Brain Research, 503 (1991) 142-151~
© 1991 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. All rights reserved. 0006-8993/91/$03.5t~
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BRES 17118
Gadolinium block of calcium channels: influence of bicarbonate
Linda M. Boland 1'3, Tracy A. Brown 2 and Raymond Dingledine 1'2
1Curriculum in Neurobiology and 2Department of Pharmacology, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC 27599
(U.S.A.) 3Department of Neurobiology, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA 02115 (U.S.A.)
(Accepted 11 June 1991)
Key words: Calcium channel; F-11 cell line; Whole-cell patch clamp; Gadolinium; Dorsal root ganglion; Cardiac muscle; Lanthanide;
The selectivity of block of voltage-activated barium (Ba2+) currents by lanthanide ions was studied in a rat dorsal root ganglion (DRG)
cell line (Fll-B9), rat and frog peripheral neurons, and rat cardiac myocytes using the whole-cell patch clamp technique. Gadolinium (Gd 3+)
produced a dose-dependent and complete inhibition of whole-cell Ba2÷ current in all cells studied, including ceils expressing identified dihydropyridine-sensitiveL-type currents and ~o-conotoxin-sensitive N-type currents. Like Gd3+, lutetium (Lu3+) and lanthanum (La3+) blocked
all Ba 2÷ current with little selectivity for different components of the whole-cell current. Gd 3÷ block of Ba 2÷ currents was incomplete, however, when sodium bicarbonate (5-22.6 mM) was added to the standard HEPES-buffered external Ba2÷ solution. In rat DRG neurons and
F l l - B 9 cells, a fraction of the whole-cell Ba2÷ current recorded in the presence of bicarbonate was resistant to block by saturating concentrations of Gd3+ (50-100 ~M). The resistant current inactivated more rapidly than the original current giving the appearance that, under
these conditions, Gd3+ block is more selective for the slowly inactivating component of the whole-cell current. Bicarbonate modification of
Gd 3÷ block occurred both before and after w-conotoxin block of N-type currents in rat DRG neurons, suggesting that even in the presence
of bicarbonate, Gd 3+ block was not selective for N-type currents.
The existence of several types of Ca 2+ channel has
been recognized in virtually all excitable cells and has led
to the suggestion that Ca 2+ channel subtypes might be
specialized for different functions 4'16'18'23'35. Toxins and
other drugs that selectively block certain Ca 2+ channel
subtypes could help elucidate the role of the different
channels. For example, ~o-conotoxin G V I A 1'2°'29, certain
spider venoms 24'25, and dihydropyridines 2'17 are useful
tools because they block only a fraction of the wholecell current through Ca 2+ channels. Divalent cation
blockers, however, have been less useful in differentiating subtypes of Ca 2+ channel because all types of Ca 2+
current 4"11'14'35 can be blocked by Cd 2÷, Ni 2+, Co 2+, and
Mn 2+. While different c o m p o n e n t s of the whole-cell
Ca 2+ channel current show different potency for block
by certain divalents 7'~3'34, none of these blockers is selective enough to be useful in functional studies.
The trivalent lanthanide gadolinium ( G d 3+) was rep o r t e d by D o c h e r t y 9 to be a selective blocker of a slowly
decaying (r = 800 ms), high-threshold Ca 2÷ current in
N G 1 0 8 - 1 5 n e u r o b l a s t o m a x glioma hybrid cells. Do-
cherty r e p o r t e d that a fraction of the whole-cell Ca 2÷
channel current in N G 1 0 8 - 1 5 cells was resistant to block
by up to 50/~M G d 3+, and he suggested, based on the
kinetic properties of the Gd3+-sensitive c o m p o n e n t , that
N-type channels were selectively blocked. In view of the
significant implications this finding has for identification
and the assignment of functional properties to Ca 2+
channels, we sought to extend this observation.
We studied G d 3+ block of Ba 2+ currents in a variety
of cell types known to express oJ-conotoxin-sensitive
N-type and/or dihydropyridine-sensitive L-type Ca 2÷ currents. Using a H E P E S - b u f f e r e d external solution, we
found that G d 3+ blocked all Ca 2+ channel current with
little evidence of different potency for different kinetic
or pharmacologic components of whole-cell current. In
attempting to reconcile our observations with those of
D o c h e r t y 9, we found that the presence of sodium bicarbonate dramatically modified the action of G d 3+ by allowing block of only a fraction of the whole-cell Ba 2+
current. E v e n in the presence of bicarbonate, however,
G d 3+ block was not selective for N-type current. A preliminary account of this work was presented to the Society for Neuroscience 8.
Correspondence: L.M. Boland, Department of Neurobiology, Harvard Medical School, 220 Longwood Avenue, Boston, MA 02115, U.S.A.
Fax: (1) (617) 734-7557.
Culture of FI I-B9 cells
The F l l - B 9 cell line is a clonal strain derived from the F-11 cell
line (rat DRG x mouse N18TG-2). F l l - B 9 cells were cultured as
previously described7. In brief, F l l - B 9 cells were fed with either a
growth medium consisting of Ham's F-12 (Gibco Laboratories,
Grand Island, NY) supplemented with 10 mM glucose, 12 mM sodium bicarbonate, 15% fetal calf serum (FCS; Hazelton, Lanexa,
KA), and 100/~M hypoxanthine, 0.4 ~M aminopterin, and 16/~M
thymidine (HAT; Flow Laboratories, McLean, VA) or a differentiation medium consisting of F-12 with 1% FCS, HAT, 0.5 mM
dibutyrl cAMP, 10/~M 3-isobutyl-l-methyl-xanthine, and 50 ng/ml
mouse salivary gland NGF (2.5S, Sigma). Experiments were performed on F l l - B 9 cells (passage 2-20) that were plated onto uncoated glass coverslips and fed with differentiation medium for 1-3
days. After this time, many cells grew long, branching processes
that prevented acceptable space clamp. Differentiated cells expressed a greater sustained current component than cells grown in
growth medium 7.
