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Judith Butler ocupa la cátedra Maxine Elliot de Retórica. Literaturacomparaday Estudios dela mujeren laUniversidad deCali fornia, Berkeley. Es autora. entre otros libros, de Cuerpos que importan, Deshacer el género y Vida precario, todos ellos publicados por Paidós.
This document contains established operating procedures for the (COMPANY) electric supply portfolio (herein referred to as "portfolio") with Portfolio Manager Company. These procedures are intended to ensure efficient operation of the portfolio and cover the following general categories:
Abstrak:Penelitian dan pengembangan lembar kerja siswa berbasis PBL diawali dari rendahnya kemampuan HOTs siswa yang terlihat dari rendahnya hasil belajar siswa. Tujuan penellitan dan pengembangan ini adalah menghasilkan lembar kerja siswa berbasis PBL dan mengetahui efektivitas lembar kerja siswa berbasis PBL untuk meningkatkan kemampuan HOTs siswa kelas IV SD. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian dan pengembangan (R&D) yang merujuk pada teori Borg & Gall. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa lembar kerja siswayang dikembangkan layak digunakan untuk meningkatkan HOTs siswa, dilihat dari nilai rata-rata siswa yang menggunakan lembar kerja siswa berbasis PBL adalah 77,75 lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan nilai rata-rata siswa sebelum menggunakan lembar kerja siswayaitu 54,75 dengan nilai Gain ternormalisasi sebesar 0,51.
Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Industri : Jurnal Keilmuan Teknik dan Manajemen Industri, 2023
This paper discusses an experimental design approach to optimize injection molding process parameter settings according to quality targets. The method used is general factorial design, so that it can investigate the effect of each predictor variable (factor) and its interaction effect. In this study, front barrel temperature, injection pressure, holding pressure, and holding time were selected as control factors. Before testing the hypothesis, the results of the experiment are also illustrated to summarize what main characteristics phenomena the data visualization can convey us. Hypothesis testing used linear regression analysis and analysis of variance (ANOVA) with a significance level () of 0.05. The results demonstrated that front barrel temperature (A), injection pressure (B), holding pressure (C), and holding time (D) had a significant effect on tensile strength, but only the front barrel temperature factor had a significant effect on net weight. Front barrel temperature is the most influencing factor on the response variables. There are a significant effect of the interaction between factors, namely AB, AC, BC, ABC, ABD, BCD, on tensile strength, whereas only AB interaction has a significant effect on net weight. The optimal settings could be adjusted according to the required quality target.
Primer Encuentro de Arqueoastronomía en Colombia, 2014
Síntesis de los más recientes avances alcanzados en la interpretación integral de la Tabla de Venus del Códice de Dresde. Adaptación de la conferencia originalmente impartida en el Primer Encuentro de Arqueoastronomía en Colombia: "Recuperando el conocimiento astronómico de nuestros antepasados". Organizado por el Grupo de Investigación en Astronomía Cultural de la Universidad Sergio Arboleda (2014).
Access to electricity is vital for the social and economic development of a country. Nevertheless, electrification is still a major challenge, especially for countries in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Growth in access to electricity in total numbers has slowed down in recent years. Namibia in particular appears to be in a predicament, since a large portion of its widespread population cannot be connected to the main grid at reasonable costs. Furthermore, Namibia relies heavily on imports of coal-based electricity, which limits the country’s ability to achieve its pledged sustainability goals. This is quite paradoxical as Namibia has one of the highest solar irradiation levels in the world, providing the possibility to generate large amounts of solar electricity at very low costs and to electrify rural areas through solar off-grid systems. These favorable conditions should be exploited, not least in view of the growing demand for energy, which potentially exacerbates the present situatio...
Anadiss, 2018
Tustreiul (The Trine) is an etiological story, built according to a canonical compositional formula, but displaying a complex surface as well as deep structure in which the dramatic element, the fantastic tale, and the poem in prose are interwoven in an unexpected manner, concurring to achieve an oratorial discourse marked by a strong didactic tone. The author, B.V. Anania, takes issue with a "rusty" vision of the relationship between the human and the divine, on which he offers a fresh perspective, shedding light on matters of high theology by transposing them into an accessible code, suitable to contemporary man's level of consciousness.
Journal of the history of dentistry, 2015
Tribology Letters, 2016
Comparative Southeast European Studies
Psychological Warfare, 2023
183 dólares es un precio claramente abusivo. No compre esa oferta.
Journal of Science and Arts
Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 2017
European Economic Letters, 2024
International Journal of Business and Management, 2016
Social Science Research Network, 2001
2011 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe and 12th European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO EUROPE/EQEC), 2011
Springer eBooks, 2022
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2008