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PART III-Section 4 iz kf/dkj ls iz dkf'kr PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY la-278] ubZ fnYyh] ea xyokj] tq ykbZ 5] 2016@vk"kk<+ 14] 1938 No. 278] NEW DELHI, TUESDAY, JULY 5, 2016/ASADHA 14 , 1938 ekuo la lk/ku fodkl ea =ky; ¼fo'ofo|ky; vuq nku vk;ks x½ vf/klw puk ubZ fnYyh] 5 ebZ ] 2016 fo'ofo|ky; vuq nku vk;ks x ¼,e0fQy0@ih,p0Mh0 mikf/k iz nku djus gs rq U;w ure ekuna M vkS j iz fØ;k½ fofu;e] 2016 ¿11 ls 17 tq ykbZ ] 2009 ds lIrkg es a Hkkjr ds jkti= ¼la [;k 28] Hkkx&III] /kkjk&4½ es a vf/klw fpr fo'ofo|ky; vuq nku vk;ks x ¼,e0fQy0@ ih,p0Mh0 mikf/k iz nku djus gs rq U;w ure ekuna M vkS j iz fØ;k½ fofu;e] 2009 ds iz frLFkkiu es a À fe0 la-1&2@2009 ¼bZ 0 lh0@ih0 ,l0½ V (I) Vol. II.-fo'ofo|ky; vuq nku vk;ks x vf/kfu;e] 1956¼1956 dk 3½ dh /kkjk 26 dh mi&/kkjk ¼1½ rFkk [ka M ¼p½ vkS j ¼N½ ds va rxZ r iz nRr vf/kdkjks a rFkk 11 ls 17 tq ykbZ ] 2009 ds lIrkg es a Hkkjr ds jkti= ¼la [;k 28] Hkkx&III] /kkjk&4½ es a vf/klw fpr fo'ofo|ky; vuq nku vk;ks x ¼,e0fQy0@ ih,p0Mh0 mikf/k iz nku djus gs rq U;w ure ekuna M vkS j iz fØ;k½ fofu;e] 2009 ds iz frLFkkiu es a fo'ofo|ky; vuq nku vk;ks x fuEuor fofu;e l` ftr djrk gS ] uker%%& 1-y?kq 'kh"kZ ] vuq iz ;ks x ,oa iz orZ u% 1-1 bu fofu;eks a dks fo'ofo|ky; vuq nku vk;ks x ¼,e0fQy0@ ih,p0Mh0 mikf/k iz nku djus gs rq U;w ure ekuna M vkS j iz fØ;k½ fofu;e] 2016 dgk tk,xkA 1-2 os ,s ls iz R;s d fo'ofo|ky; ij ykxw gka s xs tks fdlh ds Unz h; vf/kfu;e] iz ka rh; vf/kfu;e vFkok fdlh jkT; vf/kfu;e ds rgr LFkkfir vFkok fuxfer gS a ] rFkk ,s lk iz R;s d la c) egkfo|ky; ,oa tks ] fo'ofo|ky; vuq nku vk;ks x] vf/kfu;e] 1956 dh /kkjk 3 ds rgr ekfur fo'ofo|ky; la LFkku gS A 1-3 ljdkjh jkti= es a vf/klw fpr fd;s tkus dh frfFk ls ;s fofu;e ykxw ekus tk,a xs A 2-,e0fQy0 ikB~ ;Øe es a iz os 'k gs rq ik=rk ekuna M% 2-1 ,e0fQy0 ikB~ ;Øe es a iz os 'k gs rq ,s ls vH;FkhZ ftuds ikl Lukrdks Ùkj mikf/k vFkok ,d O;kolkf;d mikf/k gks xh ftls led{k lka fof/kd fudk; }kjk Lukrdks Ùkj mikf/k ds lerq Y; ?kks f"kr fd;k x;k gks ] ftles a vH;FkhZ dks de ls de dq y 55% va d vFkok fo'ofo|ky; vuq nku vk;ks x ds 7 fca nq ekud ij *ch* xz s M iz kIr gq , gks a ¼vFkok tgka dgha Hkh xz s fMa x iz .kkyh viukbZ tkrh gS ogka fca nq ekud ij led{k xz s M½ vFkok ,s ls iz R;kf;r fons 'kh "kS f{kd la LFkku ls led{k mikf/k iz kIr dh gks ] tks fd fdlh vkdyu ,oa iz R;k;u ,ts Ulh }kjk iz R;kf;r gS ] tks fd "kS f{kd la LFkkuks a dh
Rf sraRcH MtTll0Ds t0R BUS tiss ]\It . conpktins Chlpri 3 rctr sl'ould b. .blc to: 1-Idorify psblen aEs rh* aE lilcly b b. stldid in oreant'snns z DisN how prcblfl aGs on b€ idmdned in sor* sings 3. Sbk :@rd1 problm clefly aid pFisely r. Expljin how prih*y and Knlary dab h.lP dE Eemher ro da€loP a Pmblem t, D.wlop rllv r rnd (1npthdsive bibli%aPhi6 lor any or3rni,arionii l€sd.h 6, Wdb a li6F,e Firy d dy Stl6 roP,., dMdig the E emc6 in th€ z DcveloP a leaKh PbPosL t Apply,u you have l€n€d ro a sroup pmjRt th.r hi+r b€ a$j8n€d. Broad probtem atea Itlq 'ri.rlorofrl,rbnrd trobldm ingrnd lo.usnsor roch:f.rI ^ "rrcbl.n doesn dDr {m.rhing F \fnsly nron eells to be rt.niied ,mned, A trobr.m ..uL,i i u. L!hd! tindir8 the flghr trn$rrs n,Hl,r hdlp t, mpro\e e!{t,8 siruarion d Fn,bleu is rv ituiho rh.r.
