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In this PDF the traditional Ṛgveda Padapāṭha is shown as transliterated text with accents marking the udātta and independent svarita. agním | īḷe | puráḥ-hitam / yajñásya | devám | r̥tvíjam || hótāram | ratna-dhā́tamam ||1.1.1|| samānī́ | vaḥ | ā́-kūtiḥ / samānā́ | hŕ̥dayāni | vaḥ || samānám | astu | vaḥ | mánaḥ / yáthā | vaḥ | sú-saha | ásati ||10.191.4|| The original data entry of the Devanāgarī text of the Padapāṭha was done by the members of the Sansknet Project. Proofreading (see following reference), correction and conversion of the Devanāgarī to transliteration with accents marking the udātta and the independent svarita was done by me (Detlef Eichler). Hymns of the Rig Veda in the Samhita and Pada Texts, Max Müller, Second Edition (Two Volumes) (1877). The original Padapāṭha does not show (1) the end of an internal pāda and (2) the end of a half-line (ardharca, hemistich). In this edition I have added "/" at the end of an internal pāda and a double daṇḍa (||) at the end of a half-line. The Ṛgveda-Padapāṭha contains 163557 words. Among these words are 22209 compound words (puráḥ-hitam, ratna-dhā́tamam etc.).
Bohemica Olomucensia
The researchers gathered a corpus of 71 inscriptions of various size and contrasted them with a collection published by Česlav Chytrý; his vast database, however, could not be included in the analysis due to unreliable transcriptions and illegible writing on the pictures.The inscriptions show two scripts in use-Cyrillic and Latin. There were 52 instances of predominant Latin script, 16 instances of Cyrillic and 3 hybrid examples. The analysis of grammar and spelling revealed tendencies to non-standard linguistic patterns, e.g., variable vowel length, confusing i/y characters, confusing voiced and voiceless consonants, inaccurate graphemes, and the influence of Ukrainian. Out of 52 Czech inscriptions, only 17 did not contain any non-standard features. Apart from a brief commentary on design of inscriptions, the content analysis focused on personal details of the deceased, their family relations and characteristics which had been appreciated (for instance, the most frequent adjectives were dear, good, and beloved). Moreover, the research reflected on images of death and afterlife grounded in the Christian concepts of life, Purgatory and Heaven. The inscriptions written in verse had been taken mostly from folk poetry, depicting family's grief as well as their hope in an afterlife. Other criteria for analysis included presentation of biographical details which had used both Roman and Arabic numerals and had been influenced by practices typical for Ukrainian.
Předmětem této práce je tvorba specializovaného korpusu mluvené banátské češtiny. V teoretické části je popsán historický kontext a jazyková situace na území Banátu s důrazem na stav od 90. let 20. století do současnosti. Následuje podrobné nastínění problematiky specializovaných jazykových korpusů se zaměřením na korpusy mluvené češtiny. Podrobně je zdokumentována samotná tvorba specializovaného korpusu BANÁT (metoda sběru, zpracování a přepisu nahrávek; vytvoření korpusu a jeho zveřejnění). Následný empirický výzkum a analýza příklonek, přivlastňovacích zájmen, záporných zájmen a zájmenných příslovcí a příklonek v bígerské mluvené češtině potvrdily statisticky signifikantní odlišnost od stavu současné češtiny na našem území (u všech sledovaných jevů kromě příklonek). Klíčová slova Banát, banátská čeština, Bígr, čeština v zahraničí, korpus BANÁT, mluvený jazyk, specializované korpusy, tvorba korpusu, zájmenaThe purpose of this thesis was to build a specialised corpus of Banatian Cz...
Превод и коректура резимеа на руском језику Светлана Гољак, Эльвира Анатольевна Сорокина Коректура радова на руском језику Эльвира Анатольевна Сорокина Припрема за штампу Милан Тасић Тираж 400 примерака Штампа Службени гласник, Београд © Српска академија наука и уметности, 2017 * Ústav pro jazyk český AV ČR,
The thesis consists of two parts. The first part contains the Czech translation of the introduction and first two chapters of the book of the Argentine psychologist and theologian Bernardo Stamateas Gente tóxica: Cómo tratar con las personas que te complican la vida. It is a self- help book for the general public. The author describes different types of persons who can complicate our life, for example people with tendencies to manipulate others, psychopaths or people who tend to complain frequently. The author presents some recommendations on how to resist these people and how to prevent them from controlling us. The second part is a commentary where translation procedures, problems encountered while translating and their solutions are described on the basis of the translation analysis of the original text. Key words: annotated translation, expository texts, psychology, translation analysis, Spanish, translation problems, guilt, env
The thesis' topics are a reliefisation (literally rising from) and a parenthesis in contemporary written published Czech. Both of these lingusitic phenomena represent the instruments of the text hierarchisation, that means a magnitude of importance, so that an author may present selected informations in the way of emphasization, notification, or, conversely, as less significant completion, addition of the main message. By collected readings analysis, the thesis' purpose is to plot the incidences of reliefisation and parentesis in current published texts; the syntactic aspect comprises the clasification of individual varieties of presented phenomena, and the identification of the motives of their utilization. The theoretical section yields the synthesis of findings about that phenomena, and, in the case of parenthesis, it also brings intrinsic criteria for the definitions of terms - necessary approach due to interpersonal differencies in linguists' conceptions of the topi...
Journal for the theory of language and language cultivation, 2014
Against the background of various linguistic and non-linguistic fields of study, we present an initial definition of the concept of language management as an activity focused on any aspect of language or communication or on language or communication as a whole. We explain the position of Language Management Theory (LMT) as a sociolinguistic theory in relation to varying paradigms of language policy and planning. In this context, the theory's historical origins, which extend back to the collaborative work of J. V. Neustupný and B. H. Jernudd beginning in the 1960s, are elucidated. We summarize the reflection, categorization, and integration of LMT by other authors (R. Baldauf, B. Spolsky, M. Mwaniki and others), and also present critical views of these authors' work. We then outline the main aspects of LMT: typical contexts in which lan- guage is managed, the relationship between simple and organized management, the connection of language, communicative and sociocultural mana...
Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae – Historia litterarum
Materiálem analýz a komentářů, soustředěných v této práci, jsou drobné prozaické texty, otištěné v průběhu posledního desetiletí 19. století v českých časopisech. Kapitoly, věnované dvěma dílčím rokům (1890 / 1900), představují různě zryté fólie, mezi nimiž lze srovnávat, pasáž (kapitola) mezi nimi odpovídá zkratce, redukci, určité zkusmé úvaze, exponující víceméně vyhraněný fenomén (šílenost), kolem něhož modeluje pole nálezů.The materials for analyses and commentaries assembled in this work are short prosaical texts printed throughout the last decade of the 19th century in Czech joumals. The chapters devoted to the years 1890 and 1990 are in the form of various encraved foils that can be compared, a chapter in between them corresponds to an abbrevation, reduction, a kind of tentative contemplation exposing the more or less distinctive phenomenon (madness) that it models its findings around.Department of Czech and Comparative LiteratureÚstav české literatury a komparatistikyFilozof...
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