Frank Shotokai Karate rev (final)

2024, Frank Shotokai Karate

My system of Karate-Do

Frank’s Karate-Do Shotokai Ryu 夫蘭久空手道松濤會流 by Frank Gerke, PhD (ed.), 4th Dan Black Belt Saigon 2024 Dedicated to my instructors and children Kanazawa Hirokasu Kancho & Frank Gerke after Nidan (2nd Dan Black Belt) Grading, Hong Kong 1988 1 Table of Contents Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 5 Preparatory Exercises...................................................................................................................... 6 Strengthening Exercises .............................................................................................................. 7 Kihon............................................................................................................................................... 8 Natural Weapons......................................................................................................................... 8 Tachi Kata ................................................................................................................................. 13 Complete Kihon Exercise ......................................................................................................... 14 1. Kiba Dachi: Sonoba Zuki ........................................................................................... 14 2. Oi Zuki ........................................................................................................................ 14 3. Gedan Barai ................................................................................................................ 15 4. Age Uke ...................................................................................................................... 15 5. Shuto Uke ................................................................................................................... 15 6. Shuto Uke – Shihon Nikite ......................................................................................... 16 7. Uchi Uke ..................................................................................................................... 16 - Gyaku Uchi Uke ....................................................................................................... 17 8. Soto Uke ..................................................................................................................... 17 9. Teisho Uchi................................................................................................................. 17 10. Tettsui Uchi ................................................................................................................ 18 11. Mae Geri ..................................................................................................................... 18 12. Yoko Geri ................................................................................................................... 19 13. Mawashi Geri ............................................................................................................. 19 14. Mikazuki Geri ............................................................................................................. 20 15. Ushiro Geri ................................................................................................................. 20 16. Nami Gaeshi ............................................................................................................... 21 17. Nidan Geri/ Tobi geri ................................................................................................. 21 18. Simultaneous Kick (Sokuko-geri) .............................................................................. 22 19. Aun ............................................................................................................................. 22 Kumite........................................................................................................................................... 23 1. Kihon Kumite ............................................................................................................. 23 2. Kawashi ...................................................................................................................... 26 3. Ten No Kata (Ura) ...................................................................................................... 27 4. Throwing Techniques ................................................................................................. 