'i..riliti '.1'' rENII(H TPAMMATEIA AITAIOY & NHXIOTII(HX IIOAITII(HX N HX I OTI KH X TA Y TO TH TE X H XYMBOAHTHX |ENII(HI |PAMMATEIAI, AITAIOY I(AI NHXINTIIff{T,NOAITIKHT XTFINEPEYNAI(AI ANAAEI3H TOY APXINEAATOYT TOY NOAITIXIVIOY -€.. .*::::;"1:,. ,,. "-Y'T-i' , :, I ,,a "r ,3:::!i!""" fd \a \\ .\ i'. .' lr: t., '. li j,,.*".. 4t ', .:: ..,i1 , d" I ',!_ i {: ffiF;, rj ' .d, & ",;""'I f .r"i' ,1#n .f il -=.- . ; . h. *. I.: TENIKH TPAMMATEIA AITAIOY & NHEIOTIKHE IIOAITIKHE N H E I OT I I( E ' H TAYTOTHTEX THX |ENII(HX |PAMMATEIAX 'YMBOAH AI|AIOY I(AI NH'IOTII(H' IIOAITIKHE XTHN EPEYNAKAI ANAAEIEH TOYTIOAITII,MOYTOYAPXINEAA|OY' ,$ ENIMEAEIA EKAO'HE MATAAAHNH AABANOY MYTIAHNH 20t3 EIIETHMONIKH EIIITPONH Nixos Xropnoli6ng Kpfrtng, AreuOuwfrg Mouoeiou Kux.tro6rrrig T€xvng flp6e6pog, KoOnynthg Apxorol,oylog llovenrotnp[ou ' Aonvcbv ouu.,rn r<oenvn.ilJl;"1"^:f,:r'r"v/piou A0nvd - Xprorivo Aofnou Areu00wpro mq I4nqEcpopeiog Bu(owrvrilv Apxororfirctlv r<or lpoppoulogllol,uro;roU Avontrnp6rpro flpoiorop6vn mg K' Erpopeiog llpoiotopu<cilv Apxorotirrrrv rnqlevLrhq & Ktroorrcirv Niros Zo{tpog KoOnynfrg Aryo[ou, Areu0uwfrg Mouoeiou AnotrLOcop€vou Adoouq Lyp[ou Avonlnpo.rrrig l-loventornp[ou OPTANOTIKH ENITPONH Hpoxfuiq I(ouvtoupCllng xorNnorcuttrhg flotrurrhg tngALe00uvong flotruLopori rngl-evu<irg l-pollpouiog Aryo[ou flp6e6pog, llpoiordpevog Mcy6alnvrl Alpovof npopoAfrq flol,rrropo0 rngfevrrfrg l-polLpotelog ALyo[ou rot Nnorcour<hg lloluxirg ApxoroA6yog, llpoiotoprfvn touTpirpotog ftdvvog I(oupdyroq llpoi'oropxrilv roLKtroou<cllv Apxororrlu,rv rnglevrrigfpoppoteiog flolurol.rori Apxorotr6yog mg KA' Ecpopeiog Ioprtvn Kouvdln - flopaoxdxn Apxorotfrtcov rngl-evu<ig l-poprporeiog flotrLtropo0 Apxorotr6yog rng14ngErpopeiog Bu( Brpyrvia Kpmrxo6 l-poppoteiog Aryo[ou roLNnotc,.ltLrig flotruLxig YndMnAog tngAreU0uvong lotrLuopo0 tngfevLrhg MeAog, EIIITPOIIH THE EKAOEHE Nlxoq Etopnotri6ng Areu0uwrig Mouoelou Kuri,o6rrfig T6xvng flp6e6pog Ko0nynrfrg ApxoLotroyiog [lovenrotnplou Kprimg, Enrornpovu<irg Enuponirg, Mcy6olnvri AJ\povo0 l-poppotelog Aryolourot Nnorortu<tig floAnrxhg tou Tpfrpotog npopotrnq fiolnropo0rnqfevrrr'rq Melog,Apxotol6yog, l-1po'iorop€vn ftdvvos Koupdyroq llpoioroprrrirv ror Ktroorrci-lv Apxorotfrtcov tngl-evrxfig l-poppouiog flolutopo0 M6trog, Apxorotr6yog rngKA' Erpope(og Ioprivn Kouv6ln - Ilop<roxdxn [poppareiog floluropo0 undtr\nAog rng'l4ngEcpopeiog Bu(owLvcbv Apxotorhri,rv tngl-evrrfrg Mdiog,Apxorotr6yog, Brpyrvio Kpnnxof flol,rurhg tngl-evrxrig fpoppotelog Aryoiou ror Nnoro.nrig Meiog,YndMntrog mqAte00uvong flotrnLopori Enrp6lero'Exdoonq: Moy6olnvri Alpovof Metdgpoon ornv oyylxri lldrooo: Xp6oo flovoyrcoronoflou H EYMBOAH THE TENIKHE TPAMMATEIAE KAI NHEIOTII(HE ETHN EPEYNA KAI ANAAEISH AITAIOY IIOAITII(HE TON NHEIOTIKON TAYTOTHTON