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Address: Instituto de Desenvolvimento Sustentável Mamirauá (IDSM - MCTi)
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Papers by Márcio Amaral
The dispersion of occupations associated with the ceramics of the Polychrome Tradition of Amazonia, a classic theme of Amazonian Archaeology, has been discussed based on regional studies. In the Middle Solimões basin (AM), evidence of ancient occupations and techno-stylistic flows between ceramic productions indicated more complex relationships between Polychrome ceramic producers and their contemporaries, which seem to change over time. In this article we approach this particular scenario through the archaeological contexts and their materialities, focusing on the ceramic ensembles of three archaeological sites in the region: São João, Ponta da Castanha and Tauary. We provide a summary of the regional research followed by an overview of the current debates. We then present the archaeological interventions and their results, as well as the Polychrome ceramic sets identified in the sites. We propose a periodization of Polychrome occupations in the Middle Solimões and seek to relate this process to other contemporary ones around the Amazon River and point out directions for future work.
ocupações indígenas pré-coloniais, ou, quando se ocupam do período pós-colonial,
se concentram nos grandes centros urbanos. O período histórico pós-colonial em
cidades periféricas é, por sua vez, pouco pesquisado. Em resposta a esse panorama,
implantou-se o projeto de pesquisa Práticas arqueológicas e gestão do patrimônio
cultural: arqueologia urbana na cidade de Tefé, que visa investigar os padrões de
ocupações históricas em contextos urbanos em Tefé/AM, um importante e
estratégico entreposto comercial do Médio Rio Solimões e que orbitava sob a
sombra das metrópoles Belém e Manaus. Os dados iniciais de pesquisa na área
central e periférica de Tefé apontam para uma intensa relação sociocultural e
comercial entre núcleos urbanos interioranos e os grandes centros, fornecendo
os aportes necessários para melhor entender as relações sociais e comerciais
entre diferentes regiões da Amazônia.
Palavras-chave: Tefé; arqueologia urbana; Amazônia.
rock shelters, where the preservation of archaeological layers offers greater chances for rockart contextualization and dating. Since 2008, one such case has been investigated,
the Arara Vermelha site, in the Roraima State. Though still in its incipient stage, our research has produced radiocarbon dates for the human occupation of the shelter beginning from the Early Holocene.
This chapter focuses on these preliminary results and their implications for future investigations regarding petroglyph dating and contextual understanding amidst Amazonian rock art.
as mudanças climáticas causam para as populações locais da
Amazônia. Também é uma oportunidade de compartilhar as estratégias dos ribeirinhos do Médio Solimões (Amazonas, Brasil) para
lidar com essas problemáticas tão atuais, preocupantes e que
crescem a cada ano.
Abstract: This article discusses the importance of landscape and the correlations between the ecology of human settlements and the construction of the social tessitura between Amerindian societies in the pre-colonial and colonial times in the lower Amazonas, precocious fomented by the exchange networks. In the Iberian chronicles on the River of the Amazons of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, aspects related to the cultural landscape of Santarém, considered as the political center of the Tapajós Indians, and of an extensive area between the municipalities of Juruti and Prainha, microregions of western Paraense, that were politically integrated, by systems of regional heads, being named of province of São João by Gaspar Carvajal. It is the same area of the archaeological provinces of Santarem-Nhamundá-Trombetas, historically linked as centers of production and circulation of objects of green stones known as muiraquitãs. The relative abundance of historical information related to settling ecology, production of prestige goods and complex social interactions in and out of the Santarém area, ran up against the absence of an archaeological database that could sustain the chronicles. This problem has been overcome in the last two decades with the publication of research data in the Amazon region and more recently on the eastern Amazon coast, corroborating historical information and providing the necessary inputs in the elaboration of questions and answers related to the ecology of settlements in the area Santarém and long-distance social interactions in the ancient Amazon.
The dispersion of occupations associated with the ceramics of the Polychrome Tradition of Amazonia, a classic theme of Amazonian Archaeology, has been discussed based on regional studies. In the Middle Solimões basin (AM), evidence of ancient occupations and techno-stylistic flows between ceramic productions indicated more complex relationships between Polychrome ceramic producers and their contemporaries, which seem to change over time. In this article we approach this particular scenario through the archaeological contexts and their materialities, focusing on the ceramic ensembles of three archaeological sites in the region: São João, Ponta da Castanha and Tauary. We provide a summary of the regional research followed by an overview of the current debates. We then present the archaeological interventions and their results, as well as the Polychrome ceramic sets identified in the sites. We propose a periodization of Polychrome occupations in the Middle Solimões and seek to relate this process to other contemporary ones around the Amazon River and point out directions for future work.
