MOJ Sports Medicine
Mini Review
Open Access
Osteopathy and pubalgy
Volume 1 Issue 3 - 2017
Pubalgy is the result of excessive and repetitive overuse of the pubic symphysis may
implicate a prolonged interruption of physical activity. This can also be known as pubic
osteitis, since pain occurs in surrounding structures of the pubic symphysis. The pubic
bone is the place where some muscle attaches and their tendons become inflamed due
to repetitive stress over that region. Many athletes, football players, runners and others,
feel an uncomfortable pain in the pubic symphysis, caused by overload, excessive use,
direct trauma or any other blow that may produce inflammation and pain.
Marcio Domingues
Universidade Lusófona, Portugal
Correspondence: Marcio Domingues, Universidade Lusófona,
Portugal, Tel (+351)217515500, Fax (+351)217577006,
[email protected]
Received: May 30, 2017 | Published: September 07, 2017
Athletes are predisposed to this kind of injuries due to their
repetitive natures and high volume of games with short intervals for
rest and recovery. The lack or inadequate stretching of the adductor
muscles combined with an overload of abdominal exercise that athletes
often do, can cause a muscular imbalance in the pubic symphysis and
therefore, Pubalgy. On the other side, there are factors that are intrinsic
to each person, for example, congenital or acquired abnormalities
from the abdominal wall, especially in its lower quadrants, inguinal
channel abnormalities, differences in leg length; they all add some
pelvic instability.
There are three kinds of pubalgies. The first, athlete’s abdominal
parietal Pubalgy mainly in athletes with less than 30 years and
football players but it can happen in other sports, namely, fencing,
rugby, horse ride, athletics and martial arts. It has a very specific
etiology and originates from an imbalance between the abdominals
and the adductors, as mentioned previously in the text, with the latter
tending to be stronger. This imbalance creates a lack of stability in the
pubic region and favors movements of translation, which obviously
originates pain. A typical gesture that overloads these structures is the
football kick. A second kind is the osteoarthropaty it originates from
a bony inflammation (periosteum) due to a compensated short leg,
growth or birth anomaly. Pain usually centers around the pubic bone.
Finally, adductor tendinitis: situated alongside the insertion, in the
tendon or in the junction area of the tendon and muscle.
In fact, pain grows in intensity when the disease starts to worsen. Its
beginning is insidious, progressively growing until the moment where
movements become limited. With time, pain that once were locates
only in the hips, migrate to other parts such as the abdomen and groin.
It can easily be misjudged with other problems like herniation in the
groin, ruptures, urinary infection and adductor tendinitis. Symptoms
are very much the same as a muscle strain, occurring during running,
abdominal exercise and squats. Pain can also occur in the inferior
abdominal region, radiating to the medial side of the thigh. Pain can
also be felt in the insertion point of the rectus abdominal. Lateral
movements, heading movements, hip and trunk flexion and might
also be painful. This pain worsens with exercise, stress or with some
postures; it can also be felt climbing stairs or pushing the hip forward.
Pain can irradiate to the perineum and testicles and can cause lumbago
when associated with Sacro-iliac dysfunction.
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MOJ Sports Med. 2017;1(3):62‒63
The diagnosis can take time, due to the great number of disturbances
that affect the hip region, confusing the symptoms and delaying the
diagnosis. From a big point of view, the diagnosis is clinic, being
further confirmed by X-Ray of the pelvic girdle, to observe the
presence of instability of the pubic symphysis in more than 2mm. The
X-Ray may also reveal the presence of bone thickening, a signal flag
that reveals the presence of inflammation. Pubalgy is characterized
by a prolonged abstinence from three to nine months, being rest a
decisive standpoint.1,2 Obviously, as soon as the treatment is initiated,
better the result. As it is well known, conservative treatment is based
on rest, ice and ultra sound, non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs and
peri-local steroids. After the acute phase, one can use compress of hot
water over the region that can promote vasodilatation, beneficial to
the decrease of pain and to promote adjacent muscle relaxation.
Once the pain is offset, stretching exercises can be introduced
in the inner thigh muscles; exercises that strengthen abdominal and
lumbar region, as well as find the correct equilibrium between flexors
and femoral extensors of the hip; stabilization of the vertebral column.
In some cases, we can have a blocked iliac and the re-establishment
of its mobility is one important concern and it can be released using
manipulative techniques (thrust HVLA) and mobilization techniques.
Flexibility gains in all muscles involved directly and indirectly with
the pubis: hamstrings, femoral muscle and adductor, external rotators
of the hip and quadratus lumborum is important for the overall gains.
As in football the imbalances created by the abductors and internal
rotators of the hip. Osteopath will examine your posture and area
of pain, a variety of combined gentle and safe techniques, including
soft tissue massage, spinal manipulation, myo-fascial dry needling,
mobilization as well as postural and ergonomic support. Myofascial
techniques with joint mobilizations in hip and the Sacro-iliac joints
is a mandatory approach. Osteopathic treatment will also work
on reducing muscle spasm and easing the strain of the pubic joint
ligaments. It is also useful to use hot approach over the muscle region,
to promote vasodilation and diminish pain.
Conflict of interest
Author declares there is no conflict of interest in publishing the
© 2017 Domingues. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and build upon your work non-commercially.
©2017 Domingues
Osteopathy and pubalgy
1. Batt ME, Shane JM, Dillingham M. Osteitis pubis in collegiate football
players. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 1995;27(5):629−633.
2. Sing R, Cordes R, Silberski D. Osteitis pubis in the active patient.
Physician and Sportsmedicine. 1995;23(12):66−73.
Citation: Domingues M. Osteopathy and pubalgy. MOJ Sports Med. 2017;1(3):62‒63. DOI: 10.15406/mojsm.2017.01.00016