, moreover conventional radiographs
have inherent drawback of superimposition of anatomical
structures, and hence reducing the diagnostic information. CT
imaging overcomes all drawbacks of conventional radiographs.
However, no 2D‑CT image provides exact value of length of SP
because no plane of image is exactly parallel to the SP leading
to underestimation of the length. Moreover 3D‑CT is a valuable
and preferred diagnostic tool, which facilitates in providing
accurate information regarding length, angulation, and
anatomical relationship. Langlais et al.,[10] classified elongated
SP into; type I pattern, which is uninterrupted, elongated
process, type II characterized by the SP apparently being joined
to the stylohyoid ligament by a single pseudo‑articulation
giving the appearance of an articulated elongated SP, and
type III consisting of interrupting segments of the mineralized
ligament, sometimes creating the appearance of multiple
pseudo‑articulations. In this case, elongated SP on the right
side was Langlais type III and left side was Langlais type I.
Conservative modality of treatment includes local infiltration
of anesthetics, (NSAIDS) non steroidal anti‑inflammatory drugs,
and steroids in tonsillar fossae region. Surgical treatment
includes styloidectomy, for which both extra‑oral and intraoral
approach can be used. Advantages of intraoral approach are
less time consuming, simple, no scarring and disadvantages are
poor visualization of surgical field, possible injury of nearby
neurovascular structures, and risk of deep neck space infection.
Advantages of extra‑oral approach are better visualization of
surgical field and disadvantages are time consuming, neck scar,
and risk of damage to facial nerve. In this case, the surgical
intervention was adopted using an extra‑oral approach on
the left side and intraoral approach on right side without
any post‑operative complications. In conclusion, patients
presenting with radiating cervico‑facial pain detailed physical
examination should be carried out and possibility of Eagle’s
syndrome should also be considered though it is rare. Clinicians
should be well aware of this condition. In imaging, CT scan is
the most preferred diagnostic tool.
Contemporary Clinical Dentistry | Oct-Dec 2012 | Vol 3 | Issue 4
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How to cite this article: Sadaksharam J, Singh K. Stylocarotid syndrome:
An unusual case report. Contemp Clin Dent 2012;3:503-6.
Source of Support: Nil. Conflict of Interest: None declared.
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Contemporary Clinical Dentistry | Oct-Dec 2012 | Vol 3 | Issue 4