Sintesi dell’audizione svolta il 18 marzo 2024 presso i Comitati per la legislazione di Camera e Senato nell’ambito dell’indagine conoscitiva su “Profili critici della produzione normativa e proposte per il miglioramento della qualità della legislazione”
The Journal of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology, 2012
engue virus is transmitted to humans via the mosquito vector, Aedes aegypti. There are four antigenically distinct, but closely related, serotypes of the virus (DEN-1,-2,-3, and-4), which cause similar clinical courses and outcomes. The disease can be classified into dengue fever (DF), dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF), and dengue shock syndrome (DSS), according to the symptoms and severity of disease. Progression to the severe degree (DHF/ DSS), characterized by bleeding and shock, and leading to high morbidity and mortality rates, can occur. Many factors contribute to a consideration of bleeding in dengue infection, including the criteria for the grade of bleeding. Marked thrombocytopenia (platelet counts < 50 x 109/L or less) indicates clinical severity, and is associated with an increased incidence of spontaneous bleeding. Treatment with adequate fluid replacement is essential. The effective control of bleeding is important in the treatment of patients with DHF/DSS. Patients with bleeding receive a transfusion of platelet component to treat these complications. Thus, the decision to transfuse platelets is based on an overall assessment by the physician, clinical bleeding, and the availability of platelet component. There is limited evidence to support the proposition that prophylactic platelet transfusion improves clinical outcomes among adult dengue patients. In addition, data on clinical findings, laboratory presentations, and the management of those affected, are limited. Therefore, the most important aspect of managing patients with dengue is a balance of optimal fluid replacement therapy and close observation to detect complications, such as bleeding.
“Storia e luoghi di una battaglia. Luzzara e Riva di Suzzara 15 Agosto 1702” Atti del Convegno di studio Suzzara 3 maggio 2002 Bibloteca Comunale di Suzzara , 2004
LA BATTAGLIA DI LUZZARA : GLI ESERCITI CONTRAPPOSTI LA GUERRA DELLA SUCCESSIONE SPAGNOLA SUL TEATRO ITALIANO (1701-1702) Per quasi due secoli si era combattuta in Europa una guerra continua tra i Borboni re di Francia da un lato ed i due rami della casa d’Asburgo, quello di Spagna e quello d’Austria, dall’altro. I possedimenti degli Asburgo avvolgevano la Francia da est ad ovest. Tra i territori contesi, oltre alle Fiandre (odierno Belgio) vi era quello del ducato (o stato) di Milano, feudo imperiale, ma proprietà personale dei re di Spagna, che ne esercitavano il possesso per tramite di un Governatore. Quando alla fine del 1700 alla morte di Carlo II, ultimo re di Spagna della casa d’Asburgo, assunse al trono di Madrid Filippo di Borbone duca d’Anjou, nipote di Luigi XIV nonchè del defunto Carlo II, col nome di Filippo V, anche il ducato di Milano passò sotto il suo controllo. L’Imperatore non era disposto ad accettare che il Milanese passasse sotto il controllo, sia pure indiretto, dei Francesi e designava come candidato l’arciduca Carlo, suo figlio. Un corpo di truppe imperiali, al comando di Eugenio di Savoia, dai confini del Tirolo scesero in Italia. Luigi XIV preoccupato dalla scarsa consistenza ed efficienza dell’esercito milanese, inviò consistenti contingenti di truppe “ausiliarie”, per rafforzare il debole presidio del ducato, soprattutto sui confini orientali. Al rinforzo francese in breve doveva aggiungersi anche un corpo di spedizione di truppe sabaude. Il 15 agosto 1702 nei dintorni di Luzzara (e Suzzara) venne combattuta una sanguinosa battaglia tra i due eserciti avversari. La presentazione descrive gli eventi principali e la composizione dei due eserciti, con particolare attenzione a quello dello stato di Milano. THE BATTLE OF LUZZARA : THE OPPOSING ARMIES THE SPANISH SUCCESSION WAR ON THE ITALIAN THEATRE (1701-1702) For over two centuries continuous war had raged in Europe among France and the two branches of the Absburg house, the Spanish and the Austrian. Absburg’s possession envolved France from East to the West. Among the contended territories, besides Flanders there was also the duchy (or State) of Milan, Imperial fief, but owned as a personal property by the King of Spain, who ruled the State through an appointed Governor. When at the end of 1700 with the death of Carlos II, last king of Spain of the Absburg dinasty, Philip of Bourbon duke of Anjou obtained the throne of Madrid with the title of Philip V, also the duchy of Milan came in his power. The Emperor would not accept that Milan could be controlled, even indirectly, by the French and candidated to the Spanish throne the archduke Karl, his son. A consistent corps of Imperial troops, at the orders of the prince Eugene of Savoy, from Tyrol entered Italy. Louis XIV, worried by the poor efficiency and quality of the Milanese army, sent consistent contingents of “auxiliary” troops, in order to strengthen the feeble Spanish garrison of the duchy, especially considering the Eastern borders. Shortly an expeditionary corps from the duke of Savoy joined the French reinforcements. On the 15th of August 1702 in the surroundings of Luzzara (and Suzzara), near the Po river, a bloody battle was fought between the two opposing armies. This presentation describes the major actions and the composition of the two armies, with a particular attention given to that of the State of Milan.
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