H npoondOeto tng l-evtrrigl-popporeiog Aryoiouror Nnou,rrrxfrq llolrtrxfiqoto oxe6roop6 xor rnv npodlOnon er6rxfrg ovonrufrorfigopomyrxriqyro ro vnorotrr6 xcilpo6e 0o pnopodoenopd vo neprAoppdver €vo on6 ro Booxd ouyrprtrxdntreoverufiporo rc,lvvnorcilvnou eivoro noAruoP6q. An6rn o0oroofirou, ro Ynoupyeio Aryoiouot6xeuoeotnv ovd6er(ntcov6roqoperrrcilv nruxrirvtou oLyoroneAoyltrxou noArtro;.roU 6norgour6govonuix0nr<E 6rd ;r€oourorv orcilvcrrv Koronpd6eqero xcilpoour6v pe ronio, pvnpeio,ruhpro,orxrotrxdo0volo, otrtrdror pe 6i,o er<eivo ro oroxeio rou ulrroU ror duAounolrtropo0,6ivovtog6vo povo6rr6xopor<rhpo, pro povo6rxri rour6tnrooro Apxrn€Aoyog. Itoxe[o nou 6xrp6vooupBdAAouv orn Bekic,lontng nor6tntogrng (o;rlg6oo-lv€xouvenrl€(Ervq KororKo0v orov r6roirepoout6v xcbpo,olld 6n;rroupyoriv n6Aoug €l(ng yro enrox€nteq on' 6Aotov nAovfitn. pe to quorxdrou xoH ovd6et(ntcrrvotorxEitov rou notrLuopoU rdOet6nou,oe ouv6uool-r6 porcnprourdotrld xortoug p0Ooug Korro roroprxdotoxelo nououvo6EUouv rn (orfrrov ov0p6nt,lvnou6(noovror n60ovovndvo.lo' outd, enrtp€ner vo ovo6Ex0ein (exoprorfi6ro6popfixdOe vnororjp6oootnv rorvhnopeiotou povo6rroUouro0 ou;rnl€yprorog. Korvrinopeionou (exivnoe exoroppripro xp6vronprvpEro oxnporrop6tov vnordrvpr€ooon6 <puou<€g xorouvexl6repyooieg yvtopi(owog omxeni,€owogro €vo6lntrooro dAlo, orpfi xornopoxpri,66{egxorroroorpoq€q, yeyov6rolvnou drpnoovove{imAoro nAorhoror qr6xero,xotorcnt6gror nyep6veg. Atrtrntroux[q [xvnrouq. Autd to lxvn epelgoripeporoi,oripoorevo q€poupeoro et,lq,vo ro u6roBdooul-lr>, vo ro yevr6g,(ypdqowoq, oci:ooupe Korvo ro peroqdpoupe oe 6lo tov x6oprootrtrdxorotrgen6peveg tnv totopiotou rd0Evnoroti,ovo6eu<v0ovroq rnv [exolprotfrtou rour6tnto. MronpoondOero nou evd:ver enro#rpoveg 6ro<p6pcr-lv er6xotritr,rvoi,trdror onAodgovOpcilnoug nou e6tilror 6eroerieg pe unopovhrot npoooxrindv<,r yro vo 6roorUBouv on6 lopnpd rrepiopoto6 tonewdeupirl-roto pdoouvyta poqrnv rotopiorurvr6ntlv. I' outorigtoug epydteg,enci,lvupoug ror ovrivupouq,nou ouv€polovo roO€vogpErov rp6notou oro onpepl6 onot€Aeopo, orprepcirveror o nopcilvr6pog. frdwnq Enrl6vng l-evrr6gl-poppot€og Aryofouxor Nnorcourhg floArurrig EniroupogKo0nyntrigflovenrornpiou Aryoiou I XOPOI KAI EPTA N6roKoripou flovenrornpiou A0nvcilv 0p6trpnKoOnyfirpro E-mail:[email protected] 6. Tfivog - Sdrpnoupyo- To reixn 2OO7-2OL2 Erx.1. ltbpnoupyo. O xtbpoq tou apxa[ou orxrolto1 xar ro rcnoypaEx6 rou Ex.2. To npo-xuxAtTnero rcp6 00 ffi A0nvdlvoro lcilpnoupyornq Tfivouoroxe0er H ovoor<oqri rou l-lqvEnrornplou ornv xotov6nonrng roropiogKorrt,,lvopxoroAoyrxcilv rotoloinolv tou opxoiouoxupop€vouou<ro1.roU, o onoioglerroupycilwoqt,.lqto nolLrrr6 KororKovoprr6rtvrpo rou vnoLo0rord roug npdlipoug Loroprro0g xp6vougonoreloUoe rnv (n6fuv)rnq Thvou,6nolgrnv ovopd(ouvor