Papers by Alberto Francesconi
Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development
PurposeThis research explores the community's role in feeding a culturally sustainable develo... more PurposeThis research explores the community's role in feeding a culturally sustainable development project over time and the practices which operationally allow the bridging of cultural heritage management and sustainable development according to the approach of “culture as sustainability”.Design/methodology/approachThe primary and secondary sources relate to nearly 20 years of life of the Tuscan Mining Geopark case belonging to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) European and Global Geopark Networks. Textual analysis was applied to the dataset. The interpretative approach was aligned with other investigations within this research field.FindingsThe results highlight how a bold project in an uncertain context harnessed bottom-up mobilisation and accountability to stimulate a sustainable community empowerment. The ability to experiment and learn from experience depicts an organisational logic far from the top-down and predefined design pra...
Fast Growing Firms in a Slow Growth Economy
6° Workshop dei Docenti e dei Ricercatori di Organizzazione Aziendale, 2005
Technology framework e ruoli organizzativi ad elevata differenziazione nei processi di cambiament... more Technology framework e ruoli organizzativi ad elevata differenziazione nei processi di cambiamento tecnologico. Il caso dell’ICT per il digital imaging.
Technology framework e ruoli organizzativi ad elevata differenziazione nei processi di cambiament... more Technology framework e ruoli organizzativi ad elevata differenziazione nei processi di cambiamento tecnologico. Il caso dell’ICT per il digital imaging.
Economia Aziendale Online, 2013
La diffusione dei servizi online comporta rilevanti implicazioni per le imprese che, rivolgendosi... more La diffusione dei servizi online comporta rilevanti implicazioni per le imprese che, rivolgendosi a online service marketplace, ampliano, di fatto, le scelte di “make or buy” effettivamente percorribili dalle stesse e conseguono vantaggi in termini di minor costi dei servizi, di accesso a un ampio paniere di professionisti ed esperti, di una maggior flessibilità garantita dal ricorso a servizi professionali secondo modalità on-demand. Tuttavia, la scelta di rivolgersi a online service marketplace implica anche una serie di rischi per le imprese (knowledge risks e transactions risks), che richiedono lo sviluppo di adeguati meccanismi di supporto alle transazioni, quali i reputation systems, volti a ridurre le asimmetrie informative tra le parti in gioco. Riscontrando una carenza in letteratura, il lavoro si concentra sugli online service marketplace, analizzando, in particolare, la relazione tra reputazione online e performance delle imprese fornitrici di servizi professionali (profe...
Economia Aziendale Online, 2013
Analogamente al concetto di reputazione aziendale, anche la reputazione on-line puo essere interp... more Analogamente al concetto di reputazione aziendale, anche la reputazione on-line puo essere interpretata quale fondamentale risorsa per l’impresa, che interviene nei meccanismi di governo delle transazioni on-line in quanto in grado di ridurre le asimmetrie informative tra le parti in gioco. Riscontrando una carenza in letteratura sul te-ma, l’obiettivo del lavoro e una migliore comprensione dei meccanismi di funzionamento dei reputation system in connessione con le performance d’imprese fornitrici di servizi professionali (PSP, professional service provi-der), meccanismi altrettanto importanti per le implicazioni organizzative, piu in generale, in merito alle scelte di “make or buy” e di definizione dei confini organizzativi. A tal fine si propone un modello con finalita esplicative e predittive, controllato empiricamente. Le analisi statistiche sono state condotte su un dataset realizzato racco-gliendo i dati di circa 5.000 PSP operanti in un noto e-marketplace per i servizi profes...
