D. Parajulee et al. (2021) Int. J. Soc. Sc. Manage. Vol. 8, Issue-3: 396-400.
DOI: 10.3126/ijssm.v8i3.38504
Research Article
Economic Analysis of Sweet Orange in Sindhuli District of Nepal
Dipika Parajulee1*, Apekshya Kandel1, Sangam Panta2, Kedar Devkota2
Nepal Polytechnic Institute (NPI), Purbanchal University- Chitwan, Nepal
2Agriculture and Forestry University (AFU) - Chitwan, Nepal
Article Information
Received: 19 June 2021
Revised version received: 19 July 2021
Accepted: 21 July 2021
Published: 29 July 2021
Sweet orange is one of the major fruit grown in mid-hills of Nepal. It ranks 2nd
among the citrus fruits in terms of area and production after mandarin. The study
depicts the socio economic aspect of sweet orange production in Sindhuli
district.Data were collected from 60 randomly selected sweet orange growers from
Tinkanya and Baseswor of Golanjor rural municipality using semi-structured
interview schedule. Two FGD's was done in those places for the triangulation of
household survey.Analysis was done using SPSS and excel. Socio demographic
studies revealed that majorly (93.3%), of growers were engaged in sweet orange
farming. Most of the growers (98.3%) had agriculture as their major occupation.
The average land holdings of the farmers was 0.53 ha in which 0.37 ha of land was
occupied for sweet orange cultivation. The average sweet orange production of total
sixty households was calculated to be 1981.83 kg/ha. The total cost of Rs.
25797.36/ha was estimated and the gross return from the production was
Rs.72634/ha; the benefit cost ratio was found to be 2.81 which supports that sweet
orange production is being a profitable farming business. Furthermore, insects
attack followed by irrigation problems and difficulty in transportation followed by
lack of market price information were the major problems found in the production
and marketing of sweet orange respectively. There is a high potentiality of
increasing the fruit productivity if the constraints against the sweet orange
cultivation are addressed properly and adequately.
Cite this article as:
D. Parajulee et al. (2021) Int. J. Soc. Sc. Manage.
8(3): 396-400. DOI: 10.3126/ijssm.v8i3.38504
*Corresponding author
Dipika Parajulee,
Nepal Polytechnic Institute (NPI), Purbanchal
University- Chitwan, Nepal
[email protected]
Peer reviewed under authority of IJSSM
© 2021 IJSSM, Permits unrestricted use under the
CC-By-NC license.
This is an open access article & it is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial 4.0
Keywords: Economic; Sweet Orange; Production; Marketing; B: C ratio
Citrus is one of the major cash generating fruit crops in midhills of Nepal and also recognized as high value crop under
Agriculture Perspective Plan (APP). Citrus is not just a
single fruit that covers a large range of fruits and is
adaptable to varied range of area (Ghimire et al., 2006).
Citrus fruit covers about 22% of total fruit area and
production and majorly hilly region is dominant for the
production of citrus fruits (Pandey et al., 2017). Sweet
orange (Junar) is one of the most grown important fruit
crops among the citrus along with mandarins, limes, lemons
and grape fruits. Among the citrus, it is reported to be
cultivated in about 114 countries of the world (Sefoka,
2012). It is successfully grown in 47 districts of Nepal.
Sweet orange is one of the leading fruits growing in midhills of Nepal and is gaining huge popularity among the
farmers in recent years (Subedi et al., 2002). It has unique
sweet taste and considered as special fruit of Nepal so, it can
be expressed as national fruit of Nepal (Tomiyasu et al.,
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D. Parajulee et al. (2021) Int. J. Soc. Sc. Manage. Vol. 8, Issue-3: 396-400
1998). The productive land for sweet orange production in
Nepal is 3443 ha with production 33558 metric ton (MT)
and productivity of 9.7 ton/hectare (MoAD, 2016). The
geographic position and climate of Sindhuli district which
lies in inner Terai region of Nepal favors the large number
of production and farmers are keenly interested to grow to
meet the consumer’s demand. It can be used for the
preparation of jam, jelly, marmalade, cold drinks, and sauce
which directly invites many manufacturing industries and
generates employment for huge number of economically
active population. It is widely known as Junar of Sindhuli
all over the country due to its delicious taste with highly
nutritive constituents (MoAD, 2011).
The potentiality of growing sweet orange is very high so as
to meet the target of production and to scale of the existing
situation, the program has been launched namely ‘One
District One Product’ (ODOP). It has the potentiality to
export in international market but the production is in
limited quantity. To meet the consumer’s demand, the fruit
is imported from neighboring countries like India and China
in large quantities. It is most grown important fruit crop
over the world which constitutes the bulk of global citrus
fruit production (Reddy, 2011).