enLypo<pdg. H 16Loirepn on;rooiotou opxoiouorrropo0 yro rnv Tfivo,KorKor' endrtoonyro uq Kurld6eqxor to Aryoio,dpxroeri6n vo 6roqoivetoron6 ug npdltegovoor<orprx6g enepBdoerg xorn 6uvopu<ri rou xcilpou p€ oroOepd rnv np6o6o rnq ovooKqeLrhg €peuvog. ou[dveL Kqrdro 6Ldorn;ro 2OO7- 2012 n ovoor<orpri enLr<ewpcbOnre oro vorro6urrx6drpo oe6ro6oxrKd rou oLr<ropo0, o onoiogqnA6veror dv6npoorougnp6no6eg tou tr6rpou (eu<. tou =tilpnoupyou 1). H €peuvoEoudornrEoe 6,u r<p(Onxe 6116rocpc,.x((er onocpoororrrd rnv roropiorou xcilpou:ro unoiOprorep6pe ug nup6g;rnpoordon6 mv nUAnrng npdltngxurtrcilneLog ox0pcoong, to onoioA6ycotng 06ongrou ouprpotrrd (npo-KUKA6nEro), ovopdo0nre 6vopeydtro6np6oLo nr0ov6roror<rhpLo, ro (Kriplo E'o, rrg qdoergrng oxrjpoonqKorro npciltorep6oro xdlpotou Kqronrvo0 Oeoporpopiou(unpo-0eopocp6pro rep6,). To unoiOprounpo-r<ux.Adlneto tep6u,ov KorelvqrEv pfpar r<otrupp€vo on6 rnv opgdoeLgnou ouvoxoir<hoxtipo,ron, 6rornpe(toL rotrd ror nopouoLd(er 6Lo6oxLrdg tyi(ouvrnv Lotoplorng epcpdvtonq rt,lv unolOptorv Lepdlvoro Aryoio.H npciltnrou qdon 6nproupyeiror yUporon6 pro npcou<fi tocph,ev6exop€vt.rg tou ript.lo-orxror6, ror onoreAeipro rAoorrfipopefi npc,-rixfrg torprrhgAotpeiog.I0vropo, 6ncog<po(vEror,n xpfionrou repotienertefveror ror otLgoLr<oy6ver€q rou oLr<ro1.rori, or onoieg reLoUv€pnupntrorpeiooe Adxxougtro(eup€voug oro rpuorr6ppdxo(oLr<oyeveLorfr torpu<fi trorps[o)nou 6xouvy[veLp€oooe xtrotorjgneprB6troug. AIAdltyo opy6repo, rqrd ro r6trogtou 8ou or. n.X.,6rov o orrrop6gnpoqov6guro0srEiro v€o 0eop6 tng n6Ang-r<pdtoug, or nepipoAor Kqror AdxxorpEuq nup€geyxorql,einovror ror pio eoxdpoKqr€vo€6povo(eLr<. 2), nou nl€ov e(unnpero0v rn O€onroug noipveL ouvoArxdtn trotpeio6At-lvtc,-rvnolLr6v rou orrropo0.H tefuxrie{6Ar(ntou repo0 xopoxtnpi(etoron6 rnv ni,fipneyrordAeLrpn tng unoi0pLog lotpeloq ror ro xtlorpo ev6qprrpoUrepo0oirou oro revrprr6onpe(otou repo0.llop6poregpoprpEg outrig roroprxrilv tng unoiOprog lopeiog trrlv npdlr;.rov xp6vrrlv€xouvBpe0eiror oe dAtreg (6ncogocnvApopy6fi tn Nd[o),oltrd n nAripng6Lo6oxfr vnorcourigneproxdg rcov :ri-lpnoupyou, cpdoeo-lv povo6Lxd oril(eroL oro npo-r<uxtrcbnero rep6rou 6nouortrdr<oro quorr6 ppdxor<or6xroro xcbpo. Koreivoltro{eup€voL r<ot€ln{eomv Korqypo<ph rng nopeiogtou xurl,tilnerou H 6peuvorng ox0p<,long reixougnou ox0povernv npci:rneyrordoroonocoxdrpo.H prrpfroutir opxrxfiox0poon npooe€peryLonpcilrnqopd dvo roA6 vnoLcrrrLr<6 nopd6erypo rcDVprtrovoyLoveoi6pupdvoug nou onoroloUwoLuorrropolorxropo0q rcoprr<cilv oxupc.i;oecov pe xotoq0yLor.H opxrxi ox0pcoon oro =cirpnoupyo 6reupUv0nre xor enextdOnre v6oreixogxotd to t6Aogrorvopxorxrilv xp6vo,rv. H v6ooxripcoon evdrOnxe telmd pe ro 6urrK6oK€Ioqrou KuKl6nrrou,Kol0nrovroq€ror 6trovtov ert6g ruxi,dlnerou Mrrpri nutr(6orou opxoirorjtekoug nou