30 5. Iai ................................................................................................................................ 42 2 Practicing the Pole (Makiwara), Gichin Funakoshi Kancho ........................................................ 47 Practicing Kobudo: Sai and Bo, Gichin Funakoshi Kancho ......................................................... 47 Open Kata ..................................................................................................................................... 48 Secret Kata .................................................................................................................................... 48 Taikyoku ................................................................................................................................... 49 Heian Shodan ............................................................................................................................ 50 Heian Nidan .............................................................................................................................. 51 Heian Sandan ............................................................................................................................ 52 Heian Yondan ........................................................................................................................... 53 Heian Godan ............................................................................................................................. 54 Tekki Shodan ............................................................................................................................ 55 Tekki Nidan .............................................................................................................................. 56 Tekki Nidan .............................................................................................................................. 57 Tekki Sandan ............................................................................................................................ 58 Hangetsu ................................................................................................................................... 59 Sanchin...................................................................................................................................... 60 Matsumura No Sai .................................................................................................................... 61 Oyama No Kon ......................................................................................................................... 61 Jion ............................................................................................................................................ 62 Jitte ............................................................................................................................................ 64 Kanku ........................................................................................................................................ 65 Bassai ........................................................................................................................................ 66 Empi .......................................................................................................................................... 67 Gankaku .................................................................................................................................... 68 Nijushiho ................................................................................................................................... 69 Seienchin ................................................................................................................................... 70 Saifa .......................................................................................................................................... 71 Shisochin ................................................................................................................................... 72 Shiho Kusanku .......................................................................................................................... 73 Shushi No Kon Sho................................................................................................................... 74 Chatan Yara No Sai .................................................................................................................. 85 Tsuken Shitahaku No Sai .......................................................................................................... 