Empirical Analysis of Online Auctions


2008 INFORMS Marketing Science Conference th Thursday, June 12 , 2008 1:00-2:30PM (TA) TA01 – Junior Ballroom D TA02 – Junior Ballroom C TA03 – Grand Ballroom D TA04 – Port Alberni Empirical Analysis of Online Auctions In Honor of Professor Frank M. Bass: Expanding Frontiers of Diffusion Research Loyalty Programs New Approaches in Understanding Word-of-Mouth Chair: Robert Zeithammer When Zero Search Cost is Too High: What Does it Take to Make Consumers Search? Peter T. L. Popkowski Leszczyc, Ernan Haruvy Click, Click, Click: Measuring the ROI of Keywords Advertising Tat Y. Chan, Chunhua Wu Jump Bidding in Online Auctions: A Double-edged Sword Yongfu He, Peter T. L. Popkowski Leszczyc Tests of the Sealed-bid Abstraction in Online Auctions Robert Zeithammer Chair: Gerard J. Tellis, Ashish Sood Independence and Imitation in New Product Diffusion: Competing Risks or Compensatory Influences? Christophe Van den Bulte, Yogesh V. Joshi The Value of Opinion Leaders in the Diffusion of Innovations Barak Libai, Eitan Muller A Semiparametric Approach to New Product Growth: ICT Diffusion in New and Old Europe Aurélie Lemmens, Stefan Stremersch, Christophe Croux Functional Regression: A New Model for Forecasting Market Penetration of New Products Ashish Sood, Gerard J. Tellis , Gareth James Chair: Tammo H.A. Bijmolt, Els Breugelmans Do Loyalty Program Partnerships Matter? Examining the Reinforcing Effects of Crossbuying in Loyalty Programs Katherine N. Lemon, Florian v. Wangenheim Loyalty Program Rivalry and Its Impact on Firm and Consumer Outcomes Yuping Liu, Rong Yang The Impact of Category-based Loyalty Programs Els Breugelmans, Jie Zhang Chair: Dave Bussiere A Multi-Stage Model of Word-ofMouth and its Impact on Attitudes and Purchasing Behaviors Donald Lehmann, Andrew Stephen Optimal Heterophily and the Impact of Word-of-Mouth Hikaru Yamamoto, Satoshi Nishida, Shinji Morioka, Shigetaka Yamakawa The Human Components of Word-of-Mouth: Humor, Impatience, Sarcasm and Anger Dave Bussiere Effects of Introducing and Terminating a Loyalty Program: The Role of Monetary and Nonmonetary Rewards Valentina Melnyk, Tammo H.A. Bijmolt TA05 – Grand Ballroom C TA06 – Grand Ballroom B TA07 – Grand Ballroom A TA08 – Port Hardy Issues in New Product Adoption Modeling Movie Box-Office Brand Choice and Market Structure Reference Points, Timing, and Concessions Chair: Rakesh Niraj Chair: Charles C Cui Reference-Quality and Dominant Reference in Aggregated Demand Wonjoon Kim, K. Sudhir, Subrata K. Sen Reference Effects of Multi-Item Promotions on Brand Choice Behavior Karen Gedenk, Michael Knaf, Sonja Spuerkmann A Household Production Approach to Modeling Snack Consumption Marina Girju, Brian Ratchford The Effect of Timing on Consumers' Responses to Recommendations Min Zhao, Jinhong Xie Market Structure Analysis Fang Wu, Terry Elrod, Paul Messinger Seller's Facial Expressions & Concession Patterns: Buyer's Beliefs in Influencing Price Expectations Rajesh Bagchi, Dipankar Chakravarti, Atanu Sinha Chair: Young-Hoon Park Chair: Juan Wang Determinants of RFID Adoption in Retail Chains: A statistical Evidence Ming-Chih Tsai, Wen Lee One's Innovativeness and Adoption Time of an Innovation Masataka Yamada Stuck in the Adoption Funnel: The Effect of Delays in the Adoption Process on Ultimate Adoption Anja Lambrecht, Catherine Tucker, Katja Seim Determinants of New Product Features Adoptions of Two Product Categories Juan Wang, Vinay Kanetkar, Towhidul Islam Inferring Initial Penetration with Attitudinal Tracking: A Study of Opening Weekend Box-office Jonathan Lee, C. Whan Park, Pradeep Chintagunta, Jeanie Han Investigating the Role of Local Market and Exhibitor Characteristics on Box-office Performance Sriram Venkataraman, Pradeep Chintagunta Spatial Econometric Model of Box-office Revenues - An Exhibitor-level Analysis Young-Hoon Park, Sriram Venkataraman, Eric T. Bradlow The Effects of Social Contagion on Brand Loyalty: Insights from a Consumer Durable Market Rakesh Niraj, Ramkumar Janakiraman Consumers' Shopping Motivations and Use of Reference Points Charles C Cui 2008 INFORMS Marketing Science Conference th Thursday, June 12 , 2008 1:00-2:30PM (TA) TA09 – Junior Ballroom B TA10 – Junior Ballroom A TA11 – Port McNeill TA12 – Parksville Models of Customer Churn Modeling Dynamic Market Competition Sales Management I Price Evaluation, WTP, and Pricing Options Chair: James Hess Chair: Noah Lim Chair: Romana Khan Modeling Individual Customer Transaction Behavior with Hidden Markov Models Nino Hardt, Joachim Bueschken Staying Power of Churn Prediction Models Hans Risselada, Peter C. Verhoef, Tammo H.A. Bijmolt Modeling Loyalty for Better Customer Relationship Management Ashwin Aravindakshan, Roland Rust , Brian Ratchford Competitive Customer Relationship Management: Acquisition Versus Retention James Hess, Niladri Syam Competitive Impact of and Response to Deceptive Advertising Martha Tipton, Sundar Bharadwaj Dynamic Marketing Mix Strategies for Two-sided Platform-firms Shrihari Sridhar, Murali K. Mantrala, Prasad Naik, Esther Thorson Chair: Dominik Papies Delegation of Authority and Sales Force Compensation in Industrial Markets Desmond (Ho-Fu) Lo, Mrinal Ghosh, Francine Lafontaine Rewarding A While Hoping It's Correlated with B David Godes Does the Proportion of Winners in Sales Contests Matter? Noah Lim Non-Linear Pricing and Competition: An Empirical Study of the Auto Rental Industry Romana Khan, Vishal Singh, Ting Zhu Category Association, Price Information and Willingness to Pay Maria Merino, Bruce McWIlliams, Carlos Campos Good Deal or Keep Searching? The Impact of Regulatory Focus on Price Evaluation Cathy Y. Chen, Song Oh Yoon Investigating Adult, Children and Family Pricing and Its Impact of Entry-By-Donation and Free Offers Nicole Hartley, Paul Burke, Paul Harrison What Causes a Hypothetical Bias in Willingness-to-Pay Measurements? Dominik Papies, Franziska Voelckner TA13 – Orca TA14 – Finback TA15 – Granville TA16 – Galiano Issues in Branding Theoretical Models of Advertising and Promotion International Marketing Issues Direct Marketing and Targeting Chair: Aharon Hibshoosh Chair: Hao Zhao Channel Control Efficacy in Foreign Markets: The Role of MNC Global Strategy and Country Environment Girish Mallapragada, Rajdeep Grewal Direct Marketing on a Network Peter Pal Zubcsek, Miklos Sarvary Chair: Seshan Ramaswami Chair: Anthony Dukes The Effects of Line Extensions on Parent Brand Equity: An Empirical Analysis of Supermarket Packaged Ian Sinapuelas, Sanjay Sisodiya Identifying Customer Segments Regarding Cross-category Brand Loyalty Behavior Nadja Silberhorn, Yasemin Boztug, Lutz Hildebrandt What Makes a Star? Investigating the Evolution Patterns of Athlete Brands Yupin Yang The Inferential Effects of Product Line Range on Brand Choice Seshan Ramaswami, Michelle Lee Optimal Generic Advertising Choices for Competing Industries Yuanfang Lin, Sandeep Krishnamurthy Consumer Stockpiling and Promotional Strategies Manish Gangwar, Nanda Kumar Impact of Horizontal and Vertical Market Power on Trade Promotion Budget and Allocation Miguel Gomez, Vithala R. Rao, Hong Yuan In-store Media and Channel Management Anthony Dukes, Yunchuan Liu The Role of Involvement in Country-of-Origin Effects on Product Choice Ching-I Chen, Ting-Ling Lin, YenChu Lee The Empirical Study of Market Orientation, International Experience, Global Marketing Characteristics Pao-Hung Peng Pricing in Gray Markets with an Independent Wholesaler Importing and Private Importing Aharon Hibshoosh Service Pricing Strategy: Does Better Targeting Always Improve Profitability? Pavan Chennamaneni, Ramarao Desiraju, Anand Krishnamoorthy Detecting Promising Categories for Targeted Promotions Yasemin Boztug, Els Breugelmans, Thomas Reutterer Compensating a Risk-Averse Agent for Conducting Direct Mail Campaigns with Adverse Selection Hao Zhao, Yong Cao 2008 INFORMS Marketing Science Conference th Thursday, June 12 , 2008 TA17 – Pavilion Ballroom D Meet the Editors 1 Journal of Retailing Praveen Kopalle Management Science Jagmohan S. Raju Quantitative Marketing and Economics (QME) Peter Rossi Marketing Letters Randolph E. Bucklin or Joe E. Urbany 1:00-2:30PM (TA) 2008 INFORMS Marketing Science Conference th Thursday, June 12 , 2008 3:00-4:30PM (TB) TB01 – Junior Ballroom D TB02 – Junior Ballroom C TB03 – Grand Ballroom D TB04 – Port Alberni Static and Dynamic Equilibrium Models Marketing and Financial Performance I Bidding Behavior in B2B and B2C Online Auctions Word-of-Mouth in Online Environments Chair: Sanjog Misra Chair: Shuba Srinivasan Chair: Sandy Jap Chair: Melanie Dempsey A Larger Slice or a Larger Pie? Investigating Bargaining Power in the Distribution Channel Michaela Draganska, Daniel Klapper, Sofia Villas-Boas Dynamic Marketing Mix Allocation for Long-term Profitability Ricardo Montoya, Oded Netzer, Kamel Jedidi, The Impact of Promotional Messages During Auctions Eric A. Greenleaf, Caroline Ducarroz, Sha Yang Managing Online Social Interactions: Sales Impacts of Observational Learning vs. Wordof-mouth Yubo Chen, Jinhong Xie Tipping and Concentration in Markets with Indirect Network Effects Jean-Pierre Dube, Gunter Hitsch, Pradeep Chintagunta Pre-release Forecasting Using Online Virtual Stock Markets Natasha Z. Foutz, Wolfgang Jank Bayesian Estimation of Discrete Games Wesley Hartmann, Sridhar Narayanan Marketing Spending and the Volatility of Revenues and Cash Flows Marc Fischer, Hyun Shin, Dominique M. Hanssen The Effects of Consumer Perceptions of Price Unfairness on Auctions and Posted Prices for Online Selling Xin Wang, Young-Hoon Park, Donglei Qiu Bidding Strategies in Buyer Determined Online Auctions Ernan Haruvy, Sandy Jap Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Reactions of Consumers to Online Word-ofMouth Iris Gorodesky, Yoav Ganzach Why Consumers Voluntarily Provide Service Feedbacks Online Jian Ming Teng El Peso Doble: Double Couponing in the Supermarket Industry Sanjog Misra, Sagit Harel-Tal, Paul Ellickson The Effects of Pharmaceutical Direct-to-consumer Advertising: A Shareholder's Perspective Ernst C. Osinga, Peter S.H. Leeflang, Shuba Srinivasan, Jaap E. Wieringa BidAnalyzer: A