Preparation of freshly dissociated neurons
Patch clamp recordings were made from freshly dissociated DRG
or sympathetic ganglion cell bodies to avoid complications associated with inadequate voltage-clamp of neurites. Neurons were dissociated from DRG or sympathetic ganglia from adult bullfrog
(Rana catesbiana) or DRG isolated from neonatal rat (P3-P16) according to modifications of the protocol of Huettner and Baughman tg. Ganglia from frog were dissected in an oxygenated Ca z+free Ringer's solution (in mM): NaC1 100, KCI 2.5, MgCI 2 5,
glucose 10, HEPES 10, pH 7.4. Ganglia were cut in half, and tissue pieces were incubated at 30-35 °C with 1 mg/ml collagenase
(type I, Sigma) plus 5 mg/ml dispase (Boehringer Mannheim Biochemicals, Indianapolis, IN) in the Ca2+-free Ringer's solution. After 1 h, the enzyme solution was replaced with a fresh Ca2+-free
Ringer's solution containing 5 mg/ml dispase. The tissue was incubated at room temperature for an additional hour or until trituration yielded single cells. The mixture was then diluted 2-fold with
Ringer's solution containing 2 mM CaCI 2 and stored at 4 °C until
use. DRG cells from neonatal rats were obtained by a similar protocol except the DRG were dissected in an oxygenated, CaZ+-free
Tyrode's solution containing (in mM): NaCI 150, KCI 4, MgC12 2,
glucose 10, HEPES 10, pH 7.4. Cells were dissociated by incubation in 20 U/ml papain (Worthington Biochemical, Freehold, NJ)
for 1.5 h in Ca2+-free Ringer's solution. The enzyme solution was
then replaced by a Tyrode's solution containing 2 mM CaC12, 1
mg/ml trypsin inhibitor (Type II-O, ovomucoid; Sigma), and 1
mg/ml bovine serum albumin (Sigma) at room temperature for at
least 15 min until trituration produced single cells. Rat DRG cells
were stored in the enzyme inhibitor solution at room temperature
until use.
Preparation of freshly dissociated cardiac cells
Acutely dissociated cells from adult rat heart were prepared as
previously described by Bean and Rios 5. Briefly, after Langendorf
perfusion with an oxygenated Ca2+-free saline solution composed
of (in raM): NaCI 135, KCI 5.4, MgCI 2 1, NaHPO 4 0.33, HEPES
10, pH 7.4, the heart was peffused for 40 rain with the same solution containing 1.5 mg/ml eollagenase (type I, Wortington) and
protease (type XXlII, Sigma) at 37 °C. The heart was then rinsed
at room temperature with a solution consisting of (in mM): K +glutamate 140, MgCI 2 5, EGTA 1, glucose 10, HEPES 10, pH 7.4.
Atria or ventricles were minced with scissors, triturated, and isolated cells stored in the K+-glutamate solution at 4 °C until use.
Voltage clamp
Macroscopic currents through voltage-activated Ca 2+ channels
were recorded using the whole-cell configuration of the patch clamp
technique ~5. Patch pipettes were made from borosilicate glass tubing (N51A, Drummond Scientific, Broomall, PA or Boralex, Roch-
ester Scientific Co., Rochester, NY), coated with Syigard (Dow
Coming Corp.) in some experiments, and fire-polished. Pipettes
had resistances of 1-5 Mf~ when filled with internal solution. For
experiments with the F l l - B 9 cells, an Axopatch electrometer
(Axon Instruments, Burlingame, CA) with a 0.5 Gf~ headstage was
used. Currents were filtered at 1 kHz using an 8-pole low-pass
Bessel filter (Frequency Devices, Haverhill, MA), digitized at > 2
kHz, and stored on a computer disc. Signals filtered at 20 kHz were
stored on a video tape-recorder. For experiments on other cells, a
List EPC-7 electrometer (Medical Systems Corp., Greenvale, NY)
was used, and currents were filtered with a 10 kHz 4-pole Bessel
filter built into the amplifier. As noted in the figure legends, some
traces were later filtered at 1 or 2 kHz using an 8-pole Bessel filter
(Frequency Devices). Currents were digitized at 5 kHz or 25 kHz
(for tail current recordings) and stored on a computer disc. Voltage pulses used to elicit current were 12-200 ms in duration and
were applied every 2-20 s. All records were corrected for leak and
capacitive currents by substraction of averaged and scaled currents
elicited by 4-16 hyperpolarizing pulses (-8 to -20 mV from the
holding potential). All experiments were done at room temperature (21-25 °C). Analysis was performed using in-house programs
written in C or Basic 23.
For F l l - B 9 cells, Ba 2+ currents were recorded with series resistances ranging from 2 to 10 Mf~ (estimated from optimal cancellation of capacity transients), which produced a voltage error of
0.2-1.0 mV for each 100 pA of current. Since Ba 2÷ currents in
F l l - B 9 cells were small, recordings were made without series resistance compensation and data points on the current-voltage curves
were corrected for the small estimated voltage error induced by the
series resistance. In 67 cells fed with differentiation medium, the
maximum sustained current was 224 -+ 20 pA and the maximum
transient current was 264 +- 24 pA. F l l - B 9 cells selected for electrophysiological study were isolated from other cells, had a roughly
spherical cell body about 20-30/~m in diameter, and did not have
processes that were longer than the cell diameter. For freshly dissociated neurons, round cell bodies (approx. 10-20 ~m for DRG
and 15-30 ~m for sympathetic neurons) were chosen to study and
for cardiac muscle, small myocytes (approx. 40/~m in length) were
chosen to minimize problems associated with inadequate space
clamp. In recordings from freshly dissociated cells, series resistances ranged from 0.5-2.1 Mf~ after compensation (typically 6090%) to produce a voltage error of 0.5-2.1 mV for each 1 nA of
current. Only data from freshly dissociated cells with low series resistance and currents small enough to maintain a voltage error of
less than 5 mV were analyzed. For all cell types, if there was any
sign of inadequate space clamp (regenerative activity, appearance
of notches), the experiment was ended.