ocupações indígenas pré-coloniais, ou, quando se ocupam do período pós-colonial,
se concentram nos grandes centros urbanos. O período histórico pós-colonial em
cidades periféricas é, por sua vez, pouco pesquisado. Em resposta a esse panorama,
implantou-se o projeto de pesquisa Práticas arqueológicas e gestão do patrimônio
cultural: arqueologia urbana na cidade de Tefé, que visa investigar os padrões de
ocupações históricas em contextos urbanos em Tefé/AM, um importante e
estratégico entreposto comercial do Médio Rio Solimões e que orbitava sob a
sombra das metrópoles Belém e Manaus. Os dados iniciais de pesquisa na área
central e periférica de Tefé apontam para uma intensa relação sociocultural e
comercial entre núcleos urbanos interioranos e os grandes centros, fornecendo
os aportes necessários para melhor entender as relações sociais e comerciais
entre diferentes regiões da Amazônia.
Palavras-chave: Tefé; arqueologia urbana; Amazônia.
rock shelters, where the preservation of archaeological layers offers greater chances for rockart contextualization and dating. Since 2008, one such case has been investigated,
the Arara Vermelha site, in the Roraima State. Though still in its incipient stage, our research has produced radiocarbon dates for the human occupation of the shelter beginning from the Early Holocene.
This chapter focuses on these preliminary results and their implications for future investigations regarding petroglyph dating and contextual understanding amidst Amazonian rock art.
as mudanças climáticas causam para as populações locais da
Amazônia. Também é uma oportunidade de compartilhar as estratégias dos ribeirinhos do Médio Solimões (Amazonas, Brasil) para
lidar com essas problemáticas tão atuais, preocupantes e que
crescem a cada ano.
Abstract: This article discusses the importance of landscape and the correlations between the ecology of human settlements and the construction of the social tessitura between Amerindian societies in the pre-colonial and colonial times in the lower Amazonas, precocious fomented by the exchange networks. In the Iberian chronicles on the River of the Amazons of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, aspects related to the cultural landscape of Santarém, considered as the political center of the Tapajós Indians, and of an extensive area between the municipalities of Juruti and Prainha, microregions of western Paraense, that were politically integrated, by systems of regional heads, being named of province of São João by Gaspar Carvajal. It is the same area of the archaeological provinces of Santarem-Nhamundá-Trombetas, historically linked as centers of production and circulation of objects of green stones known as muiraquitãs. The relative abundance of historical information related to settling ecology, production of prestige goods and complex social interactions in and out of the Santarém area, ran up against the absence of an archaeological database that could sustain the chronicles. This problem has been overcome in the last two decades with the publication of research data in the Amazon region and more recently on the eastern Amazon coast, corroborating historical information and providing the necessary inputs in the elaboration of questions and answers related to the ecology of settlements in the area Santarém and long-distance social interactions in the ancient Amazon.
de mais de 700 milhões de pessoas. Muito rica em amido, a farinha
de mandioca é a terceira maior fonte de carboidratos do mundo,
só perdendo para o arroz e o milho.
The discs were analyzed following the concept of the chaîne opératoire, considering the processes involved in raw material acquisition, sculpting techniques, uses, disposals and recycling of these items. By advancing beyond typological studies, this investigation demonstrates that substantial progress in the analyses of technologies and in the discussion of contexts have led to alternative interpretations and revised previous ones shaped by preconceived assumptions about the technological knowledge of ancient Amazonian groups.
Keywords: Tapajonic period. Perforated discs. Spindles whorls. Chaîne opératoire. Networks of relationships.
The typological study of ceramics in the lowlands is the subject of ardent academic debate that addresses both origin and distribution of Amazonian ceramics industries and what methodology is best to apply in typological analysis. In the last two decades, fieldwork has exhumed considerable amount of vessels with shapes and types of decoration unregistered or not classified in past studies that were mainly done with decontextualized collections. This situation creates divergent positions; on the one hand it enriches the study of material culture, and on the other, disrupts conventions previously postulated. The dynamics of the ceramic industry in the Santarém culture is noticeable in several ways.
In this chapter we will focus on a type called globular style from Santarém. The material has diagnostic features that refers to the globular ceramic recorded in Nhamundá-Trombetas areas, dated to earlier periods than Santarém pottery. This style seems to be one of the components at the origin of the Santarém ceramics.
A partir da experiência interdisciplinar, antropólogos, biólogos e arqueólogos vêm desenvolvendo pesquisas focando olhares plurais para conhecer as formas de ocupação e os marcos expressivos da presença humana de longa duração no baixo curso do rio Juruá, um dos principais afluentes da margem direita do Rio Amazonas.