Method for Estimation and Selection of Dynamic Bidding Models Prasad Naik, Sandy Jap TB05 – Grand Ballroom C TB06 – Grand Ballroom B TB07 – Grand Ballroom A TB08 – Port Hardy New Product DiffusionApplications Entertainment Demand Applied Choice Models Self Prediction, Control, and Need Satisfaction Chair: Yong Liu Chair: Neeraj Arora Spatial and Temporal Effects of a Performance Schedule on Event Ticket Sales Peggy Tseng, Wendy Moe Soaps, Roles & Social Status: Interpersonal Influences Among Mexican TV Viewers Jose D. Mora, Jason Y. C. Ho, Robert Krider Chair: Yutaka Hamaoka The Takeoff of Green Technologies: A Historical Analysis of Timing and Affecting Factors Giulia Calabretta, Jordi Montaña Revisiting the Product Life Cycle Concept: Lessons from Diffusion Research Paul Steffens, Maria Kaya Time-Varying Marketing Mix and Entry-Timing Analysis: The US Automotive Market Over Three Decades Maria Kratcholova Users as Co-Creators Yutaka Hamaoka Most Emailed News: Viral Characteristics of Text-based Online Content Melanie Dempsey, Jason Y. C. Ho Chair: Keri Kettle The Impact of New Attractions on Theme Park Attendance Rutger D. van Oest, Harald J. van Heerde, Marnik G. Dekimpe Modeling the Impact of Advertising on Event Ticket Sales Moon Young Kang, David Schweidel, Neeraj Arora Network Externality and Consumer Evaluation of New Products: Evidence from Online Gaming Industry Yong Liu, Jun Yang, Enping Shirley Mai A Choice Model with Endogenous Social Effects and Application to MBA Student Internship Preferences Tony Bao, Vrinda Kadiyali, Sachin Gupta How Does Ego-Depletion and Construal Levels Relate to SelfControl? Darlene Walsh, Andrew Mitchell Effects of Context, Gender and Consciousness on Avatar Choice in Virtual Environments Sunanda Sangwan, Chong Guan, Judy Siguaw Allocation of Search Time to Information Sources for Automobile Purchase Jung Kim, Brian Ratchford The Impact of Anticipation Duration on Experience and Retrospection Hae Eun Chun, Deborah MacInnis Predicting Joint Choice Using Individual Data Neeraj Arora, Anocha Aribarg, Moon Young Kang Self-Prediction in a Social Context: When "Overconfidence" Improves Performance Keri Kettle, Gerald Häubl 2008 INFORMS Marketing Science Conference th Thursday, June 12 , 2008 3:00-4:30PM (TB) TB09 – Junior Ballroom B TB10 – Junior Ballroom A TB11 – Port McNeill TB12 – Parksville CRM-Customization and Customer Portfolio Issues in Competition Modeling Sales Management II Willingness to Pay Measurement Chair: Martin Boehm Chair: Bruce Clark Chair: Srinath Gopalakrishna Disentangling the Benefits of Product Customization Ferdinand Burianek, Frank Piller, Christoph Ihl, Sebastian Bonnemeier Predicting Competitors' Moves: The Value and Behavioral Antecedents of Predictive Accuracy Lewis Lim, Sze Sze Wong Role of Marketing Efforts on Customer Value Creation Using a Customer-Mix Model Shameek Sinha, Leigh McAlister Incentives in Contests: To be a Winner or Not to be a Loser Jaesoo Kim Personalizing Customer Service in the Email Channel Sang-Pil Han, Jae-Hyeon Ahn Price and Quality Competition in a Three-Dimensional Vertical Differentiation Model Yong Cao, Rachel R. Chen Chair: Eva Gerstmeier Individual Level Evaluation of Pharmaceutical Sales Representatives Andre Bielecki, Sönke Albers Planning Trade Show Expenditures in a Dynamic Competitive Setting Srinath Gopalakrishna, Shrihari Sridhar Price Delegation to the Salesforce: Back to Basics Sung Ham, James Hess Consumer's Willingness to Pay: A Critical Synthesis and Directions for Further Research Le Gall-Ely Marine Uncovering Consumer Willingness to Pay for Product Attributes Through Hedonic Price Modeling Josue Martinez Determination of Willingness-toPay for Multiple Price-Quantity Combinations Christian Schlereth, Bernd Skiera Managing Customer Portfolios Martin Boehm, Jaime Romero, Anna Downarowicz The Social Cognitive Structure of Emerging Competitive Markets Bruce Clark, David B. Montgomery, Bernard Marr TB13 – Orca TB14 – Finback TB15 – Granville TB16 – Galiano Brand Strategy Issues in Advertising Best Practices for Effective Global Marketing Multi-Product Marketing Chair: Burcu Tasoluk Chair: Georges Zaccour Comparing the Validity of Different Methods for Measuring Willingness-to-Pay Eva Gerstmeier, Martin Spann, Bernd Skiera Chair: Chakravarthi Narasimhan Chair: Corine Noordhoff OEM Perceptions and Behavior towards Supplier Brand Strength Stefan Worm, Rajendra Srivastava Branding a Country as an Educational Destination – Romania’s Case Alin Valentin Angheluta The Effects of Brand Strategy and Customer Characteristics of Brand Revenue Premium JianJun Zhu, Thomas Gruca, Lopo Rego A Contingency Hierarchical Generalized Linear Model for Brand Associations Burcu Tasoluk, Roger Calantone, Cornelia Droge The Effects of Focused, Unique, and Temporally Consistent Advertising Messages on Brand Sales Bharat Sud, Robert Fisher, Kersi D. Antia Solution Selling: Capabilities for Value Creation and Value Appropriation Sebastian Bonnemeier, Ralf Reichwald, Christoph Ihl Flexible Modeling of Multiple IMC Threshold and Interaction Effects Ceren Kolsarici, Demetrios Vakratsas MBA Job Preferences: Including Ethics and CSR David B. Montgomery, Cathie Ramus The Effect of the Diffusion of Ad Avoidance Technologies on Advertiser Strategies Bikram Ghosh, Axel Stock Centralization versus Decentralization of Marketing Activities in Leading Italian Firms Eleonora Cattaneo, Carolina Guerini Advertising Strategies in a Fashion Licensing Contract Georges Zaccour, Alessandra Buratto Building Capabilities Through Vertical Relations: The Role of Tie Strength and Firm Memory Corine Noordhoff, Kyriakos Kyriakopoulos B2B Banking Transactional, Lending and Savings Product Acquisition Sequences and Rates of Change Guy Pearce Individual Marketing, Product Differentiation and Tacit Collusion with Unobservable Demands I-Huei Wu, Chyi-Mei Chen, ShanYu Chou Intra-Firm Coordination of Product Management in a Supply Chain Chakravarthi Narasimhan, Lingxiu Dong, Kaijie Zhu 2008 INFORMS Marketing Science Conference th Thursday, June 12 , 2008 TB17 – Pavilion Ballroom D Meet the Editors 2 Marketing Science (MKS) Eric T. Bradlow Journal of Service Research Kay Lemon Journal of Marketing Roland Rust International Journal of Research in Marketing Stefan Stremersch, Donald R. Lehmann Journal of Marketing Research (JMR) Gerald J. Tellis 3:00-4:30PM (TB) 2008 INFORMS Marketing Science Conference th Thursday, June 12 , 2008 4:45-6:15PM (TC) TC01 – Junior Ballroom D TC02 – Junior Ballroom C TC03 – Grand Ballroom D TC04 – Port Alberni Dynamic Structural Models Financial Market's Reaction to Marketing Private Labels Social Influence and SelfConstrual in Consumption Chair: Harikesh Nair Chair: Harald J. van Heerde Chair: Donald Lehmann Durable Goods Oligopoly with Innovation: Theory and Empirics Ron Goettler, Brett Gordon Uncertainty, Learning and Quantity Dynamics for Frequently Purchased Products Sridhar Narayanan Entry Timing and Pricing of Digital Video Discs in the U.S. Motion Picture Industry Anirban Mukherjee, Vrinda Kadiyali The Theory and Practice of Myopic Management Natalie Mizik Linking Brand and Customer Attitudinal and Behavioral Metrics to Financial Outcomes: A Latent Growth Modeling Approach Sundar Bharadwaj, Arne Floh The Under-appreciated Value of Marketing Metrics Isaac Dinner, Donald Lehmann, Natalie Mizik Quota Dynamics and the Intertemporal Allocation of Salesforce Effort Harikesh Nair, Sanjog Misra Chair: Arvid O. I. Hoffmann A Cross-continent Study of the Drivers of Consumers' Willingness to Pay a Price Premium for National Brands Over Private Labels Harald J. van Heerde, Inge Geyskens, Jan-Benedict E. Steenkamp The Reciprocal Relationship Between Private Label Use and Store Loyalty Kusum L. Ailawadi, Koen Pauwels, Jan-Benedict E. Steenkamp National Brands and Copycat Private Labels: Consumer Learning and Quality Spillover Effects Maciej Szymanowski, Els Gijsbrechts Does Self-reflection Affect Product Evaluation? Shun Yin Lam "Building Character": Effects of Lay Theories of Self-control on the Selection of Products for Child Catherine Yeung, Anirban Mukhopadhyay Ptolemy vs. Copernicus: SelfConstrual in Social Consumption Sarah Moore, Gavan Fitzsimons Investors' Susceptibility to Interpersonal Influences Arvid O. I. Hoffmann, Thijs L.J. Broekhuizen New Products, The Antidote to Private Label Growth? Who is Fighting Whom? Katrijn Gielens TC05 – Grand Ballroom C TC06 – Grand Ballroom B TC07 – Grand Ballroom A TC08 – Port Hardy New Product Diffusion-Cross Country Studies Movie Marketing Choice-Methods and Data Mood, Brand Familiarity, and Decision Frames Chair: Amit Joshi Chair: Terry Elrod Sources and Implications of Stardom: A Study of Star Power in the Motion Picture Industry Xia Liu, Tridib Mazumdar, Yong Liu Using Auxiliary Data to Estimate Common Utility Origins with Discrete Choice Models Lynd Bacon, Peter Lenk Chair: Guy Yogev Adoption of Value-Added MServices: A Cross-National Investigation Remco Prins, Barbara Becker, Peter C. Verhoef Chair: Nevena Koukova The Demand for Size: An International Study on Optimal Product Attributes Yuri Peers, Dennis Fok, Philip Hans Franses Timing of New Products Introduction into Foreign Markets: An Empirical Analysis of Hollywood Movies Reo Song, Venkatesh Shanka, Sanjay Jainr Catch-Up, Leapfrogging, and Globalization: Dynamics of New Product Adoption Across Nations Gerard J. Tellis, Deepa Chandrasekaran Diffusion-based Modeling of Movie Type Success: An Evolutionary Perspective Berna Devezer, Erkan Ozge Buzbas The Diffusion of Freewares Guy Yogev, Barak Libai, Eitan Muller Adapting to Succeed? Leveraging the Brand Equity of Bestsellers to Succeed at the Box-office Amit Joshi, Huifang Mao Reality Check: Combining Survey and Market Data to Estimate Choice Models Eleanor Feit, Mark Beltramo, Fred Feinberg Modeling Cognitive Complexity to Predict Consideration Sets Daria Silinskaia, Theodoros Evgeniou, Olivier Toubia, John R. Hauser, Rene Befurt Partial Profile Choice Experiments Terry Elrod, Keith Chrzan The Effect of Weather on Consumer Spending Kyle B. Murray, Adam Finn, Peter T. L. Popkowski Leszczyc, Fabrizio Di Muro Mood Matching: The Importance of Fit Between