In all recordings, we used holding potentials sufficiently negative
to prevent steady-state inactivation of any component of Ca 2+
channel current. F l l - B 9 cells were typically held at -70 or -80 mV,
and whole-cell current amplitudes never increased when depolarizations were applied from a holding potential of -110 mV. For all
other cells, appropriate holding potentials were determined from
the voltage required to prevent Ba 2+ current inactivation in each
cell; these were typically -80 to -100 mV for DRG and sympathetic
neurons and -90 to -120 mV for cardiac muscle.
A variety of solutions were used to isolate Ba z+ current through
Ca 2÷ channels. For F l l - B 9 cells, the standard internal solution
consisted of (in mM): Cs glutamate 100-120, HEPES (Sigma) 40,
TEACI 10, BAPTA (Calbiochem) 5, MgCI 2 1, CaC12 0.5, pH 7.37.35, mOsm 305-315. The free Ca z+ concentration was calculated
to be less than 15 nM. The standard external solution consisted of
(in mM): BaC12 30, TEACI 80 (or TEACI 40 and NaC1 40), glucose 25, CsCI 20, HEPES 5-10, TI'X 0.5-1 ~M, pH 7.3-7.35 with
CsOH, osmolality adjusted to 310-320 mOsm with sucrose. Drugs
dissolved in the external solution were applied via a perfusion pipette with a large tip opening (20-100/~m) positioned close to the
For neurons and cardiac cells, the standard internal solution consisted of (in mM): CsCI 108, HEPES 9, EGTA 9, MgC12 4.5, and
an ATP-regenerating solution ~2, pH 7.4 with CsOH. The ATP-regenerating solution consisted of (in mM): creatine phosphate 14
(Tris salt; Sigma), MgATP 4 (Sigma), GTP 0.3 (Tris salt; Bochringer Mannheim or Sigma), and 50 U/ml creatine phosphokinase
(Type 1, from rabbit muscle, Sigma), pH 7.4 with Tris base. Thc
free Ca 2+ concentration of this internal solution was less than 1 nM
and osmolality was 295-305 mOsm. Cells were patched in a modified Tyrode's solution consisting of (in raM): NaCI 150, KCI 4.
CaCI 2 2, MgCI 2 2, glucose 10, HEPES 10, and in most cxperiments,
BaCI 2 4. Immediately after establishing the whole-cell configuration, cells were lifted off the dish and drugs and external solution
were applied by moving the cell in front of a stream of solution
applied by a gravity-fed reservoir via one of several microcapillary
tubes (1/A 'microcaps'. Drummond Scientific) glued together sideby-side. For freshly dissociated cells, the control external solution
consisted of (in mM): BaCI 2 3, 5, or 10, TEACI 160 or 150, HEPES
10, and , in most experiments, TTX 3/*M, pH 7.4 with TEAOH.
Other external solutions were used in experiments to characterize the effects of bicarbonate on Gd 3+ block and arc described in
the appropriate figure legends. The external solutions contain several common features: TEA and cesium to block K + channels,
TI'X to block Na + channels, Ba 2+ as the charge carrier, HEPES
to buffer pH, and 5-22.6 mM sodium bicarbonate. All solutions
were equilibrated in air to pH 7.3-7.4 with TEAOH or CsOH.
Lanthanides, as chloride salts, (99.999% pure, Aldrich Chemical
Co., Milwaukee, WI) were diluted into the external solution from
concentrated stock solutions. Stock solutions of nimodipine and
BayK 8644 (both from Miles Pharmaceuticals, New Haven, CT)
were prepared in ethanol or DMSO and were stored in the dark at
4 °C. Working solutions of dihydropyridincs were prepared immediately prior to use by dilution of the stock solution with the external recording solution (final ethanol or DMSO concentrations
were ~<0.1%). ~o-Conotoxin fraction GVIA was from Peninsula
Peptides (Belmont, CA).
Curve fitting
Experimental data were fit to the indicated equation by non-linear least squares regression using the Quasi-Newton minimization
method of the commercially available package SYSTAT. Curves
were drawn using in-house programs written in Pascal. All data
represent means + S.E.M.
c r e a s e t h e local G d 3~ c o n c e n t r a t i o n as well as c o m p e t e
w i t h G d 3+ for a c h a n n e l b i n d i n g site.
W e w e r e i n t e r e s t e d in d e t e r m i n i n g w h e t h e r s u b m a x i mal concentrations of Gd ~
s h o w e d s e l e c t i v e b l o c k of
kinetically isolated components
o f t h e w h o l e - c e l l C a e,
cells since t h e w h o l e - c e l l B a 2+ c u r r e n t in t h e s e
cells (see i n s e t Fig. 2 A ) c a n d e s e p a r a t e d i n t o t w o distinct kinetic components,
t r a n s i e n t a n d s u s t a i n e d cur-
r e n t s . In this s t u d y , we h a v e n o t p h a r m a c o l o g i c a l l y sepa r a t e d N - t y p e a n d L - t y p e c u r r e n t s (see b e l o w ) in the
F1 l - B 9 cells, a l t h o u g h b o t h c u r r e n t t y p e s a r e e x p r e s s e d 7.
A s p r e v i o u s l y d e s c r i b e d 7, t h e t r a n s i e n t a n d s u s t a i n e d
c u r r e n t s h a v e d i f f e r e n t i n a c t i v a t i o n r a t e s a n d p e a k activ a t i o n v o l t a g e a n d c a n also b e e x p r e s s e d in r e l a t i v e isolation under certain culture conditions. Transient and
s u s t a i n e d c u r r e n t s , h o w e v e r , e x h i b i t e d o n l y m i n o r diff e r e n c e s in s e n s i t i v i t y to b l o c k b y G d ~ .
