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Aspek Keperilakuan Pada Persyaratan Pelaporan dan Audit Internal, 2023
Grecia Febnasdi Rahelia Hulu C1C020053 , 2022
Akuntansi Keperilakuan, 2022
Tugas Akuntansi Keperilakuan
Shinta Syafitri, 2022
Puji syukur kehadirat Allah SWT yang telah memberikan rahmat dan hidayah-Nya sehingga kami dapat menyelesaikan tugas pembuatan RMB yang berjudul "Aspek Keperilakuan pada Audit Internal " ini tepat pada waktunya. Adapun tujuan dari pembuatan tugas ini adalah untuk memenuhi tugas dari bapak Dr.
Fontes Linguae Vasconum Studia Et Documenta, 1982
The study aims to focus on resource management aspect in leather industry in Bangladesh.Leather industry in Bangladesh was developed on a large-scale basis from 1970's. Most of the industries are export oriented and about 95% of leather and leather products in the form of crust leather, finished leather, leather garments and footwear are marketed abroad. Value addition in these exports averages 85% local and 15% foreign. About 40 to 100 tannery units among 206 are now in operation in the sector. Most of the industries are located in the Hazaribagh area of Dhaka city. This sector has emerging opportunities to contribute to our economy due to the availability of raw materials. But due to the improper utilization of our resources, this highly productive sector is in risks. This study focuses on the crucial point of use of our available resources and find out the way of overcoming management technique helping this sector to retain on the track. Strategic of resource management, human resource planning, recruitment, training and development and job evaluation are main aspect of resource management aspect.
All Disney movies seem to have a pattern: a girl, a love interest, a battle and a fall… but what really happened? Very few of these tales are Disney originals, but the Disney versions are sometimes so different than the original that you may not even recognize it. We all love the Disney tales, the classics like Snow White, Sleeping Beauty and Cinderella, or the more recent Disney movies like Rapunzel. There's something enchanting and magical about all these tales. Not only do they end up with happy endings, they are also brilliantly told and illustrated. There's one other thing in common with these four, they were all originally Grimm's tales. Due to the amount of information with each of these tales I'm going to break this into a few posts. Today let's talk about one of my favourites: Snow White! We all know the Disney version: Snow White is " the fairest of them all " and her evil Stepmother is jealous. In order to remain the fairest she orders the huntsman to take Snow into the woods and kill her, and he is told to bring back her heart as proof. When the huntsman takes her he can not kill her and instead tells her to run, bringing the heart of a boar back instead. Snow then finds the dwarfs in the woods, is convinced by an old lady to eat an apple, falls into a deep sleep and wakes at the kiss by her " true love ". Also in the Disney version the Queen falls off a Cliff (I'm sure you know the pattern here) and Snow goes off to live happily ever after. Now, with that insanely condensed version, let's look at the darker side of Snow White. First off I have to say Snow was never the brightest cookie, in the original the Queen didn't try only once, she tried 3 times to kill Snow White. The Queen tries to kill her with a Bodice, a Poisoned Comb and then the Apple. Each time Snow opens the door to the Queen (despite the dwarfs telling her to open the door to NO ONE), dressed as an old peddler woman, then another old woman, then finally a peasant woman (with a stained face). I guess the Queen must have been a master of disguises to not be detected each time. But then again you have to look at Snow's original age. In the Disney version Snow was meant to be in her teens, which seems acceptable, but in the original Grimm's tale Snow was merely seven years old. Now keep that in mind about the rest of the differences. Let's start with the Queen. I have to say the Queen was very determined, although I think all the poison and suffocation seems too difficult when she could have done the job much easier, but that is the way of things. In the original version she actually ATE what she believed to be Snow's Lungs and