Moods Elicited by TV Programs and Commercials Joseph Lajos, Nailya Ordabayeva, Amitava Chattopadhyay Not All Brands are Alike: The Role of Brand Familiarity in Product Placements Mei-Ling Wei, Kelley J. Main, Eileen Fischer Choosing Versus Rejecting Options for Products: A Mental Simulation Perspective Nevena Koukova, Reetika Gupta 2008 INFORMS Marketing Science Conference th Thursday, June 12 , 2008 4:45-6:15PM (TC) TC09 – Junior Ballroom B TC10 – Junior Ballroom A TC11 – Port McNeill TC12 – Parksville CRM-System Implementation Dynamic Aspects of Competition eCommerce-MultiChannel Bundling and Pricing Chair: M. Tolga Akcura Chair: Amiya Basu Search Versus Word-of-Mouth: Evidence from an Online Retailer Jeonghye Choi, David Bell Influence of Nonlinear Tariff Structures on Service Providers' Profitability Tanja Stepanchuk, Christian Schlereth, Bernd Skiera Chair: Anita Basalingappa Chair: Benaissa Chidmi Alignment of Customer Intention Value Networks with Corporate Performance Management Sabine Wilfling, Ulrike Baumoel, Henrik Ickler Customer Pyramid Analysis and Enhanced CRM in the Consumer Packaged Goods Industry Gurram Gopal Effectiveness of CRM on Customer Satisfaction and Performance in the Internet Banking of Taiwan Hui-I Yao, Kok Wei Khong Role of Relational Bonds in the Manifestation of Customer Loyalty Anita Basalingappa, Subhas Managuli On Monopolist Optimal Dynamic Marketing Mix Policies for the Diffusion of New Subscriber Service Innovations Hani Mesak An Empirical Model of Product Entry and Pricing Federico Rossi Late Mover's Strategic Quality Decisions Byong-Duk Rhee, Sue Ryung Chang, S. P. Raj Time-varying Duopoly Competition in Supermarket Industry: The Case of SeattleTacoma Milk Market Benaissa Chidmi, Olga Murova The Impact of Introducing the Internet Channel on Vertical Strategic Interaction Lu Hsiao Customer Evolution in Sales Channel Migration Sara Valentini, Scott Neslin Strategic Online Channel Adoption M. Tolga Akcura, Zafer Ozdemir, Sanjay Jain Optimal Pricing in the Wireless Service Industry Ping Xiao, Tat Chan, Chakravarthi Narasimhan Analysis on Preferences for Price Plans of Public Utilities; Case Study about Electricity Price Hisanori Goto Impact of Customer Knowledge Heterogeneity on Bundling Strategy Amiya Basu, Padmal Vitharana TC13 – Orca TC14 – Finback TC15 – Granville TC16 – Galiano Branding Advertising Strategy Marketing Strategy and Firm Performance Retail Management Chair: R. Venkatesh Chair: Dan Horsky Chair: John H. Summey Chair: Vinay Kanetkar Are Store Brands 'Brands'? Estimating Store Brand Equity from Aggregate Data Paul Nelson, Sudhir Voleti Product Repositioning and Brand Inertia: The US Automobile Market Sengun Yeniyurt, S. Chan Choi, Janell D. Townsend Nation Equity in Personal Computer Purchases in China Junhong Chu The Types, Mechanisms and Effectiveness of Co-branding: A Conceptualization & Managerial Guidelines R. Venkatesh, Rabikar Chatterjee, Casey Newmeyer On the Effect of Diversity in Consumer Tastes and Informative Advertising on Product Line Design Chuan He, Wilfred Amaldoss A Model of Image Advertising Dina Mayzlin, Jiwoong Shin A Positive Theory of Negative Advertising Mitchell Lovett, Ron Shachar The Advertising Agency Selection Contest: An Auction with Bi-dimensional Bidders Dan Horsky, Sharon Horsky, Michael Landsberger Wall Street Reaction to Top Marketing Executive Succession: An Event Study Perspective Rui Wang, Rajdeep Grewal The Effect of Customer Based Brand Equity on Financial Analysts Josip Medjedovic, Gordon Thompson, Jochen Becker Impact of Price Change on Profitability: Theory and Empirical Evidence Vinay Kanetkar Risk Perception on Logistics Outsourcing of Retail Chainsmodel Development and Empirical Verification in Taiwan Ming-Chih Tsai, Chun-Hua Liao When and How Does a Retail Roof Policy Increase Profitability Xubing Zhang, Yong Cao Campaign in the Wrong Chain? Sources of National Brand Sales at Discount Stores Barbara Deleersnyder, Oliver Koll New Retail Technology Repatronage Decision John H. Summey, Ramendra Thakur 2008 INFORMS Marketing Science Conference th Friday, June 13 , 2008 8:30-10:00AM (FA) FA01 – Junior Ballroom D FA02 – Junior Ballroom C FA03 – Pavilion Ballroom D FA04 – Port Alberni Search Engines and Marketing I Service Marketing Marketing Meets Design Chair: Kartik Hosanagar Chair: Rachel R. Chen, Yinghui Yang Chair: Gursel Ilipinar, Judith Lynne Zaichkowsky Influences on Purchase: Attributions and Information From Others Search Engine Advertising: Pricing Ads to Context Catherine Tucker, Avi Goldfarb Buyer-seller Relationships and Customer Lifetime Value Gila E. Fruchter, Simon P. Sigué Design Orientation as a Driver of Organizational Culture Giulia Calabretta, Jordi Montaña, Oriol Iglesias, Isa Moll Quality Signaling and Revenue Implications of Payment Innovations in Internet-Based Advertising: A Theoretical and Empirical Investigation Siva Viswanathan, Chris Dellarocas Probabilistic Goods and Probabilistic Selling: A New Pricing Tool For Retailers Scott Fay, Jinhong Xie Chair: Frank van Rijnsoever Introducing Design Orientation as an Aspect of New Product Development Success Ian Parkman, Keven Malkewitz Family Purchase Decision Making in India: Impact of Couples' SRO, WWP AND RRC Duraipandian Israel Defending Against Future Loss: The Impact of Regulatory Focus on an Observing Customer’s Attribution Elisa Ka Yan Chan, Lisa C. Wan, Lei Su Should Captive Sardines be Compensated? Serving Customers in a Confined Zone Rachel R. Chen, Yinghui Yang, Eitan Gerstner Trading off Design for Brand Name Judith Lynne Zaichkowsky, Gorm Gabrielsen, Tore Kristensen Managing Quality with Constrained Capacity in Equilibrium Steven Shugan, Aydin Alptekinoglu Role of Design Management in Service Innovation Gursel Ilipinar, Wesley J. Johnston, Jordi Montaña, Rajendra Srivastava Customer Bill of Right: Who Benefits? Yinghui Yang, Rachel R. Chen, Eitan Gerstner Discussion Panel on Design Colleen Collins Knowledge Base and the Use of Channels for Information Search: The Case of Car Purchasing Frank van Rijnsoever FA05 – Pavilion Ballroom C FA06 – Pavilion Ballroom B FA07 – Pavilion Ballroom A FA08 – Port Hardy Managing New Product Introductions Word-of-Mouth in Movie Marketing Choice-Statistical Methods Consumer Decision Making Chair: Thomas Steenburgh Chair: Koert Van Ittersum Chair: Douglas MacLachlan Chair: Hiroshi Onishi Why, When and How Prices Land: Empirical Evidence from the Video Game Industry Carlos Mireles, Dennis Fok, Philip Hans Franses How the Interplay Between Advertising, Media Coverage and Word of Mouth Affect Supply and Demand of Motion Pictures? Guillermo Armelini, Julian Villanueva, Jorge Gonzalez Non-compensatory Choice Applications Ty Henderson, Neeraj Arora Ambiguity Aversion and the Power of Established Brands Luc Wathieu, A.V. Muthukrishnan The Effects of Measurement and Specification Error in Integrated Choice-latent Variable Models Garrett Sonnier, Andrew Ainslie The Role of Perceived Unfairness in the Decision Making Fue Zeng, Wenyu Dou, Chenting Su, Zhilin Yang An Empirical Analysis of Sponsored Search Performance in Search Engine Advertising Anindya Ghose, Sha Yang Location, Location and Location: An Analysis of Profitability and Position in Online Advertising Markets Ashish Agarwal, Michael Smith, Kartik Hosanagar New Product Introduction Strategies of Asymmetric Competitors Thanh Tran, Axel Stock, Ramarao Desiraju Key Success Factors in 3G Services Adoption: A CrossCultural Consumer Perspective Tang Lei How Should Companies Price New Products When Customers are Unsure About Their Willingness to Pay? Douglas MacLachlan, Joo Heon Park, Edwin Love A New Approach to Measure the Valence of WOM Kung-Hsin Shao, Lichung Jen Marketing Activity, Blogging and Sales Hiroshi Onishi, Puneet Manchanda Multivariate Nested Logit: A General Extension of Nested Logit for Multi-category Multi-item Choice Kyuseop Kwak, Gary Russell, Sri Devi Duvvuri Choice Among Similar Alternatives Revisited Thomas Steenburgh When Do Customers Listen to Others? Determinants of Customers' Use of Third-Party Information Mario Rese, Annika Wilke, Bülent Gögdün Evaluating the Benefits of Distraction on Product Evaluations: The Mindset Effect Davy Lerouge Exploring Adaptive Estimation Behavior Koert Van Ittersum, Joost M.E. Pennings, Brian Wansink 2008 INFORMS Marketing Science Conference th Friday, June 13 , 2008 8:30-10:00AM (FA) FA09 – Junior Ballroom B FA10 – Junior Ballroom A FA11 – Port McNeill FA12 – Parksville Dynamic Effects in Predictive Modeling Channel Competition eCommerce-Recommendation Systems Factors Influencing Price Perception Chair: Andrea Godfrey Chair: Sanjeev Tripathi The Effect of Network Structure on Demand in Electronic Commerce Gal Oestreicher-Singer, Arun Sundararajan An Empirical and Experimental Analysis of Customer Switching Between Two- and Thee-part Tariff Plans Naufel Vilcassim, Eva Ascarza, Marco Bertini Chair: Wei-yu Kevin Chiang Chair: Thomas Reutterer Customer Targeting: Controlling for Endogeneity in Marketing Mix Decisions Shanfei Feng, Trichy Krishnan, Suman Ann Thomas Detecting Meaningful Patterns of Profitability Dynamics in Evolving Customer-Firm Relationships Thomas Reutterer, Regina Tüchler Predicting What Type of Customer You Will be Tomorrow: A Stochastic Segmentation Model Tanya Mark, Mark Vandenbosch, Katherine Lemon Coordination Incentives in Competing Supply Chains Sudheer Gupta, Harish Krishnan Revenue Management with Strategic Consumers: LastMinute Selling and Opaque Selling Kinshuk Jerath, Serguei Netessine, Senthil Veeraraghavan Channel Structure and Competition in Multiple Channel Marketing Systems Manish Kacker Dynamic Price Interactions in a Distribution Channel Wei-yu Kevin Chiang Including the Effects of Prior and Recent Contact Effort in a Customer Scoring Model Subom Rhee, Shelby McIntyre My Mobile Music: An Adaptive Personalization System for Digital Audio Players Tuck Siong Chung, Roland Rust, Michel Wedel Recommending a Recommendation Agent: The Impact of Message Framing on Using a Recommendation Agent Clemens Koehler, Els Breugelmans, Benedict Dellaert, Ko de Ruyter An Integrated Model of Multiple Types of Reference Prices on Satisfaction Felix