The dose-de-
p e n d e n c e o f G d 3+ b l o c k o f t h e t w o c u r r e n t s is d e m o n s t r a t e d in Fig. 2. T h e ICso for G d 3~ b l o c k o f t r a n s i e n t
c u r r e n t (Fig. 2 A ) was 0 . 9 5 / ~ M a n d for s u s t a i n e d c u r r e n t
(Fig. 2 C ) was 0.36 # M . T h u s , G d 3+ b l o c k o f s u s t a i n e d
c u r r e n t was o n l y 2 . 6 - f o l d m o r e p o t e n t t h a n b l o c k o f t r a n s i e n t c u r r e n t in F l l - B 9
r e l a t i o n s h i p s for t r a n s i e n t (Fig. 2 B )
a n d s u s t a i n e d (Fig. 2D} B a 2+ c u r r e n t s in F l l - B 9
frog DRG neuron
frog sympathetic neuron
2 nA
2 nA
40 ms
Gd 3+ block of kinetic components o f Ca channel current
G d 3+
rat atria[ cell
rat ventricuJar ce!!
B a z+ c u r r e n t s in all n e u r o n s a n d m u s c l e cells t e s t e d a n d
t h e F 1 1 - B 9 cell line. L o w c o n c e n t r a t i o n s o f G d 3+ (300
b l o c k e d w h o l e - c e l l c u r r e n t in frog D R G n e u -
r o n s (Fig. 1 A , n = 3) a n d r a t a t r i a l (Fig. 1C, n = 2) a n d
v e n t r i c u l a r (Fig. 1D, n = 5) h e a r t cells. F o r frog symp a t h e t i c n e u r o n s (Fig. 1B, n = 5) a n d r a t D R G
(n = 10, n o t s h o w n ) , 10 # M G d 3+ b l o c k e d t h e w h o l e cell B a 2+ c u r r e n t . A h i g h e r c o n c e n t r a t i o n o f G d 3÷ (30
~ M ) w a s r e q u i r e d f o r c o m p l e t e b l o c k o f B a 2÷ c u r r e n t s
in t h e F l l - B 9
cells (Fig. 2 A , C ) . T h i s f i n d i n g m i g h t b e
e x p l a i n e d b y t h e h i g h e r c o n c e n t r a t i o n o f t h e c h a r g e carr i e r u s e d for c u r r e n t r e c o r d i n g s in t h e F l l - B 9
cells (30
m M B a 2+) c o m p a r e d to t h e n e u r o n s a n d c a r d i a c m u s c l e
cells (3, 5, o r 10 m M B a 2 ÷ ) . H i g h d i v a l e n t c o n c e n t r a tions might screen membrane
s u r f a c e c h a r g e s a n d de-
Fig. 1. Gd 3+ block of Ba 2+ currents in neuronal and cardiac muscle cells. Voltage-activated Ca 2+ channel currents were recorded in
external Ba 2+ solutions without (control) or with the indicated concentration of Gd 3+. Currents were recorded from a frog DRG neuron (A), holding potential (Vn) -80 mV, test potential (Vt) -10 mV,
a frog sympathetic neuron (B), V n = -100 mV, Vt = 0 mV; a rat
atrial cell (C), Vh = -100 mV, Vt = -20 mV; and rat vcntricular
cell (D), VI,= -120 mV, Vt = -20 inV. Data in (C) were filtered
at 1 kHz, all others were filtered at l0 kHz. The external solution
used in recordings from the neurons was (in mM): BaCI z 5, TEAC1
160, HEPES 10, T1FX 0.003, pH 7.4. Myocytes were recorded from
in a similar solution containing BaCI 2 10 and TEACI 150.
demonstrate that Gd 3÷ did not shift the current-voltage
relationships. These data indicate that Gd 3÷ block was
complete, and block by submaximal concentrations did
not reveal different components of Ca 2+ channel current.
Gd 3+ block o f N-type and L-type currents
Peripheral neurons have more than one type of Ca 2+
channel 4'16'3s but kinetic, activation, and inactivation
properties of Ca 2+ currents are not sufficiently different
to justify a kinetic separation of the current components
in a whole-cell recording (see control traces Fig. 1A,B).
Thus, we directly tested whether pharmacologically defined components of the whole-cell current were selectively blocked or spared by Gd 3+.
Since Gd 3+ was reported to be a selective blocker of
N-type current 9, we determined whether Gd 3+ block was
selective in cells that co-expressed N-type and non-Ntype Ca 2+ channel currents. We compared, in the same
cells, Gd 3+ block before and after exposure to a saturating concentration (3/~M) of ~o-conotoxin (CTX) fraction G V I A , a selective blocker of N-type Ca 2+ channels 1'2°'3°. In the present study, 3 MM CTX blocked 51
- 5.3% of whole-cell current in rat D R G neurons (range
= 32-78%, n = 9) and 80 --- 6.4% of current in frog
sympathetic neurons (range 51-98%, n = 10). Prior to
transient current
u 0.6
log [gadolinium] (M)
---8 - 7 - 6 - 5 - 4
log [gadolinium] (M)
"\~ "'-'--"~ ~ -,oo
'%300 nM G d /
/* ~" -200
• "~.~,../~
' "e~"
I ~
~50 -30 -10 I0
test potential (mY)
100 nM Gd
, --
-50 -30 -I0
test potential (mY)
Fig. 2. Gd 3+ block of Ba2+ currents in Fll-B9 cells. Fll-B9 cells
expressing both transient and sustained Ba2÷ currents were recorded from prior to and after addition of the indicated concentrations of Gd 3+. Currents were separated as described 7 and cumulative dose-response curves for block of (A) transient and (C)
sustained currents were constructed. Data points represent means
- S.E.M., n = 4-10. Smooth curves in (A) and (C) were fit by
non-linear least squares regression to the equation: fractional current = 1/(1 + ([Gd]/ICso)"). For both curves, n = 1.0. Inset in A:
Ba2÷ currents recorded with Vh = --70 mV, Vt = +20 mV. Current-voltage curves for (B) transient and (D) sustained currents
under control conditions or after block by the indicated, submaxireal concentrations of Gd 3+. Cells were voltage-clamped at -70 mV
and all external solutions contained 30 mM BaC12.
or following exposure to CTX, B a 2+ currents in rat
D R G and frog sympathetic neurons were blocked completely by 10 MM Gd 3+, indicating that Gd 3+ blocks
N-type channels as well as non-N-type channels. It was
not possible to completely isolate N-type current by the
use of dihydropyridine antagonists to block L-type currents; the remaining current is comprised of both CTXsensitive current as well as a current that is resistant to
both CTX and dihydropyridine antagonists 32.