epeuvdtor(erx.5), nopouord(eL ou<rop6. yro tn 6rop6pqoonKoruq 6ro6oxrr6q <pdoerg r6roirepoev6rorp€pov rnq, nou oxeri(ovrordpeoopetnv roropioKorrnv rotoorpo<pirou orxro;ro6 liyo perdto p€oo rou 4ou or.n.X.. H €peuvorou urunp[ouEn66eL{e 6rr np6renoryro 6vopeydlo xtripropre6Uo<pdoerg. qdon, oe r<d0E €voon6 ro 6Uorevtprxd6rlpduo unfipxepeIm veciltepn, rtroorrfi, ydtrogano0nxeutrr6g oro 6dnE6o.O €vogpdtrtotoon6 outoOg niOogorepeop€vog p€oo toug ni0oug6Lotnpo0oe rnv rrroti pdonrou oro 6dnE6orng npci;rngcpdong oto roone6copfvo ror pno(c;pdvoxrilpo(erx.4). A0o 6rroonrd nwdrropero(drcov (err.5) ouvnyopotiv rou runpioutog6npooiou, eupnpdtcov un€prou xqpoKrnpropoJ ev6exop€vcog ov6prilvo. T€troq,n €peuvotou Oeopo<popfou ou;;nAfipcooe onoqoororrKdtnv rorop[orov orrgKuxAd6eg, xo0rig66er{e6tLto npci,lto unoi0prorep6oe outhv unoiOpu,rv npo-0eoporp6pLo, nopouotd(etpeydAeg m 0€on,ro onolo ouppour<d onor<ill0nrE p€ ro yerrovu<6 npo-r<ur<trci;nero rep6rng'Yotepngl-ecopetptrhg Enoxfig, opor6rnteg 6tov n trotpeio€xerntr€ovyiveLx06vro. (2OO2- 2012) EXET|KEEAHMOETEYEETE Erx.3. H eocotepxhnAeupdnuA[6aq. tou teixouqM N.Korjpou,uHTfrvogrord rnv flpcirpnenoxritou fr66pouu,mo: N. Itopnotrl6ng-A. frowrroupfi(en.), To Aryatooulv [1ptit4tnEnoxfitou Lr\fipou, flpaxnxd rcu Arc9voiqLupnootou,P66oc1-4 Notltppiou2OO2,A9fiva2OO4,427-436. tng loropiogrng Apxo(ogTrivouu,oro: n.M.Ociroroiog(en.),TivoC. Tngr6iog, uf0wopn Enrordnnon (A0hvo2005),67-110. Iorop[axar[1oAmop6q yro to teixogu,I. HpelAog(en.l,[lpaxuxdtouB' KurAa6oNedrrepo Tngr6iog, uTrivog- =rirpnoupyo. Aoyrxo(t Luve6p[ou, Ohpa31Auy.-3 Lenr.I 995 (A0fivo2OO5),187-223. oro: M. N. Kourou, <Tenos- Xobourgo.From a refugeplaceto an extensivefortified settlement>. Stamatopoulou- M. Yeroulanou(En.),ExcavatingClassicalCulture.Recentarchaeological in Greece, BAR International SeriesI 03] (Oxford2OO2\, 255-268. discoveries Tngr6iog, uTenYearsof Archaeological Researchat Xobourgo(lslandof Tenosin the Cyclades)u, Bulletinof the AAIA3,2005,23-29. An Archaeological Forward,,oto: L. MoscatiCastelnuovo, Tenosin epocaarcaica Tngr6iog, uTenos. 17-31. e classica(Macerata2OO7), mo: E, Creco(ed.),Alba Tngr6iog, <TheDawnof lmgesand Culturalldentity:The caseof Tenos>, dellacitta,albadelleimmagini?, Tripodes 7,63-90. Erx.4. ToxrhproE of AncientHistory,online Tngr6iag, uXobourgoon Tenosu,oto: Encyclopedia http://www.encycloped The Tng16[o9, <Fromthe DarkAgesto the Riseof the Polisin the Cyclades: oto: A. MazarakisAinian(ed.),The Ages> Caseof Tenos>, "Dark revisited.ActsoJan InternationalSymposium in memoryoJWilliam D.E.Coulson,UniversityoJ Thessaly,Volos 14-17 June 2007, l, (Volos 20] 1\,399-414. Erx Axaottx6 n:dxto NotaKourou of Athens Emeritus, University Professor E-mail:[email protected] 6. Tenos- Xobourgo -2012 The fortification walls 2OO7 Fig. 