Tang, Jian-min Jia Extreme Price Points and Their Effects on Brand Purchase Oded Lowengart, Sanjoy Ghose Perceived Price Unfairness: When less is more Sanjeev Tripathi, Abraham Koshy Attribute-based Co-clustering Recommendation Systems and Factors that Impact Recommendation Quality Andrea Godfrey, Meghana Deodhar, Maytal SaarTsechansky, Leigh McAlister FA13 – Orca FA14 – Finback FA15 – Granville FA16 – Galiano Branding Issues Advertising Issues Organization Theory Issues in Marketing Retail Category Management Chair: Joseph Chang Chair: Jie Zhang Chair: Debu Talukdar Chair: Qiong Wang Customer-brand Relationship: Two Empirical Studies on an Integrative Model Hongwei He, Yan Li The Constitutional Elements of Online Brand Identities Tobias Kollmann, Christina Suckow Customer's Experience and Brand Image Adriana Gigliotti, Gina Pingitore The Indicativeness of Brand Extension Information on the Judgment of Family Brand Entitativity Joseph Chang, Bob Wu Understanding Voter Response to Political Advertising Through Election Cycles with Limited Information Hai Che, P.B. (Seethu) Seetharaman The Role of Advertising and Consumer Interest in the Motion Picture Industry Andrei Strijnev, Brian Ratchford, Dongling Huang Moment-to-moment Optimal Branding in TV-Commercials: Preventing Avoidance by Pulsing Thales Teixeira, Rik Pieters, Michel Wedel Sales Effects of Attention to Feature Advertisements: A Bayesian Mediation Analysis Jie Zhang, Michel Wedel, Rik Pieters Not Complacent but Scared: An Alternative Explanation for Strategic Inertia Among Successful Firms Alexander Rusetski, Lewis Lim Shrinking the Organizational Hierarchy - The Case of Multiunit Franchising Rupinder Jindal The Roles of Strategic Actions in Making Sense of Market Information and Achieving Competitive Advantage Qiong Wang, Yinghong Wei A Category Management Model of Dynamic Retailer Decisions Karthik Sridhar, Rajesh Shah, Ram Bezawada Joined at the Hip: How Retailers and Products Affect Mutual Consumer Satisfaction Purush Papatla, Feng Liu, Yu Fan Retailer Coupons: Are Private Label-Prone Customers Profitable Targets? Salome Nies, Martin Natter Opportunity Costs of SKU Reductions for Supermarket Retailers Debu Talukdar, Amresh Kumar 2008 INFORMS Marketing Science Conference th Friday, June 13 , 2008 10:30-12:00PM (FB) FB01 – Junior Ballroom D FB02 – Junior Ballroom C FB03 – Pavilion Ballroom D FB04 – Port Alberni Online Customization: Economic and Cognitive Considerations Identifying and Estimating Variance Components in Choice Experiments Special Session on Marketing and Health Network Effects and Social Influence Chair: Stefan Stremersch Chair: Michael Haenlein Chair: Michael Braun Chair: Cam Rungie, Len Coote, Towhidul Islam Investigating Dynamic Multiproduct Sales Impacts of Pharmaceutical Product Lifecycle Extension Strategies: Insights from the Rx and OTC Antacids Market Following Prilosec OTC Entry Murali K. Mantrala, Yihui (Elina) Tang, Gila E. Fruchter Identify the Influentials and Imitators in Fashion Contagion Using Scanner Data Jiali Ding, Raghu Iyengar, Guoqun Fu, John Zhang Modeling the Effects of Marketing Expenditures on the Components of a Diffusion Model for New Prescription Drugs Jaap E. Wieringa, Peter S.H. Leeflang, Enar Ruiz Conde The Effects of Social Networks on Value Perceptions Sheila Goins, Thomas Gruca The Pricing of Key Words Song Yao, Carl Mela, Alan Montgomery Modeling Consumer Search for Making Online Advertising Decisions Alan Montgomery Cognitive Styles and Website Design Michael Braun, Glen L. Urban, Clarence Lee, John R. Hauser Morphing Websites to Match Individual Cognitive Styles John R. Hauser, Michael Braun, Glen L. Urban, Guilherme Liberali Latent Variable Modeling of Consumer Brand Preferences Using Best-worst Experiments Len Coote, Bettina Cornwell The McFadden Trial: Variances for Repeated Binary Choice Under Bernoulli and McFadden (RUT) Conditions Cam Rungie Separating the Variance in Choice Within and Between Individuals: A Significant Proportion of So-called Preference Heterogeneity is in Fact Due to Variability Within Individuals Towhidul Islam, Jordan Louviere A Multi-category Model of Physician Prescription and Detailing Xiaojing Dong, Pradeep Chintagunta, Puneet Manchanda Social Communication and Durable Goods Pricing Liang Guo, Hao Zhao, Ying Zhao A Social Network Analysis of Customer-Level Revenue Distribution Michael Haenlein The International Launch and Pricing of Pharmaceutical Innovations Isabel Verniers, Stefan Stremersch, Christophe Croux FB05 – Pavilion Ballroom C FB06 – Pavilion Ballroom B FB07 – Pavilion Ballroom A FB08 – Port Hardy New Product-Forecasting DVD and Entertainment Media Marketing Choice-Marketing Mix Response Influences on the Consumer Choice Process Chair: Pilsik Choi Chair: Sri Devi Duvvuri Chair: Xin Ge Diffusion of Media Products Michel Clement, Christina Schmidt-Stoelting, Sönke Albers Do Retailer Return Policies Really Matter on Consumer Choice Clara Agustin, Sweta Thota, Prashant Yadav When Choice is Motivating: Increasing Options During Product Configuration Makes You a Maximizer Claire Lin, Jonathan Levav Incorporating Consumer Inventory into Demand for Storable Goods Jaehwan Kim, Greg Allenby, Jeff Dotson How Multiple Anchors Affect Judgment: Evidence from the Lab and eBay Ye Li, Ting Zhu, Yan Zhang Chair: Taesun Kim Pre-Launch Forecasting of Sales and Product Evolution Yair Orbach, Gila Fruchter Roadmapping 3G Mobile TV: Scenario Planning Through Repeated Cross Impact Handling Margherita Pagani The Exploration of Systematic Change in Bass Model Parameters Using Hierarchical Bayes Modeling Taesun Kim, Frank M. Bass, Portia Isaacson Bass The Impact of Advertising and Promotion on Customer Spending in the Media Download Industry Kerstin Reimer, Oliver J. Rutz Competition Between a Multichannel Retailer and an Online Retailer in the DVD Rental Market Pilsik Choi, Jooseop Lim Latent Shopping Orientation Dynamic, Shopping Path, and Instore Purchase Conversion Xiaoling Zhang, Shibo Li, Raymond Burke When Quantity Matters: A Multivariate Tobit Model Sri Devi Duvvuri More Comparison and a Smarter Choice? Not Necessarily Yuchen Hung, Catherine Yeung Differential Search Costs and Consumer Choice Xin Ge, Gerald Häubl 2008 INFORMS Marketing Science Conference th Friday, June 13 , 2008 10:30-12:00PM (FB) FB09 – Junior Ballroom B FB10 – Junior Ballroom A FB11 – Port McNeill FB12 – Parksville Customer Lifetime Value and Wallet Share Strategic Alliances eCommerce-The Long Tail Effect Pricing Chair: Ursula Sullivan Chair: Eva Ascarza Share of Wallet: Considering Interdependency of Categories Sungha Jang, Brian Ratchford Wallet Estimation Models: A Bottom Up Approach Asya Takken, Paulo Costa Predicting Customer Wallet Nicolas Glady, Christophe Croux Modeling Renewal and Usage Behavior in Contractual Settings Eva Ascarza, Bruce Hardie Chair: Jorge Silva-Risso Chair: Anita Elberse Innovation Alliance Strategies: Alignment of Resource Access and Interfirm Governance Jongkuk Lee, William Qualls Transforming Social Capital into Financial Value in IPOs: The Role of Absorptive Capacity Guiyang Xiong, Sundar Bharadwaj Driving Profits Through Supply Chain Alliances Ursula Sullivan Blockbuster Culture's Next Rise or Fall: The Impact of Recommender Systems on Sales Diversity Kartik Hosanagar, Daniel Fleder Long Tail - An Investigation of Underlying Demand Effects Jochen Eckert, Bernd Skiera, Oliver Hinz The Impact of (Legal) Digital Distribution on Music Sales: Who Benefits? Anita Elberse Pay-What-You-Want: Being Better Off When Customers Determine the Price?! Ju-Young Kim, Martin Natter, Martin Spann Lease Versus Buy: The Rational Choice Srabana Dasgupta, Prokriti Mukherji Pricing of Flexible Products in Service Industries: An Empirical Analysis at a Low-Cost Airline Martin Spann, Stefan Mang, David Post Scarcity Rents in Car Retailing: Evidence from Inventory Fluctuations at Dealerships Jorge Silva-Risso, Florian Zettelmeyer, Fiona Scott Morton FB13 – Orca FB14 – Finback FB15 – Granville FB16 – Galiano Factors Influencing Brand Equity and Image New Media Advertising Market Orientation, Customer Loyalty, and Competition Location Issues in Retailing Chair: Peter Danaher Chair: Qiang Fei Relationship-based Brand: A New Perspective in Service Branding Farshad Bekhradi, Hamzeh Rayej, Tahmorth Hasangholipoor Assessing the Effects of ProductBased VCs on Brand Selection: A Longitudinal Study Yiyan Li, Kineta Hung How Competition and Environment Alter Brand Architecture: An Analysis of Brand-Usage Interactions Kim Seroto, Mukesh Bhargava Brand Equity and Product Recalls Qiang Fei, Lopo Rego Chair: Dan Putler Chair: Yunchuan Liu Competing 'Creatively' in Online Markets: Evidence from Sponsored Search Animesh Animesh, Siva Viswanathan, Ritu Agarwal Factors Influencing Consumer Acceptance of Mobile Marketing: A Two Country Study Fareena Sultan, Tao (Tony) Gao, Andrew J. Rohm Optimal Internet Media Scheduling Peter Danaher, Laoucine Kerbache, Janghyuk Lee A Case Study of Neuro-Fuzzy Model Applied to Buyer’s Response Prediction for a Plastic Technique R&D Yu-Chih Bau, Shihyu Chou, ChinShien Lin, Ya-Wen Lee An Empirical Study of Buyer's Response Determinants for R&D Service Shihyu Chou, Yu-Chih Bau, YaWen Lee, Chin-Shien Lin Strategic Orientations in a Competitive Environment: Following the Road not Taken Amir Grinstein, Elie Ofek, Rohit Deshpande The Customization of Products and Distribution Channel Management Yunchuan Liu, Yang Liu Matching Store Location and Configuration with the Spatial Heterogeneity in Sales Potential Auke Hunneman, J. Paul Elhorst, Tammo H.A. Bijmolt New Store Entry and Market Share Change Prediction: Geographic Segment Decompositional Approach Jungki Kim, Duk Bin Jun, Myoung Hwan Park, Kyoung Cheon Cha Simplifying the Retail Environment in Store Location Decisions: A Variable Radius Density Method Dan Putler, Tieshan Li, Charles Weinberg 2008 INFORMS Marketing Science Conference th Friday, June 13 , 2008 1:30-3:00PM (FC) FC01 – Junior Ballroom D FC02 – Junior Ballroom C FC03 – Pavilion Ballroom D FC04 – Port Alberni Advertising by "Words" in Internet Paid Search and Mobile Media Sales Force Design and Compensation Strategies Managerial