All of the cell types tested are known to express
L-type dihydropyridine-sensitive Ca 2÷ channels, although the proportion of this current to total current
varies considerably in the different cells. Gd 3+ (300
n M - 1 MM) blocked nearly all Ba 2÷ current in rat atrial
(Fig. 1C) and ventricular (Fig. 1D) myocytes. Since Ba 2÷
current in cardiac muscle cells is largely L-type current 3,
these results suggest that cardiac muscle type L-type
channels are blocked by Gd 3+.
As a direct test of the possibility that Gd 3+ blocks
neuronal L-type Ca 2+ channels, we looked for Gd 3+
block of neuronal dihydropyridine-sensitive current.
First, we measured the degree of block of dihydropyridine-enhanced L-type tail current in rat D R G neurons.
As described by others 3°'32, dihydropyridine agonists selectively slow the deactivation of L-type Ca 2÷ channels,
which is experimentally useful for the separation of
L-type and N-type tail current components. In the
present study, in the absence of CTX or dihydropyridines, the decay of tail currents in rat D R G neurons
was fit well by a single exponential (r = 240-340 Ms).
CTX blocked a fraction of the tail current but did not
alter the timecourse of decay of the current. After exposure to 1 MM BayK 8644, tail currents decayed more
slowly and a second exponential (r = 1.5-3.0 ms, n =
3) was required to fit the timecourse of decay of the tails.
Gd 3÷ (10 MM) blocked all Ba 2÷ current during the depolarizing step and also blocked the BayK 8644-slowed
tail current during the repolarizing step (n = 3), indicating that Gd 3÷ blocks neuronal L-type current.
F l l - B 9 cells also express L-type current 7. To investigate the block by Gd 3+ of isolated L-type current in
F l l - B 9 cells, we measured the degree of block by successive applications of 10 MM Gd 3÷ and 300 nM nimodipine to the same cell at a holding potential of -35 mV
(n = 8). U n d e r these conditions, all nimodipine-sensitive, L-type current was blocked by Gd 3÷.
In summary, G d 3+ completely blocks whole-cell Ba 2+
current through multiple types of Ca 2÷ channel and
shows little selectivity for the different pharmacological
components of the whole-cell current.
Effects of other lanthanides on Ba 2+ currents
Two other trivalent cations, lutetium (Lu 3+) and lan-
transient current
sustained current
k- 0.8
00.6 l i l l ~
)o o., i
- 1 0 - 9 - 8 - 7 - 6 - 5 - 4
-7 -6 -5 - 4
log [lanthanum] (M)
-6~ 0 . 4
[ < L
5o.MGd\i\ /
\ x-/&l/I /"
log Elutetium] (M)
Fig. 3. Dose-response relationships for lanthanum and lutetium
block. Cumulative dose-response curves for (A) lanthanum (La 3+)
and (B) lutetium (Lu 3+) block of transient (solid circles) and sustained (open circles) Ba 2+ currents in F l l - B 9 cells. Data points
represent means -+ S.E.M. (n = 3-11 cells) and are expressed as a
fraction of the maximum transient or sustained component of the
Ba 2+ current. Smooth curves were fit as described in the legend to
Fig. 2; n = 1.0 for all curves expect for Lu 3+ block of sustained
current for which n = 0.9.
k I
test potential (mY)
log [gadolinium] (M)
- 1 0 - 9 - 8 - 7 - 6 - 5 - 4
log [gadolinium] (M)
test potential (mV)
Fig. 4. Bicarbonate modifies Gd 3+ block in F l l - B 9 cells. F l l - B 9
cells expressing both transient and sustained Ba 2÷ currents were
recorded from prior to and after addition of the indicated concentrations of Gd 3+ in external solution containing sodium bicarbonate 5 raM, HEPES 5 mM and BaC12 20 mM. Cumulative dose-response curves for block of (A) transient and (C) sustained currents.
Data points represent means --- S.E.M., n -- 4-10. Smooth curves
in (A) and (C) were fit as described in Fig. 2; for the transient current, n - 0.8 and for the sustained current n = 0.9. Inset in A:
Ba 2÷ currents recorded with Vh = -70 mV and Vt = +20 mV.
Current-voltage curves in the presence of 5 mM sodium bicarbonate for (B) transient and (D) sustained currents under control conditions (HCO 3- alone) or after incomplete block by high concentrations of Gd 3+.
the l a n t h a n i d e s w e r e slightly m o r e p o t e n t b l o c k e r s of
sustained c u r r e n t t h a n transient current. L a 3+ d e m o n strated the g r e a t e s t
t h a n u m (La 3+) also c o m p l e t e l y b l o c k e d t r a n s i e n t and
B a 2+ c u r r e n t s
in F l l - B 9
b l o c k e d all B a 2÷ c u r r e n t in rat D R G
cells and
La 3+
and frog s y m p a -
selectivity, a p p r o x i m a t e l y
m o r e p o t e n t b l o c k of s u s t a i n e d c u r r e n t t h a n transient
c u r r e n t in F l l - B 9
cells. A l l fitted curves had slope co-
efficients not significantly d i f f e r e n t f r o m 1.0. This indi-
thetic n e u r o n s . T h e d o s e - d e p e n d e n c e of L a 3+ and L u 3+
cates that, in t h e F l l - B 9
block o f t r a n s i e n t and sustained c u r r e n t s in F l l - B 9
c u r r e n t s are distinguished p o o r l y by selectivity to a par-
is s h o w n in Fig. 3.