85 Practising The Pole ................................................................................................................... 86 Vital Points of The Human Body ............................................................................................. 87 Bibliography ................................................................................................................................. 88 3 Appendix: Grading Syllabus ..................................................................................................... 95 Gokyu (五級,yellow belt), after 6 months of basic training; ............................................. 96 Yonkyu (四級,orange belt), 6 months after Gokyu grading; ................................................. 96 Sankyu (三級,green belt), 6 months after Yonkyu grading; .................................................. 97 Nikyu (二級,blue belt), 1 year after Sankyu grading; ........................................................... 98 Yikyu (一級,brown belt), 1 year after Nikyu grading. .......................................................... 99 Formal title: Senpai (先輩) ....................................................................................................... 99 Shodan (初段,black belt), 1,5 years after Gokyu grading. .................................................. 100 Formal title: Sensei (先生) ..................................................................................................... 100 Nidan (二段,black belt), 2 years after Shodan examination. ........................................... 101 Formal title: Kyoshi (教師); ............................................................................................... 101 Sandan (三段,black belt), 3 years after Nidan examination. ............................................... 101 Formal title: Shihan (師範) ..................................................................................................... 101 Yondan (四段,black belt) .................................................................................................... 101 Formal title: Supreme Master, Kancho (館長) ....................................................................... 101 Gondan (五段,black belt) .................................................................................................... 101 Supreme Master passed away: Soke (宗家) ........................................................................... 101 4 Introduction This is my first book on Karate-Do. In the past years, I have been written and publishing on the subject of Karate-Do quite a few articles and papers, some arguing in favor of this system, some in favor of yet another one. After tears and years of research, hard training, much fighting, very much sparring, trying different styles of martial arts like Shotokan Karate-do, Egami Shotokai Karate-do, Shito-ryu, Wado-ryu and Goju-ryu Karate-do, boxing, kick-boxing, Chinese Taijiquan, Judo etc., I finally came to my own conclusions as a basis to found my own system of martial art. My system, Frank’s Shotokai Karate-do Vietnam, is the result of many years of research. It is based on Master Egami’s “Shotokai”, as presented in the Heart of Karate-Do, as well as the works of Funkoshi Gichin (see Bibliography), but goes beyond that. My approach is a general one, which means that a martial art as a means of human body and mind conditioning contributes to the development of ourselves as well as of society, in which we live in. The basic idea is to free yourself from the everyday expectations of the so-called dogmatism, which surrounds us in every moment of our life. This everyday dogmatism tells you what to do, dictates your daily performance and makes you a slave to social expectations and exploitation. Karate-do means to free yourself in order to start becoming yourself, start loving your brothers and sisters, your family, your lover, etc. from the bottom of your heart. Sincerely Yours, Frank Gerke, PhD. Frank practicing Yoko-Geri doji Uraken-Uchi, Kata Gankaku, Bonn 2006 5 Preparatory Exercises 1. Jumping 2. Leg curling 3. Head exercise 4. Shoulder exercise 5. Arm swings 6. Back exercise 7. Hips swings 8. Body swing 9. Arm swings 10. Stretching 11. Leg curls 12. Leg squeezes 13. Leg swings 14. Breathing 6 Strengthening Exercises 1. 2. 3. 