Decision Making Social Networks and Market Efficiency Chair: Richard Staelin Chair: Anne T. Coughlan Chair: Randolph E. Bucklin An Analysis of the Profitability of Different Bidding Heuristics in Search Engine Marketing Eva Gerstmeier, Bernd Skiera, Tanja Stepanchuk Forecasting Performance of Paid Search Engine Advertising Buys: A Semantics Discovery Approach Michael Trusov, Anand V. Bodapati Predictive Power of Visual and Text-based Features: The Case of Multimedia Offers to Cell Phone Users Catarina Sismeiro, Sebastiano Battiato, Giovanni Maria Farinella, Giovanni Giuffrida, Giuseppe Tribulato Putting the Advertising into Paid Search Randolph E. Bucklin, Oliver J. Rutz, Michael Trusov Why Do Firms Contract on Sales When Salespeople Influence Margins? Kissan Joseph, Alex Thevaranjan Product Line Extensions and the Redesign of Salesforce Compensation: A Principal-agent Perspective Sumitro Banerjee, Alex Thevaranjan Delegation of Pricing Authority to the Sales Force - Its Measurement and Determination Manfred Krafft, Heiko Frenzen, Ann-Kristin Hansen, Simone Schmidt, Murali K. Mantrala Chair: Jie Feng Managerial Judgment of Customer Value Joe E. Urbany, Raymond Kordupleski, James H. Davis Are All Managers Created Equal? Avi Goldfarb, Botao Yang Using Expectations Data to Infer Managerial Objectives and Choices Tat Y. Chan, Barton H. Hamilton, Christopher Makler Controlling the Odds: Skill or Conceit? Abhijit Guha, Bill Boulding, Richard Staelin Optimal Sales Force Diversification and Group Incentive Payments Fabio Caldieraro, Anne T. Coughlan Factors Affect Purchase Intent and Actual Purchase in Japanese Digital Music Player Market Tomoko Kawakami When Word-of-mouth Marketing Works: An Agent-Based Simulation Approach Makoto Mizuno The Network Value of a Customer Tali Gal, Barak Libai An Investigation of the Antecedents of Online Word of Mouth: Roles of Product Attributes, Satisfaction and Expert Opinions Jie Feng, Purush Papatla FC05 – Pavilion Ballroom C FC06 – Pavilion Ballroom B FC07 – Pavilion Ballroom A FC08 – Port Hardy Emerging Issues in Software and Technology Markets Pharmaceutical Marketing Choice-Applications Craving and Justification in Hedonic Consumption Chair: Tulikaa Bhatia Chair: Andres Musalem A New Framework for Formulating Pharmaceutical Marketing Strategies Khasha Dehnad Revisiting the Income Effect: Gasoline Prices and Grocery Purchases Sofia Villas-Boas Bucking the Trend: A Data Fusion Approach to Forecast the Implications of a Large Policy Shift Eelco Kappe, Stefan Stremersch, Sriram Venkataraman A Spatial Model of the Trade-up Decision Ohjin Kwon, S. Siddarth Chair: Rajendran Sriramachandra-Murthy The Performance Impact of Technology Outsourcing Prokriti Mukherji, Madhu Viswanathan, Om Narasimhan, Rajesh Chandy Enterprise Software as a Service Bao-Jun Jiang, Pei-yu Chen, Tridas Mukhopadhyay Pricing Strategies for Hybrid Innovations Jeff Meyer, Venkatesh Shankar, Leonard L. Berry Is Proprietary Software Under Threat? An Investigation Into the Adoption of Open Source Software Rajendran SriramachandraMurthy, Monica Hodis, Siva Balasubramanian Chair: Cait Poynor To Switch or Not to Switch: Influence of Generics on Physician Prescription Behavior Tulikaa Bhatia, Lakshman Krishnamurthi, Karsten Hansen Empirical Analysis of the Impact of the Product Assortment Information Structure on Brand Choice Tae-kyun Kim, Sivaramakrishna Siddarth Structural Estimation of Retail Demand Under Unobserved Out of Stocks Andres Musalem, Marcelo OIivares, Eric T. Bradlow, Christian Terwiesch, Daniel Corsten A Hierarchical Generalized Linear Model of Craving and Choice in Motivated Behaviour Ji Lu, Laurette Dube, Antoine Bechara The Choice is Right in Front of Us: Information Processing in Hedonic Choice Remi Trudel, Kyle Murray Seize the Day! Enouraging Indulgence for Hyperopic Consumers Cait Poynor, Kelly Haws 2008 INFORMS Marketing Science Conference th Friday, June 13 , 2008 1:30-3:00PM (FC) FC09 – Junior Ballroom B FC10 – Junior Ballroom A FC11 – Port McNeill FC12 – Parksville Predictive ModelingApplications Pricing Competition eCommerce-Online Information Search Price Perception Chair: Gary Russell Chair: Zainab Jamal Combining Machine Learning and Linear Programming for Marketing Optimization: A Case Study Abdel Labbi A Case Study on Service Upgrading Prediction Georgios Kourogiorgas, Ozren Despic, Emmanuel Thanassouli, Veronica Wong Predicting Customer Profitability with Financial Products Wen Yin Chair: Eric Dolansky Chair: Benedict Dellaert Moderating Factors of Immediate, Dynamic, and Longrun Cross-price Effects Csilla Horvath, Dennis Fok Decomposing the Congestion Effect and the Inference Effect of Competition: A Field Experiment Juanjuan Zhang, Catherine Tucker The Competitive Implications of a "No-Haggle" Price Policy: The Case of the Access Toyota Program Xiaohua Zeng, Srabana Dasgupt, Charles Weinberg Characterizing the Online Search Patterns of the Most Valuable Customers for an E-Commerce Site: A Quantile Regression Approach Jesheng Huang, Lichung Jen Information Acquisition Through Web Browsing: A Structural Model of Sequential Search with Learning Suman Ann Thomas, Surendra Rajiv, Junhong Chu, Khim Yong Goh Local Behavioral Influences in Consumer Product Search Benedict Dellaert, Bas Donkers, Gerald Haeubl Dynamic Store Price Image Formation and Category Pricing Carlos Lourenço, Richard Paap, Els Gijsbrechts The Effect of Limited Search Horizons on Consumers' Price Search Strategy James Lemieux, Robert Peterson Using Price Cues Eric Anderson The Impact of the Perceived Variance of Price Sequence on Preference and Choice Eric Dolansky, Mark Vandenbosch, Kyle Murray Identify Best Customers for an Email Campaign: A Discrete Choice Panel Data Model for Rare Events Zainab Jamal, Krishna Venkatraman, Hsui-Khuern Tang, Alex Zhang Analyis of Brand Price Competition Using Measures of Brand Similarity Gary Russell, Ann Petersen, Sri Devi Duvvuri, Suresh Divakar FC13 – Orca FC14 – Finback FC15 – Granville FC16 – Galiano Brand Measurement and Management Advertising and Sponsorship Financial Markets and Marketing Retail Store Choice and Competition Chair: Ashwin Malshe Chair: Ryan Luchs Should Marketers Listen to Wall Street? Poor Stock Performance and Innovation Risk Taking Koen Pauwels, Eric Ghysels Competing with Big-box Retailers Qingyi Huang, Vincent Nijs Chair: David Schweidel Chair: Mark Ratchford A Theory of Six Sigma and Brand Strategies Teck Yong Eng, Yoanna Moguel Emotions in Consumer-based Brand Equity: Reconceptualizing Antecedents, Measures and Consequents Luming Wang, Adam Finn Measuring Category Brand Relevance: A Cross-country Study Franziska Voelckner, Marc Fischer, Henrik Sattler The Effect of Ingredient Branding Strategies on Vertically Differentiated End-products Mark Ratchford, Laura Kornish Getting into Your Head(ache): Advertising of OTC Analgesics Jura Liaukonyte, Simon Anderson, Federico Ciliberto Exclusive Program Sponsorship: Theory and Evidence Yi Zhu, Kenneth Wilbur Automotive Advertising Linli Xu, Sivaramakrishna Siddarth, Kenneth Wilbur An Integrated Model of Television Tuning Behavior David Schweidel, Robert Kent The Effect of Market-based Business Capabilities on Business Performance Janny Hoekstra, Peter Zwart, Mostafa Aakouk Market-based Assets and the Cost of Capital Alexander Himme, Marc Fischer The Impact of Branding Strategy on Liquidity and Investors' Transactions Costs Ashwin Malshe, Srinivasan Krishnamurthy, Yiuman Tse, Manoj Agarwal Competition Between Food Retailing Formats Wenbin Sun, Rahul Govind, Charles Ingene Store Loyalty as a CategorySpecific Trait - What Drives It? Qin Zhang, Manish Gangwar, P.B. (Seethu) Seetharaman A Dynamic Structural Model of Store Choice Ryan Luchs, Baohong Sun, Jeffrey Inman 2008 INFORMS Marketing Science Conference th Friday, June 13 , 2008 3:30-5:00PM (FD) FD01 – Junior Ballroom D FD02 – Junior Ballroom C FD03 – Pavilion Ballroom D FD04 – Port Alberni Search Engines and Marketing Science: An Industry Panel Frontiers in Marketing Channels Alternative Preference Measurements: New Methods and Insights Network Externalities and SelfSelection Chair: Arvind Rangaswamy Chair: Preyas Desai Enterprise Search and Marketing: The User Revolution Zia Zaman Search Engines, Contextual Advertising, and Marketing Science Jim Oliver From Generic to Branded: A Model of Spillover in Paid Search Advertising Oliver J. Rutz, Randolph E. Bucklin Channel Management with Product Returns Anne T. Coughlan, R. Canan Savaskan, Jeffrey D. Shulman Store-within-a-store Kinshuk Jerath, John Zhang Choosing the Best Channel Structure in a Multi-brand Multichannel Market Eunkyu Lee, Rex Du, Richard Staelin, Weon Sang Yoo Digital Music Set Free: The Flip Side of DRM Preyas Desai, Debu Purohit, Dinah Vernik Chair: Ernan Haruvy Chair: Min Ding, Young-Hoon Park Barter Markets for Conjoint Analysis Eric T. Bradlow Measurement of Indirect Network Effects in the Market for Flex-fuel Vehicles and E85 Ethanol Scott Shriver, Harikesh Nair, Wesley Hartmann An Improved Method for the Quantitative Assessment of Customer Priorities Seenu Srinivasan, Gordon Wyner The Decomposition of Promotional Response Across Four Types of Consumer Groups Kanghyun Yoon, Thanh Tran Stability of Screening Rules William Moore, Ekaterina Karniouchina A Comparison of Different Methods to Separate Treatment from Self-Selection Effects Sonja Gensler, Peter Leeflang, Martin Boehm, Bernd Skiera A Choice Model of Bundles Features and Meta-attributes: An Application to Product Design Vithala R. Rao An Experimental Investigation of Buyer Determined Procurement Auctions Ernan Haruvy, Elena Katok FD05 – Pavilion Ballroom C FD06 – Pavilion Ballroom B FD07 – Pavilion Ballroom A FD08 – Port Hardy Organizational Dynamics and Innovation Health Marketing Multiattribute Models Chair: Avinandan Mukherjee Chair: Anita Prinzie The Importance of Culture and Ethnicity in Consumer Behavior Doctors' Orders: Illness, Compliance, and SpatiallyTargeted Marketing Rahul Govind, Nitika Garg, Charles Ingene, Wenbin Sun Estimation of Individual Level Multi-attribute Utility from Ordered Paired Preference Comparisons Sangwoo Shin, Paul Nelson, Dan Horsky Chair: U. N. Umesh Patterns in MNC