T h e ICs0s for b l o c k of F l l - B 9 cell B a 2+ c u r r e n t s by
G d 3+, La 3+, and L u 3+ are c o m p a r e d in Table I. All of
ticular l a n t h a n i d e .
cells, the kinetically s e p a r a t e d
G e n e r a l l y , block by l a n t h a n i d e s of
B a 2÷ currents was reversible. This was the case for short
applications at c o n c e n t r a t i o n s less t h a n 10 # M , h o w e v e r ,
l a n t h a n i d e applications l o n g e r t h a n 2 min s e v e r e l y ret a r d e d the r e c o v e r y of the B a 2+ c u r r e n t s and the lifetime
of the recording. R e v e r s i b i l i t y of b l o c k was i m p r o v e d by
washing the cell with c o n t r o l solution c o n t a i n i n g 0.1 m M
Lanthanide block of Bad+ currents in Fll-B9 cells
ICs0s were determined by best fits to the equation: fractional
current = 1/(l+([lanthanide]/ICso) n) with n = 1.0, n = 0.8 (b),
or n = 0.9 (c). The maximum block was estimated to be 61% a or
100% in all other cases.
Gadolinium + 5 mM bicarbonate
Lanthanum "
lCso (#M)
0.36 0.03"
G ~ + block in the presence o f bicarbonate
In an a t t e m p t to r e p l i c a t e the o b s e r v a t i o n s of D o c h e r t y 9, we i n v e s t i g a t e d the characteristics of G d 3+ b l o c k
of B a 2+ c u r r e n t s w h e n s o d i u m b i c a r b o n a t e was a d d e d to
the s t a n d a r d H E P E S - b u f f e r e d e x t e r n a l solution. T h e addition of s o d i u m b i c a r b o n a t e ( 5 - 2 2 . 6 m M ) r e d u c e d the
p r o p o r t i o n of B a 2+ c u r r e n t that could be b l o c k e d by
G d 3+. F u r t h e r m o r e , the fraction of B a 2÷ c u r r e n t that
was resistant to b l o c k by this m i x t u r e e x h i b i t e d m o r e
rapid decay than the original whole-cell current.
F11-B9 cells. In the F l l - B 9 cells, where transient and
sustained currents can be s e p a r a t e d , the presence of sodium b i c a r b o n a t e (5 m M ) p r o d u c e d an a p p a r e n t decrease in the effectiveness of G d 3+ as a transient current
blocker; the IC50 increased from 0.95 to' 67 /~M (Fig.
4A). In contrast, b i c a r b o n a t e p r o d u c e d an a p p a r e n t increase in the potency of block of sustained current by
Gd3+; the IC50 decreased from 0.36 to 0.03 # M (Fig.
4C). A s shown in Fig. 4 A , C , bicarbonate did not simply
shift the d o s e - r e s p o n s e curve for G d 3+ block. Instead,
bicarbonate r e n d e r e d a fraction of the current resistant
to block by the highest soluble concentrations of G d 3+
(100/~M). The resistant fraction was comprised of both
transient and sustained components. G e n e r a l l y , one-half
of the transient current and one-third of the sustained
current were not blocked by 100/~M G d 3+ in the presence of b i c a r b o n a t e (Fig. 4 A , C ) .
Peripheral neurons. B i c a r b o n a t e caused a similar reduction in the effectiveness of G d 3+ block of Ba 2÷ current in rat D R G neurons. In neurons perfused with a
bicarbonate-containing external solution, G d 3+, at concentrations up to 50/~M, only partially b l o c k e d the Ba e÷
current. In the presence of sodium b i c a r b o n a t e (20-22.6
mM), the incomplete block by G d 3+ revealed a substantial transient c o m p o n e n t in all cells and a smaller sustained c o m p o n e n t which was not present in all cells (Fig.
5 A , C ) . F o r e x a m p l e , in the presence of 10 ktM G d 3+ plus
b i c a r b o n a t e (n = 9), 39 ± 12% of the p e a k and 11 ±
2.2% of the long-lasting current (measured at 109-119
ms) remained. In contrast, in the absence of bicarbonate only 2.3 _+ 1.0% of the p e a k and 1.5 ± 0.8% of the
long-lasting current r e m a i n e d after block by 10 ~ M G d 3÷
(n = 12). The current that was resistant to block by 5 0 100 ~ M G d 3+ in the presence of bicarbonate was nearly
eliminated by 300 # M Cd 2÷ (87 _+ 3.6% block, n = 8
F 1 1 - B 9 cells) or 3 m M Cd 2÷ (Fig. 5C; 86 +-- 9.5% block,
n = 3 rat D R G neurons). This suggests that a large
fraction of these currents were Ca 2+ channel currents.
In similar experiments on frog sympathetic neurons,
an effect of b i c a r b o n a t e on G d 3÷ block of Ba 2+ currents
was less p r o n o u n c e d although block was still incomplete.
In the presence of 10 # M G d 3+ plus sodium bicarbonate
(20-22.6 mM; n = 7), 13 ± 3.8% of the p e a k and 6.0 --2.0% of the long-lasting current r e m a i n e d in these cells.
In contrast, in the absence of b i c a r b o n a t e only 1.3 ±
0.5% of the p e a k and 0.7 ± 0.5% of the long-lasting
current r e m a i n e d after block by 10 # M G d 3+ (Fig. 1B,
n = 5).
