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2006, ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes
2 pages
1 file
A key problem in view-based software development is merging a set of disparate views into a single seamless view. To merge a set of views, we need to know how they are related. In this extended abstract, we discuss the methodological aspects of describing the relationships between views. We argue that view relationships should be treated as first-class artifacts in the merge problem and propose a general approach to view merging based on this argument. We illustrate the usefulness of our approach by instantiating it to the state-machine modelling domain and developing a flexible tool for merging state-machines.
International Workshop on Modeling in Software Engineering (MISE'07: ICSE Workshop 2007), 2007
A key problem in model-based development is merging a set of distributed models into a single seamless model. To merge a set of models, we need to know how they are related. In this position paper, we discuss the methodological aspects of describing the relationships between models. We argue that relationships between models should be treated as first-class artifacts in the merge problem and propose a general framework for model merging based on this argument. We illustrate the usefulness of our framework by instantiating it to the state-machine modelling domain and developing a flexible tool for merging state-machines.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2010
Models of software development processes have many uses such as an aid to understanding, composing, assessing, improving and automating workflows. However, eliciting descriptive models from actual work environments can be quite complex due to multiplicity of roles, activities, artefacts, conditions, distributivity, locations and others. One way to manage this complexity is to elicit, from different sources, partial models (called views) of the subject process and then merge them into a coherent whole. In this paper, we describe "view-merging" algorithms, which form a core part of a view-based model elicitation system. The algorithms aid in identifying overlaps and inconsistencies and in presenting possible resolutions which, by interacting with the model elicitor, leads towards an incrementally built, unified, coherent process model. These algorithms have been implemented in a system called V-elicit, which has been validated empirically.
Requirements Engineering, 2006
View merging, also called view integration, is a key problem in conceptual modeling. Large models are often constructed and accessed by manipulating individual views, but it is important to be able to consolidate a set of views to gain a unified perspective, to understand interactions between views, or to perform various types of analysis. View merging is complicated by incompleteness and inconsistency: Stakeholders often have varying degrees of confidence about their statements. Their views capture different but overlapping aspects of a problem, and may have discrepancies over the terminology being used, the concepts being modeled, or how these concepts should be structured. Once views are merged, it is important to be able to trace the elements of the merged view back to their sources and to the merge assumptions related to them. In this paper, we present a framework for merging incomplete and inconsistent graph-based views. We introduce a formalism, called annotated graphs, with a built-in annotation scheme for modeling incompleteness and inconsistency. We show how structure-preserving maps can be employed to express the relationships between disparate views modeled as annotated graphs, and provide a general algorithm for merging views with arbitrary interconnections. We provide a systematic way to generate and represent the traceability information required for tracing the merged view elements back to their sources, and to the merge assumptions giving rise to the elements.
Proceedings of the 2nd ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD symposium on Principles of database systems - PODS '83
View Integration is investigated with the help of three classes of interrelational dependencies, II-Icluslon dependencies, exclusion dependencies and union functional dependencies The process of view integration 1s divided Into two steps, combination and optlmlzatlon View combination consists in deflnlng new interrelational dependencies that capture similarities between different views The optimization step tries to reduce redundancy and the size of the schema Finally, general results about interrelational dependencies are presented that lead to an optimization procedure for a restricted class of schemas
… Communications of the …, 2009
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2012
Multi-view modelling is a widely accepted technique to reduce the complexity in the development of modern software systems. It allows developers to focus on a narrowed portion of the specification dealing with a selected aspect of the problem. However, multi-view modelling support discloses a number of issues mainly due to consistency management, expressiveness, and customization needs. A possible solution to alleviate those problems is to adopt a hybrid solution for multi-view modelling based on an arbitrary number of custom views defined on top of an underlying modelling language. In this way it is possible to benefit from the consistency by-construction granted by well-formed views while at the same time providing malleable perspectives through which the system under development can be specified. In this respect, this paper presents an approach for supporting synchronization mechanism based on model differences in hybrid multi-view modelling. Model differences allow to focus only on the manipulations operated by the user in a particular view, and to propagate them to the other views in a incremental way thus reducing the overhead of a complete recomputation of modified models.