R&D Locations in the 21st Century Andreas Eisingerich, Gerard J. Tellis, Rajesh Chandy, Jaideep Prabhu What? When? Why? Dynamics of Learning and Innovation in the Knowledge Economy Chirag Patel Entrepreneur's Market Development and Business Growth Strategies U. N. Umesh, Elina Petrova The Salience of Bad Experiences in Physician Learning Nuno Camacho, Bas Donkers, Stefan Stremersch A Meta-Analysis of Consumer Compliance with Healthcare Avinandan Mukherjee Level-individualization in Conjoint Analysis: A New Approach to Preference Measurement Frank Liess, Markus Voeth, Uta Herbst Do All Brands Gain Equally When New Functionalities are Added to a Base Product? Tripat Gill, Jing Lei Exploiting the Interaction Between Hidden Processes for Cross-selling Financial Services Anita Prinzie, Dirk Van den Poel Chair: Nikos Kalogeras Predicting and Understanding Chinese Consumers' Intention to Purchase Luxury Goods: An Empirical Test of the Theory of Planned Behavior Ling Gao, Zhi-ming Zhang, Chester Kin-man To, Yong-jin Wang Do Perceptions of Service Quality Vary for Different Ethnic Groups? An Empirical Investigation Subir Bandyopadhyay, Manoj Pardasani Consumer Risk Behavior in Times of Crises: A Cross-cultural Study Nikos Kalogeras, Joost, M.E. Pennings, Koert Van Ittersum 2008 INFORMS Marketing Science Conference th Friday, June 13 , 2008 3:30-5:00PM (FD) FD09 – Junior Ballroom B FD10 – Junior Ballroom A FD11 – Port McNeill FD12 – Parksville Predictive Modeling-Methods Time Series Market Analysis eCommerce-Consumer Choice and Learning Price Promotions and Price Discrimination Chair: Makoto Abe Chair: Hernan Bruno Chair: Wenzel Drechsler Chair: Amit Pazgal Semi-supervised Learning for Response Modeling Sungzoon Cho, Hyunjung Shin, Seong-seob Hwang, Douglas MacLachlan, Hyoung-joo Lee Structural Dynamics of Competition and its Effects on Long-term Customer Profitability Jens Keller, Sven Reinecke The Effect of Internet Adoption on Catalog Customers' Buying Behavior Junzhao Ma, Eric Anderson, Karsten Hansen Market Segmentation for Pricing Strategy Yoshiyuki Okuse Contextual Determinants of the Predictive Accuracy of Binary Prediction Models Bas Donkers, Aurélie Lemmens, Peter C. Verhoef Optimizing the Value of Incentives for New Customers Jeanette Heiligenthal, Bernd Skiera Dynamic Customer Management on Duration Time Structure Geonha Kim, Dae Ryun Chang The Impact of Pricing on Customer Profitability: Evidence From an Industrial Market Hernan Bruno, Bruce Hardie, Shantanu Dutta Counting your Customers' One by One: A Hierarchical Bayes Extension to the Pareto/NBD Model Makoto Abe The Impact of Internet Adoption on Customer Purchasing Behavior in Direct Marketing Xiaojing Dong, Kirthi Kalyanam, Pradeep Chintagunta Does Opening a Physical Store Change Customer Behavior? Yantao Wang, Eric Anderson, Karsten Hansen The Impact of Visualizing a Product's Price History at Price Comparison Sites on Consumer Decisions Wenzel Drechsler, Martin Natter Endogenous vs. Exogenous Wholesale Prices During Instant Rebates Simon Sigue Endogenous and Exogenous Determinants of Inter-Category Price Sensitivity- A Spatial Approach Joy Joseph, Aman Nanda Innovative Pricing Strategies Under Strategic Consumer Behavior Amit Pazgal, Yossi Aviv FD13 – Orca FD14 – Finback FD15 – Granville FD16 – Galiano Questions on Brand Identity, Personality, and Extension Advertising and Market Competition Strategy and Consumer Behavior Retail Store Environment Chair: Robert Kreuzbauer Chair: Nawel Amrouche Chair: Wilfred Amaldoss The Interchangeability of Brand Extensions Joseph Chang, Bob Wu Advertising and Market Structure: A Digital Video Recorder Field Experiment Carl Mela, Bart Bronnenberg, Jean Pierre Dube Unbundling Music: Can Selling Individual Songs Reduce Competitive Intensity Among Music Producers? Sherif Nasser, Nicholas Economides Chair: Julien Schmitt Designing Coolness: Brand Building in the Global Fashion Industry Rajesh Chandy, Om Narasimhan, Paola Cillo, Jaideep Prabhu Brand Personality: Transference and Preference Sharon Hodge, Kathryn Olinger Basic Social Motives of Brand Identity Signaling Robert Kreuzbauer, Chi-yue Chiu, Vivian Vignoles Copycat Advertising and Strategic Theme Release Chun (Martin) Qiu, Demetrios Vakratsas Search Advertising Sridhar Moorthy, Avi Goldfarb Feedback Stackelberg Equilibrium Strategies When the Private Labels Competes with the National Brand Nawel Amrouche, Guiomar Martín-Herrán, Georges Zaccour Turf Wars: Brand Extension in Markets with Preference Based Segmentation Yogesh V. Joshi, David Reibstein, John Zhang Software Piracy in the Presence of Open Source Software Rajiv Sinha, T.S. Raghu, Fernando Machado Strategic Implications of Reference Groups: An Experimental Investigation Wilfred Amaldoss, Sanjay Jain Shelf Layout Effects for Sustainable Products Erjen van Nierop, Erica van Herpen, Laurens Sloot Extreme Makeover: Financial and Perceptual Effects of a Remodeled Servicescape Over Time Bram Foubert, Elisabeth Brüggen, Dwayne Gremler Investigation of the Impact of Store Layout on Category Sales and Store Profitability Yu Ma, Minakshi Trivedi, Dinesh Gauri Associations Between Purchases and In-store Behavior: An Extension of the Market Basket Analysis Julien Schmitt, Ganael Bascoul 2008 INFORMS Marketing Science Conference th Saturday June 14 , 2008 8:30-10:00AM (SA) SA01 – Junior Ballroom D SA02 – Junior Ballroom C SA03 – Grand Ballroom D SA04 – Port Alberni Social Networks and Marketing I Price Rigidity: Latest Theoretical and Empirical Advances in Marketing Social and Cause Marketing Investigating Consumer Response to Promotions Chair: Sourav Ray The Multidimensionality of Fit from a Cause-related Marketing Perspective David Bednall , Harmen Oppewal , Allison Ringer Chair: Sihem Taboubi Chair: Paul Messinger A Viral Branching Model for Predicting the Spread of Electronic Word-of-mouth in Viral Marketing Campaigns Ralf van der Lans, Gerrit van Bruggen, Jehoshua Eliashberg, Berend Wierenga The Role of Spatial Proximity in the Adoption of a Digital Product Christian Barrot, Arvind Rangaswamy, Sönke Albers, Nazrul I. Shaikh Chair: Sungchul Choi Price Adjustments in Technologyintensive Markets: Reversed Asymmetry Charles Wood, Sourav Ray, Paul Messinger Price Rigidity as Retail Strategy in Grocery Supermarkets Sourav Ray Marketing Better Driving Through Communication and Penalties Paul Burke, Luke Greenacre The Effect of Monetary Format on the Mental Accounting and Consumption of Windfalls Tim Silk, Laura Smarandescu, Scott Swain All Multi-Item Promotion Frames are Not Created Equal Sonja Spuerkmann, Karen Gedenk, Michael Knaf Costly Price Adjustment in a Channel of Distribution Mark E. Bergen, Sourav Ray An Investigation of Factors Affecting Fair Trade Consumption Sihem Taboubi, Denis Laroque, Walid Daher SA05 – Grand Ballroom C SA06 – Grand Ballroom B SA07 – Grand Ballroom A SA08 – Port Hardy New Product Design and the Design Process Structural Equation Modeling Structural Econometric Models of Consumer Choice Consumer Perception: Packaging, Stimuli Order, and Haptics Deriving Economic Value from Social Commerce Networks Andrew Stephen, Olivier Toubia Ambiguity and "Scratch and Save (SAS)" Promotions Sungchul Choi, Moontae Kim, Mike Stanyer Consumer Identification with Avatars: Business Applications and Social Computing in Immersive 3D Virtual Worlds Paul Messinger, Mike Bone, Eleni Stroulia, Kelly Lyons, Stephen Perelgut, Kristen Smirnov, Annie Niu Chair: Horst Treiblmaier Chair: Praveen Kopalle Structuring Product Development Pipelines for Better Information Utilization Tao "Alex" Wu Developer Learning Dynamics in Open Source Software Projects: A Hidden Markov Modeling Approach Nara Youn, Yong Tan, Param Singh Identifying and Using Emergent Consumers in Developing Radical Innovations Praveen Kopalle, Tom Novak, Donna Hoffman More for Less? A Comparison of Single-Item and Multi-Item Measures Petra Wilczynski, Marko Sarstedt Response-Based Clustering in PLS: A Comparison of FIMIXPLS with A-Priori and Post-Hoc Segmentation Marko Sarstedt Formative Measurement in Social Science Research: A Historical Review and Up to Date Issues Horst Treiblmaier, Peter Bentler, Patrick Mair Chair: Subramanian Balachander Chair: Monica Hodis Dynamics of Consumer Adoption Decisions of Financial Innovation: the ATM Card Case in Italy Botao Yang Subject Responses to Stimuli Order: A Comparison of Four Orders Using Five Criteria Bryan Lilly A Simulated Maximum Likelihood Estimator for the Random Coefficient Logit Model Using Aggregate Data Sungho Park, Sachin Gupta Context Effects for Package Size Comparisons Larry Garber, Unal Boya, Eva Hyatt Dynamic Brand and Quantity Choice with a Hazard Model of Promotion Expectation Subramanian Balachander, Yan (Lucy) Liu Can Consumers Feel Vicariously? A Comparison Between Haptic Information and Online Video Reviews Monica Hodis, Siva Balasubramanian, Rajendran Sriramachandra-Murthy 2008 INFORMS Marketing Science Conference th Saturday June 14 , 2008 8:30-10:00AM (SA) SA09 – Junior Ballroom B SA10 – Junior Ballroom A SA11 – Port McNeill SA12 – Parksville Customer Lifetime Value Channel Management Blog-Research Understanding and Improving Customer Satisfaction Chair: Jaime Romero Chair: Kersi D. Antia Chair: Oded Netzer Payment Card Rewards Programs and Consumer Payment Choice Andrew Ching, Fumiko Hayashi Channel Coordination and Manufacturer Competition Jia Li, Tat Chan, Michael Lewis The Effect of Online Consumer Reviews on New Product Sales: A Longitudinal Analysis of Xiaoning Guo, Geng Cui Chair: Kristof Coussement "I'm Here, but Maybe not for Long": Using Complaints to Predict and Value Customers George Knox, Rutger D. van Oest A Generalization of Customer Lifetime Value Models Through Customer Dynamics Jaime Romero, Berend Wierenga, Ralf van der Lans Channel Coordination Through Royalty Payments in a (Non-) Price Double Moral Hazard Environment Marcus Kunter Competitive Channel Relationship Management Alberto Sa Vinhas, Richard Gibbs, Erin Anderson Contracts, Governance, and Intermediary Cooperation Kersi D. Antia, Gary Frazier, Vishal Kashyap SA13 – Orca SA14 – Finback Brand Equity Measuring Advertising Effectiveness Chair: Thomas Gruca Chair: Marcel Weverbergh Managing Intellectual Property Assets to Build Firm Brand Equity Saurabh Mishra, David Orozco, James G. Conley Is Revenue Premium a Good Measure of Brand Equity? A Game-theoretic Investigation Raj Sethuraman Brand Equity, Cash Flow Certainty and Systematic Equity Risk Thomas Gruca, Lopo Rego, Neil Morgan Incorporating Dynamic Promotional Effects on Price Sensitivity: A Kalman Filter Approach Karthik Sridhar, Minakshi Trivedi Modeling Short-run and Long-run Competitive Effects Within and Across Product Categories Richard Paap, Csilla Horvath Modeling of Advertising Effectiveness Using Hierarchal Two-stage Model Meltem Kiygi Calli, Marcel Weverbergh, Philip Hans Franses Stability of Advertising Effectiveness Estimates Under Time Aggregation Marcel Weverbergh, Meltem Kiygi Calli Home Users Blogs to Test Products: A Field Experimentation Christine Balagué, Devalck Kristine Mining for Quality On the Web Joseph Johnson, Gerard J. Tellis Mine Your Own Business: Market Structure Surveillance Through Text Mining Oded Netzer, Ronen Feldman, Jacob Goldenberg Why Satisfied Consumers Do Not Want to Buy Again? A Consumer Interaction Explanation Vane-ing Tian, Felix Tang, Lisa C. Wan When Consumer Performance is a Key to Satisfaction Lisa C. Wan, Felix Tang, Vane Ing Tian Study of Key Factors for Customer Satisfaction in MultiChannel Banking in Taiwan Omar Caballero, Hui-I Yao Improving Complaint Management by Automatic Email Classification Using Linguistic Style Features Kristof Coussement, Dirk Van den Poel 2008 INFORMS Marketing Science Conference th Saturday June 14 , 2008 10:30-12:00PM (SB) SB01 – Junior Ballroom D SB02 – Junior Ballroom C SB03 – Grand Ballroom D SB04 – Port Alberni Social Networks and Marketing II Words Matter: Investigating the Antecedents and Impacts of Word-of-Mouth Communication Marketing and Public Policy: Research in the Public Interest Models of Sales Promotion A Bayesian Framework for Modeling Multiple Relationships Among the Members of a Social Network Asim Ansari, Oded Koenigsberg, Florian Stahl Chair: Cindy M.Y. Chung "Organic", "Fair Trade" - Are Consumers Willing to Pay for Food Claims? Jenny van Doorn, Peter C. Verhoef Sampling Large-Scale Social Networks: The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly Peter Ebbes, Zan Huang, Arvind Rangaswamy, Hari Prasad Thadakamall The Impact of Metaperception on Incentivized Referrals Patricia Chew, Jochen Wirtz, Siok Kuan Tambyah Chair: Jacob Goldenberg The Effects of Social Relationship and Regulatory Focus on Word-of-mouth Tsai Qianyi Chair: Sergio Meza Chair: Peter Darke Reverse Socialization and the Prevention of Childhood Obesity Kafia Ayadi, Brian Young, Maya Naja Capacity Constraints and Imperfect Information: Demandand Supply-Sided Remedies Bing Jing, Yuxin Chen Developing Deal Calendars in the Presence of Forward-looking Consumers Christine Ebling, Daniel Klapper An Economic Approach to the Moderating Effects of Sales Promotion on Category Structure Elina Petrova, Alan Montgomery The Impact of Word-of-mouth Communication on Attribute Evaluation Boon C. Lim, Cindy M.Y. Chung Effectiveness of Using Ultra Thin Model in Printed Advertisements: The Role of Consumer Morality Leo Paas, George Zinkhan, Kelly Andersen The Impact of Positive Word-ofmouth Communication on Postpurchase Attitude Cindy M.Y. Chung, Boon C. Lim Deceptive Product Claims and Market Competition Peter Darke, Tirtha Dhar, Charles Weinberg, Xiaohua Zeng SB05 – Grand Ballroom C SB06 – Grand Ballroom B SB07 – Grand Ballroom A SB08 – Port Hardy Commercializing Innovations and Launching New Products Bayesian Methodology Conjoint Analysis Methods Assessing Risk and Ambiguity Aversion Chair: Sha Yang Chair: Srikant Vadali Efficient Designs for Hyperparameter Estimation: Studying the Level-effect in Conjoint Analysis Qing Liu, Angela Dean, David Bakken, Greg Allenby Testing Preference Rankings Kar Yin Lam, Alex J. Koning, Philip Hans Franses The Diffusion of Newly Experienced Product Information in a Social Network Random Walk or Shortest Cut? Shenyu Li, Peter PopkowskiLeszczyc Revisiting Models of Sale Promotion in NEIO Sergio Meza Zooming In: Self-emergence of Movements in New Product Growth Daniel Shapira, Jacob Goldenberg, Oded Lowengart Chair: Sharmila Chatterjee Alternate Routes to Commercialization of Innovations: Spinoffs Versus Management Buyouts Gaia Rubera, Gerard J. Tellis Decomposing the Incremental Share of New Product Introductions Vijay Ganesh Hariharan, Debu Talukdar, Ram Bezawada Balancing the Goods-Services Mix: The Role of Complementary Capabilities in Technology Assimilation Sharmila Chatterjee, Anthony deLeon Chair: Bruce McWIlliams Bayesian Modeling for SpatioTemporal Multimarket Data Zaozao Zhang, Bart Bronnenberg, Asim Ansari On the Information of the Definition of Feasible Set in Pricing Decisions Marcel Goic, Alan Montgomery Modeling the Under Reporting Bias in Panel Survey Data Sha Yang, Yi Zhao, Ravi Dhar On the Relationship Between Cross-effects and Standard ANOVA Models James Wiley, Damaraju Raghavarao Incentive Aligning Conjoint Analysis Using Inferred Rank Order Min Ding, Joel Huber Adaptive Bayesian Question Designs for Partial Profile Conjoint Analysis Srikant Vadali, Arvind Rangaswamy, John Liechty Decision Marking Under Risk in Gambling Qiang (Steven) Lu, Elizabeth Cowley, Colin Farrell Low-cost or Traditional Airline: Rational Arguments vs. Beliefs, According to Various Traveler Types Jean-Louis Nicolas, Mohamed Merdji The Impact of a Budget and Multicategory Choice on Extremeness Effects Nico Neumann, John Roberts, Pamela Morrison, Stefan Roth Money-back Guarantees and the Value of Decision Time: An Empirical Analysis Bruce McWIlliams, Amir Heiman, David R. Just, David Zilberman 2008 INFORMS Marketing Science Conference th Saturday June 14 , 2008 10:30-12:00PM (SB) SB09 – Junior Ballroom B SB10 – Junior Ballroom A SB11 – Port McNeill SB12 – Parksville Product Management Channels and Customer Choice Customer Relationships in a Multichannel Environment Issues in Customer Satisfaction Research Chair: Ranjan Banerjee Chair: Tarun Kushwaha Chair: Dmitri Kuksov Beneficial and Detrimental Effects of Parallel Importation in Distribution Channels Ying Xiao, Udatta Palekar, Yunchuan Liu Forced Channel Migration: Consequences and Management Strategies Umut Konus, Debra Trampe, Peter C. Verhoef The Impact of Customer Satisfaction and Uncertainty on Firm’s Financial Performance Chongyan Gao, Jianmin Jia, Liaogang Hao Pull Promotions and Vertical Product Line Design Chi-Cheng Wu Using Hidden Markov Models to Discover Customer Channel Choice Behavior Chun-Wei Chang, Nara Youn, Gary Erickson Channel Spillovers From Offline Entry Manish Tripathi Estimating Heterogeneous Recommendation and Repurchase Thresholds Using Hierarchical Bayesian Method Ying Jin, Meng Su Modeling Dynamics in VarietySeeking: The Effect of Category Length Vishal Narayan, Sha Yang, Russ Winer The Consumer SpeaksRevisited: On the Weight of Retail and Manufacturer Brands in Purchase Decisions Willem Smit, Martin Koschat Chair: Vishal Narayan Optimal Product Assortment under Commercial Returns Aydin Alptekinoglu, Elif Akcali, Alex Grasas Timing of Sales of Complementary Products Maxim Sinitsyn The Impact of Multiple Channels on Customer Acquisition and Tenure Ranjan Banerjee, Shantanu Dutta, Kersi D. Antia SB13 – Orca SB14 – Finback Brand Equity and Corporate Citizenship Advertising Pricing Chair: Wensui Liu Chair: Yuxin Chen Strengthening Customer Relationships Through Corporate Citizenship Initiatives Shuili Du, Sankar Sen, C.B. Bhattacharya Investigating the Role of Corporate Societal Marketing Programmes in Building Corporate Brand Equity Das V. Mukunda, Saji K.B. The Impact of the Content of Public Relations Activities on Corporate Reputation Seema Pai, Sivaramakrishna Siddarth The Strategic Implications of Cause-related Marketing Yuxin Chen Optimal Performance-based Pricing Models in Online Advertising Jiwoong Shin, Jeffrey Hu How Much Should You Pay for the Celebrities in Advertisements? An Application of Conjoint Analysis Chih-Ping Wang, Lichung Jen, Han-Kuang Tien Allocation Mechanisms in Search Advertising: A Comparison of Two Ranking Systems Woochoel Shin, Debu Purohit, Preyas Desai Adjustment of Selection Bias in Marketing Campaign Jimmy Cela , Wensui Liu Effective Multi-channel Marketing Strategy from a CRM Perspective Jungwhan Choi Cross-Channel and Advertising Effects in the Hierarchy of Consumer Decision Making Tarun Kushwaha, Venkatesh Shankar The Effect of Category and Customer Characteristics on Satisfaction-Loyalty Relationship Songting Dong, Min Ding, Rajdeep Grewal, Ping Zhao Pre- and Post-Purchase Management of Customer Satisfaction Dmitri Kuksov, Ying Xie 2008 INFORMS Marketing Science Conference th Saturday June 14 , 2008 1:30-3:00PM (SC) SC01 – Junior Ballroom D SC02 – Junior Ballroom C SC03 – Grand Ballroom D SC04 – Port Alberni Social Networks and Marketing III Marketing Engineering Integrating Data Mining Tools and Decision Support Systems Marketing Science Beyond Business Service Organization Management Chair: John Roberts Chair: Shijin Yoo A Multi Criteria Decision Making Methodology for Strategy Selection in Social Marketing Campaigns. Peter Oppenheim An Empirical Study of Servant Leadership and Service Performance Yu-Li Lin, Hsiu-Wen Liu Chair: Puneet Manchanda Chair: Baohong Sun Impact of Information Diffusion on Bidding Behavior in Secret Reserve Price Auctions Oliver Hinz, Martin Spann Application of Social Network Analysis in Pharmaceutical Marketing Raghu Iyengar, Christophe Van den Bulte, Thomas Valente How the Web 2.0 is Changing Word-Of-Mouth and Opinion Leadership as we Know It Mark Elsner, Oliver Heil Network Marketing: The Role of Structure and Distance on Performance Puneet Manchanda Learning and Acting Upon Customer Information: An Empirical Application to Service Allocations with Offshore Centers Baohong Sun, Shibo Li When is the Juice Worth the Squeeze? - An Empirical Study of Optimal Structuring of Winback Strategy in the Presence of Consumer Dynamics Yacheng Sun Introducing the Right Financial Product to the Right Customer at the Right Time - An Empirical Analysis of Proactive