4. Push-ups Sit-ups Back exercises Legs University of Education Dojo, Ho Chi Minh City 2015 7 Kihon Natural Weapons A. Hands 1. Clenched Fists a. Nakadaken – Dragon Head Fist Used as basic clenched fist in most techniques and kata. b. Seiken – Straight Fist As used as in Sanchin Kata. c. Ippon Ken – One Knuckle Fist As used as in Hangetsu Kata 8 d. Uraken – Back Fist As used as in Heian Nidan and other Kata. e. Tettsui – Iron Hammer As used as in Heian Shodan and Heian Sandan. 2. Open Handed a. Shuto – Spear Hand As used as in Heian Shodan and other kata. b. Haishu – Back Hand As used as in Heian Godan 9 c. Teisho – Palm Heel As used as in Jion and other kata. B. Arms 1. Enpi (Hiji) – Monkey Arm As used as in Heian Sandan, Heian Yondan and other kata. C. Head 1. Atama – Head Strike Head strike as suggested by Master Funakoshi after dragging in an opponent in Heian Nidan. D. Legs 1. Hiza – Knee 10 As used as in Heian Yondan. E. Feet 1. Koshi – Ball of Foot As used as for the Front kick in Heian Nidan. 2. Sokuto – Edge of Foot (Sword Food) As used as in Heina Nidan and many other Kata. 3. Teisoku – Sole of Foot As used as in Bassai Dai. 11 4. Kakato – Heel of Foot As it is used in the back kick (ushiro geri). 12 Tachi Kata 13 Complete Kihon Exercise 1. Kiba Dachi: Sonoba Zuki 2. Oi Zuki 14 3. Gedan Barai 4. Age Uke 5. Shuto Uke 15 6. Shuto Uke – Shihon Nikite 7. Uchi Uke 16 Gyaku Uchi Uke 8. Soto Uke 9. Teisho Uchi 17 10. Tettsui Uchi 11. Mae Geri 18 12. Yoko Geri 13. Mawashi Geri 19 14. Mikazuki Geri 15. Ushiro Geri 20 16. Nami Gaeshi 17. Nidan Geri/ Tobi geri 21 18. Simultaneous Kick (Sokuko-geri) 19. Aun 22 Kumite 1. Kihon Kumite a. Zuki – Gedan Barai b. Zuki – Age Uke 23 c. Zuki – Shuto Uke d. Zuki – Uchi Uke 24 e. Zuki – Soto Uke / Tettsui District 7 Dojo, Ho Chi Minh City 2008 25 2. Kawashi Uni Dojo Bonn 2007 26 3. Ten No Kata (Ura) 27 28 29 4. Throwing Techniques 30 Uni Dojo Bonn 2007 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 5. Iai 42 43 44 45 Iai at Uni Dojo Bonn 2007 46 Practicing the Pole (Makiwara), Gichin Funakoshi Kancho Practicing Kobudo: Sai and Bo, Gichin Funakoshi Kancho 47 Open Kata 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Taikyoku (太极拳) Heian Shodan (平安初段) Heian Nidan (平安二段) Heian Sandan (平安三段) Heian Yondan (平安四段) Heian Godan (平安五段) Tekki 1-3 (鐵騎) Hangetsu (半月) 9. Miyagi no Sanchin (長順の三戰) 10. Hiagonna no Sanchin (の三戰) Basic Weapon Katas, one featuring the Sai-weapon and one featuring the Bo / Kon (staff): 1. Matsumura no Sai (松村の釵) 2. Oyama no Kon (大山の棒) Secret Kata Open-handed: 1. Jion (慈恩) 2. Jitte (十手) 3. Kanku (觀空) 4. Bassai (拔塞) 5. Empi (燕飛) 6. Gankaku (岩鶴) 7. Nijushiho (二十四 步) 8. Seienchin (制引戰) 9. Saifa (碎破) 10. Shisochin (四向戰) 11. Shiho Kusanku (四方觀空) Weapons: 1. Shushi No Kon Sho (周氏の棒初) 2. Chatan Yara No Sai (北谷 屋良の釵) 3. Tsuken Shitahaku No Sai (津堅志多伯の釵) 48 Taikyoku 49 Heian Shodan 50 Heian Nidan 51 Heian Sandan 52 Heian Yondan 53 Heian Godan 54 Tekki Shodan 55 Tekki Nidan 56 Tekki Nidan 57 Tekki Sandan 58 Hangetsu 59 Sanchin 60 Matsumura No Sai Oyama No Kon 61 Jion 62 63 Jitte 64 Kanku 65 Bassai 66 Empi 67 Gankaku 68 Nijushiho 69 Seienchin 70 Saifa 71 Shisochin 72 Shiho Kusanku Personal instruction only. 73 Shushi No Kon Sho 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 Chatan Yara No Sai Personal instruction only. Tsuken Shitahaku No Sai Personal instruction only. 85 Practising The Pole 86 Vital Points of The Human Body 87 Bibliography 富名腰義珍著。唐手術。東京 1926 年。(Tote Jitsu. Tokyo 1926). 富名腰義珍著。空手道師範。東京 1935 年。(Funakoshi Gichin. Karate-Do Kyohan. Tokyo 1935). Funakoshi Gichin. Karate-Do Kyohan. Kodansha International LTD. Tokyo 1973. Funakoshi Gichin. Karate-Do Nyumon. Kodansha International LTD. Tokyo 1994. Funakoshi Gichin. Karate-Do. My Way of Life. Kodansha International LTD. Tokyo 1975. Funakoshi Gichin. Tote Jitsu. Masters Publication. Hongkong 1997 (Tokyo 1922). Shigeru Egami. The Heart of Karate-Do (The Way of Karate: Beyond Technique). Kodansha International LTD., Tokyo 1986. Kanazawa, Hirokazu. Black Belt Karate. The Intensive Course. Kodansha International. Tokyo, New York, London 2006. Kanazawa, Hirokazu. Karate Fighting Techniques. The Complete Kumite. Kodansha International. Tokyo, New York, London 2006. Kanazawa, Hirokazu. Karate. The Complete Kata. Kodansha International. Tokyo, New York, London 2009. Masatoshi Nakayama. Dynamic Karate. Kodansha International. Tokyo, New York, San Francisco 1966. Hidetaka Nishiyama & Richard C. Brown. Karate. The Art of “Empty Hand Fighting”. Charles E. Tuttle Company. Ruthland (Vermont), Tokyo 1959. Fumio Demura. Sai. Karate Weapon of Self Defense. Ohara Publications, Inc, Burbank, California 1974. Fumio Demura. Bo. Karate Weapon of Self Defense. Ohara Publications, Inc, Burbank, California 1976. 