the Sentence of Jesus__Gospel of Nicodemus

The sentence decreed by Pontius Pilate, the acting governor of Lower Galilee stating that Jesus of Nazareth shall suffer death on the cross. Appearing to be authentic, yet edited by forgery.

the Sentence of Jesus CHAPTER ONE Divisions 1-20 The sentence decreed by Pontius Pilate, the acting governor of Lower Galilee stating that Jesus of Nazareth shall suffer death on the cross. Appearing to be authentic, yet edited by forgery.. (A letter that seems more like King Herod's sympathies than the Roman Governor Pilate, who seemed ambivilant towards the Jewish matter, not angry or resentful. Instead, Jesus had some of Pilate's sympathy because of his beautiful mother, and because Pilate's wife reportedly had a dream warning him not to harm Jesus.) In the document, Jesus is accused of being a seducer, an unprecedented word about Jesus being a ladies man (possibly seducing women to be chaste). It seems more like a forged word, and a swipe at the unpopular King Herod II. The high priests Annas and Caphaias plausibly helped write the document of the Roman sentence in the name of Pilate, for Jerusalem's records. The writing on the other side of the document points towards somebody other than Pilate, who was mainly unconcerned with the Jewish matter. SENTENCE OF JESUS 1. In the year 17 of the Emperor Tiberius Caesar, and the 27th day of March, in the city of the holy Jerusalem — Annas and Caiaphas being priests, sacrificators of the people of God — Pontius Pilate, Governor of Lower Galilee, sitting in the presidential chair of the praetory, condemns Jesus of Nazareth to die on the cross between 2 thieves, the great and notorious evidence of the people saying: 2. 1. Jesus is a seducer. 3. 2. He is seditious. 4. 3. He is the enemy of the Law. 5. 4. He calls himself falsely the Son of God. 6. 5. He calls himself falsely king of Israel. 7. 6. He entered into the Temple followed by a multitude bearing palm-branches in their hands. 8. (Pilate) orders the first Centurion, Quilius Cornelius, to lead him to the place of execution; 9. (and) forbids any person whomsoever, either poor or rich, to oppose the death of Jesus Christ. 10. The witnesses who signed the condemnation of Jesus are 11. 1. Daniel Eobani, a Pharisee. 12. 2. Joannus Eobani. 12. 3. Eaphael Eobani. 14. 4. Capet, a citizen. 15. Jesus shall go out of the city of Jerusalem by the gate of Struenus. The foregoing is engraved on a copper plate, on the reverse side of which is written: A similar plate is sent to each tribe." It was found in an antique marble vase, while excavating in the ancient city of Aquila in the kingdom of Naples, in the year 1810, and was discovered by the Commissioners of Arts of the French Army. At the expedition of Naples, it was enclosed in a box of ebony and preserved in the sacristy of the Chartem (Certosa). The French translation was made by the Commissioners of Arts. The original is in the Hebrew language.