Crossselling Campaigns Shibo Li, Baohong Sun, Alan Montgomery Competing for the Future of Business Schools: Does Academic Research Help or Hurt MBA Programs? Debanjan Mitra, Peter Golder Food Safety, PR/HACCP Regulation and Competitive Marketing Strategy Dung Nguyen Paradox of Service Effectiveness: Leveraging Frontline Mechanisms for Managing Quality and Cost Detelina Marinova, Jagdip Singh, Jun Ye Assessing the Quality Gap Between the Firm vs. Customer Perspectives in the Service-Profit Chain Shijin Yoo, Jin K. Han How Do CSR Evaluations Depend on Whom You Ask and is That Changing? John Roberts, Pamela Morrison, Charlie Nelson SC05 – Grand Ballroom C SC06 – Grand Ballroom B SC07 – Grand Ballroom A SC08 – Port Hardy New Product DevelopmentProduct Design Statistical Methodology Market Segmentation Behavioral Choice Models Chair: Nobuhiko Terui Chair: P.V. (Sundar) Balakrishnan Chair: Neil Bendle Chair: P.K. Kannan Managing New Product Preannouncements: Who, What & Where? Shantanu Dutta, Seema Pai The Lives of Durable Goods Oded Koenigsberg, Ricardo Montoya, Rajeev Kohli Designing Products for Retail Channel Acceptance Considering Slotting Allowances P.K. Kannan, Nathan Williams, Shapour Azarm How to Profile Customers Using Collaborative Database Profiling: An Application to Age Estimation Arnaud De Bruyn, Nathalie Tramonte Using Constant Sum Questions in Forecasting Sales of New and Frequently Purchased Products Didier Soopramanien, Greg Rogers A Simulation-Based Performance Comparison of Stochastic and Naïve Models of Consumer Behavior Michael Jungbluth, Joachim Bueschken Count Data Sales Forecasting Nobuhiko Terui, Masataka Ban, Toshihiko Maki The Proof of the Pudding is in the Eating. Data Fusion: An Application in Marketing Pascal van Hattum Usage Segmentation of Air Cargo Market of High-tech Industry Ming-Chih Tsai, Yi-Ting Tsai A Comparative Investigation of Genetic Algorithms and Simulated Annealing Approaches for Dual Objective Segmentation P.V. (Sundar) Balakrishnan, Subodha Kumar Towards A Brain-to-Society Systems Choice Model for Motivated Behavior Laurette Dube, Ross Hammond, Asim Ansari, Ulf Bockenholt Towards Biologically Plausible Models of Motivated Behaviour: Sequential Sampling Process Models Antoine Bechara, Laurette Dube, Scott Huettel, Asim Ansari, Ulf Bockenholt, Robert Fisher Reference Dependence When Tastes Differ Neil Bendle, Mark E. Bergen 2008 INFORMS Marketing Science Conference th Saturday June 14 , 2008 1:30-3:00PM (SC) SC09 – Junior Ballroom B SC10 – Junior Ballroom A SC11 – Port McNeill SC12 – Parksville Product Line Management Channel Structure Issues in Business to Business Marketing Customer and Employee Relationships in Services Chair: J. Miguel Villas-Boas Chair: Christina SchmidtStoelting Chair: Mrinal Ghosh Chair: Patrali Chatterjee Tariff Choice Biases in a Business-to-business-context Susanne Stingel, Klaus Backhaus Model of Customer Satisfaction in Retail Banking Industry Vimi Jham, Kaleem Mohd. Khan Managing Brand Equity with Product Line Extensions and Contractions Vincent Nijs, Koen Pauwels, Shuba Srinivasan Retailing as a Two Sided Platform Benny Mantin, Harish Krishnan, Tirtha Dhar Product Line Dynamics of Performance Products Guilherme (Gui) Liberali, Thomas Gruca The Effect of Consumer Heterogeneity and Channel Structure on Firms' Product Decisions Hongyan Shi, Yunchuan Liu Vertical Differentiation Using Outlet Stores Huseyin Karaca, Karsten Hansen, Eric Anderson Sequential Distribution Analysis for Media Products Christina Schmidt-Stoelting, Michel Clement, Sönke Albers Information Overload with Endogenous Pricing J. Miguel Villas-Boas SC14 – Finback Brand Management Consumer Response to Advertising Communication Chair: Vijay Viswanathan Chair: Allison Tencza Brand Evaluation for High-Tech Firms -- With an Application to the Mobile Phone Industry Bo Huang, Francine Lafontaine The Impact of Brand Equity on Financial Analysts' Forecast Accuracy Thorsten Wiesel, Roman Kraeussl The Portfolio of Product-market Outcomes As An Explanation for Firm Value and Volatility Vijay Viswanathan, Douglas Bowman Pricing Formats for Branded Components in B2B Markets Mrinal Ghosh, Kellilynn Frias, Desmond (Ho-Fu) Lo Procedural Justice in the Services Context: Construction and Validation of a Scale Cathy Y. Chen , Peter De Maeyer Towards Standardizing the Quantification of Working Relationship Quality R. Mohan Pisharodi, John Henke, Jr., Ravi Parameswaran Comparison Shopping, Satisfaction and Recommending Behavior Patrali Chatterjee, Ying Xie SC13 – Orca Brands: The Opiate of the Nonreligious Masses? Tulin Erdem, Gavan Fitzsimons, Ron Shachar, Keisha Wells Drivers of Profitability in Industrial Services Werner Reinartz, Wolfgang Ulaga A Person-situation Perspective to Advertising Creativity-Information Processing and Priming Effects Jiemiao Chen The Role of Social Factors and Participation in User Responses to Advertising in Online Communities Li Huang, Fue Zeng, Wenyu Dou Emotional vs. Rational Themebased Incongruence Allison Tencza, Larry Garber 2008 INFORMS Marketing Science Conference th Saturday June 14 , 2008 3:30-5:00PM (SD) SD01 – Junior Ballroom D SD02 – Junior Ballroom C SD04 – Port Alberni Social Networks and Marketing IV Gift Giving and Fashion Service Evaluation Chair: Sameer Mathur Chair: Adam Finn Luxe Populi: When Luxury Brands Lose Their Allure Kitty. Y. Wang, Mengze Shi Measuring Preferences for Services – An Empirical Study in the Airline Industry Christian Niederauer, Markus Voeth Chair: Jianan Wu The Emergence of Opinion Leaders in Social Networks Vincent Mak How Does Word-of-mouth Affect Pricing? Agent Based Simulation of Different Markets Wander Jager, Marco Janssen Managing Referral Reward Programs Based on Social Network Models Jan Becker, Christian Barrot, Sönke Albers, Arvind Rangaswamy Word-of-mouth and Price Dispersion in Online Markets Jianan Wu, Edgardo Ayala, Ayala Gaytán Competitive and Welfare Implications of Gift Cards John Zhang, Tony Haitao Cui The Effects of Service Innovation on Customer Satisfaction and Firm Value Thomas Dotzel, Venkatesh Shankar, Leonard L. Berry Optimal Dynamic Pricing and Return Policies in Holiday Seasons Shan-Yu Chou, Chyi-Mei Chen, Pei-Jone Hsueh Practice, Perceived Quality & Consumer Choice: The Impact of Service Failures During Online Shopping Jianping Liang, Kyle B. Murray, Kersi D. Antia How Do Purchase Behavior and Seller Strategy Differ During the Holidays? Sameer Mathur, Jeffrey Inman Identifying Non-Linear Effects of e-Service Quality Dimensions on Customer Satisfaction Adam Finn SD05 – Grand Ballroom C SD06 – Grand Ballroom B SD07 – Grand Ballroom A SD08 – Port Hardy The Role of Network Externalities in Diffusion Methodology: Data Management and Collection Segmentation Research Models of Consumer Learning Chair: Heungsun Hwang Chair: Paul Messinger Chair: Ozge Dilaver Kalkan Chair: Yi-Lin Tsai Replacing Household Durables Does Consumer Innovativeness Matter? Maria Kaya, Sönke Albers, Dennis Proppe, Paul Steffens Enhancing Marketing Research Through Management Information System Concepts Ravi Parameswaran A Conjoint Model For Finding Segments and Heterogeneity Based on Individual Preference Hsiu-Wen Liu, Yu-Li Lin Consumer Learning, Word of Mouth and Quality Competition Chang Hee Park, Young-Hoon Park, Vishal Gaur A DEA-based Panel Model Illustrated by an Application to Advertising Efficiency Robert Wilken ShopBots and Retailers' Strategies for Price Concealment Tanja Frischmann, Bernd Skiera, Oliver Hinz Influence of Consumers' Motivation, Opportunity and Ability on the Validity of Conjoint Analysis Uta Herbst, Joachim Pelz, Markus Voeth How Used Markets Facilitate Consumer Learning Paul Messinger, Chun (Martin) Qiu Digital Divide From the Perspective of Bass Model Hua-Ning Chen, Chun-Yao Huang A Consumer-based Social Interaction Model for Diffusion of Innovations Ozge Dilaver Kalkan A Spatial Framework to Control for Biases in Cross-Cultural Customer Satisfaction Measures Jing Gao, P.K. Kannan Distinguishing Between Learning and State Dependence - A Simulation Based Study Yi-Lin Tsai Visual GSCA: A Graphical User Interface Software Program for Generalized Structured Component Analysis Heungsun Hwang, Youngchan Kim 2008 INFORMS Marketing Science Conference th Saturday June 14 , 2008 3:30-5:00PM (SD) SD09 – Junior Ballroom B SD10 – Junior Ballroom A SD11 – Port McNeill SD12 – Parksville Factors Influencing Product Line Innovativeness Altering Channel Relationships Marketing Metrics B2B Customer Relationships Chair: Eunkyu Lee Chair: Mario Rese Chair: Douglas Bowman Conversion Franchising: Examining Determinants of the Likelihood of Conversion Cori Hodge, Harmen Oppewal, Civilai Terawatanavong Risk of Customer Relationships: Concept and Measurement Jochen Becker, Tomas Bayón, Florian v. Wangenheim The Affect of Partner Relationship Management Systems on Supplier-partner Relationships Chris Storey Chair: Peter C. Verhoef From Invention to Innovation: Technological Drivers of Product Portfolio Strategy Wooseong Kang, Mitzi Montoya The Effects of Challenging Conditions on Product Innovativeness Stav Rosenzweig, David Mazursky Relationship Quality and Retailer's Dependence as Moderators of Profit Drivers of Retailer's New Pro Peter C. Verhoef, Laurens M. Sloot, Yvonne van Everdingen Inter-manufacturer Competition: Viability of a Store-in Storeformat Xubing Zhang, Charles Ingene Vertical Extension Through the Factory Outlet Channel: Synergy or Conflict Gonca Soysal, Lakshman Krishnamurthi Cross-brand Pass-through of Promotional Allowances: An Equilibrium Analysis Eunkyu Lee, Sang Yong Kim Identifying Growth Potentials with Internal Benchmarking Across Product Categories and Markets Rex Du, Wagner Kamakura Measuring the Financial Outcome of Marketing: Matching Performance Measures with Marketing Actions Mario Rese, Valerie Herter Network Characteristics, Decision Uncertainty and Exchange Norms; Evidences from China Ting-Jui Chou, Hongjuan Yin, ChunMing Yang Relational Purchasing in Industrial Markets - The Role of Prior Experience and Choice Context Dorith Mayer, Christoph Ihl The Evolution of Vendor Performance on Continuity in Business Services Relationships Douglas Bowman