88 Shotokan Dojo Hong Kong on the event of Yondan Grading, 2011 Yondan (4th Dan Black Belt) – Diploma 89 Dedication to Frank Gerke by Karl J. Brüggen in the book “Egami. The Heart of Karate-Do”: 90 91 92 93 94 Appendix: Grading Syllabus There are five Beginners’ grades in this system: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Gokyu (五級,yellow belt), after 6 months of training; Yonkyu (四級,orange belt), after 6 months of training further; Sankyu (三級,green belt), after 6 months of training further; Nikyu (二級,blue belt), after 1 year of training further; Yikyu (一級,brown belt), after 1 year of training further. The three master levels are: 1. Shodan (初段,black belt), after 1,5 years of training further. Formal title: Sensei (先生); 2. Nidan (二段,black belt), 2 years after Shodan examination. Formal title: Kyoshi (教師); 3. Sandan (三段,black belt), 3 years after Nidan examination. Formal title: Shihan (師範); The Supreme Masters’ title is Kancho (館長). 95 Gokyu (五級,yellow belt), after 6 months of basic training; Kihon: 1. 2. 3. 4. Oi Zuki Gedan Barai Age Uke Mae Geri Kumite: 1. Kihon Kumite: Age Uke, Gedan Barai 2. Ten No Kata: Age Uke - Gyaku Zuki; Gedan Barai –Gyaku Zuki 3. Iai: Age-uke – Gyaku zuki Kata: Taikyoku Shodan Miyagi No Sanchin Yonkyu (四級,orange belt), 6 months after Gokyu grading; Kihon: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Oi Zuki Gedan Barai Age Uke Shuto Uke Uchi Uke Mae Geri Mawashi Geri Mikazuki Geri Kumite: 1. Kihon Kumite: Age Uke, Gedan Barai, Shuto Uke, Uchi Uke 2. Ten No Kata: Age Uke - Gyaku Zuki; Gedan Barai –Gyaku Zuki, Jo Shuto Uke – Shihon Nukite, Uchi uke – Gyaku zuki 3. Iai: Age-uke – Gyaku zuki, Shuto Uke – Mawashi geri 4. Throwing: O Soto Gari Kata: Heian Shodan Miyagi No Sanchin 96 Sankyu (三級,green belt), 6 months after Yonkyu grading; Kihon: 1. Oi Zuki 2. Gedan Barai 3. Age Uke 4. Shuto Uke 5. Uchi Uke 6. Soto Uke 7. Mae Geri 8. Mawashi Geri 9. Mikazuki Geri 10. Yoko Geri Kumite: 1. Kihon Kumite: Age Uke, Gedan Barai, Shuto Uke, Uchi Uke, Soto Uke 2. Ten No Kata: Age Uke - Gyaku Zuki; Gedan Barai –Gyaku Zuki, Jo Shuto Uke – Shihon Nukite, Uchi uke – Gyaku zuki, Soto Uke – Gyaku Zuki 3. Iai: Age-uke – Gyaku zuki, Shuto Uke – Mawashi geri, Mae Geri – Shuto uke - Throwing 4. Throwing: O Soto Gari, Byobodaoshi 5. Kawashi: simple Kata: Heian Nidan Miyagi No Sanchin 97 Nikyu (二級,blue belt), 1 year after Sankyu grading; Kihon: 1. Oi Zuki 2. Gedan Barai 3. Age Uke 4. Shuto Uke 5. Uchi Uke 6. Soto Uke 7. Tettsui Uchi 8. Mae Geri 9. Mawashi Geri 10. Mikazuki Geri 11. Yoko Geri 12. Ushiro geri Kumite: 1. Kihon Kumite: Age Uke, Gedan Barai, Shuto Uke, Uchi Uke, Soto Uke, Uchi Uke 2. Ten No Kata: Complete 3. Iai: Age-uke – Gyaku zuki, Shuto Uke – Mawashi geri, Mae Geri – Shuto uke – Throwing; direct Shut attack against Zuki 4. Throwing: O Soto Gari, Byobodaoshi, Tsunamegaeishi 5. Kawashi: simple Kata: Heian Sandan, Heian Yondan Hiagonna No Sanchin Oyama no Kon 98 Yikyu (一級,brown belt), 1 year after Nikyu grading. Formal title: Senpai (先輩) Kihon: 1. Oi Zuki 2. Gedan Barai 3. Age Uke 4. Shuto Uke 5. Uchi Uke 6. Soto Uke 7. Tettsui Uchi 8. Teisho Uchi 9. Mae Geri 10. Mawashi Geri 11. Mikazuki Geri 12. Yoko Geri 13. Ushiro geri 14. Nami Geishi Kumite: 1. Kihon Kumite: Age Uke, Gedan Barai, Shuto Uke, Uchi Uke, Soto Uke, Uchi Uke 2. Ten No Kata: Complete 3. Iai: Age-uke – Gyaku zuki, Shuto Uke – Mawashi geri, Mae Geri – Shuto uke – Throwing; direct Shut attack against Zuki 4. Throwing: O Soto Gari, Byobodaoshi, Tsunamegaeishi, Taniotoshi 5. Kawashi: simple Kata: Heian Godan, Tekki Shodan Hiagonna No Sanchin Oyama no Kon Matsumuma No Sai 99 Shodan (初段,black belt), 1,5 years after Gokyu grading. Formal title: Sensei (先生) Kihon: The complete 28 exercises. Kumite: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Kihon Kumite: Complete Ten No Kata: Complete Iai: Complete Throwing: Complete Kawashi: complex Kata: Hangetsu Hiagonna No Sanchin Oyama no Kon Matsumura No Sai 100 Nidan (二段,black belt), 2 years after Shodan examination. Formal title: Kyoshi (教師); Kihon: Oi Zuki 1000 times. Kumite: Kawashi: complex Kata: Hangetsu Hiagonna No Sanchin Oyama no Kon Matsumura No Sai Sandan (三段,black belt), 3 years after Nidan examination. Formal title: Shihan (師範) Kumite: Free sparring with the Supreme Master. Kata: All, except Secret Katas. Yondan (四段,black belt) Formal title: Supreme Master, Kancho (館長) Perfection of all Kihon, Kata and Kumite. Gondan (五段,black belt) Supreme Master passed away: Soke (宗家) 101 Buôn Ma Thuật Dojo Opening Ceremony, 2007 102