The total fruit production is expanding due to good
governance, suitable climate and market demand but is still
challenging due to traditional management practices (Kaini,
2013).Also, little or no irrigation facility is one of the major
problems for the farmers due to which production is very
nominal even with the availability of the appropriate
climate and environment (Bibash, 2011). Beside it, there are
still many growers who cannot adapt better technology to
maintain and manage the farming. Most of the farmers are
still unaware to diversify into other crops to spread
agricultural risk (Aurora, 2002).
Prime Minister Agriculture Modernization Project
(PMAMP), Junar Superzone is established in Sindhuli
district which mainly works on Sweet orange research for
the development of required suitable technology. Therefore,
the main objective of the study was to identify the
production and marketing scenario along with problems and
possibilities. In gist, we aimed to analyze the economics of
sweet orange in the study area.
Material and Methods
Study Site
Sindhuli district was selected purposively for the survey as
it is well known for sweet orange production since long. The
study was conducted in two VDCs of Sindhuli district:
Tinkanya and Baseswor which lies in inner Terai of Nepal.
The reason behind the selection is that it ranks in top
position in area and production of sweet orange in Sindhuli
district. The sweet orange farmers of the study site were the
sampling population. Among the total growers, 60 of them
were randomly selected from the list given from Prime
Minister Agriculture Modernization Project (PMAMP),
Junar superzone, Sindhuli.
Research Instrument and Design
The information from PMAMP, Sindhuli was helpful to
understand the socio demographic status and sweet orange
cultivation practice in the study area. Both primary and
secondary source of data were used in exploring the
information of the production and the status of sweet orange
in the study site. The primary data were collected from faceto-face interview using semi-structured interview schedule
to get valid and reliable data for the research. The
information such as production, cost of price, production
and marketing problems, strategies that could be adopted
for it, grading and packaging procedure, income from sweet
orange production, price determining, market information,
involvement and support from any organization related data
were collected. The secondary data were majorly collected
from the publications of different organizations and institute
related to sweet orange such as Central Bureau of Statistics
(CBS), Ministry of Agricultural Development (MoAD),
Prime Minister Agriculture Modernization Project
(PMAMP), Nepal Agriculture Research Council (NARC),
After the data collection, it was thoroughly checked for
accuracy using triangulation method, and then it was coded
and entered into the computer for analysis. The data were
entered using MS Excel. These excel files were imported
into SPSS software where the data were tabulated and
Economic Analysis
Gross margin= Gross return- total variable cost
Gross return = price of sweet orange × total quantity sold
Total variable cost = Summation of cost of all variable items
Benefit-cost analysis= Gross return/total cost
Ranking Of Production and Marketing Problems
The ranking was done by Henry Garrett ranking method.
The percentage position of each rank was obtained by using
the formula then the rank obtained was converted to the
score from the table given by Henry Garrett.
Percentage position =
Rij = Rank given for ith item jth individual
Nj = Number of items ranked by jth individual
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D. Parajulee et al. (2021) Int. J. Soc. Sc. Manage. Vol. 8, Issue-3: 396-400
Result and Discussion
Socio-Economic Characteristics of Sweet Orange
The Table 1 demonstrate the results which revealed that
both, male (51%) and female (49%) were engaged in
farming of sweet orange. 67% of the respondents were
economically active (16-59 years of age) while 10%
belonged to economically inactive population (above 60
years of age). The household size on the survey area was on
an average of 7 persons per household. The sampled society
was dominant by 57% Janajati community followed by 32%
Chhetri and 11% Dalits. The education level of surveyed
people showed that 2% had bachelor degree, 12% had
secondary education, 23% had received primary education,
8% were just literate while 55% of the respondents were
illiterate. The 93% population was involved in agriculture
as primary source of income while rest of the population
was found involved in either service or wage labor. The
average land holding was 0.37 hectare per household. None
of the respondents had taken land in lease for the farming
Table 1: Population distribution based on various socioeconomic characteristics
<15 years
15-59 years
>60 years
Higher Secondary
Summary Statistics
Average family size of the sweet orange framers was 7
members. The average education level of the respondents
was 3 years which indicates that high number of
respondents were illiterate. The average land holding under
sweet orange cultivation was 0.37 hectare per household.
Average respondents have had 18 years of experience in
sweet orange framing. In terms of income, the average
family income was found to be Rs. 43,485 (Table 2).