Liver… how twisted is that? Something else is that the Queen isn't her Stepmother in the original Grimm's fable. Nope, she's her actual mother. It is believed that the Grimm brothers changed it to be her stepmother in one of the later versions because they decided that " mother " needed to be sacred. So that's when the version changed to Snow's mother dying in childbirth and her father remarrying a beautiful yet arrogant woman. Now let's look at the biggest change. In the Disney version everything is solved with True Love's kiss. Well, Grimm wasn't so sweet. Instead the Prince came to the Dwarfs cabin looking for a place to rest that night. Upon arriving he saw a beautiful woman at the top of a hill in a glass case. When he saw her he thought she was so beautiful he couldn't stay away from her. He offers to buy her off of the Dwarfs, who refuse. He then asks them to give her to him as a gift because he couldn't live a day without gazing upon her. They pity him and agree. From here I found two slight variations. The first is the Prince brings her back to the palace where she is moved with him from room to room. The servants get so frustrated carrying this giant heavy coffin, with a dead girl inside, everywhere in the palace that one finally opens the coffin and angrily picks up and drops the girl. This dislodges the piece of apple and she awakes (via the daily beast). The other states that once the Dwarfs give the coffin to the prince, the servants started walking with the coffin and tripped over a shrub, dropping the coffin which dislodged the piece of apple (via Either way, there was no kiss, there was a stumble or bump in each version that performed the same as a Heimlich maneuver and dislodged the piece of apple. Of course both have her waking to the prince who professes his love and they decide to marry right away (in some version it's even the next day. I'm always impressed at how quickly they can put on a wedding when needed. Do they have people in the palace with weddings all planned to swoop in and get it done? But I digress). Let's stop right there… scroll up and read her age….7. She was SEVEN years old, with 7 dwarfs and she is getting married to a prince. Now that I'm done my modern outrage at the fact that at one time it was normal for a 7 (or even 8, heck 10 would be bad enough) year old to get married to a prince, we can move on to the fate of the Queen. The Queen, of course, is invited to the wedding and upon getting ready asks the mirror that fated question. This time the mirror responds " You my queen are the fairest here, but the new queen is a thousand times more fair " (via This spurs her to go to the wedding (which she wasn't sure she was going to attend until her vanity got the better of her) where: " When she entered, Snow White recognized her right away. The queen was so terrified that
Menadzment u hotelijerstvu, 2021
Autori u ovoj knjizi, interdisciplinarnim pristupom, nastoje dati prikaz koncepta upravljanja u hotelijerskoj delatnosti. U knjizi se ističe značaj menažmenta, kao preduslova uspešnog poslovanja i pozicioniranja hotelskih kompanija, uloga menadžmenta u kreiranju i ostvarivanju vizije, misije i strategijskih ciljeva i pravaca razvoja u preduzećima iz domena hotelijerstva i turizma. Autori u ovoj knjizi, interdisciplinarnim pristupom, nastoje dati prikaz koncepta upravljanja u hotelijerskoj delatnosti. U knjizi se ističe značaj menažmenta, kao preduslova uspešnog poslovanja i pozicioniranja hotelskih kompanija, uloga menadžmenta u kreiranju i ostvarivanju vizije, misije i strategijskih ciljeva i pravaca razvoja u preduzećima iz domena hotelijerstva i turizma.
Voicing Out Silences edited by Itzel Esquivel, Anawana Haloba and Gala Berger , 2024
Journal of Advances in Humanities andSocial Sciences, 2023
Journal of Operations and Strategic Planning, 2024
International Journal of Islamic Architecture, 2018
Research Square (Research Square), 2022
Nestlé Nutrition workshop series. Paediatric programme, 2010
Revista Latinoamericana de Difusión Científica, 2019
Revista Valise, 2014
Journal of Arid Environments, 2004
Applied Geochemistry, 2010
The American Journal of Human Genetics, 2011
TRANSLANG22/1, 2023
Cadernos Da Fucamp, 2014
Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, 2020
South African Journal of Botany, 2016
Journal of Chemotherapy, 1997