Neste âmbito, buscamos conjugar perspectivas etnográficas e analíticas para a compressão ampliada das relações entre sujeitos e as paisagens, observando diferenciadas formas de significa-las e habitá-las, numa dupla perspectiva espaçotemporal, no presente e no passado. Para tanto, partimos dos levantamentos de sítios arqueológicos ocorridos entre 10 de Julho a 01 de agosto de 2018, destacando desses materiais aspectos que no permitam traçar um caminho para contribuir ao debate
sobre a temática da mesa, lançando luz desde o Juruá e correlacionando províncias arqueológicas e culturais na mesorregião do médio rio Solimões, por meio do estudo analítico de palimpsestos antrópicos e a cultura material a eles associada. Nosso argumento propõe pensar que o acesso aos antigos padrões de ocupação humana na Amazônia pode se dar por meio de uma abordagem detalhada sobre a paisagem, sendo sua análise essencial para a compreensão das sociedades ameríndias pré-coloniais, coloniais e contemporâneas
From the interdisciplinary experience, anthropologists, biologists and archaeologists have been developing research focusing on plural eyes to know the forms of concern and the expressive landmarks of the long-term human presence in the low course of the Juruá River, one of the main tributaries of the right bank of the Amazon River.
In this context, we seek to combine ethnographic and analytical perspectives for the broader compression of the relationship between subjects and landscapes, observing different ways of meaning and inhabit them, in a double spatiotemporal perspective, in the present and the past. To this end, we start from the surveys of archaeological sites that took place from July 10 to August 1, 2018, highlighting these materials aspects that allow us to trace a path to contribute to the debate on the table theme, shedding light from Juruá and correlating provinces archaeological and cultural activities in the mesoregion of the middle Solimões river, through the analytical study of anthropic palimpsests and the associated material culture. Our argument proposes to think that access to ancient patterns of human occupation in the Amazon can be through a detailed approach to landscape, and its analysis is essential for understanding pre-colonial, colonial and contemporary Amerindian societies.
News from research in progress.
Projeto de arqueologia urbana, Tefé-Amazonas-Brasil.
Noticias de pesquisas em andamento.
The Southern Lowlands in their northern portion in former times converged on extensive and branched exchange networks that integrated ethnic diversity and maintained related and intrinsic relationships around the green stone objects known in the lower Amazon as Muiraquitãs.
Muiraquitãs are archaeological artifacts of three-dimensional appearance or not and made mainly in minerals of green coloration, among other types of rocks. In fact, its archaeological importance,
and having peculiar characteristics, little is known about how these objects were produced in the region of Santarem, problematical centenary that we try through experimental archeology to unwind via the operative chain of production.
Key words: Muiraquitã, green stones, trade networks, Tapajó.
As Terras Baixas sulamericanas em sua porção setentrional, em tempos pretéritos convergiam em extensas e ramificadas redes de trocas, que integravam diversidade étnica e mantinham relações conexas e intrínsecas em torno dos objetos de pedras verdes conhecidos no baixo Amazonas como Muiraquitãs. Muiraquitãs são artefatos arqueológicos de aspecto tridimensional ou não e confeccionados principalmente em minerais de coloração verde, entre outros tipos de rochas. Mormente a sua importância arqueológica, e ser possuidor de características peculiares pouco se sabe a respeito de como esses objetos eram produzidos na região de Santarém, problemática centenária que intentamos por meio da arqueologia
experimental desanuviar via cadeia operatória de produção.
Palavras chave: Muiraquitã, pedras verdes, redes de comercio, Tapajó.
pressupostos teóricos metodológicos da arqueologia histórica que, em associação com a arqueologia urbana, trouxeram resultados significativos para a pesquisa.
estabelecida em Ocara-Açu, cidade localizada junto à foz do rio Tapajós e que funcionava como centro político, social e religioso da cultura Moaçara do Baixo Amazonas, com ênfase nas pouco conhecidas práticas e formas de tratamento que a sociedade Tapajó dispensava aos seus mortos, desde a perspectiva da
arqueologia. Embora a bibliografia histórica aponte para a existência de práticas de mumificação de corpos e o consumo ritualístico das partes moles, dos líquidos corporais e de ossos calcinados/triturados e adicionados a bebidas fermentadas, consumidas em festas cerimoniais regulares, não há notícias do enterramento físico propriamente dito entre os Tapajó. Outrossim, dados de nossa pesquisa de campo, coletados no setor Porto de Santarém, um dos setores mais bem pesquisado do palimpsesto arqueológico de Ocara Açu, apontam para aprovável existência de práticas de sepultamentos simbólicos, ainda não descritas ou conhecidas pela pesquisa arqueológica.
Palavras-chave: Tapajó; Moaçara; práticas funerárias; Arqueologia