Farmers Visit to Extension Agent
The figure shows that 36 respondents among all visit the
extension service provider monthly whereas 17 respondents
never visited the service provider. The respondents who
visited to extension service provider said that they got to
know some new ideas about the production practice from
the visit.
Fig. 1: Farmers visit to extension service provider
[Source: Field survey, 2017]
Training Received by The Sweet Orange Farmers
The Fig. 2 shows that 75% of the respondents had taken
training on sweet orange production. The respondents who
took the training on sweet orange cultivation were found to
have more knowledge and ideas about its farming in
comparison to the respondents who never visited for any of
the training.
Fig. 2: Training received by farmers on citrus cultivation
[Source: Field survey, 2017]
Table 2: Descriptive analysis of sweet orange farmers in Sindhuli district (N=60)
Family size
Land holdings under sweet orange (ha.)
Farming experience (Years)
Family Income (Rs.)
43,485 27410.22 800000 10000
[Source: Field survey, 2017]
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D. Parajulee et al. (2021) Int. J. Soc. Sc. Manage. Vol. 8, Issue-3: 396-400
Cost Of Production and Benefit Cost Ratio
We can observe in Table 3 that the cost attributing inputs
for the sweet orange production such as seedlings, manures
and fertilizers, pesticides, and intercultural operation are
included as variable cost which is NRs.16199.86. The
production of sweet orange (kg/ha) is 1981.83 kg with an
average price of NRs. 36.65 per kg. The gross margin is
NRs.56434.2 and benefit cost ratio is 2.81 which indicate it
as a beneficial business.
Table 3: Cost of production of sweet orange and Benefit
Cost ratio (N=60)
Cost incurred
Variable cost: (NRs/ha)
Intercultural operation
Total variable cost
Total Fixed cost
Total cost (NRs/ha)
Production (Kg/ha)
Average price (NRs/kg)
Gross return (NRs)
Gross margin (NRs)
B/C ratio
[Source: Field survey, 2017]
Marketing Channel
Marketing is simply determining the price of the product.
The more the marketing channels, the more will be the price
of the product and vice versa. Most of the farmers (45%) in
the study site sell their product to the wholesaler, 31% of
the farmers sell to the local traders, and remaining 24% of
them sell their product themselves.
Lack of inputs and quality saplings along with cultivation
skill are then found to be the other problems in production
Table 4: Ranking of production problems
Average score
Lack of irrigation
Unavailability of inputs
in time
Lack of quality saplings
Lack of cultivation skill
[Source: Field Survey, 2017]
Marketing Problems of Sweet Orange Growers
There are various problems that hinders in the marketing of
the products resulting in the loss both, monetarily and in the
quality of the product. The problems are to be addressed so
as to minimize it by adopting the technologies strategically.
In Table 5, we can see the ranking of problems faced by the
farmers based on their perception. According to them,
difficulty in transportation is ranked as the major problem
of marketing of sweet orange followed by lack of market
price information and storage facility.
Table 5: Ranking of the marketing problems
Average score
Difficulty in transportation
Lack of market price
Lack of storage facility
Lengthy marketing facility
Source: Field Survey, 2017
Conclusion and Recommendation
Fig 3: Marketing channels of sweet orange
[Source: Field survey, 2017]
Production Problems of sweet orange growers
There are various problems framers are facing in the
production process resulting in the degradation of quality of
fruit crop and also in the quantity production. The table 4
indicates insects as a major problem in the production of
sweet orange followed by lack of irrigation and disease.
The productivity of the sweet orange in the study area is low
even being a potential pocket area of sweet orange. It is due
to following the traditional way of farming which lacks
modernized and effective framing techniques. The attack of
insects and rain-based farming seems to be the major hurdle
in production process while lack of market knowledge and
transportation facilities are the challenges in its marketing.
The productivity could be increased if the constraints are
addressed properly by the concerned authorities.
Based on the analysis of findings from the research survey,
especially the constraints faced by farmers in production
and marketing of sweet orange, major recommendations
have been made:
Policies are to be made to provide subsidies in
agricultural inputs, equipment and seedlings
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D. Parajulee et al. (2021) Int. J. Soc. Sc. Manage. Vol. 8, Issue-3: 396-400
required by farmers as it should be affordable for
Farmers should be encouraged to form a group.
Plant protection training and information are to be
provided to increase the quality and productivity
of the product.
Storage facility like low-cost cellar store should be
organized to store such perishable fruits.
Efficient method of irrigation technologies should
be introduced to the location to minimize the
irrigation problems.
Research should be done to analyze and
disseminate the market information to farmers.
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