The effect of G d 3÷ plus bicarbonate on whole-cell
Ba 2+ current in F l l - B 9 cells (Fig. 4) and rat D R G neurons (Fig. 5A) is similar to that previously described for
N G 1 0 8 - 1 5 cells 9 where the effect was attributed to se-
lective block of N-type Ca 2+ channels. This explanation
seems unlikely since C T X block of whole-cell Ba 2+ current does not alter the relative p r o p o r t i o n s of inactivating and non-inactivating current components. This is
seen clearly in Fig. 5B where C T X b l o c k e d equal fractions of the current whether m e a s u r e d at the p e a k or at
the end of the 120 ms depolarization. This is a consistent finding in rat and frog p e r i p h e r a l neurons and sug-
10 ~
Cd/HCO31 Gd/HCO3-
l nA
I 0 #,M OdlHCO3-
3000 uM Cd
50 Gd/HCO3 -
1 nA
Fig. 5. Bicarbonate influences Gd 3+ block in rat DRG neurons. A:
Ba2+ currents recorded under control conditions (in mM: BaCI 2 3,
NaCI 20, TEACI 150, HEPES 10, TI'X 0.003, after exposure to
the same solution plus 22 mM sodium bicarbonate (HCO3-), and
after partial block by 1 and 10/~M Gd 3+ in the presence of bicarbonate. Ba 2÷ currents in (B) and (C) were recorded in the presence of 22 mM sodium bicarbonate (HCO3-). Currents in (B) are
control current (HCO 3- alone), after block by 3/~M to-CTX, and
after block of the remaining current by 10/~M Gd 3+. C: control
current (HCO 3- alone), after block by 50 /aM Gd 3+, and after
block remaining currents by 3 mM Cd 2+. Currents were recorded
with Vh = MOO mV, Vt = -10 mV and were filtered at 1 kHz. All
data are representative of 4-10 cells.
gests that CTX and Gd 3+ plus bicarbonate do not block
identical fractions of the whole-cell current.
We directly addressed the question of whether bicarbonate confers a selectivity to Gd 3+ block of N-type or
non-N-type currents. In the presence of 20-22.6 mM sodium bicarbonate, we compared Gd 3+ block of Ba 2÷
currents in rat D R G neurons both before and after block
of N-type current by a saturating concentration of CTX
(3 ¢tM). Gd 3+ block in the presence of bicarbonate was
incomplete for both the unfractionated whole-cell current (Fig. 5A) as well as the CTX-resistant (non-N-type)
currents (Fig. 5B). There is more block by Gd 3÷ plus
bicarbonate than can be accounted for by block of only
N-type current (Fig. 5A) which represented approximately 50% of the whole-cell current in the rat D R G
neurons used in this study. In the presence of bicarbonate, the CTX-insensitive current was unchanged (116 -+
13% of control) by 10 or 50 #M Gd 3÷ when measured at
the peak but was 77 _ 3.6% blocked when measured at
the end of the 120 ms pulse (n = 4). Thus, removal of
the N-type current also removed the block of peak current but only slightly reduced the block when measured
at the end of the pulse. Bicarbonate itself, in the absence
of Gd 3+, did not alter the peak Ba 2+ current either before or after CTX exposure but a small fraction of the
block measured at the end of the pulse may be explained
by the effects of bicarbonate itself (Fig. 5A).
Thus, similar to the finding from F l l - B 9 cells (above)
and NG108-15 cells9, Gd 3+ in the presence of bicarbonate demonstrated greater block of a long-lasting component of the whole-cell current in rat D R G neurons. The
influence of bicarbonate on Gd 3+ block cannot easily be
explained by selective block of either N-type or non-Ntype currents, however.
Since Gd 3+ in the presence of bicarbonate blocked
only a fraction of the whole-cell Ba 2+ current, we considered the possibility that bicarbonate influenced the
current-voltage relationship of the whole-cell current.
Even in the presence of bicarbonate, however, Gd 3÷
block never induced more than a -10 mV shift in the
current-voltage relationship of either the transient (Fig.
4B) or the sustained (Fig. 4D) current in F l l - B 9 cells
or the whole-cell current in rat D R G or frog sympathetic
neurons (data not shown). Submaximal concentrations
of Gd 3+ appeared to block proportionately at all test
potentials examined, up to +40 mV.
We considered the possibility that modification of
Gd 3÷ block of rat D R G Ba 2+ current in the presence of
bicarbonate might be due to a change in external or internal pH. External solutions were buffered with 5-10
mM HEPES and the pH of solutions applied to each cell
was measured before and after each experiment with a
maximum alkalinization of 0.15 units (typically ~< 0.02
for additions of 5 mM bicarbonate and about 0.1 for additions of 20 mM bicarbonate). These relatively small
changes in external pH would not be expected to account for the observations reported here. We also investigated the possibility that external bicarbonate might
modify Gd 3+ block by altering internal pH. To test this
hypothesis, Gd 3+ block was studied in rat DRG neurons
using an internal solution with a strong hydrogen ion
buffering capacity comprised of (in mM): Cs HEPES
160, CsCI 10, EGTA 10, and the nucleotide regenerating system. In these cells (n = 3), Gd 3+ block in the absence of bicarbonate was complete and block in the presence of 20 mM bicarbonate was incomplete (data not
shown). For example, in the presence of 10 pM Gd 3+
plus bicarbonate, 28 + 6.5% of the peak current and 13
-+ 1.4% of the long-lasting current remained. Thus, a
change in internal pH cannot be ruled out directly, but
it seems unlikely that this would completely explain the
modification of Gd 3+ block by bicarbonate.
The most important finding of this study is that bicarbonate modifies the block of Ba 2÷ currents by Gd 3+ in a
variety of cell types. Gd 3+ (1-100/~M) dissolved in a
HEPES-buffered solution containing bicarbonate produced an incomplete block of Ba 2÷ currents in F l l - B 9
cells and rat D R G neurons. Bicarbonate appeared to
enhance the Gd 3+ block of sustained currents and reduce the block of transient currents. In contrast, bicarbonate did not alter the nearly complete block of Ba 2÷
currents by high concentrations of Cd 2÷ and had smaller
effects on Gd 3+ block of Ba 2+ currents in frog sympathetic neurons.
