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This paper describes preliminary versions of two human-machine real-virtual haptic interaction systems: a unilateral real-virtual teleoperation system, and a simple bilateral haptic game. Both applications were designed and implemented by computer engineering undergraduate students in collaboration with their teachers. The main objective of this work was to create a basis system that permits to evaluate the effects of force feedback in applications involving interaction between human operators and virtual environments.
Haptics refers to a widespread area of research that focuses on the interaction between humans and machine interfaces as applied to the sense of touch. A haptic interface is designed to increase the realism of tactile and kinesthetic sensations in applications such as virtual reality, teleoperation, and other scenarios where situational awareness is considered important, if not vital. This paper investigates the use of electric actuators and non-linear algorithms to provide force feedback to an input command device for providing haptics to the human operator. In particular, this work involves the study and implementation of a special case of feedback linearization known as inverse dynamics control and several outer loop impedance control topologies. It also investigates the issues concerned with force sensing and the application of model based controller functions in order to vary the desired inertia and the desired mass matrix. Results of the controllers’ abilities to display any desired impedance and provide the required kinesthetic constraint of virtual environments are shown on two experimental test rigs designed for this purpose.
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2002
In this paper, the analysis and design of telerobotics based on the haptic virtual reality (VR) approach for simulating the clay cutting system is proposed. The main components of the approach include a user interface, networking, simulation, and a robot control scheme. The telerobotics for the clay cutting system and the environment is simulated by a haptic virtual system that enables operators to feel the actual force feedback from the virtual environment just as they would from the real environment. The haptic virtual system integrates the dynamics of the cutting tool and the virtual environment whereas the handle actuator consists of the dynamics of the handle and the operator on the physical side. The control scheme employs a dynamical controller which is designed considering both the force and position that the operator imposes on the handle and feedforward to the cutting tool, and the environmental force imposed on the cutting tool and the feedback to the handle. The stability robustness of the closed-loop system is analysed based on the Nyquist stability criterion. It is shown that the proposed control scheme guarantees global stability of the system, with the output of the cutting tool approaching that of the handle when the ratios of the position and the force are selected correctly. Experiments in the virtual environment on cutting a virtual clay system are used to validate the theoretical developments.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2001
This paper presents a short review of the history surrounding the development of haptic feedback systems, from early manipulators and telerobots, used in the nuclear and subsea industries, to today's impressive desktop devices, used to support real-time interaction with 3D visual simulations, or Virtual Reality. Four examples of recent VR projects are described, illustrating the use of haptic feedback in ceramics, aerospace, surgical and defence applications. These examples serve to illustrate the premise that haptic feedback systems have evolved much faster than their visual display counterparts and are, today, delivering impressive peripheral devices that are truly usable by non-specialist users of computing technology.
The work in the Touch Lab (formal name: Laboratory for Human and Machine Haptics) is guided by a broad vision of haptics which includes all aspects of information acquisition and object manipulation through touch by humans, machines, or a combination of the two; and the environments can be real or virtual. We conduct research in multiple disciplines such as skin biomechanics, tactile neuroscience, human haptic perception, robot design and control, mathematical modeling and simulation, and software engineering for real-time human-computer interactions. These scientific and technological research areas converge in the context of specific application areas such as the development of virtual reality based simulators for training surgeons, haptic aids for people who are blind, real-time haptic interactions between people across the Internet, and direct control of machines from neural signals in the brain.
Advanced Robotics, 2006
The present work deals with the design, implementation and assessment of a new haptic system specifically conceived for manipulative tasks in virtual environments. Such a system was designed by taking into account specific issues related to fine manipulation, such as multipoint haptics, coherence, transparency and physical representation. The haptic system described herein is integrated with a virtual environment engine for the simulation of multifinger manipulation. A preliminary evaluation of the system was conducted by comparing human performance in the manipulation of virtual objects with respect to real objects, according to the data available in the literature. The experiments confirm how the most relevant relationships among physiological and physical parameters involved in manipulation are also preserved during virtual manipulation. However, an indepth analysis of the results shows that simulation parameters affect the level of force control during virtual manipulation and the quality of the perceived force feedback.