1. Xobourgo,the excavated site The excavationsof the Universityof Athens on the islandof Tenosaim primarily at defining the date of the establishmentand the main architecturalphasesof the extensivefortified ancient settlement along the south slope of the abrupt granite rocks of the hill of Xobourgo(Fig.I ). Accordingto an inscriptionfrom the site, this settlement was the Polisof Tenos,which functionedas the main political and economiccentre of the island until the Late Classicalperiod. The excavationsof the period 2OO7-2012went on at three parts of the site: at the open-air sanctuary located in front of the main opening-gateof the cyclopean wall and thus named Pro-cyclopeansanctuary,at building E on a higher terrace and at the inner section of a small gate of the archaic circuit (wall AA). The open-air Pro-cyclopeansanctuary,though mostly buried under the later archaic wall (Fig.2), is relativelywell preservedand allows the identificationof the characterof the performed cult. The sanctuarypresentsseveraldistinct phases in form and function representingthe successivestages of chthoniccult in Early l ro n A ge A egeanand the evol uti onof chthoni cshri nesfrom a sma ll open- aircultic place to a sanctuarywith a sacred building.Evidencefrom the Pro-cyclopean sanctuary indicates that the first shrine was initiated as a burial cult over a heroic tomb, but soon afterwards a similar kind of ritual with pyre pits inside enclosurewalls developeddemonstratingthat families or tribes from the settlement joined the sacred place for a kind of burial cult. But towards the end of the Bth century this kind of family/tribe cult for the dead taking place in pyre pits was replaced by a cult taking place at a hearth (eschara)built in the centre of the terrace.The escharasuggestsa cult for a chthonicdeity,while a large bench built opposite the escharafacilitated the rituals.The change from a cult for the dead to a more general cult for a chthonic deity at Xobourgoseems to coincide with the adoption of the city-state system by the local society in the Late Ceometric period.Yet,the cult remains in the open-airuntil the seconddecadeof the century,when a small sacred oikos is built over the pyre pits. Similar forms of chthoniccult have been identified in other islands(e.g.Amorgos, Naxos),but the perfect condition of the pyre pits at Xobourgocut into the bedrock and the amazing amount of excavatedevidencefor the successivestages of the shrine on the same terrace mark the significanceof the Pro-cyclopean sanctuaryat Xobourgo. Researchon the fortification walls has shown that the first cyclopeancircuit encircled a small area at the highest part of the cultivated areas apparently creating a refuge settlement of a type common in Crete and the islandsin the