Journal of Object Technology, 2010
Model composition is a crucial activity in Model Driven Engineering (MDE). It is particularly useful when adopting a multi-modeling approach to analyze and design software systems. In previous works, we defined a view-based UML profile called VUML. In this paper, we describe a composition process and a MDE-based framework, which contains a generic composition part, and a specific part dedicated to a given modeling domain. To illustrate our approach, we apply it to the composition (merging) of two UML class diagrams into one VUML class diagram. The composition operator is implemented as a ruled-based transformation in ATL. A RULE-DRIVEN APPROACH FOR COMPOSING VIEWPOINT-ORIENTED MODELS 90 J OURNAL OF OBJECT TECHNOLOGY V OL. 9, NO. 2 requirements as a collection of modules that are merged to get a global view on the system [Sabetzadeh05] [Finkelstein90].
Model management is a crucial activity in large-scale software development where development tasks are often distributed over different teams. To support flexible, coordinated work, these teams need to maintain partial models of the overall system, and understand the relationships between these models. Models of a proposed system may be manipulated in various ways, and the results of these manipulations may be used by analysts to evolve the models.
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, 2007
As software evolution researchers, we are well aware of two facts, formulated even as laws back in 1976 by Belady and Lehman: First, successful software systems are subjected to continuous change -in fact, the competetive advantage of a software system is more and more determined by its flexibility to undergo required changes. Second, each change erodes the structure of the design, making the software harder and harder to change. But how can we work in a world where both laws are true? How can we ever strike a balance between the need to keep our system evolvable, while at same time being forced to modify that system under tight time-to-market constraints? In this presentation we first of all explore the practical as well as the research implications of this "software evolution paradox". We then use the findings to reflect on our ongoing software evolution research, in particular in the area of aspect mining. We will present our approach based on fan-in analysis as well as the FINT Eclipse plugin supporting it. We apply fan-in analysis to a number of open source case studies, and critically analyze which of the concerns identified are suitable for an aspect-oriented refactoring. We use these results in order to reflect on the relevance of aspects and aspect mining for making life under the software evolution paradox a little easier.
A typical model merging session: requires a great deal of knowledgeable input; does not provide rapid feedback; quickly overwhelms the user with details; fails to properly match elements; performs minimal conflict detection; offers conflict resolution choices that are inadequate and without semantics; and exhibits counter-intuitive behavior. Viewing model merging as a process, this research defines a hybrid merge workflow that blends the best of the main approaches to merging, expressing its phases as algebraic operators for performing transformations on model and relationship data types. Normalization and denormalization phases decouple models from their originating tool and metamodel. State-based phases capture model differences in the model itself, establish element correspondence using multiply matching strategies, and extract change operations. Operation-based phases then partition and order the changes prior to the detection and automatic resolution of conflicts. The work has culminated in a prototype that validates the workflow, while realizing several novel model merging ideas, which are evaluated with simple and involved test cases. Combining the hybrid merge approach with the semantic expressiveness of decision tables-open to user modification-and an interactive and batch mode of operation allows the tool, named Mirador, to successfully address, to varying degrees, all of the previously cited shortcomings. iii Dedication It was in tracing the individual tracks of glaciers from the heights of the Patagonia Andes down to a single lagoon of cobalt blue that the ideas described herein began to crystallize. The grandeur experienced at the many miradores along the trail inspired this work, while the Spanish word for "vantage point" furnished a fitting name for its prototype. Grand views, of course, no matter how inspirational, were not enough to see this dissertation through to completion. It was the many people who came to my aid when I was in need, and who gave of themselves without hesitation that sustained me throughout this endeavor. It is those individuals who I must now thank.
International conference cum exhibition: Tech Samudra, IMU, Dec 2012., 2012
Proceedings of the Integrated Crop Management Conference, 2013
Revista de Arqueologia , 2023
IJECA (International Journal of Education and Curriculum Application)
Revista de Estudios Sociales, 2023
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Dilemas: Revista de Estudos de Conflito e Controle Social, 2022
Byzantinoslavica LXXVII, 2019
Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2003
Journal of the Siena Academy of Sciences, 2014
Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine
Counsellia: Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling, 2016
Africanías. Revista de Literaturas, 2024
Kulʹtura i tekst, 2021