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Introduction to Law and Governance: Edited by Dr Varun Chhachhar, Dr Vijay Verma, ACUMEN PUB, Netherland, 2023
The present paper investigates the government's recent efforts in the form of the Citizenship Amendment Act 2019 and the impending nationwide NRC with the help of anticipated NPR, as well as the impact of these actions on the social, economic, and cultural interests of India's Dalits and Tribals sections. Comparing advancement in social and economic life from the earlier phase of suppression, atrocities and apartheid-Dalits and Tribals are apprehensive and anxious by the latest development in the form of CAA coupled with NPR/NRC. This paper argues reasonably that the Dalits have achieved limited but important social and economic advances through affirmative action policies and they look the latest move of the government as an effort to stripping off their constitutionally mandated protections. Certain apprehensions and concerns of Dalits and Tribals about contentious CAA and impending NRC are legitimate and can't be rejected outrightly. The chief concern of India's highly oppressed section who has been subjected to caste-based subjugation and systematic tyranny from state is-how to preserve their rights, social, economic, cultural interest, and constitutional protection. This paper raises some pertinent questions about why and how CAA plus ambitious plan of nationwide NRC is a well-calculated intrigue against the social, economic, and cultural interests of marginalised sections especially Dalits and Tribals. The paper concludes with a broader discussion on the ill effect of CAA and NRC and how to tackle this challenge prudently and why collaborative efforts are essential to defeating this larger plot.
Syncretism in Sculptural Art of South and South East Asia , 2022
The article aims to focus on a single event, the ‘Sītāpaharaṇam’ of the Rāmāyaṇa, and discuss the nuances of varying cultural spring between different readings. Earlier, I have compared the Sītāpaharaṇam of Vālmīki (c. 1000-500 BC) and Kampaṉ (12th century CE), the two mahākavis in Sanskrit and Tamil (Rajarajan 2001) separated by a gap of nearly two millennia. Due to some oversight, earlier I had missed the Malaiyāḻam maestro, Tuñjat Rāmānuja Eḻuttaccaṉ that comes 500 years after Kampaṉ. The sociological notion (i.e., the concept of chastity [Tamil kaṟpu, cf. Cilappatikāram in Rajarajan 2016, also Tirukkuṟaḷ, atikāram 6]1 or an alien touching an orthodox Indian woman, cf. the treatment meted out the Pāñcāli by the Kauravas. I may emphatically say a cultural behavior of 1000 or 500 BCE (Vālmīki) could not have been the same in 1200 CE (Kampaṉ) or 1700 (Eluttaccaṉ). The subject deserves a much more elaborate treatment from the literary and visual genres and the celluloid arts such as cinema. A Trans- or cross- textual-cultural argument is warranted between South and Southeast Asian Arts, plastic (sculpture and painting), and performing (dance-drama) or the celluloid (cinema) world, instantly shedding some light on Indonesian ballets. The article is in three segments: 1) Literary background of the Rāmāyaṇa, 2) Visual arts with particular bearing on Cinema and Indonesian ballets of Rāma-kathā, and 3) western plastic and pictorial arts.
Courrier hebdomadaire du CRISP, 2013
La quatrième génération de téléphonie portable (4G) a été déployée en Belgique dans la décennie 2010. L’industrie des télécommunications l'a présentée comme la technologie de l’avenir, car elle permet la transmission de données à très haut débit (« Internet ultra-rapide »). Le développement d’un nouveau réseau d’ondes GSM pose toutefois de nombreuses questions : urbanisme, environnement, santé publique… La population est inquiète face à l’implantation d’un nouveau réseau d’antennes-relais, en raison de leurs impacts paysagers et, surtout, des effets potentiels des ondes électro-magnétiques sur l’être humain. La régulation des ondes GSM par les pouvoirs publics est au centre de nombreux débats, en particulier à Bruxelles, où les normes imposées par la Région sont trop restrictives pour permettre le déploiement de la 4G. C’est pourtant dans la capitale que cette technologie est utilisée à grande échelle. Ce Courrier hebdomadaire dresse l’état des lieux des législations en vigueur dans les trois régions du pays. Il accorde une attention particulière aux réglementations bruxelloises. Il rappelle aussi comment la régulation de la téléphonie mobile a été reconnue compétence régionale en 2009.
Final Reports of the Syrian-German Excavations at Tell el-ʻAbd, Volume III, 2019
International Journal of Research, 2024
ETÜT dergisi, 2024
Zbornik radova Filozofskog fakulteta u Pristini, 2016
International Journal of Science and Healthcare Research
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2020
New England Journal of Medicine, 1989
Thin Solid Films, 1998
Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology
2012 IEEE/ACM Sixth International Symposium on Networks-on-Chip, 2012
Revista de Direito Administrativo, 2015