Chartered Electrical Safety Engineer

• The provision of the chartered electrical safety engineer (SESE) was made by the central electriccity authority (measures relating to safety and electric supply) regulations, 2010 under its 2015 amendment by adding new regulation 5A • Tha appropriate government has to authorize the persons as CESE those having the required qualification and experience as specified in the sbu-regulation "5-elecrtical safety officer" and upload the name of such persons on the web portal of the government or department. • The purpose of authorizing CESE is to assist the owner or supplier or consumer of electrical installations for self-certification of their eectrical installations under regulations 30and43. • As required under the Regulation 5A(3),CEA had developed the guidelines and issued to all principle secretaries secretary power departments of states/UTs vide their letter No.CEI/1/2/2018 dated 21 st june,2018.the synopsis of these guidelines are: • The spindle hole is oversize, select another wheel of the proper size. If on others are avilabel, fit a sutiabel bushing over the spindle to adept the spindel to the hole • Papers blotters of the proper size useally come with the grinding wheel.if the proper blotters are missing, cut them from heavy blotters paper (no more than 0.06 mm thick) and place them between the grinding wheel and each flange. The blotters serve as cushions to minimize wheel breakage. When installing the grinding wheel spindel, tighten the spindel, nut firmly, but not so tight that undue strain will be put on the wheel. • Storage and holding of wheels Wheels (especially vitrified or glass-based wheel) are easily damaged if they are bumped or dropped.

Chartered Electrical Safety Engineer The provision of the chartered electrical safety engineer (SESE) was made by the central electriccity authority (measures relating to safety and electric supply) regulations, 2010 under its 2015 amendment by adding new regulation 5A Tha appropriate government has to authorize the persons as CESE those having the required qualification and experience as specified in the sbu-regulation “5-elecrtical safety officer” and upload the name of such persons on the web portal of the government or department. The purpose of authorizing CESE is to assist the owner or supplier or consumer of electrical installations for self-certification of their eectrical installations under regulations 30and43. As required under the Regulation 5A(3),CEA had developed the guidelines and issued to all principle secretaries secretary power departments of states/UTs vide their letter No.CEI/1/2/2018 dated 21st june,2018.the synopsis of these guidelines are: The spindle hole is oversize, select another wheel of the proper size. If on others are avilabel, fit a sutiabel bushing over the spindle to adept the spindel to the hole Papers blotters of the proper size useally come with the grinding wheel.if the proper blotters are missing, cut them from heavy blotters paper (no more than 0.06 mm thick) and place them between the grinding wheel and each flange. The blotters serve as cushions to minimize wheel breakage. When installing the grinding wheel spindel, tighten the spindel, nut firmly, but not so tight that undue strain will be put on the wheel. Storage and holding of wheels Wheels (especially vitrified or glass-based wheel) are easily damaged if they are bumped or dropped. That is why it is so important to carefully store and handle them. Check all wheels when they are received and before using them Follow the manufacturer’s instruction Resume format: teaching Conducted phone surveys…… Responded to requires from client about….. Where appropriate, include outcomes in your statement. Ask yourself how do I know I did was effective? VOLUNTARY AND EXTRA- CURRICULAR ACTIVITES You can use the same format as for employment section ie dates, role or job title and organisation ,and dot points to describe what you did. You cold also choose to group activites under subheadings Eg sport,community… this can highlight relevant experience,and especially if you have a lot of activities,it can make information easier to digest Remember that voluntary and extre –curricular 5 S HOUSE KEEPING SHIVAPUTRA NAYAKA.Y 1.Seire ;Segregate necessary and unnecessary items and dispose unnecessary items to generate space at work places. 2.seiton ;Arrange items in order su7ch that they are easily retrievable when required for use. 3.Seiso ;clean and inspect work place ,machine and tools thoroughly and regularly. Cleaning is inspection. 4.Seikutsu ;prepare cleaning standards/disposal procedures. Display visual identification markings provide index and tag system for quick retrieval. Clean and healthy workplace eliminates waste. 5.Sitsuke;practice all 4-S at all times. Set an example and develop good habits. Promote through posters, slogans and other visuals. Action speaks louder than words NATIONAL SAFETY COUNCIL JSW ENERGEY LIMITED Terms and conditions Payment against this invoice should be made by A/C. payee cheque /dd onliyin the name of jsw energy ltd 1.the payment of the invoice should be made in advance or within due from the date of issue of this invoice, otherwise interest P.A shall be charged on the out standing amount from the due date. 2.goods once delivered will not be taken back Resignation letter To Date:16/03/2020 The manager Jsw energy LTD Near shankara guda helis Toranagallu Subject: Resignation letter Dear sir/ madam Please accepet my resignation form the Role of supervisor at jsw energy ltd. I have a I month resignation period based on current contractual term and my employment contract will end on 16 january 2020 I learned a lotform working in your company . I think you for giving me the right guidance and support I think youfor giving me the opportunity to work in yor company I hope you will grow your company and make it big Sincereliy swamy Ferrous metallurgical process industry preparation of coal coal preparation aims at the production of coke of suitable quality for smooth and stable blast furnace operation .coke properties are determined by various factor beside homogeneity of the coal mix .the major factors are crushing fineness,oiling,preheating, and pre-briquetting keeping in mind the petrographic non- uniformity,high ash and high hardness of indian coal,selective preparation of coal by pneumatic separation was first tried in the coke ovens of Durgapur projectes 1958-1959. But it did not work satisfactorily as there were oprating problems in separating the -3 mm size of coal, though the coal quality was invariably better whenever coal was prepared by selective separation. In USSR,the separation problem of -3 mm size coal was overcome by pneumatic cyclones and extensive trials had been carried out in many corex process The corex process is atwo –stage process ,as is shown in figure in the second step ,iron ore is reduced to sponge iron in ashaf furnace by means reduced iron is melted in the melter –gasifier vessel .recucing gas used in the reduction shaft is supplied by gasifiction ofcoal by means of oxygen ,forming a fixed or fluiedized bed in the melter gassifer .the partel combustion of the coal in the melter gassifler generates the heat to melt the reduced iron .liquid iron and slag are discharged at the bottom ,by a conventional tapping procedure similar to that used in blast furnace operation.s