Post-palatialperiod.The fortification was enlargedtowards the end of the Arc h a i cperi odand hencerepai redseveralti mes duri ngthe C l assi calper iod.A sm all gate and its inner defencesection at the west circuit currentlyinvestigated(Fig. 3) is of interest due to the various phases of the fortification wall and mainly sanctuary Fig.2. ThePro-cyclopean f ) dueto the destructionand abandonment of the settlementin the mid-4thcentury. Building E on the highertenaceis a largebuildingwith at leasttwo phases.In its last phaseduringthe Classicalperiod architectural it consisted of two largerooms,eachone havinga largestorage pithosin a corner(Fig.a). lt is interestingthat oneof them (pithos E2)wasbasedon the floor of the earlierphase,but had remained in usein the secondphase.Two allotmentplatesfoundin building E(Fig.5) suggestthat it mighthavebeena publicbuilding,perhaps ananoron. resultedin the identificaFinally, researchat the Thesmophorion tionof an earlyopen-airshrinewith an eschara(namedPro-Thesmophorion sanctuary), whichwas similarin form and functionto sanctuaryof the Late Ceometricperiodwith the thePro-cyclopean chthonic cult. PUBLfSHED ARTTCLES ON THE SUBJECT(2OO2-2O12',) "H N.Korjpou, Tfrvogrotd tnv flprir'rpnenoxhrou L6frpou",(eds.),Aegeanin the Early lron Age, Proceedings of the lnternationalSymposium,Rhodes,l-4 Noepppiou 2OO2,Athens2OO4,427-436. "I0wopn Enror6nron rng loropiogtng ApxoioqTfivou",in: n.M.O6oroi.og N.Korjpou, (Athens2005),.67-110. (ed.),T4voq.lorop[a xar[loAntoluiC Fig.3. Theinnerpart of a smallgate of circuitAA "Tfrvog-=cilpnoupyo. N.Koripou, Necitepoyro to reixog",I. HpeMog(ed.),Proceedings Thera31 Aug.- 3 Sept.1995 (Athens of the2nd Cycladological Conference, 20051.187- 223. N.Kourou,'Tenos-Xobourgo. From a refugeplaceto an extensivefortified settle(eds.),Excavating ment".in: M. StamatopoulouM. Yeroulanou Classical Culture.Recentarchaeological discoveries in 6reece,BAR International Series1031(Oxford2002),255-268. "TenYearsof Archaeological Research at Xobourgo(lslandof Tenosin the N.Kourou, Cyclades)",Bulletin oJthe AAIA 3, 2OO5,23-29. "Tenos. Tenosin N.Kourou, An Archaeological Forward',in: L. MoscatiCastelnuovo, ( Macerata2oo7),17-31. epocaarcaicae classica "TheDawnof lmagesand Culturalldentity:The case of Tenos",in: E. N.Kourou, Greco(ed.),Albodella citta,albadelleimmagini?,Tripodes7, 63-90. Fio.4. BuildinaE N.Kourou,'From the DarkAgesto the Riseof the Polisin the Cyclades: The Ainian(ed.),The"DarkAges'revisCaseof Tenos",in:A. Mazarakis ited.Actsof an InternationalSymposiumin memoryof WilliamD.E. Coulson, University oJ Thessaly, Volos'14-17 )une 2007, l, (Volos 2O11),399-41 4. "Xobourgoon Tenos",in: Encyclopedia of AncientHistory,online N.Kourou, http://www.encyclopediaancienth istorycom/ Fig. 5. Allotment plate