1 Environmental Turbulence and Complexity and the Optimal Degree of Internal Open Innovation for ... more 1 Environmental Turbulence and Complexity and the Optimal Degree of Internal Open Innovation for MNCs J. Piet Hausberg, Department of Business and Management, LUISS Guido Carli, Rome, Italy & School of Business and Social Sciences, University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany Alfredo Valentino, Department of Business and Management, LUISS Guido Carli, Rome, Italy Luca Sabini, Department of Business and Management, LUISS Guido Carli, Rome, Italy
The aim of this work is to depict the evolution of the concept of entrepreneurial orientation in ... more The aim of this work is to depict the evolution of the concept of entrepreneurial orientation in managerial literature, focusing, in particular, on small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Over time many authors have provided a comprehensive qualitative review and evaluation of the teorethical empirical entrepreneurial orientation literature. Are we at the final stage of maturity in entrepreneurial orientation literature? What can we learn from previous literature and what remains still unexplored? What are the new tendencies in conceptualizing the complex construct of entrepreneurial orientation? Adopting a critical perspective, our work aims at synthesizing through a systematic literature review the managerial literature on entrepreneurial orientation, emphasizing the most recent contributions and the literature gaps. Our results suggest that main literature adopts a prevalently static approach to entrepreneurial orientation. Our work aims at opening a debate on more dynamic approaches to entrepreneurial orientation which is, in our opinion, strictly related to the organizational learning issues
The analysis of IT-related change processes is considered one of the most interesting way to stud... more The analysis of IT-related change processes is considered one of the most interesting way to study the relationship between technology and organization. As a matter of fact, IT-related changes are not deterministic processes. Actually, they are characterized by one or more states of misalignment between IT and organization that can (or may not) be 'solved' through incremental cycles of mutual adaptation. As a consequence, it is interesting to highlight the process of co-evolution between IT and organization and the key elements able to affect this process as well. In this work, we focus on IT implementation in the area of digital medical imaging within five hospitals of Northern Italy. In spite of the potentials of this technology, from an economical, organizational and clinical point of view, our case studies reduce the magnitude of the expected improvements. The differentiation between managerial and professional roles, in terms of expectations, aims and technology 'f...
International Journal of Business and Social Science, 2019
The recognition or the creation of opportunities is the starting points of any entrepreneurial pr... more The recognition or the creation of opportunities is the starting points of any entrepreneurial project and Entrepreneurial Orientation is considered to beat the core. The traditional use of Entrepreneurial Orientation has been focused on explanations, such as those within natural science, combined with a conception of entrepreneurs as possessing exceptional traits, as heroic individuals: these perspectives are incorrect. This study proposes a critical process re-conceptualization of Entrepreneurial Orientation aimed at opportunity designing in uncertain contexts as well as (proto) organizational projects. The major contribution is a theoretical framework under a process perspective that brings together research fields that have been isolated for too long, focusing on the interplay between routines and artifacts (as rules), agency and structure, sense-making and decision-making. Using our framework, scholars may explore further entrepreneuring and organizing, unifying a highly disparate research domain centered on opportunity designing.
Advanced Cultural Districts, 2015
Advanced Cultural Districts, 2015
Advanced Cultural Districts, 2015
Advanced Cultural Districts, 2015
Interdisciplinary Aspects of Information Systems Studies, 2008
IT is often depicted as a force that will transform the production and delivery of healthcare ser... more IT is often depicted as a force that will transform the production and delivery of healthcare services, promising lower costs and improvements in service quality. However, research on IT and organizational change emphasizes that the organizational consequences of new technology are not straightforward and easy to predict. In this paper we study why IT is framed as determining organizational consequences
Italian Journal of Public …, 2005
... 9 Health Technology Assessment: a flexible approach? Experiences in Lombardy Maurizio Amigoni... more ... 9 Health Technology Assessment: a flexible approach? Experiences in Lombardy Maurizio Amigoni 1 , Alberto Francesconi 2 , Paolo Lago 3,1 , Maurizio E. Maccarini 2 , Luca Pellegrini 3 ... Ottawa, Canada: 1994. 7) Geisler E, Heller O. Management of medical technology. ...
Papers by Alberto Francesconi