The Gd3+-resistant current observed in the presence
of bicarbonate is reminiscent of that reported by Docherty 9 under similar experimental conditions. This effect of Gd 3+ in the presence of bicarbonate occurred
without a consistent change in external pH. Possible effects on internal pH cannot be ruled out but seem unlikely to account for these data since similar observations
were made when a strong pH buffer (Cs HEPES 160
mM) was used in the internal recording solution. Furthermore, bicarbonate alone only slightly increased the
rate of decay of Ba 2÷ current in peripheral neurons (Fig.
5A) and even occasionally enhanced the current amplitude in F l l - B 9 cells (data not shown).
We considered the possibility that the transient current remaining in high concentrations of Gd 3+ in the
presence of Na t bicarbonate might be a TTX-insensitive
Na + current. Three lines of evidence argue against this
possibility. First, the reversal potential of the resistant
current is the same as that of the whole-cell Ba 2+ cur-
rent, even in the presence of bicarbonate. Second, a
TrX-resistant Na + current in rat D R G neurons is induced by external acidification21 and would not be expected to be activated in the bicarbonate experiments in
which external pH was 7.4-7.55. Third, the current that
remained in F l l - B 9 cells and rat D R G neurons after
block by 50-100/~M Gd 3+, in the presence of bicarbonate, was nearly eliminated by 0.3-3 mM Cd 2+ (Fig. 5C)
suggesting that a large fraction of these currents were
indeed Ca 2+ channel currents.
The transient current that remains in rat D R G neurons after block by 10-100 #M Gd 3+ in the presence of
sodium bicarbonate is probably not a T-type Ca 2÷ channel current. The whole-cell Ba 2+ current was not enhanced by holding potentials as negative as -100 mV,
and only a small fraction of these cells express T-type
current 32. Nevertheless, selective pharmacological agents
for T-type currents have not been identified so we cannot rule out this possibility.
Considering the nearly complete block by Cd 2÷ in the
presence of bicarbonate, it seems unlikely that bicarbonate modifies the Ca 2+ channel itself but rather that it
modifies the blocking agent. We were unable to locate
any direct information concerning Gd3+-bicarbonate
complexes although lanthanides are reported to interact
strongly with most biological buffers with the exceptions
of HEPES and PIPES 1°. It is clear that bicarbonate is
not simply reducing the concentration of free Gd 3+,
since bicarbonate influenced the block of F l l - B 9 cell
sustained and transient currents in opposite directions.
A Gda+-bicarbonate complex, therefore, may be a blocking species with different properties from free Gd 3+. It
is interesting that bicarbonate has been shown previously
to interact with other substances to change their properties. L-fl-Methylaminoalanine, for example, becomes
an N M D A receptor agonist in the presence of bicarbonate 33'36. In addition, L-cysteine is rendered excitotoxic
and activates larger currents in a bicarbonate-buffered
solution than in a HEPES-buffered solution 29.
Docherty9 suggested that (in a bicarbonate-containing
solution) Gd 3÷ blocks selectively N-type Ca 2÷ channels
in NG108-15 ceils. Our data do not support this interpretation since both CTX-sensitive and insensitive Ba 2+
current in rat D R G were fully blocked by Gd 3÷. A hy-
1 Aosaki, T. and Kasai, H., Characterization of two kinds of highvoltage-activated Ca channel currents in chick sensory neurons:
different sensitivity to dihydropyridines and to-conotoxinGVIA,
Pfliigers Arch., 414 (1989) 150-156.
2 Bean, B.P., Nitrendipine block of cardiac calcium channels:
high-affinity binding to the inactivated state, Proc. Natl. Acad.
Sci. U.S.A., 8 (1984) 6388-6392.
pothesis that is consistent with our findings is that the
decay of the whole-cell Ba 2÷ current in the presence of
Gd 3+ plus bicarbonate is due to a time-dependent block
of Ca 2+ channels by a Gda+-bicarbonate complex. Block
by a Gda+-bicarbonate complex may be promoted by
channel opening, as suggested for Gd 3+ block of L-type
channels in a rat pituitary cell line 6.
In the absence of bicarbonate, all lanthanides tested
blocked all Ba 2÷ current components non-selectively, including N-type and L-type currents. The latter finding is
consistent with recent reports that lanthanides block (+)
202-791-enhanced single Ca 2÷ channels in a skeletal
muscle cell line 22 and L-type channels in endocrine cells 6.
In addition to N-type and L-type currents, Gd 3+, in the
absence of bicarbonate, must block other types of Ca 2+
channel current such as a novel neuronal high-threshold
current that is resistant to block by both CTX and dihydropyridine antagonists 32. Also, based on the complete
block of unfractionated Ba 2+ current in cardiac myocytes, it seems likely that Gd 3÷ blocks cardiac muscle
T-type currents 3'26'27.
Three conclusions can be drawn from our data. First,
in the absence of bicarbonate, Gd 3+ and other lanthanides non-selectively block voltage-activated Ca 2÷
channels. Second, sodium bicarbonate alters Gd 3+ block
in a complex fashion; the block of Ba 2+ current is incomplete and the remaining current decays more rapidly
than the original whole-cell current. Thus, bicarbonate
confers an apparently greater selectivity to Gd 3+ block
of non-inactivating or slowly inactivating Ba 2+ currents
in certain cell types. Finally, even in the presence of sodium bicarbonate, Gd 3+ blocks both N-type and non-Ntype currents.
Acknowledgements. This work was supported by NIH Grant
NS23804 (R.D.), a predoctoral fellowship from the National Institute on Drug Abuse (L.M.B.), and by NIH/HL-35034 to Bruce
Bean. We thank Miles Pharmaceuticals for the gifts of nimodipine
and BayK 8644. We are grateful to Paul Ceelen for help with the
preparation of dissociated neurons, Bruce Bean for helpful advice
and the preparation of cardiac muscle cells, and Jim Huettner,
Isabelle Mintz, Robert Rosenberg, and Kenton Swartz for helpful
comments on the manuscript. We also thank R.J. Docherty for descriptions of his unpublished data and comments on an early version of the manuscript.
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